The iOS revolution Define your app

How to Make an App:
Table of Contents
The iOS Revolution
Step 1: Define Your App
Step 2: Design Your App
Step 3: The iOS Architecture
Step 4: What is Xcode?
Step 5: “Hello World” Sample App
Step 6: Sample App with a Backend
The iOS revolution
The iOS revolution
It’s a story that never gets old. The
weekend that iPad Minis and the
fourth generation iPads went on
sale (November 2-5, 2012) Apple
sold over 3 million of the devices —
a record for first-weekend iPad
sales. Two months earlier the
company had set another record:
first weekend sales of over 5 million
for the iPhone 5. Since the introduction of the first iPhone back in 2007,
iOS-based devices (iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch) continue
to rewrite the definition of what constitutes a successful product. By
the end of 2012, over 400 million iOS devices had been sold.
What makes iOS devices so successful? Innovation and product
features are clearly a big part. Before the iPhone most people had
not interacted with a multi-touch interface. They had never zoomed
with a pinch or switched between portrait and landscape by merely
rotating a device in their hand. Carrying a phone that knew where
they were, could suggest places to eat, and could offer directions on
how to get there was also a novel experience.
But features like multi-touch, accelerometers and GPS are only part
of the appeal. Even with all its innovations, iOS still might not have
taken off the way it has if the only people figuring out ways to use
those innovations worked at Apple. Most of the capabilities available
in an iPhone or iPad in fact don’t come from Apple at all. They come
from legions of third-party developers who work in a vast ecosystem
that is also an Apple innovation. That ecosystem includes the iPhone,
iPad, iPad Mini, iPods, App Store, iTunes, ad networks — and that’s
just on the consumer side. On the developer side, you have Xcode,
App Loader, testing tools, iTunes Connect — the list goes on.
As of September 2012, the App Store hosted over 700,000 apps that
have collectively been downloaded over 30 billion times. Apple
reported for October 2012 that App Store monthly revenues were
running at $333 million — a rate of about $4 billion per year —
remarkable for a store that only opened in July 2008.
Another innovation that has spurred iOS app development is “The
Cloud.” Cloud services make it easier for independent developers to
create, support and make money from their apps. The Cloud solves
data storage and cross-device and user-to-user sharing problems. If
an app stores data in the Cloud, that part of the application is called
the “backend,” while the part of the app that runs on the phone and
interacts with the user is called the “front end.”
A cloud may be “private” — i.e., the
services belong to an organization
for the benefit of its employees and
business partners. Or a cloud may
be “public” — i.e., a company (such
as Amazon or Kinvey) owns the
services, which developers can then
integrate into their own apps. If you
are a developer and want to build
your own backend, you certainly can
do that. Whether you want to or not
depends on whether your backend provides functionality common to
many different apps. If it does (as in a shopping cart or user authentication) then perhaps that time and money would be better spent on
features that offer unique value to your customer. You may be better
off hooking into a commercial backend provider via an API. Then you
can focus on what counts most — a unique user experience and
application-specific functionality. That brings us to the first step in
making an app.
Define your app
Define your app
Most unsuccessful apps fail for any of four reasons:
1. the app was a solution in search of a problem (i.e., no real need
2. the implementation was poor
3. the app tried to do too much; or
4. the Apple App Store rejected the app (either because the
implementation was poor or it violated Apple’s content policies)
Keeping the app as simple as possible is the best way to avoid these
pitfalls. Most successful apps (indeed, most successful consumer tech
products) are based on what is called an MVP, or minimum viable
product. It’s the product with the smallest feature set that can deliver
the core function without any distracting “bells and whistles.” You
know you have an MVP if the product would no longer function if you
removed any single feature.
But what should that core feature
be? One of the best examples of an
MVP is Mail. Version 1 (on the Mac)
offered a clear, limited and intuitive
feature set whose usefulness was
immediately obvious to anyone.
