How to Use Acoms © 2009 AnalyzeSoft

How to Use Acoms
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Table of Contents
Part I Introduction to ACOMS
1 Help Resources
for Using ACOMS
2 How to...................................................................................................................................
Use the Online Help Feature
3 Main Differences
and Similarities between OTIS and ACOMS
4 Modules
................................................................................................................................... 8
5 Differences
between ACOMS Modules
6 Security
................................................................................................................................... 9
Part II Using the System
1 Logging
into the Demonstration Server
Toolbar Icons
3 Getting
Around the System
Part III Search for an Offender
1 Main ...................................................................................................................................
Offender Search Window
2 Search
by Offender Name
3 Search
by Offender Number
4 Working
with Search Results
5 Working
with the Selected Offender
Part IV Offender Profile
1 Address
................................................................................................................................... 21
2 Agent................................................................................................................................... 23
3 Basic...................................................................................................................................
4 Birth dates
................................................................................................................................... 24
5 Cautions
................................................................................................................................... 25
6 Court...................................................................................................................................
Adding a Court
Working w ith ..........................................................................................................................................................
a Court Case
Adding an .........................................................................................................................................................
Adding a New
Adding a New
Adding a Response
to a Violation
Printing a Violation
7 DNA Test
................................................................................................................................... 32
8 Education
................................................................................................................................... 32
Editing Education
Inform ation
Adding an Education
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Editing Certificate
Inform ation
Adding Certificate
Inform ation
9 Employment
................................................................................................................................... 35
Updating an Em
ploym ent Listing
Creating a New
Em ploym ent Listing
Adding an Em..........................................................................................................................................................
ployer Listing
10 Family/Associates
................................................................................................................................... 37
Updating a Fam
ily Listing
Adding a new ..........................................................................................................................................................
Fam ily Listing
11 File Location
................................................................................................................................... 39
Editing File Location
Inform ation
Adding File Location
Inform ation
12 Financial
................................................................................................................................... 39
Editing Financial
Inform ation
Adding Financial
Inform ation
13 Wait List
................................................................................................................................... 41
14 Health
................................................................................................................................... 41
Editing Health..........................................................................................................................................................
Inform ation
Adding Health..........................................................................................................................................................
Inform ation
Creating a Health
Sum m ary
Adding Treatm
ent Inform ation
15 Legal...................................................................................................................................
16 License
................................................................................................................................... 44
17 Location
................................................................................................................................... 45
18 Medications
................................................................................................................................... 45
Editing Medication
Inform ation
Adding Medication
Inform ation
19 Military
................................................................................................................................... 47
20 Name................................................................................................................................... 48
21 Numbers
................................................................................................................................... 49
Editing Num ber
Inform ation
Adding Other ..........................................................................................................................................................
Num ber Inform ation
22 Other...................................................................................................................................
23 Phones
................................................................................................................................... 50
24 Prior ...................................................................................................................................
25 Scars,...................................................................................................................................
26 Substances
................................................................................................................................... 52
Editing Substance
Inform ation
Adding New Substance
Inform ation
27 Supervision
Making Changes
to a Supervision Contact
Adding a Supervision
28 Security
Threat Group
Adding Security
Threat Group Inform ation
29 Vehicle
................................................................................................................................... 57
Editing Vehicle
Inform ation
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Adding Vehicle
Inform ation
30 Victims
................................................................................................................................... 59
31 Warrants
................................................................................................................................... 60
Agents Warrant
.......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Com m ission Warrant
.......................................................................................................................................................... 62
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Introduction to ACOMS
ACOMS is the Alaskan Corrections Offender Management system. If you are familiar with OTIS, you will
find it easy to use and that it has a wealth of new features and resources to use the system effectively.
ACOMS contains all of the data from OTIS and includes pictures on profiles in an easier to use webbased application. ACOMS has undergone years of development and is used among Departments of
Corrections across the country.
The main difference between OTIS and ACOMS is that ACOMS is centered on the offender while OTIS is
centered around program functions that require you to search for offenders. In ACOMS, you select an
offender and ACOMS becomes your workbench to work with that offender's record. This makes working
with an offender record in ACOMS much easier. The focus of ACOMS is not just in creating a "system of
record" for management level reporting, but to also make the offender management tool an effective staff
tool for day to day operations. Its streamlined interface and real-world testing makes this possible.
Help Resources for Using ACOMS
Each module in ACOMS is documented with help resources to assist in you usage of the
system. If you need help with the system it is close at hand. Each module is documented with:
Online Help – Help is immediately available in each module for most program
features by clicking the online help icon at the top of the window. This will bring up
the help for the current program feature. It also contains links to other modules
within the system.
Reference Manual – Each module is documented with an electronic or printed manual
that describes the program features within the module. The reference manual
duplicates the information in the online help in a single document.
Review Guide – Each module has a review guide that takes you through the program
features with scenario-based guides that describe how different program features are
used within the system. The review guides are also available through the online help
How to Use the Online Help Feature
The online help feature is the most useful resource for getting help with using the system. It
contains help on the current feature you are using within the system, as well as links to the other
documentation within the system. The entire ACOMS system is documented from within the
online help. When you select the
Online Help icon it will create a window that looks like the
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Introduction to ACOMS
Main Help Pane – The main help pane contains the information on the current
program feature or the information on the topics you select in Contents, the Index, or
from the Search feature.
Contents – Contains the table of contents for the system, with the current help topic
highlighted within the help system. With this guide you can see the other related
program features of the module. Double-clicking on the book icon opens other help
topics within that program area. You can think of the Contents as the “front of the
book” table of contents. Double-clicking on the book icon opens the book, revealing
the contents of the help for the module.
Index – The index is the “back of the book” index, which contains the topics within
help listed alphabetically. You can find topics and glossary items within the help that
explains concepts within the system here.
Search – The search feature allows you to search through the help system to find more
information on a topic of interest. The search feature searches the entire help system,
so it will find help available for any part of the system, not just the part of the system
you currently are using. When you select a search item in the left pane, it brings up
that help topic and highlights the search terms you typed in within the main pane.
Main Differences and Similarities between OTIS and ACOMS
You’ll notice many obvious differences between OTIS and ACOMS. Some of the main ones
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
ACOMS uses the familiar offender profile screens of OTIS. Just like OTIS, searching for
an offender will produce a screen with links to drill in on specific information. Unlike
OTIS, the buttons are more like link web links and there is a top-pane that contains
additional information.
ACOMS supports offender photographs. Photo capture workstations photographs are
directly displayed within offender profiles. Additionally, new photographs can be
uploaded and displayed for offenders through the facilities module.
ACOMS is web-based. Because of this Citrix logins aren’t required. It works with the
web browser on your desktop just like surfing the internet. It also can be used across
the internet without special login clients or the need to install additional software on
How to Use Acoms
your home desktop or logging into a remote desktop.
ACOMS is centered on the offender while OTIS is centered on program functions. For
example, if you want to book an offender in OTIS, you go to the booking function,
search to see if an offender is in the system, and then complete a booking. If you then
want to assign an offender a bed in OTIS, you go to the program feature to assign a
bed, search for an offender, and then give them a bed. In ACOMS you select the
offender first, then you perform program functions on the offender you selected by
choosing the menu function. The offender you last selected is remembered as you
move from module to module.
ACOMS does not require you to log out to move between modules. In OTIS, if you are
using a function within facilities and need to move to PSI or OTA (Banking), you need
to either login or logout of the system again or keep multiple Citrix windows open
with a login to each module. In ACOMS you simply login once and move across
modules by the use of the site navigation feature.
ACOMS remembers the offender across modules, so when you move across modules
it remembers the offender you were last working on last and any program functions
you use apply to that same offender. For example, if you are working on an offender
within the BOPP module and need to assign a direct victim to them for the parole
board to know about, you can move to the Facilities module and enter a direct victim
without having to search for the offender again.
ACOMS uses tabs and toolbars instead of menus. In OTIS you log into a module and
then search through menus to find the program function you want.
A module within ACOMS is a separate area related to a job role or function. The modules are
integrated, so they leverage common functionality from each other, creating a consistent look
and feel throughout all the modules. The modules and their purposes are as follows:
ACOMS Module
OTIS Equivalent
Job Function
Booking functions within DIO
Booking officers and those
who account for charge backs
for use of booking and holding
All functions related to
managing incarcerated
offenders, including
sentencing, victims, visitors,
classification, transportation,
and release.
