“How to live life in the Wealth lane” 1/83 By:

“How to live life in the Wealth lane”
Peteni Kuzwayo
Limits of Liability/ Disclaimer of Warranty
The author and publisher of this book and the accompanying materials have used their
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
What is true Wealth?
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
“The urgency syndrome”
“The junk syndrome”
“Not knowing what you don’t know”
The types of individuals you must avoid turning into,
in pursuit of wealth
Chapter 5:
The Autobahn life
Materialism of the heart
Spiritual well-being
Mental well-being
Physical well-being
Relational well-being
Financial well-being
“Know it all”?
“Life clown”?
“Smart pants”?
Wisdom: the building blocks to Wealth
“Knowing that you don’t know”
Break the norms of life
Spend wisely by spending your time and money on wisdom
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Chapter 6:
Live according to principles that fuel constructive
! The principle of dependence
• “the need to always be a baby in all of life’s journeys”
• “loss of innocence to cool, hip, hot and sexy”
• “cool, hip, hot and sexy to income-earning, I-am-incontrol-of-my-life adult”
• Moving beyond “I” and “ME”
! Amassing wealth for the team
! The “whole new level” commitments
• Discontent with the current
• The Finish line
• Investing in yourself first
• The Team beyond Talent
• Involving others
• Balance
• Kaizen
Chapter 7:
Wealth goes beyond talent, it is learnt
! Talent as a means of wealth
! Learning to work your talents
! 21 Qualities required to work your talents and how to align
them with the “whole new level” commitments
Chapter 8:
Paying the heavy price
Either way the price is heavy
Paying the heavy price to Wealth
Paying the heavy price for existence
Why bother paying the price?
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Chapter 9:
10 easy steps to achieve absolute wealth
1. Determine where you are in the wealth journey
2. Tune your wealth towards the Lord’s wealth plan for you
3. Establish what your life mission on earth is
• Applying the “Servanthood” system
4. Talk wealth to you support structure
5. Make deposits into your life that have infinite returns on
• Make the bible, the bible
• Read for relevance
• Associate for relevance
6. Develop and maintain your temple for abundant performance
• Eat right
• Get regular physical activity
• Rest your body regularly
7. Build relationships of abundance
• Emotions as the foundation
• Social skills as a supplement
• Rest your body regularly
8. Learn money matters of massive abundance
• Spending habits are more important than your ability
to create income
• Grow by giving back to your blessor first
• Invest in yourself
• Invest in your relationships
• Income as a means of being wealthy
o Investing?
o Becoming an entrepreneur?
o Both?
9. Balancing the wealth equation
10. Be in control of the cockpit
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Wealth – How to balance your spirit, mind, body, relationships and finances
Chapter 1:
It absolutely scares me how many people are born into this life, and merely
exist. They then pass on and take all their purpose to the grave yard. In a
society where we are all looking to be in control over our actions and
reactions, looking to have healthy, fine-looking bodies, have thinking abilities
beyond our wildest dreams, have beautiful and happy relationships with
family friends and colleagues and be filthy rich – it simply is a shame to find
that we never even smell, let alone achieve all of this.
Many of us don’t even know that this is the case. Those that know, don’t know
why. As such, we continue to exist. We are happy to wake up, do the normal
everyday, unfulfilling activities that lead to sweet nothings. We are happy to
fool ourselves and those around us into thinking we are in control. But when
all is said and done, the statistics clearly indicate that we are a society that
lacks wellness.
We lack wellness in our areas of importance. We lack spiritual, mental,
physical, relational and financial wellness. We ultimately lack wealth.
Because we are also caught up in being fictitious, we unfortunately lead fake
wealthy lifestyles. This part of society is fixated on the material aspects of
wealth that lead to a dead end of emptiness. Many a times, we believe that
money is wealth. We believe that accumulation of expensive assets is wealth.
It is a part of wealth, in its monetary form. However, it is a far cry from the true
meaning of wealth, a condition of the heart that speaks volumes of
abundance – abundance that is far more fulfilling than material gain.
Statistically speaking, less than 5% of society retires wealthy. This is a
shocking revelation. What’s more sad is the fact that this statistic seems to be
set on stagnation. Many of the true wealthy wonder why. The answer is
simple. We sometimes lack the perseverance to consistently seek to assist
others to comprehend this state of abundance. We get to this state of
actualization and merely watch as the rest of those around us run around like
headless chickens.
I truly believe that out there lies millions of individuals that are seeking for a
light at the end of the tunnel. Out there, are individuals that are seeking to
transform from existence to living. Out there, are individuals that are keen to
make a difference to society through change. Out there, are individuals who
are willing to learn and understand how to become wealthy by reaching
optimum balance in their spiritual, mental, physical, relational and financial
areas of their lives.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
As a result, this book seeks to share knowledge and solutions with individuals
that are willing to become truly wealthy. There has to be intent. I know that
you have intent and are willing because you are reading this book.
Brace yourself for knowledge that will blow your mind away. Of greater
significance will probably be the realization of how simple a wealthy lifestyle
is. It is not a secret as many would like to claim it is. It is also not easy. It is a
simple lifetime commitment, and not a quick fix of the month.
Commit to the simple principles and find yourself living in a zone that is only
ever reached by less than 5% of society.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Chapter 2:
What is true Wealth?
The Autobahn life
In Germany, a country of excellence and extreme rigidity, lies a “non rigid”,
limitless highway known as the Autobahn. It is a highway where you can “put
foot” to the throttle and thrill yourself to your heart’s content. It is a highway:
! that many a people do not know about,
! that many a people have not experienced, despite having knowledge
about it,
! where even those that are residents of Germany and are privileged
enough to use it, never ever experience the limitless aspect of it.
But for those that are using that highway to its potential, they will no doubt tell
you that the driving experience of the Autobahn is second to none. It is an
experience that literally “blows your mind away”.
Do you know that the wealth is exactly the same?
A huge part of society does not even know there is such a concept as wealth.
There is huge part of society that is aware that there is such a thing as
wealth, but they never ever experience it. And yet we are all residents of the
same planet. We all have the same privileges regardless of where we start.
Yes, some might get a head start. But that’s never an excuse for others not to
Sadly though, it is interesting to find how many people have a skewed idea of
what wealth is – an idea that really leads you to oncoming traffic as you drive
on the Autobahn.
Materialism of the heart
As a South African, who was born and bred in Soweto, I marvel at the
experiences that this cosmopolitan area has to offer. It is place second to
none in the world in terms of the richness of experiences. Unfortunately
though, it is a place where the richness of experiences has outdone the
society. It is dubbed as an area that has very high levels of crime. It is dubbed
as an area where the “black market” seems to be so lucrative that there really
isn’t incentive for society to make an honest living.
How true that seems to be – at face value. Trendy citizens in flashy cars and
the latest wear. They wine and dine at vibrant restaurants and cafes
throughout the month. They shop at expensive outlets and cruise the
shopping malls day in and day out. Abuzz with continuous activity there are
gatherings at street corners and parks at day and night. Celebrating life – it all
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
seems like a good jol! This is not a Soweto phenomenon, but a global
phenomenon where glitz and glamour seem to fuel our quest for wealth. It is a
phenomenon that stipulates that all is well if you can afford the glitz and glam.
It is a mentality that condones the materialism that grips us at youth and
strangles us right through to our deaths.
We have been exposed to a world that glorifies how deep your pockets are –
at the expense of all other values. As such, we have defined wealth purely in
its monetary form.
How sad!
In fact, realise the following facts about money (to better help you understand
that money can not be wealth):
Money can buy you food but not appetite
Money can buy you books but not wisdom
Money can buy you a bed but not sleep
Money can buy you a house but not a home
Money can buy you medicine but not health
Money can buy you blood but not life
Money can buy you a spouse but not love
Money can buy you a clock but not more time
Money can buy you companions but not friends
Money can buy you a ring but not a marriage
So, what makes a wealthy individual?
True wealth is living life to its abundance. It is living a life where you are not
confined to the limitations of the natural. It is living limitlessly and abundantly
in your spiritual, mental, physical, relational and financial aspects of your life.
Spiritual well-being
We are all born for a purpose. Our lives are defined through a mission on
earth that is fuelled by our spirituality. We have a creator that has pre-planned
great, beautiful lives for us. Our spirituality is thus our ability to experience, in
abundance, what interactions we need to have with our creator and selves to
best fulfill the purpose we have been created for.
It is the first form of existence. It is the essence of our lives. It is the ultimate
definition of the journey we need to be enjoying as human beings. Because
we are all born as sinners, we need to take this area of our lives as supreme
and sovereign. Our sins are a significant reflection of our imperfect state. For
us to experience abundance, we need to submit to the very essence of our
plan to wealth. That is the spiritual plan.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
So how do we submit to this plan?
We all have a great creator. He is great, good and perfect. He is ready to
work wonders way beyond our wildest dreams. He is ready to bless us in
forms way beyond our wildest imaginations. Unfortunately, because we are
born of sin, we have a natural inclination of turning our hearts away from this
great, gracious creator. This turning of the heart shuts out all that he has
planned for us. It shuts out the gracious plan that he has for us. We need to
understand that he is willing to impart his gracious plan, only if we turn our
hearts towards him and let his holy spirit work wonders in our lives. It is only
through an acceptance of the grace plan that we will be able to begin our
journey of abundance.
Our creator also has an option. He can deal to us what we deserve. That
would be justice.
Instead, he deals to us grace. He gives us what we do not deserve, through
his amazing grace.
It is then up to us to take what we do not deserve and make the best of it. It is
simple. The grace plan is a ready-made manual that we need to discover
through spiritual connection with our creator. This manual spells out the “do’s”
and “don’ts” and maps out clearly the direction we need to be headed to
experience an abundant lifestyle.
Unfortunately, the imperfection of our hearts sets in and we start:
Questioning the plan
Dismissing and changing the plan when revelation answers our
Failing to align our actions to the plan, when we eventually agree to
the plan
Half-committing to the actions when we decide to align actions to
Expecting full reward for half-commitment
Giving up because this plan just “isn’t” working
Reverting to our own plan that yields endless flaws and
The above actions then lead to disaster, a plan far from the one our creator
had in store for us.
The second point of spiritual interaction, takes place with our inner self. This
is where we impart the Holy Spirit, reflect on it and begin to build a set of
values that assist us to head off on our abundance trip. This is where we
further define who we are and why we are we. This is where we set the
ground rules that will guide our lifestyle. This is essential to our life journey as
it keeps us in sync with what the Lord expects of us.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
The two aspects of our spirituality are the engine of our existence and we
need to guard them with all our life.
Mental well-being
Our everyday activities are channeled through processes of the mind. The
mind is where we dream big. The mind is where it all starts. Our actions are
always a manifestation of our thoughts. As such, we need to stimulate our
mental capacity into positive and limitless thinking that goes beyond the
Positive thinking is forward thinking that aligns itself to the fact that we as a
species, are meant for constant growth. Wealth is about abundance through
constant growth. Growth incepts when one takes the time to acquire new
information, apply it and get desired results. This function of continuous
growth is the essence of our mental well-being.
Physical well-being
The wealth journey requires resilience and perseverance. In a world where
there is much to be achieved, as per our purpose on earth, it is important to
have a vehicle that will sustain the journey.
Our physical well-being is our physical fitness to life’s journey. It entails a
good deal of regular physical exercise activity, maintaining a good diet and
getting regular rest.
The first component of our physical well-being is our diet. We are what we
eat. Eating is an input that engages our bodies for endurance. Without
endurance, we will lose out on abundance.
The second component is physical activity. Physical activity is essential as it
ensures that the body is kept agile and strong regularly. Our life purpose is
useless if it remains as a plan from the Lord. It requires implementation. Our
physical well-being facilitates for this implementation. As such, we need to be
extremely aware of the importance of ensuring that our ability to function
physically is kept intact.
“Time-out” is an important activity of ensuring potent progress. We gather
strength and become rejuvenated only when we make and take the time to
rest. You are only able to gain perspective over the progress made when you
take the time-out. Similarly, the body consolidates itself and prepares for
progress when it is at rest.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Relational well-being
Every thought and action is governed by our emotions. The start of all ability
or disability to create and maintain healthy relationships is with our emotions.
We need to be constantly aware of our emotional intelligence as this is the
basis of being emotionally well.
Our social ability is a manifestation of our emotional intelligence. Whatever
action we deal towards the next individual is driven entirely by our ability to
socialize with our emotions. Our social ability is thus a “yo-yo” that strings to
our emotions as we constantly interact with those around us. The two cannot
be separated.
Our emotional and social ability then becomes the tool kit as we develop
relationships. These relationships entail our family, colleagues, friends,
congregation, community and business associates. These relationships are
important to create and maintain as they form the foundation of our existence.
Life is about relationships. Nothing more, nothing less. An abundant, fruitful
life hinges on one’s ability to serve and grow people through excellent
Financial well-being
Money makes the world go round. Money is crucial for progression. It is a
resource that cannot be ignored in the scheme of ultimate wealth. It is not to
be over-played as it is a powerful resource that can easily be misleading. It is
equally important not to under-play its significance because you will deny
yourself the beautiful adventures life has to offer. It is important to develop a
financial acumen of the heart versus materialism of the glitz and glam world
that we live in.
