Midwest Conference on Differentiated Instruction July 21, 2012 - July 25, 2012 MC02 How to Teach Reading When You’re Not a Reading Teacher (Gr. 4-12) Sharon Faber, Ed.D. All resource materials not specifically identified as being reprinted from another source is copyright © 2012 by Sharon Faber, Ed.D.. You may not distribute, copy, or otherwise reproduce any of this material for sale or for commercial use without written permission from the author. Bring SDE presenters to your SDE can bring customized training directly to your For more information call SDE’s Professional Development Specialists 1-877-388-2054 or visit C850‐MC02‐WUP‐056637.pdf Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] How to Teach Reading When You’re Not a Reading Teacher Let’s Begin With an Anticipation Guide! Here are ten simple statements about reading. Decide if you agree or disagree with each statement (A or D). _____ 1. Content reading strategies are only useful with printed text. _____ 2. Many students have difficulty reading aloud and comprehending at the same time. _____ 3. Prior knowledge is an important part of reading comprehension. _____ 4. Reading strategies and skills should be taught systematically and explicitly to both good and poor readers. _____ 5. Good readers examine the structure of words and use roots and affixes to help comprehend new words. _____ 6. Learning to read, like learning spoken language, is a natural ability. _____ 7. Comprehension is selective. Good readers focus on important information in the text, and poor readers focus on their interest in the text being read. _____ 8. Students must know what the content specific words (academic vocabulary) mean before they can understand what they are reading. _____ 9. Good readers know when they do not understand what they are reading in a text and have ―fix-up‖ strategies to help them understand. _____10. Only trained reading teachers can teach struggling readers to read from grades 4-12 because it is too late to teach them how to read in their content classes. What Does the Research Tell Us About Effective Instruction? Teachers make a tremendous difference in student achievement. The key trait of effective teachers is they use systematic and explicit instructional strategies that work in any content. What is Systematic Instruction? Skills and concepts are taught in a planned, logically progressive sequence. What is Explicit Instruction? Direct explanation—stories, examples in kid friendly terms Teacher modeling—show them what is expected to be learned Guided practice—put them in pairs and let them think together Independent practice—only if there are no misconceptions; use formative assessment Application—the information is known, understood, and useable What the Reading Research Tells Us: o The bulk of older struggling readers and writers (4-12) can read but cannot understand what they read. 1 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] o Many excellent third grade readers will falter or fail in later-grade academic tasks if the teaching of reading is neglected in the middle and secondary grades. o The two most critical elements needed to learn to read are vocabulary and prior knowledge/experience. o It is never too late to teach a student to read! The Big “5” Elements of Reading Learning to Read: PreK-3 Reading to Learn: 4-12 and beyond There are five essential components of effective reading instruction. To ensure that students learn to read well, systematic and explicit instruction should be provided in these five areas: 1. Phonemic Awareness—the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. 2. Phonics—the understanding that there is a predictable relationship between phonemes (the sounds of spoken language) and graphemes (the letters) that spell words. 3. Vocabulary—development of stored information about the meaning and pronunciation of words necessary for communication. There are four types of vocabulary: listening, speaking, reading, and writing 4. Fluency—is the ability to read text accurately and quickly. Fluent readers recognize words and comprehend at the same time. Fluency provides the bridge between word recognition and comprehension. 5. Comprehension—understanding, remembering, and communicating with others about what has been read. Comprehension strategies are a set of steps that purposeful, active readers use to make sense of text when they read. Reading is NOT a natural ability: “That the brain learns to read at all attests to its remarkable ability to sift through seemingly confusing input and establish patterns and systems. For a few children, this process comes naturally; most have to be taught.” David Sousa, 2005 The Rationale for Teaching Reading Strategies in All Subject Areas 1. Students do not automatically transfer skills they learn in reading to content areas. 2. Teachers are the experts in their content areas. They can identify key concepts, critical vocabulary, text features, and reading-thinking skills needed to learn in their content. 