Offender management plans,
includes features for
educational coordinators.
Administrative functions for
the Board of Parole including
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Introduction to ACOMS
scheduling, planning, hearing
results and recording minutes.
PSI & Others
All functions related to
community corrections for
institutional and field parole
and probations officers.
Mostly field related functions.
Inmate Banking
All administrative functions
related to managing offender
accounting, including
management of mandatory
savings accounts and PFD
garnishments for restitution
and incarceration expenses.
Differences between ACOMS Modules
Sometimes you will be surprised to find that after you have selected an offender and click on
a program feature that it retrieves a group of offenders instead of brining up amplifying
information on the offender you selected. In general, ACOMS modules are centered on managing
a selected offender. Once an offender is located within the system, the program features work on
that individual offender. Some modules, like inmate banking and the BOPP (Board of Parole and
Pardons) module are centered on managing groups of offenders, such as managing a calendar of
parole hearing for multiple offenders. Here are some of the parts of the system that work on
groups of offenders:
Calendar Functions – Some features are designed to schedule groups of offenders, for
things like transport, visitation, and parole hearings. These are found in modules like
facilities and BOPP.
Workload Management Functions – Some features are designed to manage the
workload for correctional staff. For example, seeing what assessments are coming up
for the offenders they are responsible for. These are mainly located within OMP,
Community, and Facilities.
Agency/Program Functions – Some of the features within ACOMS are to manage
relationships with outside agencies and programs. For example, notifying outside
agencies of releases or managing contractors who teach in the educational programs.
These are mainly located in the victims sub-module (available through multiple
modules) and within OMP.
ACOMS has complete security controls for all functions within the system. Every feature of the system
can be locked down at a screen level to restrict who can see records, create records, update records,
and delete them. What you can do in the system can be locked down by both group and role. So, for
example, a probations supervisor could have permission to delete records but a staff field probations
person might only have the permissions to create or view the same records. Security is configured by
the IT staff in the Department of Corrections to staff specifications.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Using the System
Using the System
Using the ACOMS system is quite easy once you understand three basic concepts:
1. Search for an offender
2. Select an offender
3. Perform operations on the selected offender
This section discusses how to be effective in searching and working on offenders.
Logging into the Demonstration Server
1. Open your Internet Explorer by clicking on the Internet Explorer icon.
2. On the Internet Explorer address bar type in the following address
and press the right arrow on the address bar or the return key
3. This will open up the ACOMS Application login screen. You will want to bookmark this screen for future use
so you will not have to remember and retype the server address.
4. Click on the Application Logon button. This will open the ACOMS Logon screen.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
The User ID you will use is cisuser1 and the password will also be cisuser1. The password will
not display while you are typing it.
If you get an error message “User ID is invalid” or “Password is invalid” click on the Reset
button and the screen will clear itself so you can try again. Before trying the second time, check
your keyboard and make sure that your Caps Lock is not on.
The Caps Lock key is located on the left edge of your keyboard above the shift key. If you push
it, notice on the right upper side of your keyboard, a light will turn on and off. If the light is on,
Caps Lock is on and the lower case letters will not be recognized. Make sure the light is off.
Keys will be in different locations if you have a laptop.
Try to login to OMP again. If you are successful, go to next step. If not, double check Cap
Locks and Num Lock, slow down and make sure you are entering the correct user ID and
password, if you are sure you are using the correct User ID and Password and are still
unable to login, contact the IT helpdesk for further assistance.
If you are successful then you will see the opening screen to the booking module.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Using the System
ACOMS Toolbar Icons
There are a number of icons used throughout the ACOMS application that perform the following
functions from any screen they are available from:
View Icon - This icon allows you to view the record within a list of records.
Help Icon - This icon brings up help for the current feature.
Print Icon - Creates a printable version of the current list.
New Icon - Creates a new record within the system.
Trash Icon - Deletes a record within the system.
Edit Icon - Edits a record within the system.
Getting Around the System
Once you are in the system you will notice on the right hand side of the toolbar is a small compass
This is the navigation or site map icon. It allows you to navigate the system between the various
modules within the system. When you click it, the navigation menu will appear:
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
By clicking on Main or any of the tabs underneath you can access that module or the sub-function of
that module if you have the proper security authorizations. The modules of ACOMS consist of the
Allows Booking officers to book offenders into the system, manage property, daily
counts, and chargebacks.
Handles administrative functions for the Board of Pardons and Parole.
Covers most aspects of Community Corrections for field probations and parole officers.
Handles most aspects of managing an institution, including bed assignment,
classification, transportation, visitation, victims notification, and more.
Manages administrative functions related to managing offender money.
Work Centers Handles management of work furlough for offenders.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Search for an Offender
The Alaska Corrections Offender Management System (ACOMS) offers several types of search
criteria to help you find an offender or verify that an offender number or name doesn't already
exist in the system. In ACOMS you can search by location, staff member caseload, or by offender
name or number.
To begin the process of searching for an offender, click the Offender Search link in the upper-left
corner of the window.
The Offender Search screen will come up. You can perform any of
the searches described below from the Offender Search screen. All operations in ACOMS start by
searching for an offender, who then becomes the active record within the system.
The offender search toolbar accesses all of the features of offender search within the system.
Unlike OTIS, ACOMS does not require you to search repeatedly for the offender you worked with
in the last module. The last offender selected is automatically the active offender for each
subsequent function and can be recalled at any time. The search toolbar has the following
functions that enable these features:
Offender Search – The text “Offender Search” is a link that accesses the Main Offender
Search Window, described below.
Offender Result
– This icon retrieves the results of the last search result, whether that
result was one or multiple offenders. If you are trying to narrow down a single offender
from a list of offenders you can return from the profile of the offender you selected to
the full list of search results by clicking on this icon.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Search for an Offender
Offender Profile
– The Offender Profile icon returns you to the offender profile of the
offender you last selected as a result of the search. If you are ever unsure what offender
you selected last or what offender you are examining, this icon returns you to the general
offender profile display.
Main Offender Search Window
ACOMS offers search options to help you find an offender or verify an offender doesn’t already
exist in the system using four different search options. You can search for an offender by Name or
Offender Number. The Booking module has much more sophisticated search tools, which is
covered in that module's documentation.
The offender search is due for improvements in the next version of ACOMS to provide more sophisticated
search capabilities.
Search by Offender Name
If you don't know the offender’s Offender Number, you can find it by searching for the
offender’s name. This search function is designed to find offenders by using as few as 2 letters in
their name. Follow the steps below to search for an offender by name.
1. Click the Find Offender icon
will pop up.
next to the Offender # field. The Find Offender window
2. The Find Offender window allows you to find offenders by searching for as few as 2 letters
in their name. If the offender’s name is William Wallace, you can type "wal" (without the
quotes) in the Last Name field then click the Find button (or press the Enter key on your
keyboard). The system will look for every offender in the system whose name contains
the letters "wal."
3. Optionally, you may type part of the offender’s last name in the Last Name field and part
of their first name in the First Name field then click the Find button. Your search will be
restricted even further by using this method and it will be easier to find the offender you
are looking for.
4. When you find the offender you are looking for, click the radio button next to their name
then click the Select button. The Offender Information screen will come up for that
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
offender. The Offender Information screen is also known as the offender's profile.
Search by Offender Number
Follow the steps below if you know the offender’s Offender Number.
1. Type the offender’s number into the Offender # field.
2. Click the Search button. The Offender Information screen will come up with the offender
that matches the offender number you typed.
Working with Search Results
By default, the search results are ordered by the offender’s name in last name/first name
alphabetical order. They can also be ordered by the offender ID. This is controlled by the Sort
Results box on the Offender Search Screen.
The following information is displayed in the offender search results:
Offender ID -- The ACOMS (OTIS) Offender ID
Offender Name – The Name of the Offender, last name first. If the offender has multiple
names within the system this is the name that is listed as the FIELD DEFAULT on the names
detail page.
Location – Lists the current status (Body Location Description) from the most recent
location information for the offender.
