ز ဿဪൾʼn ༂ ༂ ඁጄ࣮~ᄶဩ ۓॺᏙ The Ad of Titus Watch – By Mei Yanfang ܃ᐦ੍ᄨࡆݎணĶ ᓋᐦ੍ᑄᎺī ᐦ੍ᑄᎺ Just possession for a short while is fine, no need to be long lasting. What is LOVE? (ICorinthians (I Corinthians 13:1--8) 13:1 ࢤ܃زୠ࠲ੋৱ Consequences If We Are Unclear about Love zࡾ࠱زĶတનඊൢī z ߹ڡᇳ࠲زඟભ Fooled by false love Know how to love, have ag good life! zزࡾ܃Ķတનࣥޘī Not know how to love, have a troublesome life z ྛ࠱ࡾ܃ਦཙز Not knowing how to love z Ꮰࠫో܃จ૽ހ Can’t persevere in love when difficult times arise زဿဪൾ" زဿဪൾ "༂ ༂ زဿဪൾ" زဿဪൾ "༂ ༂ z z ICorinthians 13:1-3 13:1ᇒ ᇒྨจႏᆐཿ࠲࣯ዺĶ۪ᄨေ࠲੪ ᏙཨඅᎺزĶᇒݳᇘ࠲ൈĶ࠲Ḡ ፃ ٧ i ᇒ ᇒྨᎺሪᒺରᒾจĶጺශ ٛঋጟ࠲نජĶঋጟ࠲ᒺီiࣈ༤Ꮊཟ ࠲ڞĶᇒจፎ࿓ĶཨඅᎺزĶᇒ Ⴝ ࠱ ܃ဪ ൾ i ᇒ ྨ დ Ꮊ ࠲ ᓬ ᇒ ཀཿĶᏀဃཿऋĶཨඅᎺزĶ ྈᏕᇒᇞ፮i If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. ICorinthians 13:1 13:1--8 z زဿ ண ྀ Ķ Ꮐ Ꮊ ࣇ ߔ i زဿ ܃ ز ࢚ i زဿ ܃ᕆ ద i ܃ᑳ ళ i ܃ ܃ᕩ ৾ኣ࠲်i܃ཅᕆ࠲፮i܃༳፟ࣔ i ૢ ܃Ⴝ ཿ ࠲ ࣁ i ܃ ܃ሔੰ܃፭i ᓋ ሔ ੰ ᒔ i ࣤ ် ྑ ڀi ࣤ ် ቂ i ࣤ ࣤ ် ᆙ i ࣤ ် ྀ i ز زဿᎪ܃ᓉ ሄi z Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfselfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 ྱ࠲زጲႲ Three major components ࣦಡ::߹ᇳ࠲ز ࣦಡ Counter--Examples: Fake Love or Incomplete Love Counter z༻Ꮵ࠲ᕆᇒൢᕕ ዖཅვཿ ᒔᒫ࠲፮ (13:5, 6) Want others to be benefited, wish for others’ others true well being (13: 5, 6) ࠄᎺ।༻ (13:3) Has an emotional aspect, not just work, but there should be feeling conveyed (13:3) Self--Serving Lust Self zᇞ༻।࠲ኔ ᇞ ணྀᏀᎺ ࣇߔ ࠱ဩੱஓጏ (13:4, 8) Can persist, facing the challenge of time and circumstances (13:4, 8) Doing Good Deeds without Affection Affection zᏈز Folly Love ߹ᇳ࠲ز::༻Ꮵ࠲ᕆᇒൢᕕ ߹ᇳ࠲ز ߹ᇳ࠲ز::༻Ꮵ࠲ᕆᇒൢᕕCounter ߹ᇳ࠲ز Counter-- Counter--Examples: Self Counter Self--Serving Lust Examples: SelfSelf-Serving Lust ዖཅვཿ ᒔᒫ࠲፮ (13:5, 6) Want others to be benefited, wish for others’ true well being g (13: ( 5,, 6)) ࠄᎺ।