Madison Church Calendar Robert Marsh Visits Waunakee 1 , WAUNKEE — Robert Marsh, Saturdt* October 18, 1943 Hogan, Waunakee, Raised to 'Colonel Wisconsin State Journal — 3 What's AH, M*. i 9:30 a. m., Church school service and St., at Atwood and Linden ave., O. pharmacist mate first class, is ! classes . . . 9:30 a. m., Nursery for Kubitz, pastor. W A U N A K E E —Joseph M. 9 a. m., Sunday school. . . 10 a. m., spending a furlough with his mothMADISON S. D. ADVENTIST: Colby j children of those parents attending and Van Duesen sts.. J. J. Dollinger. 9:30 service . . . 11 a. m., Choral service church service. . . 2:30 p. m., Poynette er, Mrs. Margaret Marsh, and other Hogan, son of Mrs. M. F. Hoservice. and sermon. pastor. has been relatives and friends. He is sta- gan, Daily (except Sunday), 5 p. m., EvWednesday, 7:45 p. m., Prayer meetpromo t e d t o ensong. (WMAQ): "The Adventure of the Ing. tioned at Norfolk, Va. Monday, 7:30 and 10 a. m., Holy Eulieutenant colonFriday. 7:45 p. m., Young people's Hopeless Case;" Nadine Conner, charist, feast of St. Luke . , . 8 p, m., meeting. el in the signal singer, and Mayor Clarence V. | Saturday. 9:45 a, m.. Sabbath school. School of religion—Course on "Long ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN; 1929 Huxcorps. Saturday, 11 a. m. Morning worship. Life of the Church." Mooney of Asbury Park, N. J., j ley St., Alvin F. Berg, pastor, Thursday, 10 a, m., Holy communHe is on the 10:30 a, m,, worship. . , 9:30 a. m,, 6 p. m.—For This We Fifrht guests. ' ion, District Meeting of Woman's aux- Sunday school, s t.a f t of the (WIBA): "Financing P o s t w a r 7:3(1 p. m.—Inner S a n c t u m ; ASSEMBLY OF OOP: Bethel chnpcl: i l i a r y : reports on gcncriii convention. Confirmation classes Monday and fighter command ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL: Regent Thursday at 4 p. m. (Prosperity," Beardsley R u in 1, (WBBM); Miriam Hopkins, guest. { 2013 Ru*k si.. Pi-tor N. Garcia, pastor. 10:15 n. in.. Sunday school class , . . st. and Hoby rd. Francis J. Bloodgood, EAST SIDE ENGLISH LUTHERAN: i chairman of Federal Reserve bank, 8 p. m.—Hollywood Theater' VIOLA — Three Viola men in in the mid-Pa11 a. m . Worship . .'. <i:ITi p. m.. Christ D. D., rector.: Gilbert H. Doane, assoc. E. Mifflin and North sts.. Theo. H. New York author of Ruml Plan (WMAQ): Sterling HoHoway in service are spending furloughs at cific. 7:30 a. m.. Holy communion . . . 9:30 Mahnkc. pastor. ambassadors young people . . . 7:45 m., Family cucharist and church Staff Sgt. Arp. m.. Evangelistic service. 9:30 and 11 a. m., services. . , Sun- their homes here and two have refor income tax; John H. Fahey, "Pigs—More or Less." , Tuesday. 7:45 p. m.. Prayer meeting i school . . . 11 a. m.. Choral eucharist day school after 9:30 service. t h u r Kessenich, commissioner of Federal Home 9:15 p.m.—Army Service Forces | MONONA EV. LUTHERAN; 3117 cently returned to their posts. i basement hall of the church, j and sermon Bishop S. Harrington LitLoan Bank Administration; Ben (WCFL): tells story of army payPvt. Ben Rastall, who is station- son of JosephFnday. 7:-!5 p. m., Bible study in the I tell, Honolulu) . . . 6_:30 p. m., Church Gordon ave.,., C.. A.. Rathjen, pastor. 9 a. m., Sunday school. supper . . . 8 p. m., Opening of School 10 a. m., ed at Ft. Bliss, Tex,, is spending a Kessenich, WaubaK-mcnt h a l l . Grauer, discussion leader, , masters. service. nf Religion (Bishop Llttcll speaks of Tuesday, 7:30 p. m,, Young People's furlough at the home of his moth- nakee, receiv e d • » - > • » ' I he World-wide Mission of the Chrismeeting, er, Mrs. Myrtle Rastall. h i s commission FIRST BAPTIST: N. Carroll and W. t i a n church!. Wednesday, 8 p. m., Adult memberMonday. 7 a, m., Holy communion D.ivton Ms.. I.. B. Moscley. pastor. Pvt. Gordon Wheeler has re- as second lieu!i 15 a- i n . Sunday school- Gillen . . , 7:]5 p. m., Meeting of thc vestry, ship class. 6 p. m.—Man Behind the Gun 6 p. m.—What's New ( W L S ) : j IMMANUEL LUTHERAN: Jenifer turned to Waterboro, S. C., after a tenant when he Tuesday. 9:30 a. m., Holy communion. cinv.—••RrM-Hlomont of American Japand S. Tngersoll sts., F. C. Brandhorst. Thursday, 7 a. in., Holy communion, (WBBM): dramatizes job of air- Don Ameche with Carmen Miran15-day furlough spent at home w a s graduated KESSENICH am-so". J. H. Puiz. relocation officer. Friday, 7 a. m., Holy communion. pastor. Younger adults class. LeRoy Day . . . borne engineer. da, Glenn L. Martin, aircraft manrecently f r o m 9 a. m.. service. . . 9:50 a. m., Sunday with his wife and son. Saturday, 4 p, m to S p. m., ConfesUniversity cae class. Rev. Geo. L. 6:30 p.-m. — Ellery Q u e e n ufacturer; Toscha Seidel, violinist; school and Junior Bible classes. . . Pvt. Vernon M. Stuck, stationed officers candidate school in AusCollins . . . 10:45 a. m.. Worship service. sions. 11 a. m., second service. Annual mis"Looking for the Kingdom". Rev. L. at Indiantown Gap military reser- tralia. Susan Hayward, screen star; and sion Sunday. Sermon: "Why Support B. Moscley. Nursery for babies during the "Revuers," satirical comedy I Work?" 11 a. m., begin- vation, Pa., is spending a 15-day service? . . . 4 p. m.. Junior Hi-Way FIRST EVANGELICAL: Wisconsin Mission ner and primary classes in the parish furlough here with his wife and foursome. j ciub . . . 