How to use HiBu SafeCom Online Store

How to use HiBu SafeCom Online Store
This How-to article takes you step by step through the use of the SafeCom online store at HiBu to
purchase a copy / print.
Buying a copy / print must be seen as the purchase of a commodity and we are unfortunately not able
to pay back any unused amount.
Login information
Go to the SafeCom online store located at and login. At the login, type your
username - password is not required. The username is HIBUxxxxxx, where xxxxxx is your student
Login with HIBU”yourstudentnumber”, no password required.
Welcome screen, you will se this screen only at login.
Transaction menu
See you printing and copying history. Check your balance and deposits.
1. Type: ePay
- When you transfer/deposit money to your account you can see the transaction as ePay
2. Type: Cashier
- All students get a start bonus of 50,- NOK when FollowMe Print is activated. This
transaction is marked as Cashier and is done by the IT-department.
3. Type: Printing
- When you print a document you can see how much it costed and when it was done.
ePay menu
Deposit credits on your print account using a credit card. Transfer money to your account, use your
How to transfer money to your account
On the ePay menu.
Step 1: Fill in your email adress where you wish to receive the confirmation/receipt of your purchase
and the amount to transfer. Click the Accept button when you wish to continue.
Step 2: Choose your prefered payment method (Avbryt=cancel), in this guide I am going to use Visa.
Step 3: Fill in your Kortnummer = Cardnumber, Utløpsdato (mm/åå) = Date of expire, Kontrollsifre =
CSV and Bekreft betaling = Confirm payment. (avbryt=cancel)
Step 4: After the information about your payment card is registered and you have confirmed your
purchase you will be transferred to the last part of the payment process, the use of BankID,
entry of password or other form of quality assurance of data that your bank uses. The
appearance of this window can vary from bank to bank.
When this step is complete you will get confirmation that the transaction is completed:
If the payment is approved you will se the message above. Click Videre to get your receipt for
the Payment.
Step 5: Money is now transferred to your print / copy account and can be used on any printer on
Step 6: Check your e-mail account for e-mail with information about your transaction.
Example e-mail from SafeCom online store:
SafeCom print and copy deposit was successful
Transaction for the value of: 20,00
amount: 20,00 NOK
NOK Payment fee: 0,00
NOK Total
Order number: sc201110100000000043
Authorization Date/Time: 10.10.2011 12:50:20 Transaction ID: 492415730