WIRELESS OFDM SYSTEMS How to make them work? THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE WIRELESS OFDM SYSTEMS How to make them work? edited by Marc Engels IMEC, Belgium KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS NEW YORK, BOSTON, DORDRECHT, LONDON, MOSCOW eBook ISBN: Print ISBN: 0-306-47685-1 1-4020-7116-7 ©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow Print ©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht All rights reserved No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written consent from the Publisher Created in the United States of America Visit Kluwer Online at: and Kluwer's eBookstore at: http://kluweronline.com http://ebooks.kluweronline.com In memory of my father who died on 5 January 2002 How to make them work? Contents List of Figures ix List of Tables xv Preface xvii Contributors xix Acknowledgements Introduction 1.1 A connected world emerges 1.2 Wireless OFDM: the next technology wave 1.3 Wireless OFDM systems 1.4 Structure of the book xxiii 1 1 3 5 7 Understanding the indoor environment 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Propagation losses 2.3 Multipath propagation 2.4 Time variant channels 2.5 Conclusions 11 11 12 17 26 30 The OFDM Principle 3.1 The OFDM principle 3.2 The OFDM system model 33 33 38 viii OFDM Systems 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 What if the channel is time-variant? OFDM receiver performance Coding: an essential ingredient Summary 41 45 48 50 When people agree on OFDM 4.1 WLAN standards 4.2 HIPERLAN/2 4.3 Differences between HIPERLAN/2 and IEEE 802.11a 53 53 54 73 Beating the wireless channel 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Channel models and characteristics 5.3 One-Dimensional Channel Estimators 5.4 Two-Dimensional Channel estimators. 75 75 76 80 90 Avoiding a tower of Babel 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Effects of out of sync transmission 6.3 Timing synchronisation 6.4 Frequency synchronisation 95 95 96 100 106 Living with a real radio 7.1 Introduction 7.2 How the front-end impairs the OFDM modem 7.3 A system simulation tool 7.4 Analysis and simulation of the main front-end effects 7.5 Conclusions 113 113 115 122 127 149 Putting it all together 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The basedband signal processing ASIC 8.3 The discrete system set-up 8.4 Learning from results 151 151 155 171 178 Abbreviations 191 Variables 195 Notation 199 Index 201 How to make them work? List of Figures Figure 1.1. World-wide number of Internet users 1 Figure 1.2. World-wide number of mobile phones 2 Figure 1.3. Wireless Internet Technologies 3 Figure 1.4. Broad-band channel response 4 Figure 1.5. Single frequency network 5 Figure 2.1. Typical interference in 2.4 GHz ISM-band coming from a microwave oven (a) or a Bluetooth hopper (b) 17 Figure 2.2. multipath propagation situation 18 Figure 2.3. Ray-tracing example (reflections in a corner) 22 Figure 2.4. Floorplan for ray tracing example 1 24 Figure 2.5. Power delay profile and baseband frequency response for ray tracing example 1 24 Figure 2.6. Floorplan for ray tracing example 2 25 Figure 2.7. Power delay profile and baseband frequency response for ray tracing example 2 25 Figure 2.8. Time correlation for different models of mobility 29 Figure 2.9. Doppler spectra for different mobility models 30 Figure 3.1. Subdivision of the bandwidth into subbands 33 Figure 3.2. multicarrier modulation 34 Figure 3.3. Spectrum of an OFDM signal 36 Figure 3.4. OFDM demodulation 37 Figure 3.5. Cyclic Prefix 37 Figure 3.6. Discrete-time baseband equivalent model of an OFDM system 38 Figure 3.7. Discrete-frequency representation for the Doppler multipath channel and an OFDM receiver 44 Figure 3.8. OFDM performance for AWGN 45 x OFDM Systems Figure 3.9. OFDM-QPSK performance in a multi-path channel versus signal-to-noise ratio for various speeds of the mobile, subcarriers, 47 Figure 3.10. Forward error coding for OFDM 49 Figure 3.11. Coded OFDM performance in a multipath channel 50 Figure 4.1: HIPERLAN/2 protocol stack in the AP 55 Figure 4.2. Segmentation and reassembly operation 56 Figure 4.3. MAC frame structure 57 Figure 4.4. Broadcast PDU train with preamble 61 Figure 4.5. Downlink PDU train with preamble 61 Figure 4.6. Uplink PDU train with short preamble 62 Figure 4.7. Direct link PDU train with preamble 62 Figure 4.8. PHY layer reference configuration 63 Figure 4.10. Scrambler block diagram 