DOB – The data of birth of the offender. If the offender has multiple DOB’s listed then this
will be the latest one with the status LEGAL, followed by the latest with the status
Name Type – For the name chosen as the FIELD DEFAULT in the names detail page, this
will report the source of the name record for the offender, usually court or self-reported.
More offender detail information can always be accessed by using the
View Icon. The view
icon accesses the Offender Profile, which is detailed in the next section. At the bottom of the
page lists the number of records retrieved by the search and the number of pages of further
results beyond the first page.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Search for an Offender
The numbered pages below are links. If you want to see the 21st screen, for example, you would
click 21. ACOMS does not currently have a forward/previous arrow to navigate between the
screens. ACOMS by default displays 25 records per screen. If the search results are returning an
excess number of records, you should consider using more search information to narrow the
search. For example, using a first initial with a known last name will tend to get better results. In
the example from the screen above, searching for a last name of “Smith” brought back 1712
results. Searching for “A. Smith” returned only 77, which is a more manageable number to
evaluate. Since the majority of offenders have been in the system before, its best to narrow
search results as much as possible to avoid creating duplicate records.
Working with the Selected Offender
Once you have worked with the search results list and selected an offender, the top status bar changes
to indicate the Offender ID and name of the selected offender.
This offender becomes the selected offender, and any operation you choose in ACOMS will be performed
on this offender until you search for and select another offender. You can at any time recall the offender
profile for the selected offender by clicking on the Offender Result
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
button in the offender toolbar.
Offender Profile
Offender Profile
The offender profile is displayed when you select the view icon from offender search. It displays
in a compact form all the information about an offender. It contains some basic demographic
information about the offender and links to amplifying information categorized by area:
Each line of the offender profile contains a count by it. The count usually indicates a count of the
number of amplifying items on the offender. For example, the two by address indicates that
there are two addresses for the offender. In the same way, location indicates that there are two
location records for the offender within Alaska facilities. Sometimes the count indicates the
number of active items. For example, alerts indicates only the number of active alerts on the
offender, not ones that have already past in the same way that warrants indicates the number of
active warrants.
Each of the items on the offender profile is an active link. You can click on the text description
next to the count to access the amplifying information. For example, clicking on address with
bring up the current address records for the offender. In some cases, the fields will be highlighted
in red, to indicate that there is a matter of concern for officer safety, like a warning.
ACOMS is able to keep a chronological listing of all of our offender’s addresses. This is very
helpful in the event that an investigation is conducted or an offender absconds or escapes. It will
also help identify the impact residential moves have on the recidivism factor.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
From the Offender Search function in ACOMS, search for the offender that you will be working with.
In the Profile section, click on the Address link.
The Offender Address Listing screen will come up.
To edit or view an existing address click on the Edit/View icon
, make the necessary changes and click on the Save button.
5. To add a new address click on the Add icon
in the title bar.
6. The Address Detail screen will come up. Below each field is defined. The required fields are
in green bold. Follow the instructions to enter an address record to the offender’s file.
· House Number: The number the residence is registered as
· Pre Direction: If the official address has a pre-direction, choose it from the drop down (i.
e., for North Locust Grove you would choose N from the drop down).
· Street Name: The official name of the street the residence is located on
· Street Suffix: If the official address has a street suffix, enter it here. (i.e., for Bannock
Drive you would enter Drive or Dr. in this field).
· Post Direction: If the official address has a post-direction, choose it from the drop down (i.
e., for Locust Grove North you would choose N from the drop down).
· Unit: If the residence is identified with a unit number (apartments, town houses, trailer
parks) enter the number here.
· Apartment Complex: If the residence is part of an officially named apartment complex,
type the apartment complex name in this field.
· City: The city the residence is located in.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
Borough: The borough the residence is located in
State: The state the residence is located in.
Zip: the official zip code of the area the residence is located in.
Telephone: The offenders telephone number, this can be a message phone if that is all
that is available.
Address Type: The current status of the address in this record.
Mailing Address check box: Check this box if the address in this record is the address the
offender receives mail at
Valid Address: Choose yes or no
Start Date: This is the first day the offender moved into the address in this record.
End Date: This is the last day the offender resided at the location in this record.
Verified By: If you are logged into ACOMS and you have verified this address, click the
single head icon
and the system will backfill your user id. If you are entering the verification for someone
else, either type in their user id or click on the double head icon
to search for their user id.
Date: The date this record was verified.
Verified checkbox: Click in this box to flag this address being a verified address
Method: The method used to verify the record is chosen from the drop down menu.
ACOMS keeps a comprehensive list of the agents that each offender has been assigned to.
This is very helpful in an investigation or a lawsuit or merely to know who is currently supervising
an offender. To edit/view the current agent information or add a new agent follow the
instructions below.
Search for the offender you will be working with and click on the Agent link in the Offender
Information section.
2. The Assigned Agent Listing screen will come up.
3. To Edit/View an existing record, click on the Edit/View icon
, make the necessary changes and click on the Save button.
4. To add a new record, click on the Add icon
and the Assigned Agent Details screen will come up.
Fill in the fields as defined below. The mandatory fields are in bold green.
· Assigned To: Type in the user id of the agent the offender will be assigned to. If you
don’t k now the user id of the agent, click on the Find User icon
and do a search by name and then select the agent and the user id will back fill.
· Position: This is the position that the Agent holds in the department. Choose from the
drop down.
· Region/Office: This is the location the Agent is assigned to.
· Start Date: This is the date the offender will officially be assigned to this agent.
· End Date: This is the date the offender is officially assigned to another agents caseload.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Basic Info
The physical characteristics and personal information on an offender are captured during the
intake process. This information is added when the designated staff members add new offenders
into the system. This information is available for you to view from the Basic Info screen.
1. To view an offender’s Basic Info, click on the Basic Info link in the Profile section.
2. The Offender Basic Information screen will come up.
Birth dates
In the Birth Dates section, ACOMS stores all of the Birth Date information an offender has
ever used, legal and fictitious.
1. To view an offender’s Birth Date Listing, click on the Birth Date link in the Profile section.
2. The Offender Date of Birth Listing screen will come up.
3. To Edit or View a Birth Date that is listed, click on the edit/view icon
4. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
5. To create a new Birth Date record, click on the Add icon
6. Fill in the following fields. The required fields are bold green.
· Date of Birth: Enter the birth date using the mm/dd/yyyy format. This field defaults to
today’s date when clicked, however, it is changeable.
· Age: The age will be calculated and backfilled by the system using the birth date
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
· DOB Type: If the date is the legal date of birth, choose legal from the drop down
menu. If it is any other date, choose fictitious This field defaults to legal. A choice of
legal or fictitious is required.
· State: Choose the state of birth from the drop down menu
· City: Choose the city of birth from the drop down menu
· Country: Choose the country of birth from the drop down menu
7. Click the Save button.
Note: ACOMS will only allow one legal date of birth for an offender. If the date is not
verified, choose fictitious.
A Caution in ACOMS is the function that used to called Alerts in Reflections. A caution is used
to notify staff of any thing about an offender that should be noted. A caution could be created to
flag a job restriction, alert staff of bodily fluid danger, or place a medical hold on an offender. To
edit/view and existing caution or create a new caution, follow the instructions below.
To edit/view an existing caution:
1. Click on the Caution link in the Offender Profile.
2. The Caution Listing screen will come up with a list of existing cautions on the offender.
3. Find the caution that needs to be edited and click the edit/view icon
4. The Caution Details screen will come up. Make the necessary changes and click the Save
To create a new Caution:
5. Click on the Caution link in the Offender Profile.
6. The Caution Listing screen will come up with a list of existing cautions on the offender.
7. Click the Add icon
8. The Caution Details screen will come up.
9. Fill in the fields as defined below. The requi red fi el ds a re bold green.
· Caution Description: Choose the correct caution description from the drop down
· Caution Source: Choose the organization that is the source of the caution
· Start Date: Fill in the date the caution becomes active
· End Date: Fill in the date the caution will expire.
· Comment: Type in any additional information related to the caution.
10. Click the Save button.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Court Cases
The Court Cases link in the offender’s profile allows you to add information about a new court
case to the offender’s information and perform other updates to a court case.
Adding a Court Case
If an offender has been scheduled for a court appearance, the court case information may be
added to the offender’s profile from this link.
Click the Court Cases link located in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The
Court Case Listing screen will be displayed.
