“How to Find the Will of God” ~ Part 2 Philippians 4:8 Sunday, June 22, 2014 Many thanks to Stephen Robinson for being here in my place last Sunday. I know you were blessed as Stephen is very gifted in sharing the Good News! And, I hope many of you, like me, had a wonderful Father’s Day! It’s great to be remembered, isn’t it? And that’s some of what we discussed the last time I was with you. In particular, as we remembered Pentecost Sunday, the coming of God’s Holy Spirit . . . and more importantly, what the work of the Holy Spirit was to be about. We talked about how it moved through the Christian Community in a powerful way. How, at first, it was described as something that people were FILLED with as we remembered the way it was ushered in, in such a mighty rushing wind as it says in Act 2. But then, we discovered that it wasn’t restricted to JUST those people in that room long ago. That the Holy Spirit was purposed to allow us to understand the things of God. To understand God’s will for all humankind in the growth of the Character of Christ in us. And that the Holy Spirit’s role was in LEADING us into this TRUTH. 2 We looked at Jesus’ powerful words regarding the Holy Spirit in John 14, where He knows what His imminent future holds . . . knowing He will be taken away from them, crucified on a cross . . . realizing that these people He’s been with will feel left alone . . . and says, “16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” KJV We looked at how our relationship with the Holy Spirit went from being described as something that we’re FILLED with ~to~ the description of it being a WALK. Remembering Paul’s words in Rom. 8:29, “For those whom he forknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn within a large family.” In other words the Holy Spirit’s primary goal is to lead us into Christlikeness . . . continuing the process of the Character of Christ Jesus being developed in us. Gal 5:16 reminds us, “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” We need to see that the immediate result of this WALK is not discovering which job to take, or which person to marry, or which car to buy. Rather, the immediate result is for us to lead us away from not carrying out the desires of the flesh. 3 And Paul puts it succinctly in this Gal. 5:16 passage because he realizes that to do one is not to do the other. And this is important for us to see . . . because Paul is doing more than commanding us to not fulfill the desires of the flesh . . . Paul realized that when we live in such dependency on and sensitivity to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, then we would WALK by the Spirit . . . And when we walk by the Spirit . . . we wouldn’t and couldn’t fulfill the desires of the flesh. A few verses later we find another reference to walking in the Spirit. This time, however, Paul uses a different and more descriptive Greek word for WALK, in which he says: “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” Gal. 5:25 And the word for “walk” here means to “be in line with” or “agree with.” The New International Version of this passage helps by saying, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Very much like a person walking through a mine field . . . if we don’t follow the exact steps they take before us, we can step on a live mine. And the idea here is to walk in such a way as to avoid the moral land mines buried all around us. 4 And I say all of this because isn’t this a much more positive approach than being told what NOT to do? Because in this way we’re given positive direction that will result in avoiding those things we have NO BUSINESS INVOLVING OURSELVES IN. Because our natural tendency will be to think about all the things we are NOT supposed to do, and consequently, they become our focus. I believe that this is why so many believers don’t seem to make any significant progress in their Spiritual Journey. They’re constantly consumed with what they SHOULDN’T be doing, instead of focusing their attention on following the leading of the Holy Spirit. Believers MUST come to see that the Spirit-filled life isn’t a life of DON’TS . . . it’s a life of DO’S. Do walk in the Spirit, and you will avoid fulfilling the works of the flesh <p> But it’s not an automatic kind of a thing is it? We have a part in this process . . . but our “part” depends upon OUR WILL! It depends upon US giving in to the more perfect way of the Spirit. It depends upon US being willing to give up our right . . . giving up what we want and how we want it. 5 It depends upon US being FAITHFUL. Trusting that God knows exactly what’s going on and that whatever we’re going through and whatever situations and circumstances come our way . . . that we will know it’s for the continued development of Christ’s character in us. But for this to happen we MUST SEE something very important . . . we must see that because of Jesus’ death on the cross, He changed our relationship to the works of the flesh . . . to sin. Before our salvation, Rom. 6:20, reminds us that we were slaves to sin. It was as if Satan had a big collar around our necks with a leash on it. And whenever he pulled our leash, we followed . . . sure, we might have fought back at times to show our independence, but eventually, he had his way. Practically speaking, we were slaves to our natural desires. But upon Salvation, at that very point in time, we were set free from slavery to sin (see Rom 6:22). The leash was cut. We no longer had to give in to the temptations of the desires of our sinful flesh. But nobody told us! So when temptation came along, we did what we had always done – we gave in . . . and we felt guilty because the Holy Spirit was living in us (we grieved the Holy Spirit) . . . we weren’t at peace . . . and we asked for forgiveness and STRIVED (within ourselves) to do better. 