US Translation Rights 2014-2015 US Translation Rights Welcome... The SAGE Rights Team is pleased to present our Translation Rights catalog for 2014-2015. Within the catalog you’ll find a selection of forthcoming titles, bestsellers, and some favorites representing the wide variety of disciplines in which SAGE publishes. Also included are titles from Corwin Press and CQ Press. In an effort to provide the most complete information, this catalog includes listings of previous editions’ translation sales. This catalog represents a small selection of our lists so we invite you to visit our websites for more titles. Our websites can be found at:; and Though some rights information can be found within the catalog, please contact us directly to confirm the availability of rights in your language and to request review copies. Please note that we will only process rights requests that come from publishing companies or agencies. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your strong support and interest in our titles and we hope that you will find this catalog useful. We look forward to working with you and to another successful year! The Rights Team SAGE Catalogs All of the SAGE publications catalogs can be found at US Translation Rights Contact us Contents 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA Business & Management....................4-7 1-800-818-7243 1-800-583-2665 Education.......................................... 8-16 Media & Communication................ 16-19 Politics & International Relations....19-20 Psychology........................................... 21 Research Methods..........................22-32 Sociology........................................32-34 Index..................................................... 35 Key Contacts Anna C Termine – Senior Licensing Manager [email protected] T: 860-391-8442 F: 805-375-1718 Carly Taylor – Licensing Associate [email protected] T: 805-410-7446 F: 805-410-7008 Keep up-to-date Tell us which subject areas you are interested in hearing about and we’ll keep you up-to-date with relevant products and special offers. Choose how you’d prefer to hear from us, be it by e-mail or post SAGE eBooks Over 7000 eBooks are now available from SAGE. Look out for the eBooks symbol when browsing... Business & Management ONGOING CRISIS COMMUNICATION Planning, Managing, and Responding Fourth Edition W Timothy Coombs University of Central Florida This bestselling textbook provides an integrated approach to crisis communication that spans various disciplines as well as the entire crisis management process. This new edition includes new coverage of social media, social networking sites, and terrorist threats. January 2014 • 256 pages Paper (978-1-4522-6136-2) Rights Sold: Chinese (Complex) and Korean UNDERSTANDING GLOBAL CULTURES Metaphorical Journeys Through 31 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity Sixth Edition Martin J Gannon California State University, San Marcos; Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland and Rajnandini Pillai California State University, San Marcos Presents the cultural metaphor as a method for understanding the cultural mindsets of individual nations, clusters of nations, and even continents. This text emphasizes that metaphors are guidelines to help outsiders quickly understand what members of a culture consider important. March 2015 • 776 pages Paper (978-1-4833-4007-4) Rights Sold: Korean WORKING IN TEAMS Moving From High Potential to High Performance Brian A Griffith Peabody College, Vanderbilt University and Ethan B Dunham Human Capital Performance Partners Preparing students to work in collaborative, interdependent environments, interesting case studies at the beginning of each chapter draw readers in, provide accessible context for the material and create a desire to know more. Also included is a 360 degree online team assessment tool that will help students to improve their team performance. January 2014 • 264 pages Paper (978-1-4522-8630-3) 4 Business & Management MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION Strategies and Applications Sixth Edition Geraldine Hynes Sam Houston State University This text focuses on managerial communication that managers need in today’s workplace. Author strategic approach and provides students with a comprehensive range of topics, and even-handed written communication. skills and strategies Gerry Hynes takes a solid research base, coverage of oral and January 2015 • 480 pages Cloth (978-1-4833-5855-0) MEETING THE ETHICAL CHALLENGES OF LEADERSHIP Casting Light or Shadow Fifth Edition Craig E Johnson George Fox University This unique text promotes ethical decision-making and action through skill development, self-assessment and application exercises. The student study