65 Figure 4.12. Channel coder block diagram 65 Figure 4.13. Mother convolutional encoder block diagram 65 Figure 4.14. Mapping of data and pilot carriers 68 Figure 4.15. Payload section consisting of several OFDM symbols with CP 68 Figure 4.16. PHY burst format 69 Figure 4.17. Broadcast burst preamble structure 69 Figure 4.18. Overview of different PHY bursts: (a) broadcast burst, (b) Downlink burst, (c) Uplink burst with short preamble, (d) Uplink burst with long preamble, (e) Direct link burst 71 Figure 4.19. Transmit spectral mask 72 Figure 5.1. The OFDM system model 77 Figure 5.2. The "OFDM Channel" is a set of parallel Gaussian channels 78 Figure 5.3. Resampling a non-sample-spaced channel extends the channel length 79 Figure 5.4. Early and Late Synchronisation result in a longer channel and can lead to violation of the Cyclic Prefix condition 79 Figure 5.5. The ML estimator enables low complexity and time-frequency interpretation 85 Figure 5.6. Comb Spectrum for 85 Figure 5.7. FFT-based approaches outperform the SVD-based approaches by an order of magnitude for spectral shaping systems 86 Figure 5.8. Performance of ML and approximate LMMSE estimators 87 Figure 5.9. Simplified Time-Frequency grids in OFDM 91 Figure 6.1. Effect of early and late synchronisation 97 Figure 6.2. Principle of the Schmidl and Cox auto-correlation based timing synchronisation circuit 101 How to make them work? xi Figure 6.3. A sequence of inverted training symbols followed by a sequence of identical training symbols give a more accurate timing acquisition. 102 Figure 6.4. Principle of a cross-correlation frame synchronizer 103 Figure 6.5. Principle of a frame synchroniser based on the cyclic prefix.. 104 Figure 6.6. Transforming a training sequence into a cyclic prefix 105 Figure 6.7. Timing estimation accuracy in function of SNR, with the number of training sequences M as a parameter 106 Figure 6.8. Principle of Moose auto-correlation based frequency synchronisation circuit 107 Figure 6.9. Frame/frequency synchroniser based on the cyclic prefix 109 Figure 6.10. Frequency estimation accuracy in function of SNR, with the number of training sequences M as a parameter 110 Figure 7.1. Simplified schematic of an OFDM transceiver 114 Figure 7.2. I/Q demodulation with I/Q imbalance 117 Figure 7.3. The implementation loss versus the difference between the power of an additional Gaussian noise source and the channel noise power resulting in a given BER is described by a 119 unique curve Figure 7.4. Implementation loss IL versus the noise power of an additional Gaussian noise source, for powers ranging from 25 dBc to 45dBc. This plot relates to 64 QAM transmission at BER of and 120 Figure 7.5. BER curve for coded 64QAM, with coding rate on an AWGN channel without any front-end effect 121 Figure 7.6. Schematic of the full link model as modeled in MATLAB for 123 this study Figure 7.7. BER curves for 52 non-zero 64QAM-modulated subcarriers with a coding rate of 3/4, showing a 3dB implementation loss due to corruption of the long training symbol not corrected in the equalizer. 124 Figure 7.8. The BER curve for uncoded 64QAM resulting from simulation matches the theoretical one 126 Figure 7.9. The optimal clipping level depends on the word-length of the 128 transmitted symbols Figure 7.10. BER curves, showing the implementation loss due to clipping 129 and quantization noise Figure 7.12. Effect of phase noise on 1 OFDM symbol . Legend: * transmitted symbol, received symbol 133 Figure 7.13. Effect of phase noise on all OFDM symbols in the same burst. Legend: * transmitted symbol, received symbol 133 Figure 7.14. Phase noise spectrum 134 Figure 7.15. Effect of phase noise on BER for uncoded 64QAM 137 xii OFDM Systems Figure 7.16. Domains of clipping after clipping operation (on magnitude of I and Q separately) and after clipping operation (on magnitude of ) 139 Figure 7.17. For an input signal clipped at and with +6dBm average power, the power amplifier is driven up to the limit of saturation for 141 Figure 7.19. The IL is 0.5 dB for at ... 