The challenge as you progress through life’s challenges is maintaining a
balance between the various areas. It is so easy to lose sight of the balance
as you huff and puff through life every day. Being truly abundant is being
aware that you do not compromise on the proactive attention that you need to
afford all to these areas.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Chapter 3:
The urgency syndrome
The beauties of life are quiet. They do not shout, yell or scream out for you to
come and grab them. They lie dormant in most of our lives. They are, at most,
a stone throw away. But before we know it, we have blown the chance of ever
watering the seeds that lie dormant. We have messed up the opportunity of
just reaching out to grab what is entitled to us.
Instead, we spend the majority of our time chasing the scrambles of life. We
have an urge to become loud about the scraps that life is readily awaiting to
deal to us.
The difference between the beauties of life and the scraps is this: the one
exists in a realm of peace and serenity, whilst the other exists in a world of
noise and chaos.
Because of this phenomenon, the one does not call upon you. The other, in
contrast, constantly seeks your urgent attention. Here is the fact – you will
never experience wealth if you are in urgency mode at all times of your life.
You will never experience the sweet blessings of abundance if you spend
most of your time putting out fires. And yet, day in and day out, more than
95% of society spends their lives putting out fires.
Our spirit is in urgency mode – we are constantly frustrated by our inability to
find our creator and ourselves.
Our mentality is in urgency mode – it is filled with the junk of television,
magazines, advertising and everything that goes along with commercialism.
All of which, only pushes us to a “slave mentality” that is constantly
depressed. How much of the television, advertisements, magazines, and
commercialism add value to our lives? If it is not trying to persuade you into
another useless purchase, it is certainly geared at keeping you depressed by
feeding you all the negative and gloomy stories of the day or the month.
Our bodies are in urgency mode. We are obese, constantly visiting doctors,
standing in take-away, fast food queues. We subject our bodies to continuous
unnecessary relaxation by “chilling” and spending long hours in front of the
television sets.
Our relationships are dry and empty. We chase jobs that keep us working
from 08h00 to 20h00, require us to constantly work overtime, keep us in and
out of town. All of this at the expense of time for family, colleagues, friends,
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
the congregation, community and many other important activities. And when
we get paid, we have just enough to pay for our accommodation, transport,
credit cards… and if you are lucky: night clubs, drinks, lunches, a dinner here
and there, and accessories that eat away at our valuable time.
Sadly, the pay cheque lasts long enough to keep you honest to the boss and
job you hate!
How we manage to keep leading this life-style of urgency amazes me. A lot of
the time, this lifestyle grips you and you don’t even know that you are headed
for disaster. By the time you realize, it’s too late!
The junk syndrome
Because the beauty of wealth is subtle, there is only one other activity to keep
us in touch and on top of the world – commercial junk. From newspapers to
magazines; radio to television; flyers to billboards; DVDs to cinemas – our
lives are driven by a constant consumption of commercial junk. The few
publications that are great, we shy away from. We hate to be engaged on
issues of reality. Ultimately, the junk syndrome drives us to escapism.
The commercialism constantly drives us to spending our time and money
fruitlessly. If we are not being led to spending, we are fed with constant
depression of wars, killings, rape stories, economic recessions and celebrity
scandals that are of no significance. Instead, all that negativity keeps us
depressed and pessimistic about life. It keeps us from celebrating life’s
greatness and abundance. The scandals do nothing but create conversation
of irrelevance. The type of conversation that lacks substance and meaning!
What we fail to understand is that those that produce the movies and DVDs,
appear in these billboards, own these publications and drive the whole
commercialism junk – are usually wealthy. They are smart individuals, who
are extremely aware of this “junk syndrome” and they will continue to make a
living and create their monetary wealth out of this opportunity of society’s
ignorance. We also fail to understand that the few great publications are
there for a different reason. They are there for positive change in our lives –
through engagement. They are owned and led by a different cattle of fish –
those that don’t believe in junk. Unfortunately, we pay very little respect to the
publications and the brain children behind them.
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“Not knowing what you don’t know”
Unfortunately these two syndromes grip the majority of society. As a result, it
seems perfectly fine to be caught up in the “urgency syndrome” and “junk
syndrome”. It feels good to be in the mix. It feels great to be caught up in the
thick of thin things. After all, everyone is doing it. What we don’t realize
though is that “we don’t know what we don’t know”.
We are oblivious to the greatest life ever – an abundant life. We exist outside
of a sweet spot of life that less than 5% of society can explain. The result is
that the 5% of individuals are not found in the “urgency syndrome” and “junk
syndrome” crowds. They are not readily available to share this sweetness up
until you make a concerted effort to rid yourself of ignorance.
Rid yourself of ignorance and get wise!
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Chapter 4:
The 10 types of individuals you must avoid turning into, in
pursuit of wealth
Ignorance usually leads us in a certain direction. It takes us to hell and back.
It leads us to dead ends of despair and fruitlessness when we pursue
bridges of hope and success. It ultimately turns us into certain types of
individuals and characters.
We are all certain types of individuals at every point in our life. The sad
reality is that more than 95% of us spend our lives being the wrong type of
individuals. As a result, it is important to have a look at the different types of
individuals that you find in society: all of which are nowhere near close to
being wealthy.
As you progress through the next chapter, identify which individual you are
as this will become important later on as you come across the aspects of
wealth that you need to adapt. You can not change what you do not know.
Know who you are and get a grip of what you need to change.
Lazy: lack of motivation.
• Never do anything
• The little work they do, is sloppy
“they just get by”
Why they will never experience wealth:
…. Pretty obvious
• Surprise yourself by putting in a little (more effort)
• Get more knowledge and confidence and apply that (knowledge
and confidence means progress)
• Learn how to succeed!
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• Always conform
• Always do all that is required
“do all that is asked of them… and then some”
Why they will never experience wealth:
• They are too caught up in being diligent that they sometimes miss
the point… “detail for detail sake is missing the point”
• Stress: they over-stress the magnitude of circumstances to their
own detriment because they lose the ability to function in those
• Relax: “it is just another day”
• Put things into perspective
“The know it All”:
• Most difficult to teach
• Intelligent
Why they will never experience wealth:
• Miss out on learning opportunities because they are too busy telling
you what they know
• Usually mistake knowledge for wisdom: Wisdom is knowledge
• Close your mouth
• God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason: we need to
listen twice as much as we talk
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The life clown
• Always making fun of everything in life
Why they will never experience wealth:
• usually less strong individuals academically
• often discouraged because great efforts on their part produce
marginal results
• never seem to know when enough is enough
• Tone it down
• Find a way to make learning in life fun
The Whiner –
• Never happy with anything
• Complain that work is too much/ too little
• Find fault in everything
Why they will never experience wealth:
• Do their work reluctantly
• Concentrate on the wrong things
• If you want to whine…
• …become a member of parliament
• Complain if it is genuine. You do it often, it becomes a habit.
Nothing worse than a habitual whiner!
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
The Blamer
• One step beyond whiners
• Blame everything, anyone and anything for their lack of success
• Have a “victim” mentality
Why they will never experience Wealth:
• Struggle with accepting personal responsibility
• Choose the path of least resistance
• Grow up
• Make a commitment to stop blaming others
• Ask for help: there are many people who are capable and willing to
help you
The “Worrier”
• Can be strong individuals academically (and usually are)
• Lack confidence in their abilities
Why they will never experience wealth:
• Waste too much time worrying about the wrong things
• Worry about things they have no control over instead of worrying
about things they can control
• Over-stress themselves: too much stress is counter productive
• Lack perspective
• Learn perspective
• Understand that you are not unique in your challenges
• Build confidence because it is a great substitute for worry
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The Weak individual
• Disguise their weakness with humour
Why they never experience wealth:
• Often get by undetected: they are never so weak that they call the
attention of others
• They have huge gaps in their knowledge and application ability
• Life is too busy attending to stronger individuals to give weak
individuals their best chance at success
• Read relevant material
• Find a good mentor
• Spend the time and money needed to learn and gather wisdom
Smarty Pants
• Ask questions to show how smart they are and not to learn
• Questions are not geared at learning
• Usually have a bit of laziness in them
Why they will never experience wealth:
• Procrastinate
• They know too much to learn more
• Limit your questions to relevance
• Ask questions that will help you learn
The Procrastinator
• Tends to wait until the last minute to do anything
• They are often efficient… once they get to work
• Fail to do the necessary work
Why they will never experience wealth:
• Wait too long before they get productive
• Often look for short cuts
• Never seem to know when enough procrastination is enough
• Do all the work that you have set out to complete… All of it
• Manage your time
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Essentially, you need to rid yourself of the old wardrobe. You then need to take a
good shower and cleanse yourself off all the burdensome beliefs and behavioural
patterns. This, though, is the outward cleansing. I have found that it is much
easier to clean yourself on the outside first than it is to clean yourself on the
inside first. That’s the easiest part.
Now that you kind of look and smeller better, it is time to get your inner beauty
aligned with your outward beauty. Although we started on the outside, the inner
is by far more important!
The next 3 chapters focus on the inner part of our growth and beauty. They seek
to unpack and unlock the essentials of the wealth journey.
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Chapter 5:
Wisdom: the building block to Wealth
“Knowing that you don’t know”
Moving from ignorance and seeking to learn is a critical transformation. You
have now moved from “not knowing that you don’t know” to “knowing that you
don’t know”. The difference between the two is light years. You now know
1. there is an abundant world out there waiting for you to grab
2. you need to kick some norms of society
3. you need to learn new norms and qualities
Break the norms of life
You need to get rid of the feel good activities. These are activities that you
have been accustomed to for a while. You need to get rid of them, no two
ways about it.
At work:
Kill time wasting as an activity:
! Surfing the net – if it is not for work purposes, don’t surf the net
! E-mail – if it is not work mail, delete it immediately
! Socializing with co-workers – avoid regular “small-talk”. Save it for
the first cup of tea or coffee in the morning
! Personal phone calls – unless you have to – don’t. Keep it strictly to
family and close friends (when you have to)
! Long lunches – they are unnecessary. You are stealing time that
you get paid for. Avoid travelling outside of your office premises
during lunch
! Office politics – avoid it. You are not a politician. It often entails
unhealthy speech that you can do without.
! “Meetings for meetings sake” – insist on an agenda. Keep a close
eye on the time-frame of the meeting and adhere to it strictly
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Quit the time-wasting excuses:
! I am unsatisfied at work – if you are, find the reasons that make you
unhappy and deal with them! If it means you find a new job, do it.
! I feel underpaid for the work I do – if you are underpaid, someone
in the organization is being over-paid. Find out how you can get
paid right for your job and stop wasting time and using this as an
! I don’t have deadlines or incentives – make your own deadlines
and ask what the rewards for performance are. Sitting back and
waiting for your boss is not the way to go. Be proactive.
! My work hours are too long – you probably waste time and
minimize your productivity. Stop wasting time and you might very
well be able to work “normal hours”
! Colleagues, friends and family distract you – stop blaming. Take
control over your actions and get along with the job at hand.
Outside of work:
! Internet – the net is addictive. The sooner you quit surfing without
intent, the more time you will have. Quit the unnecessary chats on
the net. I know facebook is one of the most popular. How much
time does the majority of society spend on chat rooms such as face
book? If is adding value to your life some form, then great. If it is
not – quit it. It is wasting your time and life.
! Television – being a “couch-potato” is addictive. Flipping channels
and spending hours in front of the television watching soapies,
comedies, movies and the like needs to come to an end. Very few
television programmes are produced for empowerment. The
content is simply a disgrace.
! Playing video games – games such as play- station games are
addictive. As part of leisure, you are more than welcome to play
them every now and then. You can’t be playing these every night or
every weekend.
! Frequenting the malls – meeting up with friends to walk around the
mall is a big no. Quit it. You have nothing constructive to do at the
mall, rather stay home and read a book or be with family.
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! Spending long hours in traffic – don’t be content with spending
hours in traffic a day. If you are, quit it! Whatever it takes, make a
plan to stop wasting your life travelling to and fro places. If it means
waking up earlier, do it. If you have to work flexi hours, do it.
! Unnecessary “power-naps” – stop sleeping 2/3/4 times a day in the
name of taking a “power-nap” to restore energy. Instead eat right
and keep physically fit to get energy. Your body gets used to
“power-naps” and it becomes an unhealthy habit.
! Sleeping until late – stop waking up late. You will not become
wealthy by waking up late. Wake up early – very early. Give
yourself some time (before the rest of the 95% wakes up) to gather
your thoughts for the day.
Avoid money wasting:
! Avoid up-grading for image – you don’t have to buy that new car,
even if you have been promoted or have paid off your first car.
! Don’t rent unless you have to – buy, buy, buy – within your
affordability of course. There are circumstances beyond your
control that might lead you there. Rent as a short-term measure.
! Minimize the breakfasts, lunches, drinks and dinner dates –
hanging out for breakfast, lunch, drinks and dinner every week is
not going to get you there. It wastes money and time!
! Stop window-shopping – don’t go shopping just to feed your eyes.
Your eyes will lead you to multiple unnecessary purchases
! Don’t frequent malls without intent – if you don’t have to be at a
mall, don’t go. Being at the mall with no intent will only lead to a few
stupid, unplanned purchases.
