FINANCIAL TIMES JAPAN HOW TO SPEND IT (PRESSE DU JAPON) 09/11/2012 Surface approx. (cm²) : 3046 Page 1/4 MILLE2 8540434300502/NJE/AJR/2 Eléments de recherche : Presse étrangère FINANCIAL TIMES JAPAN HOW TO SPEND IT (PRESSE DU JAPON) 09/11/2012 Surface approx. (cm²) : 3046 Page 2/4 the apparent movements of heavenly bodies Even though modem science lias smce proved that the Ptolemaïc geocentnc view of thmgs is maccurate watchmakers nevertheless continue to be fascinated b) the planets Patek Philippe s celebratcd Sky Moon Tourbillon (price on rcqucst pictured on last page) nas a celestial dial as well as one that displays hours minutes days and months while Van Cleef & Arpcls s Midnight in Paris (£54 DOO pictured on last page) shows the exact constellation of stars abovc the Place Vendome at midmght Mavenck brand Romain Jerome lias taken to including moondust iii its timepiects (pictured right from£6900) Even robustly contemporary makers cannet escape the centuries old lure of the cosmic bodies about five years ago Richard Mille unveiled his Planetammi^efleWrm (price on request) that seemed to fuse an almost Galilean aesthetic with the hi tech funkiness we have come to expectofhim And another champion of the extreme tech look Max Busser lias brought out a \cry idiosyncratic moonphase called the MB&F MoonMachme (£72 500 pictured above) with Finmsh watchmaker Stc pan Sarpaneva Givcn that watchmakers have been attracted by space for so long it is logical that Gene Roddenberrys final frontier should become the next bdttleground After all the deepest depths oi the oceans have been claimed by Rolex which has sent watches to the bottom of the Mananas Trench Above water Panerai is active in regattas and yacht clubs On the roads TAG Heuer has an enviable track record in motorsports and Hublot recently signed a deal with Ferrari Meanwhile in the skies Breitling is under aenal attack from IWC s Top Gun timepieces (from £9 750) and the Pilot range by Zenith (from £4 700) Thisyear the contcst has moved into orbit with both Breitling and Omega carly entrants in the horological space race launching new cosmic models Breitling was chere at the start of America s hall century of spacefanng when Scott Carpenter blasted cif aboard the Aurora in May 1962 He may have been setting off a year later than the Soviet Union s Yuri Gagann but Carpenter had the good fortune to be equipped with i special version of the Breitling Navitimer With its unique circulai slide rule operated by means of the rotating bezel a pilot could calculate rate of ascent descent and fuel burn rnaking it in effect a wnst worn mechamcal computer For anyone entermg the unknowri it was a remarkable multifonction wristwatch and a useful back up to on board systems The watch worn by Carpenter was fitted with a 24 hour dial on which the minute hand moved in the samc way as any normal watch but the hour hand made just one circuit per day meamng that for example at noon the hands took the position usually associated with six o dock The rationale was that orbiting the globe in space and seeing the sun rise and set several tunes could givç the impression of many days passing in a single 24 hour penod causing confusion for the pilot MB&F and Stepan Sarpaneva MoonMachme £72500. Romain Jerome Moon Dust Red Mood, £18500 Felix Baumgartner wears a Zenith Stratus F (y bac k strikmg luth £6700 Omega Speedmaster Professional Apollo XVM 40th Anniversary E4550 This year, the contest has moved into orbit, with Breitling and Omega early entrants in the horological space race MILLE2 8540434300502/NJE/AJR/2 The tirnepiecc was designed to prevent the wearer losmg all scnsc of time To honour half a century of this classic space watch Breitling launched a tribute model in May powered by its new in house calibre Having got off to a slow start against the USSR in manned space travel the US threw its resources into makmg good on JFK s pledge to put a man on the moon before the décade was out and when man finally went lunar in the summer of 1969 be was wearmg an Omega Speedmaster The Speedmaster achieved such cuit status as a resuit that it is frequently known as the moon watch and in récent years Omega has found a reason to release another limited edition Omega for coliectors Thisyear it is apiececelebratmg Apollo 17 with the insignia of the 1972 mission in sterling silver on the dia! (£4 550 pictured abovc) The early 1970s probably marked the height of space excitement - moon mania even featured in a mghtclub scene in The French Connection in which the Three Degrees performed thcir hit Everybody Gets to Go to the Moon Howcvcr the euphoria of the first lunar Eléments de recherche : Presse étrangère landings gave waj to the knowledge that it would be a while before anyone vvould be setting up home there Nevertheless watches continued to be a part of the story For instance as well as its tribute model to the 40th anniversary of Apollo 17 this year Omega has launched the Spacemaster Z 33 (£3 720) a suitably spacefarer chic multifunction quartz watch that captures something of that carly space age optimism by borrowmg from the elliptical case shape of the Pilot Lme watches of 40 vears ago It has four push pieces to activate a vanety of tuning functions including a countdown feature and perpétuai calendar but while the name is sufriciently extraterre str lai Stephen Urquhart president of Omega admits that with the