How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market By: Omar and Jimmy Hernández Published by JSP Investment Group, Inc. All rights reserved © 2005. By Jimmy and Omar Hernández. JSP Investment Group Inc. Publishing Division No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by an information storage or retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper-without permission in writing from the publisher. For more information or for special discounts on bulk purchases, please contact JSP Investment Group, Inc.: [email protected]. First Edition: August 2005 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication data: LCCN#2005930158 Jimmy and Omar Hernández “How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market” ISBN: 0-9766387-2-x “Education makes the difference between success and failure” The Ameritrade “A” Logo, and Streamer Trademarks, as well as the contents of the web site, are the property of TD Ameritrade Holdings Corporation and/or Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. JSP Investment Group, Inc.’s use of the Trademarks and web site content does not imply or constitute sponsorship or approval of this publication by Ameritrade. Table of Contents About the Authors ................................................................................................................. ix Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................. xi Introduction ........................................................................................................................ xiii Part I Chapter 1.............................................................................................................................. 19 Welcome to the Fascinating World of the Stock Exchange Market What Is a Share? ................................................................................................................. 19 Classification of Companies ................................................................................................ 20 Where Are Shares Traded? ................................................................................................... 20 What Is a Company Symbol? .............................................................................................. 21 Chapter 2.............................................................................................................................. 23 How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Start Investing Ameritrade .......................................................................................................................... 24 E*TRADE ......................................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 3.............................................................................................................................. 29 How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments How to Create a Watch List of Companies to Be Followed ................................................. 29 How to Interpret This List .................................................................................................. 31 Level II and Its Advantages ................................................................................................. 33 Different Types of Orders to Make Your Investments and Their Applications...................... 35 How to Invest to the Down Side (Short Sell) ...................................................................... 45 What Is a Mutual Fund? ..................................................................................................... 46 Chapter 4.............................................................................................................................. 49 Parameters to Keep in Mind When Investing General Market Indexes, Sectors and Industries .................................................................. 49 Dow Jones (INDU) ............................................................................................................ 50 S & P 500 (SPX) ................................................................................................................ 50 NASDAQ (COMP) ......................................................................................................... 50 Economic Calendars, Earning Reports, Dividends, Splits and News ................................... 52 Economic Calendars ........................................................................................................... 52 Earning Report Calendars ................................................................................................... 54 Split Calendars.................................................................................................................... 54 News .................................................................................................................................. 55 Chapter: 5............................................................................................................................. 57 Analysis to Be Considered When Making a Long Term Investment Fundamental Analysis ......................................................................................................... 57 EPS: Earnings per Share...................................................................................................... 58 P/E Ratio: Price/Earning Ratio ........................................................................................... 58 ROE: Return on Equity ...................................................................................................... 59 Float ................................................................................................................................... 59 Upgrades/Downgrades ........................................................................................................ 60 Chapter 6.............................................................................................................................. 63 How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement How to Configure a Company’s Chart ................................................................................ 63 Technical Analysis ............................................................................................................... 68 Volume Increase or Accumulation at the Support Point ...................................................... 72 Volume Decrease At Its Resistance Point or Close to It ....................................................... 75 Companies at Their Resistance Point or Close to It, While Experiencing High Volume ...... 78 Descending Movement With High Volume ........................................................................ 79 Support Point With Low Volume ....................................................................................... 81 How Do Companies React to Splits and Dividends? ........................................................... 89 A List of Most Market Industries, Indexes, and the Companies Conforming Them ............ 93 Chapter 7.............................................................................................................................. 97 Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks What Is a Penny Stock? ....................................................................................................... 97 Learn How to Invest in Penny Stocks and How to Select the Best Ones.............................. 98 Parameters to Bear in Mind When Choosing a Good Penny Stock Candidate .................... 99 Short-Term Investment Examples ..................................................................................... 102 Long-Term Investment Examples...................................................................................... 109 How to Turn $1,000 into $30,000, $40,000 or More in a Very Short Term, by Investing in Penny Stocks Whose Prices Are Below One Cent (A List of Over 25 of These Companies Is Included) .................................................................................................... 113 How to Select the Right Ones? ......................................................................................... 114 Part II Chapter 8............................................................................................................................ 129 The Interesting World of Options What Is an Option? .......................................................................................................... 129 Types of Options, Objectives and Advantages ................................................................... 130 How to Select the Right Strike Price for Our Option Contracts........................................ 139 Chapter 9............................................................................................................................ 149 Advanced Option Strategies Long Term Option Contracts (Leaps) ............................................................................... 149 How to Buy a Put and a Call Simultaneously on the Same Company ............................... 152 How to Protect Your Shares With the Purchase of Options ............................................... 156 How to Invest With a Fraction of a Share’s Value and Get the Same Profit As If You Had Paid Its Full Price, Even With Less Risk ***(Inedit Subject)*** ......................................... 158 How to Choose the Right In-The-Money Option Contracts ............................................. 167 Chapter 10.......................................................................................................................... 175 How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Trade Option Contracts How to Place Buy/Sell Orders........................................................................................... 176 Advantages of One of the Best Brokerage Firms for Option Trading ................................. 180 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 185 Glossary .............................................................................................................................. 187 About the Authors immy and Omar Hernández, father and son, were born in Cuba, came to the United States in the early 90’s and have been actively involved in the stock market for more than seven years, during this time, they have carried out over 5000 transactions, traded options, stocks, & penny stocks. They have also attended several seminars and courses about this subject, not to mention the study of a substantial bibliography related to the matter. They are the founders of J S P Investment Group, Inc., where they have the support of a talented professional team, fully devoted to the study and research of the different events that influence market behavior. There they have helped many people become successful investors in the stock market. They are the creators of the popular bilingual web site: , which is 100% dedicated to the service of investors. Some of the other activities they conduct consist of organizing seminars and conferences throughout the world. These events have helped people of all walks of life to get educated in this fascinating career. Many of which have expressed their gratitude for the results obtained by using their diverse How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market investment techniques, which have been fully covered in this fascinating material in a very easy to understand manner. -x- Acknowledgments e wish to express our gratitude to some people that in one way or another, with their contribution, made possible the completion of this material. First to Tania Varona, attorney at law (Jimmy Hernandez’s mother), graphic designers and friends, Sandor and Franco Valdez, Alexis Bellido- web developer, Fernando Varela-linguist and above all, we want to thank God for allowing us to make this dream come true. How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -xii- Introduction ur main objective when we started writing this book was to offer a guide for those who are planning to start their journey into the wonderful world of the stock exchange market, as well as for those already experienced investors. Here, we’ll teach from how to open an account in a brokerage firm, how to predict a company’s short term movement, to the use of advanced strategies with different types of investments. It is so easy that the new investor will realize that even when starting with a small amount of capital, by studying this book, and having access to the Internet, it will be possible for anyone to build a fortune in a relatively short period of time. In our personal experience throughout the years, we have studied a lot of literature on this subject, realizing that there is not a single book that, by itself, covers all of the information and knowledge presented here. Furthermore, we will describe, very clearly, a type of investment that has never been covered in any publication. We are sure that this technique will revolutionize the way in which most people invest their money, How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market regardless of the amount of capital they may have. We speak so categorically because in our personal case, using the strategies exposed here, we have obtained big profits while investing minimal amounts of money. “Doing the easy when you have the ability to try the difficult is like depriving talent of its dignity” -xiv- Part I How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -16- n this first part, we will cover stocks in great detail. We will show you all the tools you will need to be able to start investing right away. Here you’ll learn in a very simple way, how to open an account in a brokerage firm, the basic concepts of the stock exchange market, its terminology, how and where stocks are traded, the different types of orders and their application, how to interpret the companies’ financial reports, and how to predict with a very high percentage of accuracy the movement of a company. You’ll also learn how to invest to the down side (short sell), how to protect your profit without having to close your position, and how to read a stock’s price list including Level II. To conclude Part I, we will dedicate a full chapter to the wonderful world of penny stocks where you will realize that by investing small amounts of money in these companies it is very easy to obtain great returns in a short period of time. How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -18- Chapter 1 Welcome to the Fascinating World of the Stock Exchange Market n this first chapter we will learn about the basic concepts related to investing in the Stock Market. What Is a Share? The operation carried out by companies making the first sale of shares to the public is referred to as the Initial Public Offering or IPO. The main purpose of such an operation is for companies to raise funds for the purpose of expanding their business. They accomplish this by selling shares of stock to the public. In other words, it is the process of bringing a stock issue to the market for the first time. Thus, by buying these shares you can become an owner of a portion of the company you have invested in, and in many cases, receive dividends from its quarterly net earnings in addition to the profit you may get if the value of this company’s shares increase. For example: you buy 1000 shares of company X worth $3.00 each, (or $3,000.00) and let’s say they reach a price of $10.00 each. If at this moment you were willing to sell, you would get a net profit of $7,000. We want to point out that shares can be sold at any time after their purchase. In fact, How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market when a company goes public for the first time, their shares keep on exchanging hands everyday. This was just a brief explanation for you to understand what a share of a company is, and the purpose of investing in it. Classification of Companies Companies are classified in three categories according to their size or capitalization, as follows: 1. Big Companies (Big Caps): These companies are known as big-capitalization companies, with a net worth of $10 billion or more. Some examples include: Intel, IBM, Home Depot, Ford Motor Co., among others. 2. Medium Sized Companies (Mid Caps): These companies are known as medium capitalization companies, whose market capitalization fluctuates somewhere between $1.5 and $10 billion. 3. Small Companies (Small Caps): The capital of these companies is $1.5 Billion or less. Historically, the investors of these companies get far greater profits for their investment, since smaller companies tend to grow much faster than the bigger ones. Penny Stock companies also belong to this category, and are known as micro capitalization companies, which require less money to invest, in order to obtain good profits. A whole chapter will be dedicated to these companies. Where Are Shares Traded? Shares are bought and sold in a market place referred to as the Stock Exchange Market. Here is where all transactions take place. -20- Chapter 1: Welcome to the Fascinating World of the Stock Exchange Market There are different stock exchanges, but here we will mention the three most important ones: • New York Stock Exchange (NYSE): This is commonly known as Wall Street. This is the place wherein outstanding companies like Bank of America, General Motors, Home Depot, Sears and many others carry on their trading activities. • American Stock Exchange (AMEX): Like NYSE it has a physical address where stock brokers meet for negotiating the price of stocks. As an investor you are not going to be present at this place. Instead a broker will be in charge of these transactions, since he represents the brokerage firm where you have your account. • Nasdaq (Over the Counter Market): This is also a place where stocks are traded but unlike the other two major markets, transactions are carried out through a computer’s network. In this place, technological stocks prevail, such as Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, etc. What Is a Company Symbol? To simplify transactions, each company is identified with a symbol. For example: Microsoft (MSFT), Home Depot (HD), Sears (S), Intel Corporation (INTC). This is known in market jargon as the “Ticker Symbol.” They are the symbols we see on TV, in financial publications, and in other finance-related media. When the symbol of a company has three letters or less, it means that this company is traded at the NYSE or AMEX. The symbols of companies trading at the NASDAQ have at least four letters. -21- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -22- Chapter 2 How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Start Investing fter this general introduction explaining the stock market mechanism, we will teach you, step by step, how to open an account in a brokerage firm to be able to start investing. These firms are the only ones authorized by the government to carry out transactions on your behalf, of course, following your indications. These transactions can be performed either through the phone or via the Internet. These brokerage firms work like a regular bank, meaning that opening an account with them is like having your money in a bank. You get an account number and a password that only you know, with which, you can at any time access your account, carry out your transactions, check your account balances, and check your investments’ development. Most of them even give you a checkbook and an ATM card, so that you can access your money whenever you want. Once you open an account, your money will still be earning interest in a money market account, even without making any investment whatsoever. This amount is higher than the interest earned in a regular bank account. The Security Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) protects all of these accounts. In other words, it is impossible to be a victim of fraud by one of these firms. How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market There are full and discount service brokers. A few years ago, the full service brokerage firms were the only ones around. They offered buy and sell recommendations, as well as transaction execution. Back then such services were very expensive, because it was the only choice available; they were the only ones who had access to some market information. That made this service reserved for a selected group of people. We want to point out that there are still full service brokers rendering a complete service to investors. In some cases they even make decisions on the management of their clients’ accounts. Nevertheless, we do not recommend any of them at all, because in addition to what they charge for such services, the fact of the matter is that no one can invest your money better than yourself; especially when you have the necessary knowledge to do it. That is precisely the objective of this book. After studying it, you’ll be able to use a discount service broker, which will save you a lot of money and empower you to make your own decisions. Now we will offer you information about two of these discount brokerage firms that, in our personal opinion, are among the best in the market, not only because of their low commissions, but also for the tools they give you. Through their web sites, you will be able to perform a correct analysis before proceeding to invest. Ameritrade Opening