There are two ways to register this year: digitally (e-mail) or by the United States Postal Service (USPS).
We would much prefer your registration via e-mail. However, whichever way you register, the money for
the registration must be sent via USPS. Here are the deadlines for the various methods of registration.
1. Paper registration via USPS must be postmarked by Saturday, March 7th
2. E-mail registration must be received by noon, Saturday, March 14th
3. All money must arrive by March 28th
The registration cost for students is $160 and for adults is $100.
How to register via e-mail:
1. You will receive 3 spreadsheets via e-mail from Ms. Fillion. If you have not received them by February 1st, you
can e-mail her at [email protected]. Fill out these spreadsheets and e-mail them back by Saturday, March
14th. The spreadsheets will be sent in Excel format. Ms. Fillion will immediately reply to you that she has received
your spreadsheets. You are not registered unless you have received a reply from Ms. Fillion. If you have sent
them, but have not received a reply e-mail from her by 6:30 pm on March 17th, please call 617-835-1464 and
speak with her.
2. Send the registration fees via USPS, to arrive by March 28th
3. Bring all of the medical forms, emergency information, and the signed Rules & Regulations as well as Duties &
Responsibilities forms with you to the State Convention. These forms are all in this packet.
How to register via USPS:
1. Fill out the Student and Adult registration sheets. Mail these three sheets, via USPS, to Ms. Fillion postmarked by
Saturday, March 7th
2. Send the registration fees via USPS, to arrive by March 28th
3. Bring all of the medical forms, emergency information, and the signed Rules & Regulations as well as Duties &
Responsibilities forms with you to the State Convention. These forms are all in this packet.
How to pay for your chapter’s registration
Teachers should send a check (preferably one check, but individual checks are acceptable), made out to MassJCL the
address below. All money must arrive by March 28th
Tamara Bauer
16 Stratford Ridge
Mashpee, MA 02649
How to Register Late:
Late registrations will be accepted with a late fee of $10 per person, only if e-mailed by Tuesday, April 1st.
The cost of the registration ($170) for late-to-register students must arrive in Ms. Bauer’s mailbox by
Thursday, April 3rd.
How to Cancel:
If you wish to cancel, you must contact Ms. Fillion by April 1st. If done by this time, the registration fee will be
refunded minus a non-refundable fee of $30. You may either call her cell 617-835-1464 or e-mail her at
[email protected]. If you e-mail her, she will reply. If you cancel after April 1st, there will be no refund.
Paperwork that you must bring with you to convention:
All student delegates to the convention must complete the Emergency and Medical Information form. In
addition all students and their parents must read and sign the Rules and Regulations form and all adults must
read and sign the Duties and Responsibilities form. These forms must all be turned in at the Registration Desk
at the beginning of the State Convention.
1. All student delegates must be members of both MassJCL and National Junior Classical League (NJCL) to attend the State
Convention. If some of your students were not registered as members in your original member list, please make sure to
include a list of the new names and remember to include their dues of $2 each for MassJCL. You must also make sure they are
registered as member of NJCL. You may either send those extra NJCL dues (also $2 each) to us or send them directly to
2. Each sponsor is responsible for finding chaperones for his or her delegates. There must be one chaperone for every 10
3a. Student delegates will be housed in a double hotel room with four students to a room. If a school’s delegate numbers are
not divisible by 4, MassJCL can place those extra delegates with delegates from other schools OR a student may choose to be
a 5th person in the room. In that case, the student must bring a sleeping bag because there are no cots. If a school chooses to
have rooms with fewer students than 4 to a room, the school may either choose to have MassJCL fill the empty places OR the
school may pay extra for that room at the rate of $25 per person per night. For example, if a school chooses to have a room
with only 3 people in it, the school will have to pay $50 extra ($25 per night). If a school chooses to have a room with only 2
people in it, the school will have to pay $100 extra ($50 per night). If MassJCL does not have anyone to fill that room then
MassJCL will be responsible for the extra payment. If you have any questions on this policy, please refer them to Ms. Fillion.
3b. Similarly, every adult will be in a double room with one other adult. If a room only has one adult in it, MassJCL will put
another adult in that room from another school. If any adult does not wish to be paired with someone else from another
school, that adult will be responsible for an extra $100 ($50 per night) to make up the cost of the room. If MassJCL does not
have anyone to fill that room then MassJCL will be responsible for the extra payment. If you have any questions on this
policy, please refer them to Ms. Fillion. If you wish to room with a particular adult from another school, please put that
person’s name on your registration form. (Be sure to check with that person first!)
