DOC-009: HOW TO USE PLANNING IN INFOSYS+ Kantar Media Spain 09/03/2011 INDEX 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 3 2 planning report ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3 4 5 2.1 how to set up a planning report. ................................................................................................ 4 2.2 PARAMETERS OF THE PLANNING REPORT .................................................................................. 9 2.3 ANALYSIS OF THE PLANNING REPORT ...................................................................................... 11 2.4 options to divide and group vehicles ........................................................................................ 14 2.5 applying ratecards to planning ................................................................................................. 21 2.6 weekly planning ........................................................................................................................ 25 2.7 planning timeband ingredient .................................................................................................. 25 2.8 creating planning vehicles from programs reports ................................................................... 27 2.9 vehicle creation report.............................................................................................................. 30 2.10 other planning functionalities ................................................................................................... 37 coverguide report ............................................................................................................................... 39 3.1 introduction to the coverguide report ...................................................................................... 39 3.2 PARAMETERS OF THE COVERGUIDE REPORT............................................................................ 39 optimization report ............................................................................................................................ 41 4.1 introduction to the optimization report ................................................................................... 41 4.2 how to use optimization report ................................................................................................ 41 4.3 parameters of the optimization report ..................................................................................... 43 appendix A: algorithms ....................................................................................................................... 45 5.1 differences between planning algorithm in infosystv and infosys+ .......................................... 45 5.2 MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ........................................................ 48 6 appendix B: Restrictions RELATED TO PLANNING .............................................................................. 50 7 HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................. 51 1 INTRODUCTION This document explains how to use the planning and optimization modules in InfoSys+, and the associated functionalities. The functionalities described herein refer to the status as of InfoSys+ InfoSys+ has 4 reports associated to the planning module: These reports can be combined in the same template with other reports such as programs, or crosstabs, which gives the user a lot of power, for instance for creating vehicles from programs analyses (programs ranking) to be used in planning. 2 PLANNING REPORT A planning report calculates the probabilities that individuals have to contact a specific spot placed on a specific vehicle (combination of channel, date and timeband), based on past ratings. Then, based on that, a probability calculation is carried out in order to calculate the expected coverage and R&F. The planning algorithm in InfoSys+ is different from InfoSysTV, and much faster. InfoSys+ planning results should match InfoSysTV for individual events, although totals could be slightly different because a more accurate approach has been implemented in InfoSys+. Check the Appendix for more details. 2.1 HOW TO SET UP A PLANNING REPORT. In order to do a planning report we need: target which we wish to evaluate region on which we wish to evaluate dates on which we wish to calculate the rating. units: by default, if none is selected, InfoSy+ will calculate Insertions, %Insert, GRP, %GRPs, Cov(000), Cov%, Cov(000)[Ac], Cov%[Ac]. Other units which can be used in planning: planning supports on which the user wishes to plan: a support or vehicle is a combination of channel and timeband. There are several ways to create these vehicles: a) by choosing channels and timebands in the template, and ticking the parameter “Simple timeband” of the Planning report. InfoSys+ will create the combinations between these channels and timebands: b) by creating planning timebands: in this case we don’t need to select any item in the Channels ingredients, and we don’t need to select the “Simple timebands” checkbox These planning timebands are equivalent to the ones in the a) It can be seen that the same results are obtained: Check section for more details on “Planning timebands”. c) Creating vehicles from a programs analysis InfoSys+ allows the user to create planning vehicles from a programs analysis o from a crosstab. Just right-click on the event or crosstab’s category, New-> New vehicle: Check section for more details on how to create planning vehicles from programs. d) Use vehicle creation