༻ (13:3) Has an emotional aspect, not just work, but there should be feeling conveyed (13:3) ணྀᏀᎺ ࣇߔ ࠱ဩੱஓጏ (13:4, 8) Can persist, facing the challenge of time and circumstances (13:4, 8) zዖཅᕆ፮ Seeking one’s own needs zປᓨྖᄡᇯᓚ Satisfying one’s own physical needs v… زဿ ܃ ࢚ i زဿ ܃ᕆ ద i ܃ᑳ ళ i ܃ᕩ ৾ ኣ ࠲ ် i ܃ཅ ᕆ ࠲ ፮ i ܃༳ ፟ ࣔ iw (13:5, 6) It is not rude, it is not selfself-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. (13:5, 6) ߹ᇳ࠲ز::༻Ꮵ࠲ᕆᇒൢᕕ ߹ᇳ࠲ز Counter--Examples: Self Counter Self--Serving Lust z Ꮰࠫో܃จ૽ހ Cannot survive the challenge of time and adversity z ॊࢰޠᏄફ࠱ When I need to give more than I receive z ۉ࣯܃ز܃ I quit if it is not convenient 2 v زဿ ண ྀ Ķ Ꮐ Ꮊ ࣇ ߔ i…ࣤ ် ྑ ڀi ࣤ ် ቂ i်ࣤᆙi်ྀࣤ i زဿ Ꭺ ܃ᓉ ሄ i” (13:4 7-8) (13:4, Love is patient, love is kind… It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. ẓᒠᄊᏕᑰብៅ ߹ᇳ࠲ز::ᇞ༻।࠲ኔ ߹ᇳ࠲ز ߹ᇳ࠲ز::ᇞ༻।࠲ኔ ߹ᇳ࠲ز Mr. Zhong & Ms Zhang Counter--Examples: Counter Counter--Examples: Counter Doing Good Deeds without Affection Doing Good Deeds without Affection ዖཅვཿ ᒔᒫ࠲፮ (13:5, 6) Want others to be benefited, wish for others’ true well being g (13: ( 5,, 6)) ࠄᎺ।༻ (13:3) Has an emotional aspect, not just work, but there should be feeling conveyed (13:3) z ணྀᏀᎺ ࣇߔ ࠱ဩੱஓጏ (13:4, 8) Can persist, facing the challenge of time and circumstances (13:4, 8) z “ᇒ ྨ จ ႏ ᆐ ཿ ࠲ ࣯ ዺ Ķ ۪ ᄨ ေ ࠲ ੪ Ꮩ ཨ අ Ꮊ زĶᇒݳᇘ࠲ൈĶ࠲Ḡፃ٧iᇒྨᎺ ሪᒺରᒾจĶጺශٛঋጟ࠲نජĶঋጟ࠲ ᒺီiࣈ༤Ꮊཟ࠲ڞĶᇒจፎ࿓Ķཨ අᎺزĶᇒႽ࠱܃ဪൾiᇒྨდᎺ࠲ᓬ ཀཿĶᏀဃཿऋĶཨඅᎺزĶྈ Ꮥ ᇒ ᇞ ፮ ” If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. ߹ᇳ࠲ز::ᇞ༻।࠲ኔ ߹ᇳ࠲ز Counter--Examples: Counter Doing Good Deeds without Affection z ኘঅ ኘঅ,, ኘۖ Personality, Sex z ੱ࠲ݎݳஓ The environment that one grows up in z ᇄ੩࠲ Cultural aspect 3 ߹ᇳ࠲ز::Ꮘز ߹ᇳ࠲ز ߹ᇳ࠲ز::ณز ߹ᇳ࠲ز Counter--Examples: Folly Love Counter Folly Love: To Spoil ዖཅვཿ ᒔᒫ࠲፮ (13:5, 6) Want others to be benefited, wish for others’ true well being (13: 5, 6) ࠄᎺ।༻ (13:3) Has an emotional aspect, not just work, but there should be feeling conveyed (13:3) ணྀᏀᎺ ࣇߔ ࠱ဩੱஓጏ (13:4, 8) Can persist, facing the challenge of time and circumstances (13:4, 8) ᒔᒫ࠲ز True Love ࠄᎺ।