AN1581 Application Note ® How to Port a Monitor/LCD Application from an ST727x4 to an ST7FLCD1 Device By DTV - Monitor MCU Applications Lab Introduction This application note provides all the technical details, regarding both hardware and software sides, to port an existing monitor application, running on ST727x4 Monitor MCU family, to the ST7FLCD1 Monitor MCU. It is meant to make the porting job simpler and faster. This application note will describe all the differences between the ST72T774 60K OTP MCU (the most commonly used MCU for early development) and the ST7FLCD1 MCU. As such, only the relevant parts will be quoted from each respective MCU datasheet. Note: This application note does not replace the full MCU specification document which is still needed as a reference. Differences exist among the ST727x4 family, so please refer to the corresponding datasheet for any other MCU of the ST727x4 family. 1 Overall Differences The main differences regarding the features of each MCU are detailed below: Feature ST72T774 ST7FLCD1 RAM 1 Kbyte (928 bytes exactly) Full 2 Kbytes (2,048 bytes) Dedicated EDID DMA Area for DDC2B No (anywhere in Memory Map) 2 x 256 Bytes in RAM Stack Program Memory 256 Bytes maximum Watchdog 60 Kbytes, FLASH Type 60 Kbytes, OTP Type Internal Frequency Low Power Modes Can be re-used as usual if either DDC2B cell is disabled 3 sectors: 4 Kbytes / 4 Kbytes / 52 Kbytes 8MHz typical, 9MHz maximum WAIT WAIT No HALT (generates a reset if fetched) HALT (if watchdog disabled) Software programmable Software programmable Lock-up Protection Illegal OpCode (triggers reset) Illegal OpCode (triggers reset) Illegal Address (triggers reset) Free R/W Access anywhere Operating Supply 4.0 V to 5.5 V 4.5 V to 5.5 V Package CSDIP42, PSDIP42 or TQFP44 SO28 Additional Protections 18 September 2002 Revision 1.1 STMicroelectronics Confidential This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. 1/16 Overall Differences AN1581 Cell ST72T774 ST7FLCD1 Sync Processor Yes No USB Yes No TMU Yes No I2C Single Master Yes Yes Normal/Fast Modes Speed up to 400 kHz (Standard/Fast) Speed up to 400 kHz (Standard/Fast) and up to 800 kHz at user’s risk DDC1 / DDC2B / P&D / FPDI-2 with End of Download Flag DDC 2 x DDC2B with End of Download and End of Communication Flags DDC with fixed E-DDC address and 1 programmable address decoding 2 x DDC with fixed DDC/CI address and 2 programmable addresses decoding for each cell External Interrupts 2 (falling edge) 2 (edge programmable) Timer 1 with 2x Input Capture, 2x Output Compare and PWM capabilities ADC 1 with Programmable Prescaler, Autoreload and Buzzer Output 1 with Programmable Prescaler, Autoreload and External Trigger 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with 4 analog inputs 8 x 10-bit PWM/BRM PWM InfraRed Fixed frequency for all outputs 6 x 8-bit PWM divided in 4 + 2 outputs with programmable frequency per bank No Yes Low Voltage Detector (LVD) Yes In Circuit Debugging (ICD) No Yes (ICC) In Circuit Programming (ICP) Yes (JTAG) Yes (ICC) Program only (no erase) All sectors programmable/erasable In Application Programming (IAP) No Protection Against Program Read-Out No I/O Pins Number of I/O Pins Open Drain Push Pull 2/16 Yes 4 Kbytes Upper Sector protected Yes ST72T774 ST7FLCD1 31 22 4 x High Current Drive 10 mA 8 + 2 (ICC) 4 x Current Drive 3 mA Current Drive 4mA 23 STMicroelectronics Confidential 10 + 2 High Current Drive 8 mA AN1581 2 Memory Map Memory Map The memory map of both devices follow a similar organization. Only RAM and Program Size may differ: Figure 1: Memory Map ST72T774 ST7FLCD1 0000h Hardware Registers 0100h 01FFh 0200h 03FFh 0400h Short Addressing RAM (zero page) Stack 16-bit Addressing RAM 1 Kbyte RAM 005Fh 0060h Hardware Registers 003Fh 0040h Short Addressing RAM (zero page) 0100h Stack 01FFh 0200h 0600h EDIDA 16-bit Addressing RAM 2 Kbytes RAM 0000h EDIDB 083Fh 0840h 0FFFh 1000h 0FFFh 1000h 60 Kbytes OTP SECTOR 1 4 Kbytes SECTOR 0 FFDFh FFE0h 4 Kbytes FFDFh FFE0h Interrupt & Reset Vectors FFFFh 60 Kbytes FLASH SECTOR 2 52 Kbytes Interrupt & Reset Vectors FFFFh In the ST7FLCD1 MCU, the larger RAM space available in Page 0 (192 bytes instead of 160) allows better software optimization and speed, especially in C language. Both Program Areas start at 1000h and end at FFFFh with the Interrupt & Reset Vectors Area. Stack