4. Teachers should photocopy the Toga Parade Pledge Form for each delegate attending the convention. Teachers should
collect all of the delegates' pledge money and turn it in at the Registration Desk at the beginning of the State Convention.
5. The rules for all the contests at the State Convention and the MassJCL constitution can be found on the MassJCL web site
6. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Janet Fillion. Her cell is 617-835-1464, and e-mail is
[email protected]
Paula Smith Sponsor Fellowship
Paula Smith was a Latin teacher at Wakefield High School and a long-time JCL sponsor. She served as MassJCL State
Chair from 1982 to 1991 and from 1994 to 1997. She attended 23 National JCL Conventions and was co-chair of the 1998
NJCL convention held at UMass Amherst. We have established the Paula Smith Sponsor Fellowship in her memory to
encourage new JCL sponsors to attend convention. This fellowship will pay the registration cost for any MassJCL sponsor
attending his or her first State Convention.
2014 MassJCL State Convention Registration: Student Delegate Form
Name __________________________________________ Grade ____ Age ____
(circle one)
School __________________________________________________________________________________
Medical Waiver
This signifies that my daughter/son _____________________________ has my permission to travel on a school-sponsored trip
and participate in the Massachusetts Junior Classical League's State Convention, Friday through Sunday, April 11th to 13th . In the event of
an emergency and in case the parents cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to have my child receive emergency medical
attention at a hospital emergency ward. Treatment for injury may include, if necessary, x-rays, routine tests, injections, and/or anesthesia
and/or surgery.
______________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of parent/guardian
Date _______________
Printed name
Rules and Regulations
MassJCL delegates will adhere to all rules set forth by their schools. Security will be on duty 24 hours a day.
You must consent and adhere to all rules to attend State Convention
Your own nametag must be worn at all times.
All delegates must take at least two academic tests.
All delegates must attend all General Assemblies, all Fellowships, That’s Entertainment, and the Toga Parade. In addition, ancient
dress must be worn during the Toga Parade.
The use of skateboards, rollerblades/skates, or bicycles on campus is prohibited.
JCL delegates may not drive vehicles during convention.
Smoking is prohibited at all times.
Use or possession of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or fireworks is strictly prohibited. No burning candles or incense is
allowed in rooms. Possession of such materials constitutes a major infraction of the rules and delegates who break the rules will
be sent home.
Fire evacuation - when the fire alarm sounds everyone must evacuate the building and proceed to the nearest stairwell. Exit the
building via stairs. Do not use elevators. Wear shoes and bring a towel. Close door to room.
Tampering with fire alarms, fire fighting equipment, elevators or other safety and security equipment is strictly prohibited. This is
a crime and punishable by law.
Excessive noise or horseplay will be avoided at all times. Any radios, speakers, or stereos played excessively loud will be subject
to confiscation for the duration of the convention.
JCL delegates who fail to adhere to all convention rules will be notified after the Fall MassJCL Executive Board Meeting as to
whether or not they will be allowed to attend the following year’s convention.
Switching rooms without the consent of a MassJCL State Chair is strictly prohibited. All delegates will be responsible for any and
all damages done to their assigned rooms.
Any destruction or damage of the school or hotel property is strictly prohibited. Disciplinary action will include financial
remuneration for such damage or theft. All areas of the school and hotel must be left in the same condition as found on arrival.
Members of the opposite sex are not permitted in each other’s rooms. Failure to comply is considered a major infraction.
All JCL delegates must be in their assigned rooms at curfew and chaperones are expected to check on them at this time.
PLEASE NOTE: If any of these rules are broken, delegates will be penalized accordingly by their school, the MassJCL, and/or the Law.
The first two signatures below mean that the student and parent have read the rules and regulations in the
Convention Packet. The third signature indicates that the Sponsor agrees to take responsibility for this student.
Student's Signature_____________________________________________
Parent's Signature ______________________________________________
Sponsor's Signature _____________________________________________
N.B. If delegates need to cancel their registration, it is permitted until 6 pm, April 1st There is a non-refundable fee of $30. No
refunds will be given after April 1st. If you need to cancel, please get in touch with Ms. Fillion, co-Chair of MassJCL. You can e-mail
her at [email protected]
2014 MassJCL State Convention
Delegate's Name ______________________________________________
Delegate's School _____________________________________________
[Sponsor--Please alphabetize your delegation's forms before turning in.]
