newsletter July 2013, Volume 4, Issue 2 WiMSA: ADDRESSING THE PROFESSIONAL NEEDS OF WOMEN WORKING IN THE MINING INDUSTRY How to Assign Tasks Using a happened that have created the need for contact for assistance, and how much of Simple Tool – CPQQRT this task? What is the problem or issue other people's time they may use. we are trying to solve? Time - how long is allowed to complete A really simple set of prompts will help Purpose - what is the aim or objective the task, and what milestones are there you to more effectively assign tasks to of this task? along your team members - CPQQRT. it. Assigning tasks and projects to your team members is a critical component of your The reason for doing the way which they must Where Context looks at the current meet. Also here you should discuss how situation, Purpose looks ahead to what you expect them to communicate their this task will achieve or produce. progress with you along the way, either through formal reports, or regular verbal work as a leader, and one of the biggest Quality - what are the required for the drivers for how successful your team's outcomes overall performance will be. When your standard of work is required? What are direct report is clear about what they are the key criteria to say that the task has being asked to do and why, they are been successful? Here is basically where much more likely to deliver what you you describe what standard and form you want, when you want it, and with require for the outcomes of the task. minimal requirements for your time Quantity - for some tasks this can be a along the way. tricky is Kaya Consulting is a global consulting firm So how do we make sure that our task easy. Describe how many, how much specialising in people smart business assignment is thorough, so that our team or solutions member has the same clear picture of the outcomes. So where Quality is about the organisational effectiveness. task requirements as we do? standard to which the task is completed, In an exciting move, Kaya Consulting has tool exists to help us, a group of six Quantity provided WiMSA with a portal on their letters - CPQQRT. measures of what is produced. online mentoring site. CPQQRT is six prompts for the things Resources - what resources does the We that you should address when briefing a person have the authority to use to motivational mentoring articles from Kaya team member on a new task: complete this task. like the one alongside. A great Context - outline why the task exists or is required. background? What is the What previous work, situation or circumstances have already from area, any but other is the for task? others measure about What the of it the physical Think in terms of budget (money), equipment, tools, consumables, work space, vehicles, meeting rooms, computers, and of course (most importantly) people - who can they updates. (Continued on page 2) will developed regularly to be improve featuring Please contact Noleen or Cornel for further information on mentoring or how the portal works. afternoon. (Continued from page 1) The storeman has cleaning Like us on Facebook gear and a great labelling machine you Example can use. Let me know if there is any For those who haven’t, please like our more shelving or storage that you think Facebook we should get, but at this stage we need w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / to tidy up into what we've got." WomenInMiningSouthAfrica Time - "It's up to you guys to make time And Follow WiMSA on Twitter: https:// Intro - "I've got an important job for you through that I'd like to run you through, let's go prioritize this work over breakdowns, but and have a look at the workshop." it is important so I'd like to check in on Now an example of how easy but effective these prompts can be, for a job that I'm allocating – Clean Up the Workshop. Context - "The workshop is a mess, and we should all have pride in our this week, obviously don't Friday afternoon to see how you went." Close - "Any questions? think are the hazards for this job? How that are creating a hazard to people could someone get hurt doing it?" the bench tops it is making it difficult to find things and be efficient." (Notice how Purpose - "The workshop should be tidy, clean and orderly. The area should be safe and we should be able to find things We should be proud to show off the area to the GM when he comes though." (Purpose is about what we want to achieve - the future state) and bench tops clear, and all parts and tools put away in shelves, draws or I'd also like to see all these storage places labelled so that we know where things are and can put them away properly. Anything that is rubbish should be taken away. Please make sure you do a hazard analysis before you start to make sure no one gets hurt during this job." (Details of the standard we require) Quantity - "For now I'd just like you guys to focus on the fitter's part of the workshop, from that wall, around all these bench tops, and out to Your comments and suggestions will be Please also send Petro stories of womenin-mining in your companies and spheres that you move in . Her email address is Verbal or Written Template? [email protected] Depending on the size and importance of assignment either verbally or in written form. Either way, the CPQQRT model still applies. Personally though, when the task is more than just an on the spot job, I use a blank form which prompts me for each of the six parts. This helps me to get the this walkway." (Putting bounds on the scope of the job) Resources - "It's you two plus I've asked Brendan to come and give you a hand this Next Function Our next function will be on 7 August 2013 and will job clear in my head, and then I can breakfast usually give that sheet to the person in sustainability. charge of the task so that they don't need Quality - "I'd like to see the floor areas lockers. (LinkedIn Page to be updated soon) the task, you may deliver your task context is about the current situation) when we need them. http:// highly appreciated. What do you workplace. There are items lying around walking though, and with parts all over page: to rewrite everything. We have saved this article and the blank form on MiKaya. Alternatively, contact Yolanda de Beer at [email protected] to get a copy of the form. Source: Blog/February-2010/CPQQRT---How-toAssign-Tasks-Using-a-Simple-Tool and a be talk a on Look out for other events on our website, our Facebook page and mails in your inbox. 