report. Check the corresponding section for more info. 2.2 PARAMETERS OF THE PLANNING REPORT A planning report has the following parameters: “Simple timebands”: if ticked, InfoSys+ will generate planning timebands as combinations of the channels and simple timebands selected in the template. “Net value”: it indicates whether the planning will be based on the normal rating (Normal), the net ratings (Net), the commercial rating (Commercial, equivalent to “only publicity” option in InfoSysTV), or the default net value selection in the Unit section of the template (Default) “Maximum number of contacts”: number of contacts to be used in the distribution of contacts which I+ calculates in the planning module if N+/N units are selected. The absolute maximum is 30. “Effective reach: memorization rate”: parameter used for the effective reach units (EffReach and Neff). It conveys the idea that the degree of awareness is higher when the individual is exposed to more contacts. If no memorization rate is set, Neff = N Otherwise, if a memorization rate is set, the results differ: Memorizing rate: the Neff = N * memorizing rate. Ex, Eff 1(000) = 0.80 * 1(000). However, InfoSys+ does not have the exact Neff units (2Eff), only the accumulated ones (2+Eff, for instance) N and more: only the contacts N or more count for the effective coverage. For instance, if N=3 it means that 1+ Eff (000) = 2+Eff = 3+Eff = 3+ (000). Contact by contact: it’s similar to the “memorizing rate” option, but customized contact by contact. More information in the document “How Effective Reach and Memorization Rate works” “Accumulated”: if ticked, the reach & frequency will be accumulated This means that the highlighted cell gives the result of people who contact 1 or more times with any of the 4 vehicles. Apart from that, accumulated coverage units will be added by default to the plan. If not ticked, the reach & frequency is not accumulated (only the TOTAL is): This means that the highlighted cell gives out the number of people who contacted 1 or more times with the vehicle number 4. “Previous definition of GRPs and insertions”: by default InfoSys+ calculates the plan based on 100 GRPs. Later the plan can be changed and manipulated, but if the user wishes to calculate the natural delivery based on a specific number of GRPs/insertions, he can do it before calculating anything. Currently, if predefinition is used, InfoSys+ shares the total GRPs in equal amounts between the different vehicles, and it calculates the plan based on that. 2.3 ANALYSIS OF THE PLANNING REPORT When planning is run, InfoSys+ creates a plan with the template’s vehicles, based on the natural delivery. The user can manipulate this plan, rename it, delete it, or create new plans and then manipulate them. The user can rename it by right-clicking on the plan, “Rename Plan”: The user can add a new plan by right-clicking on the original plan, then “Add Plan” If the user wishes to manipulate the plan, he can modify any value of the following cells: Insertions, %Insert, GRPs or %GRPs. The action of modifying any of these cells will invalidate the results of the Coverage and Frequency figures. Check the following buttons in the upper toolbar: If pressed, InfoSys+ will calculate the invalidated cells automatically. If the plan is too big, this can be slow, so the user has the option to untick this button. In that case, after manipulation the coverage cells will be invalidated and the user will have to recalculate the coverage manually. This button recalculates the delivery (Rtg, insertions and GRPs) only (not the coverage and frequency units). It can be useful when using the option to divide or crosstab vehicles, in order to have a quick understanding of how the plan looks like and how the GRPs are distributed. It recalculates the coverage and frequency units based on the current plan delivery. It recalculates the whole planning report. It’s different from using the “Run” button of the template, because that one recalculates the whole template, whereas this button only recalculates the planning report. In the lower part of the screen InfoSys+ shows a chart based on the units that the user selects. Sometimes the chart area is collapsed and the user must enlarge it manually The following buttons in the toolbar control the properties of this chart: Unit to show in the chart. Type of chart (pie, stacked rows, etc…) Activate 3D Choose the palette. Select the transparency. Show the legend or not. Select the chart’s contour thicknes. Select the position of the labels. It lets the user decide whether to show only the vehicle groups, only the individual vehicles, only the divisions, or all the items The button launches a coverguide report (check COVERGUIDE section), whereas the button launches an optimization report (check OPTIMIZATION section). 