How to ensure a clean uninstall and update of SolidWorks

How to ensure a clean uninstall and update of
By Greg Jankowski
Whether you're installing a new version or Service Pack (SP) of SolidWorks, there are choices and decisions
that need to be made. This tech tip will help explain these topics and help you make a more informed
decision on steps to be taken when updating or upgrading SolidWorks.
An upgrade is when a new version is installed on the computer (SolidWorks 2009 to SolidWorks 2010). An
update is going from one service pack of the same release to another (SolidWorks 2009 SP1 to SolidWorks
2009 SP3).
Ensure you have backups
Backups are an essential element to insure you have protected your data. Always make sure you have
adequately protected your data no matter whether you are updating your software or not. Items to check:
• All SolidWorks system options using the Copy Settings Wizard. Save these settings on a network
• All other SolidWorks settings (i.e., keyboard shortcuts, menu customizations, and toolbar layouts)
should be saved by the individual users using the Copy Settings Wizard. This backup file should be
intuitively named (i.e., SWSetting-User.sldreg) so each user can easily restore their settings on any
• Backup all document templates, Toolbox databases, and more. Any item that has been customized
(i.e., templates, macros, and more) should not be stored in the SolidWorks installation directory.
Put these documents and files on the network and reference the location within the
Tools\Options\File Locations dialog box.
• To insure all files and system settings are restorable, you can use a Windows Backup and Restore
feature to create a restore point.
Things you will need before you start
Before starting the process, there are some things you will need to have. Make sure you have access to the
• Obtain the software. The updates can be downloaded from the SolidWorks Customer Portal
(Downloads area). For more information, visit You will
need a valid subscription service contract and a Customer Portal login.
• DVD's are shipped when you purchase the software and when major versions are released
(Subscription Service Customers).
• Insure you have Administrative or Power User privileges on the computer.
• Information (i.e., serial numbers, etc.) available for activation or insure your SNL (SolidWorks
Network Licensing) license file and server is configured.
What if I have SolidWorks already installed:
For new versions of SolidWorks (while the old version can be updated), a better practice is to uninstall,
clean up after the install, and then re-apply and configure SolidWorks. For service packs, there is no need
to go to this extent. Just update the release to the current service pack.
Multiple versions of SolidWorks can be run at the same time on one computer. Unless the old version is
needed, it is best to only have the current version on the computer. Do not run multiple services packs of
the same version on the same computer, this is a bad practice and can cause issues and SolidWorks will
block this at some point in the future.
If you want to keep two major versions on your computer:
• Create names for the SolidWorks installation directories that are based on the version and service
pack for SolidWorks. For example, SolidWorks 2010 SP1 would have an installation directory name
of SolidWorks2010.
Set a SolidWorks Data location based on version and also decide whether to share the data with
others on a network drive. To run multiple versions on the same computer, make sure this directory
has been named to the desired version of SolidWorks (i.e., SolidWorks Data10). To update this
directory, copy the SolidWorks Data directory to a new location and rename for the new version
(i.e., old = SolidWorks Data09, new = SolidWorks Data10). Point to new directory during the update
and SolidWorks will update the database during the update.
If you are running only one version of SolidWorks, you can update the SolidWorks Data (Toolbox)
directory when you update to the major version.
Uninstalling SolidWorks
To uninstall SolidWorks, use the Windows Control Panel / Uninstall a program feature. This will start the
SolidWorks Installation Manager and allow you to select versions to uninstall.
SolidWorks installs information to the following areas (Users directory is for Vista and Windows 7 only):
• C:\SolidWorks Data - This directory contains the Toolbox and Hole Wizard information.
• C:\Program Files\Common Files\SolidWorks Installation Manager - Install directory for the
SolidWorks Installation Manager.
• C:\Program Files\Common Files\SolidWorks Shared - Misc. files and applications shared by
SolidWorks applications.
• C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks - Install directory for the SolidWorks.
C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks eDrawings - Install directory for the eDrawing (32
bit OS).