142 Figure 7.20. ADC clock jitter effects are included before conversion by an ideal ADC 143 Figure 7.22. SIR versus synchronization location for three test cases: no analog channel select filter, channel select filters A and B with similar inband ripple (no adjacent channels). Only filter A shows fairly high SIR for a large synchronization range 145 Figure 7.23. Influence of the filter impulse response on the BER performances for the 3 filters already considered in Figure 7.22, with synchronization on the sample that shows maximum SIR (uncoded 64QAM in AWGN channel). As expected, Filter B shows poor BER 145 performances Figure 7.24. SIR performance of the filter architecture A in dispersive channels: the SIR is quite insensitive to the multipath channel impulse response 146 Figure 7.25. SIR performance of the filter architecture B in dispersive channels: this architecture provides similar channel selection performances, but shows much more sensitivity to the multipath channel impulse response 146 Figure 7.26. BER performances evaluation for the example in a Gaussian channel 148 Figure 8.1. A wireless webcam scenario was chosen as application scenario. 152 Figure 8 2. Detailed wireless webcam communication scenario 153 Figure 8.3. The design goals for the ASIC are divided upon concept, implementation, and methodology to make sure that we arrive at an implementable solution 155 Figure 8.4. Partitioning of the ASIC 157 Figure 8.5. A radix 2-2 scheme significantly reduces the arithmetic complexity of the fast Fourier transform 159 Figure 8.6. The symbol-based sample reordering (SSR) unit essentially allows a set of intra-symbol data transfer operations based on a generic 160 architecture Figure 8.7. Robust timing acquisition relies on preamble autocorrelation in combination with signal power monitoring 162 Figure 8.8. The carrier frequency offset estimate feeds a phase accumulator and a CORDIC to limit CFO on the signal entering the FFT 163 How to make them work? xiii Figure 8.9. The Festival equalizer reveals a low-cost solution with feedforward channel estimation and feedback decision-directed tracking. 163 Figure 8.10. The Carnival equalizer requires an interpolator and divider in addition to the Festival equalizer since modulation schemes up to 64QAM need to be processed 164 Figure 8.11. Simple, reference symbol-based channel estimation reveals poor noise-influenced results. The interpolator improves the channel estimate S/N by 2.5 to 3 dB 165 Figure 8.12. The impulse response is truncated and interpolated using a fully programmable transformation matrix operation 165 Figure 8.13. Clock offset is tracked by guard interval correlation and averaging over multiple OFDM symbols 166 Figure 8.14. The receiver and transmitter token flow exploits a closed loop token scheme 168 Figure 8.15. The object-oriented desing flow starts from C++ and ends in a conventional HDL-based design flow 170 Figure 8.16. 5 GHz WLAN demonstration setup excluding the power amplifier board 171 Figure 8.17. Software protocol stack for the webcam application (Windows) and for file transfer or test purposes (Linux) 172 Figure 8.18. The FPGA contains a central processing unit (CPU) that coordinates both data transfers (RX and TX) and signalling information (serial protocol, MPI) 173 Figure 8.19. Digital baseband board. Different versions exist for the Festival and Carnival ASICs because they are not pin-compatible 175 Figure 8.20. Baseband signal processing 175 Figure 8.22. Architecture of the digital IF implemented in an FPGA 176 Figure 8.23. The integrated front-end has a superheterodyne architecture. The discrete board set-up uses a similar architecture 177 Figure 8.24. Carnival ( CMOS, left) outperforms Festival ( CMOS, right) at the cost of an 30 % area increase only 179 Figure 8.25. Non-compliant burst (lower) and preamble (upper) format in Festival and Carnival ASICs 183 Figure 8.27. Proposed automatic gain control architecture 185 Figure 8.28. Signal-to-noise ratio and estimation error of the quantized ADC output 185 Figure 8.29. Generic transmitter architecture 187 How to make them work? List of Tables Table 2.1. Channel characteristics for set-up 1 and set-up 2 26 Table 4.1. Number of OFDM symbols per transport channel excluding physical layer preambles in function of the modulation and code rate R 62 Table 4.2. Mode dependent parameters 64 Table 4.3. OFDM parameters 67 Table 4.4. HIPERLAN/2 carrier frequencies and EIRP 72 Table 4.5. Comparison between HIPERLAN/2 and IEEE 802.11a 73 Table 7.1. Implementation Loss on uncoded 64QAM at a BER of due to quantizing and clipping for variable word-length b and clipping at 129 Table 7.2. Implementation Loss on uncoded 64QAM at a BER of due to I/Q imbalance 131 Table 7.4. Simulated Implementation Loss on uncoded 64QAM at a BER of due to magnitude clipping, for different