How to find an Accredited Yoga School

How to find an Accredited Yoga School
Yoga school will offer a student two different types of yoga instructor programs. The yoga
instructor programs will consist of 200 hours for beginners and the 500 hour program that is
directed towards those students that have already completed the 200 hour beginners program.
Here we will find out how you can earn your credentials as a yoga teacher, how you can find
accredited yoga programs and what the salary is like for the yoga teacher.
How to Become a Yoga Instructor
To find a program that teaches approved yoga instruction you can check on the Yoga Alliance
website in order to find registered yoga schools, also referred to as an RYS. You can find this
type of program through some community colleges, vocational schools, online universities, gyms
and of course yoga studios.
In these programs the student will learn about the different types of yoga postures and poses,
chanting, meditation, anatomy, philosophy of yoga and how to teach clients that have health
issues or disabilities.
During this course you will observe the program instructor performing different types of
posturing techniques, while also being able to practice the newly learned techniques by
instructing your fellow classmates. Some yoga courses will also offer their students certification
in CPR and First aid. If you are enrolled in a program that does not offer these certifications you
can enroll in a short online course. Both of these additional certifications are important especially
for those yoga instructors that work with the elderly, children or as private yoga instructors.
Programs that are offered through yoga studios can also offer the graduates the opportunity to
apply for teaching positions once they have completed a 500 hour advanced program.
The Salary Potential for the Yoga Teacher
Working as a yoga instructor you can find employment at health clubs, resorts, gyms, fitness
centers, yoga studios or you can work as a private instructor. Working as a private instructor can
allow you to set your own schedule, making appointments with clients for as many sessions a
day as suits your availability. You can set your own rates based on the length of a session. The
typical rates for private yoga sessions can range from 60$ to 100$. Working as a private yoga
instructor is also a good way to supplement your income in the beginning of your career.
You can also increase your salary in this field by earning additional certifications through
enrolling in different types of yoga classes that are directed towards teaching children, advanced
students or the elderly. This type of additional program will typically last for two to three
months, or they can last a period of one year if the program is offered on a weekend basis only.
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Bikram Yoga Teacher Training
The Bikram yoga teacher training program will include nine weeks of intense training and
will require the applicant to have two years of previous yoga teaching experience in order to
qualify. This program will provide the graduate with a certificate of completion and can make
this type of additional certification an asset in regards to you landing a higher paying yoga
instructor position. Here we will find out what type of material this program will cover, the
Bikram Yoga Certificate Program Course Outline
During one of these programs you will spend a total of nine weeks enrolled in such classes as
anatomy, health benefits of yoga, asana, philosophy of yoga, nutrition, posturing techniques and
yoga dialogue. This program will teach the student how to perform the 26 different postures
involved in Bikram yoga.
In the philosophy course offered through this program will teach the student the four steps of
life: sanyas, garahasthya, brahmacharya and banaprasthya. The course also covers the eight
different kinds of yoga and human concepts. The theory and practice course offered will teach a
student the Bikram’s basic yoga system as well as 84 different poses.
How Bikram Yoga Certification can Increase your Salary
By having this type of additional certification you can offer your potential employer diversity in
the different types of yoga classes you will be able to teach.
In order to make a high salary as a yoga instructor you will need to obtain the second level of
certification which consists of 500 hours of advanced training. You can qualify for this type of
program only after you have completed the initial 200 hour beginning trainer program.
Some yoga instructors will also choose to enroll in a personal trainer program in order to
increase their value in this highly competitive field. The personal trainer program can be
completed in six to twelve months and can allow you to work as a personal yoga instructor and
fitness trainer for high end clients. For those with more than two years of experience in the field,
if you have a large client base you will be able to make a high annual salary especially if you
have additional certifications as a personal trainer and Bikram instructor. Typically you can
make your own rates as a personal yoga instructor and charge based on the length or type of
session you provide. The usual rates will range from 60$ to 100$ per session with the lengths of
the session running from 30 minutes to 90 minutes.
Those yoga teachers with a large client base can also choose to open up their own yoga studio;
however there is a lot of competition for this type of business.
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Yoga Certification Online
Yoga certification online is available for the 200 hours beginners program. Before enrolling in
this type of program you will first need to be sure it is a RYS, also referred to as a registered
yoga school. Here we will talk about how you can earn your yoga certification online, how this
type of online program operates as well as what one of these programs will cost.
Yoga Certification Programs Online
The student will have access to the schools website where they can log onto the yoga instructor
section of the schools website and view recorded demonstrations from professional instructors.
The student will also be able to attend live demonstrations via webcam where they can interact
with other students in the program and the program instructor. Once weekly you will meet
privately with a program instructor by webcam where they will watch you perform meditations,
posturing, chants, and also provide you with feedback on the correct way to perform these tasks.
