How to overcome uncertainty? 02. 2012 Summer Content Advertising (p.2-p.3) Copyright (p.2-p.4) Data Protection (p.2) Digital Agenda (p.2) Digital Single Market (p.3) EMMA Agenda (p.4) EMMA News (p.4) EMMA Special Events (p.4) European Commissioner : Joaquín Almunia (p.3) Media Pluralism (p3) Orphan Works (p.3) Open data (p.2) Taxation (p.2) Consumer Agenda (p.2) EMMA Strategic partner: What will happen if direct marketing for magazine subscriptions is no longer possible without explicit consent from the consumer? How easy will it be to build a sustainable digital business using new advertising techniques and offering an attractive user experience if there is an ‘opt-in’ regime for profiling? Without the possibility of reduced VAT rates for either print or digital magazines in the future, what challenges will this pose for the development of magazine media businesses? These are three questions that should be on the table of all magazine media businesses today, as they directly impact any business strategy. And they will all be decided in Brussels. One could add many other topics to this list that go to the heart of magazine businesses, such as copyright, competition issues, do-nottrack standards, and discrimination in the dissemination of digital content. In order to overcome uncertainty and avoid bad surprises it is important to be part of these debates and the opinion forming processes at national and at EU level. 80% of relevant national legislation for magazine publishers originates from the EU. EMMA therefore engages regularly with the relevant people taking decisions at EU-level and works to bring the publishing community closer to these people, as it is publishers themselves that can provide first hand insights and best demonstrate the very real threats to businesses. Initiatives lined up for the second half of 2012 include an EU study tour “Digital Brussels”. There will also be an workshop with the Commission’s Health and Consumer Policy directorate, which will allow editors to find out more about recent EU initiatives. It fits well that EMMA launched the Future Media Lab.*1 in February 2012 , a new project with a think-tank format EMMA | Square du Bastion 1A, B-1050 Bruxelles | | [email protected] Max von Abendroth EMMA Executive Director that aims to decrease uncertainties, by feeding the legislative process with the best possib le kno wle dge about the future of our sector and its requirements. This complements the detailed legal work being done by the highly committed EMMA team on data protection, e-privacy, VAT, copyright and over 20 other issues we are currently following. Enjoy reading this newsletter and please do get in touch to discuss further. We are looking forward to your involvement! Max von Abendroth, EMMA EXTRA web link: *1 4.137 magazine Apps worldwide in January 2012. (Source: iMonitor, McPheters & Company, 2012) 1 IN THE LOBBY TAXATION New industry commitment alcohol advertising for Leading alcohol and advertising industries presented in April a joint commitment to tackle alcohol-related harm. This “Responsible Marketing Pact” aims at strengthening independent selfregulation for responsible alcohol marketing communications across the EU. The European Commission will decide by the end of the year if it will continue with the voluntary approach of the European Alcohol and Health Forum. Energy products: labeling of online ads? towards The European Commission is planning to make the use of an energy label m a nd ato r y for e ve r y o nl i ne advertisement for energy-related products. EMMA has contacted the Commission to express its concerns. Under the current rules, only labelling of the energy efficiency class is mandatory. Revision of EU VAT rates: the way forward The revision of the EU VAT system lies again in the hands of the European Commission, now that Member States have commented on its Communication on the Future of VAT. While the conclusions of the Council do not go into details of which products should benefit from reduced rates, they leave the Commission the possibility to analyse the current list of reduced rates. This could lead to a review of this list to take into account the latest technological developments, notably in the press sector. EMMA, together with other publishers’ associations, is calling on the Commis- © Yong Hian Lim - Fotalia sion to align the VAT rates applicable to digital magazines with those for print. The impact assessment on the review of the VAT rate structure will take place in the second half of 2012. Amandine Labé, EMMA DATA PROTECTION EMMA active in data protection debate With several Parliamentary Committees now examining the Commission’s proposed Data Protection Regulation, EMMA recently discussed its position in a workshop organized in the European The EU5 leads the US in terms of smartphone penetration. EU5: (France, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy). US: 42% 39% (Source: ComScore and MobiLens, October 2011.) 