t o Creat e an It em Table of Contents

t o Creat e an It em
How t o Creat e an It em
School Cash Suit e
Dist rict Level Report s
Updat e: Sept ember 2 0 1 3
Table of Contents
To Access the District Level Reports Menu: .................................................................................................... 3
To Manage Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 To Generate a Report: .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Customizing Basics: .................................................................................................................................. 5
Export to Adobe: ............................................................................................................................... 6
To Export to Excel: ............................................................................................................................ 6
To Export to Word: ........................................................................................................................... 7
District Level Year End Reports ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Summary Statement of Finance ............................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Overview Statement of Finance ............................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Summary Schedule of Activities Fund (Year End) .................................................................................. 10
3.4 Overview Summary of School Activities Fund (Year End) ...................................................................... 13
Banking Reports ............................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Reconciliation Date by School ................................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Bank Service Charges for All Schools ..................................................................................................... 16
Bank Service Charges for All Schools – Detailed Report ................................................................. 17
Bank Service Charges for All Schools – Overview Report ............................................................... 19
4.3 Deposit Statement Report ..................................................................................................................... 21
Deposit Statement – Summary Report ........................................................................................... 21
Deposit Statement Overview: ......................................................................................................... 23
Tax Rebate ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
5.1 District Level Tax Rebate Report – Detailed By School Bank Account ................................................... 27
5.2 District Level Tax Rebate Report – Overview By School ........................................................................ 29
5.3 District Level Tax Rebate Report – All Transactions............................................................................... 30
Loss Revenue NSF Checks .............................................................................................................................. 31
6.1 Loss Revenue NSF Checks – Detailed Report ......................................................................................... 31
6.2 Loss Revenue NSF Checks – Overview Report ....................................................................................... 32
Umbrella Reports........................................................................................................................................... 33
7.1 Umbrella Reports – Summary Report: ................................................................................................... 33
7.2 Overview Umbrella Report: ................................................................................................................... 34
8 School Generated Funds................................................................................................................................ 36
8.1 School Generated Funds – Summary Report ......................................................................................... 36
8.2 School Generated Funds - Overview Report ......................................................................................... 40
9 Customized Transaction Report: ................................................................................................................... 44
Uncompleted Year End Rollover ................................................................................................................ 47
Opening Balance Category Validation ....................................................................................................... 48
Vendor 1099............................................................................................................................................... 49
12.1 Vendor 1099 – Summary Report............................................................................................................ 49
12.2 Vendor 1099 Overview Report............................................................................................................... 50
12.3 Vendor 1099 – Listing Report ................................................................................................................. 51
One Time Vendor ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Payment/Invoice Comparison Report ....................................................................................................... 54
14.1 Payment/Invoice Comparison Report – Summary Report..................................................................... 54
14.2 Payment/Invoice Comparison Report – Overview Report..................................................................... 55
Category Report ......................................................................................................................................... 56
School Cash Suite
District Level Reports
School Cash Suite also includes District Level Reports. The District Level Reports menu provides quick and
easy access to these reports. Many of these reports offer the ability to perform historical research, select a
specific date range, or select specific filters.
Once generated the report can be:
Exported to Adobe Acrobat
Exported to Excel
Exported to Word
Exported versions saved for future reference or e-mailing purposes
1 To Access the District Level Reports Menu:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
District Level Reports Menu – Display
2 To Manage Reports
To Generate a Report:
From Main Menu, My Reports Group:
1. Click Reports to expand menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Select required report from reports menu
4. Click Continue
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to generate the default report
School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
Customizing Basics:
Most reports will open with report defaults, however reports can be customized for individual
reporting requirements.
Option checkboxes will allow for multiple selections:
For example:
Category Report Summary could be generated using
View Report in Accounting Style
Include Budgeted Revenue and Expense (D)
Drop-down lists will present any available alternate
For example:
Clicking drop-down arrow in School Year will allow
for an alternate year to be selected (A)
NOTE: The number of school years available in this
drop-down depends on the number of years the
school has used School Cash Suite.
The Crossover option is available for those schools
whose year end is March 31.
Lists of items to be included in report can be based
Select All (usually the default)
Individually selected items (C)
For example:
To select only some of the categories to include in
the report:
1. Deselect Select All Categories Option
2. To select sequential categories to be included
in the report
Select first category, hold down the SHIFT key,
select last category
NOTE: If categories are not sequential, hold down
CTRL key
How to Export A Report:
To Export A Report:
1. Generate the required report
2. Click Export
icon on the report toolbar
3. Select the required export option from the dropdown
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
2.2.1 Export to Adobe:
Adobe provides search capabilities that can be useful when viewing long reports.
