HOW TO USE COMMITTEE/COMMISSION MINUTES ARCHIVE Click the “Bookmarks” tab to the left of the screen to view links to view the minutes of each Meeting. Click on the Meeting Date. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2008 6:30 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, April 21, 2008 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Acting Chairman Donald K. Holland, Aldermen Patrick Juliana, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Aldermen G. John Ruffolo and Ray Misner were excused. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on April 2, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Moldenhauer, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve minutes. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Acceptance of Project #05-1420 Southport Beach House Restoration which has been satisfactorily completed by Rasch Construction, Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $135,049.00. (District 3) (Park Commission approved 4:0) It was moved by Alderman Moldenhauer, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve acceptance. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Permanent easement for roadway improvements at the Kenosha Regional Airport on 88th Avenue, north of 52nd Street. (City of Kenosha) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 8:0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve permanent easement. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 Warranty deed to dedicate 88th Avenue right-of-way. (First Industrial) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 8-0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve warranty deed. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Resolution to amend Resolution #128-07 for a two-lot Certified Survey Map for property located at 4717 5th Avenue. (Dikmen) (District 2) (City Plan Commission approved 8:0) It was moved by Alderman Moldenhauer, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve resolution. Motion passed 4-0. Alderman Misner arrived. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: PermiTrack Information System Yardwaste Pilot Program Project Status Report ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Holland commented on seeing contractors putting debris down storm sewers and suggested sending reminder letters. Alderman Misner suggests recognizing outstanding Public Works employees. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm. Motion passed 4-0. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, April 28, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on April 21, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve minutes. Motion passed 6-0. C-1 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project #08-1012 39th Avenue Reconstruction Hazardous Walk and Driveway Approach Repair Only (39th Avenue - 67th Street to 60th Street). (District 15) PUBLIC HEARING Alderman Juliana was excused from the meeting. A public hearing was held, Jesus Martinez, 6115 39th Avenue spoke. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve Preliminary Report/Final Resolution. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Request to Pave Lawn Park Area from Kenosha Grocery (4324 7th Avenue). (District 2) Petitioner called to have petition withdrawn. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to defer. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Resolution – Intent to Assess for Project #08-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program Hazardous Walk and Driveway Approach Repair Only (Citywide Locations). (All Districts) Alderman Juliana returned to the meeting. It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve resolution. Motion passed 6-0. C-4 Resolution to approve a two-lot Certified Survey Map for property on 50th Avenue north of 31st Street. (City of Kenosha/Deaton) (District 5) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman to defer this item to the end of the agenda. Motion passed 6-0. C-5 Developers Agreement between the City of Kenosha, Kenosha Water Utility and Brookstone Homes Inc., for the KAT Subdivision located north of 45th Street and east of 35th Avenue. (District 10) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve items C-5 and C6. Motion passed 6-0. C-6 Resolution approving the Final Plat for KAT Subdivision located north of 45th Street and east of 35th Avenue. (District 10) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) C-7 Set day and time for Public Works Committee meeting for Memorial Day (May 26). It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Nudo that Alderman Ruffolo will decide day and time for meeting based on agenda items. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Project Status Report At 5:20 pm a motion was made by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to recess meeting for 45 minutes. Motion passed 6-0. The meeting was back in session at 5:52 pm to discuss item C-4. C-4 Resolution to approve a two-lot Certified Survey Map for property on 50th Avenue north of 31st Street. (City of Kenosha/Deaton) (District 5) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) Art Strong, Park Director, was available to answer questions. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve resolution. Motion passed 6-0. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Nudo to adjourn the meeting at 5:57 pm. Motion passed 6-0. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 12, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on April 28, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve minutes. Motion passed 6-0. C-1 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project #08-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program Hazardous Walk and Driveway Approach Repair Only (Citywide Locations) (All Districts) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Moldenhauer, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve final resolution. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Award of Contract for Project #08-1012 39th Avenue Reconstruction (39th Avenue - 67th Street to 60th Street) to Cornerstone Pavers, Racine, Wisconsin in the amount of $1,273,000.00. (District 15) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve award. