LED Studio 8 How to make text and file messages

LED Studio 8
How to make text and file messages
1. Select icon that looks like a white sheet of paper to create a new file
2. Select add new page.
3. Select add new window icon
4. Select Text Window
5.Move and resize play text area in play window. The border of the
play text area is blue. You can move the play text area by putting the
cursor in the middle of the box, holding down the left mouse button,
and moving the box to where you want to place it. You can resize the
play text area by putting the cursor over the white boxes on the border
of the area, holding down the left mouse button, and dragging the box
to the size you want.
6. Select add text icon.
7. When you select add text, a new window labeled text edit will
appear on your screen. This is a simple editor that will allow you to
create a message for the sign. You can select the type, color, and the
size of the font you need by clicking on the down arrow beside those
options. You may also change the color of the background.
When you insert the information into the text editor, you will see the
message in the display in the upper left hand corner of your screen.
This will show the message as it will appear on your sign. Please change
the name of the message in the upper right hand corner of the text
editor and press enter to save the message. To see how the message
will look, press the play button on the LED Studio Screen. When you
press the stop button, you will be able to edit your messages some
8. To add more text messages within the step, press the add text icon
This will open a new text edit window to allow you to put in more messages. You
can follow step 7 in for each message. Be sure to use a different name for each
message. When you are done entering messages, you will have a list of messages
in the text box.
9. To create using a message using a picture, you choose the add step
icon as in step 2. Then choose new window icon as in step 3. Then
choose File Window from the drop down menu.
10. Resize the play window as in step 5 to image in the size you want.
11. Press the add file window
12. This will open a window to allow you to search your computer to
find the image you want to display. Please select your image and press
13. To add text to the window, select the icon marked text which is
shown in yellow in this figure.
14. Then you would click the button add.
15. This will bring up a text edit window as shown in step 7. You will
want to position and resize the text window. Please keep in mind the
text will display over the image you have inserted. Choose colors and
location to work with the image.
16. For this example, we need to put two text boxes over the image.
After you have made the first text message and named it, press enter to
save it. Then press the Add button again. This will bring up another
text editor to make the new message. Please position and resize the
text play box, this time in the lower right corner. When you finish you
message and press enter to save, you will see two messages in the
picture/text window.
17. When you are finished, the final message should look like the figure
18. Press the save button to save this file.
19. When you play this message, it will show the text messages from
the first step, and then the image with the words. The sign will cycle
through the messages until stop is pressed.