1. Click Export
on the report toolbar
2. Select Adobe Acrobat (PDF) from the drop-down
3. Click Open
dialog box
in the File Download
To Search The Document:
1. Click Edit, Advanced Search
2. Enter the search criteria in the text slot
3. Click Search
4. Click any results in the search list to go to that
item in the report
2.2.2 To Export to Excel:
Exporting the report to Excel will allow for further mathematical calculations to be applied to the
1. Generate the required report
2. Click Export
icon on the report toolbar
3. Select the MS Excel Data Only from the drop-down
4. Click Open
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in the dialog box
School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
2.2.3 To Export to Word:
Exporting the report to Word will allow for further word processing techniques to be applied to the
1. Generate the required report
2. Click Export
icon on the report toolbar
3. Select one of the Microsoft Word options from the
4. Click Open
in the dialog box
NOTE: Microsoft Word – Editable (RTF) would allow for
further formats of the report For example: Copying
selected report information.
3 District Level Year End Reports
The District Level Year End Reports can be generated in 4 different ways:
Summary Statement of Finance
Overview Statement of Finance
Summary Schedule of Activities Fund
Overview Schedule of Activities Fund
Summary Statement of Finance
The Summary Statement of Finance Year End Report will display a summary of financial assets for each
school in the district. Bank Account information is displayed/sorted by School Number/Bank Account
Name. Report information includes: School Name/Number, Cash and Cash Equivalents, Accounts
Receivable, Investments, Total Financial Assets, Accounts Payable, Deferred Revenue, Total Financial
Liabilities and Net Financial Assets. A board summary appears at the end of the report.
District Level – Summary Statement of Finance – Display
A. School Year:
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Select required School Year from drop-down
NOTE: Number of years available in drop-down
depends on the number of years the district has
used School Cash Suite
School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
B. Date Range:
Select optional start and end date for the
C. Select Category Umbrella Type(s) to include:
Select required Category Umbrella Type(s)
(Defaults to All) NOTE: Category Umbrella
Types that have a description (action) “Do Not
Include in Year End” will not be displayed and
are automatically not included in Year End
How to Generate Year End Summary Statement of Finance:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Year End Reports
4. Select Summary Statement of Finance
5. Select any required report options
from the options described above
6. Click Continue
generate report
Summary Statement of Finance
(sorted by School Number/Bank Account Name) – Exhibit
NOTE: If Category Umbrella Types for your district are school level (Elementary, Middle, High)
selecting one level will display all schools/bank accounts but will only display the totals for the level
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
Overview Statement of Finance
The Overview Statement of Finance Year End Report will display a summary of financial assets and
financial liabilities for in the district. Total Financial Assets Total Financial Liabilities and Net Financial
Assets are also included in the report.
Distric Year End Overview Statement of Finance – Display
How to Generate Year End Overview Statement of Finance:
Perfect Year End District overview!
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Year End Reports
4. Select Overview Statement of Finance
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
to generate report
NOTE: Category Umbrella Types that have been deselected will automatically be excluded from totals.
Selecting only one or more Category Umbrella Types will only include values for the types selected.
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
Distric Year End Overview Statement of Finance – Exhibit
Summary Schedule of Activities Fund (Year End)
This district level report will summarize the Schedule of Activities Fund by school/bank account. The
school year can be selected as well as an optional date range. Displayed information includes:
Revenue and Expenses, Net Revenue/Expense, Balance Forward, Adjustment and Closing Balance.
Grand Totals for each of the fields appear on the last page of the report.
NOTE: This report now includes the option to Display Transfers.
District Ledger History (Report ) Summary Schedule of Activities Fund (Year End)– Display
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A. School Year:
Select required School Year from dropdown (Defaults to current school year)
NOTE: Number of school years
available for selection depend on the
number of years the school has used
School Cash Accounting)
B. Date Range:
Enter optional start and end date for
the report
C. Select Categories Umbrella Types to include:
Select required category umbrella
types to include in report (Defaults to
Select All)
D. Display Transfers:
Click checkbox to display transfers (in
and out) in the report (Defaults not to
display transfers)
How to Generate Year End Summary Schedule of Activities Fund:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Year End Reports
4. Select Summary Schedule of Activities Fund
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
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to generate report
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District Level Year End Summary Schedule of Activities Fund Without Transfers Displayed
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account) – Display
District Level Year End Summary Schedule of Activities Fund With Transfers Displayed
(sorted by School Division, School Name/Bank Account)– Display
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
Overview Summary of School Activities Fund (Year End)
This report displays the Revenues, Expenditures and Net Revenue (Expenditure). A Closing Balance is
also included in the report.