In case of an emergency, it is important that we are able to read the information below.
Please print or write carefully. Thank you.
Delegate's Name ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name(s): ______________________________ ________________________________
Relationship: ______________________________________ ________________________________
Day Phone: _______________________________________ ________________________________
Night Phone: ______________________________________ ________________________________
Cell Phones: _______________________________________ ________________________________
Emergency Contact Person: _________________________________________________________________
Relationship _______________________________________________________
Emergency Contact's phone: _________________________________________
Medical Information:
Allergies _________________________________________________________________________________
Past Medical History _______________________________________________________________________
Recent Medical History _____________________________________________________________________
Any other medical or emotional information that we should be aware of?
My child _________________________________ has my permission
while in attendance at the MassJCL Convention (April 11-13, 2014)
to be given the over-the-counter medications Tylenol, Ibuprofen,
and/or Tums by the Barnstable High School nurse on duty.
Check one:
___ YES
Required: Signature of Parent/Guardian
___ NO
2014 MassJCL State Convention Registration: Chaperone Form
Name ______________________________________________________________________
School _____________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact: Name _________________________________
Relationship _______________
Emergency Contact: Phone _________________________________
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Two weeks prior to convention please remind your students of commitments (graphic art projects, athletic
contests, etc.) and make sure they bring the necessary items with them.
2. On the way to convention please review with your students the major rules of conduct and activities offered
at convention.
3. Attendance of sponsors at the Sponsors’ Meeting on Friday, April 11th is mandatory.
4. Since each delegate must attend all General Assemblies, Fellowships, That’s Entertainment, and the Toga
Parade, sponsors should take attendance at these events.
5. It is the responsibility of every sponsor/chaperone to ensure that all students observe curfew. If a student is
missing at curfew, contact a State Chair or State Officer immediately.
6. Be sure your students are awake in sufficient time each morning to be prompt for all activities.
7. Sponsors and chaperones must attend all events mandatory for students. The student’s sponsors or
chaperones should deal with any inappropriate behavior.
8. Sponsors should make sure that their voting delegates attend the Candidates’ Open Forum and
Constitutional Amendments Meeting so that their schools do not lose their voting rights.
9. Sponsors and chaperones will check their group to ensure all room keys are returned before the end of
Discipline Policy
1. Sponsors should carefully consider the qualifications of each student wishing to attend the convention and
bring only those who will respect and uphold MassJCL rules and standards.
2. Students found to be guilty of a major infraction will be sent home at their parent’s expense. Repeated
minor infractions will constitute a major infraction.
3. The policy for handling minor infractions will be as follows:
a. Any sponsor or chaperone present should first handle minor infractions.
b. If sponsor needs help with the problem, he or she should consult a State Chair or State Officer.
c. A meeting may be called between student(s) involved with a sponsor and State Chair. This meeting
may result in the issuing of one warning and appropriate school officials and parents may be
d. If a discipline problem should again require the attention of a State Chair, the infraction will be
considered major, any awards of the student(s) will be revoked and the student(s) will be sent home
at parent’s expense.
5. The MassJCL Executive Board reserves the right to decide whether an individual who has committed a
major infraction may attend the following year’s State Convention.
Running For State Office
Hello MassJCL!
Spring is coming, and along with the warm weather come preparations
for State Convention. One contest that is often overlooked by smaller schools
at State Convention is the annual election of state officers. Many schools and
students think they can’t beat established schools. I am here to tell you that is
simply not true. With a solid speech and a creative campaign, a candidate from
any school can easily win a position on the board.
Some of the interesting duties of a MassJCL officer include helping
organize MassJCL events throughout the year, directing the future of the State
JCL at board meetings, and leading the state delegation at National
Convention. Service as a MassJCL officer is also great to put on your college
I would also like to remind you that the constitution was amended at
State Convention last year so that schools may hold the same office for two
years in a row. I hope this opens up new options as you consider which
positions to run for this year.
As we head into the New Year, keep running for office in mind. I’d love to see three candidates from every school at States this year.
Email me at [email protected] for information, tips, and
any other ways I can be of service.