site includes exclusive access to certain full-text SAGE journal articles which have been carefully selected to support and expand on the concepts presented in each chapter. December 2013 • 552 pages Paper (978-1-4522-5918-5) SOCIAL MARKETING Influencing Behaviors for Good Fifth Edition Nancy R Lee University of Washington and Social Marketing Services, Inc and Philip Kotler Kellogg School of Management The Fifth Edition of Social Marketing is the definitive textbook for the planning and implementation of programs designed to bring about social change. No other text is as comprehensive and foundational when it comes to taking key marketing principles and applying them to campaigns and efforts to influence social action. January 2015 • 568 pages Paper (978-1-4522-9214-4) Rights Sold: Indonesian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex), Serbian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese 5 Business & Management MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS Concepts, Applications, & Skill Development Sixth Edition Robert N Lussier Springfield College This book presents essential management concepts using a three pronged approach of concepts, applications and skill building. February 2014 • 552 pages Paper (978-1-4833-5226-8) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Functions, Applications, & Skill Development Second Edition Robert N Lussier Springfield College and John R Hendon University of Arkansas at Little Rock The Second Edition of Human Resource Management is a core textbook for introductory HRM courses in Management, Business, and secondarily, Education and Psychology. January 2015 • 528 pages Paper (978-1-4522-9063-8) ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Afsaneh Nahavandi University of San Diego, Robert B Denhardt, Janet V Denhardt both at University of Southern California and Maria P Aristigueta University of Delaware Using a strengths-based, action-oriented approach with a strong emphasis on creativity, innovation and the global society and focusing on the interactions among individuals, groups and organizations, this text illustrates how organizational behavior topics fit together. January 2014 • 568 pages Cloth (978-1-4522-7860-5) 6 Business & Management INTRODUCTION TO LEADERSHIP Concepts and Practice Third Edition Peter G Northouse Western Michigan University Offering a straightforward introduction to the basic principles of leadership, Peter G Northouse’s Introduction to Leadership focuses on providing readers with practical strategies for becoming better leaders. An applied text by the author of the SAGE bestseller Leadership: Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition, this text provides the much needed ‘how-to’ component of leading for students in leadership courses. January 2014 • 352 pages Paper (978-1-4522-5966-6) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified), Arabic, Korean LEADERSHIP Theory and Practice Seventh Edition Peter G Northouse Western Michigan University The bestselling survey text for leadership courses across disciplines. Peter G Northouse combines an academically robust account of major theories, approaches, models, and themes of leadership with an accessible style and numerous practical exercises to allow students to apply what they learn about leadership both to themselves as individuals and to specific organizational contexts and situations January 2015 • 504 pages Paper (978-1-4833-1753-3) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex), Indonesian, Turkish, Arabic, Korean, Georgian, Serbian, Lithuanian, Polish, Croatian Request one of our new catalogs online at or call 1-800-818-7243 7 Education MAKE LEARNING PERSONAL The What, Who, WOW, Where, and Why Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey both at Personalize Learning, LLC Written by two of the most well-known leaders in personalized learning, this book is a wonderfully clear explanation of the five W’s of personalized learning. October 2014 • 248 pages Paper (978-1-4833-5297-8) TEACHING THE SOCIAL SKILLS OF ACADEMIC INTERACTION, GRADES 4-12 Step-by-Step Lessons for Respect, Responsibility, and Results Harvey “Smokey” Daniels National Consultant and Author and Nancy Steineke A book with ready-to-use Powerpoint lessons for use in the classroom. Easy-to-use, it solves an age old problem for teachers: How to get kids to work together effectively and productively. CORWIN LITERACY August 2014 • 256 pages Spiral (978-1-4833-5095-0) THE BEST-KEPT TEACHING SECRET How Written Conversations Engage Kids, Activate Learning, Grow Fluent Writers . . . K-12 Harvey “Smokey” Daniels National Consultant and Author and Elaine Daniels Santa Fe Community College, New Mexico Everywhere Smokey Daniels speaks, there’s one teaching strategy that