District Ledger History (Report) Overview Summary of School Activities (Year End)– Display
A. School Year:
Select required School Year from dropdown (Defaults to current school year)
NOTE: Number of school years
available for selection depend on the
number of years the school has used
School Cash Accounting)
B. Date Range:
Enter optional start and end date for the
C. Select Categories Umbrella Types to include:
Select required category umbrella types
to include in report (Defaults to Select
How to Generate Year End Overview Schedule of Activities Fund:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Year End Reports
4. Select Overview Schedule of Activities Fund
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
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to generate report
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
District Level Year End - Overview Schedule of School Activities Fund (Year End)– Exhibit
4 Banking Reports
Bank account specific reports provide the District Administrator with valuable tracking information.
For example: The Bank Services Charges for All Schools report could provide necessary information if
the district was trying to negotiate better service charge rates with their commercial banks.
The District Deposit Statement Summary Report will list all basic details of a deposit. Information
includes: number of categories credited in the deposit, breakdown of cash and checks amount, as well
as deposit grand total.
The District Deposit Statement Overview report offers many filter options that are very useful in
creating a report that is customized for district use.
Banking reports include:
Reconciliation Date by School
Bank Service Charges for All Schools
District Deposit Statement Summary
District Deposit Statement Overview
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Reconciliation Date by School
The Reconciliation Date by School report includes School Name, School Number and associated Bank
Accounts Name and Number. The report display is sorted alphabetically by School Name. Reconciled
Date and Reconciled Balance are also included in the report.
District Level Reconciliation Date Report – Display
A. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down
B. Reconciled Month:
Select required reconciled month from drop-down (optional)
How to Generate Reconciliation Date by School Report:
Perfect report to check to see that schools are keeping their monthly reconciliation process up to date!
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Reconciliation Date by School
4. Select any required report options from the options
described above
5. Click Continue
to generate report
NOTE: Selecting a month from this reporting option will list any schools that have not yet completed
the reconciliation for the selected month. For example: All June reconciliations are due today.
Selecting the month of June will display any bank accounts that have not yet been reconciled for June.
This list will assist the District Administrators in following up with the outstanding reconciliations.
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District Level Reconciliation Date by School Report
(sorted by School/Bank Account) – Exhibit
Bank Service Charges for All Schools
Bank Service Charges For All Schools will display a list of services charges, broken down by school.
District Level Bank Service Charge Report – Display
A. Report Design Option:
Select required report design drop-down
B. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down. List of available
school year’s will depend on the number of years the school
has used School Cash Accounting
C. Date Range:
Optional date range can be entered
D. Select Schools to include:
Select required schools to include in report (Defaults to All)
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4.2.1 Bank Service Charges for All Schools – Detailed Report
Detailed report will display service charge information sorted by school/bank account.. Report details
also include: Date, Transactions, Description, Charge Amount. Details are summarized with a Bank
Account Total, School Total and a Board Total, which appears at the end of the report.
How to Generate Bank Services Charges Detailed Report:
NOTE: In order for this report to generate, banking services charges must be reported on the school
ledger and reported using a “Service Charge”(Serv. Chrg) transaction type.
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Bank Service Charges for All Schools
4. Select Detailed design option
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
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to generate report
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District Level Bank Service Charge Detailed Report
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account, Date) – Exhibit
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4.2.2 Bank Service Charges for All Schools – Overview Report
The Overview design option generates a list of all selected schools, the Bank Name, Branch Number,
Bank Account Name and Number, the Service Charge Total and a District Grand Total are included in
this report. The report details are sorted by School Name/Bank Account.
How to Generate Bank Services Charges Overview Report:
NOTE: In order for this report to generate, banking services charges must be reported on the school
ledger and reported using a “Service Charge”(Serv. Chrg) transaction type.
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Bank Service Charges for All Schools
4. Select Overview design option
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
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to generate report
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District Level Bank Service Charge Overview Report
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account) – Exhibit
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
Deposit Statement Report
The report is organized by School Name and Bank Account Name. Details include: Deposit Date,
Deposit Number, Directions (number of categories that were credited with deposit), Type of Deposit
Cash or Check), Deposit Total, Reconciled Date, Receipt Start and End Number.
District Level Deposit Statement Summary Report – Display
A. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down. List of available
school year’s will depend on the number of years the school
has used School Cash Accounting
B. Date Range:
Enter start and end date for the report (required selection)
E. Select Schools to include:
Select required school from list (Defaults to Select All)
4.3.1 Deposit Statement – Summary Report
The Deposit Statement Summary Report is sorted by school and displays deposits in chronological
Did the school issue receipts?
The Receipt Start and Receipt End columns list receipt numbers that have been issued during the
deposit process.
Was the deposit credited to more than one category?
The Directions column lists the number of forms that were included in the deposit. (A new form should
be used for each direction of money.)
Was the reconciled date within the deposit date?
The Rec Date indicates the date the deposit was reconciled. (The deposit should be within the
Reconciliation month.)
