Tutorial: How to recolor artwork in Photoshop Elements

Tutorial: How to recolor artwork in Photoshop Elements
1- Open your clipart image. Go to the toolbar and click on ENHANCE/ADJUST COLOR/HUE
SATURATION, or if you prefer to use shortcuts just hit CTRL/U, this will open a window where you
can change hue, saturation and lightness settings.
2- In the dialog box, go to EDIT, click on the arrow to display more options, and select the color
name you want to change. I will change the orange in the center of my flower, so I will choose
With this dialog box opened, position your mouse on the color you are going to change, click to
select the color and slide the hue/saturation/lightness controls to choose the color you wish.
 Hue: will change the color value.
 Saturation: will change the richness of the color, more saturation means more color and
less saturation will turn the color into a grey (or gray) achromatic value.
 Lightness: will make the color darker or lighter.
Once you are happy with the color change, close the dialog box and just repeat the same process
to change the rest of the colors. I will just repeat the same process two more times in order to
change the three original colors in this image. Here you have the final result.
Please note: If your original image has different shades of the same color, then this process will
affect all those shades at once. This works well for contrasting colors.
Hope you will find this tutorial useful, thank you!!
Tutorial created by Lil Ellaboudy Design
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