6 But the cycle would continue. And that’s because we didn’t understand what it meant to WALK in the Spirit. Because the one who walks in the Spirit, is the one who understands the FACT that we are free from sin. Otherwise, we will continue to assume that the tug of the flesh is a tug we can’t resist. Our inclination will ALWAYS be to follow your flesh. After all, that’s what we’re used to . . . and, up to the point of receiving Christ Jesus, that’s all we’ve ever known. And, we think: “besides, nobody’s perfect.” And over and over it goes . . . there’s no victorious living because we’re serving two Masters. And Jesus reminds us in BOTH Matthew’s & Luke’s gospels that we cannot follow two masters . . . because we will either follow the lead of the Spirit or the desires of the flesh. And it’s sad because I believe that so many Christians follow their flesh because they really don’t believe they have any choice. They’ve lost the same battles so many times that they have given up. The least little temptation sends them scurrying after their flesh . . . thinking, “well, I’ll just ask for forgiveness and try harder next time.” And the next time comes, and the desires of the flesh well-up within us, and we see the end of Romans 7 dialogue happen over and over. 7 But folks, God intended for it to be the other way around in this scenario. Instead of realizing at the end of our acts of the flesh the reality of being set free by Jesus Christ . . . God had intended, by the work of the Holy Spirit, and the finished work of Calvary’s Cross, for us to realize that SIN NO LONGER HAS ANY POWER OVER US. Sure, Satan can call to us. He can stir up our natural appetites. He can do anything he wants – FROM THE SIDELINES. BUT . . . he can’t touch us. His power over us is broken. WE HAVE BEEN SET FREE! That’s why Paul tells us in Rom. 6:11-14 says: “Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey its lusts . . . for sin shall not be master over you.” We may feel the way we’ve always felt. We may desire the things we’ve always desired. But the fact is, WE ARE FREE! And the secret to remaining in the FREEDOM of Christ is in our MINDS . . . we must begin everyday with the thought: “I’m going to renew my mind to this transforming truth.” Because we will never walk in the Spirit until we are CONVINCED of our freedom from the Law of Sin and Death. And the believer that truly walks in the Spirit . . . who’s truly LED by God’s Holy Spirit, is one who understands these great TRUTHS that Jesus reminds us was the Holy Spirit’s purpose. 8 And as we hear these TRUTHS, the Spirit quickens that TRUTH in us, because this is the work of the Holy Spirit, as we looked at this from Jesus’ words in John 14. But we also know that there is another who’s deceiving us within our FLESH . . . who entices the lust of the FLESH . . . the desires of the flesh. There’s that voice that is at war with the voice of the Spirit. The voice that deceives us into thinking that by gratifying the lust of the flesh we will find fulfillment. But it’s a lie because the gratification is fleeting and unfulfilling. It’s the voice of: “If I just had __________, THEN I’d be happy.” Instead of the realization that God has supplied ALL of our needs according to His riches in Glory. (Phil. 4:19) And I say all of this because we can see that there’s an important relationship between our thinking and our ability to follow the Spirit’s lead. Paul described it this way in Rom. 8:5-6, when he said, “for those who are walking according to the flesh set their MINDS on the things of the flesh, but those who are walking according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the MIND set on the flesh is death, but the MIND set on the Spirit is life and peace.” Where we set our minds determines who we follow and what we do. 9 When we set our minds on the things of the Spirit and we Walk by the Spirit. And, by that, I don’t mean we’re to be walking around in some sort of hypnotic state. It’s far from that . . . In fact, there’s nothing mystical about setting our minds on the Spirit. And that’s Paul’s point . . . it’s that we’re simply to be to setting our minds on the things pertaining to the Spirit. And the same holds true for the mind set on the flesh. It’s not thoughts about the flesh itself that lead us astray. It’s allowing those thoughts to DWELL that cause us to fulfill the works of the flesh. It’s critical for believers (ANYBODY) to realize that ANYTHING that we DO first originates from our MIND. And that’s the way it is with fulfilling the works of the Flesh . . . as any act of the Flesh is committed twice: once in our heads and once in our behavior. And in order to win the behavior battle, we must first win the battle that takes place in our . . . MINDS. For years I was defeated in this area. And part of the reason was that I was focused almost exclusively on not DOING WRONG things. 10 My idea of walking in the Spirit was being preoccupied with good behavior. But no matter how committed I was, at best I was inconsistent. And then I saw what my problem was. I wasn’t taking part in the battle before the BEHAVIOR/ACTION. As walking in the Spirit requires a mind-set, a preoccupation – if you will – with truth. The battle begins not with the temptation to do something I know I shouldn’t do . . . but with the temptation to dwell on anything that conflicts with what the Holy Spirit has made known to me. This is the battle before the BEHAVIOR. Once I became aware of this, a number of verses took on new significance: 1 Peter 1:13 “Therefore, gird your MINDS for action, keep sober in spirit.” Col. 3:2 “Set your MIND on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” Rom. 12:2 “and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your MIND.” And then today’s scripture lesson, which you’ve heard as a benediction from me many times: “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS ~ let your MIND dwell on these things.” 11 When we refuse to get involved in the battle before the battle, there is no hope for change at the behavior level. By then it’s too late. As walking in the Spirit requires that we become hypersensitive to any thought that conflicts with truth. Anything that clashes or conflicts with what we KNOW to be true is not of the Spirit. And anything that is not of the Spirit only gets in the way of our ability to be led by the Spirit and be conformed to the image of Christ. Therefore, to walk in the Spirit, we must get serious about guarding our MINDS. <p> Like so many people, I wasn’t always careful with what I allowed myself to think about . . . to DWELL on. But when I realized just how important the battle of the mind is . . . I purposed to set my mind on the things of the Spirit. And progressively, it began to transform my living to the reality of who and what Christ is, and wanted to be, in me . . . through me . . . as me. And this reality translated to walking in the Spirit . . . which, in turn, brought such peace . . . such joy . . . and such LIFE to my living! Because, then, I realized who and what “LIFE” really was & IS . . . Christ in me, my hope in Glory, as the great Apostle reminds us (Col. 1:27) . . . the One who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE.” John 14:6 12 Lastly, let me give you a POWERFUL verse of scripture that helped me get on, and stay on, track in this area: 2 Cor. 10:5 “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” And we’ll talk more about that next time as we continue to understand the work of the Holy Spirit and our walking in the Sprit. Prayer/Hymn of Invitation: “Take My Life and Let it Be” #379 (1 & 3)
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