3. Content teachers can model the skills their students need to use and learn. They can create enthusiasm for their subjects. 4. Reading comprehension is basic to learning every content area. The content teacher’s responsibility is to help students learn to use the reading strategies they need to understand specific content materials and concepts. 2 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] 5. Teaching reading through content is not teaching phonics or other basic word attack skills. It is modeling and teaching specific reading-thinking skills that the teacher identifies as necessary for students to understand their content. Translating Research Into Practice For students to ―read to learn‖ in all classes, teachers must be trained on: 1. How to create a receptive state for student learning that is risk free 2. How to make their content meaningful to students’ lives 3. How to get and maintain students’ attention 4. How to help students retain information in long term memory—brain research 5. How to help students transfer learning to new situations—best practice research 6. How to teach direct, explicit literacy strategies using their content— reading research What is Content Area Reading (Reading to Learn)? Content area reading means helping students make connections between what students already know (prior knowledge) and the new information (academic vocabulary) being presented. Content teachers must teach their students how to use reading and writing as tools for thinking and learning in their specific subject. Content teachers do not become reading or writing specialists! Content teachers become teachers who teach their students how to read and write in their specific content. Academic Vocabulary ―Research has shown that academic vocabulary, in particular, is one of the strongest indicators of how well students will learn subject area content when they come to school. The relationship between academic vocabulary and academic achievement is well established.‖ Dr. Robert J. Marzano Learning English is Tough! Directions: Get with a partner who has the same color of hair (or not) and take turns reading these sentences aloud to each other. 1. The doctor wound the bandage around the wound. 2. The vegetable farm was used to produce produce. 3. The lady must polish the Polish furniture. 4. The young man could lead if he would get the lead out. 5. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 6. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 7. When the hunter shot, the dove dove into the bushes. 8. The magician did not object to the object he had to juggle. 9. The Viking oarsmen had a row about how to row. 10. The gentleman was too close to the door to close it. 11. The buck does funny things when the does are near by. 12. A seamstress and the sewer she worked with fell into a sewer line. 3 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] 13. When the artist saw the tear in the painting, he shed a tear. 14. The researcher had to subject the subject to a series of tests. Remember: Every content area has its own vocabulary and style of being read. As you teach your content, make sure your students understand the words that you as a scientist, historian, mathematician, artist, etc. know are important to be successful in your subject. ―The implication for teaching is strong: It takes more than definitional knowledge to know a word, and we have to know words in order to identify them in multiple reading and listening contexts and use them in our speaking and writing.‖ Janet Allen, 1999 Isabel Beck’s Three Levels of Vocabulary Comprehension There are three levels of vocabulary comprehension: 1. Established: Students know the word easily and rapidly. It is part of their prior knowledge and can be used to begin building on new word recognition. (trip) 2. Acquainted: Students recognize the word and understand the basic meaning. The word is partially understood but clarification is needed. (journey) 3. Unknown Words: This is a new word and the meaning is not known. The word is not in the oral or reading vocabulary of the students, but the new word represents known concepts. (expedition, Odyssey) “The challenge for the content area teacher is to determine what strategies will help students acquire the content knowledge while managing the wide range of differences in reading achievement.” David Sousa, 2005 If You Want Your Students to “Read to Learn” in Your Classroom, Try These “7” 1. Anticipation Guides: (Tierney, Readence, Dishner) We did one!!! Purpose—activate prior knowledge, encourage personal connection to the text, require active participation with the text Steps: List five to seven statements that: Address the major topics/themes/issues of the text Present important generalizations Are worth discussing and will encourage thinking/debate (make them argue!) Do not have clear cut or yes/no answers Are experience based if possible—works best when students have some but limited knowledge about the subject Before reading: Students agree or disagree with the statements. Share answers with a partner. 