2.4 OPTIONS TO DIVIDE AND GROUP VEHICLES InfoSys+ includes a very powerful function: the possibility to group/divide supports by channel, divide by timeband or divide/group by weekday, and the possibility to use real date divisions: The lower part of the screen shows a preview of how the plan will result, without any need to calculate anything. Any of the three sections can be hidden or restored by clicking the buttons “Crosstab”, “Dates” or “Show preview” in the upper part of the window. The window can be detached and resized by double-clicking on the area between the three buttons and the upper edge (red area in the previous picture): It can then be reattached with the current size by double-clicking on the area next to the “Planning” label of the previous picture. Let’s show an example of several vehicles, in a plan based on 1 month: Crosstab channel: by Divide channel: by It is used for vehicles made up of compound channels. Divide by timeband (the división can be defined thru the rightbutton option “Define” Group weekday by Divide weekday by Date division Thanks to the preview option, it’s not necessary to run the resulting plan till the user is satisfied with the result. Once satisfied, the user can click at the probability button or the planning calc button in order to calculate the whole plan, which of course can be further manipulated. The groups of vehicles can be collapsed and expanded by double-clicking on the TOTAL. It’s also possible to expand and collapse all the groups by highlighting the whole plan, right-button, “Expand all” or “Collapse all”. 2.5 APPLYING RATECARDS TO PLANNING Ratecards convey the information of cost. Ratecard is an ingredient in InfoSys+ It’s easy to create ratecards, just select the combination of region and channel, and then introduce a cost in the desired timeband: Through the pop-up menu when right-click on the cell, the user can copy cells, fill downwards, or apply operations such as addition, substractions, percentages, etc… Ratecards can be exported into a TRX file, and imported then into a different installation, or by a different user. Once created, the ratecard can be applied to the plan if cost unit has been added Just right-click on the plan, click Assign ratecard, and choose the desired ratecard: There is a unit “Type of cost” which shows the type of cost by which the ratecard was generated (ratecard, Cost of thousands, Cost GRP). Check an example of a cost of thousands ratecard: Types of ratecards There can be up to 12 types of ratecards, depending on the restrictions. The 3 basic ones are: Ratecard (by minute): it assigns the planning support with the cost according to the timebands that it spans. In this case, Budget = Insertions * Cost C. Thousands (by minute): it assigns the planning support with the cost according to the timebands that it spans. In this case, Budget = Cont(000) * Cost C. GRP (by minute): it assigns the planning support with the cost according to the timebands that it spans. In this case, Budget = GRP * Cost If the DE.STD (program’s raw file) reports the program’s price, and if the proper restriction is set in the Country.rst (Ratecard from program grid), it’s possible to import them into the ratecard ingredient. In that case 3 new options appear in the combo in the ratecard dialogue creation: Grid (ratecard), Grid (C.Thousands) and Grid (C.GRP), which are the equivalent ones to the 3 basic ones. These types of ratecards don’t allow multiselection of pair Area-Channel. If any of these three choices is selected, a new button Extraction appears: After pressing the button, the user needs to select a date and the grid will be filled in with the information for the programs information for that week. NOTE: the button expands the ratecard dialogue for a better visibility. Of course, the costs can be modified manually in the grid, and the same operations as in normal ratecards can be applied. There is a third set of ratecards, called compound cost ratecards (by GRP), which will be available if the proper restriction files are enabled in RST files. In that case, a new combo appears: Expected GRP (Rusia) 2.6 WEEKLY PLANNING Weekly planning in InfoSys+ is a development which is still in progress, and it will be ready in 1.6. 2.7 PLANNING TIMEBAND INGREDIENT The dialogue of planning timeband ingredients looks like this: The possible combinations of channels and regions are set up in SysIngredients database, table PlanSectorChannels. This region is used to filter out individuals which don’t belong to that region; for instance, the vehicle could be created based on Oltenia, and so the individuals picked up for the calculations of planning would be the individuals from OLT; however, the universe would still be the universe of the target/region selected in the templates (this is especially useful when the channel has regional disconnections) The user can set up the timeband by the “Unique timeband” option, which assigns the same start time and end time for all the weekdays, or the “Multiple timeband”, if he wishes to have different start time/end times for different weekday. The user can set the resolution and grid start time: The buttons “Defined vehicles” window: are used to create, modify and delete the vehicles defined in the When the user presses “Create and exit” or “apply”, I+ will create an ingredient for each of the rows in this dialogue. In this example: As any other ingredient, the planning timebands can be created as temporary or permanent ingredients. 2.8 CREATING PLANNING VEHICLES FROM PROGRAMS REPORTS As mentioned somewhere else in the document, InfoSys+ allows the user to create planning vehicles (in fact it will be advanced timebands) from programs/spots reports or crosstabs. From programs/spots If the user right-clicks on the event, and chooses the option New-> New vehicle: In this case, the option chosen in the “Composition” is indifferent because only one program is highlighted. If the user highlights more than one event, then “Create a single vehicle” will create a single vehicle for the two events, whereas the option “Create one vehicle” will create one advanced timeband per program. InfoSys+ will create the vehicle based on dates or weekdays, according to the selection in the “Days” section. The first one is based on dates, whereas the second one is based on weekdays (Monday) These vehicles can be used in Vehicles reports, or in planning. If the vehicle is created based on dates, the dates selected in the planning template must have some days in common with the ones from which the vehicle was created, otherwise I+ will raise an error: From crosstabs In the case of crosstabs the “Composition” has the following options: 2.9 Create a single vehicle: a single vehicle for all the events of all the categories. Create vehicles per categories: it creates as many vehicles as categories were highlighted. Create vehicles per events: it creates as many vehicles as events belong to the categories that were highlighted. VEHICLE CREATION REP ORT The vehicle creation report, selected from the list of outputs, is an alternative way to create planning vehicles. It’s a mixture of programs and timebands reports, and it lets the user create vehicles from both places: The grid on the left shows a timeband analysis for the selected dates, and the grid on the right show the programs extraction for those dates. If the user clicks on a cell on the left, I+ will highlight the programs broadcast during that timeband; the other way round, if a program is highlighted, I+ will show the timebands with which it overlaps on the left. Dark blue means that the cell/program has been clicked, whereas light blue means that the cell is affected by the selection on the other grid. The grids can be cleared by right-clicking-> Delete Grid Contents. A light blue cell can be turned dark by right-clicking-> Select marked. The user can right-click -> New Vehicle on a cell in the timebands grid, and it will be presented with the following dialogue: Most of the options are identical to the ones described in section 2.8. The new ones: Create from timebands: it will create the vehicle based on the selected timebands cell (check previous image) Create from programs; it will create the vehicles based on the programs associated to the selected timebands cell. If the user right-clicks on a group of programs instead of clicking a timebands cell: He will only have the option “Create from programs” If there is a mix of selections of timeband cells and programs, two new options appear: Timebands and programs union: it will create the vehicles based on the union (OR operation) of the timebands and programs selection: Timebands and programs intersection: it will create the vehicles based on the intersection (AND operation) of the timebands and programs selection. In the upper toolbar several buttons can be used: Select the date division in the timeband grids. Select the timeband division in the timeband grid. These buttons alter the view of the grid: the first one shows/hides the empty timeband cells (because the user has used a programs filter, for instance); The second one toggles between the view of all events or showing the selected events only: The last one enables the multiselection mode; if enabled, the user does not need to Ctrl + click on the cells, he only needs to click multiple times on the grid. Crosstab-related buttons: the first one toggles between extraction view and crosstab view, the second one hides the crosstab definition, and the third one calculates the crosstab. It toggles between showing all the events or only the selected (dark blue) ones. 2.10 OTHER PLANNING FUNCTIONALITIES Weighting The unit Weight, available in planning, lets the user give more importance to some vehicles over others, by allocating them a larger weight. It can be seen in the previous image how GRPs and Coverage are affected by the weighting. Exclusive reach This is a very useful unit, because it gives out the number of people who contact this vehicle only, and not the others. Therefore, if we removed a given vehicle and recalculate the plan, the overall coverage that we would get would be the same as before minus the ExcRch of the vehicle we deleted. For instance: If we remove the first vehicle, with an ExcRch of 82, and recalculate, we get an overall coverage of 52082=438. Locking vehicles It’s possible to lock vehicles with a certain value of insertions or GRPs (either the absolute value or the percentage), so that the rest of vehicles of the plan adjust accordingly. The user just needs to right-click on the vehicle, Lock vehicles. If the user chooses absolute, GRPs and Insertions of the locked vehicle will remain unchanged when you change the values of the TOTAL vehicle; if he uses percentage, %Insertions and %GRPs will remain unchanged. A good practice is trying to lock vehicles with high ExcRch, and let the other vehicles adjust accordingly. This will optimize the plan. 3 COVERGUIDE REPORT 3.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE COVERGUIDE REPORT Coverguide is a special report that informs about how coverage increases as more GRPs are added to the plan. Of course, as more GRPs added the Coverage increases, but there is a point when adding more GRPs does not raise the coverage enough to make it worth. This can be appreciated in the chart, there is an asymptotic limit. The coverguide chart has a similar toolbar to the one in the planning chart (section 2.3) InfoSys+ will calculate one coverguide per plan. 3.2 PARAMETERS OF THE COVERGUIDE REPORT The user can set up several parameters in a coverguide report: Minimum GRPs: the starting number of GRPs for the coverguide analysis. Maximum GRPs: the final number of GRPs for the coverguide analysis. GRPs each: the number of GRPs to increase in each step. Coverguide: there are two possible values, which are “GRPs bound to the reference target/region” and “GRPs set by