5:30 p. m.. Senior Hi-Way club ave. at E. Johnson st.: Bernard Bartel house. 6 p. m,. Waylar.d club. pastor. parents, Mr. and Mrs. James 7 p. m. — Groucho M a r x ' EVANGELICAL L U THERAN 9:30 a. m.. Sunday school . . , 10:45 CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS: Stuck. (WBBM): and Orson Welles. ! n. m., Worship. Sermon "Songs in the Milwaukee and Farwell sts., Erling Pvt. Virgil Radloff, also stationS p. m.—National Barn Dance | MADISON nint.R . -- FELLOWSHIP , Night 1 'byy thee pastor pasor . .. .. 6:15 : p. m., m., Ylvlsaker, pastor. VICTORY SERVICE CENTER: 21(1 E, | Christian Endeavor with Warren King WAUNAKEE — Mr. and Mrs. (WLS): holds- harvest p a r t y ; ' 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. , . 11 a, ed at Indiantown Gap military CARMEN MIRANDA Washington ave,: Charles R. Policy, ] as leader. m., worship. Sermon by the pastor. reservation, recently spent a short WAUPUN — A board of health John A, Miller of Waunakee will "Sweet Cider Time." "Brown Ocpas:or-director. Monday, a p. m.. Second quarterly WLS at 6 MI. OLIVE LUTHERAN: 412D Euclid furlough with his family here. was created, by ordinance, at a observe their golden wedding an- tober Ale," "Shine On Harvest 9 ;tO a. m., Bible school. Mabelle conference of this church year. ave.. Westmorland, H. A. Neuberger, * * * • S m i t h , supl. . . . 10:45 a. m.. M o r n i n g BETHANY EVANGELICAL FREE: pastor. Corp. Aries D. Wanless, of Ft. recent meeting of the city council Moon." niversary on Sunday with open worship. Sermon. "Strength. Both Riverside dr. and Wlnnebago si., Bcrn9:30 a. m., Sunday school. . . 11 a. m., Benning, Ga., is spending a 10-day which is to be comprised of one house at their home from 2 to 4 9:30 p. m.—Grand OIc Opry Again," "Little Cnfe," "Zigeuner," p. in., bard Rom. pastor. Physical and Spiritual" . . . 4:30 service. Gospelcast over W I B U . SiM-mnn. Prov- | n n . m.. devotions—WIBA. . . fl:30 Saturday, 9 a. m.. catechetical In- furlough with his parents, Mr. and member of the city council, the su- p. m. (WIBA): "Coming from the Ball," "Cnll of Life," "What Is Love." me Himself the S.-ivlor-tf) You' . . n. m.. Sundny school and Bible struction. Mrs. Clyde Wanless, of Elk Creek. perintendent, of schools, and three Their son-in-law and daugh- "When You and I Were Young, j 8:30 p. m.—Spntlicht B a n d * R 4,*> p. m , Y n u n g Pi-oplo's service , , classes. . . 10:45 a. m.. worship, . 6:30 CALVARY LUTHERAN UNIVER. j (WLS): Abe Lymnn. 7 4S p. m.. Kvangellstlc service, Scr p. m.. Young People's society. ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Heinz, will Maggie," "Precious Jewel." 7:30 SITY: 713 State St., William C. Burhop, He was called home by the serious other citizens. mon. '"Hie Deepest Word In thc Bible." j p. m,: service. Special music "and slng- pastor, illness of his brother, Paul. Howard Cnrney was the council observe their 20th wedding annio o •> 8:45 p. m.—Saturday Night SerWednesdny. 7:45 p. m., Pniyer meet- Ing. The Rev. E. M. Anderson. BufNo morning discussion hour. . . 10:45 member named to the board by versary on the same day. Inc. ! fnln. N. Y., will be the guest speaker a. m.. services. Guest preacher will enade (WBBM): "A Kiss in tfl* Friday. R p. m.. Bible study CUISM I nt nil of the above services. Mayor Judson J. Rikkers and the be the Rev. R. W. Hahn, executive Tuesday and Thursdny 4 p. m. over Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, secretary of the Student Welfare 7:15 p. m. — Boston Symphony Dark," "My Heart Stood Stiiy citizens named were Dr. W. J, 1 WIBU. Gospel broadcasts. 8 p. m., special meetings with the committee of the Missouri Synod. (WCFL): "Fantastic Symphony" i*e™ m^^ I've Told Every Weinberger for a three year term; j Victory Service Center is open dally, Hev. E, M. Anderson singing and Sermon theme: "The Folly of IdolizLittle Star, Oh What a Beauti10 a. m." till 11 p. m. speaking. by Hector Berlioz. Mrs. W. A. Deerhake for a two 1 ing the Mind." . . . 12 m.. meeting of ful Morning," "With My Head in the Students' council. . . 6 p. m., cost 8 p. m.—Chicago Theater of the year term, and R. J. Wahler, whose & MONTFORT—Members of the supper. . . 6:45 p. m., address by the MIDDLETON — Prof. Samuel Air (WGN): Marion Claire and thc Clouds." terms will expire with the May ST. RAPHAEL'S. 216 W. Main St.. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Rev. R. W. Hahn. Topic: "A Poignant senior class ol Montfort high Rogers, University of Wisconsin Donald Dame in "Bitter Sweet," 9 p. m,—Million Dollar Band William Mahoney. priest. MEMORIAL: 1510 Madison St., C. M. Question," followed by &n informal school will present their class play, meeting of the city council of 1944. author of "Dusk at the Grove", by Noel Coward; "I'll See You (WIBA): Tony Pastor, guest. Regular masses at 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11:15 Zenk. minister. discussion. Carney's term is for two years. Wednesday, 7:15 p. m., choir- re- "Don't Take My Penny," Friday a. m. and noon Sunday. 9:15 a. m., church school: adult Biactive in recruitment for the HOLY REDEEMER, 128 W. John- ble class. . . 10:30 a. m., worship. Ser- hearsal. night, Oct. 29, in the high school Supt, H. C. Wegner completes the American ambulance service, one WIBA TONIGHT Friday, 7:30 p, IT ,, adult confirmaton st.. Joseph Gabriels, priest. mon by Dr. Zenk: "Seek the Kingauditordium. Jean Varker, dram- board, which is under the super- of the member organizations suption class. Regular masses at n, 7:30. 