9 Ways You’re Being Too Nice at Work The Nice Behavior: Follow Instructions to executive assistant pulled her aside and the Letter told her to cut it out: Her insistence on talking herself down was making her What to Do Instead: Bend the Rules to Amy Keyishian seem insecure and ungracious. Suit Your Aims Posted on Mar 21, 2013 After Sandberg gave a speech on gender issues in the workplace, a young woman Sandberg tells several tales of women entering a meeting and, instead of sitting at the main, central table, fading back to sit in the outer ring of chairs so as not to appear presumptuous or to inconvenience any other attendees. "Because of their seating choices, they seemed more like spectators than Salary Offer approached her to tell her what she'd What to Do instead: Explain Why You learned from Sandberg's speech. "I should Deserve More have kept my hand up," she said. The Nice Behavior: Sit Out of the Way What to Do Instead: Take Your Place at the Table The Nice Behavior: Accept Your First Sandberg points out that there is not only What did she mean? After wrapping up a gender gap in wages—there's also a the talk, Sandberg said to the audience: significant gap in how men and women "Only two more questions." At that point, are perceived when they try to rectify it. all of the women put their hands down, For instance, research shows that women while all the men started waving theirs who more aggressively. Sandberg wound up previous achievements in a job interview taking two more questions. "Even though are less likely to be hired. (And how are I had been giving a speech on gender you issues," Sandberg says, "I had been blind describing your worth?) to one myself." explain supposed their to qualifications negotiate and without She acknowledges the existing gender The Nice Behavior: Sacrifice Your Time bias in a realistic way and presents for Your Client solutions: A woman needs to justify her requests and she can't seem self-serving. participants," Sandberg writes. After the What to Do instead: "Bill Like a Boy" meeting, she pulled the women aside and When a male friend of Sandberg's realized empathy by saying upfront that she's told them they should have taken their that his wife and her female colleagues negotiating harder because she knows rightful seats at the table. tended to underestimate their billable that women statistically don't; she can use The Nice Behavior: Be Realistic About Your Shortcomings What to Do Instead: Fake It 'Til You Make It hours to keep from over-charging, he told "we" rather than "I" when describing her her to "bill like a boy." As he put it, men accomplishments at her last company to "considered any time they spent thinking share the credit; she can cite a higher about authority, such as a salary database or a "Be more confident" isn't realistic advice— confidence isn't something everyone can an issue—even time in To do this, she can ensure her manager's the shower—as billable hours." previous manager, rather than just asking for a random additional number. summon with a snap of their fingers. But The Nice Behavior: Wave Off Praise faking it? That's something we can all What to Do instead: Accept Compliments The Nice Behavior: Ignore Coworker Gracefully Transgressions and Missteps manage. Sandberg calls it "fake it 'til you feel it," but the sentiment is the same: Women, Sandberg tells of a mortifying moment What to Do instead: Present Problems when she was placed on a well-known Respectfully publication's "most powerful people" list We often worry about piping up when we along with formidable women such as think someone is wrong. We could offend Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—and someone, we could fly off the handle and ahead of First Lady Michelle Obama. become angry or we could just be plain their particular skills make them ill-suited Feeling that she wasn't more powerful wrong and look dumb. for a project). Assume you will figure out than the First Lady, Sandberg spent days Sandberg counsels anyone to train in the bits you don't know, she says, and removing friends' effective communication (she had her fake the confidence you need to take Facebook walls, telling anyone who would team at Google go through a program initiative. listen how silly the list was and waving off more than men, let a lack of selfconfidence discourage them from trying for their goals (for instance, they're much more likely to say that their experience doesn't qualify them for a new position, or the list from her congratulations from coworkers. Then her (Continued on page 4) with Fred Kofman, a communication people aren't talking solely about expert), and to approach any conversation business. Being genuine and connecting knowing that there are two truths: yours with your coworkers on a personal level and your coworker's—the real truth is (even usually somewhere in the middle. weekend?") makes for a more productive By explaining your concerns using "I" if it's just "How was your workplace. Sandberg feel frustrated that you haven't answered occasionally isn't the disaster it's made my last four emails, which leads me to out to be—people do get upset at work, believe that my suggestions are not and expressing your emotions can help important to you. Is that so?"), you can you connect with your co-workers. By get your message across clearly and extension, you're more motivated to work effectively. well with people you care about, and you says that even crying care about those you're connected to. As Sandberg says "An all-business approach Posted in: Etiquette, Gender Differences has expressed concern at the slow pace of industry. At business lunches, and golf games, and company parties, you can be sure that the fact that most of the positions occupied by women were not key operating positions in mining companies. to see women occupying The minister also criticised those women who sell their broad-based black economic “They discredit and slow down the She asserted that women in mining continued to be marginalised. The attitude shown towards women in mining had to change. “In short, the presence of women in the The mining minister, Susan Shabangu, that you take direction, are willing to What to Do instead: Be Genuine However, what remained a concern was black and gender empowerment”. women at All Times increase. progress of the essential objective of Asking for feedback sends a vital message The Nice Behavior: Wear a Pleasant Smile this in order to acquire wealth. 