Document 218657

How to use the GPC-UNSPSC mapping tool
The GPC-UNSPSC mapping tool allows you to search at different levels (segment, family, etc.)
in one classification system, browse simultaneously in both classification systems and find the
equivalent code(s) (if existing) from the other system.
Step 1: Select the classification level(s) you want to search: segment, family, etc.
By default, ‘brick’ for GPC is selected and ‘commodity’ for UNSPSC.
You can search at other levels or simultaneously in multiple levels.
Step 2: Enter search criteria
Code: you can search on the exact GPC code or on the exact UNSPSC code.
For example, you can search GPC brick code 10000111 ‘Coffee/Coffee Substitutes –
Title & definition: you can enter free text in ‘title’ or ‘definition’.
For example, you can search ‘coffee’ in title or definition.
Step 3: Refine your search by filtering on segment, family and class
The search results can be filtered by selecting a specific segment, family and class.
For example, if you are searching for ‘olive oil’, search results for ‘oil’ will also include non-food
oil, such as automotive oil. These search results can be excluded by selecting the segment
‘Food, Beverage, Tobacco’ in both classification systems.
Step 4: Click ‘Search’
Another window will open with your search results.
Without refining the search criteria, the above search would result in numerous possible bricks
and commodities (27 possible GPC bricks and 365 possible commodities on the UNSPSC).
Step 5: Check equivalent code(s) in the other classification system
On the result window (see step 4), you can double click on any item to see links and alignment
already available for this item.
Please note that this does not always result in a one-to-one mapping. This will often result in
one-to-many or many-to-many results, and sometimes there is no equivalent code in the other
classification system.
Step 6: Save your search results
You can export your search results by clicking on the Excel icon in the result window. This will
allow you to save your search results in an Excel file.