9 and 10:30 dom First." 8-30 NBC Can You Top This OUR SAVIOUR'S EV. LUTHERAN: atic instructor, is coaching the vision of health officer Dr. K. A. ported by the National War Fund, 5:00 Madison War Chest a m., and 12:10 p. m. Sunday. Thursday, 7:15 p, m,, choir rehearsal. 9:00 NBC Million Dollar Bind ST. BERNARD'S, 2727 Atwood ave., Saturday, 8:30 a. m,, catechetical E, Washington ave.. at S. Hancock it., three act comedy. Football Scores Included in Swartz. will be guest speaker at Middle- 5:15 8:30 NBC Grand Old Opry A. M. Harstad, pastor. William Eggcrs. priest. class. 5:30 News Edit ion 10:00'Night News Edition Regular masses at 5:30, 7:30. 10:15 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. . . 10 a. m,, the cast are: ton's war chest kick-off rally at 8 5:45 NBC Rupert Hughes 10:15 NBC Short Story Bible class. . , 10:45 p. m., services. . . and 11:30 a. m. Sunday. NBC For This We Fight Lucille Mecca, Graydon Crup. m. Monday in the Middleton 6:00 10:30 NBC Beasley Smith 7 p. m,, Walther League Y. P. S. ST. JAMES. 1134 St. James ct.. John 6:30 Dinner Melody RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS baugh, Marion David, Marvin Clif. 11:00 NBC News Report high school auditorium. Rogers 6:45 Russian War Relief D. Koelzer. priest. (QUAKERS): 422 N. Murray st. 11:05 NBC Thomas Peluse Orchestra Regular mosses at 6, 7:30. 9 and 10:30 ton, .Jack Biddick, Angeline NihNBC Abie's Irish Rose 10 a. m., worship. will be introduced by Rally Chair- 7:00 11-30 NBC Washington Hotel a m. Sunday. 7:30 NBC Truth or Consequences FIRST FREE METHODIST: E. Mif- les, Mildred Dicka, Catherine AdaBARABOO — City police offiman T. R. Daniels, editor of the ST. JOSF.rH'5. 20 S. Park st., Julius 8:00 NBC That They Might Live ( D B ) 11:55 NBC News Report flin and N. Blair sts., C. r. Olson, metz, Ronald Bailey, Charles Molcials are investigating a series of Ncault. priest. minister. Middleton Times Tribune, BETHEL FULL GOSPEL: 410 S. Regular masses at 7, 8. 9 and 10 2 p. m., Sunday school, Mrs. E. A. ler, Rosie Vine, Charles Hulsether, bad checks, cashed by Baraboo OTHER STATIONS TONIGHT Baldwin St., Mrs, E. F. Rulf, pastor. a rn Sundav, Voller. supt. . . 3 p. m., worship and Ruth Campbell, Jeanette Biefar, B:30 a. m., Sunday Bible school. . . message. stores on Tuesday. Four checks, ST.' PAUL'S UNIVERSITY CHAPEL, . . 7 p. m., Y. P. meeting. , . 9:15 Correction. Please—WBBM 10:45 a. m., worship. . . 7:30 p. m., serv5:00 Becker's Pet Parade—WMAQ Marie Kennedy, Glen Johnsrud, aggregating $44, have "bounced" 723 State St. 7:30 p. m., worship and message. 9:15 Army Air Forces—WCFL 5:00 Message of Israel—WENR Masses at 8, 9. 10. 11, 12 a. m.. Sun- ice. Wednesday, 2:30 p.. m.,., meeting ot Donald Vacha, Joseph Kohout back and investigation by Dist. 9:15 Sanders and Savage—WGN Thursday, 7:30 p. m,, mid-"week serv5:01 Univeisity Special—W1BU the W. M. S. at the church. . 7:30 p. 9:30 Buddy Franklin Orch.—WGN 3 5:15 People's Platform—WBBM Atty. John H. Rouse has shown BLESSF.D SACRAMENT. Week-day 9:30 John Gunther—WLS MADISON GOSPER TABERNACLE: m., prayer' meeting. MEMPHIS, Tenn.— (U.R) — A p j 5:30 Starring Curt Massey—WMAQ TROUSDALE METHODIST: 1125 Vithat apparently all were cashed 9:30 Grand o)1 Opry—WMAO WTMJ 1925 Winnebago st.; W. H. Guenther, Leon Henderson—WCFL proximately 150 members of, the |i 5:45 ]as ave., Stephen J. Lambright, pas10:00 Barn Dance (to 12)—WLS pastor. by the same man. He believes l i , . . . . . . . , 6:00 Arthur Sears Hcnning—WGN tor. on'y, 10:00 Nightcap Yarns—WGN 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. . , 10:45 a. Wnat . s Ncw _ WLS that all four were from a single i Merapms police force ended a two- j 6;CO Sunday masses, all low masses. 6, i, 8:45 a. m., church school . . . 11 a. ro,, J0:15 War Correspondent—WTMJ m., worship and sermon by the pastor. 6:00 American Eagle Club—WIBU • hour strike Friday after giving 8 3. 10:30 and 12 noon: all (except the worship. , , .Rabbi Martin M. Weitz, 10:15 Nelson Olmsted—WMAQ page of checks, taken from a 6:00 For This We Fight—WMAQ 10-30) will be 40-minute masses. Note, . . . 7:45 p. m.. Evangelistic service. • chaplain in the U. S. army and staPolice Commissioner Joe Boyle 6:00 10:30 I Sustain the Wings—WMAQ Monday, 7:45 p. m., Young People's Man Behind the Gun-WBBM the 10:30 mass each Sunday will be meeting, FT. ATKINSON—The senior large book such as business firms until 9 a, m. Sunday to meet de- 6:30 tioned at Port Lewis, Wash., guest 10:30 Halls ot Montezuma—WIBO to the Yanks—WBBM offered up for the protection and safe use, and has asked business places mands for higher pay and better 6:30 Thanks 10:30 Rumpus Room 'to 12)—WTMJ school girls' glee club elected Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.. midweek Kllcry Queen—WTMJ U'MAQ return of parishioners serving in the JO.-45 CBS Talks—WBBM to examine their books to find i prayer and praise service in basement 6:45 Guest Star Theater—WGN armed forces . . No services on Sun- j auditorium. members will meet at the church at Doris Gottschalk president at a working conditions. J0:45 Lawrence Welk Orch.—WGN 6:45 Confidentially yours— WIBU 1:30 p m. and drive to Portage and meeting held this week. Lucy Mer- whether blank checks may be 11 -05 Guy Lombardo Orch.