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
How to Generate Deposit Statement Summary Report:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Deposit Statement
4. Select Summary Report
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level Deposit Statement Summary Report
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account,/Date) – Exhibit
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4.3.2 Deposit Statement Overview:
This report offers many filter options on which to base the report.
District Level Deposit Statement Overview Report – Display
A. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down. List of
available school year’s will depend on the number of
years the school has used School Cash Accounting
Range of Dates:
A specific start and end date for the report can be
selected (optional)
Sort Criteria:
By default the report details are sorted by school/bank
account. In addition the report can be sorted on three
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levels based on: Category Name, Category Number,
Date, Umbrella Name
D. Selected Categories to include:
Specific categories can be selected on which to base the
report. Multiple categories can be selected by holding
down the CTRL key and selecting categories as
Selected Category Number to include: Specific category
numbers can be selected on which to base the report.
Multiple category numbers can be selected by holding
down the CTRL key and selecting numbers as necessary.
Selected Schools to include:
Report can be school specific. Multiple schools can be
selected by holding down the CTRL key and selecting
schools as necessary.
Selected Category Umbrellas to include: Specific category umbrellas can be selected on which to
base the report. Multiple category umbrellas can be
selected by holding down the CTRL key and selecting
categories as necessary.
G. Selected Category Umbrella Types:
Specific category umbrella types can be selected on
which to base the report. Multiple category umbrella
types can be selected by holding down the CTRL key
and selecting categories as necessary.
H. Select GL Departments to include:
Specific GL Departments can be selected on which to
base the report. Multiple GL Departments can be
selected by holding down the CTRL key and selecting
categories as necessary.
Select GL Names to Include:
Specific GL Names can be selected on which to base the
report. Multiple GL Names can be selected by holding
down the CTRL key and selecting categories as
Enter Money Handed in By:
Enter the name of the individual who has turned in the
deposit. This information comes from the “money
handed in by:” field on the deposit/receipt form.
Enter Created by User:
An entry in this field would report the name of the
person that has generated the original deposit.
Enter Description:
Enter any reason for the deposit.
M. Select Memo Names to include:
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Specific memo names can be selected on which to base
the report. Multiple memo names can be selected by
holding down the CTRL key and selecting categories as
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
How to Generate Deposit Statement Overview Report:
Perfect report to see all fundraising deposits!
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Deposit Statement
4. Select Overview Report
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
to generate report
To Customize:
1. Select required reporting options (For Example: Category Umbrella: 1.3 Fundraising Projects, sorted
by Category Name, for All Schools in the district)
2. Click Continue
to generate the report
District Level Deposit Statement Overview Report Options Selected – Display
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District Level Deposit Statement Summary Report
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account and User*) – Exhibit
*Special Request
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5 Tax Rebate
District Level Tax Rebate Report – Detailed By School Bank Account
The District Level Tax Rebate report summarizes tax rebates by selected school. By default report
details are sorted alphabetically by school. Category information is sorted alphabetically within each
school detail. Rebate information is displayed by category and includes Tax Expenses, Total Tax Paid
and Total Tax Rebate values. Grand Totals by Bank Account and School are included. A summary
Board Total appears on the last page of the report.
NOTE: Tax information must be established in School Cash Accounting in order for the details of this
report to generate.
Tax Rebate– Display
A. Report Design:
Select required report design option (Defaults to Detailed By
School Bank Account)
B. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to
current school year) NOTE: Number of school years available
for selection depend on the number of years the school has
used School Cash Accounting)
C. Date Range:
Enter optional start and end date for the report
D. Select Schools to include:
Select required schools to include in report (Defaults to Select
E. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to
current school year) NOTE: Number of school years available
for selection depend on the number of years the school has
used School Cash Accounting)
F. Date Range:
Enter optional start and end date for the report
G. Select Schools to include:
Select required schools to include in report (Defaults to Select
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How to Generate Tax Rebate Report:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Select Tax Rebate
4. Select any required report options from the options
described above
5. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level Tax Rebate Detailed by School
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account/Rebate Percentage/Category Name) – Exhibit
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
District Level Tax Rebate Report – Overview By School
The Overview By School report design summarizes tax rebate details by school. The report sorts based
on school name/bank account. The report includes Total Expenses, Total Tax Paid and Total Tax
Rebate for each bank account. Values are totaled by school. Board Grand Total of Total Expenses,
Total Tax Paid and Total Tax Rebate appear at the end of the report.
NOTE: Tax information must be established in School Cash Accounting in order for the details of this
report to generate.