top is set at 01FFh on both MCUs and stack pointer goes downwards. Memory map files are available in C and ASM languages for each MCU. 2.1 ICC and FLASH Programming Requirements Certain areas of RAM and FLASH memory are used during ICC (ICD/ICP) and during programming/erasure of the FLASH memory (ICP/IAP). Refer to the ICC Manual, Flash Memory Manual and MCU Datasheet for further information. STMicroelectronics Confidential 3/16 I/O Pin Descriptions 3 AN1581 I/O Pin Descriptions Up to 22 I/O pins are available on the ST7FLCD1 MCU. Depending on the usage of the internal cells (DDC, I2C, PWM, ADC, InfraRed, Timers, Interrupts or ICC), the number of free I/O pins will decrease accordingly. ST7FLCD1 Cell Equivalent on ST72T774 ADC PB[7:4] PB[3:0] I²C PB[3:2] PD[1:0] DDC PB[1:0] PD[3:2] DDCA PD[5:4] DDCB Timer B PA6 EXTRIG InfraRed PB3 IFR PWM PB[7:6] and PC[7:2] External Interrupts PD[4:3] PA[7:6] PC[1:0] ICC Open Drain PA[5:0] PA5 Buzzer 3.1 Corresponding ST7FLCD1 I/O PA[6:3] and PB[3:0] PC[1:0] and PD[7:0] ICC Interface The 2 ICC signals, ICCDATA and ICCCLK, are mapped onto PC[1:0]. They are standard open drain I/O pins, but during ICC communication (ICD and ICP), all write accesses to the PCDR and PCDDR registers are blocked at core level (however, read accesses work correctly). Therefore, their use is restrained to comply with ICC requirements: ● They should be connected to pull-ups (e.g. 4.7 kΩ = 1 mA maximum) on the application side. ● If used as inputs by the application, isolation (such as a serial resistor) must be implemented to avoid any signal conflict with remote ICC tools, otherwise the ICC communication will not work. ● If used as outputs by the application, no important circuitry should be driven by those 2 pins, otherwise the application may be damaged during ICC communication. ● During ICD (In Circuit Debugging), those 2 pins are not driven by the application (due to the blocked write accesses) and would return ICC levels if read by the application software. The suggested use for those 2 pins would be LED driving, or any other non critical driving. Not being able to see the LEDs toggle during ICD, or seeing the LEDs toggle along with ICC communication during ICD/ICP, will then be of lesser importance. Refer to the ICC Manual and MCU Datasheet for further information. 4/16 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1581 3.2 I/O Pin Descriptions High-Power Push-Pull Outputs PA4 and PA5 may be configured as high output I/Os (sink and drain 8 mA instead of 2 mA) by means of bits 2 and 1 of the MISCR register. This allows high current devices such as LEDs to be driven directly. MISCR REGISTER (MISCR) Read/Write Reset value:00h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 PA5OVD PA4OVD 0 STMicroelectronics Confidential 5/16 Watchdog with Lock-Up Protection 4 AN1581 Watchdog with Lock-Up Protection The ST7FLCD1 watchdog cell has a slightly different prescaler value (50000) than the one inside the ST727x4 family (49152) but the final delay until the watchdog reset occurs is roughly the same. However, there is a new feature called Lock-Up Protection which prevents the software from rewriting the WDGCR Control Register at too close intervals. When a write to the WDGCR register occurs, an 8-bit counter starts. It disables any further write access to the WDGCR register until 256 CPU clock cycles have elapsed: any write during this time will be ignored, the WDGCR register will not be refreshed and the 8-bit counter restarts for another 256 CPU clock cycles delay. This is a protection against a software which is locked up in a never-ending loop and permanently rewrites the WDGCR register. Since the main watchdog counter will keep counting down, it will ultimately lead to a reset that will safely restart the whole application. Figure 2: Watchdog Lock-Up Protection Counter Example ST72T774 ST7FLCD1 Watchdog Counter Software Flow Watchdog Counter FFh WDGCR = FFh FFh D0h ! D0h FFh WDGCR = FFh CFh FFh WDGCR = FFh FFh CFh FF..FE..FD....C0..BFh Software Hang-up NEVER RESET 6/16 STMicroelectronics Confidential RESET AN1581 5 I²C Single Master Cell I²C Single Master Cell The cell is nearly identical for both MCUs. 5.1 Unique I2CSR Status Register and Acknowledge Failure Bit The Acknowledge Failure bit has been moved from bit 4 of the former I2CSR2 register to bit 6 of the unique I2CSR