Click the Add icon
and the Court Case Details screen will be displayed.
Enter the following information about the court case. The required fields are bold green.
Offender Name: Select the offender’s name from the drop-down menu.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
County (Ex. Lewiston Justice): Select the county where the court case was filed from
the drop-down menu.
Case Number: Input the court case number.
Jurisdiction Authority: Select the Adult Prob & Parole option from the drop-down
Judge: Click the Find User icon
, to search for the judge’s name. See Appendix A: Using the Find User Icon in
ACOMS, for information on how to use the Find User icon.
Prosecuting and Defense Attorney: Type the attorney’s name in the correct field if it is
known, otherwise leave the field blank.
Co Defendant: If the case has a co-defendant, enter the name here. If you don’t know
the name of the co-defendant, click on the Add/Modify Co Defendant icon
Type in the offender number for the co-defendant. The name will backfill. (If you don’t
know the offender number, click on the Find Offender icon
and search by name)
Choose the correct Court Case Number from the drop down menu and click the Save
The system will go back to the Court Case Detail with the co-defendant information
The Sentence Date, Full Term Date, Satisfaction Date, Termination Date, and
Sentence Jail Days fields will backfill with system generated dates and information
(calculated in the background from several records).
Case Status: Click on the Case Status icon
and the Court Case Status Details screen will come up. If the offender has a Case
Status record for the selected court case, it will be listed here. If not, click on the add
icon to add a new one. Fill in the fields appropriately and Save.
Click the Save button to save the court case, and the Court Case Listing screen will be
Working with a Court Case
You can make changes to an existing open court case, by adding an offense, agreement, or
violation. You can also respond to a violation and print a violation report.
Adding an Offense
NOTE: The Add Offense feature may be locked down in some modules based on job role.
You can input details about the offense that was committed which lead to a particular court
Click the Court Cases link located in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen.
The Court Case Listing screen will be displayed.
Click the Edit/View icon
, next to the court case you will be working with.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Click the Add Offense button and click OK in the pop-up window.
Fill in the following information in the Current Offense Details screen: required fields are
bold green.
Click the Offense button to search for a crime in the Find Offense pop-up window.
Search using any or all of the following options:
Offense Code: Type the code for the offense you are searching for.
Statute: If you know the state statute number, enter it and click the Find button. If you
don’t know the complete number type in the first couple of numbers and click Find.
The system will retrieve a list of offense statutes that begin with the numbers entered.
Offense Description: Type the description of the offense you are searching for., and
click the Select button to return to the
Sort by: If the system retrieves a number of offenses, the list can be sorted by the
orders listed in this drop down menu. Choose Code or Description based on the
information you are using to perform a search.
Locate the correct offense and click in the radio button next to it. Click the Select
button to return to the Current Offense Details screen.
Offense Date: Input the date the offense occurred.
Severity (Required): Choose the Severity from the drop down menu.
Counts: Input the number of counts for the offense. For instance if the offender was
involved in a dui accident that resulted in 3 people losing their lives, the offender would
be charged with 3 counts of vehicular manslaughter.
Count Num: This number identifies which of the 3 counts this offense is associated
with. There would be one offense listed for each count. Count Number 1 of 3. Count
Number 2 of 3 and Count Number 3 of 3.
Click the Save button to save the offense you added and the Current Offense Listing screen
will be displayed.
Adding a New Agreement
An agreement is defined of Conditions of Supervision. Sometimes the conditions are
standard and sometimes they are special conditions handed down from the courts or the Parole
Commission. This is the process for adding agreements to an offender’s record.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
Note: There must be an active court case before you can add an agreement.
Click the Court Cases link located in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen.
The Court Case Listing screen will be displayed.
Click the Agreement button at the bottom of the list. The Probation/Parole Agreement Listing
screen will be displayed. (If an existing agreement needs to be edited or viewed, click on the
edit/view icon from this screen).
Click the Add icon
and the Probation/Parole Agreement Details screen will be displayed.
In the Court Case Listing section click the Add icon
and the Select Court Case screen will be displayed.
Click the radio button next to the case that the agreement will be added to and click the
Select button. The Probation/Parole Agreement Details screen will be displayed with the court
case listed.
Below the court case, in the Agreement section fill in the following information,
Start Date: The Start Date will default to today’s date. This date can be changed if
End Date: Leave the End Date blank.
Probation or Parole: Click in the radio button for Probation or Parole.
Conditions: the next section lists the types of conditions that are used for
supervision. A standard condition is one that is the same for every offender that has
committed that crime. For instance, a sex offender standard condition requires that all
sex offenders be prohibited from living near or visiting schools. Group Special
Conditions, Special Conditions.
Select the Standard Conditions radio button and fill in the following information:
Select the specific standard condition from the drop-down menu
The specifics of the condition will be displayed.
Click the Save button
Select the Group Special Conditions radio button.
Click the Add icon
and fill in the following information:
Group Condition: Select the condition from the drop-down menu.
Start Date: Type the date the condition will begin.
End Date: Type the date the condition will end.
Click the Save button
Select the Special Conditions radio button.
Click the Add icon
and the Available Special Conditions window will pop up.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Click the box next to the title of each condition you are including in the agreement
and a check mark will appear.
Click the Select button and the Probation/Parole Agreement Details screen will be
Fill in the date the condition begins in the Start Date and the date it expires in the
End Date in the Special Conditions Listing section that corresponds to each
Click the Save button
Adding a New Violation
If an offender has violated any conditions of their agreement, a new violation is added to the
existing agreement. These violation records are very important in court, when a PPO
recommends that the Parole or Probation be revoked due to violations of agreement. Double
check accuracy before saving.
Click the Court Cases link located in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen.
The Court Case Listing screen will be displayed.
Click the Agreement button at the bottom of the court cases list. The Probation/Parole
Agreement Listing screen will be displayed.
Click the Add Violations button. The Agreements screen will be displayed.
Select the Conditions that have been violated by clicking in the radio button next to the
agreement and click the Add button.
This will move the selected conditions to the lower screen. Click in the first condition radio
The lower section will backfill with information specific to the selected condition. Fill in the
following information:
Incident Date. Input the date the violation occurred.
Note: The system will prompt you to apply this date to all violations click OK if
all violations occurred on the same date or click Cancel if they did not.
Violation. Input what the offender did to violate the condition.
If you selected more than one court case in step 4 repeat steps 5 and 6 for each court case,
otherwise proceed to step 7.
Click the Save button and this will return you to the Violation Listing screen.
Note: A dialog box will pop up and say, “All selected violations will be saved. Do
you wish to continue?” click the OK button.
Adding a Response to a Violation
When a violation of an agreement exists you can add information about what the response to
the violation is. The response should include details of steps taken in response to the offender’s
Click the Court Cases link located in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen.
The Court Case Listing screen will be displayed.
Click the Agreement button at the bottom of the court cases list. The Probation/Parole
Agreement Listing screen will be displayed.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
Click the Violation Listing button. The Violations Listing screen will be displayed.
Click the Response History
icon, and the Response History screen will be displayed.
Click the Add icon
and the Violation Response Detail screen will be displayed.
Fill in the following information:
Response Type: Select the response type by choosing an option from drop down
By: Click the Current User icon
to input your User ID or click the Find User icon
to search for the User ID. See Appendix A: Using the Find User Icon in ACOMS, for
information on how to use the Find User icon.
Date: Type the date of the response.
Comment: Type any additional information about the response.
Violations: Select the violation(s) you are responding to.
Note: If all violations will receive the same response, click the Attach to all
button to apply the same response to each violation listed.
Response Action: Fill in the following information:
Response Action: Select your response from the drop-down menu.
Description: Type a brief description about the response.
Custody: Select custody type from the drop-down menu.
Days: Type the digit for the number of days in custody.
Click the Save button and this will return you to the Response History Listing screen.
Printing a Violation Report
A Violation Report is used to request a warrant for an offender. The violations that have been
recorded about the offender will be outlined in this report; which makes the arrest process a lot
From the Response History Listing screen click the Reports icon
next to the court case you want to print.
From the Probation and Parole Reports list, select the Warrant request/Violation Report.
Click the Print Reports button to preview the report and verify it is accurate.
Note: If you have a pop-up blocker you must hold down the Ctrl key on your
keyboard to allow the Adobe Acrobat window to open.