an account with this brokerage firm is very simple. It can be done either through their web page, or over the telephone at: 1-800-454-9272 (within the United States), and 402-970-5805 (internationally). If you choose the Internet option to open your account, all you have to do is go to their web address as given above, and click on Open an Account. There you will find an application to be filled out. Once you have completed it, sign it, and mail or fax it to: -24- Chapter 2: How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Start Investing 1005 North Ameritrade Place Bellevue NE 68005 (Overnight mail) Fax: (816) 243-3769 Ameritrade Inc. P.O.Box 2760 Omaha NE 68103-2760 (Regular mail) Once this application has been processed and approved, you must deposit your funds in the account you have just opened. This can be done by sending a check to any of the given addresses or through a wire transfer. In order to open an account with Ameritrade you should deposit at least $2000. If you deposit less than $2,000, you will be charged $15.00, quarterly. After opening an account with this firm, you will get the following benefits: • The first 30 transactions are free. • A flat $10.99 commission to buy or sell any number of shares, as long as you do it via the Internet. You will pay $14.99 if you do it over the phone. • Order execution is guaranteed in five seconds. • They provide very useful tools to help you perform your analyses. • By paying a monthly subscription of $9.99, you will have access to Level II (which is very important as you’ll see later on). • They allow you to create several watch lists of shares, in order for you to follow their daily activity. • You also have access to the companies’ charts, so that you can see their price movements, dating back to their initial public offering (IPO). This is very important for performing the technical analysis. -25- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market E*TRADE The steps you need to follow to open an account with this brokerage firm are the same as those you followed when doing so with Ameritrade. Addresses and telephone numbers are the only things that vary. Telephone within the United States 1 800 387 2331 International (916) 636-2510 (Regular mail) Etrade Securities LLC P.O.Box 9206 Boston, MA 02205-9206 (Overnight mail) Etrade Securities LLC 200 Brickston Square 5th floor Andover MA 01810 Etrade also offers great benefits when opening an account with them. They include: • 50 free transactions. • A flat $9.99 commission to trade as many shares as you wish, as long as it is done through the Internet. • A quick order execution. • It allows you to make watch lists of shares, to follow their daily behavior. • We also have access to charts and graphs of the companies’ price movements from their beginning. When you have decided where to open your account, proceed by filling out the application. You -26- Chapter 2: How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Start Investing will need to specify if you will be opening an individual or a joint account. Another important decision to make when filling out this application is to indicate whether you want it to be a cash or a margin account. A cash account means that you are only going to be able to invest your money. On the other hand, with a margin account you have the advantage that the brokerage firm allows you to invest twice as much as you have deposited in the account. In other words, if you had $2000, your buying power would be $4000. This gives you great leverage and a greater advantage. For this reason we highly recommend that you open a margin account. Moreover, with this account you’ll always have the availability of your money right after closing any position. Note: Neither penny stocks nor options are “marginable,” so you cannot use this leverage when investing in them. Even some of the big companies are not marginable, but don’t worry about that because your brokerage firm will automatically let you know which ones are or are not marginable, when placing your order. Hint: One of the benefits new investors have nowadays is that they can use an investing simulator where they can practice their strategies with actual stock and option quotes. They invest with make-believe money, until they get the ability to do it with real money. If you are a beginner, we recommend that you learn and test our strategies using one of these simulators. One of the web sites that offer this service for free is, there, all you have to do is, open your fake account, and start practicing and having fun at the same time. You can also access them through our web site. If after concluding this chapter, you still have any question or doubt, please visit us at: -27- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -28- Chapter 3 How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments n this chapter we will teach you step by step, how to utilize all of the necessary tools to make profitable investments whether you are buying long or selling short. We will also expose techniques to protect yourself from big losses and to protect your profits regardless of the market’s fluctuations. How to Create a Watch List of Companies to Be Followed Let’s say you have opened an account with Ameritrade, the first thing you have to do is create a list of companies that you will follow as possible candidates for your investments. Most of the brokerage firms’ web sites give you the option of creating these lists. Keeping up with the Ameritrade example,when you enter the members’ section on their web site, you will see several function bars appearing at the top. In order for you to create your list, you have to click on Streamer Suite and then an array of several options will appear which will look like this: How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market There, if you click on Ameritrade Streamer, it will take you to the place where you can create your lists. You’ll see a button on the upper section showing you this symbol: You’ll have to click on it to start creating your list. After giving it a name, you’ll see a space to enter the companies’ symbols that will comprise your list. -30- Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments A comma should be placed between each symbol. After this is done, you should save the changes that have been made, and finally, you’ll click on Close. Now, your list is complete. You can create more than twenty lists, which contain more than twenty symbols each. Let’s see an example of one of these lists. How to Interpret This List These lists portray several parameters, but the ones we are interested in, are the following: • Symbol: This is the company’s symbol. -31- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market • Description: Name of the company. • Bid: This is the best price buyers are offering to buy shares of a given company. For example: if you are holding shares of Company X, and you would like to sell them right away, this is the price you would get. It represents the Supply side. • Ask: This is the best price share holders are willing to sell their shares. In other words, if you would like to buy shares of a given company right away, this is the price you would have to pay. It represents the Demand side. As you already know, the bid represents the buyers, and the ask represents the sellers. These prices are continuously changing depending upon the ascending or descending trend line a company is experiencing. The difference between bid and ask is known as the “Spread”. The smaller the spread, the better. As a matter of fact, a small spread is a good indication of the liquidity of a company. Usually, companies with a small spread have a good volume of transactions, which facilitates the buying and selling of their shares. Some companies have a big difference between their bid and ask. Such companies are referred to as “illiquid.” Because of this, their daily volume of transactions is very low. We recommend you not to invest in these companies. • Last: This is the last price at which these shares have been traded. • High: This is the highest price these shares have been traded at for the day. • Low: This is the lowest price these shares have been traded at for the day. • Net Change: This is the net change of a share’s price related to the previous day’s closing price. It tells us how much a company is going up or down. • Volumen: This tells us the amount of shares that have been traded at a certain time, and -32- Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments it indicates the degree of liquidity a company has. This is a very important parameter. As we already mentioned, a fair volume is a positive sign. Now that you are familiar with this terminology, you will be able to read and understand any price list found in newspapers, financial publications, or web sites. At this moment you might be asking yourself, “From what source do I get the best candidates for my list?” It is very simple. All you need to do is look up in financial newspapers (Wall Street Journal, Investor Daily, etc.), TV channels (Bloomberg, CNBC, etc), or many Internet sites. A list of key companies of every industry will be found at the end of Chapter 6. Also, at the end of Chapter 7 you will find a list of more than 50 good penny stocks whose prices are below $1, and another list with over 25 companies whose prices are below one cent. Level II and Its Advantages Let’s go back to the Ameritrade example, click on Streamer Suite. On the list of possible options you will see a bar that says Level II. Click on it and this is what you will see: -33- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Bid Size: In this space that in this example appears number 17, we can see the amount of shares buyers are willing to buy at the best bid price at a particular moment. We always have to add two zeros to this number, therefore in this example it would be 1,700 shares at $28.17. Ask Size: This is the amount of shares sellers are willing to sell at the best ask price at a given time. We also have to add two zeros to this number, so in this case it would be 1,800 shares at $28.18. In this particular example demand and supply are equal. Sometimes there is a big difference between them, giving us the possibility of knowing exactly how they are in a given company, being able to have a better idea of where its share’s movement is going to be heading to momentarily, so, by knowing how to read level II, we’ll always have the advantage of improving the purchasing price in case we are buying or the sale price in case we are selling. In this section we find the different market makers and ECNs in charge of these transactions. -34- Best price on the bid side. Best price on the ask side. Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments This is the most advanced quote system available. It has the same parameters as the other list we created. Besides showing the best bid and ask, it also shows the number of shares that buyers and sellers are willing to trade at those prices at a certain time, as well as the market makers in charge of the transactions. This is very important, as it helps us to see more clearly the movement tendency of a company at a given time. Thus, you may have a better idea of the current supply and demand relationship, enabling you to get a better price in case you wish to buy these shares. This understanding will help you get a better sale price in the event that you have shares and want to sell them. As you can imagine, if the number of shares reflected on the bid side is greater than the one reflected on the ask side, the movement tendency of this company must be an ascending one, or vice versa. With this knowledge you can decide more accurately, the price you want to place your orders at. Thus, you will be in a much better position than those investors who do not have Level II, especially when investing in penny stocks. Different Types of Orders to Make Your Investments and Their Applications Now that you know how to create a list and how the quote system and prices operate, including Level II, you are now ready to learn how to place the different types of orders to make your investments. Continuing with the Ameritrade example, let’s go back to their home page, and look in the upper section, where the main function bars are found. This time you have to click on Trade, it is located on the top left side. Then click on Stocks (for stock trading) or Options (for option trading), in this case click on Stocks. -35- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market This will take you to the site where you will be able to place the different types of orders. Next is an example of this page. -36- Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 step 5 step 6 step 7 step 8 step 9 Order Type Expiration Special Instructions Routing -37- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Now we will explain to you, step by step, how to configure the different types of orders, and the application of each one of them. Step 1 • Buy: This means you want to buy shares of a company because you expect their price to climb. This is also known as taking a “long position”. • Sell: This is when you have shares of a company and want to sell them. • Buy to Cover: This type of order is used when you have previously short-sold shares of a company and you want to close your position. • Sell Short: This means investing to the down side. This will be fully covered at the end of this chapter. Step 2 Quantity: Here you will indicate the amount of shares to be traded, preferably using hundred multiples (round lots). Step 3 Symbol: In this space you will place the symbol of the company you want to trade. -38- Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments Step 4 Order Type: There are many types of orders, and it is very important to know how each one of them works. • Market Order: As you know, all companies have a bid and an ask. For instance, if you want to buy shares of a company using this order, the transaction will be executed instantaneously at the price reflected on the Ask at that moment, which is the best price sellers are willing to sell their shares at. Also, if you want to sell shares of a company using this order, such an operation will be performed instantaneously as well, at the price reflected on the bid side, since it is the best price buyers are offering. Briefly stated, the execution of this order is guaranteed almost instantaneously. We recommend this order to be used in companies whose spreads are not too large. • Limit Order: As its name implies, this type of order is used when you want to trade shares of a company at a specific price. Unlike the market order, this one is not executed until the specified price has been reached. For example, let’s suppose you want to place an order to buy 100 shares of Company X, who’s bid and ask prices are $2.45 and $2.55. If you were to buy using a market order, you would pay $2.55 and if you were interested in selling, you would get $2.45. On the contrary, if you think that at that moment, the company might experience a downtrend (which can be seen on Level II), by placing a limit order, you could probably buy these shares at $2.45 (Bid), or even at a better price, compared with the $2.55, you would have had to pay if a market order would have been used. By the same token, using the same example, if you had these shares and wanted to sell them while the company was having an up trend, you could have placed a sell limit order for $2.55 (Ask) and have sold them easily at this price or even better, compared with the $2.45 you would have obtained by using a market order. This is why it is so important to know how to interpret Level II correctly. It gives you an idea about the companies’ direction at the moment of placing the order. -39- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market • Stop Market o Stop Loss: This is an order used to protect yourself from great losses in case your investment turns out against your predictions. Or, it can protect part of the profits if there has been a previously favorable movement, and you still want to stay in this position without risking all the profits. Thus, by using this order you will neither risk all that you have earned, nor will the profits be cut down. For example, let’s assume that you bought one thousand shares of company X at $3.00 each ($3,000), and let’s say you cannot risk more than $300 in this investment ($0.30 per share, because you have 1000 shares). To attain this, you should place a $2.70 stop market order. This means that if this company experiences a decline, down to $2.70, your order will automatically become a market order, getting executed at that price or close to it. So, your loss wouldn’t be greater than $300, regardless of whether this company’s shares keep on declining even all the way down to $1.00, in such a case if this order had not been used, your losses would have been $2000. Conversely, let’s pretend you bought these same 1000 shares at $3.00 each, and a couple of days later they reached a price of $4.30, bringing you a profit of $1,300. At this point, you still think this company can continue its upside movement, but at the same time you don’t want to risk all the profit earned up to this moment, in case the price goes down again. In this situation you should use a stop market order at $4.00. This would secure a profit of $1,000, regardless of what may happen. Now, if the share’s value continues to increase, so will your profits, but if the share’s price comes back to $4.00, your shares will sell immediately. This allows you to keep a profit of $1,000. This demonstrates how an investment can be fairly protected against losses without having to limit its potential of profit. • Stop Limit: This order operates just like a stop market. It gives you protection to minimize losses without having to limit the profits. The only difference is that the stop market becomes a market order, once the previously specified price has been reached. However, the stop limit order when reaching this price becomes a limit order. In other words, the stop limit order will be executed only at the price that you specify. On the other hand, the stop market order will generally be executed instantaneously at the market price. -40- Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments • Trailing Stop: This order is similar to the stop market order with the exception that, if we assign a loss of $0.30 per share, and the company goes one point in our favor, if we still want to keep the same $0.30 loss margin, a trailing stop order adjusts the loss margin automatically. For example, let’s assume you have the same thousand shares you had previously purchased at $3.00, you place a stop market order at $2.70, and the share’s price goes up to $4.00. If at this point you’d like to continue keeping the same $0.30 loss margin, as it was initially set when the price was $3.00, you would have to place a new stop market order at $3.70. Otherwise, you might have the risk of having the shares price down again, and therefore your old $2.70 stop market order may be executed if the price reached this point, in which case you would have gone from a $1,000 profit to a $300 loss. On the other hand, if you place a $2.70 trailing stop order on your 1000 shares, and their price goes down to this level, it gets executed just like the stop market, but if the share’s price reaches $4.00, this order will automatically adjust itself to $3.70, and so on, for as long as the company’s price continues to increase. In other words, the price of your trailing stop order is always going to be $0.30 below the highest price these shares reach. This way you can insure the greatest level of profit from your investments, without having to constantly watch them. Note: This is good for investors who have other daily activities, but still want to invest in the stock market and have their investment well protected. Note 2: You can also specify this loss margin using percantages using the trailing stop %. Step 5 Price: Here you will indicate the price you want to place your orders at. Note: When placing a market order, you do not have to specify the price. This order is executed -41- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market immediately at the Bid or Ask price, depending on whether you are buying or selling. Step 6 Expiration: This is the time period you want your order to remain open for. Market orders are placed only for the day, because they are executed instantaneously. All other types of orders can be placed either for the day (9:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.) or GTC (good till cancelled). This order will remain open until you cancel it or it gets executed. Note: The regular market is opened from 9:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. ET, Monday through Friday. We want to point out that before the regular market opens, many shares start trading at 7:30 A.M. This is known as “Pre-market.” Also, after the regular market closes many companies continue trading until 7:00 P.M. This is referred to as “After-Hour Market” or “Extended-hour Market.” We recommend that you avoid trading during such time periods, especially when you are a beginner. This is because at these times there is a low transaction volume, and, the spread between the bid and ask is much greater as compared to that during regular market hours. These daytime and GTC orders may be combined with these pre-market