—WBBM Thursday, 7:45 p, m., prayer meetMembers of the force asked for 7:00 Confidentially Yours—WGN Our Lady of Perpetual Help servattend the fall sub-district meeting. riman is the vice-president, and missing. 11:05 Art Kassel Orch.—WGN Groucho Marx—WBBM WCCO civil service protection of their 7:00 Abie's ices, beginning week of June 14, will 1 inc. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., choir reFriday, 7:45 p. m.. choir rehearsal. Irish Rose—WTMJ WMAQ 11:15 Rupert Hutfies—WMAQ be discontinued in favor of Our Lady !I Saturday hearsal, Ruth Erdmann, secretary-treasurjobs, one day off a week with 7:00 11:30 Ray Pearl Orch.—WBBM evening—Street meetings 7:15 Boston Symphony—WCFL of the Rosary devotion. SOUTH SHORE METHODIST: 610 er. pay, shorter working hours, and 7:30 Inner Sanctum—WBBM WCCO 11:30 Carmen Cavallero—WMAQ. Holv hour, each Friday at 7:30 p. m. ! at De Forest and Sun Prairie. Olin ave., Stephen J. Lambright, pas7:30 Truth or Consequences—WMAQ 11:30 Grift Williams Orch.—WGN Other officers elected Thursday ST.'PATRICK'S: 410 Main St.: A. V. tor. more money. 12:00 Midnight Musicale—WENR 7:30 Barn Dance Party—WLS 9 a. m., church school. . . 10 a. m., include: • 12:00 NiEht Watch (to 6)—WIND 8:00 Natl Barn Dance—WTMJ WLS REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS worship. . . Guest speaker. Rabbi M. 'Regular masses at 7:45-9-10-11:30. Freshmen—president, Norene Frent12:00 Emlle Petti Orch.—WMAO 8:00 Hollywood Theater—WMAQ SUN PRAIRIE — Lieut. Robert i A.«.., n:r^.U >»« CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS: . n r Martin, chaplain in the U. S. army zel; vice-president, James Heth; secre8-00 Theater of the Air—WGN WIBU ]2:05 Carl Ravaiza's Orch.—WGN Fessler, son of Charles Fessler, i Army Discharges I 221 Jackson St., Floyd Griswold. pastor. (<-_nhricf inn and stationed at Port Lewis, Wash., HUM tary; Mary Wahl; and treasurer, Irene 12:05 Charlie WriEht Orch.—WBBM 1:00 Hit Parade—WBBM WCCO : 9:45 a. m., church school. . . 11 a. "New World Democracies." Sun Prairie, is Van Horn. 12:.10 Jerry Wald Orch.—WENR 8:30 Can You Top This? -WMAQ FIRST CHRISTIAN 1 : N. Hamilton at:j m., worship service. . . 8 p. m,. Fel- onFREE METHODIST: Wisconsin ave. Eighth grade—president, Mllo Jones; 8:30 SpotllRht Bands—WLS 12:30 Boyd Raeburn Orch.—WBBM E Johnson st.: Ralph Bennett, pastor, jj lowshlp hour. home on leave at East Dayton st., Robert Marenus vice-president, Sue Dlckerman; secreFT. ATKINSON—Ralph Olson Sat Nlto Serenade wnnM K M O X I2-OT Pol Luck—WMAQ IMS a. m.. Radio devotions ( W I B A ) I Atkins, minister, from Hobbs, N. has received his medical discharge 8-115 tary, Frank Brooksbank; and treasurer, L<itbnran 9:00 Clvliian Defense—WIBU 9:30. Bible school: young people | 9:30 a, m,, choir rehearsal. . . 10 a. Joyce Scott, 12:35 Buddy Franklin Orch.—WGN M., and plans to from the army and will return 9:im Minion-Dollar Band—WMAQ in charge of opening devotions . . . ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN: E. Washing- m., morning worship with sermon by Seventh grade—president, John Gut1:00 Lawrence Welk Orch.—WGN 1 0 4 5 a. m.. Worship t t h e Christian ton ave., and N. Hancock st.. Otto J. the minister, sermon subject: "A Perreport to his field home soon. He -has been in a X:OU , - . - . - « r d Jamboree— W I.:s terberg: vice-president, Stanley Dempaccent) . . 3 p .m.. Recreation . , . : Wilke. D.D., pastor. sonal Religion." . . . Baptism ot in- ski; secretary-treasurer, Kay Koester. Monday. He was Michigan hospital since his return 4:30 p. m.. Junior Endeavor . . . 6:30 WIBA SUNDAY 9 a. m., Sunday school and Bible fants and small children. . . 10 a. m,. wounded in the from England. p. m.. Senior Endeavor . . . 7:30 J). m., j classes. R. Mr Steinhauer, supt. . . Junior church. . . 10 a. m., nursery, Worship: "The Wisdom of God." i 10:15 a. m., organ recital by Miss Mar- . . . 11:10 a. m., church school. . . 7 p. Pearl Harbor at1:30 NBC John Charle* Thomai MORNING Wednesday. 7:30 p. m.. Midweek garet Snyder . . . 10:30 a. m.. mission m., Youth Fellowship worship service, 2:00 BLU Thojw Good Old Dayi tack, and won his 7:00 NBC News Report meeting . . 8:30 p. m.. Men's rally, i festival. Rev. A. Baelke of Milwaukee leader, Virginia Baldwin. Topic: "The 2:15 NBC World News Roundup 7:05 NBC Organist wings last July Thursday, 7:30. Choir practice. 2:30 NBC Thc Army Hour jj will preach. . . 9 a. m.. services at Methodist Youth Fellowship as- a Vital 7:15 First Christian Church W A U N A K E E — Sgt. Anton 3:00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour ! Westport. . . 10 a. m.. Sunday school Force." Miss Ivy Myers is the leader. when he was CROSS PLAINS—Endres-Kerl7:30 NBC Mood of the Morninc 4:00 NBC Symphony Thursday, 7 p. m,, meeting of Troop i at Westport. . . 7 p. m.. Senior league graduated f r o m Maier, who is stationed at Oregon, 8:00 NBC World News R o u n d u p EVENING FIRST C H U R C H OF CHRIST, SCIEN- , and L. S. A. 3, Boy Scouts of America, in the as- Brannan post of American Legion 8:15 NBC Commando Mary advanced flying is spending a 15-day furlough with 8:30 sembly room. i Tuesday, R p. m., Brotherhood. 