Griffin Place Case Study - Business Wales

Case Study
Griffin Place Communications
Limited (GPC)
Founded in 2014, Griffin Place Communications Limited (GPC) is a contact
centre outsourcer specialising in customer care and lead generation.
Heading up the Company are
two successful businessmen
with an impressive 40+
years business and industry
experience between them;
Alex Hirons and Steve Wigg.
Partnering with Cognia, the
leading provider of secure,
cloud PCI compliant payment
processing solutions GPC has
invested in Cognia’s cloud PCI
DSS compliant voice payment
processing solution to improve
customer experience and
payment security and allows
GPC to take payments securely
over the phone 24 hours
a day, all year round.
With Welsh Government
support, GPC initially set out
to create 121 jobs with the
possibility of an additional
100 in 3 years but now,
only a few months on, the
number of additional jobs
in the pipeline has risen
significantly to 300 jobs.
“With more contracts knocking
on our doors, it’s likely we
will be creating more highly
skilled jobs very soon to meet
the demand”, explained
Steve Wigg the Managing
Director who has worked in
the contact centre industry for
20 years and is involved in the
operations of several other
UK based contact centres.
He described setting up in
Wales as “The easiest set-up
we have ever experienced;
we have found everyone
here to be very proactive”.
They have had great support
from Torfaen County Borough
Council who helped them
secure an excellent deal on
their premises at Llantarnam
Industrial Park and they
have worked closely with
the Department of Work
and Pensions with their
recruitment drives.
Case Study
Griffin Place Communications
Limited (GPC)
“The qualities of applicants
we have had to date have
been fantastic!” Steve went
on to describe them as a
“breath of fresh air”, which
is a term many of their new
employees might also use to
describe them as 80% were
unemployed before being
taken on by the company,
which has been an excellent
result for the local community.
Alex, GPC’s Commercial
Director and Steve explained
that getting local people
back into work is their way
of giving something back to
Wales after their ease of set
up and excellent support.
With capacity for 500+ seats
GPC is already working
with several insurance
companies and retailers
and seeing more and more
demand from companies
who recognise the quality
of customer service they are
able to provide in Wales.
For more information contact
the Welsh Government.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 03000 6 03000
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