Document 23200

Men's Health Promotion
Forum‚ Newcastle
Sunday 3 August 2008
9.00am - 3.30pm
For the general public and health professionals
Newcastle City Hall, 290 King Street, Newcastle
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) in conjunction with the Commonwealth Bank is pleased to invite you
to attend the Men’s Health Promotion Forum for men and women of the general public and health professionals. We are
delighted to have attracted a number of outstanding local and national presenters to this important Forum in Newcastle.
Mrs Wendy Farrow
PCFA NSW State Manager
Associate Professor Phillip Stricker
Urological Surgeon, St Vincent’s Clinic
Robot or open?
Professor Pauline Chiarelli
Associate Professor, Newcastle University
Your waterworks after prostate cancer surgery
Cr John S Tate
Lord Mayor of Newcastle
Dr Phillip Katelaris
Urological Surgeon
Bladder and sexual rehabilitation after
prostate cancer treatment
Restoring quality of life
Dr Nicole Highett
Deputy CEO, beyondblue
beyondblue – Depression and anxiety for men
with prostate cancer and their partners
Mr Colin Law
Commonwealth Bank
Mr Andrew Giles
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
Professor Jim Denham
Radiation Oncologist at the Calvary Mater
Newcastle Hospital and Newcastle University
Early diagnosis campaign – a rationale and
progress to date
Dr Martin White - joint speaker
VMO Urologist, Associate Clinical Lecturer,
University of Newcastle
Prostate health and prostate cancer a Newcastle perspective
Greg Millan
Men’s Health Consultant, Author of EMALE online
Men’s Health Resource
The health and wellbeing of australian men
The big picture
Dr Sandy Grant - joint speaker
Uro-Oncologist, Hunter New England Health
Prostate health and prostate cancer a Newcastle perspective
Professor Trevor Waring
Chancellor, University of Newcastle
Men’s health and mental health
Dr Michael Izard
Clinical Lecturer, University of Sydney
and Radiation Oncologist Consultant
The differing radiotherapy techniques in
managing prostate cancer
Platinum Partner
Associate Professor Prem Rashid
Conjoint Associate Professor, UNSW and
Urological Surgeon
Prostate health including lower urinary
tract symptoms, benign prostatic hyperplasia
and prostatitis. prostate cancer, talking with your
GP, testing, referral to a urologist, biopsy and
diagnosis of prostate cancer
Dr Patrick Walsh
Distinguished Service Professor of Urology,
The John Hopkins Medical Institutions and the
United State’s 2007 National Physician of the Year
for Clinical Excellence
What causes prostate cancer and can it be
prevented? Early detection - what’s new and does
it save lives?
Alan Pease
Mr Body Language
Motivational speaker and author of 14 best selling
books including 8 No. 1 international best sellers
You only live twice! Survival and living through
prostate cancer
Dr Jeremy Cumpston - joint speaker
PSA, DRE and Make a Date
Dr Raji Kooner - joint speaker
Urological Surgeon, St Vincent’s Clinic
PSA, DRE and Make a Date
Gold Partner
Registration Form
Men’s Health Promotion
Forum‚ Newcastle
Sunday 3 August 2008
9.00am - 3.30pm
For the general public and health professionals
Newcastle City Hall, 290 King Street, Newcastle
To register for this forum please fill in your details below:
Name Address Suburb
Special dietary requirements:
Do you have any food allergies?
If yes, please specify
Post Code Email Phone Catering: morning tea and lunch will be provided (inclusive)
Mobile If you will be accompanied by your wife, partner or
carer please fill in their details below:
Cost: $25 per person (FREE for accompanying wives,
partners or carers of men with a chronic illness)
RSVP: Friday 18 July, 2008
I enclose my cheque for $
made payable to:
Name “Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia”
Address OR
Credit card:
Visa Master Card
Diners Club AMEX
Post Code Email Phone Mobile Credit card Number:
— — — —
For Commonwealth Bank employees only:
Name on Card
Please include CBA Code # Expiry date
— — — —
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Registration is invited:
Email: [email protected]
Phone enquiries: Free Call 1800 22 00 99 or 02 9438 7000
Mail with cheque or credit card details to:
PCFA Men’s Health Promotion Forum,
PO Box 1332, Lane Cove NSW 1595
NEW Support DVD
PCFA is pleased to announce the launch of our
NEW Support DVD for Men and their Families
Living with Prostate Cancer – a double DVD with
every support topic covered.
Please indicate below if you would like a copy available
for purchase on the day.
Cost: $15.00
Please do not send payment now, simply pay on the day.
YES I am interested in purchasing
of the DVD on the day. copies