! You don’t get paid to be a trend-setter – buying the latest clothing
and accessories, electronic gadgets and being seen at the hottest
parties must come to and end. If it’s your job – quit it as well
because it won’t get you wealthy. Setting trends is expensive. Quit
! Buy with your own cash – using your credit cards for day to day
living must come to an end. Credit cards were not made for you to
buy grocery items. The interest you pay on your credit balances is a
total waste of money. Do the calculations and surprise yourself.
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Spend wisely by spending your time and money on wisdom
The essence of progress is the ability and willingness to invest in yourself.
Stoop to the natural laws of life that explicitly spell out that you need to
continuously learn and progress.
Wisdom is knowledge applied. It starts with gathering knowledge and
educating yourself. You then apply that knowledge and education until you
get desired results.
It is not a purchase of the day. It is not a quick-fix. To become wise is
process where you continuously grow gradually by training yourself to
become better by undergoing many changes for a particular purpose.
The wisdom process:
There is a purpose
You need to change
You need to train regularly
The transformation is gradual
The result is inevitable growth
Wealth purpose:
Always remember that the purpose is achieving optimum abundance and
balance in your spiritual, mental, physical, relational and financial areas of
your life. You need to live by this conviction every single day of your life for
wisdom to come your way.
You have to change for growth. The intent of this material is to facilitate a
shift in paradigms that will help you to become abundant and wealthy.
Paradigms stem from our backgrounds, experiences and implicit
assumptions of our lives where “we see the world as we are and not as it
is”. For change to take place effectively, you need to change those
paradigms and acquire new information and see things differently. You
then need to manipulate that information in order to apply it to your
circumstances. Constantly check whether you have manipulated the
information enough to undergo constructive change.
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Apply your changes until you get the desired results. Some results will
take place immediately. How long does it take to stop wasting money?
The result of saving and cutting down on your expenditure or having
excess income is immediate.
The “blow your mind away” results won’t happen overnight though. To
become a millionaire financially is not going to happen overnight.
This needs to sink in. Wealth is not a quick-fix solution. You are not
playing the lottery or gambling at your neighbourhood casino. You are
learning how to become wealthy and sustain yourself over a long term.
The ultimate result of gaining wisdom is growth. This type of growth is
exponential when it eventually flourishes and will blow your mind away.
Points to consider about wisdom and education:
! Is there perfect wisdom and education? Absolutely not!
Perfection would mean there is a time-line. The process is continuous
and as such, you do not get to be perfect. As such, never afford your
critiques the time if they claim that you are imperfect.
! Whose responsibility is it? Yours
It is not government, parents, siblings or anyone else’s responsibility.
Every individual is responsible for educating themselves by choosing
other individuals and/or organisations (parents, siblings, government)
to assist in aspects of education. Whilst there is an abundance of
assistance, your ultimate responsibility as an individual cannot be
! Is it complex? Absolutely not
It is a mere process that requires YOU to CONTROL your spiritual,
mental, physical, relational and financial intelligence, by allowing
yourself to grow gradually fuller and larger to enable application.
Intelligence applied results in wisdom, and wisdom is the essence of
powerful progress
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! Is it easy? Absolutely not
“You have to pay the price” – Pastor Andre Olivier, Senior Pastor at
Rivers Church. Educating yourself and developing wisdom requires
work – hard work. It is a sobering responsibility. Whilst it is not rocket
science, it is certainly not an easy commitment.
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Chapter 6: Live
Wealth is living abundantly to eternity. Nothing that is eternal goes against the
natural laws of life. As such principles are the foundation of achieving longlasting fulfillment through abundance. If you neglect to submit to the
principles, you will come second best. The simple reason to this is that
principles do not discriminate. Whether you are an infant or adult, poor or rich
– principles remain changeless.
Principles alone ground you. But you need to be in constant motion when
seeking wealth. As a result, commitments based on principles are critical.
Those commitments lead you to a whole new level.
The principle that makes the wealth rules:
! Dependence
The dependency journey
Life is a stage of blessings. When we are born, we are blessed – albeit it is
high dependency blessings. Because we are highly dependant, it is extremely
difficult to manage ourselves, efforts, time and money. In fact, it is almost
impossible. In all of this, it is critical to understand the dependency journey.
The dependency journey begins with you being dependant. You then need to
move to independence and start to bless yourself. Ultimately, you need to live
on a basis of inter-dependence and bless others and allow others to bless
Why is this journey important to understand?
Wealth is abundance in all areas of your life. That abundance is blessings.
The blessings can only come your way – in full – if you understand how they
operate and where you need to be to get showered with those blessings.
“the need to always be a baby in all of life’s journeys”
All of life’s journeys begin with being dependant. We are all infants and
babies at the start of any new journey or adventure. When we are born, we
are life’s infants and dependant. When we start schooling, we are infants to
the educations system and highly dependent on our teachers. When we start
our careers, we are highly dependent on our colleagues, managers, coaches
and mentors. This is a principle of life that can not be neglected.
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As an infant, you are noisy, seek attention, and constantly need to be
attended to and nurtured. It is ok. You don’t have a choice at that stage
because “you don’t know what you don’t know”. But, even at that age, you
have a “sixth sense” that always keeps you to your true north. The proof to
this is that you are always aware of you your parents are, even at that infant
All of life’s journeys that you will venture into are similar. You start out
needing constant attention. But in all of it, you have a natural inclination to
know who your natural parents in that journey are. Be obedient and
submissive towards them. Be noisy, by asking the right questions! Seek
attention and assistance when you come across hurdles! You need to be
nurtured with a bath, a nappy-change and fed a bit of that nutritious baby
food. It is good for you!
Gradually you begin to learn, change and grow as you head towards
From “loss of innocence to cool, hip, hot and sexy”; from “cool, hip, hot and
sexy to income-earning I am-in-control-of-my-life adult”
“Loss of innocence”
You wake up one day, and almost overnight you experience puberty. What a
“oh my gosh” feeling that is for many teenagers as they begin the journey of
independence. Here, you start to question. You begin to wonder and piece
together all sorts of puzzles that you played not too long ago as a little baby.
The innocence, in many instances, is lost at this stage. Life’s adventures and
new journeys on the wealth journey are similar. You will wake up on
numerous occasions and experience that “oh my gosh” because the wealth
journey is incredibly exciting, challenging and continuously has “oh my gosh”
revelations and experiences.
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“Loss of innocence to cool, hip, hot, sexy and happening”
The “oh my gosh” feeling continues throughout your independence because
before long you become “cool, hip, hot, sexy and happening”.
You start to hang out. You start to dress-up. You begin to develop a keen
interest in interesting gadgets. Some of these gadgets help you to start
networking – and before long you are out there! Your parents know less than
you do (or so you think)! You’re cool, hot and sexy and there just isn’t a
single soul that out there that can inform you otherwise (except your peers
who are going through the same changes).
The wealth journey will be similar. The difference though is this: use your
wisdom as an adolescent wealth creator and not the “high-school know-it-all”
“Cool, hip, hot and sexy to income earning I-am-in-control-of-my-life
Before long – you have a job. Others have gone straight from their highschooling years into jobs. Others have studied further and then gone into the
working environment. Whatever the case, there is now a flow of income.
You no longer need your parents to keep you afloat. For those that get
“cushy” jobs, you have landed. You are the new block on the kid. Wealth is
going to present you with the same type of opportunity. The wealth system is
God created system of opportunities and abundance. You will get the “run-ofthe-mill” opportunity that keeps you afloat or you will land a “cushy”
Now that you have landed these opportunities, neglect your parents and
mentors at your own peril. Your mentors and parents that have babied you
through dependence know better than you do. They are ahead of you for a
reason. The norms of life teach you that you arrive and start to control your
life as soon as you start generating some income. Once you arrive, you now
need to shower yourself with all sorts of blessings, and in the process forget
how you actually got there.
The wealth journey is a completely different ball game. As you become
independent, you need to glorify the Lord as he has blessed you. You then
need to be a blessing to others.
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Moving beyond “I” and “ME”
The independence stage is where we become acutely aware of the showers
of blessings that wealth can provide. The nature of the awareness is
predominantly driven by our paradigms. Hence, the start of our adolescent
and independence journey begins high on the paradigms we could not
choose and control as youngsters. However, because we are independent, it
continues and the scale changes from “paradigms we can’t choose and
control” to “paradigms where we have a significant measure of choice and
control”. This stage of independence is the beginning of self, effort, time and
money management.
This stage of independence is arguably the most challenging. It is the stage
where most of society is convinced is the ultimate. Unfortunately, we are
exposed to a life where we live and glorify ourselves. Consequently, if “I” can
do everything for “ME” because “I” had the best childhood, education and now
have the best job, then “I” am made! Yes you can bless yourselves. But, you
are neglecting yourself the sweetness and abundance of life. Independence is
very “I” and “ME” driven and self-glorifies. Unfortunately, this is the fruitless,
empty approach that tragically ends a good beginning. Most of society dies
empty because they have simply lived an “I” life that has no societal value.
They have, in all likelihood, managed themselves, efforts, time and money.
But, through ignorance, they have neglected to elevate and manage
themselves to the next step of life – Interdependence.
Amassing wealth for the team
How lovely it is now that you have established spiritual revelations that help
you interact effectively with your Creator and self!
You have tapped into the unnatural thinking capabilities.
You have improved the control of your emotions. As a result, your family,
friend, work and life relationships are beginning to flourish.
You are now in good physical shape.
Your bank statements are looking healthy.
The above are just a few of the benefits that come with true wealth.
Now that you have amassed some wealth, progress with extreme maturity.
Maturity is only ever fully exposed when you understand the significance of
multi-faceted integration.
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Independence, in its essence, is very self-centred. But independence is also
very important for progression. You cannot give what you do not have. As
such, you cannot move to Interdependence without becoming independent.
Interdependence is about a collective effort for the benefit of society as a
whole. It is about what “WE” can achieve for “US”. You need to be “I” and
“ME” to be constructively valuable to “WE” and “US”.
Interdependence is understanding that you need to share your ability to
manage yourself, effort, time and money. It is the skills developed and shared
through sharing at an interdependent, secure level that we become abundant.
When you begin to bless and allow others’ blessings to integrate with yours,
life’s flood-gates of blessings open up. These blessings are beyond your
wildest dreams and you start living as opposed to existing.
The “whole new level” commitments
“Whole new level” commitments define our habits. Our habits develop as a
result of the commitments we make to obtain new knowledge, skills and
desires. To become wealthy, your “whole new level” commitments need to
yield abundant results. Consequently, you need to understand that these
three factors are mutually dependant. A lack of one of these factors in your
quest for development will only yield ordinary results. As you continue to grow
and develop on the wealth journey, you need to constantly ask yourself these
What knowledge base do you possess?
How do you apply and use your knowledge?
Do you continuously Keep Going through application of knowledge
to get the desired results?
Earlier on, I referred to diligent individuals. I mentioned that they always
conform and do all that is required. Diligent individuals have consistent
commitments. They have enough knowledge to do what is required in the
right way, consistently. Why is it that they never become wealthy? They are
too caught up in being diligent that they sometimes miss the point… “detail for
detail sake is missing the point”. They often lack the “whole new level” aspect
to develop a “keep going” attitude that pushes them beyond conforming.
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Stephen Covey defines effectiveness as a balance between the Production of
desired results (P) and Production Capability (PC) – the capacity of the ssset
to continue to produce the result.
As a result of the above balance, you can:
1. Get what you want
2. Get what you want in a way that enables you to get it over and over
What abundance do you want in your spiritual, mental, physical, relational
and financial well-being?
Can you keep getting that over and over again?
The answer to these questions lies in your ability to grasp these “whole new
level” commitments that you need to develop as a wealthy leader.
Make a personal commitment to:
! Discontent with the current
Never be satisfied with the current. There is a very real “pat yourself on the
back” syndrome that grips and strangles many. It stems from contentment,
where we achieve something and become so satisfied with it that we spend
the rest of our lives chatting about it. We then loose focus on the eternity of
wealth. Whether you are a rookie or a veteran in any field, the day you cease
to seek discomfort through adventure, you will begin to die a slow death.
Simply put, we have innate potential that we can never fully exercise in our
life-time. We have potential that we need to constantly maximise to the day of
our passing. Being discontent with the current state of affairs is the essence
of reaching for better. It constantly urges you to aim higher, regardless of
whether you will fail or succeed. Be discontent, aim high, fail once, twice or
even thrice; but you will eventually reap a reward.
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! The Finish line
If there is a big enough “why” then “why not”?
The “why” is the finish line. It is the catalyst and inspiration to the course at
hand. It highlights the benefits when the tasks seem daunting. It toughens
the labourers when the going gets tough, and it ultimately becomes the
commitment, regardless of the circumstances. To clearly establish the “why”,
you need to be a visionary. In today’s society, the role of a vision is left to
Management, Executive members, the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of
Directors. How sad that such beauty – the ability to let your mind run wild into
the future to the finish line – is left to those in “management” or those who
supposedly have a higher “IQ”.