target scale and liaised to reference region”. The behaviour of these options is linked to a parameter in the RST files called “GRPs by area”: o if “GRPs by area” is set to No (which is the default), in “GRPs bound to the reference target/region“ the values of the coverguide will show the values obtained in the plan if X GRPs are allocated to the first demo and region in the template; on the contrary, in “GRPs set by target scale and liaised to reference region” the values of the coverguide for a given target and any region will be the ones obtained in the plan if X GRPs are allocated to that particular target in the first region of the template. o If “GRPs by area” is set to Yes, the “GRPs bound to the reference target/region“ remains unchanged, but in the “GRPs set by target scale and liaised to reference region” the values of the coverguide for a given target and region will be the ones got in the plan if X GRPs are allocated to that particular target and region o If “GRPs by area” is set to Optional, a checkbox will appear in the template e template so that the user can decide which behaviour to apply to “GRPs set by target scale and liaised to reference region”. 4 4.1 OPTIMIZATION REPORT INTRODUCTION TO THE OPTIMIZATION REPORT The optimization report attempts to optimize the plan, in order to maximize a certain figure of the total plan (usually the coverage or effective reach). The optimization module uses an iterative try-and-error algorithm, which tries to allocate insertions to the different planning vehicles in each iteration in order to get the optimal result. Although the common sense would lead us to allocate the maximum number of GRPs to the planning vehicles which have the higher rating, this is not always necessarily the most optimal way to do, since there could be cases when doing this would not result in the highest coverage: for instance, imagine that the two planning supports with the highest rating belong to the same channel and they are close in time, it might be that many of the individuals which make part of the coverage of both vehicles are common; it might make more sense to allocate some GRPs to other vehicles, but which have different viewers, thus maximizing our reach. The optimization algorithm is the same as in InfoSysTV. 4.2 HOW TO USE OPTIMIZATION REPORT We can go to optimization by adding the report to our template or by pressing the button planning report. from a The user must choose an optimization criterion and add the corresponding constraints (maximum or minimum number of GRPs or insertions, for instance, in the individual vehicles or in the total). Even though the plan can be based on several targets or regions, the optimization can only be done based on one combination of region/target, which must be selected in the window: After setting up everything, click time with ) and the optimization algorithm will start (it can be stopped at any Once the optimization is over, the user is presented with the final results: In the section, InfoSys+ shows the resulting plan: If the user agrees with this plan, it can accept it through the planning report. , and then InfoSys+ will add it to the In the , InfoSys+ shows the evolution of the optimization iterative process, as well as the coverguides for each step: The chart options can be modified by right-clicking on it, through the options in the pop-up menu. 4.3 PARAMETERS OF THE OPTIMIZATION REPORT The optimization report can be set up with different parameters: Optimization criteria: the criterion by which I+ will try to optimize. Although there are 6 of them, really only Reach, Reach/Budget, Effective Reach and Effective Reach/Budget are really useful; GRP and GRP/Budget are a legacy from InfoSysTV. Min insertions: InfoSys+ lets the user do the optimization from a blank plan, or from a plan that has already been calculated in a planning report. If the user is an expert planning it makes sense to start from an existing plan, otherwise it is advised to start from a blank one. GRPs by iteration: number of GRPs to be allocated in each iteration (by default 1). Minimum GRPs: minimum number of GRPs to show in the iterations’ coverguides. Maximum GRPs: maximum number of GRPs to show in the iterations’ coverguides GRPs each: step of GRPs to show in the iterations’ coverguides. Max number of contacts: number of contacts to show in the iterations’ coverguides. Exact contacts (Not Acum): show exact contacts 1, 2, etc.. instead of 1+,2+, etc… Go-back level: to be implemented in future versions of InfoSys+. It will let I+ find more global optimal values instead of iterative local optimal values. Group criteria: InfoSys+ lets the user employ groupings in optimization different from the ones in planning report. For instance, a planning report could be grouped by channel, but the user might decide to optimize the plan grouped by weekeday. 