District Level Tax Rebate Overview
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account)– Exhibit
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District Level Tax Rebate Report – All Transactions
The All Transactions report design lists all transaction eligible for tax rebate but have not been signed
off. The transactions are sorted by date. Details include the percentage rebate, Transaction type and
Number, Description, Category Name, Debit, Tax Paid, Tax Rebate and if the transaction has been
cleared in the monthly reconciliation process. Board totals are included in the report. An approval line
appears at the end of the report.
NOTE: Tax information must be established in School Cash Accounting in order for the details of this
report to generate.
District Level Tax Rebate All Transactions
(sorted by Rebate Percentage/Transaction Date) – Exhibit
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6 Loss Revenue NSF Checks
Loss Revenue NSF Checks – Detailed Report
The Detailed Loss Revenue NSF Checks report displays school specific NSF transaction details. The
report details are displayed in alphabetical order based on school name. The details include:
Deposited Date, NSF Date (date NSF check was recorded in School Cash Suite NSF module), Paid Date
(date NSF repayment was recorded in School Cash Suite NSF module), Amount, NSF Charge,
Transaction Total (total of NSF check and NSF charges), Outstanding Total (amount of NSF transaction
that has not been repaid). The report also displays itemized check details (checks must have been
correctly itemized in School Cash Suite Deposits/Receipts module), Category Name and Reason. A
school total displays at the end of each selected school details. The report is summarized with a Grand
Total for all selected schools, on the last page of the report.
District Level Loss Revenue NSF Checks - Detailed Report – Display
A. Report Design Option:
Select required report design (Defaults to Detailed) NOTE:
Number of school years available for selection depend on the
number of years the school has used School Cash Accounting)
B. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to
current school year) NOTE: Number of school years available
for selection depend on the number of years the school has
used School Cash Accounting)
C. Report Date Range:
Enter optional start and end date for report
D. Select Schools to include:
Select required schools to include in report (Defaults to All)
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How to Generate Loss Revenue NSF Checks:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Select Loss Revenue NSF Checks
4. Select any required report options from the options
described above
5. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level Loss Revenue NSF Checks - Detailed Report
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account and Transaction Date)– Exhibit
Loss Revenue NSF Checks – Overview Report
Overview design option will collapse the individual NSF details and present summary totals by school.
The report is sorted in alphabetical order based on school name. Grand Total information is also
included in this option.
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District Level Loss Revenue NSF Checks - Overview Report
(sorted by School Name)– Exhibit
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7 Umbrella Reports
Umbrella Reports – Summary Report:
Summary Report details are displayed based on Category Umbrella Name. Categories are sorted
alphabetically within each Category Umbrella. Associated category information includes Category
Name, Number, Opening Balance, Expenses and Revenues. Transfers and Category Balances also
display. The Category Umbrella details are summarized and a Grand Total appears on the final page of
the report.
How to Generate Umbrella Summary Reports:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Select Umbrella Reports
4. Select Summary Report
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level Umbrella Summary Report– Exhibit
A. School Year:
B. Report End Date:
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Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to
current school year) NOTE: Number of school years available
for selection depend on the number of years the school has
used School Cash Accounting)
Enter optional end date for the report NOTE: Start is the first
date recorded on the ledger for the selected school year.
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
District Level Umbrella Summary Report
(sorted by Category Umbrella Name/Category Name)– Exhibit
Overview Umbrella Report:
The Overview Umbrella Report details include: Umbrella Name, Opening Balances,
Expenses/Revenues, Transfers In and Out, and Balance. The report is summarized with Grand Total
information on the last page. If an umbrella is selected for drilldown, expanded details include the
selected school specific category umbrella details.
How to Generate Umbrella Overview Reports:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Select Umbrella Reports
4. Select Overview Report
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
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to generate report
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School Cash Suite – District Level Reports (09/13)
District Level Overview Umbrella Report – Display
A. School Year:
Select required School Year from dropdown (Defaults to current school year)
NOTE: Number of school years
available for selection depend on the
number of years the school has used
School Cash Accounting)
B. Exclude Umbrella Drilldown:
Turns off report drilldown feature*
C. Umbrella List for Drilldown:
Select required category umbrella types
to include in drill down feature of
report. Drilldown feature displays
school specific information for the
selected category umbrella
D. Exclude Inactive Umbrellas:
Click to exclude inactive umbrellas
E. End Date:
Enter optional end date for report
F. Select Schools to include:
Select required schools (Defaults to All)
G. Select Category Umbrella Type(s) to include:
Select required umbrella type(s)
(Defaults to All)
*Overview Umbrella Report Umbrella Selected for Drill Down– Display
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District Level *Overview Umbrella Report Umbrella with Drill Down
(sorted by Category Umbrella Name/Category Name and School Name)– Display
8 School Generated Funds
District Level School Generated Funds Reports can be generated in either:
Each design option includes 3 different types of reports:
Schedule E
Schedule 14
School Generated Funds Year End
School Generated Funds – Summary Report
District Level Schedule E Summary will display Schedule E reports for each school in the district. Details
display in chronological order based on school number. For further information on Schedule E
reporting, see the Schedule E section of this document.