In the Adobe Acrobat window, click the Print icon at the top of the screen to print the report.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
DNA Test
The DNA demographic screen allows you to record information about DNA tests that have
been performed for an offender.
To Edit/View an existing DNA record, click on the DNA link in the Profile section of the Offender
Information screen. The Offender DNA Listing screen will be displayed.
Click on the Edit/View icon
, make any necessary changes and click the Save button.
To add a new DNA record click the Add icon
. Fill in the following information, the required fields are bold green:
Date Performed: This is the date the DNA sample was taken.
Time Performed: This is the time the DNA sample was taken.
Performed By: This is the login ID of the staff member that took the sample.
Date Mailed: Date the DNA sample was mailed to the testing lab.
Test Kit Number: The official DNA test kit number that is on the actual kit.
Fees Paid: The amount of money collected from the offender to pay for the test.
Refusal: Click the correct response.
Refusal Witness: The login ID of the person that witnessed the offender refuse to test.
Comment: Any additional notes related to the testing or the refusal.
The Education link is used to keep a chronological record of the offender’s education,
including vocational and academic education the offender received prior to entering our system.
This is also a place to flag the offenders that qualify for Special Education so they can be assessed
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Editing Education Information
1. Click on the Education link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender Education
Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click on the Edit/View icon
and make any necessary changes.
3. Click the Save button to update the education record.
Adding an Education Record
1. Click the Add icon
and fill in the following information, required fields are bold green:
Institution Type: Select the type of institution where the education was acquired.
Institution Name: Type the name of the institution where the education was
acquired. (i.e., Institution Type = High School, Institution Name = Jefferson
Grade Completed: Type the number for the last full year the offender
completed in this institution. For example, if the offender dropped out the last
month of 12th grade the Grade Completed will be 11.
Years Attended: Type the number for years the offender attended the institution.
Termination Description: Type a brief description of why the offender left the
institution using one of the following descriptions:
Dropped out
Note: If an offender has a Termination Description disregard the Degree field.
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How to Use Acoms
Degree Field: Type the degree the offender received at the institution using one of
the following descriptions:
High School Diploma
Exit Date: Type the date the offender left the institution or if a termination reason is
listed, then the exit date will be the date the termination took place.
Special Education: Check this box if the offender was actively involved in Special
Education while attending this institution.
Graduated: Select the appropriate radio button for the graduation status of the
Verification: If the information has been verified fill in the following information:
Verifier: Click the Current User icon
to input your User ID or click the Find User icon
to search for the User ID. See Appendix A: Using the Find User Icon in ACOMS, for
information on how to use the Find User icon.
Date: Fill in the date the information was verified.
Verified: Click the box next to verified to confirm the information was verified.
Method: Select the method the information was verified from the drop-down menu.
2. Click the Save button. The Offender Educational Listing screen will be displayed listing the new record.
Editing Certificate Information
1. In the Offender Education Listing screen, click the Certificate button. The License/Certificate
Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Edit/View icon
next to the certificate you want to view.
3. In the License/Certificate Details screen, make the needed changes.
4. Click the Save button. The certificate information is now updated and saved.
Adding Certificate Information
1. In the Offender Education Listing screen, click the Certificate button. The License/Certificate Listing
screen will be displayed.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
2. Click the Add icon
. The License/Certificate Details screen will be displayed.
3. Fill in the following information, required fields are bold green:
Certificate Description: Type a brief title of the certificate or license received.
Certificate Date: Input the date the certificate or license was officially received.
Certificate Authority: The official name of the institution, professor or official that
issued the certificate or license.
4. Click the Save button. The new certificate or license record has been created.
The Employment link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen contains
information about the offender’s past and present employment. This information is self reported
and then verified by staff members. Information about employment is very helpful in recidivism
Updating an Employment Listing
1. Click the Employment link. The Offender Employment Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Edit/View icon
, next to the employment record you want to update.
3. Make any necessary changes.
4. Click the Save button to update the record.
Creating a New Employment Listing
1. Click the Employment link. The Offender Employment Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Add icon
and the Employment Detail screen will be displayed.
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How to Use Acoms
3. Fill in the following information that pertains to the offender’s employment, required fields
are in bold green:
Start Date: Type the date the offender started the job.
End Date and Reason for Leaving: If the offender is no longer employed at the job
enter the last day worked and select the reason for leaving.
Status: Click the radio button for the present status of the offender’s employment.
Supervisor’s Full Name: Type the supervisor’s name if it is known.
Comment: Add any comments, not otherwise listed, which may be relevant to the
offender’s employment.
Job Title and Work Shift: Type the offender’s job title and select the shift that
best describes the hours that the offender works.
Phone Extension: List the offender’s phone extension if they have one.
Days Off: Click the check boxes corresponding to the offender’s days off from work.
Scheduled Hours: Type the start and end time for the hours the offender is
scheduled to work.
Employer: Click the Find icon
and in the Select an Employer screen, type in the employer’s name and click
the Find button. The system will retrieve any matching records.
Note: It is necessary to perform a search before you add a new employer to avoid
multiple listings of the same employer. This is very important because employer
information can not be deleted.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
4. Click the radio button next to the employer and click the Select button. If the employer is not
listed add the employer following the instructions below.
Adding an Employer Listing
1. Click the Add icon
and fill in the employer information in the Employer Detail screen.
Note: Verify that the address, phone, and employer name are accurate before saving.
2. Click the Save button and the employer will now be listed.
3. Click the radio button next to the employer you added and click the Select button. The
employer information will appear in the Employer Detail screen.
Verification: If the information has been verified fill in the following information:
Verifier: Click Current User icon
if you personally verified the information or click the Find User icon
to search for the person who did.
Date: Fill in the date the information was verified.
Verified: Click the verified box to indicate the information is verified.
Method: Select the verification method from the drop down menu.
4. Click the Save button and the Offender Employment Listing screen will be displayed.
The Family demographic screens allow you to maintain information about an offender’s
family, cohabitants, and associates.
4.10.1 Updating a Family Listing
1. Click on the Family/Associates link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen.
The Family/Associates Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Edit/View icon
on any of the records. The Family/Associates Detail screen, for that record, will be
3. Make any necessary changes and click the Save button. The record is now updated.
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How to Use Acoms
4.10.2 Adding a new Family Listing
1. Click on the Family/Associates link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Family/
Associates Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click on the Add icon
. The Family/Associates Details screen will come up.
3. Fill in the following information, the required fields are in bold green:
Last Name: The legal last name of the family member
First Name: The legal first name of the family member.
Address, State, City, Zip and Phone: Enter the current address information for the family
Marriage Date: If the family member is married, enter the official date.
Relationship: Make the correct choice from the drop down menu that describes the
offenders relationship with the person in this record.
Divorce Date: If this family member is divorced, enter the official date
Child: If the person in this record is a child, click in this check box.
Emergency Contact, Deceased, Dependent, Lives With: Make the appropriate choices for
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Add a Note: Click on the Add icon if a note needs to be added to this record.
Note Date: This is the date the note is entered
Note: Add any comments about this family member, relationship, or any other concerns
File Location
The File Location record allows a tracking mechanism for the files that are shipped with
offenders during transport.
4.11.1 Editing File Location Information
1. Click on the File Location link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The File
Location Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Edit/View icon
on any of the records. The File Location Detail screen, for that record, will be displayed.
3. Make any necessary changes and click the Save button. The record is now updated.
4.11.2 Adding File Location Information
1. From the File Location Listing screen, click on the Add icon
2. The File Location Details screen will come up.
3. Fill in the following information, the required fields are in bold green.
Thi s fea ture tra cks a n offender’s fi na nci a l i nforma ti on, s uch a s a s s ets , l i a bi l i ti es , i ncome a nd expens es .
4.12.1 Editing Financial Information
You can edit the Offender’s assets, liabilities, income, and expense information.
1. Click on the Financial link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The
Offender Financial Position Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Edit/View icon
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How to Use Acoms
on any of the records. The Financial Items Detail screen, for that record, will be displayed.
