International Journal of Sport Studies. Vol., 2 (11), 537- 541, 2012 Available online at http: ISSN 2251-7502 ©2012 VictorQuest Publications How to use Physical education teachers from Ahvaz about information technology (capabilities, obstacles and solutions) 1 2 3 4 Bahrami Azam *, Dr.Syeda Nahid Shetab Booshehri , Aslani Narges , Rahmani Nariman 1, 3- MS.C student of physical education in Azad of Shoushtar University 2- Associate professor in faculty of physical education of Shahid Chamran Ahvaz University 4- MS.C student of physical education in International University of Ghesm *Corresponding author: Email: [email protected] Abstract The overall goal of this study is how to use Physical education teachers from Ahvaz about information (capabilities, obstacles and solutions). Study population consisted of 437 male and female physical education teachers in four areas of the city of Ahvaz that were teaching in the 2011-2012 year. Between Of these, 204 people were randomly – the stage, selected. Research methods according to aims of the research were descriptive- survey. The tool used was a questionnaire with 38 questions, depending on the response of the five domains (knowledge, attitude, use, barriers and solutions) was in. Reliability coefficient for the questionnaire by Cronbach's alpha was (855/0 = r) in the 001/0 ≥ P significant. After collecting the questionnaires, for data analysis used from descriptive statistics (statistics for group Table, mean, standard deviation, and extent of the variation). In inferential statistical section, first used from Kolmogorov - Smirnov (KS) test for normality of data and then analyze the research questions of the t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient was used. The significance level of 0/05 was considered. The results showed that physical education teachers' knowledge and use from information technology is a low. Physical education teachers ' attitudes from information technology is high level. And hardware factors are greatly hindering the deployment of information technologies in the teaching for physical education teachers. Keywords: Information Technology, Physical education teachers, Obstacles and solutions Introduction Dare to say IT is one of the few phenomenons in its short life have been able influence wide humanity societies and their needs and putting to attract his attention (Solayman Pour, 2010). Synchronous with the growth of other institutions of society, this phenomenon has opened own place in education and recently the process has more speed. Intelligent schools, the creation of computer workshops in schools, set up a an integrated system for online registered of the students (documents), the Bakfa application, Approach to festivals holding of teaching methods with using of IT in the many lessons at most Degrees in physical education specifically, it is confirmed by the Ministry of Education. This could be a sign promising for the integration of IT in education and using it wisely by teachers (Ebadi, 2005). On the other hand, the world of physical science today is so vast and varied that describe, application and its performance is only possible with the use of information technology. Due to the volume of students using of the computers and the Internet at home and at lower levels in schools, the important of this issue is double. Physical education teachers and sports teachers for quality sports activities in schools can take advantage of information technology and to implement it in teaching physical education at the national level should be make new developments in teaching physical education. 537 Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 2 (11), 537- 541, 2012 In order to succeed in the deployment of information technology, physical education teachers need to be felt of the training term over the past but in the first step, knowledge of the level of utilization, the use of information and the obstacles of teachers transgression will need to use information technology are very essential (Khakpour, 2010). Today, sustainable development as an objective of human life, based on knowledge and innovation and this matter is founded competitive advantage of nations in the digital age marks (Karami, 2005). Surely education as one of the founding institutions of learning and creativity, play a important role in the nation’s competitiveness and knowledge development (Kretschmann2012; Moayeri, 2000) Today in school place, the teachers and especially the physical education teachers are the first who’s that bind family environment with the outside environment are the first behavioral patterns that is popular for students (Meredith, 2011). Meanwhile, it seems with development of information technology includes modern technologies such as the use of Computer systems , tablets , familiarity with the Windows operating system , word processing , PowerPoint , installed applications , Create pages , blogs, mobile phones , video games and the enjoyment of Web sites and access to the latest developments and successful in science (there is in sports science), Teachers ' power that it derived from knowledge is reduced and in the future of education , knowledge is not source of power and prestige for teachers, because the society that it aims is develop a society based on science and technology , should be transform itself education and for these importance matter needs to be used educational technology , The design , implementation and planned evaluation of basic and applied research (Thomas, 2006; Anderson, 2000). This is necessary that teachers focus on other aspects of their lawful authority and dignity of the human related with the student. Also outfit of teachers with sufficiency knowledge of information technology can be one of these aspects (Anari, 2009; Niazi, 1997; Rastgar pour, 2005). According to current concerns of the education authorities in Iran, and draw a fundamental transformation document and emphasis of this document's on moving into intelligent making schools and more productivity from the desired level of information technology in education, it is need to knowledge of the use and benefit of information technology for teachers (Azad, 2009). So it is necessary to answer these questions: How to use Physical education teachers from technology (capabilities, barriers and solutions) and what is its level and extent? Materials and Methods This present research is descriptive-survey, and has done as a field research from the point of Information gathering and is applied from the point of aim that researcher collect required information through questionnaire. Statistical community In this study research statistical community includes: Physical Education teachers that working in four areas of education office from Ahvaz city in the 2011-2012 school time year. So study population consisted of 437 male and female physical education teachers in four areas of the city of Ahvaz. According to Morgan table, between of these, 204 people were selected via the stage randomly. Between of these people, 120 people were female teachers and 84 people were male teachers. Tool measured Measuring instrument, which is