! Investing in yourself first
I find it extremely astonishing how we are always ready to start a job that has
nothing to do with our intended career or studies, use that salary to
“purchase” a vehicle we either cannot drive or are yet to be fully licensed to
operate, “buy” expensive gadgets such as the latest mobile phones and ipods when we know nothing or little about the functions. Then, in the midst of
all this, we find ourselves not answering our mobile phones because we have
indebted ourselves to the extent that we now need to dodge our creditors.
We have a fundamental flaw that puts the cart before the horse. The wealth
journey begins with you, works internally first and progressively works itself
Why then, do we neglect to nurture the very essence of where wealth begins?
Why do we lack the simplicity to spend money on our internal growth first?
Interestingly, the majority of the purchases we make (some of which I have
listed above), are made on a credit basis. We are therefore in possession of
those goods and not ownership. To rub salt to injury, some of those goods
eventually get repossessed by the rightful owners. Ask yourself this: can
anyone ever repossess an investment you have made to yourself through
knowledge and wisdom?
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Be fully aware, though, that wealth is about enjoying the goods that life has to
offer. Therefore, do not misunderstand me. I am not, for one second,
condemning the toys of life that are there to be enjoyed. I am merely
emphasizing the need for us to comprehend life in such a manner that we are
able to enjoy it – abundantly and over a long period. Having goods and assets
repossessed is short-term enjoyment that yields long-term agony.
Start with the important aspects of your wealth journey by investing in yourself
to establish and solidify yourself.
! The Team beyond Talent
Commit to a win for society as a whole. It doesn’t matter who gets the credit.
What matters most is what gets accomplished. When team accomplishment
comes before your talents, everyone becomes a winner. Through your talents
you can accomplish milestones. Through team effort you accomplish eternal
missions that benefit your generation and those generations that follow. Do
not short change yourself for who you can become through inter-dependence
and team work in exchange for what you can do through natural independent
! Involving others
The area of most effectiveness in the wealth journey is interdependence. This
is where you bless and are blessed with abundance and life’s beauties. Of
significance though is the fact that you cannot bless if you are not aware of
the needs and wants of others. Therefore, to bless with relevance, you need
to be aware of the famine that exists in others. You can only ever establish
that if you involve. Do not tell people because they will forget. Do not show
them because they may only remember. Seek to involve them so that they
can grow through understanding. This needs to sink in. Human beings only
allow you to influence and speak into their lives if you have shown that you
are receptive of their needs and wants.
To live fully in a sweet zone and realm that allows you to flourish, you need to
be surrounded by individuals that are influenced by you through involvement.
Influence will never come your way if you don’t actively seek to submit
yourself to an audience, where others take the podium through involvement.
Always seek to involve, with intent. This shall be your ticket to fruitful,
relational wealth.
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! Balance
This is the area where you check for cohesion. Synergies will only ever reveal
themselves if all the areas are contributing equally. If there is an imbalance,
you will lack the synergy. If you pay too much attention to your spiritual and
physical well-being, the other areas suffer. Consequently, you will lack the
synergy required to be wealthy. Wealth explicitly states that it is all your areas
that need to flourish, not some. For all to flourish, you need to keep a
balancing act that actively seeks to water the areas such that synergy takes
It is very easy to focus on your strong areas and neglect others. Do this at
your own peril. It is not worth it. At some point or another all areas of your life
work in tandem to yield only the best in you and your life. When you are
paying equal focus to all areas, you might not realize this. But if you neglect to
keep the balance, the imbalance will stick out like a sore thumb.
! Kaizen
Constantly nurture your spirit, body, mind, relationships and finances to
enable them to keep producing abundance. Never arrive! Never think you
have completed the journey. It is a journey through to eternity. If you get to a
stage where you think you have arrived, you can be assured that the areas of
your life will start to take a bit of strain.
The fundamental importance of this habit is the essence of Wealth. In terms
of wisdom, we identified that the ultimate objective was growth and constant
nurturing of that growth. If you nurture, you preserve and ensure that there is
a constant ability to produce. Production is growth. Growth is wisdom.
Wisdom is wealth.
We have looked at a critical part of our success – that of principles. Submit to
them and respect them because they will not submit or respect you.
We have also analysed commitments as a means of wealth.
How simple does it get? Commit to the wealth game you are away. Submit to
feelings and you will stumble along the way.
The next chapter seeks to iron out one of the most limiting, if not the most
limiting, aspect of our lives – talent.
Happy reading and learning!
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Chapter 7:
Wealth goes beyond talent, it is learnt
Talent as a means of wealth
Talent is a God-given gift. Much like many other gifts from the Lord, including
our lives, it is taken for granted. Interestingly, if it is not taken for granted, it is
over-rated. It seems talent is never given its rightful place in our lives.
The simple answer to this flaw is this: we seldom ever understand what talent
is. Talent is what you can naturally do. Wealth, on the other hand, is who you
become through your talents and a variety of other factors. So there is a
distinct difference. The one defines what you are naturally capable of doing
whilst the other defines who you are through super natural blessings.
The above distinction is the number one reason why a lot of talented people
never become successful. The above is a priority on the “never to do” list of
becoming wealthy. Never rely on your talents alone to get you to wealth. It
simply won’t work.
What is important though about talent is that you need to establish exactly
what your natural capabilities are.
What can you do without effort?
What do you accomplish with your “eyes closed”?
As you progress through the journey of wealth, you will quickly realize that
upfront there is need for you to establish your talents. Everyone has talents.
God has blessed all of us with some or other natural ability.
Wealth is learnt. It is what you are naturally capable of doing and a
combination of qualities that you learn that ultimately determine who you
become. Repeat this to yourself until you are blue in the face. You miss this
point and misunderstand the two, you are doomed. Once you understand this,
you need to respect your talents and constantly work the qualities that will
make your talents beam.
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Learning to work your talents
To become wealthy is learnt. There are qualities that you need that will help
you establish, nurture and develop your talents. These qualities also assist in
enabling you to adhere to and make the natural laws of life a winning partner
in your life.
These qualities are also the supplement required to help you with the abovementioned 7 commitments. Deposit these into your daily life as they are the
foundation to the 7 commitments.
Being discontent with the current requires you to take initiative, be courageous
and have appositive attitude towards new adventures.
1. Initiative: it all begins with a positive action before the action is required. You
either make things happen or things will happen unto you. You either lead
yourself or you will follow someone who will lead you. Act or be acted upon! If
you have a “how” – you are often the employee. If you have a “why” – you are
often the job-creator. Take the initiative required to establish the why. You
don’t have to get it right the first time. But someone who gets it wrong 19
times, and right the 20th time will be wealthier than someone who never gets
anything wrong because they do not bother acting in the first place.
The majority of society bothers not with initiative. The sad answer to this
nonchalant attitude is two-fold:
1. We settle for a very average life that has been defined by society.
We only ever do enough to “get by”.
2. We have a work phobia. We have become a society, through
settlement for mediocrity, of “job-keepers” versus good, hard
workers. Initiative requires work, the type of work that you selfcreate.
Taking the initiative means that you are not satisfied with basic needs.
“Getting by” is comfortable. Comfort is a basic need. Satisfying basic needs is
simply not good enough, if you are to become wealthy. Get out the comfort
zone and seek discomfort, because therein lies the answer to the journey of
growth and wealth.
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2. Courage: to step out of comfort requires you to seek discomfort. Consciously
seeking discomfort is a great measure of courage. You are inherently at
peace with yourself because you are free from fear, or its possible effects.
You have moved positively forward, with possibly very little or concrete
knowledge about what to expect, when to expect it and how to expect it.
Despite that, a positive action needs to be taken based on faith and
However, take note not to misunderstand the courage being referred to. The
world is full of courageous people. Unfortunately, much of the courage is
fuelled by frustration. Comfort, when others are actively seeking discomfort
will eventually result in you experiencing passive discomfort. Passive
discomfort results in possible job-losses, potential divorces, unemployment
and a host of other negative circumstances. As a result, people then exercise
their courage. They commit suicide, kill their families, and get involved in the
most aggressive of crimes. This courage is reactive.
You need to develop a proactive courage that is fuelled by your inborn, infant
and childhood curiosity. Proactive courage works from a positive base. It has,
as its foundation, a keen interest in being constructive rather than the
previous destructive courage. It is innocent, harmless and most importantly
guided by a holy positive spirit.
It is when you step out of comfort positively, with sovereign guidance that you
awake to the marvelous opportunities that seemingly lie outside of our reach
because of your comfort zone.
3. Positive Attitude: develop the mindset required to make everything you
embark on work. A commonly used cliché that serves as the pillar of
leadership is “your attitude determines your altitude”. Take the time to reflect
on this divine revelation, and you quickly realize that there is no perfect time
for success. You make the time perfect through your attitude. From this, you
realize that the concept of attitude is two-fold: you first work on it, and then it
works on you.
Once you begin to work on your attitude to turn it into a positive one, you
simply eliminate excuses. Circumstance is the leading excuse for mankind
and his inability to get started and keep going. This excuse is borne from a
lack of positive attitude.
When your attitude starts to work on you, you then find you can ill-afford to
allow for excuses and circumstances to hinder your progress.
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The majority of barriers we find ourselves faced with are self-created. The
biggest mistake we then make is to try and overcome those barriers by
applying the same mindset when we first created the barriers.
Change your mindset and attitude, and quickly find yourself eliminating all
your excuses that stop you from leading yourself to wealth!
Committing to the finish line is only possible if you can picture the finish line.
Can you see the checked flag at the end of the grand prix?
Can you see the finish line at the end of a 100m final at the Olympics?
Whatever your finish line may be, you need to visualize it first. To visualize
requires vision as a quality.
4. Vision: “See it, Say It and Show It before you Seize it” – John C. Maxwell.
Action and courage alone can lead to a misguided and extremely dangerous
direction. However, a positive vision creates a journey of faith and expectation
that is driven with a great deal of clarity balanced with a good measure of
patience and calmness.
There is always a heavy and expensive price to pay for being a leader,
especially in your own life. As such, a very clear picture that is colourful,
expressive and exciting is required to ensure that you keep paying that price.
It is not the lack of vision that stumbles us from reaching ultimate wealth, but
it is a lack of description and clarity around that vision that ultimately
decreases our willingness to pay the price required to achieve wealth.
Never find excuses not to pay the price because you either have no vision or
have a boring, flat, grey vision. What a tragedy it is to find that 94% of the
population works an average of 45 years, having started working at 25 and
“retire” at 65, and still find themselves unable to find independence? That is a
total of 16 425 days that we have wasted simply because we neglect to have
a wealthy vision. We have spent all those days beginning never to end,
piecing together “sweet nothings” and aimlessly getting stuck in the thick of
thin things.
The calling is simple: create a vision. Be creative about that vision, because
the excitement and creativity will result in continued perseverance and wealth!
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A commitment to personal investment first is a powerful commitment. It is the
commitment that blatantly kills statement such as “you are lucky”, “you happened
to be at the right time at the right place”. All of these are comments ordinary less
successful people use to describe those that are successful and wealthy. This
commitment quickly teaches you that if there is anything such as luck out there,
you bring it onto yourself through personal investment. If there is anything such
as being at the right time at the right place, you have actively placed yourself
there. This commitment ensures that you continuously make internal deposits
into your life that will position you for absolute abundance and wealth.
5. Character: “Adversity is a crossroads that makes a person choose one of two
paths: character or compromise.” Every time you choose character, you
become stronger, even if that choice brings negative consequences. – Dr
John C. Maxwell
The development of character is the essence of our development as leaders.
It is the end that counts and the end of a journey – as part of the infinite life
journey - is defined and determined by character.
Now that you have gotten out of the “starting blocks” through initiative,
courage and a positive attitude and see yourself accomplishing wealth
through the most expressive vision, do you think the battle has been won?
Absolutely not! You are still to prove that talk is cheaper than action by
aligning your actions with your intentions. More importantly, those actions
need to follow a continued series of good choices. If you struggle to
consistently achieve your objectives in life – always look to your character
and honestly evaluate whether your intentions always follow through into
actions. The last thing you need as a leader is a limiting character. You need
a strong, supportive character that creates long term sustainability.
In seeking wealth, it is inevitable that you will be required to lead by example.
Consequently, it is imperative to involve those people who follow you and
lead you. This involvement needs to be highly inter-dependant. Interdependence requires trust. Without character, trust can never flourish.
Remember: It is seldom how you start that creates long term wealth, but how
you always finish. Character always determines whether you finish well or
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6. Charisma: leadership implies people follow you. Nobody follows a person by
choice that they are not attracted to. If you do not attract people through your
charisma, you will never lead. Equally true is the fact that if you are not
attractive to others, you are unlikely to attract you to yourself.
The word Charisma means “Gift” in Greek. Everyone is given Charisma by
God. Make it a point that you make use of that gift by first attracting you to
yourself! The rest will follow naturally through time, based on natural laws. It
is the effort that you will take (the price that you will pay) in making yourself
attracted to you, which will attract others to you. This self-attraction effort
cannot escape the fundamental aspects of living life with faith and
expectation, setting high goals and standards based on incredible visions,
hope, joy, honesty and truth to yourself.
Achievement of self attraction can only lead to you attracting others on the
basis of “doing to others as you would like them do unto you”.
Once you have attracted people, focus on them. Then connect with them.