3. Make any necessary changes and click the Save button. The record is now updated.
4.12.2 Adding Financial Information
You ca n a dd di fferent types of i nforma ti on i ncl udi ng a s s ets , l i a bi l i ti es , i ncome, a nd expens es . Ea ch type
i s entered i ndi vi dua l l y s o you woul d fol l ow s teps 1 through 3 for ea ch type tha t a ppl i es to the offender’s
fi na nci a l s i tua ti on.
1. Click on the Financial link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The
Offender Financial Position Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Add Financial
icon and the Financial Items Detail window will be displayed. Fill in the following information,
required fields are in bold green:
Type: Select one of the 4 financial types listed from asset, liability, income or
expenses. Note: an asset and income will add to the available money; a liability or
expense will subtract.
Financial Account: Select the account being recorded from a list of accounts
for the specified financial type.
Amount: Input the estimated value of the financial accounts in whole dollars.
Round the amount to the nearest dollar and type the dollar amount only.
Note: The system does not recognize cents. When you enter an amount round off
the cents to the nearest dollar. For instance .50 and below would round down
and .51 and up would round up.
Verification: If the information has been confirmed fill in the following information:
Verifier: Click the Current User icon
if you personally verified the information or click the Find User icon
to search for the person who did.
Date: Fill in the date the information was verified.
Verified: Click the Verified box if you verified the financial information.
Method: Select the method from the drop down box.
Click the Save button. The new record is now listed in the Offender Financial Posting Listing screen.
Note: A system dialog box comes up asking if you want to “Add additional financial
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Offender Profile
info?” click OK for Yes or Cancel for No.
Wait List
This function controls the wait list for classes and can also be used to put offenders on and off
the wait lists for classes.
As with medications, if the offender self-reports any health issues, such as epilepsy,
diabetes, bi-polar disorder, etc., the information can be entered in ACOMS. Be very careful not to
enter confidential information that has not been self-reported.
Note: The Health section can be accessed two ways. You can use the Health link in the Profile
section of the Offender Information screen, or you can click the Medications link and then the
Health icon
from the Offender Medication Listing screen.
4.14.1 Editing Health Information
1. Click on the Health link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender
Health Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Edit/View icon
next to the record you want to edit.
3. Make any necessary changes and click the Save button.
4.14.2 Adding Health Information
1. Click on the Health link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender Health Listing
screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Add icon
and the Offender Health Details screen will be displayed.
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3. Fill in the following information, required fields are bold green:
Problem: Type a brief description of the problem.
Onset: Input the date the offender began experiencing the problem.
Status: Report if the problem is a current or past problem.
Physician: Type the name of the physician that diagnosed the problem. If a physician
has not diagnosed it leave the field blank.
Disability Income: Report if the offender has disability income that can help cover
the costs of the problem.
4. Click the Save button. The Offender Health Listing screen will be displayed and the new health record will be
4.14.3 Creating a Health Summary
1. Click on the Health link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender Health Listing
screen will be displayed.
2. Click on the Summary button in the Offender Health Listing screen. The Offender Health Summary screen
will be displayed.
3. In the Health Summary field is used to summarize all of the offender’s health issues or summarize one
significant issue. (255 characters maximum including spaces.)
4. Note: The offender can only have one health summary at a time.
5. Click the Save button. The new health summary has now been saved.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
4.14.4 Adding Treatment Information
1. Click on the Health link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender
Health Listing screen will be displayed.
2. In the Offender Health Listing window, click the Edit/View icon
next to the health issue that is being treated.
3. Click the Add icon
next to the words Treatment History. The Treatment Detail screen will be displayed.
Note: The Add icon
is only visible when there is an existing health issue. If you have created a new health record
and want to add treatment, you must first save the record and then you can click the Edit/View
to add treatment information.
4. Fill in the following information in the Treatment Detail screen, required fields are bold green:
Provider: Type the name of the physician providing the treatment.
Treatment Type: Select the type of treatment being given to the offender from
the drop-down menu.
Start Date: Input the date the treatment actually started, using the mm/dd/yyyy
End Date: Input the date the treatment was, or will be completed.
Outcome: Select the correct outcome from the drop-down menu that applies
to this treatment.
Note: An outcome is not chosen until the treatment has ended and an end date
has been entered.
Verification: If the information has been verified fill in the following information:
Verifier: Click the Current User icon
if you personally verified the information or click the Find User icon
to search for the person who did.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Date: Fill in the date and click the box next to verified.
How to Use Acoms
Verified: Click the Verified box.
Method: Select the method from the drop down menu.
5. Click the Save button. The health listing now has a treatment record affiliated with it.
Legal Status
The Legal Status is a function that is strictly controlled by permissions. This function allows
the change of the offender’s legal status outside of the court case status changes. An offender’s
legal status represents the most severe of the offender’s case status records. For instance, if an
offender has been sentenced to 20 years for armed robbery and life for murder, the system will
hold both records but the legal status will reflect the most severe, life.
1. Click on the Legal Status link in the Profile section of the Offender Information
screen. The Legal Status Listing screen will be displayed.
2. To edit/view a Legal Status record click on the edit/view icon
. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
3. To add a new Legal Status record, click the add icon
. The Legal Status Details screen will be displayed. Fill in the following information,
required fields are in bold green.
Legal Status: Make the correct choice from the drop down menu
Legal Status Change: Make the correct choice from the drop down menu
Begin Date: Enter the date the status is effective using the dd/mm/yyyy format.
Begin Time: Enter the time the status is effective using the hh:mm format.
End Date: This date automatically updates when a legal status is changed.
The License demographic function is a record of licenses or certificates that have been earned
by the offender. This is the same screen that is accessed from the Education function. For
instructions on how to enter a License or Certificate, go to the Education section and find the
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
The Location demographic function displays a chronological list of the locations an offender
has been supervised from. This location list includes the dates, the number of days the offender
was supervised at a given location. It also cites the reason the offender is no longer supervised at
that location.
1. Click on the Location link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen.
The Location History Listing screen will be displayed.
2. To edit/view a Location record click on the edit/view icon
. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
3. To add a new Location record, click the add icon
. The Location History Details screen will be displayed. Fill in the following
information, required fields are in bold green.
Location Type: Make the correct choice from the drop down menu
Body Location Description: Choose the correct location the offender will be
supervised from the drop down menu.
Reason: Choose the correct Reason the offender is being relocated from the
drop down menu
Assignment Date/Time: Enter the date and time the offender will be at the new
End Date: The End Date will automatically populate when a new record has been
If an offender is currently taking a medication that has been prescribed, and if the offender
offers that information to a staff member, that medication may be entered in the Medication
screen. The offender must self-report this information before we can enter in the system.
Examples: The offender tells the staff member that s/he needs insulin for diabetes, lithium to
address mood swings, etc., this information can be entered in the system. The offender’s Dr. faxes
a prescription to the supervising officer, this information can not be entered in the system because
it is not self-reported.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
4.18.1 Editing Medication Information
1. Click on the Medications link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The
Offender Medication Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Edit/View icon
. The Medication Details screen will be displayed.
3. Make the necessary changes (i.e., verification or no longer needs) and click the Save button.
4.18.2 Adding Medication Information
1. Click on the Medications link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender
Medication Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Add
icon. The Medication Details screen will be displayed.
Note: The Health
icon will bring up the Health Listing window. For instructions on how to
fill in the Health, skip to the Health section on page 18.
3. Fill in the following information in the Medication Details screen, the required fields are in bold green:
Drug Description: Type a description of the drug the offender has reported taking, if
the name of the drug is known.
Reason Used: Type a brief description of the ailment that requires the use of the drug
that was reported in the Drug Description field. (i.e., epilepsy, ADHD)
First Use Date: Type the date the offender first began taking the medication. If the
offender is not sure, an estimated date is fine until verification can be made.
Duration: Type the length of time the offender has been taking the medication. You
must use the following abbreviations for the length of time:
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
Year = yr
Month = mo
Week = wk
Days = days
Physician Name: Type the name of the physician that prescribed the medication or,
if no longer in practice, type the name of the person that can verify the prescription is
Physician Phone: Type the physician’s phone number or the phone number of the
office the physician presides over.
Frequency of Use: Choose the usage increment from the drop-down menu, which
matches the frequency the medication is taken.
Narrative: Type a brief comment regarding the information provided.
Drug Use Status: Click the radio buttons next to the present usage status of the
Verification: If the information has been verified fill in the following information:
Verifier. Click the Current User icon
if you personally verified the information or click the Find User icon
to search for a User ID.
