How To Make A Complaint “We promote equality of opportunity in every aspect of our business in line with our objectives.” Wiltshire Rural Housing Association—How to make a complaint 2014 1 COMPLAINTS AGAINST THE ASSOCIATION It is in the interest of the Association to ensure that complaints are resolved promptly, politely and fairly. A full complaints policy is available and gives further information as well as setting out the strict time frame that must be met regarding the complaint. The Association is always prepared to consider complaints from tenants about the service it provides. You should complain to the Housing Manager either verbally or in writing. If the Association fails to respond in three weeks or you are dissatisfied with the response, you should write to the Chief Executive and you will receive a written response. If you are still unhappy with the response, you may appeal to a panel of three Board members. You and a representative may attend the appeal meeting if you wish. You will be advised on the outcome of your appeal by the Chairman within five days. WRHA is a member of the Independent Housing Ombudsman Scheme. Tenants can contact them if they are still dissatisfied. You can also approach the Homes and Community Agency, which registers and monitors Housing Associations. Wiltshire Rural Housing Association—How to make a complaint 2014 2 COMPLAINTS AGAINST OTHER TENANTS Verbal Complaints The Association intends to deal with verbal complaints in an informal manner. Before making a complaint, if possible, you should attempt to resolve the problem yourself by discussing the nuisance with the person causing the problem. If the problem cannot be resolved in this way, you should contact the Housing Manager with details and they will attempt to make an informal agreement as to what action, if any, is appropriate. This would usually involve an informal discussion with the person causing the problem. If the problem persists, you would be asked to put your complaint in writing. Wiltshire Rural Housing Association—How to make a complaint 2014 3 COMPLAINTS AGAINST OTHER TENANTS CONT’D Written Complaints Before making a written complaint, you should have made efforts, as appropriate to resolve the problem yourself, before contacting the Housing Manager with your complaint. The Housing Manager will visit each party individually to discuss the situation with them, as appropriate. If the situation continues a joint meeting could be arranged, where all parties could attempt to resolve the dispute. In exceptional circumstances, the Board may authorise the appointment of a Mediator. If you still feel you have not been treated fairly you can use the Appeals procedure outlined on page 2. Wiltshire Rural Housing Association—How to make a complaint 2014 4 COMPLAINTS FROM NON-TENANT NEIGHBOURS Neighbours will be advised to attempt to resolve the situation themselves in the first instance, by approaching the tenant causing the problem. If this is unsuccessful the complainant can contact the Housing Manager again with details of their complaint. The Housing Manager will then contact the tenant to discuss the problem. If the situation continues a joint meeting could be arranged, if appropriate, for all parties to discuss the problem. Complainants can also use the appeals procedure on page 2 if they feel they have been treated unfairly. Non-tenants are not able to use the Independent Housing Ombudsman service. Wiltshire Rural Housing Association—How to make a complaint 2014 5 POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN MAKING A COMPLAINT • A judgement will have to be made as to the ‘reasonableness’ of the complaint. You will need to remember what is nuisance to one maybe acceptable to the majority of people. • Has there been a breach of the law? • Has there been a breach of the tenancy conditions? • Does the complaint amount to anti-social behaviour? • Has the tenant causing the problem been approached by the complainant? • Does the complainant want the Housing Manager to approach the perpetrator? • Is the complainant prepared to act as a witness in serious cases? • Has every other option been tried? • Are all concerned prepared to gather evidence, appear in Court and live with the consequences of losing? • Will legal action make things better? • This process is lengthy. Wiltshire Rural Housing Association—How to make a complaint 2014 6 POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN MAKING A COMPLAINT Under the terms of the Association Tenancy Agreement, the tenant has an obligation not to cause or allow members of his/her household or visitors to cause a nuisance. Where this obligation is not maintained the Association is entitled to go to Court to seek possession of the property on ground 14 (the Housing Act 1996, section 148). GROUND 14 The tenant or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house (a) has been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance to a person residing, visiting or otherwise engaging in a lawful activity in the locality, or (b) has been convicted of (i) using the dwelling-house or allowing it to be used for immoral or illegal purposes, or (ii) an arrestable offence has been committed in, or in the locality of, the dwelling house. Wiltshire Rural Housing Association—How to make a complaint 2014 7 COMPLIMENTS It is nice to hear when you are pleased with our services. It helps us to identify what works well for our customers, which can be very useful for improving our services. Useful Addresses Homes and Community Agency Maple House 149 Tottenham Court Road London W1T 7BN Website: Independent Housing Ombudsman Norman House 105—109 Strand London WC2R OAA Website: Wiltshire Rural Housing Association Ltd 20 High Street Bromham Chippenham SN15 2EX Tel: 01380 850916 Fax: 01380 850820 E-mail: [email protected] The Wiltshire Rural Housing Association Ltd is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 1993 and is registered with charitable rules under the Industrial Provident Societies Act 1965. This leaflet is part of the Resident Handbook and can be viewed or downloaded from Wiltshire Rural Housing Association—How to make a complaint 2014 8
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