Before enrolling in a program you will first need to check the Yoga Alliance website in order to
make sure the program has approved course material. The cost of one of these programs will
range from 2,000$ to 3,000$ depending on the online university you enroll in. Some of these
schools will offer financial aid to those low income students that qualify.
Where can a Yoga Instructor Work?
As a professional yoga instructor you can work in a gym, yoga studio, fitness center, health club,
spa, or you can work as a private session instructor. You can make a higher salary by enrolling in
the advanced yoga instructor program that is 500 hours in length. In order to qualify for the 500
hour program you will need to take the beginners program.
Once you have worked as an instructor in the field for a few years and have built up your client
base you can work exclusively as a private yoga instructor for wealthy clients and travel to and
from their homes or places of employment. When working independently you will need to take
into account the added expenses such as yoga mats, candles and yoga uniforms you will need to
purchase as well as the cost of gas and car repair and maintenance. Should you save all of your
receipts from your work expenses you will be able to use them as a tax write off come tax
season. Working independently will also allow you to make your own schedule allowing you to
work as much or as little as you desire. You will also be able to set the price per session and
base if off of the type of yoga session you are teaching or the length. The common cost per
private session will range from 60$ to 100$ per hour.
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Yoga Instructor Certification Courses
In order to obtain your yoga instructor certification you will need to have a minimum of 200
hours of training in order to qualify for a teaching position at a gym, fitness center or yoga
studio. In order to obtain the advanced yoga instructor certification you will need to take an
additional 500 hour training program. Here we will find out how to become a yoga instructor, the
yoga instructor salary and how you can supplement your income in this field during the being of
your career as a yoga teacher.
Yoga Instructor Training Programs
In order to enroll in a program that teaches accredited material you will need to find a program
that is accredited by the Yoga Alliance. As a beginning instructor you will first need to take the
basic 200 hour training program before being able to enroll in the advanced 500 hour training
program that will teach a student how to work with clients that have disabilities, work with
clients that have health issues and teach students of all ages. In a basic training program you will
learn how to teach meditation, different chanting techniques, breathing techniques, poses and
posturing. To find an accredited registered yoga school you can check on the Yoga Alliance
The program for beginners will also feature material on traditional yoga postures and techniques,
analytical training, meditations, lifestyle and ethics, physiology, energy and anatomy and yoga
philosophy. Some programs will offer courses only on weekends as class retreats and will take
one to two years to complete. These types of programs will allow for the student to have more
one on one time with a certified yoga instructor who will give you feedback and critique your
posturing and breathing methods while also allowing you to practice teaching your techniques on
your fellow classmates while also having you observe their personal teaching methods.
The Yoga Program: Cost of Education
An accredited yoga program can have a cost range of 2,000$ to 4,000$ depending on the length
of the course and the type of yoga you choose to become certified for. You can also obtain your
yoga instructor training through a yoga studio, the cost of which will range from 2,000$ to
3,000$ and will not be a program that is accredited by the Yoga Alliance organization. In order
to qualify for the 500 hour certificate program a student will first need to complete the 200 hour
After you have graduated you may be eligible for a teaching position at a yoga studio, gym or
community college where you earned your education. This can be done on a full or part time
basis as a way to supplement your income and to also gain more experience in the field.
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Yoga Instructor Salary: Earn a Higher Salary
Your yoga instructor salary will depend on your level of credentials, your place of employment
and what type of environment you work in. Here we will find out the yoga teacher pay, how the
yoga instructor can increase their salary instantly and which type of yoga certification programs
are accredited by Yoga Alliance. We’ll also learn more about yoga instructor jobs and the
required yoga instructor education.
The Yoga Certification Programs: Basic and Advanced
There are currently two different certification programs offered for the yoga instructor. The first
program available will consist of 200 hours and is designed to teach the student the basics of a
yoga program, how to posture students, teach breathing techniques, chanting, and meditation and
also focuses on such course material as bone structure and anatomy.
The other course that is offered is the advanced 500 hour program which will require the student
to first complete the 200 hour program in order to qualify for enrollment into an advanced
program. The 500 hour program will teach a student how to work with clients that suffer from
disabilities, medical conditions as well as working with elderly students.
How to Increase your Salary as a Yoga Teacher
You can additional advanced courses if you are considering in offering a specialized type of
yoga class, such as one directed towards children or the elderly. You can also find a fitness
trainer program that will require the yoga instructor to enroll in a six month to 12 month program
in order to obtain your certification in this field.
As a professional instructor you can work in a gym, yoga studio, fitness center or you can work
as a private session yoga instructor. Many yoga instructors that have just graduated from a
program will work on a part time basis as a private session instructor while also holding full time
The salary charged per private session will be set by the yoga instructor. Commonly the
instructor will charge 80$ to 100$ per session.