2011-08-22 truth, is not absolute," says Sandberg. about empowerment stakes as soon as they can behaviors for the future, but helps you hear, and "remember that feedback, like pleased senior level including at board level”. helps you develop better strategies and product. Ask for things that are hard to was lounge where I can warm myself in the Almost 2 years ago Mineral Resources Minister Called for More Women Empowerment in Mining work, and don't see yourself as a finished According to the minister, government mining industry, including those at the We get feedback on our work all the time, well. operators to plant managers”. more than a book. It's like a comforting What to Do instead: Ask for Feedback build open, respectful relationships as roles ranging from miners and tractor meaningful and even strategic jobs in the Taken from: sometimes, you have to ask. It not only margins are low and where it takes longer That's what makes "Lean In" feel like nice ... and start being better. to act and perform going forward. But artisanal mining, small scale mining where “We wish trying to get by. I can't wait to stop being happened?" It helps us understand how in the number of women involved in is not always good business." presence of other women who are just in the form of a "Great job!" or "What “This has resulted in a noticeable increase to break even, as well as in operational statements and avoiding accusations ("I The Nice Behavior: Wait for Feedback be women by 2009. empowerment in the mining mining sector should be fully and enthusiastically recognised, and given the right status- and their interests should be protected and promoted equally with those of their male counterparts”. She made this known during an address The to government remained committed to black the annual women in mining minister confirmed that the conference in Johannesburg. and gender empowerment. The minister pointed out that a “marginal What do you think? Have we improvement in the position of women” had been achieved since the introduction made progress in the last two of the mining charter in 2002. years? The charter had stipulated that 10% of mining companies’ total workforce should Events development is hindered by leadership. which industry can choose. Deloitte Women in Leadership & Women in Mining South Africa Expat opportunities: What has typically been seen to be a challenge to women in terms of travelling abroad and taking job Companies need to actively seek out empowering and developing women into higher positions in order to gain better gender equality. Breakfast positions in remote or obscure areas due Legislation: The participation of women in What is keeping women in the mining industry awake at night? to family responsibilities, is actually now being seen as a great opportunity for the mining sector has been discouraged women to take on higher leadership roles through various legislation that in the past outside even Guests at our recent Deloitte Women in Leadership and WiMSA (Women in Mining South Africa) breakfast event had the unique opportunity to participate in the Deloitte Insomnia Index. The question posed to guests was “How can women act as positive change agents in the current mining environment?” 14 themes were developed off the back of this question which were rated based on whether the respondent found the theme to pose the greatest opportunity or the greatest challenge to women acting as positive change agents in the mining environment. The top 3 opportunities identified at the breakfast are: bursaries; expat opportunities and leadership skills. The top 3 challenges identified at the breakfast are: male dominated culture; legislation and retaining female talent. Bursaries: Bursaries specifically targeted towards women in the mining sector provide an opportunity for women to the sector and develop key specialised skills that will enable them to not only to enter the industry but be equipped to compete in this male dominated environment. Bursaries also help to attract young female talent to an industry often not considered leaving school and entering education. Women view this when tertiary as their home countries. an opportunity both for themselves and also for employing future female talent in their businesses as bursaries help build a pipeline of skilled female talent from inhibited women from working seeking underground. Although developments in diverse leadership, and especially with legislation as well as technology have more opportunities in the developing allowed for an increased number of markets across Africa, women are in a women miners, we are still not at the great position to take on these leadership level which we should be. Companies roles. have viewed reaching the South African Companies are increasingly Leadership skills: Companies that have diverse leadership in terms of culture, race, education and gender have been known to outperform those that do not. Women provide that diversity through Mining Charter of 2002’s 10% quota for women as a goal that once achieved needs no more attention in terms of continual empowerment and employment of women within mining. style. Retaining female talent: A great challenge Women are able to bring to the table towards women being able to act as many elements other than typical pure positive change agents within the mining business knowledge industry is trying to retain that skilled and expected. Women