2 © © In the meantime, the “do not track” (DNT) initiative of w3c, a USbased standardization organization, is about to adopt its DNT standard, that potentially allows for users to opt-out from any tracking tool online. Commission Vice-President Kroes (Digital Agenda) is keen to endorse this DNT standard for the EU. EU Parliament EMMA is part of an industry-wide group shaping Europe’s OBA framework. As part of this process, EMMA sits on the Board of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA). Jan Philipp Albrecht “Do-not-track” standard on its way to Europe MEP Jan-Philipp Albrecht Green, Germany New EU consumer strategy The European Commission published on 22 May its “Consumer Agenda” that sets its objectives as regards consumer policy for the coming years. The Communication announces numerous initiatives of relevance for publishers in the food, energy, financial, transport and digital sectors. Parliament, explaining the need to safeguard press freedom, press distribution, and d ig ital b us ines s mode ls . A Parliamentary hearing is expected in the autumn, as is the draft report from Green MEP Jan-Philipp Albrecht for the Civil Liberties (‘LIBE’) Committee. EMMA has also recently submitted comments to consultation by the Council of Europe on the modernisation of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to the automatic processing of personal data (known as Convention 108). We call for amongst other things improvements to protect press freedom. The revision process is set to be concluded later this year. Catherine Starkie, EMMA Enforcement should quicker and cheaper be easier, The Commission continues to consult stakeholders on the need to revise the EU’s Directive on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. EMMA members from across the EU, in response to an EMMA survey on the impact of copyright infringements, have indicated that civil procedure rules should be changed to make enforcement easier, quicker and cheaper. EMMA | Square du Bastion 1A, B-1050 Bruxelles | | [email protected] ORPHAN WORKS Informal agreement reached on Orphan Works The Commission must however submit a report annually concerning the possible inclusion of publishers as beneficiaries. The outcome now awaits the final approval of the Parliament and Council. Catherine Starkie, EMMA EU Parliament Joaquín Almunia, Vice-president of the European Commission and E uro pe an C om m is s io nne r fo r Competition © On 6 June, an informal agreement was made between the Commission, Parliament and Council on the proposed ‘Orphan Works’ Directive, under which a work covered by copyright, but whose right holder cannot be found, can be made publicly available across the EU following a ‘diligent search’. Rightholders, who can put an end to the orphan status of a work at any time, can claim appropriate compensation for any use. EU Union Statement on Google anti-trust investigation launched in November 2010 © Beneficiaries are currently limited to public institutions, which is a concern to EMMA, along with the fact that they may generate revenues, although this is supposed to be limited to covering their costs of digitising and making available orphan works. MEP Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg S&D, Poland Rapporteur for the Orphan Works Directive MEDIA PLURALISM Publishers face growing threat of EU media pluralism regulation The European Union is going through a deep crisis – not only economic and financial, but also democratic. Faced with the deterioration of the press situation in Hungary, and media freedom under threat in several other Member States - with Bulgaria a particular concern - EU institutions have been criti- cized by many stakeholders for being powerless to enforce our common values and fundamental rights within our own borders. In various platforms, hearings and parliamentary reports, the possibility of regulating media pluralism at EU-level to solve these worrying national developments has been raised. EMMA believes that media pluralism is an issue to be dealt with at national level. Restrictions on media freedom should be addressed by proper enforcement of national regulation and EU principles, rather than additional legislation. Amandine Labé, EMMA Council Conclusions on Completing the Digital Single Market Publishers encouraged to make content available through Europeana Following the Commission’s roadmap in January 2012, the Council agreed Conclusions on completing the Single Digital Market on 30-31 May. It “looks forward to the forthcoming Commission proposals on copyright” and, amongst other things, welcomes the intention of the Commission to adopt an overall strategy on cloud computing. EU culture ministers have adopted Council Conclusions on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material, inviting Member States to improve framework conditions for online accessibility of cultural material. Cultural institutions as well as publishers and other rightholders are encouraged to make their digitised material accessible through Europeana. EMMA | Square du Bastion 1A, B-1050 Bruxelles | | [email protected] “Our investigation has led us to identify four concerns where Google business practices may be considered as abuses of dominance. First, in its general search results on the web, Google displays links to its own vertical search services. […] We are concerned that this may result in preferential treatment compared to those of competing services, which may be hurt as a consequence. Our second concern relates to the way Google copies content from competing vertical search services and uses it in its own offerings. […] We are worried that this could reduce competitors' incentives to invest in the creation of original content for the benefit of internet users. Our third concern relates to agreements between Google and partners on the websites of which Google delivers search advertisements. […] This potentially impacts advertising services purchased for example by online stores, online magazines or broadcasters. Our fourth concern relates to restrictions that Google puts to the portability of online search advertising campaigns from its platform AdWords to the platforms of competitors. […] I offer Google the possibility to come up in a matter of weeks with first proposals of remedies to address each of these points. […] Any final proposal by Google will be market-tested before it is made legally binding by the Commission. Should this process fail to deliver a satisfactory set of remedies, the on-going formal proceedings will of course continue, including the possible sending of a Statement of Objections.” Source: Commission press release, 21 May 2012 // Full speech: 3 COPYRIGHT EMMA NEWS “Rome II” revision: good outcome to Parliamentary report EMMA Expert Groups: new chairmen appointed © EU Parliament EMMA has welcomed the adoption by the European Parliament of an ‘owninitiative’ report, authored by MEP Cecilia Wikstrom, calling on the Commission to revise the “Rome II” MEP Cecilia Wikstrom Sweden, ALDE Regulation on the law applicable to noncontractual obligations. The report suggests adding a provision dealing with non-contractual obligations arising out of violations of privacy and rights relating to personality, including defamation, which is currently not covered by the Rome II Regulation. Should this ultimately become law, it would result in better legal certainty for publishers. It would also help address the problem of forum shopping. The Commission will review application of the Regulation next year. Claudio Giua, Director for Innovation and Development at Gruppo Editoriale d’Espresso (Italy), joined EMMA’s Publishing Online Group as chairman. He replaces Tomasz Jozefacki, Agora (Poland), who is left Agora and the publishing world. Also EMMA’s VAT Task Force has a new chairwoman: Marianne Bérart Quelin, CEO of Société Général de la Presse (France), replaces Arnaud Decker who changed jobs within Lagardère Active. +17% Catherine Starkie, EMMA every year Internet display advertising is the fastest-growing advertising medium. EMMA SPECIAL EVENTS EU study tour “Digital Brussels” 8/9 October 2012 (Source: Zenith Optimedia 2012) Spanish EMMA member ARI won FIPP Research Award The Spanish Magazines Association, ARI, has won the overall prize at the FIPP Research Awards on 29 May 2012 in London. To get a first-hand impression of the influence of the European Commission and Parliament, together with digital key players and consumer groups, when it comes to shaping legislation for the digital future, come to EMMA’s 2-day EU study tour “Digital Brussels” on 8/9 October 2012, where you can meet some of these key players face-to-face. The entry, ‘ATENEA’, won the award for Best Research by a National Association, and was the Overall Winner. EMMA AGENDA Contact [email protected] 24-25 September / BRUSSELS Max von Abendroth, EMMA EMMA quarterly meetings 8-9 October / BRUSSELS Editors to meet DG SANCO on 5 December 2012 Magazine editors are invited to meet the health and consumer department of the European Commission, for a unique oneday meeting that aims to inform editors and journalists about the latest policy initiatives. A lunch with European Commissioner John Dalli as well as a EU Study Tour 6 November / GHENT EMMA Future Media Lab. 27-28 November / BRUSSELS Q+A session with Director General Paola Testori is also included. Contact [email protected]. EMMA quarterly meetings 5 December / BRUSSELS Max von Abendroth, EMMA EMMA / DG SANCO workshop 19-20 February / BRUSSELS EMMN & FML 2013 You can follow us on: Max von Abendroth (D, EN, FR) Catherine Starkie (EN, FR) Amandine Labé, EMMA Executive Director Senior Legal Adviser +32 2 536 06 04 +32 2 536 06 02 [email protected] 4 @MagazineMedia EMMA European Magazine Media Association Amandine Labé (FR, D, EN) EU Affairs Officer +32 2 536 06 08 [email protected] [email protected] Caroline Quintero P. (FR, SP, EN) Communications Officer +32 2 536 06 07 [email protected] EMMA | Square du Bastion 1A, B-1050 Bruxelles | | [email protected] Copyright © 2012 EMMA
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