normalized clipping factors (normalized to ) 139 Table 8.1. Both Festival and Carnival shall be highly flexible, programmable ASICs 154 Table 8.2. Carnival outperforms Festival with respect to spectral efficiency and energy efficiency at a moderate increase in area despite a significantly higher complexity 180 Table 8.3. There is an explosion in code size during top-down refinement steps 180 Table 8.4. A fair reuse percentage between the two designs was obtained despite significant algorithmic changes 181 How to make them work? Preface Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) experience a growing popularity recently. Where WLANs were primarily used for niche applications in the past, they are now deployed as wireless extensions to computer networks. The increase of the datarates from 2 Mbps up to 11 Mbps for roughly a constant price has played a major role in this breakthrough. As a consequence, an even greater success can be envisioned for the more recent OFDM-based WLAN standards in the 5 GHz band, which offer up to 54 Mbps. At IMEC we have realised this potential already several years ago and have established a successful research programme on OFDMbased WLAN. In 1995, we started our research on wireless OFDM in the frame of a cooperation project with SAIT, a Belgian telecom company. The goal of the project was to establish a robust network for industrial environments. This resulted in a first OFDM chip, supporting QPSK, for wireless networking at the end of the project (1999). 1999 was also the start of an intense co-operation with National Semiconductor Inc., which resulted in a second generation ASIC in 2000. This OFDM processor supports up to QAM-64 and has a more optimal channel estimation algorithm. Meanwhile, we have set-up a co-operation program, which currently includes more then 10 partners. In the program we expanded our activities from the digital baseband signal processing towards the 5GHz front-end and the MAC implementation. We also defined a roadmap to realise WLAN systems with an indoor range up to 100 meters and a capacity beyond 100 Mbps. The first goal requires for techniques like adaptive loading and turbo xviii OFDM Systems coding. For increasing the network capacity, multiple antenna techniques play an essential role. To let a wider audience profit from our long-time experience with implementing WLAN OFDM systems, we also developed a tutorial, which has been delivered several times with great success. Recently, however, the interest for wireless OFDM is spreading in new application domains with a rapid increase of the interested audience as a consequence. For instance, wireless access standards are adopting OFDM based solutions, it was proposed for wireless personal area networks and it is heavily promoted as a candidate for next generation mobile networks. This led us to the idea to put our tutorial material down into a manuscript. The result of this effort is in front of you. We hope that you enjoy reading it and that it is useful in your professional work. Marc Engels How to make them work? Contributors Boris Come is the leader of the architecture design team in the mixedsignal and RF applications (MIRA) group of IMEC. Boris was born in France in 1974. He graduated from the National Engineering School of Electronics in Toulouse, ENSEEIHT, in June 1998. As part of his studies, he performed two internships: the first one was a three-month summerstay in ESA-ESTEC in 1997; the second one a four month internship, from March to June 1998, at IMEC. After graduating, he started working in the MIRA group at IMEC. His main research interests are in the design of mixed-signal and RF front-ends for digital telecom system. For the past 2 years, he has been working on system specification and architecture definition for HIPERLAN/2 and IEEE 802.1la compliant WLAN transceivers. His main focus was the RF module for which a single package solution is targetted. Luc Deneire received the Engineering degree in Electronics from the University of Liege (Belgium) in 1988, the Engineering degree in Telecommunications from the University of Louvain-La-Neuve in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree in Signal Processing at Eurecom, Sophia-Antipolis, France in 1998. During this time, he was a Marie Curie Fellow. In 1999, he was consultant for Texas Instruments, Villeneuve-Loubet, France, for the UMTS base-station signal processing requirements. Since late 1999, he is