teachers embrace above all others. Now, that single method for transforming students from passive spectators into active learners is revealed. CORWIN LITERACY September 2013 • 248 pages Paper (978-1-4522-6863-7) 8 Education RIGOROUS READING 5 Access Points for Comprehending Complex Texts Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher both at San Diego State University This book shows how teachers can help students develop stronger learning skills by ensuring that their literacy moves from modeling and guided practice to collaborative learning and independent tasks. CORWIN LITERACY August 2013 • 256 pages Paper (978-1-4522-6813-2) TEXT-DEPENDENT QUESTIONS, GRADES 6-12 Pathways to Close and Critical Reading Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey both at San Diego State University, Heather Anderson and Marisol Thayre both at Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC) This book scaffolds teachers as they learn to develop effective text dependent questions across ELA, science, and social studies/history with the goal of assisting students to read closely and comprehend deeply. CORWIN LITERACY September 2014 • 328 pages Paper (978-1-4833-3137-9) TEXT-DEPENDENT QUESTIONS, GRADES K-5 Pathways to Close and Critical Reading Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey both at San Diego State University, Heather Anderson and Marisol Thayre both at Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC) In this book the authors debunk the myth that Text-Dependent Questions are all level 1 who, what, when, where, how questions and instead offer readers a purposeful and thoughtful instructional routine that includes four levels of questioning as well as a focus on talk and collaboration every step of the way. CORWIN LITERACY September 2014 • 256 pages Paper (978-1-4833-3131-7) 9 Education LEADERSHIP & SUSTAINABILITY System Thinkers in Action Michael Fullan Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc Leadership & Sustainability is a critical breakthrough - James P Comer, Maurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry, Yale Child Study Centre, Yale University 2004 • 136 pages Paper (978-1-4129-0496-4) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex) MOTION LEADERSHIP The Skinny on Becoming Change Savvy Edited by Michael Fullan Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc Cycling from practice to theory and back again, this concise book provides the skinny on motion leadership, or how to ‘move’ individuals, institutions, and whole systems forward. 2009 • 96 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8131-6) Rights Sold: Dutch, Swedish, French See the full listing of all our titles online at 10 Education THE RIGHT DRIVERS IN ACTION Making All Systems Go Michael Fullan Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc and Joanne Quinn This book uses the concepts of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ policy drivers to identify the policies and strategies that have low and high yield. Key actions and evidence are identified based on case examples which capture both the micro (school level/district levels), and the macro levels (regions, states). The end result is a clear picture of what puts the right drivers into action to get maximum results for student learning and achievement. April 2015 Paper (978-1-4833-6495-7) DIGITAL AND MEDIA LITERACY Connecting Culture and Classroom Renee Hobbs University of Rhode Island Digital and Media Literacy gives educators the tools to help secondary students develop the competencies associated with media literacy: the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate messages in a wide variety of forms. 2011 • 232 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8158-3) Rights Sold: Japanese DISCOVERING MEDIA LITERACY Teaching Digital Media and Popular Culture in Elementary School Renee Hobbs University of Rhode Island and David Cooper Moore Temple University, Philadelphia Developed by an acclaimed media literacy program, this innovative guide shares strategies and lesson plans that help children ages 5-12 become empowered and responsible communicators. July 2013 • 256 pages Paper (978-1-4522-0563-2) Rights Sold: Hungarian 11 Education HIGH-IMPACT INSTRUCTION A Framework for Great Teaching Jim Knight University of Kansas A dynamic guide to improving student achievement through high impact teaching practices and school improvement 2013 • 392 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8177-4) Rights Sold: Indonesian INSTRUCTIONAL COACHING A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction Jim Knight University of Kansas Experienced trainer and researcher Jim Knight describes the ‘nuts and bolts’ of instructional coaching and explains the essential skills that instructional coaches need, including getting teachers on board, providing model lessons, and engaging in reflective conversations. 