How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules

SAP NetWeaver
How-To Guide
How To... Create CRUD Operations
in Gateway Based on Remote
Function Modules
Applicable Releases:
Gateway 2.0
Version 1.0
April 2010
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Table of Contents
Business Scenario .......................................................................................................... 1
Background Information ................................................................................................. 1
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................... 1
Step-by-Step Procedure .................................................................................................. 2
Create the RFC based Gateway Object. ................................................................... 2
Create the QUERY Operation. .................................................................................. 4
Create the READ Operation. ..................................................................................... 7
Create the CREATE Operation. .............................................................................. 10
Create the UPDATE Operation. .............................................................................. 11
Create the Gateway Consumption Model ................................................................ 14
Test the REST Operations. ..................................................................................... 15
How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
Business Scenario
This How to Guide goes over how to create and test all CRUD (minus Delete since there is no Bank
delete RFM) operations based on the available Bank BAPIs.
Background Information
You will need a Gateway 2.0 system to go over thru this How to Guide.
You will need the following tools to test your services:
WFetch HTTP client or Fire Fox Browser which has a REST client similar to WFetch. This How
to Guide will use WFetch. It can be downloaded from here:
You will need access to a configured Gateway 2.0 system.
To familiarize yourself with Gateway I suggest the Project Gateway Wiki and the Project
Gateway Community websites.
If you are using Internet Explorer make sure it is not configured to show “friendly error
messages”. To configure, follow menu path Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Uncheck
“Show friendly HTTP error messages”. This will help you analyze an errors if they occur.
May 2011
How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
Step-by-Step Procedure
The following steps will guide you thru creating and testing a Gateway service based on the Bank
Create the RFC based Gateway Data Model.
The Gateway Data Model represents the mapping of the Gateway Service to the business data, which
in this case will come from Remote Function Modules. In this step you will create the Gateway Data
1. Logon to the Gateway 2.0 system and go to the ABAP Development Workbench – transaction
2. Create a GW Data Model – set the object type drop down to GW Data Model:
3. In the object name input field enter the name Z_BANK_RFC_<Your Last Name>:
4. Click on the eye glasses button to create the data model.
5. Click the Yes button in the popup window:
6. In the Create Data Model popup window set the type to PS – Public Solution Model:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
7. Except the rest of the defaults (make sure Generate from Data Source Object radio button is
selected), and click the Enter button.
8. In the popup window enter a Description, Data Source Type (Remote Function Call), and the
System Alias (this is the alias that is connected to the back end system). Click Continue.
9. Your Model should now be displayed. As you can see no RFM‟s are displayed, you will need to
search for them.
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
Create the QUERY Operation.
The QUERY operation is used to get a list of the business objects that your Gateway Service is
mapped to. In this step you will map the QUERY operation against the BAPI_BANK_GETLIST remote
function module.
1. Click the search icon to search for remote function modules:
2. In the popup window enter the search string BAPI_BANK*:
3. A list of all matching RFM‟s are returned:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
4. High light the RFM named BAPI_BANK_GETLIST – this will be used for the QUERY operation.
5. Click the Create Mapping button found on the right hand side of the screen.
6. In the Map Operation set the Operation Type to Query:
7. We need to map BANK_CTRY and BANK_KEY of the BANK_LIST table to the S_COR_IDVALUE.
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
Note: the S_COR_ID-VALUE is the primary key of generated Gateway services. Each
Gateway operation must be mapped to the same primary keys. S_COR_ID-VALUE is a 72
character length string, so the combined length of all primary key fields mapped to it cannot
exceed this length!
8. Right click on BANK_LIST-BANK_CTRY and click the Change Mapping button:
9. In the Mapping Route popup window select the S_COR_ID-VALUE and then click the Enter
10. Do the same thing for the BANK_LIST-BANK_KEY attribute (both should be mapped to
11. Your mapping should now look like this:
12. Now let‟s set a constant value on the BANK_CTRY input attribute.
13. Right click on the BANK_CTRY attribute and click the Set Constant Value button:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
14. In the Set Constant Value popup window enter a value for the Bank Country, in this example
„US‟ – with single quites!!!:
15. Your mapping should now look like the following:
16. Click the Enter button to complete the operation mapping.
Note: You may notice that there is no save button to save your Gateway Data Model. To
save your Gateway Data Model you must click the Generate button, which will not only save the
Data model but will also generate all of its corresponding classes and configuration. If for some
reason you became disconnected from the Gateway system your changes will not be saved if
you have not generated.
