How to Biotinylate with Reproducible Results Introduction The Biotin‐Streptavidin system continues to be used in many protein‐based biological research applications including; ELISAs, immunoprecipita‐ tion, Westen blotting, general immobilization and detection, and many other biological procedures. Although pre‐biotinylated proteins are often avail‐ able from commercial sources, there are many in‐ stances when specialized proteins are not available in this form; thereby requiring the researcher to biotinylate their own protein. However, there are many common problems and other pitfalls associated with standard biotinyla‐ tion procedures, for example; • A researcher is often uncertain a reaction worked properly or even to what degree • Over‐biotinylation often causes preci‐ pitation and loss of protein • Over‐biotinylation often reduces pro‐ tein activity and/or function For this reason, streptavidin‐binding assays were developed and used to quantify the degree of protein biotinylation. For example, two such as‐ says include the HABA and a FluoroReporterTM streptavidin binding assay. However, streptavidin binding assays suffer from numerous short‐ comings: • High cost (laborious and time‐ consuming) • Require expensive, often unavailable equipment (e.g. fluorimeter) • Require external protein calibration curve • Binding assays are destructive in na‐ ture and consume significant quanti‐ ties of often precious protein • Binding assays almost always under‐ represent the number of biotin mole‐ cules actually attached to the protein How can these problems be solved? 1) Control the amount of biotin on your protein for assay optimization In order to avoid over modification which often causes precipitation and or greatly reduces activity you should select a di‐ rectly traceable biotinylation kit. Such a kit would allow you to quickly determine the amount of biotin incorporated into a protein before every assay. Such tracea‐ ble biotinylation would enable you to quickly determine the number of biotin molecules present on the protein and thus allow a minimal amount of biotin‐ just enough to successfully complete an assay without disrupting activity or func‐ tion. A fast, reliable and easy to use me‐ thod for determining the number of biotins attached to a protein would elimi‐ nate the desire to move on blindly to the next step of an often complicated down‐ stream assay. 2) Biotin quantification without expensive equipment and additional costly assays. Many of the current methods for quanti‐ fying biotin on proteins require a second‐ ary assay such as the HABA or the FluorReporterTM (Invitrogen) assay. The former assay is a destructive assay that is less sensitive and can consume up to 75 ug of the labeled protein in the assay. It also requires an external streptavidin‐ © 2008 Solulink, Inc. Solulink How to Biotinylate with Reproducible Results – November 2008 based calibration curve. The latter, Fluo‐ roReporterTM assay, although more sensi‐ tive than the HABA assay, requires a spectrofluorimeter or a fluorescent plate reader. This assay also requires an exter‐ nal calibration curve. The destructive na‐ ture of the assays along with increased labor cost and time diminish the general implementation of these assays. Any method for circumventing these limita‐ tions could be quite beneficial to any small company or research lab that wor‐ ries about the cost of such ancillary rea‐ gents and assays. 3) Reproduce your results effectively. Quick and accurate quantification of the number of biotins incorporated in a pro‐ tein will allow you to quantify your reac‐ tions each time you biotinylate. This provides confidence in the quality of the assay reagents being used. It also permits quantitative comparison to previous bio‐ tinylation reactions. Quantifying the bio‐ tin MSR (biotin molar substitution ratio) after labeling would allow you move on to the next step of a process or assay with much greater confidence. 4) Choose a traceable biotin reagent with a “built‐in” signaling system. When you choose the right biotin rea‐ gent, you will ensure tracking and identi‐ fication of the entire labeling process, always ‘dialing in’ and quantifying the proper degree of biotin incorporation be‐ fore every assay or process. Current biotinylation products on the market that can help solve these problems: Email: [email protected] Although there are several products on the mar‐ ket to address one or two of the solutions above, Solulink offers the only comprehensive solution to all these problems in a single reagent. We also provide easy to use automated calculators that avoid any need to manually calculate how much reagent to use or time consuming calculations. Solulink also offers one‐on‐one technical support for any biotinylation project and/or other conju‐ gation support services. Solving all these prob‐ lems with the use of a single reagent can help you achieve your ultimate research goals while saving you time, money, protein, and other valuable re‐ sources while providing valuable process informa‐ tion. Control the amount of biotin on the protein In order to address all of the common biotinyla‐ tion problems, Solulink has developed Chroma‐ Link Biotin (Figure 1). ChromaLink Biotin is a water‐soluble biotin labeling reagent with built‐in signal traceability that allows you to track and rapidly calculate the exact number of biotins at‐ tached to a protein or antibody. The procedure for labeling with ChromaLink Biotin