and after market periods. For example: • Day + Ext.: This order will last, for the regular market day, plus the extended hours of that day. • GTC + Ext.: This order will remain opened until you cancel it, but unlike the regular GTC it will comprise the regular market period plus the pre-market and after market hours. Step 7 Special Instructions: Here you can make some specifications regarding how you want your order -42- Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments to be executed, for example: • None: As it implies, it means that you don’t want to make any specifications. • AON, All or None: This means that you want your order to be executed in its entirety at the indicated price, because sometimes orders can be partially executed. For example if you want to buy 100 shares of Company X at a limit price using this specification, such order won’t be executed until the 100 shares are bought at the same time. We recommend using this option because many times orders start getting executed partially, especially when you are trying to trade shares with a low volume of transaction. • FOK (Fill or Kill): It means that if your order hasn’t been fully executed at the end of the day, it will be automatically cancelled. Step 8 Routing: These are the different routes you can send your orders through. As you can see in the example, we chose Auto Routing, meaning that our order is going to be sent automatically through a computerized program, to be executed at the best available price. You may observe that there are many other routes available to send these orders, but based upon our own personal experience, we recommend that you always use Auto Routing -43- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Step 9 Review Order: So far, you have filled out all of your order specifications. Now you are ready to send it. All you have to do is click on Review Order. After making sure that everything in your order is correct, you can send it by clicking on Place Order. To verify the status of your orders all you have to do is go to the Order Status section and check on your open orders. There you will be able to see whether it was executed or if it is still pending. If it is still pending and for some reason you want to cancel or change it, this is the place to make such a change (This is only in the case of a limit order, because remember, market orders are executed immediately). All you have to do is specify the order you want to change or cancel, and continue with the indicated steps. Next to Open Orders, you will find Order Activity and Trades. There you will be able to see the transactions you have performed during the day. To check how your investments are doing and the balance of your account, click on Portfolio located on the left side of the central page and then click on Balance & Positions. Note: Ameritrade’s web site has another section where you can send your orders through as well, the specifications to be filled out are the same ones we just explained, the only difference is that this section is always showing up at the bottom of the web site, giving you the possibility of placing your orders without having to go to the Trade section. Here’s what that looks like. -44- Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments For option tradings For stock trading In this section you can see what the company you want to invest in is doing before placing the order. Just put the company symbol and click “Go” How to Invest to the Down Side (Short Sell) Because of lack of knowledge, many people have told us that the market is difficult to invest in, because it goes down more than it goes up. What people don’t realize is that it is possible to make money investing to the down side as well. We will now teach you how to do it. Short Sell: Brokerage firms have shares from many companies. We say “many” because not all of them can be short sold. This operation consists of selling borrowed shares from the firm where you have your account, and selling them at the current market price, expecting to buy them back later at a lower price, then returning them to the brokerage firm who lent them to you. For example, shares of Company X are trading at $10.00 each. Through the analysis you will learn in the following chapters, you conclude that the price of these shares will go down. This is where a sell short operation comes in. Like a regular sell order, as explained in the beginning of this chapter, this one can be a limit or a market order and for the DAY or GTC. Of course, funds must be available to cover these transactions. To short sell one thousand of these shares, you would need $10,000. Finishing the example, let’s assume you short sold these thousand shares at $10.00, and two days later their price went down to $7.00. At this point, you have a profit of $3000. You might ask, “How can I get my profit?” Very simple. Don’t forget you owe one thousand shares to the brokerage firm that initially lent them to you. All you have to do is buy back one thousand shares at $7.00 each or $7000, and -45- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market give them back to the brokerage firm. Thus, settling your debt and keeping the difference, which in this case is $3000. This is done by placing a Buy-to-Cover order which is similar to a regular buying order, the only difference is, that when you place it, the brokerage firm automatically knows that it is to close your short position, and the $3000 profit will be immediately reflected in your account. As we explained earlier, there are ways to protect yourself from big losses when buying shares by using certain orders. When short selling, you can also be protected. For example, if you short sold 1000 shares at $10.00 each, and the maximum amount of money you are willing to lose is $500 or $0.50 per share, you would have to use any of these three orders: stop market, stop limit, or trailing stop. To finish our example, let’s say you chose the stop market order. You would then have to place a Buy-to-Cover stop market order at $10.50. Thus, if the share’s price goes up to that point, this order will be executed and your short position will be closed. So, you will end up losing only the $500 you were willing to risk. This way your losses will always be limited. Note: This buy to cover order can also be a market or a limit order and good for the day or good till cancelled (GTC). What Is a Mutual Fund? A Mutual Fund is made up of capital from many investors, and it is managed by the administrator of the company in charge of operating the fund. Their function is to diversify the pooled capital by investing it in shares of different companies. This is nothing more than a conglomerate of shares that according to the law should have shares of at least 20 different companies, in order to reduce the investment risk. Every fund’s family must follow the rules as established by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), set up to protect the public. The SEC limits the amount of money the administrator may invest in a given industry or company. As you may have observed, the objective of mutual funds is to diversify the investments for protection. The administrators decide where your money is going to be invested. For a long time many mutual funds have had good returns. Nevertheless, some of them have incurred substantial losses. -46- Chapter 3: How to Start Investing and Ways to Protect Your Investments Practice has demonstrated that nobody can manage your money better than you can, as long as you have the knowledge and ability to do it. This is precisely the main objective of this book. We are 100% sure that when you finish reading it, with your dedication and our guidance, you will be able to manage your own funds very successfully.. -47- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -48- Chapter 4 Parameters to Keep in Mind When Investing n this chapter we will be covering certain parameters that should be taken into consideration before making an investment. It is very important to know how the stock market is comprised, understand the economic calendars, know how to read financial reports, dividends, splits and follow news that relates not only to the different companies, but also the stock market in general, in order to evaluate how to proceed before investing. General Market Indexes, Sectors and Industries The first part of this subchapter will be devoted to something very important: the general market indexes. These are financial indicators that follow a group of companies; they measure the general sentiment of the Stock Exchange Market. Here we’ll mention the three most important ones, those we see on TV and many other financial sites. Note: We will mention the main indexes, there are many more. How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Dow Jones (INDU) This index is the most popular and the oldest one of all. It dates back to 1896, and it is comprised of 30 big companies, known as Blue Chips. Most of these companies are traded on the NYSE and belong to a variety of industries that represent a big portion of the United States’ economy. This is an average calculated according to the share’s price of each one of these 30 companies, and the result is expressed in points, that is, if it goes up 100, it means that during that day it went up 100 points. In spite of the fact that this index is comprised of only 30 companies, it has been historically considered as the greatest measurer of the general market sentiment. S & P 500 (SPX) This index, as its name implies, is made up of 500 companies. 400 of which are industrial, 40 are financial and 60 are from the service and transportation sector. It measures, with great accuracy, the general state of the stock exchange market, since it includes companies of various sizes. NASDAQ (COMP) This index is comprised of more than 5400 companies, and like the S&P 500, it is measured according to the valuation of its companies, meaning that bigger corporations weight more than the smaller ones. Unlike the Dow Jones and the S&P 500, most of the NASDAQ companies belong to the technology sector. Therefore, this index is the best measurer of the sentiment within this sector. Having concluded with the indexes. Let’s see what sectors and industries are: A sector is a segment of a country’s economy. For example: technology, energy, financial, health, etc. -50- Chapter 4: Parameters to Keep in Mind When Investing An industry is a subdivision of a sector. For example, the banking industry belongs to the financial sector as does the insurance industry and the like. The semiconductor industry, software and hardware, among others, belong to the technological sector. Each one of these industries and sectors has its own index that measures its individual behavior within the general market. Now, we will illustrate below, how the stock exchange market is structured: STOCK MARKET: DOW - NASDAQ SECTOR COMPANY SP500 AND OTHERS INDUSTRY The subchapter you just finished is very important; as it is necessary to understand what industry the company you are planning to invest in belongs to. In order to perform a deeper analysis, it is also useful to know how the general market sentiment is. In Chapter VII, you’ll learn how to apply all of this when predicting a company’s movement. -51- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Economic Calendars, Earning Reports, Dividends, Splits and News Economic Calendars It is a calendar that shows the different events and economic reports that are going to be taking place every day. This is very important because of its direct influence upon the general market movement, as well as on the industries and sectors involved in such reports. Therefore, it will affect the movement of the companies conforming them, which is mostly what we are interested in. Here’s an example of an economic calendar: -52- Chapter 4: Parameters to Keep in Mind When Investing -53- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Earning Report Calendars As we already know, all public companies report their earning per share (EPS) every three months; this is known as a quarterly report. In this report an outlook of the company is also presented, which is a forecast of future business operations, along with the way it will influence the financial future of this company. Besides this, at the end of the year, companies add up the profits earned in the four quarters. This is known as the annual report. That’s why you will find five EPS numbers, namely, four quarterly reports, plus the annual one. It is important to be aware of these earning report calendars, for you will be able to know the exact day that companies will be reporting their earnings, which is a must, before making an investment. On that day, companies generally have great movements, but we obviously do not know in which direction. Split Calendars In these calendars we can see, when the different splits are going to be taking place. There are two types of splits: Split: As its name indicates, it consists of dividing the price of a company’s shares. It can be (2:1), (3:1), (4:1), etc. Companies usually do this when the price of their shares have reached a very high value and in order to make them more attractive to investors, they divide their price. For example, you have 1000 shares of Company X, worth $60 each, and this company decides to make a 2:1 split. Right after it takes place, the new price of the shares will be $30, which means that now you have 2000 shares instead of the 1000 you previously had. As you can see, this does not affect the invested money. Generally when a company carries out a split, the price of its shares tends to rise. By executing a split their shares become more accessible to a greater number of investors because of their lower price. -54- Chapter 4: Parameters to Keep in Mind When Investing Reverse Split: This is the other type of split. As its name implies, it is quite the opposite of the regular one. Sometimes companies reverse their share’s price because it is so low, that it is no longer attractive to some investors. Besides, in some cases it is done to meet price requirements of some stock exchanges like NASDAQ. For instance, let’s suppose we have 4000 shares of Company X, whose price is $1.00 each, and the company wants to make a 4:1 reverse split. This means that after it takes place, the new share’s price will be $4.00, but now we will only have 1000 shares. Remember, the invested money will always be the same, regardless of the split the company decides to carry out. News It is very important to keep updated with the news about both the general market, and the specific companies. By doing so, you will be able to make better decisions when investing, either to the upside (buy long) or the down side (sell short). Some real-time services offer this news almost immediately after being released, but they charge for it. Such a service is required only for day-traders (those buying and selling within the same day). If you are planning to hold your investments for more than a day, you can use a non-instantaneous news service, available for free on many web sites. All of the calendars and news studied in this subchapter can be obtained on many websites. One of the most important sites Also through our website you will have direct access to these sites, where you’ll see all the calendars and news, at no charge. -55- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -56- Chapter: 5 Analysis to Be Considered When Making a Long Term Investment ow we will address the different parameters that need to be analyzed before making a longterm investment. This is known as fundamental analysis or the analysis of the financial statement and business projections of a company. Fundamental Analysis So far, you have learned that you can invest either to the upside or the downside, among other things. Now, we will teach you techniques to predict, with a high percentage of certainty, the longterm movement of a company. This can be accomplished by making a fundamental analysis of the company, which is nothing more than the study of its different economic reports. In other words, it is the analysis of its financial statements and projections of business operations. In this chapter, we’ll study those parameters which, in our judgment, stand out as the most important ones. We’ll look at: Earning Per Share (EPS), P/E Ratio, Return on Equity (ROE), Float, and Upgrades/Downgrades. How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market EPS: Earnings per Share This is the net income per share reported by a company and is one of the best indications of its good or bad health. As we already know, all companies report their earnings quarterly. If you want to measure how healthy the company’s finances are, all you have to do is compare the earnings of the most recent quarter, with the ones of the previous year’s same quarter. Also, compare its current annual EPS with the previous year’s EPS. Once this comparison has been made, if the company’s earnings of this quarter increased in relation to its previous year’s counterpart, it indicates that one of the parameters you are analyzing is positive, which is a good sign if you are planning to invest to the upside. On the other hand, if this comparison turns out to be negative, this is nothing more than a bad sign for buying long. Conversely it can be a good candidate for short selling. P/E Ratio: Price/Earning Ratio This is the outcome of a formula in which the share price is divided by the company’s previous year’s net earnings. Of course, as an investor you don’t need to calculate it, because the P/E Ratio is reported in the company’s financial statements. However, we will give you an example, so you can see where this number comes from. If the price of a share is $20.00, and the last year’s earning per share was $2.00, its P/E Ratio is 10, see how simple it was. The lower the P/E Ratio, the better. These companies are prone to increase their value much quicker than those having a higher one. Besides, when the market drops, these companies suffer much less than the others. Every industry has its own P/E Ratio, which is formed by the average P/E Ratios of all the companies that comprise that industry. If you choose a company within a given industry, you need to compare its P/E Ratio with the industry’s P/E Ratio. If the company’s P/E Ratio is smaller that the industry’s, this means that such a company is doing better than the average company in its industry. -58- Chapter 5: Analysis to Be Considered When Making a Long Term Investment ROE: Return on Equity ROE is referred to as the return obtained from the average invested capital. It shows you the performance of the company’s directors, as far as managing the investors’ money is concerned. If a company is getting a good income for each dollar invested, you are in the presence of a good prospect to buy long. In our perception, 12% or more is a positive indicator for investing to the upside. A ROE of less than 10% is a sign of weakness in a company; therefore, it makes it a good candidate for investing to the downside. This parameter can also be found in the company’s quarterly financial reports. Float This is the number of shares in circulation available to the public. There are some shares held by the companies’ managers and chief executives, known as Insider Ownership. These shares, plus the ones available to the public (Float) comprise the total shares that a company has, also referred to as Shares Outstanding. For instance, if Company X has a total of 100 million shares outstanding and its insider ownership is 25% (25 million shares), we may say that this company’s float is 75%. So, in this case we know that the number of shares in circulation available to the public is 75 million. For a long-term investment, we recommend companies having less than 200 million shares in circulation (float). The smaller the number, the more rapidly their value tends to increase, compared to those having a bigger number. This is due to the fact that when a company has fewer shares available for investors and the demand for these shares increases, their price tends to rise rapidly. We want to point out that this doesn’t mean that companies with a big number of shares in circulation don’t make a good candidate for a long-term investment, at a certain time. -59- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Upgrades/Downgrades This is a qualification given by financial analysts based on the company’s financial statements and business projections. It is important to be aware of these qualifications because when this information is released to the public, it generally provokes a movement in the company’s shares. In the case of an upgrade, which is a good qualification, the company’s share usually tends to go up. On the contrary, if the company is downgraded, its shares tend to go down. This information can be obtained in the same websites, where the different calendars and news are found. There are several other parameters taken into consideration by analysts when performing a fundamental analysis on a company, but the ones studied in this chapter, in our judgment, are the best indicators of the financial state of a company. Next, we’ll show you an example of a company’s financial report. One of our favorite web sites to get these reports from is Earnings Estimates Qtr (9/04) EPS Estimate 1.81 FY (12/04) EPS Estimate 7.37 Current P/E FY (12/05) EPS Estimate Forward P/E This quarter’s estimated earnings. 