Lastly, genuinely shower them with the blessings you would shower yourself
7. Commitment: Never expect anyone to do anything more or deeper than what
you are willing to do for yourself. Human nature is such that we look to others
for action that will affect us positively. We look to our parents, teachers,
friends, and the government. Surprisingly, we often look to our own actions
last! That is putting first things last, which is a recipe for failure. However, the
power of showing your commitment first through actions, inevitably gives
others very little choice, except to support you. Lead yourself to a deep sense
of self-commitment, and you shall see your vision come to pass.
To be willing, requires will power. It is deeper than the mind and emotions - it
speaks to the heart. As such, it cannot be faked. It is self-evident and true.
Truth is from the heart, where you are able to speak freely - internally and
externally. Heart is internal conversation that manifests itself in free and open
external behaviour. As a result you comfortably make your personal, internal
commitments, public.
Remember: “commitment flourishes with public accountability” Dr John C.
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8. Competence: defined in the Oxford Dictionary as having enough ability,
knowledge, power and qualifications.
Life is all about a destiny that has been pre-planned for all of us. We have
been given a specific purpose to which our vision needs to be aligned to.
It is pre-planned for us, and as such we do not have a choice but to get on
with the job at hand. “Getting on” with the job requires competence. This is
where the hard and soft skills are needed. These skills are not an over-night
purchase. They need to be acquired, tested, refurnished, dropped at times,
re-acquired. In essence they need to be packaged meaningfully over time.
The lack of competence is rarely the lack of resources, but the lack of a
willingness to put in the effort required to be competent.
Get out there and establish what you need to be doing and sprint out even
faster to gather everything required for you to do that!
9. Discernment: Do you regularly have clear insight about situations? One of the
most critical areas of growth is your ability to use your senses to make sense
of things. Clear insight and the ability to make sense of life (challenges,
relationships, success, famine, weakness, mourning, etc) drives your
decision-making and paves your path to wealth. Ensure that you use your
senses to develop clear insight.
Listening is critical in personal development. Listen – internally and deeply –
and begin to develop good discernment.
Observe, and be passive. This kind of observation seeks knowledge,
experience and wisdom – as opposed to criticism. Observation that is built on
those three fundamentals enables you to shift your paradigm profoundly to be
able to see things differently for clear insight.
Physical intimacy adds another dimension to discernment. Through your
hands you are able to hug and bless (amongst other things). If you take the
time to think about the impact a hug and a kiss can have, developing insight
will become, but a natural attribute of yours.
Develop an ability to determine what “leaves a bad taste in your mouth”.
Literally, the tongue will probably come into use far less than the other senses
previously mentioned. But in a virtual space, where it is critical to have and
experience wealth before you become wealthy (through faith), what stops you
from using your tongue virtually? Taste the good and the bad things of life!
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Ultimately, you need to be able to read situations if you are to lead yourself
effectively. Use all your God-given resources to achieve this to the best of
your ability.
10. Generosity: to be generous is to be abundant. You give to those in need, in
both resource and yourself. You are unable to give what you do not have.
Hence the significance of investing (being generous to yourself first) is
emphasized. As a leader of your own life, you need to gather enough, so that
you can give away enough: both resources and self.
As society, we struggle to give away; especially resources. Resources usually
manifest from money. Hence the difficulty encountered by many. I have
worked hard for my money, through my natural gifts and talents. Therefore
why be generous and give away? This is societal economics, which is
completely different to the Lord’s economy.
The Lord’s economy states and has enough evidence to indicate that we
produce our money, materials and resources through the Lord’s generosity.
He gives generously to everyone with a need. As a result, what we have
accumulated and produced should only be seen as the basis for us to have
greater capacity for generosity.
Wealth is about abundance – where your state of mind is immune to scarcity.
Never fear that supply (of anything) is limited
When all is said and done: “Nothing speaks to others more loudly or serves
them better than a leader’s generosity. Gather for others, and then give it
away”. Dr John C. Maxwell.
11. Responsibility: how often do you make and keep commitments? How often do
you meet obligations? Whatever the answer may be, responsibility is as basic
in concept as “being a man of your word”. The more excuses you give about
why you could not, the more irresponsible you are. To lead yourself effectively
lies in your ability to make a commitment to yourself and deliver it. Nothing
less, nothing more!
Be response able. Respond with an ability that seeks to deliver on promises.
Great courage to be able to initiate the establishment of an exciting vision and
dream will become nothing more than a vision if you are irresponsible.
Irresponsibility will ultimately result in failure to commit to certain deliverables
that will make that vision a reality. This is one of the key differentiating factors
between a wealthy vision and a wealthy reality.
If you know what to do and how to do it, never sell yourself short of a great
wealthy life simply because you make empty promises and commitments to
yourself and others.
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Remember: talk is cheap!
12. Security: this is one of the most pressing and basic needs that any individual
may have. Everyone needs to be secure and comfortable to be able to
function effectively. Make it a priority that you lead yourself from a strong and
secure base! Security requires a strong sense of identity, which needs to be
developed from the inside. A strong sense of identity enables you to keep
aligned to your purpose and mission in life. Leading yourself will bring with it
various forms of challenges: where you will be questioned, destructively
criticized, undermined, condemned and compared to others unnecessarily.
Whatever the challenge, a strong and secure foundation will keep you rooted
to your purpose.
Security is the armed response to your purpose and mission! It will protect
and root you at all costs.
13. Self Discipline: this is a quality that is married to responsibility. To deliver on
promises and commitments, you need to devise a plan. It does not happen
automatically. It is a state of mind that you need to gear yourself towards.
Once you have promised to deliver, you will often find that you are always
busy. Busy does not necessarily mean you are effective. Establish a “brain
filter” that will assist you to develop priorities that drive you towards taking
action in line with important commitments.
It is all about effective activities. Ineffective busyness is the biggest limiting
factor to success and delivering on important commitments. We get caught up
in ill-disciplined activities that have very little to do with our goals. These are
activities which feel good at the time of execution, but yield results that are
not good. Activities that yield results that are related to our goals very often do
not feel good at the time of execution. And that is the reason why we find
excuses not to undertake and complete those activities.
We make excuses for not being disciplined. We then we find reasons to justify
the excuses. If you find yourself doing this, wealth is a far-fetched reality.
Excuses are often the result of “difficult” and “boring” tasks. It is about the
results and the benefit of the results – not the nature of the task at the time.
Focus on the result at all times, and realize that ill-discipline is the thief of time
– a very important resource to any leader who wants to become wealthy.
Develop systems and routines that will help you grow and succeed. Use
those systems and routines everyday – for the rest of your life!
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14. Problem Solving abilities: “Problem-solving is the fastest way to gain
leadership.” Dr John C. Maxwell.
Problem-solving results in solutions to challenges. Life is all about challenge
and enjoying the journey of overcoming them. Subsequently, the more
equipped and able you are to come up with solutions to life’s many
challenges, the quicker you will gain leadership through self confidence and
others having confidence in you.
We often want to exist in a vacuum where your plan will work 100%. No plan
is “challenge proof”. Great leaders make their plan look 100%. It is not
because it is 100% and immune to challenges. However, they have
developed the ability to come up with solutions when they are met by
problems and unplanned circumstances. Ineffective leaders want to avoid
problems because their plan does not deserve problems.
The fact is – you avoid problems at your own peril. A more sobering fact: you
must look for challenges and trouble if you want to get ahead. The more
challenges you face, the higher your chances are of interacting with problem
solvers. Surrounding yourself with problem solvers enables you to develop
more diverse thinking patterns. Diverse thinking patterns make you agile as a
leader. Agility is the fuel of confidence in dealing with life’s challenges.
Pursuing problems and challenges should not be mis-interpreted for
destructive trouble-making. The differentiator between the two is simply truth.
The former seeks for truth behind the fog and cloud of smoke, and then
presses urgently and diligently for constructive solutions. The latter searches
for rumours and is often not solution-driven.
Never fall short of wealth simply because you plan for a sunny season, and a
part of your life journey deals you a rainy day. Problems, like the unexpected
rain, are temporary and often the catalyst of a deviation to great revelations.
Because we come to a halt when we are faced with challenges, we never
really experience the blessings awaiting us once we have overcome those
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As you start to play for the team, your talents become the liver or the body that is
so integral and yet unseen as opposed to the hairstyle that is prominent
outwardly but can be done without.
When you seek to enhance the team beyond your own talents, you eventually
become a very critical part of the equation like the liver. When you seek to
enhance your talents first, you become the outward start like the prominent
hairstyle – but before long, you can actually be shaved off and removed from the
equation. Let’s analyse the underlying qualities that under-pin putting the team
first beyond your talents.
15. Servanthood: “To get ahead, Put Others First”. Dr John C. Maxwell. Wealth is
about glorification as a result of abundance. The question is, who do you
glorify? Yourself or God?
Self-glorification has as a motive, the removal of opposition. However, the
glorification of God has a motive of meeting needs and growing the cause of
“Ubuntu”, a South African term used to describe humility. Directly translated, it
means: a person is a person through other people.
Servanthood is the heart of wealth and abundance. If you believe in scarcity
and that there is not enough, you will want to remove those that you feel are
opposition (and have the potential of “eating into your pie”). However, if you
believe in abundance, you will see others as brothers and sisters who
complement you. This will make you realize the need and importance of
improving the welfare of people.
People, are the most powerful resource to mankind. To lead yourself to
wealth, you need to serve them first! Get this right and lead a fulfilled life.
16. Relationships: it is all about relationships. Whether you are trying to create
wealth or become an effective leader – the essence of it is creating
successful win-win relationships with people. People are relationships and
relationships are people. You cannot separate the two.
As you lead yourself, understand comprehensively the relationship you have
with your deep and inner you. You soon realize that a righteous identity is the
inception of great outward relationships. The greatest commandments point
very directly to relationships.
Matthew 22: 37 -39 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like
it: Love your neighbour as yourself”.
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It is laid out clearly and logically. The greatest relationships start above, and
then move harmoniously through you, and then reflect onto others in your
outward conduct. There has to be purposeful inputs for there to be meaningful
Purposeful inputs require time and effort. They require you to communicate
deeply internally – by probing and challenging the status quo that has
manifested itself through social values. The revelation of your identity – self
relationship – is sure to be the key ingredient to successful, win-win
relationships with others.
Understand yourself, and half the battle (and arguably the more challenging)
has been won. The next step is to understand, love and help others! These 3
fundamentals define the characteristics of a win-win situation.
The motto is simple: “Get Along to Go Along.”
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When you commit to involving others you live in a realm of constant contribution
towards society. To contribute meaningfully requires knowledge of the famine
that exists where you want to contribute. It then requires that what you do
contribute is done so in clear, transparent manner. When you start to live in the
zone of abundance and wealth and begin to contribute meaningfully to society,
you begin to come under attack. There are those in society that have no plan.
Their plan is to constantly attack and crush other people’s plans and contribution.
A lack of communication or mis-communication is the one reason why these noplan, destructive individuals always keep rearing their heads in society. Below
are the qualities that you need to successfully involve others.
17. Listening: it is impossible for a doctor to give a prescription prior to diagnosing
a patient. This is not a phenomenon specific to the medical fraternity. This is a
fundamental natural law that implies you can never be relevant if you do not
listen. Leadership is about influence. Influence is about relevance. Relevance
is about listening. It is only through listening that you are able to respond
appropriately. Appropriate and relevant responses result in a willingness for
people to afford you the opportunity to speak to them. It thus increases your
chances of influencing and leading them. It is impossible to lead effectively if
you do not listen!
An expectation that others should listen to you before you listen to yourself is
just as absurd as a response before listening. Do not under-estimate the
significance of self-conversation where you listen through deep spiritual
ability. It is this type of listening that yields appropriate responses for you as
an individual. Appropriate self-responses give you identity simply because
you have spoken to yourself with relevance.
Listen to yourself – actively and with intensity, and you shall see your identity
and purpose in life come to pass. Listen to others – with compassion and
empathy, and you will see effective leadership personified!
18. Communication: transferring plans and intentions into successful team
implementation requires good communication. Be clear, specific and
intentional in the manner in which you communicate to yourself and others. It
is also critical to be simple, empathetic and truthful. Great leaders are
excellent at this. To lead yourself means you need to communicate to yourself
in a very exciting manner by being creative and radical. Ensure that whatever
you communicate is measurable, by being specific. And then give others
more than enough reason to support your communication. Have enough
revelation, information and encouragement in your communication to make
people want to act immediately!
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Communication is an art. Like all good art-work, you need to work hard on it.
Importantly, do not communicate to show your audience that you have put in
a heck of an effort to enable you to communicate.
Do not use big, unnecessary words. Keep it simple. This enables quick and
easy comprehension.
Do not confuse your audience. Understand and know them enough to be able
to put yourself in their circumstances when you communicate to them.
Do not say one thing and do another. Be truthful and live what you
Communication is a sales pitch. Never short-change yourself and those that
follow you through bad communication!
A commitment to balance is almost unheard of in a world where there is “so
much to do”. I would agree that there is a lot that needs to be done.
Unfortunately, we get caught up doing so much that has nothing to do with being
constructive. Being balanced uses the presumption that you have already
understood your essence and the necessary activities that need to complement
that. Balance speaks to the fitment of all your actives of essence into a day to
day schedule such that you grow and contribute in a proportionate manner.