refocusing of Nasas activites this watch is unhkel) to be headmg into orbit any time soon We have regular contact with Nasa and I visit ever) couple of years but while we are still a part of the space legacy we have no pending rnatters for the moment lie explams The Spacemaster Z 33 is engmeered for pilots rather than astronauts with input from US squadrons and the Swiss airforce In contrast Breitling has a watch named the Aerospace (£3 100) that was used by astronauts for a series of missions from the mid 1990s until the begmning of the current century Where Breitling s reissued Cosmonaute (£6 060 pictured on first page) honours the rôle of clockwork in the conquest of space the Aerospace has been an integral part of more récent activites in the European space programme Breitling s vicepresident Jean Paul Girardin is nghtlyproud that an examplc of the watch is on display in the Science Muséum in Paris as part of the collection of instrumentation used by French astronauts The 09/11/2012 FINANCIAL TIMES JAPAN HOW TO SPEND IT (PRESSE DU JAPON) Surface approx. (cm²) : 3046 Page 3/4 V • ^ "Av bow to spend Daily posts Exclusivecolumns 800+ gift ideas New. Fastes Sleeker. MILLE2 8540434300502/NJE/AJR/2 Eléments de recherche : Presse étrangère 09/11/2012 FINANCIAL TIMES JAPAN HOW TO SPEND IT (PRESSE DU JAPON) Surface approx. (cm²) : 3046 Page 4/4 Aerospace has been in the Breitling collection for many years, and Girardin neither confïrms nor dénies that a new version of the model is imminent But if we are to have one soon, it will surely benefit from the lessons learnt by the current model, winch, says Girardin, has been constantly upgradcd and improved thanks in part to its mvolvement in space "We had sonic requests regardmg the fonctions For instance, when the countdown tuner reaches zero it stops and there was a reqmrement for a count-up fdtihty from zero to give a total mission time" hc explains Additionally, the quartz movement was upgraded to "Superquartz" and the backlightmg was made NVGfNight Vision Goggle) compatible, meanmg that, as well as being legible in poor light with the naked eye, it could be used by someone wearmg night vision goggles without being blmdingly bnght Differences in visibihty were not the only extreme variations Breitling had to acLommodate Given that the watch ncedcd to be suitable for wear both outside the space suit and on the wrist itself, the strap had to be made adjustable with a special Velcro fastening In Russia, watches by Fortis, winch célébrâtes its centenary this year, have long been part of the cosmonaut's officiai equipment, docking up around 100,000 Earth orbits smce 1994, and the brand is first commercial space vehicle to dock at the International Space Station The trip was to commemorate the fact that, 50 years carlier, a Heuer stopwatch had been part of John Glenn s equipment when hc orbited the Earth in 1962 Meanwhile, TAG's LVMH stablernate Zenith backed the attempt of Felix Baumgartner (pictured on previous page) to perform a freefall parachute jump from the edge of space as the mtrepid Austrian skydiver successfully endeavoured to break a record that has btood for more than half a century All this interest in the cosmos would seem to imply that a new space race is hottmg up, in winch the competitors are the gréât chronograph blouses of SwiLzerland, and the ultimate objects e is to establish the first extratcrrestnal watch shop * Prom far icf t Van Cleef & ArpelsMidmght in Paris, £54,000. Patek Philippe Sky Moon Tourbillon, price on request The watch needed to be suitable for wear outside the space suit and on the wrist, so the strap had a special Velcro fastening MILLE2 8540434300502/NJE/AJR/2 already lookmg beyond orbital service to a rnanned mission to Mars In preparation, Fortis was the officiai watch ot Mars500 (£2 980, pictured on first page), a joint European, Russian and Chinese simulation of a manned mission to the planet that took place last year In this, Fortis is demonstrating good sensé, because space is gerling quite crowded when it cornes to watches This year, TAG Heuer put its Carrera Calibre ISS? Spacex chronograph (£4,475, pictured on first page) into orbit on board the Dragon spacecraft, the Eléments de recherche : Presse étrangère SPACE CRAFTSMANSHIP Breitling, 020-7637 5167 www breitling com and stockists Fortis, 01423 504123 www fortis watches com Harrods, 87 135 Brompton Rd London SW1 (0207730 1234 www hai rotis com) Hublot Boutique, jl New Bond St London wi (020 3214 9970, www hublot com) IWC, 0845 337 1868 www iwc com and Hai mds and srockists Kronometryl999,106 New Bond St London Wi (020 7499 1434, www kronometrvl999 com) Marcus, 170 New Bond St London WI (020 7290 6500 wwwmarcuswatchesco uk) Max Bûsser, www mbandf com and Marcus and stockists Omega, 12 Old Bond St, London WI (020-7491 8113 www omegawatches com) Panerai, www panerai com and Harrods Patek Philippe, 15 New Bond St London WI (020 7493 8866, www patek com) Richard Mille, www richarville com and Harrods and stockists Rolex, www i olex com and Harrods and stockists Romaine Jerome, www rornamjerome ch and Kronometry 1999 TAG Heuer, Westfield Shopping Centre, Ariel Way London W12 (020 8735 4070, www tagheuer com) Van Cleef & Appels, 9 New Bond St, London WI (020 7493 0400, wwwvancleef arpets com) Zenith, 01204 424051 www zen th watches com and stockists
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