District Level Schedule 14 Summary will display Schedule 14 reports for each school in the district.
Details display in chronological order based on school number. For further information on Schedule 14
reporting, see the Schedule 14 section of this document.
District Level School Generated Funds Year-End Summary SGF Summary style displays information
sorted by revenue/expense. This report displays the GL Account Name, Number and Budget Manager,
Debit and Credit values. Revenue and Expenditure information is summarized with Grand Total values.
NOTE: To ensure correct GL account setup is required in School Cash Accounting Category (Chart of
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District Level SGF - Summary– Display
A. SGF Report Type:
Select required report style
Most frequently used report type is School Generated Funds
Year-End Report
B. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to
current school year) NOTE: Number of school years available
for selection depend on the number of years the school has
used School Cash Accounting)
C. Report Date Range:
Enter optional start and end date for report
D. Include Cashbox:
Select include cashbox option (Defaults to “include cashbox”)
How Generate School Generated Funds Summary Reports:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Select School Generated Funds Reports
4. Select Summary Report
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
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to generate report
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District Level Schedule E Summary Report
(sorted by School Number)- Exhibit
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District Level Schedule 14 – Summary
(sorted by School Number/Bank Account) – Exhibit
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District Level School Generated Funds Year End Summary Report
(sorted by Revenue/Expense/GL Account Name) – Exhibit
School Generated Funds - Overview Report
The School Generated Funds Year-End Report - Overview displays GL Name information organized by
SGF Revenue and SGF Expenditures. School information is displayed grouped by GL Name. GL Account
Name, Account Number, Debit (DR) and Credit (CR) values are included in the report.
School Funds Government Report Schedule - Schedule E – Overview report displays Gross SGF, Related
Expenses and Net SGF. Unexpended opening and closing balances are also included. This report
provides lump sum details. NOTE: See Category (Chart of Accounts) documentation for further
information regarding correct setup for Schedule E reporting. The report also includes an authorized
signature line.
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School Funds Government Report - Schedule 14 – Overview report displays SGF Revenue and SGF
Expenses, sorted by GL Name. The report displays District Elementary School and District Secondary
school information in separate columns. Grand Total summary values for both Revenue and
Expenses are also included in the report.
District Level SGF – Overview – Display
A. SGF Report Type:
Select required report style
Most frequently used report type is School Generated Funds
Year-End Report
NOTE: Correct Category Umbrella Types must be established in
School Cash Accounting in order to generate any of these report
styles. For further information regarding categories please see
Category (Chart of Accounts) documentation
B. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to current
school year) NOTE: Number of school years available for
selection depend on the number of years the school has used
School Cash Accounting)
C. Report Date Range:
Enter optional start and end date for report
D. Include Cashbox:
Select include cashbox option (Defaults to “include cashbox”)
How Generate School Generated Funds Overview Reports:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Select School Generated Funds Reports
4. Select Overview Report
5. Select any required report options from the options
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described above
6. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level School Funds Government Report – Schedule E – Overview – Exhibit
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School Funds Government Report – Schedule 14 – Overview – Exhibit
District Level School Funds Year-End Report – Overview – Exhibit
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9 Customized Transaction Report:
Perfect report choice when many customized features are required!
The Customized Transacton Report offers the user many reporting options.
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District Level Report #11 – Customized Transaction Report – Display
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A. School Year:
Select required School Year from dropdown (Defaults to current school year)
Drop-down will also include “Crossover”
option when year end is March 31.
NOTE: Number of school years
available for selection depend on the
number of years the school has used
School Cash Accounting)
B. Report Date Range:
Select start and end date (optional)
C. Select Categories/Category Number(s) to include:
Select required category(ies) from list
D. Select Category Umbrella(s) to include:
Select required category umbrella(s)
from list
E. Select Category Umbrella Type(s) to include:
Select required category umbrella
type(s) from list
F. Select Transaction Type(s) to include:
Select required transaction type(s) from
G. Select Memo(s) to include:
Select required memo(s) from list
H. Select GL Departments to include:
Select required GL Departments from
I. Select GL Names to include:
Select required GL Names from list
J. Sort Option:
Select required sort option (one option
K. Show:
Select required to display in report
Either or both GL Department and GL
Name can be selected to show in report
L. Contact Person:
Enter the name of the contact person
NOTE: This information comes from
Category (Chart of Accounts) Contact
Name field must be completed for each
category in order for this report option
to function correctly
M. Description:
Enter any known description (open
N. Transaction #:
Enter any known transaction number
(For Example: Check Number, or
Deposit Number)
O. Credit:
Enter a Credit value and select required
mathematical comparison operator
from the drop-down
P. Debit:
Enter a Debit value and select required
mathematical comparison operator
from the drop-down
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Q. Total:
Enter a Total value and select required
mathematical comparison operator
from the drop-down NOTE: This could
be either the Total Deposit or Check or a
split value)
R. Include Cashbox:
Cashbox details can be included
(Defaults to No)
How Generate Customized Transaction Report:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Select Customized Transaction Reports
4. Select required reporting options described above
5. Click Continue
to generate the
NOTE: The example below is based on selected
Categories for Field Trips, sorted by School
District Level Customized Transaction Report – All Field Trip Activity, By School – Exhibit
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10 Uncompleted Year End Rollover
Perfect report to check if schools have completed the Year End Rollover!