4 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] Ask the class with show of hands (signaling) on agree/disagree for each statement. Ask students to give reasons for their opinions. Do not correct answers. During reading: Students take notes on the topics or issues. They document the location (page, column, paragraph, line) of confirming or conflicting information. They read critically and with a purpose. They try to examine the issues with an open mind/a fresh point of view. After reading: Review original responses, and see if students feel the same or have changed their thinking. Use the following questions to guide discussion: o What information did we learn that we did not ―anticipate‖ before we read? o What have we learned by reading this selection? o What was the most interesting, surprising, or unusual information you learned? o Do we still have other questions about the topic/text? o Do you trust the expertise/credentials of the author? 2. Book/chapter/section Walk: Students must learn how to use the learning tools that they are given! Purpose—create interest, assess or activate prior knowledge, encourage personal connection to the text, require active participation with the text, expose students to critical text features, develop purpose for reading, develop key concepts, vocabulary, and general idea of text before reading Steps: Before students read, preview and examine the parts of a book, story, article, chapter, or section by systematically examining the various visual and text features. Show cover, opening page, first paragraph, introduction, conclusion, graphs, charts, etc. and ask students to make predictions regarding content. Quickly walk through the text, pointing out key information in the text. Point out text features that make the information delivery unique for your content—title, table of contents, introduction, summary, main headings, bold face or italics, first and last paragraphs, charts/pictures/graphs, source, date, author, glossary, and side bars. Use key vocabulary as you do the walk. Have students predict what the things you are pointing out will provide them as you go along. You may choose to record predictions. Return to predictions after reading. Student Sample: Reading Guide After a Book/Chapter/Section Walk 1. What is the name of your text, chapter, and section? 2. On what page does the glossary begin? 5 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] 3. What is used to help you practice problems, understand new words, create interest as you read? 4. Name some lessons/ideas/words from this book that will be a review for you. 5. What is a key concept in your book? 6. Where do you find a key concept? 7. Using the Table of Contents, name three new things that you will be learning. 3. Pre-Reading Vocabulary Charts: Rather than waste your time compiling vocabulary lists let the kids skim the text and select their own words. Ask each student (or pair of students) to create a chart where he/she writes down words of choice, and rates each one as "know it," "sort of know it," or "don't know it at all." Then, on the same paper, have them write a definition or "my guess on meaning" for the words they know and kind of know (No dictionaries!) Before they turn in these pre-reading charts, be sure to emphasize this is not about "being right" but that they are providing you with information to guide next steps in class vocabulary instruction. Read through them all and use the results as a formative assessment. This data will show you which words they know, those they have some understanding of, and those words that are completely foreign to them. As you teach any content, make sure your students understand the words that you as a reader--scientist, historian, mathematician, musician, artist, computer specialist, etc. know are important to be successful in that subject. Word Know It Sort of Know It Don’t Know it at all 4. Learning Walls—are not cute posters or letters of the alphabet. They are intentional attempts to use the power of visualization as a part of a long term memory for students. Generate a list of essential words (the verbs), concepts, formulas, or whatever is critical that students know and remember in your content area Include only essential words, etc. and add information gradually Practice and refer to this information and how it can be used daily. Make sure that what you want them to know is used and spelled correctly in their work Create a chart/format/list for important information Try using the same color for words that share the same concept and change colors when the theme, chapter, area of study changes. Remember: the brain research shows that the brain thinks in odd numbers, color, location, and pattern. 