5 5.1 APPENDIX A: ALGORITHMS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PLANNING ALGORITHM IN INFOSYSTV AND INFOSYS+ Planning calculation is divided in 2 parts: Single vehicles and Group vehicles. Single vehicles Infosys and Infosys+ calculate every individual probability to reach a vehicle and then sum all these probabilities and give a coverguide. ind Insertions Sec.Viewed Sec.Support Probability Coverguide Weight Cov x Weight 1 5 60 600 10.00% 0.40951 3.6 1.47424 2 5 300 600 50.00% 0.96875 5.2 5.0375 3 5 450 600 75.00% 0.999023438 4.8 4.79531 4 5 600 600 100.00% 1 1.7 1.7 5 5 150 600 25.00% 0.762695313 1.3 0.9915 13.9986 In this kind of vehicles InfoSysTv and InfoSys+ should produce almost identical results. Group (summary) vehicles One of the most important problems in infosys is to calculate the coverguide for a group of vehicles. InfoSysTV does the coverguide calculating the probability to reach for every individual. Every individual calculate the probability to reach as a binomial distribution of the probability p, where p are the seconds viewed by the individual divided for the duration of the vehicle. n: Insertions k: contacts p: probability to contact = secs.viewed / duration When we calculate the group vehicle coverguide things are more complicated. We want to add the probability for every individual. If an individual have viewed only a single vehicle, we calculate his probability calculation the binomial distribution of the probability p of that vehicle. If the individual have reached more than one support we need to calculate the coverguide as a multinomial distribution: Where: n: Inertions xi: insertions for support i xi n; xi n p k : probability to contact = secs.viewed vehicle i / duration vehicle i InfoSysTV doesn’t do this calculation for a multiple vehicles. It was too slow to calculate in a plan with multiple vehicles and a large amount of people. It was decided then to calculate this distribution as a binomial distribution with p as an average of the probabilities for all the vehicles reached for the individual. k n k nk p m 1 p m where p m k p i 1 i k This way to calculate is good approximation to the multinomial distribution when the probabilities pi are similar, but works badly for probabilities with big differences. For example: Seconds Viewed Duration Vehicle 1 600 Prob 120 Prob to reach Insertion 20.00% 1 20.00% Weight Coverguide 5 1 Vehicle 2 600 600 100.00% 1 100.00% 5 5 60.00% 2 84.00% 5 4.2 Total We have a higher coverguide in the 2nd vehicle than the total vehicle. Infosys+ solves this problem because we calculate the multinomial coverguide and this problem disappears. In the example before using multinimoial distribution the real values are: Seconds Viewed Duration Prob Prob to reach Insertion Weight Coverguide Vehicle 1 600 120 20.00% 1 20.00% 5 1 Vehicle 2 600 600 100.00% 1 100.00% 5 5 60.00% 2 100.00% 5 5 Total So, to summarize InfoSysTV has problems calculating coverguide for multiple supports when these two things happen with the single vehicles: 1) Exclusive coverguide low => Most of people have reach more than one support 2) Total Seconds viewed average (=probability) are different for the different vehicles. Previous versions of InfoSys+ were doing the multinomial calculation but still giving too high values in the calculation because InfoSys+ was not considering the correlation between the vehicles. For example, an individual will not have the same coverguide probability if he has reach 1,2 or more vehicles of the group vehicles. However, current versions of the software this correlation information is taken into account, so that planning results are now more realiable and closer to post-campaign reach&frequency. Furthermore adding this information makes the planning calculations faster because, although the planning evaluation is slower, the planning probabilty calculation is much faster. As a conclusion, in summary/group vehicles InfoSys+ will produce lower results than InfoSysTV, and more correct ones due to the application of multinomial and correlation algorithms. 5.2 MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM Optimization step by step Available options according to the restrictions: 1- To get a plan with a better coverage using as less insertions as possible, no matter the GRPs number. 2- To get a plan with a better coverage using as less GRPs as possible, no matter the insertions number. Option 1 will be calculated if the number of GRPs is restricted. Option 2 will be calculated if there are no restrictions or using restricted insertions. Optimization process details: If we run a plan with the basic timebands of a channel (T5 in the example) Why after optimizing, so many insertions are added on the timebands that show less audience and just a few insertions on the timebands with higher audience? When the applied method was option number 1 and each insertion was added to the timeband that showed a higher coverage, the method was not working properly restricting a maximum of GRPs. Usually the insertion that gives more coverage is the one with the highest audience and indeed, the one with a higher GRP; when adding insertions the GRPs limit was reached very quickly and most of the times the coverage was worse than the one from the original plan. On the following column, we could see that the most expensive insertions in terms of GRPs are the ones with the highest audience. So option 1 works fine if we want to get a plan with a better coverage using as less insertions as possible, no matter the GRPs number: For example, if we want an optimization to get a better coverage than the original plan using fewer insertions: It works fine but expending more GRPs. Then, option number 2 was implemented; to get a plan with a better coverage using as less GRPs as possible, no matter the insertions number. This method adds more insertions in the early morning timeband until it reaches one GRP. As we just limit the GRPs number, more insertions are added to get a better coverage. 6 APPENDIX B: RESTRICTIONS RELATED TO PLANNING To be added in later versions of the document. 7 HISTORY Version Author 1.0 KMSpain 1.1 KMSpain Date 09/03/2011 22/11/2013 Comments Creation Section 5.2 about algorithms is created.
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