19. Focus: leading yourself is multi-faceted. There is so much to do and consider
that it can seem a daunting task. Leadership is an enormous, but simple
concept to live by. Enormous because of the explosive and powerful results.
Simple because of the basic, day to day steps and ingredients that are selfevident.
Then why does the vast majority (that knows about leadership) not get it
They struggle with the focus required to:
1 Break down the numerous variables to be considered and tasks to be
completed into a sequence of importance. They fail to prioritize
Complete the tasks at hand by simply never getting around to doing
them. They cannot concentrate long enough to enable them to
complete the tasks at hand.
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Do you know what to do, but never get it done? Do you efficiently complete
tasks that have little relevance to your effectiveness? Whatever the scenario,
leading yourself to an abundant lifestyle requires an ability to do the correct
tasks, in order of importance, and complete them.
A lack of focus is often a sign of immaturity. It is extremely difficult, if not
impossible, to lead yourself to abundance if you are immature.
Remember: You need to let go of “nice” things that do not matter!
Kaizen simply commits to continuous improvement. Every second that passes
provides an opportunity for growth, and yet we miss these opportunities as often
as we miss some of our bills! Below are qualities required if you seek to
20. Teachability: your willingness to be taught is a good indication of your
maturity. High maturity results in effective and powerful leadership. A
willingness to be taught means you are mature enough to admit that you don’t
know everything, but more importantly, to understand that you need to grow
to be a leader.
As a leader, the idea of “charity begins at home” needs to cherished as a life
rule! Simply put, you are only able to give what you have. Consequently, you
can not grow those that follow you and are influenced by you, if you are not
Contentment is the destination for those that are immature. Life is a life-long
journey. There is no arrival until the day of the passing. As such, being
content should never be an option for any leader. Fill you heart and soul with
a hunger for growth and wisdom shall be your best friend.
The growth has to be positive. Life dishes out negative growth readily. It is
easy to keep making the same mistake repeatedly. Positive growth requires
that you learn from your mistakes so you can gather wisdom.
Remember: “Never pay the price twice for the same mistake”. Dr John
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21. Passion: Hot, sizzling fire is the name of the game. Whether you are igniting
or maintaining it, you need to have a burning desire to have fire. As a leader,
you will spend more time igniting purely because leaders chart the course as
opposed to steering the ship.
Passion is also the difference between being down and remaining down. As a
leader, the terrain comes with numerous challenges. You need to be
equipped for them. One of the most important tools in the tool-box is passion.
It is extremely easy to be put off by challenges. A lack of passion very quickly
converts challenges to unbearable problems. You then focus on the problems
and deviate from the task at hand. Deviations put you down because they are
not part of the plan. A focus on them keeps you down. As a leader, you need
to continuously focus on the benefits of a task. The benefits of a task always
out-weigh the challenges being experienced. Were that not the case, you
would not have embarked on the task in the first instance.
Passion is what keeps your eyes set on the final goals and benefits as
opposed to the current experiences and obstacles. It drives you so much that
you keep your eyes cast on “what could be” in the near future versus “what is”
at the present moment.
Start with the intention to finish
You have clearly decided to start on the journey to wealth. Your talents are
natural and will probably be the one ingredient in the journey that will require
least effort. To finish will require a continuous learning and application of the
commitments and qualities. They operate in tandem. You cannot learn and
apply the one without the other. The result, should you go down that path is
simple: you will start, but you will never finish.
I have seen individuals with immense talents that never become wealthy
because they have not learned the commitments and qualities inherent in
wealthy individuals. You need to start with the intention to finish by
understanding upfront that wealth is learnt, and not a state that you are born
The “whole new level” commitments and qualities required for wealth cannot be
won at a raffle or bought at a discount. There is no “street market” where you can
shop for them! This is perhaps the reason why we never finish. We are always
looking for bargains. This lifestyle and zone of abundance does not come at a
There is a heavy price to pay. In the following chapter I will highlight what price
you will pay. Interestingly though, is that you also need to note that you pay a
heavy price if you do nothing about the destination of your life.
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Chapter 8:
Paying the heavy price
Either way the price is heavy
The price to abundance is heavy. It is expensive either way. If you decide to
be wealthy, you pay the heavy price in the form of the commitments and the
qualities that need to be applied every single day of your life. You decide
against being wealthy, you pay the heavy price of “chilling” and existing every
single day of your life.
Paying the heavy price to Wealth
On a limitless highway like the Autobahn, imagine the thrill of driving on the
fast lane in a “Rosso Corsa” or “Giallo Modena” Ferrari?
If you are not a Ferrari fan, then how about a “Millennium Silver” or “Super Fly
Yellow” Lamborghini?
Whatever the case, rest assured this will be a thrilling experience subject to
you having paid the price. The monetary price is hefty. To make the best use
of the potential of the car and also safe-guard yourself, you need to have paid
the hefty price of accumulating the experience to drive that car to its potential.
That could easily be years of experience. It would be ludicrous to expect to
get neither the car nor the experience for the price of horse-cart.
Why do we then want to get the Ferrari, Lamborghini experience in a lane of
abundance at minimum price?
The price for wealth is hefty and the enjoyment, much like the Autobahn, is
Do not take short-cuts. Being in the limitless lane of wealth is deadly if you
have not paid the price to gain a proper understanding of the rules. You may
have the money, but lack the teachings necessary to guide you safely in a
limitless lane.
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Paying the heavy price for existence
The Ferrari or Lamborghini manufacturer and dealership is merely the
delivery channel that the Lord uses. He is the provider of such vehicles that
allow us experience such life thrills. Whether you decide to use them or not,
rest assured that someone else will cease that opportunity.
What you will get though, is a horse-cart paced vehicle. It will frustrate you,
break down, make you envious as others pass you – and the truth of the
matter is that you deserve it. But because the Lord deals us grace, you will
always have the opportunity to take that positive turn and start leading a
wealth lifestyle.
“Dead-end” ridden journeys, constant identity conflicts, regular visits to the
doctor and hospitals, dead ideas and thinking capacity, broken relationships
and hand-to-mouth finances will be the order of the day.
The choice is yours!
Why bother paying the price?
Be in the wealth lane of life and experience great spiritual insight that fuels
your essence.
Be in total harmony with what the Lord wants from you, and complement that
with your internal value system and values.
Experience the greatness of being able to unlock your conscious and subconscious.
Look and feel great by being healthy internally and externally.
Have great relationships that take you to all sorts of exponential levels.
Be filthy rich. You got that right, and I will repeat it. Be filthy rich. Money is
power. It is a necessary resource. In the hands of a wealthy individual, an
abundance of money is what this corrupt world needs because that individual
is centred on growth and contribution for the betterment of society.
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The benefits are numerous, but ponder on some of these benefits and decide
whether you need to proceed to the crunch: the step-by-step guide that
guarantees wealth:
Spiritual well-being:
Enables you to connect deeply with your Creator
Enables you to establish what your essence on earth is
Enables you to love yourself and others unconditionally
Enables intimate connection to loved ones, family, friends and the
community at large
Reduces feelings of fear
Enables you to connect and re-connect with your gifts and talents to
achieve your life purposes
Enables superior ability to handle stress
More positive feelings and depression
Better health
Mental well-being:
Powerful and positive thought patterns
Creative, super-natural ideas
Ability to overcome “barriers”
Solution driven
Physical well-being:
Improve Self Esteem
Reduces the risk of premature death
Reduces the risk of developing diabetes
Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure
Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer
Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety
Helps control weight
Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints
Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about
without falling
! Promotes psychological well-being.
! Better sleep that enables renewed energy
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Relational well-being:
! A sense of well-being and contentment
! A zest for living – the ability to enjoy life, to laugh and have fun
! Resiliency – being able to deal with life's stresses and bounce back from
! Self-realization – participating in life to the fullest extent possible,
through meaningful activities and positive relationships
! Flexibility – the ability to change, grow, and experience a range of
feelings, as life's circumstances change
! A sense of balance in one's life – between solitude and sociability, work
and play, sleep and wakefulness, rest and exercise, etc.
! A sense of well-roundedness – with attention to mind, body, spirit,
creativity, intellectual development, health, etc.
! The ability to care for oneself and for others
! Self-confidence and good self-esteem
Financial well-being:
Financial freedom
Freedom of time
Opportunity to donate
Healthy home relationships
Holiday Homes
Luxury cars
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Chapter 9: 10 easy steps to achieve absolute wealth
We have reached the point where the rubber meets the tar. Now is action
time. Below, are guidelines on how you can blow yourself into exponential
growth for now and eternity. It is critical to note that you need to always
keep in mind the qualities you need that allow you to work your talents.
Again, those qualities are imperative as you read through the following
guidelines. Always keep perspective. It is always about the big picture.
I hope you find it fun and useful.
1. Step 1: Determine where you are in the wealthy journey
Understand where you sit before trying to develop a strategy. You have
established where your wealth journey is headed, and why it needs to be
headed in that direction. However, as you read this paragraph, you are at
a particular point and stage in your life. You are not a vacuum. You are
somewhere spiritually, mentally, physically, relationally and financially. It is
critical to also understand that being nowhere is also a particular point.
Remember that you might be at a point in your life where “you do not
know what you do not know”!
Do yourself a great favour and establish exactly where you are. As you do
this, you need to understand that you are about to embark on a journey
that will change your life forever. As such, you need to assess your current
situation before your respond.
Critical aspects to consider:
What type of individual are you? (remember the different individuals
earlier on)
Which aspects in your life are important to your success?
List those aspects because they are critical as you assess how you need
to progress. You might very well find that you do not even attend to those
issues at this point in time. If that is the case, do not neglect to write them
down simply because you are not attending to them. A substantial part of
understanding where you are through analysis is to reveal the truth and
strip from the truth what is important and unimportant.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Which of the important aspects above is currently a success in your
There is nothing wrong if nothing seems to be going well at this point. You
are going to experience a journey that is under-pinned by one
fundamental aspect: Faith. As such, because you have established
perspective through your vision and purpose, and are guaranteed to
experience greatness in the near future, the present really does not
matter. However, do not ignore the present.
If you have aspects that are a success, establish why that part of your
life is successful.
Try put together patterns of your success stories to help you build on
those patterns to ensure success.
Which part of your life is failing?
This might not be as easy as it sounds. As human beings, we often
respond to situations that are urgent and can not be ignored anymore.
Whilst those are important to consider at this stage, it is more critical to
establish which aspects of your life are important and do not get your
attention at this stage. Think long and hard because the failure to reveal
and face the truth to yourself at this point is a short cut. As mentioned
already, a short cut is the longest route.
Where can you seek wise counsel and mentorship? Which great
leaders do you admire?
Study and read the lives of those that have a gift or aspiration similar to
yours and make it a point that you discover how they think and make
decisions. Seek to establish their habits.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
2. Step 2: Tune your wealth towards the Lord’s wealth plan for you
1) Become planted in God to flourish, grow and reach your potential
2) Become planted in a Local church to receive practical and
transformational information
What type of church?
! A worshipping church:
o Through praises – singing, thanksgiving and prayer
o Through an intimate relationship with God – giving,
serving, a living a life of loving God with all you life
and making God famous through declaration of his
! A reaching church:
o Through influencing others for Christ – inviting and
being friendly and open to new people, feeding
relevant messages and enlarging the church
! A caring church:
o Through strong and close relationships – the needs to
be connection events, a spirit of hospitality, pastoral
care, ministry to the poor
! An involving church:
o Through contribution – serving others through
participation, being responsible to the house by taking
ownership and volunteering your time and money
3) Putting your planting into action by:
! Total Commitment to Christ – inward decision
! Water Baptism – outward decision
! Giving some of your money (a min of a 10th of your income) to
enable Local church to obtain and use resources to change
! Giving some of your time to serve and support your local church
! Making your talent available for usage in your local church – this
will help you discover, use and develop your talents
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
3. Step 3: Establish what your life mission on earth is
Applying the “Servanthood” system
Once you are routed in the Lord and a local church, you will begin to align
yourself with a system that brings out the best in you. You will begin to get
involved and serve others to further Christ’s plans. As you do this, your
natural abilities come to the fore. After all, they were bestowed upon you
by the Lord. Once you start to use them in his house, you cannot go
wrong. You will also start to work with others and this will allow you to
“work your talents” through an application of the “whole new level”
commitments. This is guaranteed to get you aligned with your essence on
Our natural inclination as a society is to start working before we become
routed to the Lord. Naturally, you are probably wondering why this
“Servanthood” system does not work 100% in the job environment. Here is
the answer: The job environment is about profits! Nothing more, nothing
less! No investor or board member starts a business venture to make
losses. The focus is thus making profits, and then serving your clients in
the process. The results are such that profits become more of a priority
than serving people.
The “Servanthhood” in the house of the Lord is about changing and saving
lives. It’s about serving people first, and then generating income and
money in the process to allow you to save lives effectively and efficiently.
(Money is extremely important. It thus surprises me why society experts
the church not to have money as a priority on their agenda.)
Serve, get involved, save lives, and apply the “Servanthood” system to
establish your essence on earth!