2007 • 256 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-2723-9) Paper (978-1-4129-2724-6) CLIMATE SMART & ENERGY WISE Advancing Science Literacy, Knowledge, and Know-How Mark S McCaffrey National Center for Science Education The twenty-first century ushered in a set of unmistakably urgent global challenges that are too important to be an afterthought in today’s classrooms. Climate Smart & Energy Wise offers a virtual blueprint to climate and energy education, September 2014 • 192 pages Paper (978-1-4833-0447-2) 12 Education PLANTING THE SEEDS OF ALGEBRA, 3-5 Explorations for the Upper Elementary Grades Monica Neagoy Monica Neagoy Mathematics Consulting Services Planting the Seeds of Algebra, 3-5 will empower teachers with theoretical and practical knowledge about both the content and pedagogy of algebraic instruction, showing them the different faces of algebra as it appears in the early years. December 2014 • 176 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9661-7) STUDENT VOICE The Instrument of Change Russell J Quaglia Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations, President and Founder and Michael J Corso Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations, Chief Academic Officer Incorporating data from over one million students, this book is designed to share the truth of what students think about school with educators who want to make a difference. August 2014 • 224 pages Paper (978-1-4833-5813-0) VOCABULARY IS COMPREHENSION Getting to the Root of Text Complexity Laura Robb Provides teachers with a way to be systematic with vocabulary instruction so that students gain the multiple exposures to words they need in order to acquire them. CORWIN LITERACY September 2014 • 208 pages Paper (978-1-4833-4580-2) 13 Education GOOD TO GREAT TO INNOVATE Recalculating the Route to Career Readiness, K-12+ Lyn Sharratt York Region District School Board and Gale Harild Centre for Leadership and Learning Through survey collection and shared experiences, this book captures the problem-solving, creativity and innovation that is currently occurring in classrooms, supported by reflections and conclusion by leading thinkers in Leadership. September 2014 • 312 pages Paper (978-1-4833-3186-7) DIGITAL LEADERSHIP Changing Paradigms for Changing Times Eric Sheninger New Milford High School Provides a framework for leaders to harness the power of digital technologies in order to create schools that are engaging and inspiring. January 2014 • 264 pages Paper (978-1-4522-7661-8) DELIBERATE OPTIMISM Reclaiming the Joy in Education Debbie Silver Education Consultant,, Jack C Berckemeyer Director, Berckemeyer Educational Consulting Group and Judith Baenen Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) An essential tool to inspire individual teachers to reimagine the excitement that swept them through their early days of teaching. September 2014 • 184 pages Paper (978-1-4833-0783-1) 14 Education COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS ABOUT RACE A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools Edited by Glenn E Singleton Pacific Educational Group and Curtis Linton School Improvement Network Examining the achievement gap through the prism of race, the authors explain how to use ‘courageous conversations’ to create a learning community that promotes academic parity. 2006 • 304 pages Cloth (978-0-76198-876-2) Paper (978-0-76198-877-9) HOW THE BRAIN LEARNS Fourth Edition David A Sousa International Educational Consultant Latest edition includes updated information on brain processes including memory systems; how the explosion of technology affects the brain; and how learning and participating in the arts enhances cognitive processing and creativity. Includes more than 150 new references and an expanded index. 2011 • 336 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9797-3) Rights Sold: Indonesian, Korean, Arabic, French, Chinese (Simplified), Thai WORKSHEETS DON’T GROW DENDRITES 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain Second Edition Edited by Marcia L Tate Developing Minds, Inc Tate’s bestselling strategies are supported by new teaching applications and research to help maximise student retention in the classroom 2010 • 168 pages Paper (978-1-4129-7850-7) Rights Sold: French and Indonesian 15 Education / Media & Communication THE GLOBAL EDUCATION TOOLKIT FOR ELEMENTARY LEARNERS Homa Sabet Tavangar Growing Up Global, Author and Becky Mladic-Morales Kid World Citizen, Founder A one-stop, practical toolkit providing ready-to-use samples to help teachers introduce the world in their classrooms and take a more global focus. March 2014 • 256 