Happy New Year,
Aaron Ziemer
Parliamentarian 2013-2014
Massachusetts Junior Classical League
Candidacy Form
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
School: _______________________________________________________________________
Sponsor’s Name: _______________________________________________________________
Intended Office: ________________________________________________________________
Level of Latin/Greek: ________________________Grade: ______________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City and Zip code: ______________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________
Requirements to run for State Office:
1. Each candidate will appear on stage and must dress appropriately.
2. At the first general assembly each candidate will give a short speech not exceeding 2 minutes in length.
1. If a candidate will not be able to attend the first GA due to academic conflicts or the arrival of their school please
contact the state parliamentarian in advance.
3. Each candidate must attend the Open Forum on the second day of convention.
4. The campaign expenses must not exceed $20.
I have read the MassJCL Constitution and understand the duties of my office. I understand I must be qualified to run
for the office intended. I understand the MassJCL Executive Board meets approximately 5-7 times throughout the
year. I also understand the meetings are required and I will make every possible effort to attend these meetings, as
they are part of my duties as an officer. Additionally state officers are expected to attend MassJCL events. I realize
if I do not complete my duties in a satisfactory fashion I may be removed from office. I understand that my behavior
and the level of professionalism is a reflection upon my sponsor, my school, and the Massachusetts Junior Classical
(Signature of student)
As the parent of the above student I realize the time Commitment and the level of personal responsibility required to
serve as a MassJCL officer. I will make sure my son/daughter makes every attempt to attend meetings and events. I
have read the above consent to form and I give my son/daughter permission to actively participate in all MassJCL
(Signature of parent or guardian)
If one of my students is elected to the MassJCL Executive Board, I am aware that I will be responsible for
supervising his/her performance of MassJCL duties and ensuring his/her attendance at the Executive Board meetings.
As the sponsor for the above student I have taken time to explain the duties of the office he/she is seeking and I will
make every effort to attend the executive board meetings of the MassJCL with the student.
(Signature of sponsor)
This form must be postmarked/emailed to the State Parliamentarian Aaron Ziemer by March 15th.
Mail to 224 Pinecobble Road, Williamstown, MA 01267 or email to [email protected].
Please try to send it in on time; it reflects well on your fitness to be a state officer. Those who send in this form (on
time) will be contacted in early March with more information about the election process.
To the applicant:
1) Complete this application form with your basic information and activities.
2) Write an essay (2-3 pages) on "The unique benefits I have gained by being a member of JCL."
3) Ask your Latin teacher to write you a one-page letter of recommendation.
4) Mail the three parts together or separately by March 15 to:
Ms. Tamara Bauer
16 Stratford Ridge
Mashpee, MA 02649
Student Name _____________________________________________ Level of Latin __________
Full Address ________________________________________________________________________
School Name _______________________________________________________________________
Latin Teacher(s) ____________________________________________________________________
Student E-mail _____________________________________________________________________
Number of State Conventions Attended __________
National Conventions ___________
Latin Club and JCL-related Activities:
Other School and Community Activities:
This year we are trying out a new contest registration system via an online
website. All academic, creative, graphic, and Olympic contests must be signed up for on
this website. In addition, all adults attending must make their chaperone and judging
choices on this website.
Here is how this will work:
1) One adult from each chapter must sign in between March 1st and March
14th (adult's name, email, and school).
2) Only Sponsors can sign their chapters up for whole school contests (i.e.
Certamen, Chariot Race, Worm Race)
3) All students must then sign up for their contests and adults for their
choices between March 14th and March 28th.
4) When students have finished signing up, the sponsor must go in to make
sure that all students' grade and level of Latin are correct. Only the
sponsor will be able to do this, not the students. The site will be closed
for everyone by April 4th.
This website will not be ready until the last week of February. I will send out
the URL to you at that time.
2013-2014 Contest Deadlines
“Omnium enim rerum principia sunt parva”
For the beginnings of all things are small
Cicero, De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum V.58
Costume Characters
Boys: Helios
Girls: Eos
Couples: Selene & Endymion
Dramatic Interpretation
Passages can be found online at:
Newsletter Early Entry 1
November 1st Deadline
mail to: Hanna Seriac, 76 Curtis Avenue Marlborough, MA 01752
Or email to: [email protected]
January 6th Deadline
State T-shirt Contest
mail to: Julia Pan, 176 Chiswick Road, Boston MA 02135
Or email to: [email protected]
Chapter representative may also bring the entry to the board meeting on
January 11th.