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Award of Contract for Project #08-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations) to AZAR, LLC dba Sam's Cement Construction Co., Racine, Wisconsin in the amount of $549,000.00. (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve award. Motion passed 6-0. C-4 Approval of 2008 Sidewalk Rates. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve rates. Motion passed 6-0. C-5 Change Order for Project #06-1540 Civil War Museum. Finance Committee) (District 2) Paula Touhey, Museum Director, was available to answer questions. (also referred to It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve change order. Motion passed 6-0. C-6 Professional Services Agreement between the City of Kenosha and Graef, Anhalt, Schloemer & Associates Inc. for Place de Douai. (District 2) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve agreement. Motion passed 6-0. C-7 Approval of PermiTrackESC Web Portal Services Agreement Between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin and SEH, Inc. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve agreement. Motion passed 6-0. C-8 Acceptance of Project #07-2005 Southport Lighthouse Keeper's Dwelling Exterior Restoration (5117 4th Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Camosy Inc., Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $32,650.00. (District 2) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approved acceptance. Motion passed 6-0. C-9 Amendment to Street Encroachment Agreement between Trolley Square, LLC (Wine Knot (5611 6th Avenue)) and City of Kenosha. (District 2) Mike Maki, City Development, was available to answer questions. It was moved by Alderman Moldenhauer, seconded by Alderman Holland to defer item to next meeting. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:58 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Alderman Patrick Juliana was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on May 12, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve minutes. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 WisDOT State/Municipal Agreement for Highway Improvement Project (39th Avenue - 27th Street to 18th Street). Project ID: 3831-06-00/70 (District 5) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve agreement. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 WisDOT State/Municipal Agreement for Highway Improvement Project (I-94 at STH 50 Interchange). Project ID: 1032-10-00/70 (District 17) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve agreement. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Acceptance of Project #06-1542 Civil War Museum HVAC Adjusting, Testing and Balancing which has been satisfactorily completed by Professional System Analysis, Germantown, Wisconsin in the amount of $11,200.00. (District 2) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve acceptance. Motion passed 5-0. Alderman Juliana arrived. C-4 Resolution to approve a one-lot Certified Survey Map for property located north of 60 th Street and east of 88th Avenue. (First Industrial) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve resolution. Motion passed 6-0. C-5 Developers Agreement between the City of Kenosha, Kenosha Water Utility and First Industrial Investments, Inc., for property located north of 60th Street and east of 88th Avenue. (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve developers agreement. Motion passed 6-0. C-6 Petition to vacate the remaining southern portion of an alley located north of 50th Street between 23rd and 24th Avenues. (Ogren/Juliana) (District 7) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve petition. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to adjourn the meeting at 5:10 pm. Motion passed 6-0. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2008 6:30 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, June 16, 2008 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 6:33 P.M. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on May 28, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve minutes. Motion passed 6-0. C-1 Resolution to approve a two-lot Certified Survey Map to be located south of 38 th Street and east of I-94. (Gordon Food Service) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 8:0) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve resolution. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Amendment to Street Encroachment Agreement between Trolley Square, LLC (Wine Knot (5611 6th Avenue)) and City of Kenosha. (District 2) (deferred from May 12, 2008 meeting) Mike Maki, City Development, was available to answer questions. It was moved by Alderman Moldenhauer, seconded by Alderman Holland to defer because applicant was not at meeting with fence sample. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Resolution to Commit to Provide Sufficient Funds to Enable the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation to Issue a Transportation Economic Assistance Program Grant. (also referred to Finance and Public Safety & Welfare Committees) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve resolution. Motion passed 6-0. C-4 Resolution to Amend the City of Kenosha Capital Improvement Program for 2008 through 2011 by Creating Line CO-08-002 County Trunk Highway N Construction for a total of $3,885,000 with Outside Funding of $3,885,000 for a Net Change of $0. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve resolution. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Amendment to Street Encroachment Agreement between Trolley Square, LLC (Wine Knot (5611 6th Avenue)) and City of Kenosha. (District 2) (deferred from May 12, 2008 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to reconsider this item. Motion passed 6-0. The applicant presented the committee with the a sample of the fence as requested. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve amendment with the understanding that Aldermen Holland and Moldenhauer will approve fencing once owner has installed test piece. Motion passed 6-0. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, June 30, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Alderman Donald K. Holland was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:28 pm. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on June 16, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve minutes. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 To Repeal and Recreate Section 5.08 A.1 of the Code of General Ordinances, to Amend the Definition of “Parking Facility(ies)”. (Tabled at January 28, 2008 meeting) Paula Blise, Zoning Coordinator spoke. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to take item off the table. Motion passed 5-0. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to defer item. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Award of Contract for Project #08-1018 Surface Paving (Small Boat Harbor Parking Lot, Neuvillage Subdivision, 31st Avenue - 66th Street to 64th Street & 58th Street - 14th Avenue to 150 Ft West) to Black Diamond Group, Oak Creek, Wisconsin in the amount of $291,000. (Districts 2, 7, 12, 17) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve award. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Acceptance of paving and drainage improvements on 19th Street from 30th Avenue to west end. (District 4) Alderman Misner was excused during discussion of item C-3. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve acceptance. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Petition to vacate an alley located east of 19th Avenue and south of 60th Street. (Hervat/Marks) (District 8) (City Plan Commission approved 8:0) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve petition. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Resolution amending Resolution #165-07 to extend the recording time for a four-lot Certified Survey Map for property at the northwest corner of 71st Street and 122nd Avenue. (Gateway Center LLC) (District 17) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve resolution. Motion passed 4-0. C-6 Acceptance of a Quit Claim Deed from Regency Hills Riverwoods, LLC to the City of Kenosha for future 43rd Avenue right-of-way south of 18th Street. (District 5) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve acceptance of quit claim deed. Motion passed 4-0. Alderman Misner returned to the meeting. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Stormwater Utility Update – No update given as three of the Aldermen were needed to attend another committee meeting. Update will be held at a later date. Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 pm. Motion passed 5-0. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 14, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, July 14, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 5:16 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on June 30, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve. Motion passed 60. C-1 Award of Contract for Project #08-1019 Joint, Crack Cleaning and Sealing (Citywide Locations) to American Pavement Solutions, Green Bay, WI in the amount of $119,000.00. (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve award. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Award of Contract for Project #08-1406 Simmons Island Restroom Renovations (5001 4th Avenue) to Bane Nelson, Kenosha, WI in the amount of $85,000.00. (District 2) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve award. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Award of Contract for Project #08-1211 Street Division Facilities Painting and Miscellaneous Building Repairs (6415 35th Avenue) to Bane Nelson, Kenosha, WI in the amount of $90,000.00. (District 11) It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve award. Motion passed 6-0. C-4 Petition to vacate a portion of an alley located east of 18 th Avenue between 61st and 62nd Street. (Steenhagen/Marks) (District 8) (City Plan Commission approve 9:0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve petition. Motion passed 6-0. C-5 Distribution Easement Agreement between the City of Kenosha and WE Energies, AT&T Wisconsin and Time Warner Entertainment Company granting a permanent underground joint easement located north and south of 40th Street, and west of 32nd Avenue. (District 10) (City Plan Commission approve 9:0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve agreement. Motion passed 6-0. Alderman Moldenhauer was excused prior to the Stormwater Utility Update. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Stormwater Utility Update - Shelly Billingsley gave a presentation. Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 28, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, July 28, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on July 14, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve minutes. Motion passed 6-0. C-1 Project #05-1416 Anderson Park Skateboard Park (8730 22nd Avenue) Approval of Recommendation of City Engineer and Parks Director to reject all bids, and re-advertise the contract. (District 9) (also referred to Park Commission) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve recommendation. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Request from Mt Zion Church (5927 37th Avenue) to pave lawn park area on 60th Street side. (District 11) Andy Peters, 1420 42nd Avenue, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve request but that the size of the paved lawn park area be five feet, not ten feet as requested. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Resolution – Intent to Assess for Sump Pump Drain Connections into Storm Sewers (37th Avenue - 85th Place to 86th Street) (District 14) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve items C-3 through C-7. Motion passed 6-0. C-4 Resolution for special assessments for hazardous walk and driveway approach repair only for Project #07-1013 7th Avenue Reconstruction (7th Avenue – 49th Street to Sheridan Rd), in the total amount of $31,009.85 to be levied against the respective parcels of property as shown by a report of the City Engineer and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kenosha. (Districts 1 and 2) (also referred to Finance Committee) C-5 Resolution for special assessments for hazardous walk and driveway approach repair only for Project #07-1018 Resurfacing Phase III (48th Avenue - 58th Street to 60th Street & 85th Street - 30th Avenue to 32nd Avenue), in the total amount of $8,564.89 to be levied against the respective parcels of property as shown by a report of the City Engineer and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kenosha. (Districts 9, 11 and 14) (also referred to Finance Committee) C-6 Resolution