Sådan arbejder medParoc PAROC stone Bygningsisolering How to workdu with wool? Flexible slabs - general use Building Insulation March 2006 Maj 2008 paroc-manual_al.indd 1 14/05/08 15:47:09 Sådan to arbejder medP PAROC Bygningsisolering How workdu with aroc stone wool Paroc Fle xible slabs - general use Flexible Opbevaring Storing Handling Håndtering Afdæk brudte paller og løse Alwaysaltid protect packages if stored pakker hvis de opbevares udendørs. out-of-doors. Opbevar aldrigpackages pakkerneoff direkte på Always place the ground. jorden brugPack brædder, paller el. lign. Broken- Big also needs som to beunderlag. covered. Løft altid i hvert hjørne. Carry thepakken package in the ears. Når pakken skal åbnes, Open the package placeres denit på gulvet, by placing on the floorhvorefter åbneswith på alangsiden andpakken cut it open knife med en of skarp ikke på on one the kniv long -sides. pakkens front. Brug PAROC Knivknife og enand cut Use aenspecial Paroc stabil skærekant a straight edge. - f.eks. et brædt usebrug a Paroc cuttingSkæretable. -Or eller et PAROC bord. Measuring and cutting Opmåling og tilskæring 2-5mm Tilskær isoleringen medatetleast overmål Cut flexible slabs with 2-5mm på 2-5 mm.for wider slabs is needed overhang, more overhang than to smaller slabs. Installation Montering The insulation must fill thehele whole space Isoleringen skal altid udfylde hulrummet If possible, always install flexible slab before protection. The risk foralid Hvis detwind er muligt, bør isoleringen “chimneys” in corners of insulation monteres inden f.eks. vægbeklædning is always much with påbegyndes, forbigger at kunne kontrollere, at softer material. isoleringen er kommet helt ud i hjørnerne. paroc-manual_al.indd 2 Place one side of the slab against the frame and press insulation slab into place. Placér den ene side af isoleringen mod vægstolpen og pres så isolering ind på plads. Hjælp eventuelt med en kniv Helpsidste with side the knife den af isoleringen on the helt på other plads.side to ensure that the insulation fills the whole place. 14/05/08 15:47:17 Hints Hints Et par gode råd Hints For at a isolerings arbejdet Make in of Make lette a slash slash in the the middle middle of ved specielt tykke isoleringsa thick slab in order to make a thick slab in order to make Make akan slash ineasier the plader, man medmiddle fordel of the installation the installation easierto make a thick slab ini midten order lægge et snit af iso(The slash should be cut (Theinstallation slash should be cut almost almost the easier leringen og derefter ”lukke” through, leave 2-3 cm to through, 2-3becmcut to work work (The slashleave should isoleringen igen, når denalmost er as a hinge). as a hinge). through, leave 2-3 cm to work placeret imellem stolperne. as a hinge). Skær ikke helt igennem undlad 20-30 mm When the other is Hvis den ene sideside af konstrukWhen the other side is closed, closed, tionen er lukket, sættes isolerininstall the slab into the space, install the slab into the space, When the other side isof closed, gen omhyggeligt på plads i det press hard on side press hard on the the side of install thethrough slab into thetrykke space, ene hjørne og derefter the slab whole the slab through whole press hard on the side ofved den sidste side på plads, slab length, to air slab length, to avoid avoid air gaps gaps thethe slab through whole samtidig at ”trække” isolerinon other side. on the other to side. slab length, avoid air gaps gen på længden. on the other side. Info Info Info Info Hvis montagemål er uden When When the the frame frame distance distance is is for standard, kan isoleringen not according to standard not according to distance standard is When the frame f.eks. skæres i kiler / trekanter cut the slabs triangles cut the slabs into into triangles notminimize according standard som forskydes itoforhold til hinto waste. to minimize waste. cut the slabs triangles anden, så deninto ønskede bredde to minimize waste. på isoleringen opnåes. Hjælp eventuelt isoleringen Press back Press insulation insulation back with with helt på plads med en kniv så knife to fill the whole space. knife to fill the whole space. Press insulation withPas hulrummet bliver back fyldt ud. knifepå, to fill whole space. dog hvisthe der er monteret f.eks. dampspærre på konstruktionens modsatte side eller trukket el-ledninger på tværs i konstruktionen Ved opskæringis af smalle When When space space is smaller smaller than than strimler, kan man med fordel thickness, use thickness thickness, useisthickness When isoleringen, space smaller than vende og istedet direction of slab as width. direction ofuse slab as width. thickness, thickness bruge isoleringens tykkelse The slab is more flexible in The slab is flexible in that that direction ofmore as som bredde islab hullet - width. eventuelt i direction and makes direction and makes The slab is more flexible in that ”flere