How to Do Media and Cultural Studies (Second Edition) Jane Stokes Online Reading CHAPTER 4 Philip Napoli’s article presents a Marxist analysis of the role of the audience in the new media economy: Napoli, Philip M., 2010. Revisiting ‘mass communication’ and the ‘work’ of the audience in the new media environment. Media, Culture and Society. 32 (3): 505– 516; teid=spmcs Brenton J. Malin’s case study of the production of the hard-boiled detective series, The Shield, provides an interesting exploration of ideas of masculinity within the post-broadcast era television industry: Malin, Brenton J., 2010. Viral manhood: niche marketing, hard-boiled detectives and the economics of masculinity. Media, Culture and Society. 32 (3): 373–389; siteid=spmcs The Sami people are a minority culture in Northern Scandinavia and Russia. In this article Sari Pietikäinen uses interviews and ethnographic study to research Sami journalistic culture: Pietikäinen, Sari, 2008. Broadcasting indigenous voices: Sami minority media production. European Journal of Communication. 23 (2): 173–191; eid=spejc CHAPTER 5 Richard K. Popp and Andrew L. Mendelson’s study of the letter ‘X’ on the cover of Time magazine; and Marcia A. Morgado’s semiotic analysis of hip-hop fashion: Popp, Richard K. and Andrew L. Mendelson, 2010. ‘X’-ing out enemies: Time magazine, visual discourse, and the war in Iraq. Journalism. 11 (2): 203–221; siteid=spjou Morgado, Marcia A., 2007. The semiotics of extraordinary dress: A structural analysis and interpretation of hip-hop style. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 25 (2): 131–155; iteid=spctr CHAPTER 6 Tripp, Lisa M., 2011. ‘The computer is not for you to be looking around, it is for schoolwork’: Challenges for digital inclusion as Latino immigrant families negotiate children’s access to the internet. New Media and Society. 13 (4): 552–567; siteid=spnms Victor Costello and Barbara Moore published an interesting study of television audiences using on-line survey methods published in Television and New Media: Costello, Victor and Barbara Moore, 2007. Cultural outlaws: An examination of audience activity and online television fandom. Television New Media. 8 (2): 124– 143; id=sptvn
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