for special assessments for hazardous walk and driveway approach repair only for Project #07-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations), in the total amount of $34,739.80 to be levied against the respective parcels of property as shown by a report of the City Engineer and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kenosha. (All Districts) (also referred to Finance Committee) C-7 Resolution to a Special Tax Upon Certain Parcels of Land Within the City of Kenosha Pursuant to §5.11F of the Code of General Ordinances, Entitled “Sidewalks and Alleys to be Kept Clean by Responsible Party – Emergency Enforcement” (Snow Removal from Sidewalk). (All Districts) (also referred to Finance Committee) C-8 Resolution to approve the Final Plat for Hillside Heights Subdivision located at 46th Avenue and 46th Street. (Hillside Heights Subdivision) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 8:0) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve items C-8 through C-10. Motion passed 6-0. C-9 Developers Agreement between A&M Enterprises, LLC, City of Kenosha and the Kenosha Water Utility for Hillside Heights Subdivision located at 46th Avenue and 46th Street. (Hillside Heights Subdivision) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 8:0) C-10 Developers Agreement between Bravo Realty, LLC, City of Kenosha and Kenosha Water Utility for an office complex located east of STH 31 and south of 64 th Street (Bravo Realty, LLC) (District 17) (City Plan Commission approved 8:0) INFORMATIONAL ITEM: ● MOB Smoke Room Policy – Alderman Ruffolo discussed the policy. ● LED Street Light Program – Mike Lemens updated the committee and said the city will have a pilot program for LED street lights on 39th Avenue from 60th Street to 67th Street. ● Project Status Report ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Holland suggested having the traffic engineer study stop signs that shouldn't exist or are no longer necessary and then discuss the possibility of eliminating them. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:44 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2008 6:45 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, August 18, 2008 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on July 28, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve minutes. Motion passed 6-0. C-1 Award of Contract for Project #08-1023 Miscellaneous Resurfacing & Asphalt Joint Repairs (Resurfacing: 10th Ave - 54th to 56th Streets, Asphalt: 52nd Street – 30th Avenue to Green Bay Road) to Payne & Dolan, Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $260,000.00. (Districts 2, 10, & 16) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve contract. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Change Order for Project #07-1018 Resurfacing Phase III. (District 8) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve change order. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Kenosha and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for properties located between CTH K and STH 50, west of 120th Avenue. (District 17) (City Plan Commission approved 6:0) It was moved by Alderman Misner, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve Memorandum of Understanding. Motion passed 6-0. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:52 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, August 25, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Alderman Ray Misner was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on August 18, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve minutes. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project #77-1104 Sump Pump Drain Connections into Storm Sewers (37th Avenue - 85th Place to 86th Street). (District 14) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held. Dan Batassa, 8541 37th Avenue spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve preliminary report/final resolution. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 CMAQ Project Agreement between WisDOT and City of Kenosha for Bike and Pedestrian Connections. (ID 1693-45-00/70) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve agreement. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Award of Contract for Project #05-1416 Anderson Park Skateboard Park (8730 22nd Avenue) to Bane Nelson, Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $157,750.00. (District 9) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve contract. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Award of Contract for Project #08-1024 Strawberry Creek Surface Paving to Payne & Dolan, Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $458,800.00. (District 17) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve contract. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Acceptance of Project #07-1014 Concrete Street Repairs (80th Street – Sheridan Rd to 30th Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Cornerstone Pavers, LLC, Racine, Wisconsin in the amount of $253,931.36. (Districts 3, 9 & 13) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve acceptance. Motion passed 5-0. C-6 Acceptance of Project #07-1018 Resurfacing Phase III (48th Avenue - 58th Street to 60th Street & 85th Street - 30th Avenue to 32nd Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Cicchini Asphalt Paving, Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $181,046.49. (Districts 9, 11 & 14) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve acceptance. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: ● Stormwater Utility Ordinances – Shelly Billingsley and Nick Torcivia gave a presentation. ● Stormwater Utility Multiple Units on a Single Address ● Library Park – Alderman Misner arrived. ● Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:52 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2008 6:30 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, September 15, 2008, in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, and Anthony Nudo. Aldermen Ray Misner and Don L. Moldenhauer were excused. The meeting was called to order at 6:37 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek and Mike Lemens. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on August 25, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve minutes. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Acceptance of Project #07-1409 Washington Park Shelter and Project #07-1410 Miscellaneous Park Shelters (Poerio, Roosevelt and Gangler) which has been satisfactorily completed by Camosy, Inc., Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $112,283.00. (Districts 4, 6, 12 & 15) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve items C-1 through C-3. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Distribution Easement Agreement between the City of Kenosha and WE Energies granting a permanent easement at the northeast corner of 41st Street and 32nd Avenue. (District 10) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) C-3 Vacant Land Acquisition Cost Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Kenosha and Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) #1 for right-of-way on 56 th Street west of 64th Avenue. (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) C-4 Intergovernmental Agreement Jurisdictional Transfer of Roadway between County of Kenosha, Wisconsin and City of Kenosha, Wisconsin for Part of County Trunk Highway “N”. (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve items C-4 and C-5. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Resolution to Accept Jurisdictional Transfer of County Trunk Highway “N” between the East Frontage Road of I-94 and County Trunk Highway “S”. C-6 Change Order #2 for Project #07-1013 7th Avenue Reconstruction. (also referred to Finance Committee) (Districts 1 & 2) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to defer change order until the next meeting. Motion passed 4-0. C-7 To Repeal and Recreate Section 1.03 C.1.b of the Code of General Ordinances; To Create Section 1.06 K of the Code of General Ordinances, Entitled “Stormwater Utility Committee”; and, to Amend, Renumber, Create, and Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter VIII of the Code of General Ordinances, Entitled “Stormwater Utility”. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve items C-7 through C-9. Motion passed 4-0. C-8 To Repeal and Recreate Section XXXIII of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin, Entitled “Land-Disturbing Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance”. C-9 To Create Chapter XXXVI of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin, Entitled “Post-Construction Stormwater Management Ordinance”. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Status of Paving in Strawberry Creek Subdivision Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 5:07 PM. Alderman Donald K. Holland was excused. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on September 15, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve minutes. B-1 Change Order #2 for Project #07-1013 7th Avenue Reconstruction (Districts 1 & 2) (also referred to Finance Committee) (deferred from September 15, 2008 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to defer for two weeks. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Award of contract for Project #08-1409 Southport Beach House Restroom Renovations (7825 1 st Avenue) to Bane Nelson in the amount of $155,000. (District 3) (also referred to Park Commission) Art Strong, Parks Director, spoke about the project. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve award of contract. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 First Amendment to the Developers Agreement by and between First Industrial Investments, Inc. and City of Kenosha, Wisconsin and the Kenosha Water Utility for property located east of 88th Avenue and south of 52nd Street. (First Park Kenosha South) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 7:0) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve first amendment. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Resolution to amend the Official Map for the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin to include the designation of 56th Street from 64th Avenue to 68th Avenue as a future street; and to rescind the designation of 68th Avenue from 56th Street to 60th Street as a future street, pursuant to Section 62.23(6). Wisconsin Statutes. (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 7:0) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve resolution. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Resolution declaring the necessity for the public use to widen that portion of 75th Street from 38th Avenue to 7th Avenue and to authorize the condemnation of lands adjacent thereto or such actions as may be necessary to acquire sufficient interests in such lands. (Districts 3, 12, 13) (City Plan Commission approved 7:0) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve resolution. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Approval of Amendment to Task Order No. 4 with HNTB. Committee) (also referred to Finance It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve amendment. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:43 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2008 6:30 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, October 20, 2008 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on September 29, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve minutes. Motion passed 6-0. B-1 Change Order #2 for Project #07-1013 7th Avenue Reconstruction. (Districts 1 & 2) (also referred to Finance Committee) (deferred from September 15 & September 29, 2008 meetings) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve change order. Motion passed 6-0. C-1 Award of Contract for Project #08-1214 Roof Replacement – Stormwater Operations Building (6415 35th Avenue) to Van's Roofing, Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $57,900.00. (District 11) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve contract. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Acceptance of Project #06-1413 Baseball Complex – Fencing & Dugouts (39th Avenue @ 42nd Street) which has been satisfactorily completed by Aluminum Fence Corp., Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $307,465.84. (District 10) (Park Commission approved 3:0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve Items C-2 through C-9 after being read. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Change Order #1 for Project #07-1412 Poerio Park Paved Trail and Project #07-1413 Columbus Park Parking Lot. (Districts 4 & 7) (also referred to Finance Committee, Park Commission approved 3:0) C-4 Resolution to correct resolution #98-08. (also referred to Finance Committee) C-5 Resolution to approve a one-lot Certified Survey Map for property located south of 52 nd Street and east of 104th Avenue. (District 16) (Panattoni) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) C-6 Resolution to approve a two-lot Certified Survey Map for property located at 4105 18 th Street. (District 5) (Colicki) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) C-7 Petition to vacate a portion of an alley located east of 17th Avenue between 53rd and 54th Street. (District 7) (Steele/Juliana) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) C-8 Resolution to approve a one-lot Certified Survey Map to be located at the southeast corner of 75th Street and Sheridan Road. (District 3) (Walgreen's) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) C-9 Easement from the City of Kenosha to AT&T for installation of an aboveground utility structure to be located south of 89th Street and east of 41st Avenue. (District 14) (City Plan Commission approved 10:0) C-10 To Renumber, Create, and Repeal and Create Various Sections of Chapter XVII of the Code of General Ordinances; and to Repeal the Title “Land Division Ordinance” of Chapter XVII, and Recreate the Title of Chapter XVII as “Divisions and Combinations of Land”. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve ordinance changes. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Project Status Report ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Ruffolo commented on the 39th Avenue construction project and touring all Public Works buildings. Ron Bursek spoke about the installation of LED street lights and the energy cost savings, he also spoke about the Kenosha News article about the salt supply. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:49 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, October 27, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Ray Misner, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. Alderman Juliana was excused. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on October 20, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve minutes. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Approval of Recommendation of City Engineer to reject all bids and re-advertise Project #051443 Bike Path over Washington Road (Washington Rd west of 22nd Avenue). (Districts 10 & 15) It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve recommendation. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Acceptance of Project #07-1408 Simmons Island Seawall Repair (4720 Harbor Drive) which has been satisfactorily completed by Great Lakes Marine Construction, Inc., Black Creek, Wisconsin in the amount of $373,578.25. (District 2) (also referred to Park Commission) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve acceptance. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 WisDOT State/Municipal Agreements for Highway Improvement Projects. A. Sheridan Road - 50th Street to 7th Avenue (Districts 1 & 2) B. 52nd Street – STH 31 to 6th Avenue (Districts 2, 7, 10 & 16) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve agreements. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Nominal Payment Agreement for Right of Way Acquisition from the Department of Corrections for property at 6353 14th Avenue. (Highway 50 Project) (District 8) (also referred to Finance Committee) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) Shari Krewson, City Development, was available to answer questions. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve agreement. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Developers Agreement by and between the Brookstone Homes, Inc., and the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin and the Kenosha Water Utility for property at 35 th Avenue and 40th Street. (KAT Subdivision) (District 10) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) Alderman Juliana returned to the meeting during discussion of Item C-5. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to a defer item. Motion passed 6-0. C-6 Warranty Deed to dedicate property at the northeast corner of 58th Place and 88th Avenue for 58th Place right-of-way. (First Industrial) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve warranty deed. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Project Status Report CITIZEN COMMENTS: Alderman Kennedy, 4223 29th Avenue, spoke regarding the development of the KAT subdivision. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:27 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2008 6:30 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, November 3, 2008 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Alderman Ray Misner was excused. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on October 27, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve minutes. Motion passed 5-0. B-1 Developers Agreement by and between Brookstone Homes, Inc. and the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin and the Kenosha Water Utility for property at 35 th Avenue and 40th Street. (KAT Subdivision) (District 10) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) (deferred from October 27, 2008 meeting) Alderman Misner arrived during the discussion of item B-1. Zohrab Khaligian, City Development, gave a presentation. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve agreement. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Stormwater Utility Discussion ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:49 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2008 5:30 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Thursday, November 13, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Alderman Ray Misner was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. Mayor Keith Bosman, City Administrator Frank Pacetti and Finance Director Carol Stancato were at the meeting to discuss the 2009 budgets. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on November 3, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve minutes. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 2009 CIP Budget Review (Public Works Only). It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve the 2009 CIP Budget for Public Works. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 2009 Executive Budget Review. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve the 2009 Executive Budget for Public Works. Motion passed 5-0. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 pm. STORMWATER UTILITY COMMITTEE - MINUTES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2008 5:30 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Thursday, November 13, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Alderman Ray Misner was excused. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Mike Lemens and Jan Schroeder. Mayor Keith Bosman, City Administrator Frank Pacetti and Finance Director Carol Stancato were at the meeting to discuss the 2009 budgets. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to take agenda items out of order. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 2009 CIP Budget Review. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve the 2009 CIP Budget for Stormwater Utility. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 2009 Executive Budget Review. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve the 2009 Executive Budget for Stormater Utility. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Resolution to Establish Stormwater Utility Rates Within the City of Kenosha. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve resolution. Motion passed 5-0. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Stormwater Utility Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2008 5:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, November 24, 2008 in Room 204 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Patrick Juliana, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Alderman Ray Misner was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on November 13, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve minutes. passed 5-0. C-1 Motion Resolution to Authorize the Submittal of a State Grant Application by the City of Kenosha and the Subsequent Appropriation of City of Kenosha Funds for a Brownfield Site Assessment Grant Respecting the Former Crow Properties, 4710 47th Avenue, Parcel #80-4-222-352-0340-0, 4722 47th Avenue, Parcels #80-4-222-352-0381-0 and #80-4-222-352-0361-0. It was moved by Alderman Holland, seconded by Alderman Nudo to approve resolution. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Designation of the Public Works Committee member for the Technology Committee. Alderman Misner arrived. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to nominate Alderman Ruffolo. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Award of Contract for Project #08-1215 Fire Suppression System Main Garage and Stormwater Utility Building (6415 35th Avenue) to United States Fire Protection, New Berlin, Wisconsin in the amount of $135,000.00. (District 11) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve award. passed 6-0. C-4 Motion Acceptance of Project #08-1613 Razing of Former Auto Body Shop and Auto Parts Store (2003 – 2011 63rd Street) which has been satisfactorily completed by Macemon, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin in the amount of $87,544.00. (District 8) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Misner to approve acceptance. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:13 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2008 6:00 P.M. G. John Ruffolo, Chairman Donald K. Holland Patrick Juliana Ray Misner Don L. Moldenhauer Anthony Nudo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, December 15, 2008 in Room 301 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman G. John Ruffolo, Aldermen Donald K. Holland, Don L. Moldenhauer, and Anthony Nudo. Aldermen Patrick Juliana and Ray Misner were excused. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek and Jan Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on November 24, 2008. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve minutes. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Approval of Agreement for Engineering Services with HNTB for Scope of Work. A. Task Order Number 5 B. Task Order Number 6 Alderman Juliana arrived during discussion of item C-1. It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve agreement. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Agreement for Improvements to Boundary Line Street (91st Street – Sheridan Road to Union Pacific Railroad) by and between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin and the Village of Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve agreement. Motion passed 5-0. Alderman Misner arrived. C-3 Acceptance of Project #07-1013 7th Avenue Reconstruction (49th Street to Sheridan Road) which has been satisfactorily completed by Cicchini Asphalt Paving, Kenosha, Wisconsin in the amount of $1,795,563.66. (Districts 1 & 2) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve acceptance. Motion passed 6-0. C-4 Acceptance of Project #08-1018 Surface Paving – Various Locations (Small Boat Harbor Parking Lot, 31st Street - 66th Avenue to 64th Avenue, Neuvillage Subdivision, 58th Street - 14th Avenue to 150' West and 27th Avenue – Roosevelt Road to 71st Street) which has been satisfactorily completed by Black Diamond Group, Oak Creek, Wisconsin in the amount of $258,066.29. (Districts 2, 7, 12 & 17) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve acceptance. Motion passed 6-0. C-5 Petition to Subname 14th Avenue between 57th Street and 58th Street as Rotary Drive. (District 7) (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) It was moved by Alderman Moldenhauer, seconded by Alderman Holland to approve on its intent subject to a detailed policy approved by committee. Motion passed 6-0. C-6 Amendment to the City of Kenosha Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Plan, City Plan Commission Resolution #08-08. (City Plan Commission approved 9:0) It was moved by Alderman Nudo, seconded by Alderman Moldenhauer to approve amendment. Motion passed 6-0. C-7 Discussion of the Public Works Committee meeting to be held on Monday, December 29, 2008. Chairman and Public Works Director to determine if meeting will be necessary. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: MOB Vending Machines ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm.
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