11.40 8.06 11.50 Anual estimated earnings. Next Earnings Release: N/A Current P/E Ratio. -60- Chapter 5: Analysis to Be Considered When Making a Long Term Investment Ownership Information Shares Outstanding (Bil) 2.03 Institutional Ownership (%) 65.70 Top 10 Institutions (%) 27.71 Mutual Fund Ownership (%) 18.93 5% / Insider Ownership Float (%) 1.68 Total of shares this company has in the market. Shares in circulation. 98.33 Financial Highlights (All data for latest 12 months) Sales 54.80 Bil Income 12.18 Bil Net Profit Margin 22.20% Return on Equity 12.80% Debt / Equity Ratio ROE 1.03 -61- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Earnings Per Share - Quarterly Results FY (12/04) FY (12/03) FY (12/02) 1st Qtr $ 1.83 $ 1.59 $ 1.38 2nd Qtr $ 1.86 $ 1.80 $ 1.40 3rd Qtr N/A $ 1.92 $ 1.45 4th Qtr N/A $ 1.82 $ 1.69 Total $ 3.69 $ 7.13 $ 5.92 These are the four quarters’ earning per share reports for the last three years, including the current one, from which two quarters have not been reported. The total is the sum of all four. This helps significantly in evaluating the financial state of a company, as explained earlier. Before concluding this chapter, we want to avoid confusion by making it clear that these fundamental analyses must be deeply examined only when planning to make a long-term investment. As you’ll see in the next chapter of technical or chart analysis, to predict the movement of a company on a short-term basis, it is not necessary to deeply examine its fundamental analysis. With this, we are not saying that it won’t be good to take a look at them, for if both align, it would be an ideal investment. -62- Chapter 6 How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement n the previous chapter we covered the fundamental parameters that needed to be analyzed in order to make good long-term investments. In this chapter we will teach you the best prediction techniques that we have developed. This will help you predict the movement of a company on a short-term basis, whether up or down. By analyzing a company’s graph, you will be able to detect the company’s next move, this is known as “Technical Analysis”. How to Configure a Company’s Chart In this chapter we will cover the graph or chart analysis of a company. These charts reflect the movements of a stock during a given time, from the moment it went public (IPO), to the present time. These charts can be obtained from the brokerage firm’s website where you open your account and many other sites related to the matter. Now we will show you how to configure them, again using the Ameritrade example. As you know, their central page has several bars in the upper section. This time click on Research and then click on Charts. NASDAQ’s chart (COMP) will automatically appear, as you’ll see next. How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Indice del NASDAQ -64- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement Several parameters will appear on the right-hand side. They must be configured to get the desired chart, in order to perform the technical analysis: 1. Enter Symbol: Here you have to enter the symbol of the company or index to be analyzed. 2. Time Period: This is the time period to analyze. For our analysis we generally use one or three months intervals, sometimes even six, depending on the analysis we want to perform. 3. This indicates the time frequency of each bar in the graph. For example, if you choose weekly, each bar will represent one week. In our studies we use daily, which means that each bar in the graph stands for one day. 4. Upper Indicator: In this space we generally indicate All Events. It shows us in the graph the events that have occurred in the company. For example: earnings, dividends, split, etc. 5. Lower Indicator: Here we always choose Volume which allows us to see the volume of transactions of the company in a given time period. Since in this case we are using the Daily frequency, one bar represents the volume of one day. This is a very important indicator for our analysis. 6. Price Control: This is where you indicate how you want the price bars of your graph to appear. We always use Candlestick, simply because it shows the bars very clearly in red (or blue) and white. -65- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Highest price of the day. White Bar Closing price. Lowest price of the day. Highest price of the day. Red Bar Closing price. Lowest price of the day. 7. Once these parameters are configured, click on Draw Chart, to get the desired chart. Here’s a graph with all these parameters configured. -66- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement -67- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Technical Analysis Now that we know how to configure a chart, let’s analyze the elements found within it. There are several of them, but for the prediction technique we have developed, the ones we’ll be focusing on, are the following: Volume: This parameter tells us the number of shares that have been traded in a specific period of time, in accordance with the way we have configured our chart (daily or weekly). Later on we’ll show you how this indicator influences the price movement of a share. Support Point: This is the lowest point, or close to it, that a company’s shares have reached during a given period of time. Resistance Point: This is the highest point or close to it, that a share has reached in a given period of time. The difference between the support and resistance points is simply the Range of Movement that a company has had during a specific period of time. To make our predictions, we generally determine these parameters in time periods of one or three months, although they can be determined in any other period. Note: If you are planning to make a long-term investment, you can determine these parameters in a longer period of time, depending upon the time you are willing to keep the investment for. For example, if you are going to make an investment for one year you can determine them in a 1-year period chart. These parameters are the same ones to be analyzed in the charts of the different general market indexes as well as in the industry’s indexes. Now, we’ll show you an example of how these parameters are determined in the two time periods we generally use. -68- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement One-Month Period -69- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Three-Months Period Now that you know how to determine the parameters you need to perform your technical analysis, you’ll see how each one of them can show you with great accuracy, where the short-term movement of a company is heading, either to the upside or downside. Once you know how to do this, you’ll have an advantage over most investors since you will know when to enter or exit a position before the movement occurs. This way you will be able to get the greatest return on your investments. -70- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement As we all know, this is not an exact science, but our experience has taught us that by making these analyses correctly, we can have great accuracy when making a prediction. That’s why we have decided to share this knowledge with you. If we would have had this knowledge when we first started investing in the stock market, we could have avoided many drawbacks. We don’t want you to have the same experience. To be able to perform these analyses, you must understand that the stock exchange market is cyclical. In other words, it goes up and down during certain periods of time. When we are in the presence of an ascending cycle, the general market goes up more than it goes down; this is known as a Bull Market. On the other hand, when the market is found in a descending cycle, general market goes down more than it goes up; this is known as a Bear Market. Like the overall market, the movements of both, companies and industry indexes, are cyclical as well. Being aware of this, our objective is to detect in which cycle these companies and indexes are found, in order to be able to predict where their next movement will be leading. If we combine this with the support and resistance parameters, it will be much easier to predict such movement. If a company’s chart is at its resistance point, the highest point or close to it in a given period of time, combined with the volume parameter, which we will cover next, it would indicate that a descending cycle is about to occur. This gives you the opportunity to invest to the down side or to sell in case you had previously bought these shares and have a profit. On the contrary, if a company’s chart is found at its support point or close to it, also combined with the volume, this would indicate that an ascending cycle is about to occur giving you a good opportunity to invest to the upside, or take your profit in case you had previously made a short sell. At this moment you might be asking yourself, “If a company is not found near its support or resistance point, namely, in the middle of its range of movement, how can I make a good prediction?”. -71- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market That is, precisely the most difficult point to perform an accurate prediction. What you can do in a case like that, if you like the company, is to follow-up on it, until it gets as close as possible to either its support or resistance point. That is why we recommend that you create a list with a wide number of companies to follow, from different sectors and industries, so you’ll always have a candidate that is close to its optimal point to invest in. By doing this, you’ll always have a permanent source to make money from with a high percentage of safety. Now, let’s study in detail the volume parameter, which will be a key factor in your analysis. The volume parameter, combined with those covered above, make up the formula we use to make highly accurate predictions. How does volume influence the movement of a company? As you already know, the volume represents the amount of transactions that a company has had during a specific period of time. When analyzing this parameter in a chart, our objective is to detect if there has been an increase or decrease in volume. Volume Increase or Accumulation at the Support Point When analyzing a company’s chart, if you observe that it is found at its support point or close to it, with a volume increase or accumulation, it is an indication that at this point, this company’s shares have become attractive to buyers. Therefore, the descending cycle has come to an end. Meaning that in a very short time, a rise will take place, as shown in the following examples. -72- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement This particular example was of an investment we made. Following our analysis, we bought one thousand shares at $45.00 each, and as you can see, its price reached $49.00 a few days later. We then sold them at $48.50, right after we saw the first sign of weakness, obtaining a good profit. -73- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market This next example is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that here we did not notice a great volume increase on any given day. But using our common sense, we realized that the sum (accumulation) of all of the daily volumes in this time period, close to its support point, was a good sign. This allowed us to conclude that this company’s shares were about to have an ascending movement: -74- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement Volume Decrease At Its Resistance Point or Close to It This is quite the opposite of the two previous examples. When analyzing a company’s chart, if you find that it is at its resistance point or close to it, and you also observe that its volume is starting to decrease, it is a clear indication that the number of buyers for these shares at this price is also decreasing. When this happens, a company’s shares will start to fall. In view of this negative sign, those who had bought them before and have a profit will begin to sell, pushing the price even lower. And if to all of this we add the investors who bought these shares without making a good analysis but only because they saw some previous ascending movements; realizing now the big mistake they made, they start to sell their shares to cut their losses, thus contributing even more to this fall. Now we’ll see two examples where this is clearly demonstrated: -75- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market As shown in this example, at the beginning of April, this company was at its resistance point. We looked at its volume and saw that during those days it decreased. This gave us a clear sign of an imminent fall. A great opportunity to make money investing to the down side. -76- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement In this example, two days after this company reported better than expected earnings, its shares reached their resistance point and experienced a decrease in volume at the same time. This paved the way to a great fall in their price, demonstrating that when a good technical analysis has been performed, predictions almost never fail. -77- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Companies at Their Resistance Point or Close to It, While Experiencing High Volume This means that although a company is found at its resistance point, or close to it, while still having good volume, you must wait. Since this indicates that there are still many investors who are interested in buying these shares at this price. Generally, as long as this situation continues, the share’s price can keep going up. Of course, this company is very close to becoming a good candidate for a downside investment. All you need to do is just wait until its ascending movement stops and its volume decreases a little. Here’s an example: -78- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement As seen in the graph, this company has surpassed its three-month resistance point. This generally happens when a company is going up while experiencing high volume. Descending Movement With High Volume When you analyze that a company’s chart is having a descending movement, but experiencing high volume, even though it is close to its support point, we do not consider such a volume as a clear sign for an up trend. Rather we see this, as the outcome of a panic sale, for it is nothing more than a great number of investors selling their shares. In this case, the number of sellers is greater than the number of buyers. Therefore, this share’s price may continue to drop. In a situation like this, you should follow this company until its price stabilizes at a point, maintaining a good volume at the same time, indicating that its price is being supported; therefore the descending cycle is over. Thus, this company becomes a good candidate for investing to the upside. Here’s an example: -79- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -80- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement Support Point With Low Volume When a company is at its support point, but is experiencing low volume, let’s not get confused, because its price can keep falling. Despite of being at the support point for this period, it still remains unattractive to buyers. Its low volume demonstrates this. Here’s an example: -81- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market At the end of April, this company was at the support point for this period. If we were not aware of the significance of the volume, we could have gotten confused and had invested to the upside. But as you can see, its volume even decreased, provoking a big price downfall. So far, we have covered the different types of technical analyses we use in order to make an accurate prediction. But, as we stated earlier, these analyses can be performed on both the general market and industries’ indexes. As we have previously stated, it is very important to have an idea where the specific company’s industry index as well as the main market indexes are heading. Summing up, before making an investment, we recommend that you perform a technical analysis on both, the main market indexes’ charts, and especially on the specific company’s industry index. Now we’ll show you examples of charts that belong to the main market indexes, the semiconductor industry (SOX), and of the company Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (MXIM), which belongs to this industry. -82- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement Dow Jones -83- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Nasdaq -84- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement SP 500 Like the industry indexes, the S&P 500 does not show its volume. So we can only analyze its resistance point, support point, and its range of movement. Remember that when we perform the analysis to these general indexes, we do it just to get a general idea of how the market sentiment is, in order to better support the company’s prediction. -85- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Semiconductor Index -86- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement Company: MXIM -87- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market If we create a small table with the charts to be checked, it would appear like this: Company MXIM Industry Index SOX General Market Dow, Nasdaq, SP500 By applying the studied technical analysis to these charts, on the first few days of April, we noticed that the company, the index to which it belongs, as well as the main market indexes, were at their resistance point. We also noticed that there was a decrease in their volume, especially in the company, where this indicator has the greatest influence. In other words, at that moment all the indicators were lined up, giving us an extremely accurate sign that this company was going to fall. Therefore, this one was an ideal candidate for investing to the downside. Using these same graphs and applying the same technical analysis, we saw that on the first days of May, all of these indicators lined up again. But this time at their support point and the company had a good volume accumulation. This once again, gave us a great opportunity to invest to the upside, with a high level of certainty. As you can see in the graphs, we showed you a few more times where all these elements lined up again during the specify time period. These alignments do not happen too often. In this case, we detected five in a three-month period. You may be asking yourself, “Do I have to wait solely for these optimum moments to make my investments?” The answer is No! Although these are the best opportunities, not all of these parameters have to line up for us to be able to make a correct prediction. The company’s technical analysis is the most important one. Therefore, we will use the analysis of the other indexes previously studied only as a reference, or a secondary indicator, especially the industry’s index. We tell you this because in our personal experience, we have seen that when the company’s chart analysis gives us a solid indication to where its movement is heading, it can even go against the movement of both the general market and its industry. In such a case, if we had been waiting for all of -88- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement them to be lined up, which is, of course, the ideal investment situation, we would have lost a good opportunity. Note 1: We want to point out that even though a good prediction has been made, sometimes it can go a little bit against us. If this happens, don’t be alarmed. As long as the technical analysis we have shown you has been well applied, this prediction will be fulfilled at some point. Note 2: It is very important for you to know, that the only factor that may affect these predictions are the unexpected, surprise news about the company, or about the market in general. For example: the catastrophic terrorist act of September 11, 2001, provoked a great downturn in the general market. If on that day we’d made a good prediction to the upside, it would have most likely gone against us. We also want to point out, that we do not recommend making a prediction for a company the day before its earnings report. How Do Companies React to Splits and Dividends? In our studies of the stock market we have analyzed certain events that influence the short-term movement of a company. Such events are: dividends and splits. Dividends: Before this event takes place, the company’s shares usually tend to go up. This is due to the fact, that in order for anyone to be entitled to collect these dividends, the corresponding shares should have been bought before the ex dividend date. Therefore, if the demand for these shares increases, their price tends to rise. Likewise, a few days after dividends have been collected, these share’s price tends to go down. Next is an example where this is clearly illustrated. -89- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market As you may notice, on the first few days of March, this company reported dividends. A few days before the dividends were reported its price started to go up, despite being near the resistant point. You may also observe that after dividends were reported, the share’s price started to drop. In other words, this parameter was lined up with our technical analysis. On that day, these shares were at their highest point, and without much volume, giving us a perfect opportunity for a downside investment. -90- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement Splits: Generally, when a company makes a split, its price tends to rise. As we remember, companies do this in order to make their share’s price more attractive to investors. Here’s an example: -91- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market In this example, after the split took place, the share’s price went up more than six points in a couple of weeks. This is due to the fact that after the 2:1 split, the new price of these shares was $26.50, as compared to the $53.00 they were trading at before the split took place. Besides, we noticed that there was a big volume increase at this point as well. Note: We use these two indicators (Splits and Dividends) only as additional support to our technical analysis. We hope that you have understood this chapter very well, because it is going to be very important in your investing career. On our website, , we offer a minimum of 10 predictions every week, using the techniques exposed here, so you may prove the accuracy of our analyses, for a modest monthly subscription. -92- Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement A List of Most Market Industries, Indexes, and the Companies Conforming Them Semiconductor - SOX ALTR AMAT BRCM INTC KLAC LLTC LSI MOT MU MXIM NSM NVLS TER TXN XLNX PMCS Software - GSO ADBE ADSK ADVS ATVI BEAS BMC BORL CA CDN CHKP COGN CPWR CTXS INFA PSFT VRTS MSFT ERTS NOVL ISSX ORCL PMTC MERQ MENT KRON ITWO Networking - NWX ADCT TLAB ADTN AFCI ALA AXE CIEN CMVT COMS CSCO ECIL JNPR LU SCMR Telecom - XTC T BLS NOK QCOM SBC VZ S ERICY EK -93- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Biotech - BTK BIIB AFFX AMGN CEPH CHIR CRA DNA ENZN GENZ GILD HGSI IVGN MEDI MLNM PDLI IMCL Internet - GIN EBAY AMZN YHOO PCLN TIBX RNWK INSP GOOG IACID Internet China NTES CHINA SOHU SINA EWEB PCNTF Defense - DFX ATK BA DRS GD GE GY ITT LLL LMT NOC RTN TDY UTX EASI Gold - XAU -94- ABX AEM AU FCX GFI GG HMY MDG NEM PDG SIL Chapter 6: How to Predict a Company’s Short Term Movement Utility - UTIL AEP AES CNP D DUK ED EIX WMB FE NI PCG PEG SO TXU Brokers - XPD AGE AMTD BSC ET GS JEF LEH MER MWD RJE SCH Oil Service - OSX BHI BJS CAM GLBL GSF HAL NBR NE RDC RIG SII SLB TDW VRC WFT Retail - RLX GPS HD LOW BBY SHLD ANN COST BJ ROST BEBE TJX TGT JCP TIF WMT -95- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Housing - HGX ASD USG VMC BZH CTX DHI KBH LEN MAS PHM PMI RDN RYL TIN TOL Bank - BKX BAC BBT BK C JPM KEY KRB FITB MEL NCC NTRS WFC WM STI USB WB Drug - DRG ABT AMGN AZN BMY FRX GSK IVX JNJ KG LLY MRK PFE SGP WYE Hardware - GHA -96- AAPL QLGC ADPT RIMM BRCDE STK DELL SUNW DSS WDC ELK NTAP EMC PALM GTW HPQ MXO IBM LXK MCDT Chapter 7 Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks n this chapter you will learn how to make good investments with very little capital, whether on a short or long-term basis, in companies whose price is in the range of pennies, thus the name Penny Stocks. As you will soon find out, little money invested in these companies can realize huge profits. What Is a Penny Stock? As we mentioned in chapter 1, there are companies known as Penny Stocks. This term means that the share’s price is quoted below $5.00. They are very good companies to invest in, because by investing a small amount of capital in them we can realize great profits. One of the objectives of this chapter is to learn how to choose the right candidates, which are analyzed by performing the same technical analysis previously learned, in addition to other parameters we need to consider when selecting them. In our personal experience we have obtained great results in this type of investment, therefore, we recommend them to investors that have limited start-up capital. Of course, it does not mean that it How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market isn’t also good for investors holding a large amount of capital. Learn How to Invest in Penny Stocks and How to Select the Best Ones Within this category of companies, we are going to place emphasis on those whose shares are trading below $1.00, since the lower their price, the greater the number of shares we will be able to buy, and the less movement we’ll require to obtain good profits. These companies are only bought to the upside, which means that the possibility of making money in this type of investment is only if their shares go up. Therefore, our technical analysis will be focused only on looking for the candidates to rise, although after an investment has been made and profits have been obtained, it is going to be necessary for you to make use of these technical analyses to the down side, in order for you to know when to get out of the position. We want to point out that when analyzing these companies, we will have to perform a study only on their charts, since these cent-priced shares can go up or down independently of the market behavior. Summing up, to get good results in this type of investment we only have to analyze the company’s graph, in the case of a short-term investment. If you are planning to make a long-term investment in these kinds of companies, it is necessary to take a look at their fundamentals in order to have an idea about their financial state and future projections. Note: These companies are traded at the NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ and OTCBB. Personally, we make this type of investment on a short-term period, although sometimes we have made it on a long-term basis as well, obtaining great returns. -98- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks Parameters to Bear in Mind When Choosing a Good Penny Stock Candidate Something you must keep in mind, is that these companies must have liquidity. In other words, a good volume of transaction, and, above all, their “Bid” and “Ask” must be as close as possible, that is, they must have a small spread. It is extremely important to keep this in mind: since these shares are worth pennies, when investing in them on a short term basis, all you’ll need is a few cents movement to obtain good profits. These companies’ shares are bought and sold the same way as the other companies’ shares are. According to our experience, it is necessary to have access to Level II when trading them, to be able to have a better reference. Here’s an example of a penny stock Level II: -99- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market As you can see in this example, the number of shares to be sold is greater than the number of shares to be bought. This tells us that the immediate movement tendency of this company will be a descending one. In this book we have used Ameritrade for our examples, because it is one of our favorites for trading penny stocks; first, for their low commissions, and above all, for the Level II they offer. -100- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks Now, we’ll show you some penny stock examples, where you can see the effectiveness of our technical analysis on both, short and long term. -101- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Short-Term Investment Examples In this example, we saw that in May we got a clear sign of an increase in volume, that when combined with the accumulation (in millions) of previous days, turned out to be a perfect indication to the upside. If you had bought 100,000 shares at $0.01, they would have cost $1000, and six days later, you could have sold them at $0.15 each, obtaining $15,000, a 1500% return (we made this investment). -102- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks This example clearly shows the result of our technical analysis. If we had bought 2000 shares at $1.10, investing $2,200, four days later we could have sold them at $1.60 each, getting a profit of $0.50 per share or $1000, approximately a 45% return for the whole investment. -103- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market This is another example of our analysis. If we had bought 20,000 shares at $0.13 each, investing $2,600. Ten days later these shares could have been sold at $0.16. If, at that moment, we had decided to sell them, we could have netted $600, approximately a 25% return. This example demonstrates that with a three-cent movement, we could have been able to obtain a good profit. This can be accomplished with a company, which like the one in this example has a very close bid and ask (small spread). In this type of investment, a single cent that you may save when buying them, makes the difference. According to our perception, this company can still continue to rise. -104- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks Here we observe a volume accumulation at the support point. Buying 2000 shares at $1.00, would have allowed us to get a $0.25 per share profit or $500, a few days later. -105- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market This chart shows us the volume increase (in millions) this company had at $0.17 (support point). If we had bought 10,000 shares at this price, investing $1,700, six days later we could have sold them very easily at $0.25 each, getting a profit of $800, approximately a 50% return. Chances are that this company may, keep going up. In fact, if we take a look at its three-month chart, we’ll see that it is still close to its support point, and still keeping a good volume. -106- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks In this example, you can also see the result of our technical analysis. If we had bought 10,000 shares at $0.26 each, investing $2,600, three days later those same shares were being sold at $0.39, which represents a $0.13 per share profit or $1,300, a 50% return. -107- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market This is another one of our many examples. At the beginning of May, this company was found at its support point with an increase in volume, giving us a good sign to the upside. If we had bought 2000 shares at $0.70 each, investing $1,400, a few days later, we could have sold them at $1.00 per share, receiving a net profit of $600.00, a 43% return. -108- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks Long-Term Investment Examples This is an example of a penny stock long-term investment. At the end of September the company experienced a great increase in its volume (in millions), combined with the accumulation that had been taking place during the last three months, it gave us the perfect sign that this company was about to take-off. If you look at it a little closer, you may notice that its price was $0.001 per share. If we had bought one million shares they would have cost $1000.00, and six months later, at the end of March, we could have sold them for $0.15 each or 150 times what we had previously invested, that is, $150,000, which represents a whopping 15000% rate of return. For those who are planning to invest on a long-term basis and don’t have much capital, we recommend them to make this type of investment as a sort of mutual fund. Stated otherwise, you may want to invest small amounts of money in companies like this one, every month, and you will see that the results will be surprising. -109- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market This one was another good long-term investment. On October 2002, these shares were being traded in the $0.40 range, with a big volume accumulation. A year and a half later, their price reached $9.00. If you had bought 5000 of them at $0.40 each, investing $2,000, you could have sold them at $9.00 each, making a huge $43,000 profit, approximately a 2,200% return. -110- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks In this other long-term investment example, you can see that on October 2002, these shares could have been purchased at $0.20 each, which was the lowest point of this company’s history, while also having a good volume accumulation. At that point 10,000 shares would have cost $2000, on January 2004, less than a year and a half later, these shares reached a price of $10.00 each, in other words, your $2000, would have turned into $100,000. -111- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market On October 2002, this company’s shares were trading at $0.60 each, their lowest price ever, and notice the volume accumulation. If back then, we had bought 5000 shares worth $3000, on February 2004, almost a year and a half later they could have been sold at $16.00 each. Our initial investment of $3000 would have become $80,000. -112- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks These are just some of the many examples seen in the stock market everyday. Our purpose has been to demonstrate to you that these companies, with a correct analysis, can be a great opportunity to invest in, on a long term as well as on a short-term basis, thereby increasing your financial standing. How to Turn $1,000 into $30,000, $40,000 or More in a Very Short Term, by Investing in Penny Stocks Whose Prices Are Below One Cent (A List of Over 25 of These Companies Is Included) Before we conclude this chapter on penny stocks, we want to show you a type of investment that in our personal case has brought us huge returns, using very small amounts of capital. These companies are also found in the penny stock category. But, unlike those we have already analyzed, their share’s price is below one cent. These are very small capitalization companies. That’s why they are not traded in the main stock exchanges. As you can see, their price is extremely low, giving you a perfect opportunity to obtain great returns, while only investing small amounts of money. There are several stock exchanges where these companies are traded, but we’ll be focusing mainly on those trading on the OTC-BB. They are the only ones which, at such a low price, their Level II can be seen. This is extremely important, since we’ll always be able to see their Bid and Ask. -113- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market How to Select the Right Ones? For this type of investment, only companies having a high daily volume of transactions, in the range of millions, are qualified. As you already know, this provides liquidity. Therefore, their spread will be tiny, this is the most important factor to keep in mind whenever choosing a candidate, since many times, with just a hundredth of a cent movement, good profits can be obtained. As said earlier, in this type of company, you can only invest to the upside, so we’ll be focused on the technical analysis that indicates an upside sign. That is to say, the objective is to detect a volume increase or accumulation at the company’s support point. Something else you must do before investing in these companies is to check their most recent news, because you don’t want to invest in candidates, whose news is negative. Remember: the more positive indicators that are lined up, the greater the success your investment will have. These news articles can be accessed through the research center located on our website: Now, we’ll show you a few examples, so you can understand this more clearly. -114- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks As you can see, at the end of August, our technical analysis gave us a clear upside sign. At that moment, 100,000 shares would have cost $1000 ($0.01 per share), and two days later they could have been sold for over $40,000, a 4000% return. -115- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market In this case, when our analysis gave us the sign, this share’s price was $0.005, or half a cent. With $2500, you could have bought 500,000 shares, and as the chart shows, a few days later they could have been sold at $0.12 each, or 24 times the original investment. In other words, the $2500 would have turned into $60,000 (A good profit in only a few days). -116- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks In this example, at the end of August, our analysis gave us a good up trend sign, at that moment, the share’s price was $0.0005, or half a 10th of a cent each. 1,000,000 shares would have cost $500, and a few days later they could have been sold for $10,000, or 20 times the invested capital. As you can notice, to get this great profit, this share’s price only had to reach one cent. -117- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market At the end of August, our analysis gave us a clear sign to the upside. At that point the price of these shares was $0.001 each, or a tenth of a cent. $1000 would have bought 1,000,000 shares, and again, a few days later they could have been easily sold at $0.015 each, which is equal to 15 times of what was initially invested. -118- Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks As the chart shows, this company was at its support point during mid-July, and the it was experiencing a great increase in volume, giving us a perfect sign to the upside. In other words, it told us that this company was going to go up, as it actually happened a few days later, reaching a price of almost $0.06 per share. When this company was at its support point, 500,000 shares were worth $1,600. These same shares, if sold at $0.05, would have produced a profit of $23,400. -119- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market To conclude, we’ll show you a list of over 25 good candidates for your database and a Level II of one of these companies. List of Companies Whose Prices Are Below One Cent -120- BTOR ZWLL CYOS TSBI ITCV AXAG CRHM GAWY USXP SNNW APPI EWMD RNKE PHXL UNCN RNVO FGWC DNAP BTOO CNEXE HEXS CNES MDGN BIBO CYBT TNGOE PCOR Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks Note: If at any time, one of these predictions goes a little to the opposite direction, please do not be alarm, in such a case what we do is apply a technique called averaging, which is nothing more than, if for example, we buy 10,000 shares of a company at $0.20 each, investing $2,000, and for any reason, these shares’ price falls temporally down to $0.10, creating a new support point at this level, we buy another 10000 shares (of course after having performed a new analysis at this point), averaging our total cost at $0.15 ($0.20+$0.10) divided by 2=$0.15. If these shares’ price comes back to $0.15, we would recover our losses, and if it comes back to $0.20, price originally paid for the first ten thousand, we would have obtained a profit of $1,000. If in this example this strategy hadn’t -121- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market been used, when the shares’ price came back to $0.20, we would have just recovered our losses. In other words, when entering in a loss, by using this strategy we will be requiring smaller movements, to get out of such a loss. This technique can be applied to options, stocks, penny stock or any other type of investment Now, we’ll offer you a list of 50-penny stocks, whose prices are below $1.00 and they all meet the requirements previously analyzed. This list will serve you as a good database that, by applying to them the prediction techniques learned in this book, you can always have good candidates to invest in and make lots of money. On our web site, you will find predictions of penny stocks every week that are ready to make a move. List of Good Penny Stock Companies Whose Prices Are Below One Dollar -122- NASDAQ AMEX OTCBB POSO PMU GZEX CRDM SOS PWLX TMAR ONT BPTR VRSO AAC FRCP MCLD VRA LPLHA ECGI ISO KNOS FTGX WBR PKCY GNLB HEC IMDS ASTM EAG MDGN DYTK IIP SCRH LOUD DOR RMSG HOFF HIV SDNA CLTK AMW MSSI Chapter 7: Discover The Secret of Penny Stocks List of Good Penny Stock Companies Whose Prices Are Below One Dollar BCON AGT PMED ANCC AND SEVI FMDAY FNT MBTT GLGS IBD ONEV SCON IAO ISME NXXI ANX SISI AETC AVR TSRG EDEN PRG PWLS -123- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -124- Part II How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -126- p to this point, we have covered how to open an account, how to predict, with a high percentage of accuracy, a company’s movement, what penny stocks are, and different types of stockrelated investments. In this second part, we will teach you all about stock options, which is a financial instrument that gives you the possibility of making money, while only investing a fraction of the capital needed to invest in stocks as such. As you may have observed in the previous chapters, penny stocks are the only type of investment that allows you to obtain good profits by investing small amounts of money. So you may be wondering if only by having large amounts of capital it is possible to invest in stocks with a higher price ($20 to, in many cases over $100) in order to obtain good profits. The answer is no. That is precisely what you’ll learn in this interesting second part. Chapter 8 The Interesting World of Options ere you will learn, in the simplest of ways, the basic concepts of options, the different types of options that are available, their advantages and objectives. You will also learn how to select the best option contracts to invest in. What Is an Option? An option is the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell shares of stock (in case of a stock option), at a specific price, within a specified date. Now, we’ll give you a simplified example, which we think is similar to the way options work. If you were to buy a house during pre-construction, you would sign a pre-construction contract. Suppose that, at that moment, your future house has a value of $100,000. If you pay $5,000 in advance as a guarantee to buy this house, after one year (duration of the contract), you will be entitled to buy it for the price previously agreed upon in the contract, regardless of its market price