are known to be more experienced female talent in order to diplomatic, develop them into higher leadership roles. their differentiated and leadership industry emotionally intelligent, balanced and understand staff needs, If nurturing, recognised socially conscious and women are not within empowered their roles and and industries they will move on to roles (in perseverant. Opportunities enter of other industries) where they are valued Challenges mining and their careers grown. Another issue industry in the past, as well as nowadays raised was companies providing that is dominated by men, especially in the experience and opportunity to young more senior executive roles. Although this female graduates just entering the mining is true, we encourage a focus on those industry and looking to start their careers. women that are holding these executive Key Contacts Male dominated culture: The positions and are paving the way for women moving up the ranks, this is still Abrie Olivier however not on the scale or at the rate at Deloitte Southern African Mining Leader which development of women in the Mobile:+27 82 874 6040 workplace should be happening. Women view this male dominated culture as a challenge to encouraging and enforcing change, as well as perceive a “glass ceiling” to be reached where career Email: [email protected] Mobile:+27 82 898 3209 Email: [email protected] Events continued McKinsey’s and Company’ gave a presentation on “Women Matter”, the company’s initiative to develop women’s leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa. McKinsey’s Women Matter research has been making a business case for increasing the number of women in senior management positions since 2007. Despite considerable effort many companies have made, the progress is still slow. The presentation addressed why this might be and shows the way forward to help companies build on what they have achieved so far. Find their report on our website. Thank you to MSA for sponsoring this event. the mine valued most – especially in does not now suddenly turn her into core positions was the opportunity to a male” be developed; Women in Mining Ambassadors Required! A recent “temperature check” with The means by which most men and 5mentoring of women from entry women were attracted to work for level through to Executive Coaching the employment for management levels is key to a advertisements or family members successful women development plan” mine were regards to Women in Mining at an who operation in the Northern Cape revealed employment opportunities; some interesting perceptions amongst men and women at the operation. The B. core/ technical as well as them of potential the subsequent workshop to lead by example” These findings does not necessarily present the perceptions of industry but women from pit/plant to offices and the workshop was that the women in core management both in core and support develop them there”. mining positions, whether on ground or in position: need questionnaire – this was inclusive of mine Female core mining what was apparent from the survey and in Female in support position: “Women “Move positions. Female within which sparked attention: support/ administrative functions completing the advised Comments in the surveys as well as survey was conducted with employees in Female in support positions: “The core position: “The The survey was aimed at gauging the machines we are working with are perception of employees with regards to not good for the female body.” women in core mining/ technical positions as well as identifying strategies in terms of attracting and retaining women to women in mining is maternity leave”. ensure compliance to Mining Charter targets. Following the survey was a to that they have an additional role to play – that of Ambassadors for Women in Mining. Male in core position: “The major benefit professional level, have to understand A lot has been written about the attitudes of men, however if our own attitudes towards the work we do are negative then Male in core position: “Women are by how do we expect the men to change workshop with management to discuss far better operators than men – they theirs? As women in mining we need to their current challenges in terms of take care of the equipment and understand that we need to motivate achieving women in mining targets. complete each other to give our best, to act with We cannot provide all the statistical conscientiously”. information from the survey however the Male in required core tasks integrity and contribute to production – position: “The findings of the survey and the ensuing differential treatment of women in workshop indicated the following: core positions poses a challenge – A. Interesting statistical findings: men can swear at each other, but The majority of the men (of all races female physique. operation above The were men at the willing to acknowledge that women are still women and that we are more emotional and that even they, as men, struggle with certain very supportive of women in core/ is that there are certain women who physical tasks. This is an indicator that technical positions; do not want to fill these positions and there is a change in the mindsets of men therefore are on a continual cycle of – we need to harness this change and be maternity proud of what we do as Women in Mining. The majority of men in core positions indicated that their own physical to complete certain tasks and leave. This costs the company money”. strength sometimes hampered them Male in core position: “Females tend of to cry easier than men and once a equipment made it easier to ensure month some of them phone in ill for completion of these duties; one or two days. The fact that you indicated advocating tools more suited to the Male in core position: “The challenge and age groups) at the mine were not at the women”. we might even contribute to industry by that the availability The aspect that women working at have put a female into the mine, Lorna Ernst Regional Transformation Manager Managing Transformation Solutions (MTS)
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