6 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] Place the information in a prominent place in your classroom. It does not have to be a wall. Make the Word/Learning Wall Interactive: Word/Learning Wall Activities 1. Word Hunt – Look on wall for particular words related to another word/concept or matching given criteria. 2. Rivet – Teacher draws spaces for words, fills in one letter at a time until students recognize the word. 3. Memory – Cover the word wall, divide class into teams. Team members work together to see who can remember the most words in five minutes. 4. Partner Quiz – Randomly give out the letters of the alphabet. Student groups read and define all the words on the word wall that begin with that letter. 5. Read My Mind – Students number paper 1 to 5. Teacher gives 5 clues for a particular word on the word wall. Students write down the word. They may keep the same word or change to a different word led by the clues. The winner is the student who chose the correct word on the earliest clue. 6. Telephone Game – Student at head of each row chooses a word from the word wall and whispers the definition of the word in the ear of the next student. This student, in turn, whispers the heard definition to the next student. The definition is passed in this way until it reaches the last person. This person announces the definition heard and compares it with the correct definition. 7. Word Up! – Students choose a word from the word wall and complete the following to be shared with the class: Word – What it is – What it isn’t – Synonym – Antonym – How is it used 8. Pass Along –Each student writes a simple phrase using a word from the wall. He/she then passes the paper to another student who adds another phrase using another wall word. That student passes the paper once more, adding another phrase containing a wall word and checking the sentence. 9. Communication Game - Teacher rolls a die. If the roll is 1 or 2, a student must act out a wall word. If the roll is 3 or 4, a student must draw, without talking, the word meaning for the class to guess. If the roll is 5 or 6, the student must explain the word without using the word itself or body motions. 10. Get Moving – Students spell wall words using their bodies (mind-body connections). Tall letters are spelled with arms straight up in the air. Small letters are spelled with arms bent and hands on hips. Dropped letters are spelled with hands on hips and knees bent. 11. Riddles, riddles, riddles – Have students create riddles for words such as What has 6 letters, starts with p…? 12. Roll That Die – Roll a die. Students identify words on Word Wall having that number of letters, giving a definition and a sentence for each 13. Word Wall Stories – Divide the class into teams. Each team writes a creative story using as many wall words as possible. 7 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] 14. Crisscross Words- Played like Scrabble where students fit words together. 15. How Much Are Your Words Worth? – Search the wall for words that add up to a certain pre-determined value. (a=1, b=2, c=3, etc.) 16. 20 Questions – Students take turns asking Yes or No questions about the word. 17. ―I Spy‖ – Have students search the wall by saying ―I spy with my eye, a word that…..‖. Complete it with a clue such as ―is the antonym of sad‖ or ―rhymes with stop‖ or ―is a verb‖ or ―means…‖. 18. Scavenger Hunt – Search the word wall for words that fit a certain category. 19. Alliterative Sentences – Write a sentence using as many word wall words beginning with the same letter as possible. 20. Fix-It – Identify words that have prefixes and suffixes. 21. Syllabicate – Choose words to divide into syllables. 22. Sentences – Choose a noun and a verb from the wall. Write a declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentence using the two words. 23. Context Clues – Write a sentence leaving a blank for a word wall word to be inserted. 5. Sorts—manipulation of content and vocabulary. You can sort anything. Sorting is a great activity to develop spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. It creates active manipulation of the content and uses the mind-body connection as a part of the long term memory for students. Determine the purpose for the sort. Write the terms on cards or strips of paper. Place sets in zip-lock bags or envelopes. Students work in pairs or along to match or categorize them. Word/definition; word/antonym or synonym; questions/answers; cause/effect; alphabetically; sequentially, chronologically; meaning; form; function, etc. How About a Sort on Word Parts? The Important “30”—Root Words, Prefixes, and Suffixes The Importance of Learning Word Parts Students need to connect new words to words they already know and often that can be done by looking at word parts. The more roots, prefixes, and suffixes that students know, the more they can independently analyze new words and increase their comprehension in all content areas. Once students know the meanings of many roots, prefixes, and suffixes, they can use that knowledge to figure out new words in text where there