once the construction has been completed. For example, let’s assume that this price will be $120,000. As you may see, by doing this, you could have obtained a $20,000 profit, investing only $5,000, which re- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market presents a 400% return. On the other hand, If you had paid the house in full ($100,000.00) from the beginning, you would have obtained the same $20,000 profit, but investing a bigger amount of money. In other words, you would have obtained only a 20% return. This is just a hypothetical example, aiming at making you more familiar with the option mechanism. In the exchange market, the house is nothing more than the shares of a company. Getting back to the options. If an upside or downside movement of a company is predicted, all you have to do is buy an option contract for a fraction of the value of the company’s shares, instead of buying them, just as we did in the example with the house. The only difference is that option contracts are traded in the Option Exchange Market, and like stocks, they can be sold at any time after their purchase. An option contract is equivalent to 100 shares; in other words, with each contract we will manage 100 shares. These option contracts are bought and sold in option exchange markets which operate like stock exchange markets. There are several of them. The main one is CBOE (Chicago Board Option Exchange), followed by AMEX, BOX, MIBSX, BHL, and IPSE. Types of Options, Objectives and Advantages There are two types of options, Calls and Puts: Calls: A Call option contract is the right to buy one hundred shares of a company at a spe-130- Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options cific price, within a specified time. This contract is used when we think that a company’s share’s price is going to go up, in other words, it is the equivalent of buying the shares (buy long), but with a fraction of the money they would cost. Puts: A Put option contract is the right to sell one hundred shares at a specific price, within a specified time. This contract is used when we believe that the share’s price of a company is going to go down. Stated another way, it is like selling short, but investing a fraction of the money this would cost. Now that we know the two types of options that exist, and the purpose of buying them, let’s start shaping the puzzle. When we were talking about a pre-determined price, we were referring to what in the option world is known as Strike Price. When we mentioned a specified time, we were talking about the Expiration Date, or in other words, when the option contract expires. Regular options may have a duration time of up to nine months, and they expire the third Friday of each month. For instance, if you buy a July option contract, it will expire on the third Friday of July. Let’s see the following example for a better illustration: 1 INTC 04/June 30 Call • 1: This stands for the number of option contracts we want to trade. In this case, 1, so we will be managing 100 shares. • INTC: This is the company’s symbol we are buying this option contract for. • 04/June: This is the month when the option contract will expire. In this example, it’ll be the third Friday of June 2004 (sometimes in the option chains, instead of the year and month you are going to see the option contract symbol, don’t get confused because it is the same thing, in such a case the expiration month and year will be on the upper section of the chain). -131- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market • 30: This is the Strike Price or the price at which these shares can be bought, at any time, until this contract expires. We say ‘to be bought’ because in this example it is a Call. • Call: This is the type of option we are going to trade. Let’s say that this company’s shares have a price of $30 each. In this particular case, since it is a call, even though the share’s price goes up to $40.00, if you exercise your option, the person who sold this call (known as the option writer) has the obligation to sell these shares to you at $30.00 (strike price). From there you can sell them if you wish, at $40.00 (market price at this moment) and obtain your profit. We want to point out that almost nobody carries out this operation, for option contracts can be sold in the option exchange market and the same profits can be obtained without having to exercise them. In the case of a put, it is the opposite. You have the right to sell these shares at a pre-determined price, regardless of the price they reach. For example: if a company’s shares are trading at $30.00 each, you buy a put with a 27.5 strike price, and seven days later, the share’s price goes down to $20.00, at that moment you can exercise your option if you want. Let’s assume you do, meaning that whoever sold this put (the writer) has the obligation to buy these shares from you at $27.50, regardless of their new price. In other words, you can buy them at $20.00 in the market and sell them to the option writer at $27.50 and obtain your profits. But, as we said in the example of the call, almost nobody does this because you can get the same profits by selling the put as such, which is simpler. The objective of this explanation is only for you to have a better idea of how money is made with options, because we are sure that you are never going to exercise one. In our personal case, we have never done it. Note 1: If by any chance you happen to buy either a put or a call, and on the expiration day this contract is in the money (it has intrinsic value) and for whatever reason you forgot to sell it (something hard to believe). Don’t worry, you won’t loose your money, since in such a case, your brokerage firm will automatically exercise it on your behalf and the money will go to your account. -132- Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options Note 2: We want to make clear that these transactions are not carried out from person to person, but through the option clearing corporation. This firm is in charge of connecting the option writers with the buyers electronically. These option contracts, like stocks, have their own symbol. Now, let’s see what an option price table (option chain) looks like. Company’s symbol. This is the expiration month of these contracts. These are the different strike prices. -133- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market It is necessary to know the price of the company’s shares before choosing the right strike price for your option contract, since, as we can see in the table, these options have several strike prices, which can be at the Money, Out of the Money, or In the Money, in relation to the stock’s price. At the Money: This means that the option’s Strike Price is equal or close to the share’s price. For instance, if shares of Company X are being quoted at $25.00 and you buy a Put or a Call with a 25 Strike Price, this option contract is known to be At the Money. Out of the Money: In the case of a Call, this is when the strike price is greater than the share’s price. For example, if the price of a share is $25.00, and you buy a call option contract for this company with a strike price of 27.5, then this is an Out of the Money call. In the case of a Put it is the opposite, namely, if the strike price is below the share’s price, such contracts are Out of the Money. For example: if the price of a share is $25, and the Put’s strike price is 22.5, we are in the presence of an Out of the Money Put. In the Money: In the case of a Call, this means that its strike price is below the share’s price. For example, if the price of a company’s share is $25.00 each, and the option’s strike price is 22.5, this contract is In the Money by $2.50. In the case of a Put, it is the opposite. If the option’s strike price is greater than the share’s price, it is an In the Money put. For example: if you buy a Put option contract for Company X , whose shares are trading at $25.00, and the strike price of your Put is 27.5, this contract is $2.50 in the money. The value, for which a contract is in the money, is known as Intrinsic Value. Our purpose in mentioning the Intrinsic Value in the previous example, is because we want you to know what the price of an option contract is comprised of. In the case of an In the Money option, its price is comprised of its intrinsic value + time value. For example, in the previous case, that the Put was $2.50 in the money, if this contract were selling for $3.00, we would know that its price was comprised of 2.50 intrinsic value + 0.50 time value. The intrinsic value increases or decreases, depending upon the company’s share movement, whereas an option’s time value decreases as it gets closer to its expiration date. Therefore, the longer the time -134- Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options a contract has to expire, the greater its time value will be. Knowing this, your objective is to pay as least as possible for the time value, for this value starts getting consumed or affected as time goes by. We’ll further explain this in more detail. The price of At the Money and Out of the Money contracts are comprised only of time value, because, remember, they have no intrinsic value at all. Note: When an option contract is in the money or out of the money by a great margin of points, it is known as a Deep Out of the Money or Deep in the Money contract. So, if you see this terminology somewhere, you’ll know what it means. Now, we will explain to you two parameters to keep in mind when buying an option contract: Volatility: This is the average daily movement a company has experienced during a certain period of time. The more a company moves, regardless of its direction, the greater its volatility will be. It is very important to be aware of this when buying an option, since they depend on the shares’ movement, which means that we must stay away from companies with a low volatility. This can be known simply by looking at the company’s chart, and determining its range of movement. Delta: This is referred to as the percentage of the price increase of an option in relation to the share’s movement. For example, an option contract having a 60% Delta means that for each dollar the share’s price increases, this contract will approximately increase by $0.60. Knowing this, we arrive at the conclusion that the more in the money a contract happens to be, the greater its Delta will be. Sometimes earning even as much as the share, in other words, they have a Delta of almost 100%. Later on, in chapter 9, we will teach you the benefits of using these kind of contracts. You’ll be amazed. Well, so far, we have covered the terminology, types of options, and the way they work. Now, you -135- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market are ready to study some of the different strategies you can use. This financial instrument (called Options) is not only used on stocks. They can also be used on bonds, future contracts, etc. In this book, we are covering only stock options, since we have the advantage of knowing how to predict the companies’ movements. We want to point out that the option’s mechanism is the same, in any kind of investment, the only thing that changes, is the underling (stocks, bonds, future contracts, etc). There are different techniques available to make money with the use of options, some of which are very risky and complicated. For this reason we will only be focusing on buying and selling techniques, which, according to our experience, are the most profitable and less risky ones. Let’s put theory aside, and see how this works in the real world. For example, let’s say we are at the beginning of July 2004, and we perform a technical analysis on INTC’s chart, whose shares are being traded at $29.00 each. This analysis tells us that this company’s shares are going to go up. If we were going to buy one thousand shares, we would need to invest $29,000. Now, let’s analyze this same investment, but using option contracts instead. We already know that to manage the same 1,000 shares, we would need 10 contracts. Suppose we chose the one with a strike price at 30.00, so, the order would look like this, 10 INTC 04 / July 30 Calls, whose price is $0.25 each, which means that this would cost us 10 x 100 (every option contract represents 100 shares) x $0.25 (option price) = $250.00, and their expiration date would be the third Friday of July. Let’s pretend that a week later INTC’s share’s price went up to $33.00. Our option contracts are now “in-the-money” by three points (intrinsic value). Therefore, we would be able to sell them at $3.20 each ($3.00 intrinsic value + $0.20 time value), since they still have a week before expiring. This is how the numbers would look like: 10x100 x $3.20 =$3,200, giving us a net profit of $2,950, almost a 1200% return, only having invested $250.00. Meanwhile the person who bought the 1000 shares, investing $29,000 got a profit of $4,000, which represents a return of only 15% (a huge difference in the rate of return). Let’s be a little more pessimistic, and assume that this prediction went against us, and on the expira-136- Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options tion day the share’s price had fallen to $24.00. Because we bought the options, we lost only $250.00, since these contracts expired out-of-the-money or worthless as commonly referred to, (When investing in options the maximum amount of money you can loose is what you pay initially for their purchase: ‘premium’). Whereas, the investor who bought the 1000 shares, invested $29,000 and lost $5,000 (big difference). Many of those who are familiar with the subject would say, yes, but the investor holding the shares, has the possibility that their price could come back to $29, and recover his losses, while you can’t recover yours because your option already expired. The solution we offer to this so-called disadvantage is very simple. On the day your contracts expire buy 10 new calls of the following month, in this case with a strike price of 25, which, based on our experience, would cost approximately $350 or $0.35 each, a little more than those previously purchased, because these ones have 4 weeks of life, and the others had only three. If during these 4 weeks INTC share’s price comes back to $29, the person holding the 1000 shares will recover his losses, while you can sell your contracts for at least $4 each, getting $4,000 for their sale, a net profit of $3,400 out of an initial $250 loss. $ 250.00 Initial Loss $ 350.00 Second Investment ____________________________ $ 600.00 Total Investment $ 4000.00 Sale of Second Investment $ 3400.00 Net Profit (550 % of return) This works the same way when we make a down side prediction, only that this time, instead of buying calls, we have to buy puts. Again, suppose that on July 1st, our analysis indicates that Dell Corporation’s shares (DELL) are about to go down; at that moment they are trading at $36.00 each. If we were to short sell 1000 of them, we would need $36,000. Let’s examine the option contracts, in this case the puts. Now for our example let’s choose the ones with a strike price of 35, so your order -137- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market would look like this: 10 Dell 04/July 35 Put. As you can see, these contracts expire on the third Friday of July, giving you two and a half weeks for your prediction to be fulfilled. Based on experience we’d say they cost $0.30 each. So, managing the same 1000 shares would cost us $300.00. If a week later, this share’s price actually goes down to $32.00, our contracts would cost approximately $3.20 ($3.00 intrinsic value + $0.20 time value). If you decided to sell them at this moment, you’d get $3,200, a net profit of $2900, almost a 1000% return. While the investor who short sold the 1000 shares, obtained a $4000.00 profit, investing approximately $36,000.00, so all he received was an 11% return. On the other hand, if your prediction had gone, let’s say 5 points against you, and this company’s share reached a price of $41, on the expiration day; your contracts would expire worthless, so you would lose the $300.00 initially paid for them. The investor, who short sold the same 1,000 shares, would be losing $5000, but as we mentioned in the INTC calls example, many people think that despite of him having this loss, he would be able to recover it some day, because shares never expire, and options do. In this case you would need to use the same strategy used in the calls example, in other words, you would have to buy 10 new puts of the next month with strike price 40, which have four weeks to expire and a cost of $0.40 per contract (10= $400.00). If, within this time, Dell’s share’s price comes back to $36.00, these contracts would be worth at least $4000.00, since they would be $4.00 in the money, rendering a net profit of $3,300.00. $ 300.00 Initial Investment $ 400.00 Second Investment _____________________________ -138- $ 700.00 Total Investment $ 4000.00 Sale of Second Investment $ 3300.00 Net Profit (aprox. 500 % of return) Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options While the person who short sold the 1000 shares, investing $36,000.00 just recovered his losses, or broke even, (0% return). After having analyzed the same investment with both, shares and options, you may draw your own conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of each one of them. Option prices vary from one company to another, depending upon their volatility; you do not necessarily have to buy an option of the current month. Obviously, the longer the life of an option, the more expensive its time value will be, but of course, it will give you more time for your prediction to be fulfilled. In our personal case, we generally buy options of the current month, and sometimes with two months, depending on how imminent our prediction turns out to be, because remember, if, by any chance, our options expire worthless, we still have the possibility to buy the right contracts of the following month, without having to have much capital invested in a single position. Do not worry, as you may have observed, our predictions are generally fulfilled in a matter of days, and their percentage of accuracy is extremely high. How to Select the Right Strike Price for Our Option Contracts You now know how the option mechanism works and how to predict the movement of a company. Now, you’ll need to learn how to choose the right strike prices for your option contracts (strike price intervals usually are 2.5 and 5. For example: 20, 22.5, 25). A common error made by those who invest in options is that they don’t know which strike price to choose, and they tend to select the deep out of the money ones because they are the cheapest, but at the same time they are also the riskiest. How do you select the right ones? It is simple. You need to know exactly the range of movement that the company you want to buy these option contracts for has had in the last period of time, as you’ll see clearly in the following example. -139- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market As this Sears’ chart shows, on Friday June 4th, our technical analysis gave us a clear sign of an imminent upside movement, at that moment this share’s price was $36.90. Let’s suppose we want to buy options. We already know we have to buy calls, either of June, expiring on the 18th (two weeks from now), or July’s, which have six weeks of life. Now, let’s choose the strike price, if we were to choose -140- Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options the June ones, which are cheaper, due to fact that they have a smaller time value, we would have to go back to the chart, to analyze the range of movement this company has had lately. As it indicates, the highest point reached by Sears in the last month was around 41; therefore, it would be unreasonable to buy an option contract with a 42.5 strike price, and much less with 45, because it is hard to believe that in such a short period of time this share’s price is going to reach or surpass these points. There would be a good chance that these options would expire worthless. And if it did surpass these points, your profit would be lesser than if you had bought the contract with the right strike price. As you’ll see next, the correct contracts to buy for June were the SP 37.5 and 40, preferably the 37.5, which at that moment was worth $0.40 (10 contracts $400). The one with SP 40 cost $0.05 each (10 contracts $50). Now, if on June 7th, after the first rise, when Sears’ new price was $38.30, you go back to the graph you can see that Sears lad still had potential to continue its uptrend movement, arriving at the conclusion that those who bought these contracts on Friday don’t have to sell them yet. For those who wanted to wait for a positive movement before jumping in (which is not necessary if you learned how to do this technical analysis correctly), this new point that Sears was at, the correct strike prices were the 37.5, which was still very good, but now it cost a little bit more ($1.20 each, 10 = $1200.00) and the SP 40 one with a price of $0.15 each, concluding, that for those having little money to invest, the best strike price for the month of June was the 40, since it cost $0.15 (10 contracts = $150.00). Besides it had 9 days before expiring, and if you take a look at the graph, being Sears’ share’s price at $38.30, you can see that there was a great likelihood that these shares might reach or surpass this