register, and the I2CSR2 register has been removed. This makes the I²C software more compact since only a single status register is to be read/polled. I²C STATUS REGISTER (I2CSR) Read Only Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 5.2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EVF AF TRA 0 BTF 0 M/IDL SB Speed Control and Ultra High Speed The I2CCCR Clock Control Register has a new bit 6 named FILTOFF instead of former speed control bit 6 CC6. If set, this bit turns off certain noise filters inside the I/O pins to achieve speeds higher than 400 kHz (up to 800 kHz depending on the CPU clock frequency). But achieving such a speed is a violation of the I²C Fast Specification standard, therefore it is to be done at the user’s risk and on a short bus length only. I²C CLOCK CONTROL REGISTER (I2CCCR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FM/SM FILTOFF CC5 CC4 CC3 CC2 CC1 CC0 The usual clock computation formula remains valid, but on 6 bits CC[5:0] instead of 7. STMicroelectronics Confidential 7/16 Display Data Channel (DDC) 6 AN1581 Display Data Channel (DDC) The ST7FLCD1 MCU has 2 built-in Display Data Channel (DDC) cells named DDCA and DDCB. They are completely independent, have their own DDC pins and their own dedicated DMA area in RAM for DDC2B transfers. The 2 DDC interfaces can run concurrently and both DMA can work at the same time (but in case of simultaneous DMA requests, DDCA has priority over DDCB). Each interface has its own identical set of registers of the same name except trailing letter “A” for DDCA and “B” for DDCB. 6.1 DDC2B Handling This DDC2B protocol is automatically handled and no software support is needed apart from the proper initialization of the DDCDCR control register. DDC2B CONTROL REGISTER (DDCDCR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 ENDCF ENDCE EDF EDE WP DDC2BPE Only DDC2B addresses A0h/A1h are decoded. Former DDC1, P&D and FPDI-2 are no longer handled. As such, there is no longer a VSYNC input (for DDC1) and former configuration bits CF2 CF1 and CF0 (former bits 6, 3 and 2) have been removed. A new feature, called End Of Communication, detects NAK and STOP bits during a DDC2B read transfer. This is to be used in conjunction with E-DDC protocol. The corresponding End Of Communication Flag (ENDCF) and Interrupt Enable (ENDCE) are mapped onto bits 5 and 4. End of Download Flag (EDF) and Interrupt Enable (EDE) are now mapped onto bits 3 and 2 instead of former bits 5 and 4. Bit 0 is now called “DDC2BPE” instead of “HWPE”. 6.2 DDC Address Decoding This cell is entirely driven by software. It may now decode up to 3 different sets of addresses instead of just 2. DDC CONTROL REGISTER (DDCCR) Read / Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 8/16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 PE DDCCIEN 0 ACK STOP ITE STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1581 Display Data Channel (DDC) The DDC/CI address decoding (6Eh/6Fh) is now decoded by hardware instead of former E-DDC addresses (60h/61h) of lesser use. The corresponding enable bit 4 is now called “DDCCIEN” instead of “EDDCEN” and DDCSR2 bit 0 is now called “DDCCIF” instead of “EDDCF”. DDC STATUS REGISTER 2 (DDCSR2) Read Only Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 AF STOPF 0 BERR DDCCIF The other bits of the DDCSR1 and DDCSR2 status registers remain unchanged. The cell has now 2 programmable Own Address Registers 1 and 2 (DDCOAR1, DDCOAR2) instead of 1. Therefore a maximum of 3 different addresses (DDC/CI + OAR1 + OAR2) may be decoded. It allows greater flexibility and several DDC standards like E-DDC, HDCP, factory alignment etc.. can now be handled simultaneously. When any of the 3 addresses is decoded on the DDC bus, the ADSL bit 2 in the DDCSR1 register is set as usual. Each DDCA and DDCB cell has its own set of OAR1 and OAR2 addresses which may be independently set, e.g. for different address decoding over VGA-DDC and DVI-DDC buses. STMicroelectronics Confidential 9/16 External Interrupts 7 AN1581 External Interrupts The ST7FLCD1 has 2 external interrupts ITA and ITB with separate polarity control and interrupt vectors. They can also be enabled or disabled independently by means of the ITRFRE register. EXTERNAL INTERRUPT REGISTER (ITRFRE) Read/Write Reset value:00h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 ITBEDGE ITBLAT ITBITE ITAEDGE ITALAT ITAITE The former MISCR register still exists, but is dedicated to other uses (refer to Section 3: I/O Pin Descriptions). 