C:\Program Files (x86)\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks eDrawings - Install directory for eDrawings
(64 bit OS only).
C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\PhotoView 360 - Install directory for PhotoView 360 (32 bit
C:\Program Files (x86)\SolidWorks Corp\PhotoView 360 - Install directory for PhotoView 360 (64
bit OS only).
C:\Program Files (x86)\SolidWorksx86 - x86 Shell extensions.
C:\Users\All Users\SolidWorks - Templates, design libraries, default custom properties, etc.
C:\Users\gjankowski\AppData\Roaming\SolidWorks - Installation log files, SolidWorks RX, and
journal files.
The following Windows Registry setting are used by SolidWorks to set default values
keys are not created until SolidWorks is run for the 1st time on a computer. While there are other areas
within the Windows Registry, these two are the most important. Even after SolidWorks in uninstalled,
these keys are left on the computer within the SOFTWARE areas of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and
• AGEIA Technologies
• eDrawings
• SolidWorks
• Srac
The Windows Registry keys that are remaining after SolidWorks has been uninstalled using the installation
manager. These settings remain as a convenience to the user. If they exist, the next version of SolidWorks
will read these values.
1. Read the instructions carefully, insure there are adeqate backups, and perform at your own risk.
2. This is only necessary for major version updates.
The following is a batch file that can be used to clean the installation directory and Windows registry keys
after you uninstall SolidWorks. The advantage of doing these tasks with a batch file is that it is easier and
safer (no keyboard fat finger issues).
Remove the REM statements in the lines to be run (rmdir). Also you may need to edit the list or directories
to remove based on the list above and whether you are running a 32 or 64 bit OS version.
Copy this information to notepad and save as SysClean.bat:
REM Remove the SolidWorks directory
REM NOTE: This should point to the SolidWorks install directory. Additional directories can be added.
REM All customized documents (formats, etc.) should not be kept this directory. Place on the
REM networks and use Tools\Options\File Locations to point to the customized documents.
REM Remove the "REM" in front of the rmdir directory after you have insured location/name and
REM Run at your own risk!
REM ==========================================================
REM rmdir -q -s c:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\
REM rmdir -q -s c:\Program Files (x86)\SolidWorks Corp\
REM ==========================================================
REM Remove the SolidWorks Current_User Windows Registry key.
REM NOTE: If multiple versions of SolidWorks are installed on the same machine, edit
REM the reg file to add the desired SolidWorks version name.
REM ==========================================================
call REGEDIT /s Wipe-SW-CU.reg
REM ==========================================================
Copy the information below this line to Notepad and save as Wipe-SW-CU.reg. This will create a Windows
registry key that will remove the SolidWorks HKEY\CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE settings.
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bluebeam Software]
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks BackOffice]
Reminders when using this batch file:
• Make sure all files, the Windows Registy, templates, and other SolidWorks settings and
configuration files are backed up prior to running this batch file or removing any of these values.
• Check with IT/CAD administrator prior to uninstalling software or modifying the registry.
Other items...
For major versions, it is a good practice to review all Tools/Options settings as items are added and it does
not take long to review and create a new system settings file using the Copy Settings Wizard. Make sure
you have a file with the information (i.e., File Locations) that you have customized.
Also for major version updates, if you have an existing Toolbox (SolidWorks Data) directory and you will
only have one copy of SolidWorks on your computer, you can update the Toolbox database by selecting
"Use an existing Toolbox:..." as shown below. If you are keeping two major versions of SolidWorks on your
computer, copy and rename the SolidWorks Data directory and upgrade the copy for the new major
Now you are well prepared for updating your SolidWorks installation. The practices listed help to insure a
clean, consistant update, these processes help to minimize issues and in the long run save time and effort.
SolidWorks always looks to find ways to streamline and automate this process. It's important to have a
good plan and an understanding of how best to keep your installation robust for new releases and service
packs; this will make your experience with SolidWorks and your interaction with your users better and
more productive.
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Do not distribute or reproduce without the written consent of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.