Date: Fill in the date and click the box next to verified.
Verified: Click the box if you verified the medication.
Method: Select the method from the drop down box.
4. Click Save. The new medication is now listed in the Offender Medication Listing window.
The Military demographic function is an offender’s history in the armed services.
Click on the Military link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender
Military Service Listing screen will be displayed.
To edit an existing record click the Edit/View icon
. The Offender Military Service Details screen will be displayed.
Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
To add a new Military record, click the add icon
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
The Offender Military Service Details screen will be displayed. Fill in the following
information, required fields are bold green.
· Military Branch: Choose the correct military branch from the drop down menu.
· Military Status: Choose the military status for this record, from the drop down
· Discharge: If the offender is discharged from this military record make the correct
choice from the drop down menu.
· Start Date: Enter the date this military record was officially active.
· End Date: Enter the date this military record officially became inactive.
· Military Rank: Enter the rank the offender served under this military record
· Comment: Type in any additional clarification comments in this field.
The Name demographic function is a listing of any alternate names an offender may have
used. For each name entered, you may designate whether that name should be the default name
for any name uses that have been defined in the “Name Type” drop down menu. The “Court”
name is the first name that appears on the “Judgment and Sentence”,. If you select “Court” for
name type the “Prison Default” box must be checked under “Name Use”.
1. Click on the Name link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender
Name Listing screen will be displayed.
2. To edit an existing record click the Edit/View icon
. The Name Details screen will be displayed.
3. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
4. To add a new Name record, click the add icon
. The Name Details screen will be displayed. Fill in the following information,
required fields are bold green.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
Last Name: Enter the Last Name of the name being recorded.
First Name: Enter the First Name of the name being recorded.
Middle Name: If a Middle Name or initial is available, enter it here.
Name Suffix: If the name has a suffix such as Jr or II, make the correct choice
from the drop down menu.
Name Type: choose the correct legal type from the drop down menu.
Name Use: Click this check box if the name is the legal or court name as it will
also be the prison default name.
Social Security Number: Enter the social security number that is tied to this
The Numbers link allows us to capture those numbers such as APSIN, Permanent Fund,
military ID, drivers’ license, other state id, passport number, etc.
4.21.1 Editing Number Information
1. Click on the Numbers link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The
Offender Other Number Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click on the Edit/View icon
next to the information you would like to edit.
3. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
4.21.2 Adding Other Number Information
1. Click on the Numbers link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The
Offender Other Number Listing screen will be displayed.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
2. Click the Add icon
. The Other Number Details screen will be displayed.
3. Fill in the following information:
5. Number Type: Select the number type from the drop-down menu.
6. Government Source: Select the name of the source that corresponds to the Number Type
7. Number: Type the number.
8. Click the Save button.
Other Photos
ACOMS has the ability to capture as many as 6 photos per offender. These photos are stored
in the Other Photo location. This functionality is currently disabled pending the replacement of
Phones stores multiple phone number information for the offender.
Start Date – The first date that the phone number is valid
Phone Number – The phone number, with separate fields for the area code, prefix, and
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
local dialing number.
Extension – The extension if applicable
Phone Type – The type of phone number. Not currently utilized but can be customized for
different purposes.
Comment – Free form text about the offender’s phone number.
Verification – The user who verified the phone number was valid. Method is the manner
in which the phone was verified.
Prior Record
The Prior Record is a historical listing of the offender’s record.
NOTE: The new functi on i s di s a bl ed for certa i n us er rol es . Such a s i n OMP.
1. Click on the Prior Record link in the Profile section of the Offender Information
screen. The Prior Record Listing screen will be displayed.
2. To edit an existing record click the Edit/View icon
. The Prior Record Details screen will be displayed.
3. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
4. To add a new Prior Record instance, click the add icon
. The Prior Record Details screen will be displayed. Fill in the following information,
required fields are bold green.
· Offense Description: Enter a brief description of the offense
· Attempted: Click in this box if the offense was only an attempt at the offense
· Severity: Choose the correct severity in relation to the offense.
· Offense Date: Enter the date the offense took place using the mm/dd/yyyy
· Juvenile/Adult: click in the correct radio button that corresponds with the
offender’s age when the offense was committed.
· Arresting Agency: Enter the agency that made the arrest for this offense.
· Disposition: Choose the correct disposition from the drop down menu
· Plea: Choose the plea that was entered for this offense
· Conviction Date: Enter the date the offender was convicted of this offense
using the mm/dd/yyyy format.
· Disposition Description: Type in any details related to the disposition that may
add clarity to this record.
· Add a Duplicate Offense button: Click on the Add Duplicate Offense button if
the offender has several of the same offenses that need to be added. This
button needs to be clicked before the Save button. Each time this button is
clicked, another instance of the same offense is added to the listing screen.
Scars, Marks
The Sca rs , Ma rks demogra phi c provi des a compl ete l i s t of a l l recorded s ca rs , ma rks , mi s s i ng pa rts ,
fra ctures , ta ttoo’s or a ny other i denti fyi ng ma rks tha t a n offender ha s .
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Click on the Scars, Marks link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The
Offender Marks/Scars/Tattoo Listing screen will be displayed.
To edit an existing record, click the Edit/View icon
How to Use Acoms
. The Scar, Mark and Tattoo Details screen will be displayed.
Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
To add a new Scars, Marks record, click the add icon
The Scar, Mark and Tattoo Details screen will be displayed. Fill in the following
information, required fields are bold green.
· Limit Body Marks To: Click in the radio button for the body mark type being
entered. The drop down menu will now only list body marks of that type.
· Body Mark: Choose the correct body mark from the drop down menu
· Extended Description: Type any other distinguishing characteristics the body
mark may possess. Enter things that would be helpful in identification
The Substances demographic provides a information on an offender’s use of illegal
substances. This information is either self-reported during the pre-sentence investigation or it is
auto-generated when a substance test is posted as being positive. When the substance is entered
as positive, the system creates a substances record listing the substance and the last date of
known use (date tested).
4.26.1 Editing Substance Information
1. Click on the Substances link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The
Offender Substances Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Edit/View icon
next to the substance record you want to make changes to. The Offender Substance Use Details
screen will be displayed.
3. Make any necessary changes and click the Save button. The file is now updated.
4.26.2 Adding New Substance Information
1. Click on the Substances link in the Profile section of the Offender Information screen. The Offender
Substances Listing screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Add icon
and the Substance Listing screen will be displayed.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
3. Fill in the following information, required fields are bold green:
Substance: Select the substance that has been used in this instance.
First Used at Age: The age that the offender first used the substance.
Last Date Used: The last date the offender used the substance.
Frequency of Use: The number of times the offender used the substance.
Fill in the Description of the Amounts Used: Always use the following abbreviations for
Milligrams = mg
Grams = g
Ounces = oz
Pounds = lb
Kilogram = kg
Tablets (when the substance is a pill) = tabs
Substance Route: The method used by the offender to ingest the substance.
Comment: Any additional information about the drug, ingestion, amount, or other
general information.
Verification: If the information has been verified fill in the following information:
Verifier: Click
if you personally verified the information or click
to search for the person who did.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Date: Fill in the date and click the box next to verified.
Verified: Click the box if you verified the medication.
Method: Select the method from the drop down box.
How to Use Acoms
4. Click the Save button. The new substance file has been added.
Supervision Contact
The Supervision Contact demographic is a historical record of all of the field contacts that are
made for an offender. This function, formerly known as field notes, collects the detailed notes on
offenders and their day to day lifestyles.
4.27.1 Making Changes to a Supervision Contact
Use the following steps to guide you in making changes to an existing Supervision Contact.
1. Click on the Supervision Contact hyper-link in the Profile section. The Supervision Contact
Listing screen will be displayed and any existing supervision contacts will be listed in date
order from newest to oldest.
2. In the Supervising Contact Listing screen click the Edit/View icon
. The Supervision Contact Details screen will be displayed.
3. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button. The changes are now saved.
4.27.2 Adding a Supervision Contact
1. Click on the Supervision Contact link in the Profile section. The Supervision Contact Listing
screen will be displayed.