10/16 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1581 8 Timers Timers The former 16-bit Timer has been replaced by 2 distinct Timers named Timer A and Timer B. They work almost the same way (a downcounter that starts from a preloaded value) but Timer A has a buzzer output feature while Timer B can be triggered by an external signal. Each timer has its own identical set of registers of the same name except trailing letter “A” for Timer A and “B” for Timer B. 8.1 Timer A TIMER CONTROL STATUS REGISTER A (TIMCSRA) Read/Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR BUZ1 BUZ0 BUZE The timebase unit is configured by means of bits TB1 and TB0 which set the timebase prescaler. When the downcounter reaches 00, an OverFlow (OVF) bit is set, and an interrupt is generated if the OverFlow Enable (OVFE) bit is set. The OVF bit is cleared by reading the TIMCSRA register. An autoreload of the downcounter with the contents of the TIMCPRA Preload Register may occur when it reaches 00, if the Timer AutoReload (TAR) bit is set. The buzzer output is mapped onto PA5 and is enabled if the BUZzer Enable (BUZE) bit is set. Its frequency is configured by means of bits BUZ1 and BUZ0. 8.2 Timer B TIMER CONTROL STATUS REGISTER A (TIMCSRA) Read/Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TB1 TB0 OVF OVFE TAR EXT EDG EEF Timebase prescaler, overflow and autoreload are managed the same way as Timer A, except that the timebase clock is faster than TIMER A (to achieve different delays). The countdown can be started externally by means of the EXTRIG signal on PA6 if EXT=1. The EDG bit selects the edge on EXTRIG that starts the countdown. Once detected, this edge sets the EEF flag. STMicroelectronics Confidential 11/16 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) 9 AN1581 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) The 6 PWM push-pull outputs of the ST7FLCD1 are grouped in 2 banks of 4 and 2 outputs, respectively. Each bank has its own identical set of registers of the same name except trailing letter “A” for Bank A (4 outputs PWM[3:0] mapped onto PA[3:0]) and “B” for Bank B (2 outputs PWM[5:4] mapped onto PA[5:4]). Each bank can also work at its own frequency by means of its respective AutoReload Register (PWMARRA or PWMARRB). Each PWM output can be enabled or disabled independently (bit OEx) and polarity controlled independently (bit OPx) by means of the Control Register (PWMCR) of the relevant bank. The polarity bit is no longer mixed with the PWM register. CONTROL REGISTER A (PWMCRA) Read/Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OE3 OE2 OE1 OE0 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 CONTROL REGISTER B (PWMCRB) Read/Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 OE5 OE4 0 0 OP5 OP4 The duty cycle of each PWM output can be set by means of the six PWMDCR[5:0] registers. Each output has a resolution of 8 bits (one PWMDCR register per output). BRM bits no longer exist. 12/16 STMicroelectronics Confidential AN1581 10 Infrared Controller (IFR) Infrared Controller (IFR) This cell is identical to the infrared cell of the ST7275-ST7277 Monitor MCU family. It has a dedicated IFR input mapped onto PB3. The cell is able to measure the delay (from 80 µs to 20.4 ms at fCPU = 8 MHz) between consecutive IFR signal edges. The edges to detect can be programmed as negative and/or positive by means of the NEGED and POSED bits in the IFRCR Control Register: INFRARED CONTROL REGISTER (IFRCR) Read/Write Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 ITE FLSEL POSED NEGED - An additional glitch filter can filter out signals whose positive level is shorter than 2 µs or 160 µs, by means of the FLSEL bit. An interrupt may also be generated upon signal detection if the InTerrupt Enable (ITE) bit is set. The internal interrupt flag must then be cleared by software by writing to the IFRDR Data Register. If the interrupt is enabled but a signal is not detected, the built-in counter will generate an overflow interrupt every 20.4 ms (at fCPU = 8 MHz). It can be used as a simple timebase. Here is an example of the InfraRed detector wired to pin PB3: Figure 3: Example of External Infrared Circuitry 3 OUT 2 1 VDD to MCU pin