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
4. Step 4: Talk wealth to your support structure
Now that you have spent some time on your own to discover how you are
going to change your life for the rest of your life – you now need to
communicate that to your support structure. You are at a stage where you
now need to make a public announcement that, in turn, will become a
commitment. Public commitments are one of the quickest ways to
achieving your objectives. Wealth is a journey and not a “surprise of the
year” to your close ones. Tell everyone close to you about your “soon to
be unleashed” amazing journey!
As you talk wealth to your support structure, be very aware that a vision
always has the potential to make others envious. As such, be conscious of
the need to talk Wealth to the right support structure that will encourage
and support you. Also important is to understand that life will always deal
you challenges in the form of critics. Critics will not be happy when you
have a mission, vision and want to succeed. They are happy when you
are idle. They are happy when you are either equal or below them. Be
aware of them, and be careful not to share your vision with them. They,
however, should not deter you from applying this important concept of
sharing your vision by talking Wealth to your support structure.
As you talk wealth to your support structure, you will quickly realize one
powerful thing that is fundamental: your potential becomes fulfilled only
when it is shared and given to others. It is impossible to enjoy and fulfill
your vision if you keep it to yourself. None of us has been created for
Who is the support structure?
It is the people around you who need to keep you rooted to the destiny. It
includes your creator, self, spouse, family, colleagues, friends,
congregation and business associates. Simply put, it is your circle of
associates that needs to constantly support and encourage you on the
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Do you need a support structure?
Society uses numerous ways to communicate certain principles. Have a
look at the following comments about support:
“One is too small a number to achieve greatness” – John C.
“My friends have made the story of my life. In a thousand ways
they have turned my limitations into beautiful privileges” – Helen
There are numerous others. What is important to note though is the
underlying principle. Success is never achieved on individuality. You need
to embark on the wealth journey with your support structure, as they will
form the cement between the bricks and roots to support the tree of
success. As such, you need to talk wealth to your support structure in a
radical and exciting manner, being specific by telling them of future events
and plans.
The number one reason why you need to communicate to your
support structure is that you need to get them to act in a
constructive and meaningful manner that will assist you to achieve
your destiny.
If you are not getting an action or reaction from your support structure, reconsider your communication until you get results.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
5. Step 5: Make deposits that have infinite returns on investment
Make the bible, the bible
We live in a world of immense chaos. In all of that, there are “experts” and
peers that think they have got it all figured out. Those experts usually
come in the form of media – television, radio or print. It is amazing how we
line up in millions to purchase or open our hearts to expert opinions. We
listen, watch and read these opinions at morning, lunch and night. We
have made these opinions our bibles. When there is disaster though, very
little in the way of opinions is forthcoming.
Make the bible, your bible. Get your guidance and opinions by reading the
most powerful and insightful occurrences which mirror every day
challenges that you may think of in your life.
Where “experts” have no opinion, the bible will most certainly give you
expert advice and guidance.
Read it with perspective, relevance and assistance. Submit to the spiritual
leaders in your local church and allow them to assist you.
Read for relevance
It is incredible to find that the majority of society read the newspapers for
the sake of reading. They read because it enables them to have
in the corridors when greeting each other in the morning,
in the kitchen when they take their coffee or tea break,
on the balcony when they go for smoke breaks,
about the latest scandals and gossips
Others read so that they can have “cliché” conversations, talking big about
things they know nothing or very little about.
In all of these, where is the relevance?
What impact does your reading have on making this world of ours a better
What information are you sharing with 10 people in a day, which has not
been shared with those people by 10 other people?
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
I am not advocating a boring, dull personality where you spend your entire
time being serious. I am also not advocating an anti-newspaper and antimagazine lifestyle. There are some great publications out there. There are
rubbish publications, with sections in them that continuously have good
content. Find them and read them!
Do not pick up and purchase newspapers and magazines because you
want to “catch-up” on the gossips and scandals of the day/ week.
And of course, you can read some light-hearted stuff. Nothing wrong with
reading the comic strips and paging through the sports section. In fact,
you can read anything you feel like reading. I am merely highlighting that
out of every 10 hours of reading; at least 8 hours must be spent on
“reading for relevance”. The 8 hours will equip you to read the other
rubbish material with relevance and perspective.
Now that you know how to discover your essence, get out there and start
reading material that will develop your “Servanthood”.
Servanthood changes and saves lives. That is the ultimate result we all
need to be working towards.
Associate for relevance
You must associate with those who are pulling you up or those you are
pulling up. To a large extent this will be the support structure. There will
obviously be other relationships that you will need to develop outside of
your support structure. These are the individuals who need to be treated
on an “association for relevance” basis. One thing for sure, if you are not
being pulled up or pulling someone up; you are being pulled down or you
are pulling someone down.
The choice is yours!
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
6. Step 6: Develop and maintain your temple for abundant performance
1) Eat right
! Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Choose five or more
servings of whole fruits and vegetables – especially dark green,
orange or yellow – each day.
! Eat a variety of grain products, especially whole grains,
choosing six or more servings per day.
! Include low-fat or fat-free dairy products, fish (at least two
servings per week), legumes (beans), poultry with skin removed
and lean meats.
! Limit cholesterol-raising fats.
! Limit full-fat diary products, high-fat meats and fried foods.
Balance the total number of calories you eat with the total
energy used each day to maintain a healthy body weight.
! Balance the total number of calories you eat with the total
energy used each day to maintain a healthy body weight (simply
put – stop eating McDonald’s every day when your job entails
sitting at a desk the whole day!)
! Eat a fruit salad everyday.
! Drink lots and lots of water everyday
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
2) Get regular physical activity
! Exercise at least 3 times a week
! Join a gym. If you work and have an income there is no excuse
for not being a member of a gym. If you are tight on surplus
income – just join any local gym. You can join a world-class
brand like a Virgin Active at a later stage.
! If you don’t have any surplus then:
i. Brisk-walk
ii. Skip
iii. Jog
This will be some good cardio-vascular workout up until you can
afford to be a member of gym
! An hour session of exercise is enough. If you start to increase
your fitness, you will find that you might just extend that a bit.
! Exercise effectively by:
i. Starting and ending each session with a 5-10 min stretch.
It helps you unwind and get in tune as you begin or out of
tune as you end
ii. Starting and ending each session with a warm up and
cool down of 5-10 min of cardio-vascular exercise
iii. Doing some resistance training for toning
iv. Keeping the balance in your training:
1. balance between cardio vascular and resistance
2. balance between upper and lower body: train you
entire body: abdominal, arms, chest, biceps,
triceps, legs, calves, etc
! Never neglect to rest and recover:
i. Break once or twice a week
ii. It helps you prevent over-training your body and possibly
injuring yourself and it allows for the muscles to grow
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
3) Rest your body regularly
! Sleep for an average of 6 – 8 hours a day
! Plan to rest: it must not be an “oops” occurrence, particularly
rest during the work year
! The wealth journey requires a highly active lifestyle. There is
unending projects to be completed. In all of that plan for your
break-aways and holidays so you can rest
! Partake in very relaxing activities as part of your weekly routine:
like reading a novel – the peace you get from such activities
amounts to a lot of rest and relaxation
! Assist your body to always have energy by allowing it to rest
and recover.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
7. Step 7: Build Relationships of abundance
Emotions as the foundation
It all starts with your ability to guard your mental and physiological state.
Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and behaviours because this is the
beginning of any relationship. Whatever words and actions come forth is
always a manifestation of your emotions. Actions and emotions can not be
separated. Of interest though, is how we often associate emotions with a
negative result. “Gosh, he is so emotional!” “Control your emotions for
crying out loud”. Emotions are easily attached to negative behaviour.
However, when there is positive behaviour, very little is said about
emotions. Whether your actions are positive or negative, the very
beginning of the result is emotions. Think positive thoughts. Induce
positive feelings internally. That will result into positive speech and action.
Social skills as a supplement
Now that you have control over your emotions, does this mean you can
create and sustain good, healthy relationships? Absolutely not!
You need to understand how you use your positive behaviour to:
! contribute to the common welfare our community rather that think
! enable us to live in harmony with others and the environment than
to live in conflict with them
Many individuals have positive behavioural patterns but they struggle to
relate abundantly. They are able to create relationships, but they can’t
sustain them. As soon as others realize that you always think of yourself,
they run. Always use your positive behaviours to grow and contribute to a
common cause.
The second stage takes care of itself. It is impossible to develop others
and contribute to a common course and live in conflict with others.
Remember, we have cemented the essentials – the most important being
aligning your life purpose with the Lord.
It’s all about relationships. The above will certainly ensure that you relate
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
8. Step 8: Learn money matters of massive abundance
Wealth is definitely not defined by money. But money is definitely defined
at its best when it is used to create wealth and abundance! Sadly though,
money is one of the biggest barriers to our abundance. We have not learnt
how to spend it nor have learnt how to create it, in abundance! As such, I
will spend a lot of time to enlighten you on how to spend and create and
protect wealth.
Spending habits are more important than our ability to create wealth
They often say, show me your bank statement and I will tell you who you
are. Our spending habits define us in completion. Have a look at the
transactions on your bank statement and see how best and appropriate
the above assumption proves to be. As we get ready to go on this journey,
it is critical to understand how spending becomes a vital aspect of wealth.
Have you come across individuals that are high-earners but are constantly
in debt?
Have you come across people that live life on a high – but leave no legacy
because when they pass on, the only part of their life they leave behind is
These are just 2 examples of how devastating your spending habits can
be. Unfortunately, the majority of society never takes the time-out to
understand that money has a very simple rule: spend what you have!
Spend what you have: we are constantly spending, without analysis. As a
result you are always in a negative cash-flow, with your expenses always
exceeding your income. This is the quickest way to living a life of
frustration – despite the occasional good feeling you might experience
when you spend. (I will talk about feeling later on). Again, I urge you to
take the time-out at this point in time to check what income you make and
then compare that to your expenses. Do that immediately, before you
even begin to budget for your wealth journey.
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Budgeting for your wealth journey when you are already in a negative
cash-flow is not a good basis to begin from. Note down all your expenses.
You will probably find that some you can account for because your bank
statement reflects the transactions. However, there is a substantial
amount of money that we spend that is not reflected on our bank
statements. You now need to get a grip on what you are spending on by:
! Collecting your receipts (all of them)!
! Adding them up at the end of the month
There will only be one of two results from the above exercise: a positive
cash-flow, where your income exceeds your spending. That is a good
result. The other result is where your expenses exceed your income: that
is a negative cash-flow. This is a “not-so-good” result. It is not a bad result,
because you are now going to change that.
Destroy the feel good spending habits: Whether you result was good or
not-so-good above, the fact is the majority of society spends their money
based on feelings and wants. Living according to feelings is the quickest
way to destroy your wealth journey. Feelings will often mislead you.
The wealth journey is a journey of “whole new-level commitments” and
not feeling. If you commit to something, you need to stick to that
commitment. The challenge that we face is the commitments we make are
often made under circumstances that differ to the circumstances that we
need to fulfill those commitments under.
Imagine this: you are out on a dinner date with a lovely, sexy candidate.
You commit to the gym and exercise because your date has dropped a
hint that she would be more interested in you if you lost a few kilos. The
feeling is good at the time. The very first week of gym comes with rainy,
cold weather; unbearable pain. The circumstances have now changed –
the feeling is no longer good.
What do you do?
The answer is: you continue regardless of feeling because you have made
a commitment.
Our spending habits follow much the same procedure. Analyse your
How much of it is spent on cigarettes, alcohol, take-aways, clothing, and
“assets” that depreciate?
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
All these are bought because they make us feel good, and not because
they are part of a commitment. If your result above was good (i.e. positive
cash flow) and you have a substantial amount of “feel good” expenditure,
then you are about blow your mind away if you change those spending
If your result was “not-so-good”, then you need to cut that “feel good”
spending immediately. I am not advocating a dry life (for those of you with
a positive cash-flow) where you do not spend on the life’s feel good
materials. After all, we make money so we can spend it! I am, however,
emphasising the importance of having a wealth journey that is inclusive of
spending – where you make purchases and spend based on upfront
commitments and more importantly, your ability to spend.
For those with the good results: make some commitments on what you
want to spend on and you will probably find that you will still maintain
some of those “feel good” purely because you are now doing it
consciously upfront as a commitment, and not “as and when” purely on
feeling. For the not-so-good results, make a commitment to cut out the
“feel good” spending. You are in a not-so-good, negative cash-flow
situation and you do not need to make that worse by spending on
unnecessary “feel good” purchases. Make this a habit, until you find
yourself in a positive cash-flow situation.
Positive Cash – flow: now what? The rule is now simple. You need to
spend for growth and contribution. Growth is the mark of true wealth.
Grow by giving back to your blessor
The number one investment you can ever make is to give back the first
part of your treasure to the one who gave it to you in the first place. We
are custodians of everything we think we own. Because you have been
blessed to be able to earn higher custodian stripes, acknowledge that and
give 10% of your income to the Lord.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Invest in yourself
Investing in yourself has two aspects:
! It teaches you new things to aid you in progress
! It teaches you current things on a “whole new level”
Remember, as previously highlighted, the substantial part of this journey is
seeking to learn. Whether you are a beginner, and are learning new things
or you are a veteran, you constantly need to invest in yourself. Now is the
time to put your money where your mouth is, by spending your money on
resources that will assist you greatly to get to your destiny. Spend on the
resources and aids that will assist you mentally, spiritually, physically,
relationally and financially.