a researcher questionnaire was designed in two parts. In the first part of the questionnaire, the demographic characteristics of the sample was tested and in the second part of the questionnaire, also for investigating the effective factors on these study, we used of researcher questionnaire was utilized to explore how physical education teachers from information technology (IT) capabilities in three areas, barriers and explore solutions in Ahwaz city which includes 38 questions and 5 subcomponent: (knowledge, attitude, utilize, obstacles and solutions). For this purpose, the 5 questions about knowledge, the 6 question their attitudes towards the use of information technology, the 10 questions of the use of information technology in schools, in 11 questions hurdles to effective use of information technology and the 6 question about solution increased use of IT by teachers of physical education. Depending on the type of questionnaire 538 Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 2 (11), 537- 541, 2012 responses are anonymous and questions which have been valuate base on 5 degrees Lickert scale (very high, high, medium, low and very low). Validity and reliability We give the researcher questionnaire to well-known professors in the field of sportive, sportive experts and managers, and then we do corrective actions utilizing their considerations, For assessing questionnaire constancy, we use alpha (α) indicator on base of one Independent primary sample of research item with 30 Physical education teachers from Ahvaz, which and (α=0.82) indicates a favorite constancy. Factor analysis results of questionnaire and factor audience results above 0.3 with perpendicular circulation earn five factors in which 0.37 variance of questions were extracted. KMO=0.67 test and Bratelet (p<0.000) indicate that the item volume is enough and there are considered factors in society. Statistical analysis of the survey data: For data analyzing, we used SPSS 16 software. We used descriptive statistics for evaluating frequencies, means, percentiles and standard deviations and for hypothesis tests, first we specified normality of distributed data using Kolemogrof- Esmirnof (KS), then we used t-test and Pearson correlation test was used to examine the research questions. Results Results showed that the majority of samples were female teachers with 58.6 percent, which this is due to the absorption of female teachers in primary school for girls and boys. 41.7 percent of physical education teachers use the internet less than an hour per day, and 3.4 percent with a minimum of four hours, use of internet. Between of sample research, 16.7 percent do not use of internet that this indicate low utilization for most physical education teachers from information technology. 56.9 percent of the physical education teachers using information technology less than 20 percent of own daily routine. In between (5.4 percent) physical education teachers using the internet and information technology more than 60 percent of own daily work, such as wages, pay bills and make purchases. Figure 1: amount of Internet usage by teachers 1- In the Knowledge field of information technology, on the results can be said that the implications understand of Physical education teachers from information technology is low in the city of Ahvaz (t =-5/070) and significance level (0/000). 2- According to finding in attitude discussion, can be said that IT Physical education teachers in Ahwaz city have a positive attitude in the use of information technology (t= 20/188) and significance level (0/000). 539 Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 2 (11), 537- 541, 2012 3- In relation to hardware, software and human rescores obstacles, we can conclude that in the hardware gamut according to amount of t (t =3/931) and significance level (0/000), hardware factors is one of obstacles to the use of information technology in the view of Physical education teachers in Ahwaz city. In software gamut according to amount of t (t =-4/033) and significance level (0/000), software factors is not one of obstacles to the use of information technology. In human resource gamut according to amount of t (t =-3/067) and significance level (0/002), human resource factors is not one of obstacles to the use of information technology in view of Physical education teachers in schools of Ahvaz city. Table 1: one sample T-test results: difference of scale average with research subscales average Factors t df Sig. (2Mean 95% Confidence Interval of tailed) Difference the Difference Lower Upper Attitude 20/188 203 0/000* 4/193 4/449 5/413 Knowledge -5/070 Hardware 3/931 203 203 0/000* -1/593 -2/212 -0/973 0/000* 1/186 0/591 1/781 Discussion and Conclusions According to study, can be said Although physical education teachers of Ahwaz city used from information technology in their daily lives consistently to obviation of the own needs, such as wages , internet purchases , pay bills and According to finding in attitude discussion, can be said that physical education teachers of Ahwaz city have positive attitude toward using technology in their teaching in schools and counting it as a facilitator of learning and these findings is inconsistent with results of (Shajee, 2007), (Khosrozade, 2008), (Thomas Vastartn, 2006), (Meredith, 2011) and is not inconsistent with results of (Azad, 2009), (Kereshman, 2011). But In the Knowledge field of information technology, on the results can be said that knowledge of IT concepts including familiarity with Windows operating system, word processing, PowerPoint, installed applications, making web pages of the physical education teachers of Ahwaz city are low level and their use of information technology is also low These findings are consistent with (Beroumand, 2006), (Azad, 2009), (Khosrozadaeh, 2008). In obstacles ‘discusses use of the information technology by teachers of physical education, Despite the willingness of teachers to use technology, feel the need to it and managers tendency enjoying to utilizing of IT, there is not possibility of using these technologies in schools, because computers shortage in school, don’t connected of computer in the school to local and international network and lack of required training aids, there is the possibility of using these technologies in schools. Therefore it is essential that education office should be examined the facilities, equipment and supplies required for the use of teachers and students, also provide continuous period of service provision for teachers and eventually to equip of the schools for the better quality equipment and facilities shall comply these facilities with national and international standards. According to the results, finding of this research is consistent with findings of (Shajee, Gholamyan, 2007), (Meridit, 2011), (Thomas Vastartn, 2006). Finally, according to the results of this research, understanding and utilization of physical education teachers in the city of Ahvaz is the low level of information technology. But their attitude to the use of information technology in daily life and teaching is positive. 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