pages Paper (978-1-4833-4418-8) COMMUNICATION AND SPORT Surveying the Field Second Edition Andrew C Billings University of Alabama, Michael L Butterworth Ohio University and Paul D Turman South Dakota Board of Regents Examines a wide array of topics necessary for students to understand sports media, rhetoric, culture, and organizations from micro to macro-level issues. Everything from youth to amateur to professional sports is addressed through varied useful lens such as mythology, community, and identity. March 2014 • 408 pages Paper (978-1-4522-7913-8) MEDIA/SOCIETY Industries, Images, and Audiences Fifth Edition David Croteau Virginia Commonwealth University and William Hoynes Vassar College New edition of this popular, student-friendly introduction to understanding and analyzing the relationship between media and society. Adopted on courses in media, communication, cultural studies and in sociology schools worldwide. November 2013 • 424 pages Paper (978-1-4522-6837-8) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified) 16 Media & Communication APPLYING COMMUNICATION THEORY FOR PROFESSIONAL LIFE A Practical Introduction Third Edition Marianne Dainton and Elaine D Zelley both at La Salle University This popular textbook provides practical material for career-oriented students, introducing communication theory in a way that helps them understand its importance to careers in communication and business. February 2014 • 280 pages Paper (978-1-4522-7654-0) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex) MASS COMMUNICATION Living in a Media World Fifth Edition Ralph E Hanson University of Nebraska at Kearney A comprehensive, yet concise, introduction to mass communication text that encourages students to think analytically and see how the media are an essential part of how we all live, work, and play. January 2015 • 432 pages Paper (978-1-4833-4475-1) AN INTRODUCTION TO INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Identities in a Global Community Eighth Edition Fred E Jandt California State University, San Bernardino This text prepares today’s readers to successfully navigate our increasingly global community. Jandt introduces essential communication skills and concepts that will enable readers to interact successfully with different cultures and ethnic groups. He also offers readers unique insights into intercultural communication, at home and abroad, through an emphasis on history, culture, and popular media. January 2015 • 480 pages Paper (978-1-4833-4430-0) 17 Media & Communication INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION A Contextual Approach Sixth Edition James W Neuliep St Norbert College An updated new edition of James Neuliep’s international bestseller. This undergraduate textbook provides a clear contextual model for examining communication within cultural, microcultural, environmental, sociorelational, and perceptual contexts. February 2014 • 528 pages Paper (978-1-4522-5659-7) MEDIA LITERACY Seventh Edition W James Potter University of California, Santa Barbara Latest edition of this essential guide to decoding messages in a media‑saturated world. Updated with new examples throughout, this captivating book offers a plan of action for gaining a clearer perspective on the borders between the real and the simulated media worlds, helping students to become responsible media consumers. November 2013 • 536 pages Paper (978-1-4833-0667-4) Rights Sold: Turkish, Hungarian, Korean, Serbian, Indonesian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex) Request one of our new catalogs online at or call 1-800-818-7243 18 Media & Communication / Politics & International Relations EFFECTIVE CRISIS COMMUNICATION Moving From Crisis to Opportunity Third Edition Robert R Ulmer University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Timothy L Sellnow University of Kentucky and Matthew W Seeger Wayne State University Provides in-depth case studies that highlight successes and failures in dealing with core issues of crisis leadership, managing uncertainty, communicating effectively, understanding risk, promoting communication ethics, enabling organizational learning, and producing renewing responses to crisis. December 2013 • 272 pages Paper (978-1-4522-5751-8) Rights Sold: Russian, Korean, Vietnamese CASE STUDY RESEARCH Design and Methods Fifth Edition Robert K Yin COSMOS Corporation Providing a complete portal to the world of case study research, this Fifth Edition offers comprehensive coverage of the design and use of the case study method as a valid research tool. May 2013 • 312 pages Paper (978-1-4522-4256-9) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese, Korean, Italian, Romanian, Swedish THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY Origins and Development, 