5:00 Quizzln' Bee TIST' 315 Wisconsin ave. installed its officers at a meeting NBC Melody's Ihe Tiling KAST SIDE METHODIST: 2500 block this week. Officers, all reelected, 5::iO NBC Great Gildcrslccvc 11 a. m. Church sen-ice, Subject: Thursday 7 p, m., Junior choir; school at Doug- his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wolf- 8:45 Spirit of the Vikinss G:00 NBC Jack Benny E. Washington ave., John W. Blrchall, "Doctrine of Atonement" . . , 9:30 a. m.. 7:45 p. m..' Senior choir. S:(10 Sunday Devotion gang Maier. FESSLER las, Ariz. are Donald Miller, commander; Saturday, 0 a. m.. Junior catechetical minister. B:30 NBC Bandwagon Sunday school. 9:15 Unitarian Church 9:30 a. m., church school. . . 10:45 .- Frank Raemisch and Jacob Bowar, 7:00 NBC Bersen and McCarthy Wednesday, 8 p. m., Testimonial class; 10 n. m., Senior catechetical 9:30 Music of the Day m., worship. Sermon and young peo7:30 NBC One Man's Family 10:00 NBC Rhapsody of thc Rockies vice commanders; Engelbert Boehple's address. CENTRAL LUTHERAN: 402 E. Mif8:00 NBC Manhattan Merry-Go-Round Reading room. 24 W. Mifflin St.. open 10:30 NBC News Reports Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Epworth league. nen, adjutant, who has held that 8.30 NBC Album of Familiar Mu*c daily from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m., except flin st., (Augustana Synod), Elton An10:45 NBC Romance Trails Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., choir re- office since the organisation of 9:00 NBC Hour of Charm Sundays and legal holidays. On Mon- derson, pastor. 11:00 BLU Weekly War Journal 9:30 NBC Bob Crosby and Co. !):45 a. m., Sunday school and Bible C days and Saturdays open until 8 p, m., 11:15 First ConcrcEational Church UNIVERSITY METHODIST A N D I the post in 1924; Engelbert Faust, Id:no Nteht News Edition class. . , 10:45 a. m., worship. Comand on Wednesdays unlil 7:30 p. m. AFTERNOON memoration of "Brotherhood Sundny." WKSLEY FOUNDATION: 1127 Univer- finance officer; Joseph Bowar, 10:15 NBC Caesar Saerchinger . . . 7 p. m., Young People's meeting slty ave., Oscar M. Adam, minister, historian; Frank Coyle, chaplain; A LITTLE SATURDAY TALK: idea. My book was to tell about 12:00 NBC Voice of t h e Dairy ir •• -:-ier 10:30 Sunday Serenade director of Wesley Foundation. 11:00 NBC News Report In church parlors. 12:15 Noon News Edition Wednesday, 7:30 p. m,. Choir re8:30 a. m., Service Men's Christian Joseph Meyer, sergeant-at-arms; A Question About "Merry Maids" a certain adventure of my own. I 12:30 Hello Wisconsin 11:05 NBC Thomas Peluso Orchestra league. Campus and Truax trainees Joseph Frank, service officer; Auwrote only the first chapter, how- 12:45 Accordion Parade 11:30 NBC Francis Craig Orchestra 1:30%. m. in the I. 6 .O. F.'hall, 308 Saturday, 9 a. m., confirmation class, and students invited. . . 9:30 a m 11:55 NBC News Report 1:00 NBC Those We Love BOY w h o lives in ever, and did not ask a publisher W. Mifflin. Stumpf, athletic officer; BETHEL LUTHERAN: Wisconsin church graded school. Prof. R. H. Rob- gust Pembroke, Georgia, has to make it a book. ave. at Gorham St., Morris Wee and erts, superintendent Adult Bible class. Frank Raemisch, Joseph Frank, WHA SUNDAY Prof. Phlio Buck will speak on the ! Reuben Gornitzka. pastors. written to ask a question I PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL, Jen- ' 9 and 10:45 a, m., worship. Sermon Religions of India. , . 10:45 a. m., Jun- and Joseph Bowar, membership 3:00 Favorile Arias 12:00 Noon Musicale ifer and Brearly sts. A. T. Wallace, D. by Rev. Gornitzka. , 9 a. m., Sunday ior church in Blakeman hall. . . 10:45 committee. which puzzles me somewhat. 3:30 The University Forum: "Does D.. minister. school in East Side chapel, 2015 Rusk a. m.. Kiddie Keep. . . 10:45 a. m., wor1:30 Afternoon News Mrs. Donald Miller is president Here is his letter: Democracv Need a Relirrious 9:30 a. m.. Church school . . . 10:45 st 9 a. m., Sundny school in church ship. Sermon by Dr. Oscar M. Adam: 1:45 Backgrounds of Today's Events: Basis?". Rev. Gordon E. Gillette. of the Legion auxiliary. a. m.. Worship. Sermon topic: "The fellowship hall. . . C p. m., Citadel club "The Questions of the Future." . . . 6 Dr. Lin Moushcnc, Harold J. "Dear Uncle Kay: Rev. Kenneth J. Patton. Rev. Strain and Stress In the Family" • • • for young people 18 years and up. p. m., Dine-A-Mite hour. Talent hour Tcmpcrley Cecil W. Lower, and Prof. A. C. Supper at 6 p. m. Topic and discus- will be in charge of Emily Mosley. . . 6:30 p. m., Young peoplc. "I am 14 years old, and plan Garnctt, moderator 2:00 Encore: Quartets of Mozart and FIRST CONGREGATIONAL: Univer- sion program on the subject, "What Vesper service. "The Lord's Prayer." Beethoven 4:00 Sunday Music Hour WENR S90 sity ave. and Breese. tr.; Alfred W. Am 1 to Christ." Topics will be preWednesday, 7:15 p. m., choir reto write a book during idle WIBA . 1319 5:30 Afternoon News 2:50 Interlude 620 WTMJ WHA .. 970 Swan. D. D.. minister; Richard R. sented by Elizabeth Lingard and hearsal. hours. But here is what I want WMAQ WLW . 700 670 Hulbert. associate: Leonard A. Det- Glenn Midthun. Leona Peterson will 780 WGN . 720 OTHER STATIONS SUNDAY •w-eiler. student minister: Student house, lead the discussion. Recreation will MIFFLIN—Pfc. Glenn Wilkin- — facts about merry maids. I WBBM 830 WIND WCCO 560 follow program. 422 N. Murray st. GLENWOOD MORAVIAN: Opposite sen, stationed at Louisville, Ky,, read your story every day and I WCFL 1000 WJJD . 