point (40), during those nine days. Now, we’ll show you the Sears’ option chain of June 8th, when the second rise took place. So you can see what each contract earned. -141- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market As you can see, in this June 8th table, the contracts of strike price 40, which were worth $0.15 each, closed at $1.20, having a $1.05 increase. This means that if we had bought 10 contracts for $150, the following day we could have sold them for at least $1200, we say at least because when SEARS’ shares reached their highest price of the day, such contracts were being sold for $2.00 each. If instead of 10 contracts we had bought 100, investing $1500, we could have sold them when Sears was close to its high of the day for $20,000. In other words, investing $1500 we could have made $18,500 in less than 24 hours, with a single movement of a little more than $2.00. This tells us how important it is to know the movement range that a company has had in its last period of time, in order to be able to maximize our profits and diminish the risk. -142- Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options Now we’ll show you the option chain of the same day, but for the July’s contracts, which had six weeks of duration. These July contracts cost a little more, because they had more time value. When Sears was at $38.30, right after the first price increase on June 7th, we proved to you that the best strike price of that month was the 40. For the July contracts, besides the strike price of 40, the 42.5 was a good choice as well. -143- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Looking at this option chain, we see that the contracts with strike price 40 cost $0.60 a day before. We know this because, if the last transaction was done at $1.85 and they had a $1.25 increase, this difference was their day before closing price. At the moment this option chain was printed, these same contracts could have been sold for at least $2.00 each. So if we had bought 10 contracts at $0.60, investing $600, we could have sold them for at least $2000. You may be asking yourself, “Why did the July contracts of strike price 42.5, were a good option, unlike the June 42.5 ones?” The answer is very simple. If we go back to the movement range analysis in the chart, we realize that this company’s shares, with a little more time, which is what the July contracts offered us, may get close to, or even surpass this strike price very easily. Therefore, for the month of July, this contract was the best one to invest in, with little capital, as demonstrated in the option table, since in percentage it was the one that earned the most. Being its last transaction at $1.00, and like the other contracts, when SEARS was at its High of that day, this same contract was being traded at $1.40 each, so, if we had bought 40 of them at $0.15, investing $600, we could have sold them at least for $1.00, obtaining an overnight net profit of $3,400.00 or approximately a 600% return. As you may have noticed, we had a good profit in this investment without the share’s price having surpassed or even reached our contracts’ strike price. The rationale behind this, is that, as the share’s price gets closer to the strike price of an option, with the underlying company’s shares still having a reasonable time to surpass it, before expiration, the demand for these contracts grow, and so does their price. Which means that a company does not have to reach or surpass the strike price of a contract, for us to be able to make a profit. All these analyses performed thus far to determine the best strike prices for a call option, are the same ones you should perform when determining the right strike prices for a put option, as we’ll explain in the next example. -144- Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options In this example, on July 7th, we had a clear sign that this company was about to experience a downfall. At that moment its share’s price was $28.50 each. If we had decided to buy a June Put option, the one with strike price 27.5, would have been the right one. Its price was $0.20 per contract and according to the movement range analysis of this company’s chart; it was likely that its shares would fall below this point. This actually occurred two days later. The share’s price fell to $25.35. Although -145- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market on that day it closed at $25.90, these contracts were being traded at approximately $2.30, which means that with a $200 investment, we could have earned $2,100. We did not recommend the contract with a strike price of 25, because it was 3.5 points away from the share’s price. Besides, it had a very short life left, and it wasn’t worth buying, since the strike price (27.5) was very cheap. In case we had decided to invest in the July contracts, the correct strike prices were the 27.5 and 25. In the June contracts’ example, the 25 was not recommended, for the reasons stated above. But if you go back to the graph, at that point the company was found, for the month of July, the one with strike price 25 was the best one to buy, since it cost $0.25. Besides, it had enough time in order for these shares to surpass or get close to this point, as you can see in the next example, it happened a few days later, dropping all the way to $20. At that moment, these contracts that were originally bought at $0.25, got a price of over $5.00 each. You do the math. -146- Chapter 8: The Interesting World of Options -147- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Now, after having learned the different types of analyses performed to choose the right strike prices for option contracts, it is necessary to know that, like stocks, options have a Bid and Ask. As you already know, the closer they are, the better, because it is a sign of liquidity. When buying options, it is very important to keep this in mind. You should not buy option contracts, whose bid and ask are separated by more than $0.15, or maximum $0.20, depending on their price. For example, if you are going to buy an option contract with a price of $0.40 or $1.00, it should not have more than a $ 0.05 or $0.10 spread, and, if the option price were $3.00 or $4.00, a $0.20 spread would not affect us. Here we will show you an example of a company’s options, whose Bid and Ask have a big spread. That is to say, these options are illiquid. As you can see, this is a very clear example of illiquid options, if you take a look at this table, you’ll notice the big separation that there is between the Bid and Ask. Therefore, these contracts’ volume would be very little, or even zero. We tell you again, keep away from these types of options, because it is very difficult to make money with them. -148- Chapter 9 Advanced Option Strategies fter having learned the options’ mechanism, now you will learn some of the best option strategies available. From investing in long-term option contracts(LEAPS), buying a “put” and a “call” simultaneously on the same company, the use of option contracts as protection, to our inedited subject “How to Invest With a Fraction of a Share’s Value and Get the Same Profit as if You Had Paid Its Full Price, Even With Less Risk”. Long Term Option Contracts (Leaps) So far, we have learned how to make investments with short-term options, but we want you to know that there are also long-term options contracts, called Leaps, which can last for as long as 3 years. These contracts are of great benefit when we want to invest in a company on a long-term basis, for it is cheaper than investing in the stock itself. Let’s see an example of an investment using a leap. How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market This was an investment made by ourselves. During the last days of December 2003, this company’s shares were trading at $5.00. Its chart analysis gave us a good upside sign, and its fundamental analysis was positive as well. Once these two analyses were lined up, we proceeded to look for the right long term option contracts. We bought 40 7.5 calls with seven months of duration, the cost was $0.50 each ($2000.00 for the whole investment). This allowed us to manage 4000 shares of this company. If we had bought this number of shares outright, we would have needed $20,000. For our satisfaction, almost four months later, these shares reached a price of $25.00, and we were able to sell -150- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies our option contracts at $17.50 each, obtaining $70,000 for our sale. Whoever invested in shares the same $2000.00 we invested in options, could have only bought 400 shares. And if this investor had sold them at $25.00, he would have gotten a net profit of $10,000. (a huge difference). Not all companies have long-term options. Generally, we use this type of investment in companies which prices fluctuate between $4.00 and $20.00. Due to their low prices, their leaps are much cheaper; besides, these companies tend to grow more rapidly than the bigger ones. Let’s see the following example of a leap option chain. -151- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market In this case the share’s price is $8.25. The leap we would choose, would be the 05 January 10 Call, which expires on January 2005, having almost 8 months of life. Another advantage leaps offer, is that by using them you can create a sort of mutual fund, diversifying your long-term investments in several companies. You can do all of this with little investment capital and without having to make a daily follow up. How to Buy a Put and a Call Simultaneously on the Same Company This strategy is generally used when an event or an economic report of a company is expected, that may provoke a great movement in it, but we don’t know in which direction. For example: a company’s earnings report, the approval of a new product or medication, the closure of a deal, the outcome of a pending trial or lawsuit, etc. These events can be found in the different calendars and also by following the news companies are involved in. A recent example of this was MSO Company, which was directly related to Martha Stewart’s trial, who is the principal shareholder of this company. -152- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies Throughout all of the news media, it was known, the day of the trial’s decision. Which means that on that day we were waiting for a big movement in this company’s shares, as it indeed happened, giving us a good opportunity to use this strategy. As indicated in the graph, the right moment to have bought this Put and Call was six or seven days before the event took place. This is something you always have to keep in mind when using this strategy. If you wait one or two days before the event, the company’s option contracts get inflated or overpriced, due to the fact that there is a great movement expectation in the company, and many investors want to speculate with them. -153- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market At that optimum point, this company’ shares were trading at $14.00 each, so we could have bought 10 calls with a strike price of 15 for the current month, and 15 puts with a strike price of 12.5 for the same month, balancing out the investment on both sides. On the day of the event, this company’s shares actually went down more than four points, so, whoever used this strategy made a great profit, as the numbers show below: • 10 Calls cost $150.00, $0.15 per contract. • 15 Puts cost $150.00, $0.10 per contract. In other words, to use this strategy we had to invest $300.00, and after the trial’s decision, we could have sold these puts at $3.00 each, getting $4,500.00 for the 15 we had, yielding a net profit of $4,200.00, a 1,400% return. Not bad for a day. -154- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies An Example of a Company that Was About to Report Its Earnings As we already said, the ideal point for using this strategy was five days before the report. At that moment, this company’s share’s price was $40.00, therefore, we could have bought the 42.5 calls and 37.5 Puts or the 45 calls and 35 Puts, depending on how much we were willing to invest. The day this report was published, this share’s price fell more than 10 points, giving a great profit to those who used this strategy. -155- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Note: Sometimes, you buy these contracts a few days prior to the event, and right before it actually takes place, you already have a profit, even though the company’s shares haven’t moved at all. This is due to the fact that as the event gets closer, the expectations of the investors begin to grow, and so do these contracts’ demand, causing them to inflate. One of the great advantages of this strategy is that after using it, you can sleep peacefully, since you will never have an adverse movement. The only thing that may affect you is that this company’s shares don’t move at all for many days, that’s why it’s so important to look for a source that provokes movement. How to Protect Your Shares With the Purchase of Options This is a very beneficial strategy for those who invest in stocks. Let’s think of it as an insurance policy. This is generally used when you already have a profit in your stock investment, and want to protect it, but without having to sell your shares because you think that they still have potential to continue their movement in your favor. For example: Let’s suppose it is June, and a month ago you had bought 1000 shares of Company X at $20.00 each, investing $20,000. Now these shares are trading at $25.00; at this moment you have a $5000 profit. But you think that the price can still keep going up; at the same time you don’t want to risk your profit. The only way to protect it, while keeping the shares at the same time, is with the purchase of put option contracts. Since you want to protect 1000 shares you have to buy 10 contracts. In this particular case, with the share’s price at $25.00 and being at the beginning of June, you need to buy 10 June 25 puts, which have almost three weeks of life, offering you protection for this time. Let’s assume their price is $1.00 each, so, you would need, $1000 to buy the 10. Thus, no matter what happens, you are securing $4000.00 of your profit ($5000.00 initial profit - $1000.00 invested -156- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies in the puts), even if the share’s movement goes against what you had thought. For example, if during this protection time, the share’s price goes down to $20.00 (initial purchase point), the puts you had bought would now cost $5.00 each, because they are $5.00 in the money. You can either sell them to get your $4000.00 profit and keep the shares if you wish, or sell them as well, closing this position completely. If in this case, this strategy had not been used, you would have lost your $5000 initial profit. On the contrary, if this company’s shares had kept on going up, as you previously had thought, reaching a price of $30.00, you would have obtained a $10,000.00 profit with your shares. Of course, the puts would’ve expired worthless. So, you would have had to subtract the $1000.00 paid for them from your $10,000 profit, ending up getting a net profit of $9,000.00. This is much better than the $5000.00 you had received if you had sold your shares at $25.00, for not knowing this strategy. This can also be used when you have previously done a short sell on a stock, and have a profit, but you still think that your share’s price can keep on falling down, and you don’t want to risk that profit. In such a case you have to buy call option contracts, the strike price, the expiration month and the amount to buy, just as in the previous example, depend on the number of shares you have short sold, their price and the month you are in. Many people who invest in shares, either lose their profits or limit them, for ignoring this protection technique. Another good application of this strategy is when you have shares in a company, whose earnings report or any other important event is approaching, which may provoke a great movement in its share’s value. To avoid great losses, all you have to do is, apply this strategy as clearly explained in this chapter, and after the storm has ended, sell the options you bought for protection and stay with your shares. -157- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market How to Invest With a Fraction of a Share’s Value and Get the Same Profit As If You Had Paid Its Full Price, Even With Less Risk ***(Inedit Subject)*** This kind of investment we’re going to teach you now, we consider to be the most important discovery we have ever made throughout all the research and study of different investment types and stock market mechanisms. Therefore, we have the conviction that once this book is published, this issue will have a great impact on the investment world, among investors big and small, since in spite of the fact that this technique is available, there are parameters demonstrating, that almost nobody knows about it. We have already learned different types of investments using at-the-money and out-of-the money option contracts, whose value increases a percentage of the share’s movement (Delta), for their price is made up only of time value. Now, we are going to learn how to invest in contracts, whose value increases almost 100%, with respect to the share’s movement. For example, if the share’s price goes up $5.00, these contracts would earn almost $5.00 as well. This is because their value is almost entirely comprised of intrinsic value. In other words, all its value is in the money, which means that it doesn’t depreciate as time goes by, as it happens to the other contracts. After reading this sub-chapter, you’ll realize that investing in them is the same as investing in the stocks themselves, but with two great advantages: 1. You can buy these contracts with a fraction of the money you would need to buy the shares while obtaining the same profits. 2. Your losses are limited, compared to those you could incur, if holding the shares. Next we’ll show you several examples, so you can understand this more clearly: -158- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies Example 1: Using a Put On June 8th, the AMZN chart analysis gave us a clear sign to the down side. If you were going to short sell 1000 shares, you would need $52,000. -159- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Now, let’s analyze the in-the-money contracts, of which we’ll show you examples of two option chains: one from the day before the fall, and another one from the day of the fall. From Example 1: One Day Before the Fall -160- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies As we can notice in the previous price table, the 55 June Put could have been purchased at $3.30 each, this price was comprised of $3.06 (intrinsic value) plus $0.24 (time value). 