is identical to biotinylating with any other NHS‐based biotinyla‐ tion reagent. The key to solving the common problems previously discussed revolve around the unique, UV‐traceable chromophore embedded 2 Solulink How to Biotinylate with Reproducible Results – November 2008 within the linker itself. Following buffer exchange of the labeling reaction, the biotinylated protein is simply analyzed by measuring the A280 and A354 of the conjugate. Inserting the absorbance values into a ChromaLink Biotin calculator (provided) automatically calculates the final protein concen‐ tration and the number of biotins incorporated! Biotin quantification using a simple spectropho‐ tometer and no other costly reagents Representative UV absorbance spectra of a biotiny‐ lated antibody using ChromaLink Biotin can be used to illustrate how easy it is to quantify biotin incorporation by a simple scan of the biotinylated sample (Figure 2). Data can be acquired on any conventional or NanoDropTM spectrophotometer and the sample recovered after analysis (non‐ destructive). Figure 2: Overlaid UV absorbtion spectra of buffer exchanged bovine lgG biotinylated using ChromaLinkTM Biotin at 5x, 10x and 15x equivalents of reagent over protein. Email: [email protected] Avoid Additional Costly Assays In order to illustrate how the HABA assay (Pierce Chemical Co., Rockford, IL) often under reports the number of incorporated biotins versus the Chro‐ maLink Biotin method, both assays for biotin incor‐ poration were compared and results summarized in Table 1. Data in the table was generated by bioti‐ nylating (500 ul @ 5 mg/ml) of a bovine IgG sample at 5, 10, and 15 mole equivalents using ChromaLink Biotin. As seen from the results, HABA measurements yield lower estimates of biotin incorporation result‐ ing in significant differences between the two as‐ says. For example, the biotin molar substitution ratio calculated using the HABA dye‐binding assay is generally 1/3 the value obtained with the Chro‐ maLink method. The HABA dye‐binding assay gen‐ erally underestimates the true biotin molar substitution ratio because it measures the number of moles of biotin available for binding to strepta‐ vidin and not the absolute number of biotin mole‐ cules attached to the antibody surface. For example, two biotin molecules in close proximity to each other are likely to bind to a single streptavidin molecule. 3 Solulink How to Biotinylate with Reproducible Results – November 2008 Label Reproducibility was then incubated with streptavidin‐HRP @ 1 µg/ml for 60 minutes. After washes, TMB substrate (3,3’,5,5’‐ tetramethylbenzidine) was added for 20 minutes. Signals were measured on a conventional plate reader @ 650 nm. Direct ELISA dose response curves were plotted as illustrated below Triplicate biotinylation reactions were set‐up using bovine IgG @ 5 mg/ml and 6 equivalents of ChromaLink Biotin reagent. After purification, each sample was scanned using a NanoDropTM spectro‐ photometer (Figure 3), and the resultant spectra overlaid. As clearly demonstrated, results are easy to confirm and reproduce, time after time. Results: Signal/noise increased approximately 2.9‐ fold (linear portion of the curve) as the biotin MSR increased from 1.3 to 6.1 as illustrated in Figure 4. Background controls were constant across the vari‐ ous MSRs (data not shown). To further illustrate the relationship between sig‐ nal/noise and MSR for this antibody/antigen pair, plots were generated at a single fixed antigen con‐ centration (e.g.2 ng/well) across a range of molar substitution ratios (Figure 5). Figure 3. Overlaid spectra confirming reproducibility of antibo‐ dy biotinylation (triplicates). Make Assay Optimization Simple Direct ELISA A goat anti‐bovine IgG antibody was biotinylated using ChromaLinkTM Biotin to obtain a series of dif‐ ferent molar substitution ratios. The biotinylated antibodies were then used to detect immobilized antigen (bovine IgG) in a standard ELISA procedure. Purified bovine IgG was immobilized (2‐fold dilu‐ tion series) (0.5 ‐ 5,000 ng/ml). After immobiliza‐ tion (4 hr @ RT), wells were blocked with 1% casein/PBS and subsequently washed. The plate Email: [email protected] Results: Measured signal/noise increases almost 2.9‐fold as the MSR goes from 1.3 to 6.1. Note the slight reduction in signal as the MSR goes beyond 6.1 probably due to over‐modification of the anti‐ body. Conclusion: You have more important things to do than worry about biotinylating a protein. ChromaLink Biotin allows you to biotinylate pro‐ teins quickly and easily and then confirm the number of biotins incorporated so you can pro‐ ceed with confidence!! Recommended Products: [B‐9007‐105K] ChromaLinkTM Biotin Labeling Kit [B‐9007‐105K] ChromaLinkTM One‐Shot Kit [B‐1007‐110] ChromaLinkTM Labeling Reagent 4 How to Biotinylate with Reproducible Results – November 2008 Solulink Optical Density (650 nm) MSR = 6.1 MSR = 3.1 MSR = 6.1 MSR = 3.1 MSR = 1.3 MSR = 1.3 1 10 100 1000 10000 Concentration (ng/ml) Figure 4. Direct ELISA response curves illustrating the relationship between biotin molar substitution ratio and direct ELISA signals @ 650 nm for an anti‐bovine IgG biotin conjugate. Figure 5. Background corrected direct ELISA signals at a fixed quantity of immobilized antigen (i.e. 2 ng per well) vs. MSR. Note the gradual increase in S/N (~ 2.9‐fold) as the MSR increases from 1.3 to 6.1. Email: [email protected] 5
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