1776–2014 Seventh Edition Sidney M Milkis University of Virginia and Michael Nelson Rhodes College By emphasizing patterns of presidential conduct, this award-winning book offers perspective and insight on the expansion of presidential power over the years. February 2015 • 600 pages Paper (978-1-4833-1869-1) 19 Politics & International Relations AMERICAN POLITICS FROM A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE Lori M Poloni-Staudinger Northern Arizona University and Michael R Wolf Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne Americans strongly believe in the idea that our democracy is unique—is an exception, in fact, among other advanced industrialized democracies. But exactly how and why is our political system different? If we examine components of our political system comparatively, we can better see and learn the ways in which our government is unique as well as see how other democracies function differently and successfully. January 2015 • 180 pages Paper (978-1-4833-4435-5) INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT Logic and Evidence Stephen L Quackenbush University of Missouri - Columbia Introducing students to key theories and empirical findings of international conflict stemming from scientific research on core facets, this book covers the whole process of interstate war, from causes of conflict to escalation, conduct, resolution and recurrence. August 2014 • 442 pages Paper (978-1-4522-4098-5) UNEVEN ROADS An Introduction to U.S. Racial and Ethnic Politics Todd Shaw University of South Carolina, Columbia, Louis DeSipio University of California, Irvine, Dianne Pinderhughes University of Notre Dame and Toni-Michelle C Travis George Mason University No other book on the market maps US race and ethnic politics with the same breadth and scope as Uneven Roads; it explores when, why, and how race and ethnicity matter in US politics. November 2014 • 536 pages Paper (978-1-60426-544-6) 20 Psychology PERSUASION Theory and Research Third Edition Daniel J O’Keefe Northwestern University This text introduces students to the most important social-scientific theory and research on persuasion. The Third Edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the latest developments in persuasion studies. January 2015 Paper (978-1-4522-7667-0) THE HANDBOOK OF SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE Eugene C Roehlkepartain Search Institute, Pamela Ebstyne King, Linda Wagener both at Fuller Theological Seminary and Peter L Benson Search Institute This handbook breaks new ground by articulating the state of knowledge in the area of childhood and adolescent spiritual development. THE SAGE PROGRAM ON APPLIED DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 2005 • 560 pages Cloth (978-0-76193-078-5) INTRODUCTION TO ABNORMAL CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY Second Edition Robert Weis Denison University This introductory undergraduate text on child and adolescent psychopathology adopts a developmental psychopathology approach to understanding child disorders, and examines the emergence of disorders over time. October 2013 • 760 pages Cloth (978-1-4522-2525-8) 21 Research Methods SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches Second Edition H Russell Bernard University of Florida Using genuine examples from across the social sciences, the Second Edition provides extensive in-depth treatment of the subject matter to provide readers with both a conceptual understanding of each method as well as showing them how to apply it. 2012 • 824 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-7854-5) DESIGNING SURVEYS A Guide to Decisions and Procedures Third Edition Johnny Blair Independent Consultant, Ronald F Czaja North Carolina State University and Edward A Blair University of Houston This new edition accounts for the latest developments in telephone, Internet, and email surveying and provides a more comprehensive treatment on questionnaire testing. 2013 • 440 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9734-8) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified) and Albanian PRACTICAL PROGRAM EVALUATION Theory-Driven Evaluation and the Integrated Evaluation Perspective Second Edition Huey T Chen Mercer University Introduces students to the real world of evaluation, focusing on issues that arise in professional practice. September 2014 • 464 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9230-5) 22 Research Methods INDIGENOUS RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES Bagele Chilisa University of Botswana A research methods textbook that situates research in a larger, historical, cultural and global context with case studies from around the globe. 