Use this report after the year end rollover date to make sure that all schools have completed the Year
End Rollover. Report details include: School Name, Bank Account Name, Current Year, Last Date
Reconciled and Last Reconciled Balance. Report details are sorted alphabetically by School Name, and
then by Bank Account Name.
District Level Report – Uncompleted Year End Rollover – Display
A. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to
current school year) NOTE: The year that is selected
represents date that all schools should be rolled over to.) For
example: Selecting 2013-2014 will display any bank accounts
that are not in the current fiscal year.)
How to Generate Uncompleted Year End Rollover Report:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Uncompleted Year End Rollover
4. Select any required report options from the options
described above
5. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level Report – Uncompleted Year End Rollover
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account) – Exhibit
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11 Opening Balance Category Validation
Perfect report to check that “Black Boxes” balance.
This report is especially useful if a new school starts to School Cash Suite or a school sets up a new
bank account. When categories are established the total category balance, must match the bank
account balance that was entered during the Five Step Setup process.
This report will indicate any school bank account that has a discrepancy.
The report displays the bank account information (school name, bank account name) Bank Account
Opening Balance, and Category Opening Balance. NOTE: Only schools that have a discrepancy are
included in this report.
How to Generate Year End Overview Schedule of Activities Fund:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Opening Balance Category Validation
This report generates automatically. There are no report
design features.
District Level Report – Opening Balance Category Validation
(sorted by School Name/Bank Account) – Exhibit
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12 Vendor 1099
12.1 Vendor 1099 – Summary Report
Vendor 1099 Summary Report will list transaction details for all Vendors in the Supplier database that
have been marked as Vendor 1099. Report details are sorted by Federal ID number/Social Security
Number, then by School/Bank Account and include vendor details (address, Federal ID number/Social
Security Number), Check Date, Invoice #, Check #, Check Amount, Void. Vendor information is
summarized by school bank account within the district. Vendor totals appear after each vendor detail,
and a Grand Total appears at the end of the report. NOTE: For this report to be accurate all required
vendors must have a check mark beside Vendor 1099 option, as well as Federal ID Number/Social
Security Number fields completed in Supplier/Vendor Maintenance table.
District Level Vendor Report – Display
A. Optional Date Range:
Select optional Start and End date for the report
How to Generate Vendor 1099 - Summary Report
From Main Menu, expand Reports List
1. Select District Level Reports
2. Click Vendor 1099
3. Select Summary Report from drop-down
4. Select any required report options from
the options described above
5. Click Continue
generate report
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District Level Vendor 1099 – Summary
(sorted by Federal ID/Social Security, School Name/Bank Account) – Exhibit
12.2 Vendor 1099 Overview Report
Vendor 1099 Overview Report will list all suppliers with activity for the selected date range. Report
details are sorted by Federal ID Number/Social Security Number, then by School/Bank Account. Details
include Supplier Name, Address, and Total of activity. A Grand Total appears at the end of the report.
How to Generate Vendor 1099 - Overview Report:
From Main Menu, expand Reports List
1. Select District Level Reports
2. Click Vendor 1099
3. Select Overview Report from drop-down
4. Select any required report options from the
options described above
5. Click Continue
to generate
District Level Vendor 1099 –
(sorted by Federal ID/Social Security/School Name/Bank Account) Overview – Exhibit
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12.3 Vendor 1099 – Listing Report
Vendor 1099 Listing Report displays all known Vendor 1099 suppliers that have had activity within the
selected date range. The Vendor 1099 Listing Report is sorted by Federal ID Number/Social Security
Number, then by School/Bank Account. The report includes Federal ID Number/Social Security
Number, Supplier Name and Address and the school name that has issued a check to the supplier.
How to Generate Vendor 1099 - Listing Report:
From Main Menu, expand Reports List
1. Select District Level Reports
2. Click Vendor 1099
3. Select Listing Report from drop-down
4. Select any required report options from the
options described above
5. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level Vendor 1099 – Listing
(sorted by Federal ID Number/Socical Security Number/Supplier Name/School Name)– Exhibit
13 One Time Vendor
Perfect Report to see which vendors are being used that are not part of the board approved
vendor list!