Create the READ Operation.
The READ operation is used to read a single business object‟s data. The OData specification
mandates that an OData based service must have at the very least a QUERY operation and a READ
operation. In this step you will map the READ operation to BAPI_BANK_GETDETAIL.
1. In RFM search results list, select BAPI_BANK_GETDETAIL:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
2. Click the Create Mapping button.
3. Set the Operation Type to Read.
4. Map BANKCOUNTRY and BANKKEY input attributes to S_COR_ID-VALUE.
5. Right click on the BANKCOUNTRY attribute and select the Change Mapping Route button:
6. In the Mapping Route popup window select the S_COR_ID-VALUE attribute and click the Enter
7. Do the same with the BANKKEY input attribute, your mapping for these attributes should now
look like this:
8. Uncheck the Return and BankDetails structures, your mapping should now look like this:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
9. Notice in the above image that BANK_NAME and CITY attributes of the BankAddress structure
are mapped to the previously created attributes from the QUERY operation. Let‟s do the same
with the rest of the attributes of the BankAddress structure. We are doing this so that the
Gateway Data Model has a completely flat structure (no structure or table nodes, all attributes
are directly under the root node). This is important for two reasons, one – it makes for a very
clean and simple interface, and two – operations UPDATE and CREATE which we will be
mapping later require a flat interface…no structures or table input are supported for these
10. Right click on the REGION attribute and click the Change Mapping Route button.
11. Select the root node of your object:
Note: by selecting the root node of the object you are having the attribute mapped directly under
it, thus flattening out the structure.
12. Click the Enter button. Now do these steps for each attribute in the BankAddress structure.
13. Your mapping should now look like the following:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
14. Click the Enter button to complete the operation mapping.
Create the CREATE Operation.
The CREATE operation creates a business entity. In order for OData to support the CREATE
operation, structure of the business object mapping must be completely flat. No structures or tables
are allowed to be passed as input in OData. In this step you will map the CREATE operation to the
BAPI_BANK_CREATE remote function module.
1. In the RFM search results, select BAPI_BANK_CREATE:
2. Click the Create Mapping button.
3. Select the Create operation type radio button.
4. Uncheck the BankAddress1 structure, and the BankFormatting, BankMethod, I_XUPDATE
attributes. Your mapping should now look like the following:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
5. The output attributes BANK_CTRY and BANK_KEY need to be mapped to the S_COR_IDVALUE. Do this, once done the mapping for these attributes will look like this:
6. Click the Enter button to complete your operation mapping.
Create the UPDATE Operation.
The UPDATE operation updates a business entity. Just like with the CREATE operation, in order for
OData to support the UPDATE operation the structure of the business object mapping must be
completely flat. No structures or tables are allowed to be passed as input in OData. In this step you
will map the UPDATE operation to the BAPI_BANK_CHANGE remote function module.
1. In the RFM search results, select BAPI_BANK_CHANGE.
2. Click the Create Mapping button.
3. Set the Operation Type to Update.
4. Uncheck the BankAddress1, BankAddress1x, BankDetail, and BankDetailx structures.
5. Map the input attributes BANKCOUNTRY and BANKKEY to S_COR_ID-VALUE.
6. Your mapping should now look like the following:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
7. Click the Enter button to complete the operation mapping.
8. Your Gateway Object should now look like the following:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
9. Click the Generate button. This will generate all the classes and other configuration files needed
for the service.
10. When generation is complete you will see the following popup window displayed:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
Create the Gateway Consumption Model
The Consumption Model is what exposes the Gateway Data Models to the network. It does this by
creating a service in the Internet Communication Framework. In this step you will create a
Consumption Model and then map your Data Model to it.
1. Now you need to expose the service via the Internet Communication Framework (ICF). Navigate
to transaction SE80.
2. In the drop-down select object type GW Consumption Model:
3. In the input field enter in the service document name in the following format: zbankrfc<your last
4. Click the Display button and then click the Yes button, the following popup window will be
5. Enter in the service name zbankrfc<your last name>, and description and click the Enter button.
6. The created service document will be displayed. Right click on it and in the context menu select
Add Gateway Object.
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
7. In the popup window enter in Z_BANK_RFC* and click the F4 help button.
8. Find and select your Gateway Object you created earlier…it should look similar to the following:
9. Your Gateway Object Model should now look similar to the following:
10. You have successfully created your Gateway service…now you get to test it.
11. You can see the Gateway service exposed in the ICF – transaction SICF – follow the ICF tree
path default_host > sap > opu > sdata > sap...there you will see a list of all ICF services that
represent Gateway Consumption Models.