lag”. installing and installing easier easier and safer safer direction and makes in small spaces. in small spaces. installing easier and safer in small spaces. Under hele byggeprocessen Handle Handle the the insulation insulation with with care care bør isoleringen behandles med in the whole building process, in the whole building process, Handle omhu. Detthe erinsulation med til at with sikrecare et to guarantee a well-insulated to guarantee a well-insulated in the whole building process, godt udført isoleringsarbejde. comfortable house. comfortable to guaranteehouse. a well-insulated comfortable house. Showering Showering -- At At the the end end of of the the working working day day Badning Showering you should wash your entire body. should wash your entire body. -- Eyou fterthe endt arbejde anbefales det, at hele At end of theshower working day The best way is with plenty of The best way is to tomed shower with plenty of water. water. skylles masser afbody. vand og skift you should wash your entire -- kroppen Change your clothes after finishing work. Change your clothes after finishing work. derefter til rent tøj.shower with plenty of The best way is to water. - Change your clothes after finishing work. Clean-up Clean-up --Rengøring Always Always dispose dispose of of the the waste waste straight straight away. away. Clean-up --- Premises, where stone wool handled, Fjern altid rester of af isolering fra arbejdsområdet Premises, where stone wool is isstraight handled, - Always dispose the waste away. should be cleaned frequently, should be cleaned frequently, med det samme. -preferably Premises, where stone wool is handled, once a day. abør day. -preferably Arbejdspladsen rengøres helst hver should be once cleaned frequently, dag - f.eksonce ved støvsugning. preferably a day. V Ventilation entilation -- Ensuring Ensuring good good ventilation ventilation in in the the premises premises VUdluftning entilation is of the ways reduce the dust isorone one of good the best best ways to to in reduce the dust -- FEnsuring at minimere støvkoncentrationen bør man ventilation the premises content in the work area. content the work area. sikre sig, der er ways god udluftning det dust område, is one ofinat the best to reducei the hvor der in arbejdes med isolering. content the work area. P ersonal safety safety equipment equipment Personal P ersonal safety equipment studies show that stone wool fibres -- Scientific Sikkerhedsudstyr Scientific studies show that stone wool fibres do do not not harm health but use of harm your yourstudies health but the the use of protective protective - equipment Scientific show that stone woolat fibres do not ikke - V idenskabelige undersøgelser har vist, stenuldsfibre is recommended to skin irritation. is recommended toofavoid avoid skin harm your health but men the use protective erequipment sundhedsskadelige, vi anbefaler altidirritation. brugen af equipment is recommended avoid skin irritation. for at undgåtoeventuelle hudirritationer. -beskyttelsesudstyr, - Use Use personal personal protection protection equipment equipment that that meets meets your your particular needs. Keep your work clothing separate particular needs. Keep your work clothing separate - B rug den beskyttelse som du mener, erthat nødvendig for dig. - Use personal protection equipment meets your from your other clothing. from your other Opbevar altid dit clothing. arbejdstøj separat fra dit daglige tøj. particular needs. Keep your work clothing separate -- Wear protective goggles from your other clothing. Wear protective goggles ifif your your eyes eyes are are sensitive sensitive This important when working - Bto rug beskyttelsesbriller hvis du har følsomme øjne, eller to dust. dust. This is is particularly particularly working - Wear protective goggles ifIfimportant your eyeswhen are sensitive with insulation. you wear contact lenses, hvis duoverhead isolerer over hovedhøjde eller opad. Hvis du benytwith overhead insulation. If you wear contact lenses, to dust. This is particularly important when working you should always close-fitting protective ter kontaktlinser, bør wear du altid bruge beskyttelsesbriller ved you always wear close-fitting with should overhead insulation. If you wearprotective contact lenses, goggles. isoleringsarbejde. goggles. you should always wear close-fitting protective goggles. Wear aa dust mask amount of significant - --Brug altid en støvmaske mængden af is støv er stor. -Wear dust mask ifif the thehvis amount of dust dust is significant for example during installation of loose fill insulation. for example during installation of loose fill insulation. - Wear a dust mask if the amount of dust is significant for example during installation of loose fill insulation. paroc-manual_al.indd 3 14/05/08 15:47:22 PRODuKTION: BRuKET REKLAMBYRå AB / ROLF 06-02 / 40T !" 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