are no context clues and in analogies when they don’t know the meanings of some of the choices. Brown and Cazden (1965) said that the following 30 root words, prefixes, and suffixes provide the basis for more than 14,000 commonly used words in the English language: 8 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia Root Word, Prefix, Suffix ab ad co, con, com, col, cor de dis ex in, im, il, ir pre pro re un able ance, ence, ancy, ency er, or [email protected] Meaning away from to, toward together, with Audio away, down, out of not, opposite out of, formerly in, not before forward back, again not, opposite capable of, worthy of act or fact of doing, state, quality person or thing connected with, agent Full of, abounding in without, free from like, characteristic of state of, quality of action, state, result sound, speech distance measure to seize, take, or contain to hear vid, vis to see or look at spect, spec, spic to observe, watch Inter sub mis trans between under wrong across or beyond ful less ly ment tion, sion, xion phon tele meter cap Example from Your Content Area Math: bi, circum, dia, iso, mono, multi, per, peri, poly, quad, semi, super, tetra, trans, tri, uni, penta, octo/octa , deca, hexa, nona, cent Health & Science: ab, co, con, demi, dia, dys, epi, hetero, homo, hydro, hyper, hypo, infra, meta, micro, neo, para, per, peri, proto, photo, sub, trans, via, ology, astro, bio, chlor, eco Social Studies: ab, ad, anti, arch, at, con, contra, countr, demi, epi, ethno, ex, il, im, multi, neo, ob, omni, para, poly, pro, trans, via, vice 9 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] 6.Fix-Up Strategies—After clarifying what they don’t understand, students must be taught what ―things‖ they can do to help them understand the information before they ask the teacher for help Steps: Discuss with students what they do when they are reading and they come to a something they don’t understand. Give students the Fix-Up Strategies Chart and explain each type of fix-up and give an example of when it would be used. Read a text to the students and model Fix-Up Strategies using a Think Aloud. Have students read a text and practice using Fix-Up Strategies. Fix-Up Strategies Ask yourself what you already know about the text. Use your prior knowledge and make an informed guess. Re-read the sentence with the ―clunk‖ and look for ideas. Re-read the sentences before and after the clunk and look for clues. Keep reading for now and ignore the confusing word or concept. Study the bold print, headings, captions, diagrams, charts, visuals, graphs, and pictures. Use prefixes and suffixes to figure out the meaning of the word or phrase. Break the word into smaller parts. Look up key words or concepts in the glossary, thesaurus, or dictionary. If it doesn’t make sense reading the text silently, read it out loud. Ask someone for help. REMEMBER: Use at least 3 of these strategies BEFORE you ask the teacher! 7. ABC Brainstorming/Vocabulary Quilt—can be used to check background knowledge, note key elements or information, or to create a summary or review. Students list letters of the alphabet down a sheet of paper (or provide them with a sheet with the alphabet boxes). Students fill in words or phrases that begin with each letter (in no particular order). Begin individually, then allow them to pair up Share answers with the class, write a summary paragraph that includes what they think are the major points, or create a graphic organizer of what they have learned. 10 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] ABC Brainstorming Review Directions: With a partner, think about what you have learned about reading and how to teach it in your content area in today’s session and write one word for each letter that reflects what you have learned. Are these the same words you would have used before this session? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XY Z 11 © Faber Consulting, 2012 Dr. Sharon Faber Cumming, Georgia [email protected] LIST OF RELATED CITATIONS HOW TO TEACH READING WHEN YOU’RE NOT A READING TEACHER PRESENTED BY STAFF DEVELOPMENT FOR EDUCATORS (SDE) DR. SHARON H. FABER Allen, Janet. (2007). Inside Words: Tools for Teaching Academic Vocabulary in Grades 4-12. York, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Beck, I., McKeown, M. & Kucan, L. (2002). Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Faber, Sharon. (2006). How to Teach Reading When You’re Not a Reading Teacher. 2ND Ed. Nashville, TN: Incentive Publications, Inc. Faber, Sharon. (2007). Reading Strategies: A Quick-Reference Resource for Helping Students Before, During, and After Reading. Nashville, TN: Incentive Publications. Faber, Sharon. (2010). How to Teach Academic Vocabulary So Kids Can Remember. Nashville, TN: Incentive Publications. Sousa, David. (2005). How the Brain Learns to Read. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc. 12 © Faber Consulting, 2012
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