Newsletter Early Entry 2
mail to: Hanna Seriac, 76 Curtis Avenue Marlborough, MA 01752
Or email to: [email protected]
Newsletter Contest
mail to: Hanna Seriac, 76 Curtis Avenue Marlborough, MA 01752
Or email to: [email protected]
email to: Amol Punjabi at [email protected]
mail to: Aaron Ziemer, 224 Pinecobble Road, Williamstown, MA 01267
Website Contest
Candidacy Form
February 1st Deadline
March 15th Deadlines
Or email to: [email protected]
NJCL Scholarship
Multimedia Contest
Publicity Contest
Scrapbook Bonus Points
Creative Writing
mail to: Ms. Tamara Bauer, 16 Stratford Ridge, Mashpee, MA 02649
mail to:Chriso Hynds 580 Lagrange Street, West Roxbury, MA 02123
mail to: Jeffrey Dubuisson, 175 Clare Ave Apt. #C2 Hyde Park, MA
mail to: Salome Kassini, 30 Melrose Street Worcester, MA 01605
email to: [email protected]
Things that Must be Brought to Convention
(due at Registration Table, or at least by curfew of the first night of Convention)
Community Outreach Portfolio
Community Service Portfolio
Toga Parade Pledge
Student Delegate and Medical Forms
Chaperone Forms
Chariot & Togas for Spirit Parade*
to President Joana Jankulla
to 2nd Vice President Connie Chang
to Treasurer Henry Tsang
Graphic Arts Registration
to Registrar
to Registrar
*Necessary for participation in Chariot and Toga Parade Spirit contests.
2013-2014 Contact Sheet
Queries about…
Whom you should contact?
State Convention
Community Outreach Contest
Joining MassJCL
Board Meetings
[email protected]
Classics Day
Publicity Contest
[email protected]
Community Service Contest
Toga Parade Contest
[email protected]
State T-shirt Contest
[email protected]
Registration Checks
Event Payments
[email protected]
State Candidacy
[email protected]
Scrapbook Contest
[email protected]
Newsletter Contest
Forum Factorum
[email protected]
Website Contest
[email protected]
National Convention Scholarship
[email protected]
[email protected]
Graphic Arts Contests
[email protected]
Academic Contests
[email protected]
Creative Arts Contests
[email protected]
State Convention Toga Parade Pledge Form
This year, the MassJCL continues the Toga Parade tradition that mirrors that of the National
Junior Classical League. On Sunday, following the chariot races, we will have a Toga Parade on
our way to lunch. This pledge will raise money for the scholarship(s) to the National JCL
Convention in Atlanta, GA this summer. We ask each participant at the State Convention to collect
donations for this parade. The donations may be as small as a quarter. Please bring whatever
money you have raised to the State Convention. If anyone chooses to donate a larger amount and
would like to write a check, please have it made out to the MassJCL. Turn your money into your
sponsor before registration.
Delegate's Name ____________________________________________________
School _____________________________________________________________
Total Collected _______________
Amount Donated
State Convention 2014 Tentative Schedule
Ice Cream Social
Arrival and Registration
Auditions for That’s Entertainment
Contest Registration (Graphic Arts,
Creative Arts, & Olympika)
That’s Entertainment*
Certamen Participants’ Meeting
Sponsors’ and Chaperones’ Meeting
General Assembly I*
Proctors’ Meeting
Academic Testing*
Sight Reading and English Oratory
Judges’ Meeting
Auditions for That’s Entertainment!
Magic and Mind Reading Show
English Oratory
Dramatic Interpretation
SCL Mixer
Chapter Fellowships*
Call to Floors*
Call to Rooms/Lights Out*
Swimming Olympika
Certamen Preliminaries
Voting Fellowship*
Amendments Meeting**
Project Linus Workshop
Candidates’ Open Forum**
Costume Contest
Art Pick-Up
Awards Ceremony
Impromptu Art Session I
Certamen Finals
General Assembly II*
Roll Call Skits***
Chariot Race
Worm Race
Toga Parade*
Gladiator Games
Sight Reading
Spinning Workshop
Open Certamen
Classical Art Exam
Art Viewing
Rehearsal for That’s Entertainment
Art Pick-up
General Assembly III*
Until Next Year, Valēte!
Nota Bene:
*- Required for all delegates.
**- Required for voting delegates
***- A ‘Roll Call Skit’ is a humorous skit,
no more than 1 minute in length that
includes a chapter’s roll call. Only two
members of a chapter are allowed to
present the roll call on stage.