1160 Tuesday—No Junior choir practice. s-no Catholic Hour—WMAO 9:30 a. m.. Church school. Adult class MORNING Dudgeon school, Frederick Wolff, pas1240 WLS .. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Senior choir tor. visited friends and relatives here admit you have some interesting WIBU in the Guild room . . . 9:30 a. m.. The 8:00 Revival Hour—WLS 5:00 Jamboree—WIBU ' 8:UO Catnearai ot Music—WGJ' 5:05 Saludos Amingos—WCFL builders class in student lounge; speak- practice. 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. 10:45 and has now returned to Milwau- subjects. I plan for the starting Saturday, 10 a. m.. Senior and Juinor a. m., worship. The pastor will preach B-Ull L'Miiicti S<?r vtues—WTM.I 5:30 Green Hornet—WCFL er. Prof. A. C. Gamett, on "The Birth kee to spend the rest of his fur- subject in my book to be a merry 8:00 Old Time Religion—WIBU the sermon. 5:30 Upton Close—WIBU of Religion in the Individual". Junior confirmation classes. LUTHER MEMORIAL: 1021 UniverTONlGH'i lf:J5 Coast 10 Coast Bus—WCFL 5:30 Great Gildersleeve—WMAQ hich speakers. Chaplain Martin Weitz Thursday, 4:15 p. m., catechetical in- lough with his parents, Mr. and maid, and I would like some facts 8:15 Commando Mary—WMAQ 5:30 America In the Atr—WBBM 5:00 WIND KMOX 8:25 WIND and Rev. Ernest Horlh . . . 10:45 a. m,. sity ave., Charles A. Puls, pastor. struction. . . 7:30 p. m., choir rehearsal. Mrs. H. E. Wilkinson. published in the paper about them 9 a. m.. family worship and instrucS:30 Voice of Prophecy—WIBU 5:15 WJJD 8:30 WCFL 5:45 Dislinjiuislied Guests—WGN Worship services. Dr. Swan speaks on and their habits. I hope my book 5:15 WCCOWMAQ 9:00 WGN WIND 8:30 Wing« Over Jordan—WBBM G:<10 Jack Benny—WTMJ WMAQ "David—The Warrior King" . . . (Nur- tion; sermon topic: "Reserves for Life" 8:30 Radio Star Parade—WMAQ 5:25 WMAQ 9:30 WLS 6:00 Revival Hour—WIBU sery n iroom 3031 .. . 5:30 p. m.. Brad- . . . 10:45 a, m,, regular worship servwill be published." FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARsermon topic: "Reserves for Life 11 8:45 Mnslcrs >l R l i v M i m — WTMJ 0:00 The Underground—WBBM WENR 9:45 WGN WLS ford rhib in k t u d e n l lounge . . . 5:30 ice; ENK: 1710 Wlnnebngo st., V, C, Mulkin, I am puzzled about that letter 5:30 5:30 WCCO KMOX 10:00 WIND WCCC 9:00 Detroit Bible Class—WGN WIIBU <i:00 Drew Pearson—WENR p. m . Slgm.i Nu Kappa supper and . , . 7 p. m. Lutheran students. . .7:15 minister. in.. Luther league. 9:00 National Radio P u l p i t — W M A Q 6:15 Dorothy Thompson—WZNR 5:30 WTMJ WIBA 10:00 WIBA WTMJ because I am not meeting . . . ft p. m., Ordination service p.Monday. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. . . 10:45 a. B p. m.. illustrated lecture 9:00 Church of thc Air WBBM WCCO 6:30 Quiz Kids—WENR 5:45 WIBA 10:00 WMAQ for Kev. Leonard A. Detweller In thc m., peaching service. . . Prof, Ronald sure w h e t h e r FT, ATKINSON — The Home by H. J. Whiting, in social room. 9:15 Little Brown Church—WLS 6:30 Stars of Tomorrow—WGN 5:45 KMOX WLS 10:30 WIBU WGN a u d i t o r i u m , Sermon by Dr. Swan. Jones of Olivet Nnzarone college, KanTuesday, 4:15 p. m., Treble choir re- kakcc, El., will preach. . . 6:30 p. m., Town Folks' committee announced Junior meant to 9:45 Memo for Tomorrow—WGN li:.'i'J K.inlwaCun- W M A O WTMJ 5:45 WMAQWBBM1:00 WTMJ WCCO Thursday, 6:15 p. m.—Monthly church hearsal in Christus clftipcl. . . 7:15 p. Young people's service. . . Leader. Pfc. 10:00 Rev. T. ZoIJer—WIBU 6:45 March With Uncle Sam—WBBM 5:45 WHA WCCO 11:00 WIBU WGN n-.qht supper . . . 7 p. m.. Church night ni.. Thursday that 209 Christmas pack- write "m e r r y Boy Scout meeting, 5:55 KMOXWBBMU:00 WMAQ WIND ;0:00 Greeting troti Vour Boy—WGN 7:00 Broadway Bandbox—WBBM Fox of Truax Field. . .7:30 p. m., serprogram with musical variety promaids" or "merWednesday. 4 p. m.. Junior choir re- mon by the pastor. ages have been sent to Ft. Atkin10:30 Youth's Cliurch—WGN 7:00 Charlie McCarthy—WTMJ WMAQ 6:00 WCFL WIND 11:00 WBBM WIBA gram including WAVES' choir . . . 8 hearsal in Christus chapel. . . 7:15 p. 10:30 Ev Lutheran Church—WIBU 6:00 WGN 11:15 WMAQ 7:00 Lutheran Hour—WIBU p.. ".v. Rudf't meeting.. son men and women in service. maids." m., Senior choir rehearsal in Christus HI-3D Old Sundav Schumwi,s 6:30 WBBM 11:55 WIBA WMAQ 7:00 Mediation Board—WGN PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL: | chapel' In regard to Checks have also been sent to rel10:45 Radio Canaries—WBBM 6:30 WIBU WGN 12:00 WGN WBBM 7:15 That's a Good One—WLS A:\vood ave. Allen L. Eddy, min PARKSIDE PRESBYTERIAN: N atives of prisoners of war so that "merry Saturday, 9 a. confirmation maids," 11:00 Invitation to Learninc—WBBM 7:00 WIND WCFL 12:00 WIND KMOX 7:30 Keepsakes—WLS Few st. at 1200 E, Dayton, W. Clyde 7:00 WLS 12:55 WENR WMAt. 11:00 People's Church—WJJD 7.30 One Man s Family—WMAQ WTM3 suitable articles may be forward- the only kind I 9:30 a. m.. Church school . .'. 10:45 j . ST. MARK'S LUTHERAN: 605 Spruce Wilson, minister, 11:00 Salute to Victory—WBBM 7:25 WIBU 1:00 WIND 7:30 Crime Doctor—WBBM WC'CO — Worship service. Sermon by the; st., Mi Ai sorenson, pastor. 9:30 a. m., church Sunday school. . . ed. The prisoners from here are can think of are 11:00 World Front—WMAQ 7:30 WIND 1:30 WGN 7:45 Gabriel Hearter—WGN WIBU pastor, "How God's Kingdom Comes", 10:45 a. m., service of worship. , . Mr. 9 a. m., worship, . . 