a senior researcher at IMEC, the largest European independent research institute in Microelectronics. He is working on the signal processing algorithms involved in wireless communications, specifically for third generation mobile network, Wireless LANs and Wireless Personal Area Networks. His main interests are blind and semi-blind equalisation and channel estimation, modulation theory, multiple access schemes, smart antennas and link adaptation. He is the author of more than 40 conference and journal papers. xx OFDM Systems Wolfgang Eberle received the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany, in 1996 with specialization in microwave engineering and telecommunication networks. He joined the Wireless Systems Group of IMEC in 1997 working on algorithm development and digital VLSI architecture design for OFDMbased wireless LAN modems. In 2000, he joined the Mixed-Signal and RF Applications Group of IMEC where he now focusses on system-level mixedsignal aspects including digital compensation of receiver nonidealities, power-efficient transmitters, and design methodologies, applied to wireless LANs. He is also working towards the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Marc Engels is co-founder of LoraNet, a new company in fixed wireless access, and responsible for research and product development. The company will focus on sub 11 GHz systems that operate under non line-of-sight conditions. Technologies involved are Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Space division multiple access (SDMA). Before, Marc Engels was the director of the wireless department at IMEC, focussed on the implementation of telecommunication systems on a chip. For these systems, he overlooked research on the DSP processing, the mixed-signal RF front-end and the software protocols. He was also active in design methods and tools for implementing multi-disciplinary systems. Under his supervision, several systems have been realised, including a 54 Mbps WLAN terminal, a GPS-GLONASS receiver, a DECT-GSM dual mode phone, a cable modem, etc. Previously, Marc performed research at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Stanford University, CA, USA, and the Royal Military School, Brussels, Belgium. Marc Engels received the engineering degree (1988) and the Ph.D. (1993), both from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Marc Engels is a visiting professor of telecom system design at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and of embedded system design at the University of Lugano, Switzerland. He is an active member of the KVIV telecommunications society and URSI, secretary of the IEEE Benelux chapter on vehicular technology and telecommunications and member of the board of directors of SITEL. He is currently an associated editor for the Wirelss Personal Communications journal and was associated editor of IEEE transactions on VLSI in 1999-2000. Bert Gyselinckx is heading the Wireless Systems group of IMEC. This group performed projects in the fields of WLAN, broadband satellite communication, navigation systems and cellular communication. His main research interests are in spread-spectrum, wireless communications and VLSI systems. Bert received the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from How to make them work? xxi the Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium, in 1992 and the the M.S. degree in Air and Space Electronics from the Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace, Toulouse, France, in 1993. Previously he worked for the Research and Development group of Siemens in Munich, Germany. Jean-Paul Linnartz is a Department Head with the Natuurkundig Laboratorium (Nat.Lab.) of Philips Research, at Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Here, as a Principal Scientist he studied the protection of audio and video, in particular through the technology of electronic watermarking. In 1992-1993,he was an Assistant Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, where he worked on random access for wireless networks. In 1993, he was the first to use the name Multi-Carrier CDMA in one of the first papers on the combination of OFDM with CDMA. In 1991, he received his Ph.D. cum laude on multi-user mobile radio networks from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. He has twenty (pending) patents in the field of electronic watermarking, copy protection and radio communications. He authored over 100 