The average annual yoga instructor salary will range from 30,000$ to 50,000$ after the first few
years working in the field. The salary for this type of position will increase once the instructor
has gained more than five years of experience. To start the yoga teacher may bring home a salary
that will range from 28,000$ to 34,000$. Places of employment such as health spa’s or private
yoga studios can offer a higher annual salary.
For those that have obtained additional certifications for fitness professions such as the fitness
instructor, they can expect a salary that is 6,000$ to 8,000$ more a year. With the fitness trainer
certification you will need to obtain a certain amount of continuing education credits in order to
maintain your licensure in that field.
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How to Become a Yoga Instructor
If you’re interested in finding out how to become a yoga instructor you can choose to enroll in
a 200 hour program or the 500 hour advanced certificate program. As a yoga instructor you will
lead your students through postures as well as be a role model in instructing students how they
can benefit from yoga. Typically a yoga teacher will obtain two years of instruction in yoga by
enrolling in both the 200 hour and 500 hour program as well as specializing in different types of
yoga techniques. Here we will find out how you can earn your credentials as a yoga instructor
and where you can find accredited yoga programs.
Yoga Instructor Certification Training: Basic Training
In order to have your credentials recognized universally you will need to find a program that is
accredited by the Yoga Alliance organization. The basic training programs will involve 200
hours of contact training which will include observing the program instructor as they go through
different types of posturing and breathing techniques, classes in anatomy and physiology,
chanting and meditation. Some training programs offered will consist of two year programs that
will be taught only on weekends on a retreat style basis. You can also find programs that will
assign personal yoga instructors to individual students as a mentoring type program. In other
programs offered a student will learn about traditional yoga instruction for such techniques as
prana, nadis, and chakras.
To find an extensive list of accredited programs you can visit the Yoga Alliance website where
all accredited programs will be registered.
Advanced Training Programs for Yoga Instructors
The 500 hour advanced training program will help to develop the instructor’s abilities with
special populations such as the elderly or those with medical issues. This type of program will
typically take one to two years to complete and can cost 5,000$ to 7,000$.
As a professional yoga teach you can work in a yoga studio, gym or you can teach private
sessions at a client’s home or place of employment. Your salary for this career will be based on
your level of education, your number of years in the field and the type of environment in which
you work.
You can increase your salary in this field by obtaining your certification as a fitness instructor.
Having this type of additional certification will make it significantly easier for you to find
employment at a gym or fitness center, as these positions are highly competitive.
If you’re interested in how you can be a yoga instructor that is self-employed, once you have
built up your clientele you can choose to work full time as a private session yoga instructor or
even open up your own yoga studio. Often in the beginning of a yoga teachers career they will
be employed full-time and offer private sessions on a part time basis in order to supplement their
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Yoga Teacher Training Programs
Yoga teacher training will involve 200 hours in the beginner instructor program or 500 hours for
the advanced programs. In order to enroll in the advanced course you will be required to have
taken and completed the basic beginner program. Here we will find out more regarding the job
duties of the yoga instructor, the yoga instructor certification and the employment opportunities
available in this field.
The Yoga Instructor Education Requirements
The 200 hour beginner’s yoga instructor course will offer students classes in anatomy, health
benefits of yoga, and philosophy of yoga, Bikram yoga dialogue, posture clinics, nutrition and
therapeutic applications. During your enrollment in a program you will be working closely with
your program instructor who will correct you on your posture techniques and instruct you on the
proper way to teach the yoga philosophy and movements. You will also practice instructing your
fellow classmates and can work with a program instructor on a one on one basis.
As a yoga instructor you will teach your students about the different types of yoga positions and
assist them in learning the basic steps. You will also need to take into account any health issues a
student may have and adjust your teaching methods accordingly. This will also include adjusting
your teaching methods due to a student’s age and level of fitness.
As a yoga instructor you can offer your students nutrition advice, provide coaching on proper
breathing techniques and how to correct a student’s posture when needed. The cost of an
accredited yoga program will range from 2,000$ to 4,000$, depending on the type of certificate
The Salary for the Yoga Instructor
The type of salary you will make in this profession will depend on the yoga instructor’s level of
certification, years of experience in the field and the instructor’s place of employment. The
higher paying yoga instructor positions will be found in gyms, health clubs or as a private yoga
As a private yoga instructor you will be traveling to a client’s home or place of employment and
can teach sessions that last from 30 minutes to one hour. The private instructor will charge for a
session based on its length as well as how far the instructor needs to travel for the appointment.
Some graduates of yoga programs will decide to work as a private instructor on the side in order
to supplement their income when they’re first starting in the field. A graduate can also choose to
teach at the same school or yoga studio where they have obtained their education.
In order to increase their annual salary as well as their marketability to future employers the yoga
instructor can earn their certification as a personal fitness trainer. This type of certification will
require a six month to one year certificate program at a vocational school, gym or technical
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