Test the REST Operations.
Now for the fun part! You get to test everything you have done up to this point. Testing the QUERY
and READ operations is easy…you just need a browser. Testing the CREATE and UPDATE
operations (as well as the DELETE if we had implemented that), requires the use of a simple HTTP
tool, the one we use here is WFetch (the FireFox browser also has a nice REST plug-in available).
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
1. Go back to transaction SE80 and display your Gateway Consumption Model you created in the
last step:
2. Double click on the top level node of your Gateway Consumption Model, this will display it‟s
3. Click the Metadata button. This will launch a browser which will display the metadata of your
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
4. To execute the QUERY operation replace in the URL $metadata with z_bank_rfc_<Your Last
Name>Collection, you should see the following page:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
1. For each bank in the list there is an atom:id tag with a value of the URL that can be used to call
the READ operation, for example:
2. Copy one of these and paste it into the URL of the browser and navigate to it, the details of the
Bank will be displayed:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
3. You will need to start WFetch to test the Create and Update operations.
4. Test the CREATE operation. Enter in the Verb – POST, Host, Port and Path. The path should
be the same as you used to execute the QUERY operation above. You will also need to set
authentication for Basic auth and enter in your user name and password.
5. Enter in the required HTTP Header and Body ( in the drop-down select Add Headers&Body):
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
Here is an example of the request that you can type in yourself or you can copy the contents of
the attached file named bank_request.txt. Please note, you will have to change the values to
match your service(at the very least scheme_id and scheme_agency_id):
x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest\r\n
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> \r\n
<atom:entry xml:base="HTTP://"
xmlns:atom="" xmlns:d=""
<atom:content type="application/xml">\r\n
<d:value>0209_US021800089</d:value> \r\n
<d:scheme_id>Z_BANK_RFC_GEBO</d:scheme_id> \r\n
<d:scheme_agency_id>LOCAL</d:scheme_agency_id> \r\n
<d:swift_code>CITIUSXX</d:swift_code> \r\n
<d:street>123 Main St</d:street> \r\n
<d:bank_ctry /> \r\n
<d:bank_group /> \r\n
<d:bank_name>Bank of Gebo</d:bank_name> \r\n
<d:pobk_curac /> \r\n
<d:city>Sacramento</d:city> \r\n
<d:addr_no /> \r\n
<d:bank_branch>California</d:bank_branch> \r\n
<d:region>CA</d:region> \r\n
<d:post_bank /> \r\n
Note: the header x-requested-with is required for CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE operations!
6. Check the contents of the <d:value></d:value> tag…in this case it is 0209_US021200089, this
value represents the Key value of the bank to be created. The service knows it has two key
values but it doesn‟t know how long. 02 is the length of the first attribute, and 09 is the length of
the second attribute. This is how it is able to parse the key value string. Make sure to enter in a
unique Bank Number which is currently set to 21200089 in the XML above. Change it to
something unique.
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
7. Now click the Go! button.
8. The CREATE operation will be executed and the flowing response should be returned:
Note: notice that in the response if the OData READ operation XML for this bank you just
created. OData calls the READ operation after the a successful CREATE. This means that your
OData Gateway services with CREATE operations will need a corresponding READ
operation…without the READ operation you would get an exception even though the creation
was successful.
9. Now let‟s test the UPDATE method. In WFetch change the Verb type to PUT:
10. Set the path to be the same path used when executing the READ operation, in this example it
will be:
Make sure the value is set to the correct Bank Number.
Note: If copying the path above make sure to change the name “Gebo” to your name.
11. Now in the HTTP Header and Body data, change the bank_name and city attributes to
something different.
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
12. Click the Go! button.
13. If the UPDATE is successful you will receive the following response:
Note: The HTTP response code of 204 is a successful update response…there is no response
body returned hence the codes text “No Content”.
14. To make sure that the UPDATE was correct just change the Verb type to GET and disable the
Header and Body:
15. It should return in the response the new bank details:
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How To... Create CRUD Operations in Gateway Based on Remote Function Modules
16. Alternatively just test the read in the browser:
Congratulations! You have successfully created and tested your Gateway Bank Service!
h ttp://<s erve r_n am e>:<h ttp _ po rt> /sa p/op u /s da ta/sa p /z ba nk <y ou r_l as t
May 2011