School Cash Suite Account Settings, make it is possible to enable a One Time Vendor option. This
feature would allow the user to issue a check to a vendor that is not part of the board recommended
suppliers. A One Time Vendor is often a parent that needs to be issued a refund.
The One Time Vendor report will display: School Name, Bank Account Name, Check #, Check Date,
Cleared Date, Amount, Vendor Name. School information is sorted alphabetically. The One Time
Vendor report d information is sorted by School/Bank Account. School details are displayed in
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chronological order based on check number. The report also includes a Grand Total at the end of the
District Level Report – One Time Vendor – Display
A. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to
current school year) NOTE: Number of school years available
for selection depend on the number of years the school has
used School Cash Accounting)
B. Vendor:
Enter a specific vendor’s name to research that vendor activity
only (Optional)
C. Select Schools to include:
Select required schools (Defaults to All)
How to Generate One Time Vendor Report:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click One Time Vendor
4. Select any required report options from the options
described above
5. Click Continue
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to generate report
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District Level Report – One Time Vendor
(sorted by School/Bank Account/Check Number) – Exhibit
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14 Payment/Invoice Comparison Report
The Payment/Invoice Comparison Report for Year End captures any checks written after the fiscal year
end that have an invoice date recorded for the reporting year.
The user has the ability to enter in a start and end date for this report and a cut-off date for the invoice
For example:
Year End Date is March 31, 2013
Check was written on April 8, 2013, with an invoice date of March 14, 2013. This check would be
recorded on this report. (Invoice date is before the Year End date)
This reporting feature is especially useful for those schools whose year end is March 31. The
school year in this case would be listed as “Crossover” in the School Year drop-down.
The Enable Check Invoice Date feature in School Cash Suite Account Settings must be enabled
(checked) for this report to function correctly
14.1 Payment/Invoice Comparison Report – Summary Report
The Summary design option will display a total of payments made by the school. The Summary Report
information is sorted by School (Bank Accounts are combined). The report details include: School
Name, Total Payments Made. A Grand Total for the district appears at the end of the report.
District Level Report – Payment/Invoice Comparison – Display
A. Report Design:
Select required report design
B. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down (Defaults to
current school year) Crossover option will be included in dropdown NOTE: Number of school years available for selection
depend on the number of years the school has used School
Cash Accounting)
C. Date Range:
Enter required start and end date for report Earliest Date:
searches ledger for earliest transaction date.
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D. Invoice End Date:
Enter invoice end date (Defaults to “Year End Date”)
E. Select Schools to Include:
Select required schools to include in report (Defaults to All)
How to Generate Payment/Invoice Comparison Report:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Payment/Invoice Comparison Report
4. Select Summary design option
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level Report – Payment/Invoice Comparison –Summary
(sorted by School Name) – Exhibit
14.2 Payment/Invoice Comparison Report – Overview Report
The Overview design option will display transaction details of each payment. These details include:
School Name, Bank Account Name, Invoice Date, Issue Date, Check Number, Vendor, Amount, Tax,
Category Name/Number. The Amount totals by School are included in the report. A Grand Total
appears at the end of the report.
How to Generate Payment/Invoice Comparison Report - Overview:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Payment/Invoice Comparison Report
4. Select Overview design option
5. Select any required report options from the options
described above
6. Click Continue
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to generate report
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District Level Report – Payment/Invoice Comparison Overview
(sorted by School/Bank Account)– Exhibit
15 Category Report
The District Level Category Report will display category transaction information organized by school,
by bank account. School information is sorted by School Number. Transaction details include:
Category Name/Number, Balance Forward (as of report start date), Revenue, Expenses, Transfers,
Ending Balance (as of report end date). Bank account information is summarized with totals at the
end of each bank account listing. The school category transactions are also totalled. A district Grand
Total appears at the end of the report.
District Level Report – Category Report– Display
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A. School Year:
Select required School Year from drop-down
(Defaults to current school year) NOTE:
Number of school years available for
selection depend on the number of years the
school has used School Cash Accounting)
B. Date Range:
Enter required start and end date for report
C. Select Schools to Include:
Select required schools to include in report
(Defaults to All)
D. Select Category Umbrella Type(s) to include:
Select required Category Umbrella Type(s)
(Defaults to All)
How to Generate Category Report:
From the Main Menu, My Reports Group
1. Click Reports to expand reports menu
2. Click District Level Reports
3. Click Category Report
4. Select any required report options from the options
described above
5. Click Continue
to generate report
District Level Report – Category Report
(sorted by School Number/Bank Account/Category Name)– Exhibit
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