How to use the Templates by numbers tenon template

How to use the Templates by numbers tenon
The tenon template produced by Templates by numbers is printed out, glued to a piece of
melamine faced particle board and built into a jig as shown in this article.
The tenon jig’s function is to work in conjunction with a router guide bush (collar) to constrain the
routing area from the tenon shoulder line to the end of the tenon.
The workpiece is routed both sides to form a centred tenon.
Tenon jig bottom view
The template plan has been used
to create a tenoning jig by routing a
window and attaching fence pieces to
register the workpiece.
The router depth of cut determines tenon thickess.
by numbers
Tenon jig top view
A plunge router equipped with a guide bush (collar)
uses the window to constrain the cutting path and
form the tenon in the desired location.
The workpiece is flipped around
and each side routed to form a
centred tenon.
Depending on the workpiece
width, the jig makes it possible
to route several tenons in one
Making the tenon jig
Starting from the template plan, the steps involved in making the tenon jig are to form a
rectangular window in the top of the jig and attach straight edges (end stop and side fence) to
register the workpiece.
The template plan includes construction lines to help plunge route the rectangular window. The
area to be routed to make the jig is highlighted with a blue dotted line.
Align scrap straight edges to the
outlines indicated with the blue dotted
line. The bottom lines is critical as it
determines where the tenon shoulder
will be. The other lines are less critical
as additional fence pieces positioned
in the next step are responsible for
positioning the workpiece.
Straight edges are attached to form
the end stop and side fence that will
register the workpiece
Nail or screw the straight pieces on
the ‘Align with workpiece’ line and the
‘Tenon end’ line.
The tenon jig is ready for use.
Using a router fitted with the router collar and cutter
combination specified when you made the template
plan, route the area contained within the construction
Remove the scrap straight edges.
The workpiece
is clamped to
the jig ready for
The template
plan specifies a
depth of cut to
form a centred
tenon of the
specified thickness.
It is a good idea
to start with a
shallower depth
of cut and measure
progress with a vernier