10:15 a. m., Sun7:55 KMOX WBBM 2:00 WIND (also S, 11:00 ReviewlnB Stand—WIBD WGN girls with merry 8:00 Cleveland Symphony—WGN Russell Gardinier, Howard HeilWilson will preach on the Tercentenday school. 11:15 This is Official—WCFL 8:15 WCFL 4 and 5) 8:00 Walter WincheU—WENB s p i r i t s . As to ary of the Westminster Assembly of iger, and Verial Whaples. Wednesday, 7:30 p, m., adult class. 11:30 Stradivari Orch.—WTMJ WMAQ 8:00 Merry-Go-Round—WMAQ WTMf Divines. . . 6:30 p, m.. Young People's GRACE EPISCOPAL: Capitol square: . . . 7:30 p. m., choir. their customs, I 11:30 Here's Mexico—WIBU 8(1(1 Diccsl-IVBBM WCCO KMOX John O. Patterson, rector; E.'M. RingSaturday, 1:30 p. m., confirmation society with Barbara Gilbert as leader. 11:30 Transatlantic Call—WBBM 8:15 Lower Basin St.—WEN* . . . 7:45 p. m., second lecture in the 9:30 a. m., Sunday ichool. . . '10:4! a. might say that land, assistant. class. AFTERNOON 8::;n f a m i l i a l Music WMAQ WTMJ TONIGHT they would be course on world missions. Mr. Wilson m., worship. Sermon by Chaplain 7:30 a. m.. Holy Eucharist . . . 9:30 TRINITY LUTHERAN: First and UNCLE RAY 12:00 Church of lliu Air—WCCO 8:30 Star Theater—WBBM 5:15 WIBA WIND 7:00 WCFL a. m.. Parish eucharist and sermon . . . Winncbago sts., J. N. Walstead, pas- will use as his theme, "The Good Theodore Pictfier of Truax Field. expected to play i2:00 Snelnns Bee—WGN B-45 Jlmmle Fldlcr—WENH 5:45 WTMJ 9:00 WIND Earth and the Good Life." UNIVERSITY PRESBYTERIAN: 731 tor. 12:00 Great Lakes Choir— WBBM 9:00 Gertrude Lawrence—WENS games and enjoy themselves a 6:00 WIND 10:15 WCCO Monday, 7 p.1 m., Boy Scouts. . .7:45 State st., Cecil W, Lower, minister; B a, m,. worship and Sunday school. 12:15 Salute to Victory—WBBM 9:00 Hour of Charm—WMAQ 12:30 a m WGN great deal. Also they must take . . . 10:45 a. m.. worship and Sunday p. m., Deacons meeting at the Manse. John Clayton, associate. 12:15 Labor for Victory—WMAQ . J:i)fi Take It 01 Leavt It— WBBM Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Junior choir. . . OLD FASHIONED 8:30 ». m.. Breakfast club; officers good care of themselves, or else school, Vocal soloist, Mrs. Robert T 12:30 Chicago Rour.dtable—WMAQ 9'15 Sanders and Savace—WGN and associate chairmen special guests. Paynter. "In My Father's House" and 8 p. m.. Chorus choir. I2'30 Victory 1^ Otn tiusmes;WGN REVIVAL HOUR 9:30 Bob Burns—WTMJ CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN: 124 Wis- . . . 9:45 a. m., Book Hour. John Clay- they would not stay merry very the "Lord's Prayer." dedicated to 12:45 Starring Curt Massey—WBBM Forceful Gospel 9:30 Thin Man—WCCO WBBM Trinity church in memory of the Rev. consin ave., Edwin O. Kennedy min- ton will review Seagrave's "The Bur- long. 1:00 Radio Warblers—WGN 9:30 They Give Their Live*—WGIf Preaching SUNDAY ma Surgeon." . . . 9:45 a. m., choir reW, p. Wilhelmsen and his son Gaarder. ister. 1:00 Those We Love—WTMJ WMAQ 9:30 Bob Crnsby and Co.—WMAQ SrXDAYS I have a feeling, however, that A. M. 2:15 WENR WMAQ 1:00 Ceiling Unlimited—WBBM 9:30 a. m., church school . . . 8:30 a. hearsal . . 10:45 a. m., worship. SerMusic arranged by Mrs. Blanche 9:45 Camp Ellis—WENR JlVIBA 3:00 P. M. T:00 WIBA KMOX 2:15 WIBA m., adult class in Hunt chapel under mon by Mr. Lower "On Sending a this reader really wants to hear Gaarder Wilhelmsen. . . 5 p. m., serv1:00 Chaplain Jim—WENR 10:00 Symphonette—WENB :0 WLS WBBM '^Continuous International 7:00 3:55 WMAQ WMAQ merma'irli: I ran harHlv toll " ° WI^ WBBM 3:55 ice in Norwegian. . .7:30 p. m., Bible leadership of Paul E. Stark. , . 10 a. Proxy. , , , 5 : 4 5 p, m,, Allison sup- ahout in no Answci Man—WGN 1:30 Sunday Vespers—WENR Gospel Broadcast m., choir rehearsal in the choir room. per hour. Bob Roberts, veteran of the aoout mermaids, i can hardly tell j g.00 KMO xwcco 5:oo WIND WTMJ study. 1:30 John Charles— WMAO 10:15 Most Honored Music—WTMJ Charles E. Fuller, director . . . 10:30 .a m., church hour nursery. African campaign, will speak on his facts about them, since they be- 8:00 WIBA WIND 5:15 WTMJ Friday. 7:30 p. m.. prayer service. 1:55 Bears vs. Philadelphia—WIND 10:30 Academy Award—WENR 8:00 WMAQ WBBJV 5:30 WGN . . . 10:45 a. m., moning service of worexperiences. ' 7:15 p._"m., _Varsity long to a make-believe world, but ZION'S EV. LUTHERAN: Division 2:00 Packers vs. Redskins—WTMJ 10:45 Army Hour—WTMJ ship. . . Sermon, "Triumph Amid vespers. . . 7:45 p. m.. Fireside chat, VVTMJ 5:30 WHA WIBU 3:00 Halls of Montezuma—WGN 10:45 Rhumba Time—WMAQ at least we can go over the myths. 8:30 Tragedy" by Dr. Kennedy. Children an informal discussion group, »:35 WGN 6:00 WIND WENB 2:00 Heroes of the Navy—WENR 10:45 Carl Ravazza's Orch.—WGN 6:25 WGN will be baptized at this service. . .6:30 The name "mermaid" means i):00 WLS WIND 2:00 N. t. Philharmonic—WBBM 11:00 All Nations Church—WCFL 9:30 WTMJ WMAQ 6:30 WBBM p. m., Tri-C group "Hayride Party" "maid of the lake," but the old 2:00 Rationing Report—WMAQ 11:00 Church of Deliverance—WIND 9:40 WGN 7:00 WLS WIND meet at home of M. W. Rodehaver, 413 FIRST SPIRITUALIST: 118 Monona stories tell of mermaids living in 2:15 Hanson W. Baldwin—WENB 11:15 Pacific Story—WMAQ Chestnut st. . . Program and worship •ve, 10:00 WCCO WIND 7:45 WGN WIBU 11:05 Eddio Oliver Orch.