2011 • 368 pages Paper (978-1-4129-5882-0) RESEARCH DESIGN Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches Fourth Edition John W Creswell University of Nebraska, Lincoln The eagerly anticipated Fourth Edition of the title that pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design. It includes extensively revised mixed methods coverage, increased coverage of ethical issues in research, and an expanded emphasis on worldview perspectives. 2013 • 304 pages Cloth (978-1-4522-2609-5) Paper (978-1-4522-2610-1) Rights Sold: Turkish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex), Portuguese, Polish, Albanian, Vietnamese, Korean, Indonesian QUALITATIVE INQUIRY AND RESEARCH DESIGN Choosing Among Five Approaches Third Edition John W Creswell University of Nebraska, Lincoln The Third Edition continues to provide a crystal clear yet in-depth guide to help researchers navigate the complexity of qualitative inquiry. 2012 • 472 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-9531-3) Paper (978-1-4129-9530-6) Rights Sold: Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, Turkish, Indonesian, Vietnamese 23 Research Methods USING BASIC STATISTICS IN THE BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Fifth Edition Annabel Ness Evans Concordia University College of Alberta Updated with even more global examples across disciplines, this practical, humorous and realistic text introduces students to the basics of statistics. May 2013 • 624 pages Paper (978-1-4522-5950-5) PRESENTING DATA EFFECTIVELY Communicating Your Findings for Maximum Impact Stephanie D H Evergreen Evergreen Data and Evaluation, LLC This book focuses on the best possible communication strategies for anyone working with data. September 2013 • 200 pages Paper (978-1-4522-5736-5) EMPOWERMENT EVALUATION Knowledge and Tools for Self-Assessment, Evaluation Capacity Building, and Accountability Second Edition Edited by David M Fetterman Fetterman and Associates, Shakeh J Kaftarian and Abraham Wandersman University of South Carolina In this volume, evaluators from a wide range of backgrounds assess how empowerment evaluation has been used in practice since the publication of the First Edition in 1996, looking at theories and concepts, as well as evaluation principles. September 2014 • 336 pages Paper (978-1-4522-9953-2) Rights Sold: Japanese 24 Research Methods SOCIAL STATISTICS FOR A DIVERSE SOCIETY Seventh Edition Chava Frankfort-Nachmias University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Anna Leon-Guerrero Pacific Lutheran University The Seventh Edition of this bestselling text continues to emphasize intuition and common sense, while demonstrating the link between the practice of statistics and important social issues. Adopted on social research methods courses worldwide. January 2014 • 592 pages Paper (978-1-4833-3354-0) Rights Sold: Hebrew and Georgian HIERARCHICAL LINEAR MODELING Guide and Applications Edited by G David Garson North Carolina State University An introduction to the concepts, assumptions, and practical implementation procedures involved in common types of projects based on hierarchical linear modelling, multilevel modelling, or linear mixed modelling. 2012 • 392 pages Paper (978-1-4129-9885-7) See the full listing of all our titles online at 25 Research Methods COLLECTING QUALITATIVE DATA A Field Manual for Applied Research Greg Guest, Emily E Namey both at FHI 360 and Marilyn L Mitchell Gray Insight Research Provides a very practical and step-by-step guide to collecting and managing qualitative data. 2012 • 376 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8684-7) APPLIED THEMATIC ANALYSIS Greg Guest, Kathleen M MacQueen and Emily E Namey all at FHI 360 A clear introduction to analyzing the data obtained from focus groups and interviews. 2012 • 320 pages Cloth (978-1-4129-7167-6) PROPENSITY SCORE ANALYSIS Statistical Methods and Applications Second Edition Shenyang Guo and Mark W Fraser both at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Provides readers with a systematic review of the origins, history, and statistical foundations of Propensity Score Analysis (PSA) and illustrates how it can be used for solving evaluation and causal-inference problems. ADVANCED QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES July 2014 • 448 pages Cloth (978-1-4522-3500-4) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified) 26 Research Methods USING PROPENSITY SCORES IN QUASIEXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS William M Holmes Unlike other publications, this is a book on using propensity scores without using matrix or vector algebra. May 2013 • 360 pages Paper (978-1-4522-0526-7) FOCUS GROUPS A Practical Guide for Applied Research Fifth Edition Richard A Krueger Professor Emeritus and Senior Fellow, University of Minnesota and Mary Anne