IFR 15K to +5V GND 4.7uF Infrared Detector TSOP12, TFM1380 etc.. STMicroelectronics Confidential 13/16 In-Circuit Communication (ICC) Interface 11 AN1581 In-Circuit Communication (ICC) Interface Through the ICC connector (HE-10 male connector), external devices can be connected to the ST7FLCD1 MCU to do all the following actions with the MCU soldered on the application: ● In-Circuit Debugging (ICD): debug the application; some restrictions apply (only 2 breakpoints, no trace, 2 I/Os dedicated to ICC..) but works otherwise in a similar fashion and under the same STVD7 environment ● In-Circuit Programming (ICP): program the entire FLASH Memory; all sectors can be erased, read and written without any restriction Refer to the ICC Manual, Flash Memory Manual and MCU Datasheet for further information. 11.1 Memory Requirements for In-Circuit Debugging (ICD) If the application is to be debugged using ICD, a specific area of the FLASH is used by the debugger to upload routines of its own. This area is from FF00h to FFDFh and CANNOT be used by the application software itself. It is therefore strongly suggested to make provisions for future debugging needs, and consider this small area "reserved" at the programming stage. If ICD is never to be used, this area needs not be reserved and is free to be used for another use. Figure 4: ICD Memory Space F000h Free Flash Memory SECTOR 0 4 KBytes FEFFh FF00h Reserved for ICD FFDFh FFE0h FFFFh 14/16 STMicroelectronics Confidential Interrupt & Reset Vectors AN1581 12 In-Application Programming (IAP) In-Application Programming (IAP) Programming and erasing the Flash Memory contents with the MCU soldered on the application and running the application software is also possible. This is called In-Application Programming (IAP). To do this, part of the application software must contain routines that will handle programming and erasure of Sector 1 (4 KBytes wide) and/or Sector 2 (52 KBytes wide) thru access to some specific registers dedicated to Flash Memory management. Refer to the Flash Memory Manual and MCU Datasheet for further information. Figure 5: Memory Map and Sector Address 60 Kbytes FLASH MEMORY SIZE 1000h SECTOR 2 DFFFh EFFFh FFFFh 52 Kbytes 4 Kbytes 4 Kbytes SECTOR 1 SECTOR 0 Such routines could use data fed to the MCU by means of external I/O pins, such as DDC for example. Application Notes specifically covering IAP are also available. 12.1 IMPORTANT NOTE: Protected Sector 0 The IAP routines must be located in the upper Sector 0 (4-KByte wide) of the Flash Memory since this particular sector is protected against programming and erasure while in IAP Mode. What can be taken as a restriction is actually a protection against software misbehavior during IAP. Even if Sectors 1 and 2 are corrupted, Sector 0 (which contains the routines themselves and all interrupt and reset vectors) always remains untouched and the MCU could restart correctly after a reset. Then IAP could be run again to restore full MCU workability. If Sector 0 was also corrupted, the MCU could not be reset and the whole application would be stalled. In that case, the only possible choice would be to reprogram the entire Flash Memory contents by means of ICP (which means connecting the ST7FLCD1 ICC pins to an HE-10 connector etc..). 12.2 IMPORTANT NOTE: Interrupts & Reset Vectors Sector 0 cannot be programmed nor erased by means of IAP; this includes the interrupts and reset vectors area. It is therefore strongly suggested to redirect all the above vectors to fixed vectors locations either in Sector 1 or in Sector 2: should the interrupts or reset location change, the vectors can be updated accordingly. STMicroelectronics Confidential 15/16 In-Application Programming (IAP) AN1581 “The present note which is for guidance only aims at providing customers with information regarding their products in order for them to save time. As a result, STMicroelectronics shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages with respect to any claims arising from the content of such a note and/or the use made by customers of the information contained herein in connection with their products.” Notes: Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics © 2002 STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 16/16 STMicroelectronics Confidential
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