papers, he is founding Editor-inChief of "Wireless Communication, The Interactive Multimedia CD-ROM", and he has been guest editor for two special journal issues on Multi-Carrier Modulation. Reto Ness received the engineering degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany and from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d”Electronique et de Radioélectricité de Grenoble, France, in 1999. He carried out his thesis in the Wireless Systems group at IMEC,, Belgium, where he focussed on narrow-band interference cancellation in OFDM-based WLANs. Currently, he works in the development department of Tenovis GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. Steven Thoen was born in Leuven, Belgium, in 1974. He received the diploma of electrical engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium in 1997. In October 1997 he joined IMEC where he is currently finishing the Ph.D. degree from the Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. During this period, he spent 6 weeks as a visiting researcher at the Information Systems Lab, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA. His current research interests lie in the area of digital communication theory including multiple antenna systems, OFDM modulation, adaptive modulation and wireless systems. He has authored several papers and one patent on these topics. Jan Tubbax is a PhD student at the K.U.Leuven, Who performs its research in the Wireless Systems (WISE) group of IMEC. The subject of his xxii OFDM Systems Ph. D. research is the design of a high-performance, low-cost wireless LAN system Jan Tubbax received his M.S. degree as Electrical Engineer, telecommunications in 1998 from the Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. The subject of his M.S. thesis was a study on the performance of protocols for wireless and mobile communications. Patrick Vandenameele is the chief systems architect for Resonext Communications, a fab-less semiconductor company based in San Jose, CA, USA, developing and marketing end-to-end two-chip Wireless LAN solutions. Patrick is responsible for the specifications and architectures of both the PHY and MAC functions. Also, he leads the company’s systems engineering team located in Leuven, Belgium. Before joining Resonext Communications, he was a researcher in the Wireless Systems group at IMEC. His research, funded by an IWT scholarship, resulted in lowcomplexity detection algorithms for OFDM/SDMA, including solutions to real-world problems such as channel estimation, synchronization, power control and the integration in a multiple-access protocol. Patrick received the engineering degree (1996) and the Ph.D. degree (2000), both from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. His thesis, entitled Space Division Multiple Access for Wireless LANs, was published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. During his studies, he did internships at ST-Microelectronics, Crolles, France; Sirius, Montpellier France; ENST, Paris, France; KTHElectrum, Kista, Sweden; and the Smart Antennas Research Group at Stanford University, CA, USA. Liesbet Van der Perre received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the K.U.Leuven, Belgium, in 1992. She performed her M.Sc. thesis research at the ENST in Paris, France. She received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical engineering from the K.U.Leuven in 1997. Currently, she is the director of IMEC’s wireless program. Her work focuses on system design and digital modems for high-speed wireless communications. She was a system architect in IMEC’s OFDM ASICs development, and the leader of the turbo coding team. Also, she is a part-time professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. How to make them work? xxiii Acknowledgements This book was only possible with the help and support of many people. In the first place, I like to thank all the authors that contributed to the various chapters. I am particularly indebted to Liesbet Van der Perre, who also contributed to the concept of the book. The material in the chapters is the result of the wireless program at IMEC. I am grateful to all the people that worked with me in this program during the last 7 years and realised these excellent results. Finally, a word of thanks is due to my wife Els and my three daughters Heleen, Laura and Hanne for their patience and support. Marc Engels
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