2. Click the Add icon
. The Supervision Contact Details screen will be displayed.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
3. Fill in the following information as needed, required fields are in bold green:
Contact Date and Time: Input the date of the contact and the actual time of
the contact.
Primary Interviewer: Click the Current User icon
to fill in your User ID or click the Find User icon
to search for the user. See Appendix A: Using the Find User Icon in ACOMS, for
information on how to use the Find User icon.
Secondary Interviewer: Input the User ID of the second person who witnessed or
helped the primary interviewer with the contact.
Contact Type: Click on the down arrow to choose the correct type from the
drop-down menu.
Location: Input the location where the contact was made.
Result: Input some brief details of what the outcome of the contact was.
Comment Title: Input the priority of the current contact. The Critical choice is
made if the contact supervision note is a critical note.
Next Appointment Date and Time: If you would like to make an appointment for the
next contact, fill in the date and time.
Note: This appointment information will be listed in the
Appointment section of the Agent Desktop.
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Substance Test Needed: Click in the corresponding check box if the offender needs
How to Use Acoms
a substance test.
Employment Verified: Click the check box if you verified employment.
Drug Arrest: If you made a drug arrest check this box and fill in the Drug Seized
Drug Seized: Select the type of drug seized from the drop down menu.
Amount: Fill in the amount using one of the following abbreviations (abbreviation is
Milligrams = mg
Grams = g
Ounces = oz
Pounds = lb
Kilogram = kg
Tablets (pills) = tabs
Firearm Seized: If a firearm was seized, type a brief description of the firearm that
was seized.
4. Click the Save button. The new supervision contact has been saved and will be listed in the Supervision
Contact Listing window.
Security Threat Group
Security threat group allows the offender to be grouped into known gangs and other
affiliation groups.
4.28.1 Adding Security Threat Group Information
1. Click the Security Threat Group link in the Offender Profile section.
2. Click the Add icon
and the listing screen will be displayed.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
STG – The security threat group lists the known groups to which the offender can be
Activity Level – Details the level of association with the group
Comment – A free-form comment that can be entered on the offender.
The vehicle demographic is a record of any vehicles that the offender owns, rents, or
operates. This record includes vital information about the vehicle such as license plate number,
make, model, who it is registered to, etc.
4.29.1 Editing Vehicle Information
1. Click on the Vehicle link in the Offender Profile section.
2. Click on the Edit/View icon
. The Vehicle Details screen will be displayed.
3. Make any necessary changes.
4. Click the Save button to update the information.
4.29.2 Adding Vehicle Information
1. Click the Vehicle link in the Offender Profile section.
2. Click the Add icon
and the Vehicle Details screen will be displayed.
3. Fill in the following information, required fields are in bold green:
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
Color of Vehicle: Type the color of the vehicle.
Year: Type the year of the vehicle.
Plate Number: Type the vehicle’s license plate number.
State: Type the name of the state where the vehicle is registered.
Registered Owner: Type the name of the registered owner.
Association: Type the offender’s association to the owner, choose “self” if the
offender is the owner.
Status: Select the present status of the vehicle information.
Comment: Type and additional comments related to the vehicle or it’s owner.
Make and Model: Click the Find Make/Model button in the lower part of the
window. The Find Vehicle Make/Model window will come up with a list of
vehicles based on the year you entered in the Vehicle Details screen.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
Click the make of the vehicle, if it’s not listed type the make in the
appropriate field and click the Find button.
Click the radio button next to the vehicle that matches and click the Select
button. The information you chose will show up in the Vehicle Details
Click the Save button. The new vehicle has now been added.
The Victim listing in the offender profile displays the victims who have notifications tagged to
the offender for change of status. This information is private and is usually entered from one of
the other ACOMS module. It contains the following information:
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Last/Business Name. Input the victim’s last name or if the victim is a business
input the business name.
First Name and MI: Input the victim’s first name and middle initial if it applies.
TIN: Type the Identification Number associated with the victim. If the business is a
victim, enter the employer identification number if the victim is a person, enter the
social security number.
Date of Birth and Sex: Input the date of birth and the sex of the victim.
Guardian Name: If the victim is a minor, input the name of their Guardian here.
Victim Relation to Offender: Specify the Victim’s relationship to the offender.
House Number and Pre Direction: Input the house number and if the exact
compass location of the house is known select if from the Pre Direction drop down
Street Name and Post Direction: Type the name of the street and if the compass
location of the street is known select it from the Post Direction drop down menu.
How to Use Acoms
State, City, Zip: Select the state from the drop down menu. Type the city name and
input the five-digit zip code.
Home and Work Telephone: Input the home and/or work number for the victim.
Injury Type: Select the injury from the Injury Type drop-down menu.
Sex Crime: If the crime is a sex crime, click the Sex Crime check box.
Age at Offense: Input how old the victim was when the offender committed the
The Warrants function allows the Parole Commission to issue a warrant for an offender’s
arrest. This function is controlled by permissions as only select positions are allowed to issue
Click the Warrant link in the Offender Profile section of the Offender Information screen.
Click the Add icon
and the Warrant Details screen will be displayed.
Choose the correct Warrant Type from the drop down menu, the screen will backfill
with the correlating information fields.
4. Fill in the following fields, required fields are in bold green:
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Offender Profile
4.31.1 Agents Warrant
Warrant Date: Enter the date the warrant was issued using the mm/dd/yyyy format.
Warrant Number: This is an auto-generated number that is calculated by ACOMS
Description: Type in a description of the warrant.
Issued By: Choose the person that ordered the warrant from the drop down menu
Cause: Choose the reason the warrant is being issued from the drop down menu
Legal Status/Change Reason: These two fields will backfill from information entered in the
system about this offender.
7. The Commission: choose the person from the Parole Commission that authorizes this warrant
from the drop down menu.
8. Warrant Entered Into NCIC: If the Warrant has been entered in the national database, click in
this check box.
9. PO Name: Enter the Name of the supervising PO. If you don’t know the name, click on the Find
User icon and a list of PO’s will come up. Locate the PO from the list, click in the radio button
and click on the Select button. The system will populate the PO’s name in the field.
10.PO Location: Type in the location the offender was supervised by the PO.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
How to Use Acoms
11.Arrest Warrant Reason: choose the reason for the warrant from the drop down menu.
12.Extradition Limit: Choose the extradition limits from the drop down menu
13.Copies of Warrant Sent To: Enter each location that copies of this warrant were sent to.
14.Cleared By: Enter the Name of the entity that cleared the warrant. If you don’t know the name,
click on the Find User icon and a list of PO’s will come up. Locate the PO from the list, click in
the radio button and click on the Select button. The system will populate the PO’s name in the
15.Cleared Date: The date the warrant was cleared using the mm/dd/yyyy format.
16.Cleared Method: Choose the correct method from the drop down menu.
4.31.2 Commission Warrant
Warrant Date: Enter the date the warrant was issued using the mm/dd/yyyy format.
Warrant Number: This is an auto-generated number that is calculated by ACOMS
Description: Type in a description of the warrant.
Issued By: Choose the person that ordered the warrant from the drop down menu
Cause: Choose the reason the warrant is being issued from the drop down menu
Legal Status/Change Reason: These two fields will backfill from information entered
in the system about this offender.
The Commission: choose the person from the Parole Commission that authorizes this
warrant from the drop down menu.
Warrant Entered Into NCIC: If the Warrant has been entered in the national database,
click in this check box.
PO Name: Enter the Name of the supervising PO. If you don’t know the name, click on
the Find User icon and a list of PO’s will come up. Locate the PO from the list, click in
the radio button and click on the Select button. The system will populate the PO’s
name in the field.
PO Location: Type in the location the offender was supervised by the PO.
Arrest Warrant Reason: choose the reason for the warrant from the drop down menu.
Extradition Limit: Choose the extradition limits from the drop down menu
Copies of Warrant Sent To: Enter each location that copies of this warrant were sent
Cleared By: Enter the Name of the entity that cleared the warrant. If you don’t know
the name, click on the Find User icon and a list of PO’s will come up. Locate the PO
from the list, click in the radio button and click on the Select button. The system will
populate the PO’s name in the field.
Cleared Date: The date the warrant was cleared using the mm/dd/yyyy format.
Cleared Method: Choose the correct method from the drop down menu.
© 2009 AnalyzeSoft
Endnotes 2... (after index)
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