You are, no doubt, a beginner on this journey. But, rest assured, beginner
as you may be, you have frog-leaped about 90% of the population by
choosing to be on this journey. As a beginner, you need guidance from
those that have done it successfully. Do not waste your time seeking
counsel from those who are not practicing what they preach. They are,
invariably, in a worse off position than you are. Counsel is extremely
important on this journey. Part of the journey, is communicating to your
support structure. You have to include people that are miles ahead of you
in your support structure. This might be a personal or impersonal
relationship. Example of an impersonal relationship is resourcing yourself
through audio and text material. The irony of this is that if you stay
committed to those that you have chosen to be your “impersonal” support
structure, they unleash such value to you that you start to develop a
meaningful relationship towards them.
Be very aware of your feelings once again. What you are going to
experience as you spend for growth and contribution is the opposite of
what I referred to earlier on.
Earlier on, I referred to “feel good” spending. “Feel good” spending has
instant gratification and is short term in its nature. Benson & Hedges,
Johnnie Walker, McDonald burger and Diesel Jeans all give you instant
satisfaction. But you can not be constantly drunk – because that spells
trouble. As such the nature of gratification is short term. Spending for
growth is, by and large, the opposite. It doesn’t feel good immediately (in
fact sometimes, it feels extremely painful like gym when you first start). Its
rewards take time to manifest. However, when they do come to pass, they
blow you away. That “blow-away” feeling cannot be described as good.
Good is an understatement. It is a feeling that is only experienced by the
wealthy. It is an incredible, burden-removal, electrical experience that is
long term in nature. It is a feeling on a whole new level!
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Invest in your relationships
The next level of expenditure is that of relational expenditure. Spend on
your support structure. Wealth is built and destroyed around relationships
and people. Now that you know who the support structure is, go out and
bless them with showers of gifts, dinners, breakfasts, lunches, holidays,
etc. They are the support to the blessings you will get on earth. Bless
them, and be genuine about it.
Wealth is a journey that needs to be enjoyed. To enjoy, means you must
spend. Establish the cost of your journey upfront, and make a realistic
commitment to your expenditure budget.
Spend wisely and realize the beauty life has in store for you!
Income as a means of being wealthy
Income is the start of all wealth. Income is also the start of all chaos. I
have highlighted how you need to avoid the chaos in the previous section.
I mentioned a positive cashflow. That means surplus. Without a positive
cashflow or surplus you can never become wealthy. Now use your positive
cashflow to either:
1. invest or
2. become an entrepreneur
If you do not apply one of the above options, you will never become
wealthy. Of course, you are more than welcome to apply both of them.
You can only ever assume a position in anything in life as follows:
! actively or
! passively
Income is exactly the same. You can create active income or you can opt
for passive income.
You only achieve wealth through passive income.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Passive Income
It’s simple. Learn how to invest in property correctly and see yourself
becoming financially abundant beyond belief. I will not deliberate on this
because one of the bonus packages I will give you for assisting me with
the editing of this book is an e-book that will provide you with a Formula
on Wealth Creation. Part of that formula is investing in properties.
It is one of many resources I have used from my support structure
The following are some of the issues addressed in the book:
! What is a Wealth Creator
! Different kinds of property investments
! How properties yield a higher return if when the risk is lower
! Why most people commit financial suicide
! Discovering the real value, real risk and real growth on any one
property investment
! The two ways to create a surplus
! The four pillars of “The Amazing Formula for Wealth Creation”:
o The Eight Universal Laws
o The Formula for Riches™
o The Mercedes Principle
o The Accelerator Principle
! Negative gearing
It is first hand information that comes from the finest South African and
probably the World’s Wealth Creator and property investor, and you are
getting it for free! Use it to the best of your ability.
To get a copy of this material, kindly:
1. drop me an e-mail on [email protected]
2. give me a very brief comment on the book I have written and
how you think it can change your life as per my covering email
3. if you did not receive the book directly from me, kindly include
the name and e-mail address of the person who sent it to you
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
The second option is to be an entrepreneur. This is for people who
believe that they have the ability to take an intangible such as an idea and
turn that into money.
Become an entrepreneur and start a business at almost no cost, albeit
with limitless income streams. The easiest way to do this is to establish a
Direct Response Business or commonly known as Internet Businesses.
Again I will not deliberate on this because in addition to the first bonus,
you have the second bonus. This is a Beginner’s Guide to Starting a
High-Income Business on the Internet
The guide addresses the following:
! Why you need to go the route of an internet business if you do decide
to go into business
! Proper business set-up
! Rules and Regulations you need to be aware of
! Start up material and costs
! What you should sell
! Understanding the power of freebies
! E-mail marketing Strategies
! Building a professional website within anyone’s reach
The material comes from the finest Direct Response Business pioneers,
and again you get this for free.
Again to get a copy of this material, kindly:
1. drop me an e-mail on [email protected]
2. give me a very brief comment on the book I have written and
how you think it can change your life as per my covering e-mail
3. if you did not receive the book directly from me, kindly include
the name and e-mail address of the person who sent it to you
Like I said – Wealthy individuals hate risk. The above 2 ways of creating
wealthy do not require you to pump in hundreds and thousands of
upfront funds. They just require your time, effort and responsibility. Of
course, it is impossible not to invest any money and expect incredible
This e-book will be sold for $19.95 very soon. Fortunately, you are getting
it for free!
How much does it cost to start a conventional business these days and
what are the risks?
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You now have solutions and strategies to become financially wealthy. The
risks are minimal (if there at all) and you need not pump in money. BUT, if
you follow the strategies diligently, you will become financially abundant!
Go out there and make as much money as you can!
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
9. Step 9: Balancing the wealth equation
Schedule your wealth journey
The essence of wealth is abundance. Abundance has no secret, contrary
to what many people might say about wealth and wealthy individuals.
So why is it that less than 5% of society achieve a state of being wealthy?
The answer is one of two:
! one part of society is so ignorant to the beauty that life has to offer
that they “do not know what they do not know”.
! the other part is aware of life’s beauty, but never gets out the
starting blocks of life’s rat race. They are too busy caught up in the
thick of thin things.
Where does scheduling leave you as you embark on your wealth journey?
It is simple: you have to make things happen.
The challenge that faces most of society is that they claim not to be able
to find the time to attend to important aspects. They are 100% correct!
You will not find the time, if you do not make the time.
Making time requires you to shut out the “urgent” aspects which are
defined primarily by the environment and social values. Shut those
“urgent” things out with a smile. Never get caught up doing urgent things,
simply because you have neglected to attend to them in the first place.
If your journey becomes an urgent journey, rest assured you are on the
wrong journey. This is a journey of abundance, including the abundance
and luxury of time. The only way to have the luxury of time is to ensure
that your diary is scheduled with important activities that are linked to all
the milestones created to help you reach your destiny.
A plan is as good as its actions.
Intention without action amounts to waste. Consequently, it is imperative
that once your plan is in order – you need to schedule it into a calendar, in
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Scheduling steps:
! Get the necessary tools:
• A descent diary (can be a manual or electronic like your
Microsoft Outlook or mobile phone)
! Detail your objectives for the year on a piece of paper
! Establish whether they add value to your:
• Spiritual Wealth
• Mental Wealth
• Relational Wealth
• Physical Wealth
• Financial Wealth
! Detail the activities that you need to carry out in order to achieve
your objectives
! Activities such as driving or travelling are important activities to
schedule into your diary. You will be surprised at how much time
we spend on supportive activities such as driving and travelling.
The other activities are core as opposed to supportive. Schedule
! Put those activities into your diary for the year. A lot of these
activities are re-occurring activities. You might very well find that
you are using more than one of the above diaries. Today’s
technology allows for synchronization. (Synchronize everyday).
There is nothing more disappointing for a wealthy individual than
missed activities or appointments simply because your diaries have
different data.
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Working your schedule
Have you ever found that you have scheduled what you need to be doing
but by the end of the week, you find that you have not covered all those
activities? In the beginning, this must not bother you too much. When you
schedule initially, you are estimating what time you will take to complete
the activities. However, what actually happens will in all likelihood differ
from the planned schedule.
It’s fine. This is isn’t the end of the world because the monitoring aspect of
the journey will put this right. I will deal with that in the next step.
For now – just focus on working your planned schedule.
Steps on working your schedule:
! Review your schedule at the beginning of every week and day!
! Priorities your activities. Shuffle if you need to. That’s the point of
the review. But always shuffle according to your priorities.
! Commit to those activities and get them done. Remember: it is not
about how you feel. It is about commitments! Just do it.
! Constantly monitor your every minute, hour and day progress. Use
a watch. If you don’t have one, buy one. Time is of the essence.
Play around with your schedule until it works. Don’t be late for
appointments that you have.
Scheduling is a critical proactive stage. It induces planning and triggers
the mind to always attend to the important things in life first. It is the
catalyst to turning your 24hr days into 48hrs.
Get things on the calendar every hour, day, week, month and year. Time
is an extremely valuable resource! Take control of it, and make it yours. If
you do not, it will take control of you. Taking control of time is the
difference between converting a 24 hour day to a 48 hour day and
allowing time to convert a 24 hour day to a 12 hour day! The 36 hour
difference is abundance and wealth!
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
10. Step 10: Be in control of the cockpit
Monitor your wealth journey effectively
The journey has now begun. A big congratulation to you!
But do not spend the rest of the journey patting yourself on the back,
simply because you have begun. Something has to happen on the journey
– and let us hope that it goes according to plan.
Hope is, unfortunately, what most people bank on. And that is all they do.
They bank on hope. They sometimes do not even have a plan. At least,
you have spent the time devising a plan. Do not let that go to waste by
neglecting to ensure that the plan works. Wealth has the following process
1. Plan what you want to work towards as a destiny
2. Work what your destiny plan needs to be.
Hope is critical on the wealth journey because it gives you perspective.
Hope is the ability to keep believing that your vision will materialize.
However, hope, without work amounts to nothing. You now need to work
your plan. Success and wealth will only ever come before work in the
dictionary. It is a fact – no work, no wealth.
Monitor your progress effectively. That requires you to devise indicators
that will inform when you deviate from your plan. These indicators are
critical. They are also not a once-off. They are a work in progress. As
such, work will forever be synonymous to wealth. Progress is like a canoe
trip; constantly adjust your course based on the constant feedback.
Surprisingly though, is the amount of people in business who don’t even
know what is going on in their business. Your life is your business. Your
wealth journey is your business. The only way you will be able to progress
is through constant monitoring of your progress in relation to your plan.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Wealth is about being effective before being efficient. Your indicators need
to be effective. The only way to make them effective is to constantly work
on improving the feedback they give you. One of the most critical
underlying factors of your ability to monitor is time.
How long does it take you to find out what happened over a month, in
relation to your plan? Is it immediate?
Does it take you a day, 5 days?
If it is not immediate, you are a way off.
Work your indicators until they are able to give you feedback in relation to
your plan immediately!
Steps on monitoring:
1. Write down the time spent on all your activities (use your manual
2. Highlight what part of your wealth that activity was linked to
(spiritual, mental, physical, relational or financial)
3. Calculate the amount of time spent daily, weekly and monthly on
your various aspects of your wealth journey
4. Here, you are checking the variance between the planned time
(which is probably an estimate when you first do it) and the actual
time spent. When you next schedule, you use the actual time you
spent doing that activity on the previous occasion.
5. Plot this and star to look for patterns and trends. Make it as exciting
as possible because this is a critical aspect.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Make the results of the wealth journey your best friend
Are you enjoying the journey yet?
If not, you have not completed the other stages thoroughly. Wealth is all
about results!
What results?
Results that have actually taken place versus the results you had planned
Authentic results versus fictitious results? If your results surprise you,
chances are they are fictitious (i.e. not reflective of what truly happened).
The secret to Wealth is 100% control over everything you do. Results
should merely affirm what you should be expecting. Authentic results have
a very high element of integrity. Whether your results are manual or
system-generated, spend enough time to ensure that they have integrity.
When you are 100% sure that they have integrity, you can now spend time
analyzing them.
Wealth is future abundance: If you spend more of your time on analysis of
reliable results, then you are on the right track. Results are two-fold:
1. They give you what’s transpired, versus your plan
2. They tell you where you need to be headed in future
Where you need to be headed in the future is your list of milestones to be
achieved. No analysis of results means no future milestones. No future
milestones, means no growth. No growth means regression. Regression
amounts to the death of your journey.
Never find yourself relating stories about how good you were – last week,
last month, last year, 10 years back.
Relate wealth and success that speaks to the current, and more
importantly, the future.
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Decide on your future milestones with conviction based on reliable results
and you are indeed well on your way to a happy, fulfilled and abundant
wealthy lifestyle!
May Wealth be your Best Friend.
Peteni Kuzwayo
Wealthy Mindset
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How to live life in the Wealth lane
Chapter 4:
Pekel, Todd: “Why Students Fail = F” 2006. Michigan Proficiency Exams
Chapter 6;
Covey, S.R. 1989 The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. New York. Free
Chapter 7:
Maxwell, J. C. 2002 The Maxwell Leadership Bible. Nashville. Thomas Nelson
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How to live life in the Wealth lane