Casey Consultant The bestselling ‘how to’ guide for doing focus groups, and what readers need to do to get an expected outcome. August 2014 • 280 pages Spiral (978-1-4833-6524-4) Rights Sold: Korean, Macedonian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex), Russian, Romanian QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN An Interactive Approach Third Edition Joseph A Maxwell George Mason University The Third Edition presents an approach to qualitative research design that both captures what researchers really do and provides step-by-step support and guidance for those embarking for the first time on designing a qualitative study. APPLIED SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS 2012 • 232 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8119-4) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex) 27 Research Methods ENHANCING COMMUNICATION & COLLABORATION IN INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Edited by Michael O’Rourke Michigan State University, Stephen Crowley Boise State University, Sanford D Eigenbrode and J D Wulfhorst both at University of Idaho A volume of previously unpublished, state-of-the-art chapters on interdisciplinary communication and collaboration written by leading figures and promising junior scholars in the world of interdisciplinary research, education, and administration. July 2013 • 464 pages Paper (978-1-4522-5566-8) BEST PRACTICES IN DATA CLEANING A Complete Guide to Everything You Need to Do Before and After Collecting Your Data Jason W Osborne University of Louisville, Kentucky This book provides a clear, step-by-step process of examining and cleaning data in order to decrease error rates and increase both the power and replicability of results. 2012 • 296 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8801-8) REASON & RIGOR How Conceptual Frameworks Guide Research Sharon M Ravitch and Matthew Riggan both at University of Pennsylvania Helps students and researchers understand the functional, comprehensive role of conceptual frameworks in organizing and guiding empirical research. 2011 • 200 pages Paper (978-1-4129-8125-5) 28 Research Methods INTRODUCTION TO INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Allen F Repko, Rick Szostak University of Alberta, Edmonton and Michelle Phillips Buchberger Franklin University This comprehensive new introduction to interdisciplinary studies draws on recent advances in the field’s burgeoning literature on learning and assessment. 2013 • 368 pages Paper (978-1-4522-5660-3) QUALITATIVE INTERVIEWING The Art of Hearing Data Third Edition Herbert J Rubin and Irene S Rubin both at Northern Illinois University Assuming no prior knowledge, this text takes readers through the entire process of qualitative interviewing in a reassuring and accessible way. 2011 • 288 pages Paper (978-1-4129-7837-8) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified) THINKING QUALITATIVELY Methods of Mind Johnny Saldaña Arizona State University This book boldly pursues the challenge to teach researchers not just how to collect and analyze data but how to actively think about them. September 2014 • 240 pages Paper (978-1-4833-4983-1) 29 Research Methods STATISTICS FOR PEOPLE WHO (THINK THEY) HATE STATISTICS Fifth Edition Neil J Salkind University of Kansas Helping students develop an understanding of an often intimidating and difficult subject with an approach that is informative, personable and clear, the Fifth Edition is available with an interactive eBook featuring animations of figures in the book, step-by-step videos that demonstrate how to carry out various procedures, data sets that are clickable right from the book pages, quick quizzes, video clips of the author talking about statistics in everyday life, and much more. October 2013 • 512 pages Paper (978-1-4522-7771-4) Rights Sold: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Complex) and Turkish METHODS OF META-ANALYSIS Correcting Error and Bias in Research Findings Third Edition Frank L Schmidt University of Iowa, and John E Hunter Michigan State University Covers the important new developments in meta-analysis methods over the last 14 years. February 2014 • 672 pages Cloth (978-1-4522-8689-1) Request one of our new catalogs online at or call 1-800-818-7243 30 Research Methods LEARNING STATISTICS USING R Randall E Schumacker University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Distinguishing itself by not only teaching statistics in a straightforward and concise manner, but by also having clear explanations of how to run and utilize R, this book covers a wide range of topics from statistical topics of probability and sampling distribution to statistical theorems and chi-square. 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