10 contracts, to manage the same 1000 shares, would have cost $3,300. Now, let’s take a look at the option chain of these same contracts, from the following day, when the company dropped $1.70. Tabla del Día de la Caída del Ejemplo 1 By analyzing the Puts we should have bought, we realize that their value increased $1.60 of the $1.70 these shares fell, almost 100% of their movement. Let’s do some math. These 10 contracts cost $3300, and a day after, we could have sold them for $4900, getting a profit of $1600, a 48% return. In monetary terms, we made $100.00 less than the investor who short sold these shares, while investing 17 times less money. -161- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Now we’ll show you an example using call option contracts: Example 2: Using a Call On June 7th, our analysis indicated that this company was going to go up. That day its share’s price closed at $24.80. To buy 1000 shares at this price, we would have had to invest $24,800. The next day this company’s share’s price had an increase of $2.53. Thus, if we had sold our shares at this point, we would have received a $2,530 profit (10% return). -162- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies Let’s see what we would have gotten with the calls, to establish a comparison. From Example 2: Option Chain From the Day of the Rise -163- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market As you can see, this 22.5 June Call increased $2.40, with respect to the $2.53 the share’s price increased, proving that this contract’s value increased almost 100% of what the share moved. The price table shows that this contract cost $2.50 a day before. Stated another way, in order for us to manage the same 1000 shares, we would have needed to buy 10 contracts, whose cost at that moment would have been $2500. A day after, these same contracts could have been sold for $4,900, close to a 100% return. By establishing a simple comparison, we realized, that the same investment made with options, yielded almost the same amount of money than buying the shares outright. Only that, to buy the options we invested 10 times less money. Now we will explain to you, what we meant, when we said that with this type of investment your losses were limited, compared to those you could incur if holding the shares, in case of an adverse movement, as you’ll see next. -164- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies Let’s say that on July 8th, someone who didn’t know how to perform a good technical analysis, decided to buy these shares, expecting them to go up. Suppose they bought 1000 shares at $25.50 each, investing $25,500. Unfortunately the next day their price fell over $8.00, to $17.50, this person would have had a paper loss of $8,000. If somebody else who also thought that this company could go up, but instead of buying the shares, he bought 10 June 22.5 Calls, whose price was $3.00 each, as you can see, all their value was in the money. The day this company fell, these contracts became worthless, so this investor’s paper loss would have been $3,000. But don’t get confused, if by any chance this company comes back to the point it was prior to the fall, before these contracts expire, -165- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market the investor would recover his/her losses. Following with the example, the person holding the shares lost $8,000, which is much more than the one incurred by the investor holding the contracts, because as you already know, in options the most you can lose is what you pay for them initially (premium), concluding that in a case like this, where the company experienced a big adverse movement, your losses are much smaller in options than in stocks. You may be wondering to yourself, “If I had been the person who bought the option contracts in the previous example, what could I have done, after the share’s price dropped to recoup my losses? Being that because the options’ strike price was a little far from the stock price, and it was a little hard for them to recoup their value, besides, their expiration date was close, whereas the investor holding the shares had the possibility of eventually recouping his losses for they never expire.” The answer is very simple. This could have been offset by buying 10 15 Calls of the same month, which were $2.50 in the money, and cost $2.60 each (10 x $2.60 = $2,600), they had seven days of life. But since they didn’t have any time value, you didn’t have to worry about the time depreciation (time decay); because they could have been sold for all the value they were in the money, even a few minutes before expiring. So far, between the previous loss and the new investment, you would have had $5,600 invested, while the one having the shares would have had $25,500, from which there would only be $17,500 left. If before the expiration of your option contracts, the share’s price would have gone up to $22.00, you would’ve been able to sell your 10 contracts for at least $7000, recovering your losses, and in addition to, obtaining a small $1400 profit; whereas, the share’s owner at this point would have still had a loss of $3,500. If you had thought that this company could have still kept going up, all you had had to do was, sell your contracts and make the transition for the following month’s in-the-money ones, with less time value. In this case the stock price was at $22.00, and it would have been the July 17.5 Call, that would have cost $4.70 ($4.50 intrinsic value + $0.20 time value). Again, if during this new month, these shares had come back to their original price of $25.50, as it is obvious, the shareholder would have only recouped his losses, while you, with your new option contracts, and much less capital invested, would have obtained a $3,300 profit. Add the $1,400 you had previously made with the June contracts, and your profits would be $4,700. As we already stated in chapter 8, when you buy these types of contracts with almost no time value, you’ll always be able to sell them, even on the expiration day and obtain all its intrinsic value. If for some reason you want to continue in the same position, all you have to do is buy the following month’s ideal in the money contracts. You could keep any position for as long as you want, with a tiny amount of money invested, compared to what you would need to keep the shares. Thus, with -166- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies this type of investment, even when having a small amount of capital, you have the opportunity to invest in companies regardless of their price. And in the event that you have large amounts of capital, you’ll only need to use a fraction of it, allowing you to use the rest for other investments. How to Choose the Right In-The-Money Option Contracts Here, we will show you examples of two companies with their respective June and July option contracts, with the purpose of teaching you how to choose them correctly, having the least possible time value and still maintaining a low price. Best Call Best Put -167- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Let’s pretend you want to short sell 1000 shares of this company, which would cost $38,500. Now let’s take a look at the prices of the in-the-money puts with the least possible time value and, at the same time, cheaper than the other in-the-money puts. As you already know, to manage 1000 shares, you need 10 puts. In order for a put to be in the money, its strike price has to be above the stock price. In this case, the share’s price is $38.54, therefore, the first one we’ll analyze is the one with a 40 strike price, whose price is $1.60, realizing that it has $1.46 in the money. So, we will be paying only $0.14 for time value, add to this its price, which is also very attractive (10 contracts = $1600.00), it indicates to us that this is the best contract to buy. This is because the one with the 45 strike price, in spite of the fact that it has a few cents less of time value, we discard it, for its price is $6.50 (10 contracts $6,500), and it is not worth to invest so much money for such a small time value difference. In order to demonstrate this, let’s say that before these contracts expire, this share’s price falls $2.00. Here is how the numbers would look like in the different scenarios: 1. 1.To short sell the 1000 shares, we would have needed to invest $38,540 and we would have earned $2,000 (almost a 6% return). 2. Buying the 10 Jun 45 puts, would have cost us $6,500, and they would have generated a $2000 profit (approximately a 30% return). 3. Lastly, to buy the 10 Jun 40 puts which were the correct ones, we would have needed to invest only $1,600, and they would have yielded a net profit of $1,850, more than a 100% return. As we can see, the June contracts have only 5 days left to expire, so we can either buy these June 40 puts, and in case the company has not accomplished what we expected on the expiration day, sell them and buy the right ones for the next month, or simply, buy the July ones initially, which have 5 weeks of duration, to avoid having to make the transition at all. That’s totally up to you. The procedure to select the correct in-the-money calls, is the same we just used to choose the right in-the-money puts. Using the previous table, the best call contract would be the one with strike price 35, which costs $3.60 each, and practically has no time value at all. -168- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies Now let’s see the July’s option chain: -169- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market If, instead of buying the June contracts, you had initially decided to buy the July contracts, as indicated in this table, the best put would be the July 45, that has almost no time value, and with only $6,600 you could manage 1000 shares. Compare this to the $38,500 you would need to short sell such an amount of shares. The best July call, as also indicated in the table, would be the one with strike price 30, which practically does not have any time value either. Do your own math. You might ask yourself, “Why not the one with strike price 35?” Very simple. Because, although it costs much less, if we observe, it has more than 50 cents of time value. Of course, the price difference is huge, compared to the other one. So, in a case like this, we would say that, both contracts qualify, the most expensive one, because of having less time value, would earn almost 100% with respect to the share’s movement, while the other one would earn approximately 80%, but it cost much less. In a situation like this, and knowing the advantages and disadvantages, you decide which one to buy. We have previously mentioned that many people don’t know about this type of investment, for if we see these in-the-money contracts’ volume (amount of contracts traded in a day), we realize that, it is very light or even none. Nevertheless, if we look at the volume of the stocks, we see that it is in the range of millions everyday. After what you have learned in this chapter, do you think that it makes sense to invest so much capital in stocks, when with a fraction of it, you can obtain the same profits, and at the same time keep your losses minimized compared with the ones you can have, by investing solely in stocks. To conclude, we’ll leave you with examples of the June and July in-the-money contract prices for IBM, whose shares have a high price. -170- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies June Contracts To buy 1000 shares of this company, we would need $90,460, while 10 June 85 calls would cost $5,500, allowing us to manage the same number of shares. To short sell these one thousand shares, we would also need $90,460, but 10 June 95 puts would cost us only $4,600. -171- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market July Contracts -172- Chapter 9: Advanced Option Strategies To be able to manage 1000 shares of this company for five weeks, we would need 10 July 80 Calls, which would cost $10,700, likewise, to invest to the downside, we’d need only $9,600 to buy 10 July 100 Puts. We are not going to mention what you would need to buy or short sell these shares because you already know it. -173- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -174- Chapter 10 How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Trade Option Contracts p to this point, you have learned different investment strategies using option contracts. Now, you’ll learn how and where to open an account to trade them. In most of the brokerage firms, where you open your account to invest in stocks, you can also trade options. All you need to do when filling out the application is specify in a section of it, that you want to trade options. The account must be approved for option trading. Of course, that is just a formality, because everyone gets approved, at least for buying and selling them, which is all you’ll need. The majority of the option chain examples used in the second part of this book, were taken from Ameritrade, since they also allow you to trade options, as we did with stocks in the first part of this book. Now, we’ll explain to you step by step the different functions related to options you must know in order to execute your transactions. How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market How to Place Buy/Sell Orders Before placing a buy or sell order, the first thing you need to do is get the price table or Option Chain of the company you want to invest in, which is very easy. Once you are on Ameritrade’s central page, click on Research, then on Option Chain, where you will see a form that needs to be completed, in order for you to get the option chain. Now let’s see what this looks like. Company’s symbol we want to get the option contracts for. Select All, to see all the strike prices. Here we specify that we want to see the puts and the calls. Here we specify that we want to see all the expiration months for these contracts. After completing this, click on View Chain in order to get the desired information, which will look like this: -176- Chapter 10: How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Trade Option Contracts To trade these contracts, whether a put or a call, all you have to do is click on their bid or ask and fill out the form that will appear. As you may notice, the expiration month for these option contracts is found in the upper section of the puts and calls. To buy or sell an option contract, whether a call or put, on Ameritrade’s web site, all you have to do is click on their bid or ask price, and fill out the form that appears. For instance, if in the above example you want to buy 10 INTC June 25 calls, you would have to click on -177- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market their bid or ask, as you can see, their price is “$0.25 Bid x $0.30Ask,” this will take you to an order entry form that will pop up at the bottom of the option chain, which needs to be completed with the desired information. You are already familiar with this form from chapter 3: As we said in chapter 3, this section can also be accessed by clicking on Trade and then on Options or using the order entry form that is always at the bottom of the web site. Next you’ll learn how to configure and place option orders. As mentioned earlier, we will be focusing only on buying and selling option contracts. So, these are the two functions you’ll be using: • Buy/Open: This means to buy either a Put or a Call. • Sell/Close: This means to sell either a Put or a Call. Therefore, we’ll ignore the Buy/Close and Buy/Open, since they are used for other types of option strategies not covered in this book. We do not recommend such strategies, because of the risk involved. As you can notice in our example we are trying to buy this contract at the bid price. It means we’re using a limit order. If we had used a market order, it would have been executed immediately at $0.30. You will also notice that in the last space we specified that this order would be for the day. Option orders are recommendable to be placed only for the day. -178- Chapter 10: How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Trade Option Contracts We want you to know that for options, the order types, their duration and the other specifications are the same as for stocks (covered in chapter 3). With this previous example completely filled out, the only thing left to do is send the order, which is done by clicking on Review Order. After this, you will be able to access a section, where you can check if everything specified in the order is correct. If so, send the order by clicking on: Place Order. Once sent, you will be able to see it in the Order Status / Open Order section, where you can modify it or cancel it if you want, of course in case of a limit order that hasn’t been executed yet. Executed orders during the day, are shown in the Order Activity and Trade section. These functions are accessed the same way we learned in chapter 3. These steps are similar in most of the brokerage firms where you open an account to trade options. We want to share something important with you. From our point of view, Ameritrade is one of the best brokerage firms for investing in stocks, especially in penny stocks, and as you have seen, they allow you to do options as well, although they are not option specialists. Meaning that there are brokerage firms specialized in options, therefore, they can offer better commissions, as well as better tools through their web sites for the execution of your orders. -179- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Advantages of One of the Best Brokerage Firms for Option Trading If you are seriously considering investing in options, we recommend to you a brokerage firm called Interactive Brokers that based on our experience; we believe they are one of the best in the market. Their commissions are the lowest ($1.00 for each bought or sold contract), and they also have a great software program called Trader Workstation, through which you’ll be carrying out all your transactions. If you want to contact them, here is their information: Telephone USA: 1(877) 442-2757 or (312) 542-6901 FAX:(312) 765-0095 Regular Mail Interactive Brokers LLC ATTN: Document Processing P O Box 5544 Chicago IL 60680-5544 Over Night Service Interactive Brokers LLC -180- Chapter 10: How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Trade Option Contracts ATTN: Document Processing 440 S. Lasalle ST Suite # 2601 Chicago IL 60605 Opening an account with them is very simple. All you need to do is go to their web page, click on Open an Account, fill out the application. Specify that you want to trade options, print it, sign it and send it out, using any of the ways indicated above. Once your account has been opened and the money you wish to deposit sent, you can download and use their software, where you’ll be handling all your transactions. This software is very easy to use. In the Help section, each one of its functions is explained step by step. One of the great benefits of this software is that it allows you to see the option prices simultaneously in the different option exchanges that exist, something like an option Level II, giving you a huge advantage over those investors who don’t have such a service. Now we’ll show you what an option chain looks like on their software. -181- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Through this software we have access to the option prices of the different option exchanges. More importantly, we can see the bid and ask size (amount of contracts to be traded), which allows us to detect how the supply/demand are in a given contract. -182- Chapter 10: How to Open an Account in a Brokerage Firm to Be Able to Trade Option Contracts Through our web site you will have access to this software’s help tutorials, where every one of its functions is clearly explained. -183- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -184- Conclusion inally, we are in the closing stage of this instructional material, with the hope that you have enjoyed it to your greatest satisfaction. We want you to know that our main goal was not only to teach you, but also to inspire you, so you can feel encouraged to enter this fascinating world of investments, and change your life style forever. Our endeavor was also to guide you, step by step, from the simple operation of opening an account to the use of advanced investment strategies. As you may have noticed throughout the book, everyone is entitled to use these techniques and take advantage of them, regardless of their social or financial status. In other words, we have tried to break the myth that only millionaires and those mentally gifted can accomplish the American dream through the exciting career of investing in the stock market. Now you know, dear reader, that by learning and applying these techniques, your life can and will positively change forever. After having said this, we feel ethically and emotionally bound to remain in touch with you, to give you our best assistance in every doubt and concern you may have in regard to this new challenging career. On our web site we have a chat room at your disposal where we will be exchanging ideas with you, and listening to your suggestion. Also in a near future we are going to implement some sort of online seminars through web cams where we will have very interesting debates and we’ll answer all the investment-related questions our readers may have. We wish you the best of luck ... see you at the top! ¨The secret of success is in the perseverance of the purpose¨ Jimmy Hernández How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -186- Glossary Ask: This is the best price sellers are willing to sell their shares, options, etc. Bid: It’s the best price buyers are offering to buy a security or any other type of financial instrument. Call Option: It is the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares of a company at a predetermined price within a specified date. Delta: It is the value an option contract will increase with respect to the share’s movement. For example: a 30% Delta means that this option contract would earn 30 cents for each dollar this share moves on your favor. EPS: Earnings per share How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market Float: The number of shares a company has available to the public. Intrinsic Value: It is the value for which an option contract is in the money. IPO: Initial Public Offering, in other words, this is when a company goes public for the first time. In The Money Option: In the case of a Call, this is when the strike price is below the share’s price, and in the case of a Put it is when the strike price is above the share’s price. Mutual Fund: It is a conglomerate of shares, managed by an administrator of the firm operating such fund, and is comprised of capital from many investors. Put Option: It is the right, but not the obligation to sell shares of a company at a predetermined price within a specified date. P/E Ratio: It is the relation between a company’s share’s price and its last annual EPS, for example: if a company’s share’s price is $20 each, and its last annual EPS was $2, to know this company’s P/E ratio, we would have to divide these two numbers, so in this case it would be 10. ROE (Return on Equity): It is the return a company has had on the average invested capital. Short Sell: It is when we borrow shares from the brokerage firm to sell them at the market price, with the hope of buying them back at a lower price to return them. -188- Glossary Spread: It is the difference between the Bid and Ask. Stock Option: It is the right, but not the obligation to buy or sell shares of a company at a predetermined price within a specified time. Stock Split: It is when a company splits its share’s price. It can be done in the following ratios: 2:1; 3:1: etc. Technical Analysis: It is the analysis of a company’s charts. Volume: The number of shares or options that have been traded in a given time. -189- How to Become a Millionaire in the Stock Market -190- Notes -191- Notes -192-
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