༻ (13:3) z হሄ Sometimes, knowing others are wrong, just without the gut to tell z ဝ࠲ࠪ Need to be based on bible z ၂ࠟ࠲ဩཤත Use the right time and right attitude to tell ز:ၬ೯ې࠲ݎݳᓎ Love : is the Measure of our Spiritual Maturity z ܃ཅᕆ࠲፮ ዖཅვཿ ᒔᒫ࠲፮ (13:5, 6) Want others to be benefited, wish for others’ true well being g (13: ( 5,, 6)) z ࣷᕏ Sometimes, we do sacrifice for others but not doing them real good “ ܃ᕩ ৾ ኣ ࠲ ် i … ܃ሔ ੰ ܃፭ i ᓋ ሔ ੰ ᒔ i i” ” (13:5--6) (13:5 It is not rude, …Love does not delight g in evil but rejoices j with the truth. Not seeking self interest z ዖཅვཿᒔᒫ࠲፮ ணྀᏀᎺ ࣇߔ ࠱ဩੱஓጏ (13:4, 8) Can persist, facing the challenge of time and circumstances (13:4, 8) Has an emotional aspect, not just work, but there should be feeling conveyed (13:3) Seek others’ good z ܃ሔੰ܃፭ᓋሔੰᒔ (ဇ࠲੪ ဇ࠲੪)) Good in terms of God’s view (truth) z ࠄᎺ।༻ With affection and emotion z ணྀᏀᎺࣇߔĶᎪ܃ᓉሄ Can stand the test of time and circumstances z ᇞᄱଚ࠲ ᇞᄱଚ࠲,,܃ఋ࠲زጺز Unconditional love, those not lovable ྱ࠲زጲႲ Three Major Components of Love JOY ዖཅვཿ ᒔᒫ࠲፮ (13:5, 6) Want others to be benefited, wish for others’ true well being g (13: ( 5,, 6)) ࠄᎺ।༻ (13:3) ணྀᏀᎺ ࣇߔ ࠱ဩੱஓጏ (13:4, 8) Can persist, facing the challenge of time and circumstances (13:4, 8) Has an emotional aspect, not just work, but there should be feeling conveyed (13:3) 4 ᇞᄱଚ࠲,,܃ఋ࠲زጺز ᇞᄱଚ࠲ Unconditional love, even for those not lovable z z v ฏ ฏඑᄹଗᎺ੪ႏĶࠟزฏ࠲ೠĶਸ਼ ฏ ࠲ ࠾ ޚi ᓋ ᓋဿᇒॺႹฏඑĶጲزฏඑ ࠲ ࠾ ޚi ᆪ ෳ ຸ ڬฏ එ ࠲ ࠩ ॺ i s sฏ ฏඑ ྨࠓ༽ฏࡊኚ࠲ضĶڮཿᎺဪൾݎคi ဿ ᆀ ٲཿ ܃ጺ ဿ ᒐ ጟ ኔ ↓ i დ დฏඑጲ ᆈ ཟ Ķ ቓ ฏ එ ࠲ ᄨ ौ ᆈ ཟ ፃ ጟ iw wყ ყ You have heard that it was said, `Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,…And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matt 5:43--44; 475:43 47-48) ఁᔷဇ Rely on God vsဇ ဿ زi ᔓ ᐦ زಓ ධ ࠲ Ķ ᔓᐦဇಓධĶဇጺᔓᐦვ ಓධi ᒐጟزᐦᇒඑಓධ࠱ ᆈ ཟ sw ᐈፄ …God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us … ,-RKQ ,-RKQ z ࠟሤጶ℥ႏĶौئĶඬვඑi ፺ᆪვඑდᕩ࠲Ķვඑ܃በ࠱i ട Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." ඊ࠲ଗᒴ The Testimony of Meilian Huang z ᕆብ੶܇ںᒲ Was born with brain paralysis z ܶࢰ܃ጲᕆ࿇ࣷ Her mother gave up on her and almost commit a suicide z ው੧߿ውĶફ۱့ውᆻ Learned to draw and obtained doctorate degree z ܃ᓋ܃൙ᐅဇĶੳቸॼᐪඊვ Didn’t complain on God. Even praise Him by writing praise songs 5
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