—WENR service at home of Wilmer Piper, 2741 10:00 WLS WBBM 7:55 KMOX WBBM 2:15 March Time—WIBU 8 p. m., Sunday services. Rev, Edw. rivers and seas, as well as in lakes. 2:15 Upton Close—WMAQ 11:05 Charlie Spivak Orch.—WBBM Kendall ave. 8:00 WIND WGN St;reit, Milwaukee, wiE lecture and j People said they were half-wom- 10:15 WJJD 2:30 Army Hour—WMAQ 11:15 Lawrence Welk Orch.—WGN 10:25 WGN WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN: give «pirit greetings. 9:30 WENR 11:30 Freddie Martin Orch.—WENB 2:30 Hot Copv—WENB en and half-fish. 10:30 WIBA W. Lawn ave. at Spooner st.; Harold 10:00 WBBM WCFL 3:00 Fun Valley—WENR 13:30 Ray Pearl Orch. -WBBM C, Stark, pastor. 10:30 WMAQ 10:00 WMAQ W1ML) A mermaid, as commonly pic- 11:00 WIBA 11:30 IS'lte Watch tto 21 -WIND 3:30 Lands of the Free—WMAQ 10:00 WIBA WTMJ UNITARIAN: Wisconsin ave., Ken- tured, has a woman's head, with 11:00 WIND WCFL 10:15 11:35 Griff William* Orch.—WGN 3:30 Dunninger—WENR WIBA 11:45 Francis Craig Orch.—WMAQ neth L. Patton, minister. 3:30 Young Peoples Church—WIBU long and beautiful hair. She was 11:15 WTMJ 10:15 WMAQ WCCO 12.00 Midnight Musicale—WENR 9:15 a. m. to 9:30 a. m., radio pro3:30 Andre Knstelanetz— WBBM 11:55 WGN 10:30 KMOX WGN Mothers, if simple constipation 12:0(1 Emlle Petti Orch.-WMAQ day. See how your child goes gram over WIBA, "Religion for To- supposed to comb her hair from 3:30 Hawaii Calls—WGN P.M. 10:55 WGN 12:05 Art Kassel Orch.—WGN day." Topic:; "Our Natural World." . . . time to time, holding up a mirror 12:00 WMAQKMOS11:00 KMOX WENR 4:00 Fireside Party—WGN u making your child pepless, for that swell VICKLAX taste— 12:05 Charlie Wilght Orch.—WBBM 10:45 a. m., Sunday school and nurscranky, listless and out of sorts, 12:00 WIND WENB 11:00 WMAQ WBB1V 4:00 NBC Symphony—WMAQ no fuss or struggle. He won't with one hand to see what she was 12:30 Jerry Wald Orch.—WENR ery school . . . 10:45 a. m., services. 4:00 Where Do We Stand? WENH 12:15 WIBA 11:00 WGN WIBA there's what to do. Give him even know he's taking a laxadoing. 32:30 Boyd Raeburn Orch.—WBBM Topic: "A Minister Looks at the War." two FamDv Hour— WBBM WCCO 12:30 WBBM 11:30 WGN 1S::)0 Pot Luck-WMAQ THE UNITY CENTER: 2338 West "CKLAX—the new, better-tast4:30 The Shadow—WGN tive. Notice how VICKLAX readyAlthough it was fancied that 12:30 WCCO KMOX 11:55 WMAQ WENT 4:30 Lawn ave. 12:30 Carl Ravazza Orch.—WGN Musical Steelmakers—WENR ing laxative made by the Makers WENB 11:55 WIBA WTMJ measured envelopes help you j mermaids, entered rivers and lakes 12:40 WGNWENK 4:4,5 Iren* RIcli-WPBM WCCO 12:00 WBBMWGN Creorrlulsion relieves promptly beof famous Vicks VapoRub espeavoid harmful overdosing. EVENING (now and then, their chief home 12:45 WIND WCFL 12:30 WGN cially for children aged 1 to 12. Healing" and "The Sunlit i was in salt water. Many a tale 1:00 1:30 WCCO KMOX 12:55 WMAO WENB 5:00 Silver Theater—WBBM WCCO And, mother, you'll be glad toi trouble to help loosen and expel Way." S-ilii Hour—WENR 1:30 WHA WBBM 1>1:00 WGN WIND See how quickly and gently see how quickly VICKLAX gentle,- germ laden phlegm, and aid nature speaks of sailors being taken by 2:00 WCFL -n" WIND VICKLAX helps relieve without Adventist Lutheran Synodical Conference 4ssemfa/y o/ God Tonight's Aces Viola Servicemen Visit «, Families __^_^_ Discuss/on Baotist Drama Waupun Sets Up Health Board friends \ Millers, Heinzes Share Anniversary Music Montfort Seniors Rehearse Comedy Catholic Variety Rogers to Open Middleton Drive Bad Checks Cashed in Baraboo Stores Methodist Gosne/ Memphis Police End 2-Hour Strike Fort Club Elects Doris Gottschalk i Fessler Visits Sun Prairie Latter ,0ov Saints Olson, Ft. Atkinson Plains Legion Installs Officers Visits Parents Ratfi Church of Christ A Moravian Wilkinson Visits Mifflin Relatives Frequencies NEWS BROADCASTS Nazarene Fort Group Sends 209 Gifts to Servicemen Presbvterian Eoisconalian SPORTS REVIEWS NEWS BROADCASTS Don't Let Constipation Distress Your Child Spiritualist Unitarian How To Relieve Bronchitis TONIGHT griping, without weakening after-effects. You'll be delighted •with the way your child responds to VICKLAX, the tested child lax•ative. So don't let occasional constipation distress your child.' •Get easy-to-take, easy-to-giv« VICKLAX from your druggist to- effective action helps make your child feel fine again. Use as directed. Check your child today —if he's sluggish or pepless, if his breath is bad due to simple c o n s t i p a - UlPlfl AY *tion, be sure to •lUIM.HA GET V I C K L A X Tnn » v TODAY. Guaranteed by the makers of vickiVapoKufc to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION GRANDMA KNEW SW^ft I ABOUT COLDS cstod, to relieve cold-coughing, muftclo ftchei. Motherfl today simply rub on Penetro. Modern medication in ban containing old reliabli mutton met. Relieve! euch colds' di»- for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis teen. 25c. Double iupply35a»Gat Penetro. mermaids to live in homes deep MARKETS down in the sea. SUNDAT Mermaids never have existed, A. M. P. M. and we may think of the stories 11:55 WLS 2:00 WIBU about them as the dreams of sailors, poets and myth-makers. SPORTS REVIEWS Junior's plan to write a book IUNDAX takes me back to the time when I 1:40 WIND M. 12:30 t. m. WGN was 12 years old and had the same 4:45 WIND WIBA—9:30 P. M.
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