Today’s iPhone version integrates
seamlessly with your phone,
contacts and calendaring. It automatically corrects spelling as you
type, lets you email photos directly
from your photos app, and does much more. But all that came later
and was built on top of a basic core function. And that’s how your
first app should be built. The key is to come up with something with a
clear value that changes people’s lives.
So, in drawing up your MVP feature list, ask yourself what features
are key to the experience. Some basic market research is probably in
order, starting with a visit to the App Store to see what already exists
(possibly to be improved upon and/or to compete with you). Likely
must-have core capabilities include:
• Performance (e.g., fast screen refresh)
• Offline capability (i.e., ability to work when not connected to the
• Location awareness (e.g., the data/experience will change with
the user’s location)
• Cloud syncing (e.g., users see the same data on multiple devices)
• Push notifications (i.e., sending updated information to devices
as soon as it is available)
When you have a handle on what your app does, the next step is to
design it. Designing your app involves making choices of how information and controls are presented to the user as well as how to
implement app logic, and figuring out what data lives locally and
what belongs in the Cloud.
Design your app
Design your app
User experience decisions determine the app’s look and feel. They
answer questions such as: What does the app look like? What screens
does it have? In the software development world, onscreen objects
like buttons, sliders, and fill-in boxes are called widgets. So you need
to decide which types of widgets will reside on which screens. And
what actions will occur as a result of the user interacting with those
Keep in mind that users will expect to interact differently with a
mobile device than they do with a PC because the screens on mobile
devices are much smaller. They’ll expect to use their fingers instead
of a mouse or a track pad. Ideally, your app can even be used with
one hand holding the device while
using just a thumb for scrolling and
working the app’s other controls — the
Your app’s
Path app is a good example, and
features will
increasingly, so is Facebook.
inform its architecture, which is
how you’ll divide
the code and data
into functional
Your app’s features will inform its
architecture, which is how you’ll divide
the code and data into functional parts.
If your app requires interacting with
other app users or networked services,
you’ll need to figure out what piece of
the logic lives in the app code and what
comes from the backend. For example,
your app might integrate with a restaurant recommendation engine, share
user location, or pull real-time traffic data. This is done using APIs
provided by various service providers — but you don’t have to wire
up your app to a network to get started. You can develop a prototype
using predefined representative (or “dummy”) data. It’s easier to
fine-tune the front end if you don’t have to simultaneously modify
your backend too. Once you get the app’s look-and-feel right, then
make those backend connections.
Once you’ve got the overall concept for your app, the next step is to
express that design in terms of the iOS app architecture. That architecture is the model for what parts an iOS app can contain and how
those parts fit together. It’s a well thought-out approach for translating a product concept into actual code you can deploy on a device.
Besides the features and design of your first app, there’s one more
decision you need to make before you start actual development.
That’s whether to deploy on Apple’s iOS platform or on Google’s
Android platform. (Some of this is also covered in our ebook, How to
Make an App: Android Edition.) Reasons to develop for iOS include:
Why iOS?
Customers more
willing to pay
The Apple
The Apple
Customers more willing to pay. Perhaps it’s because of Android’s
open source heritage, but whatever the reason, Android apps generate less than 10% of the total dollars spent on mobile apps, despite
having 75% of the smartphone market itself — and despite the fact
that the average selling price of an app in the Google Play is $3.79
versus Apple App Store’s $2.01. In other words, Apple users are much
more willing to spend money on apps.
The Apple Ecosystem. Some developers and users prefer Apple’s
closed and more tightly controlled environment. Apple’s ecosystem,
consisting of Xcode, iCloud, iTunes, the App Store, the iPad, the
iPhone, Mac computers, etc., offers a very holistic user experience
with the ability to share data seamlessly across devices plus the
assurance of having applications pre-approved for quality and
content prior to going on sale.
Xcode. Apple’s all-in-one IDE offers state-of-the-art offers features like
a graphical interface builder and a syntax-aware and compiler-aware
source editor.
The Apple Experience. From the fit and finish of its hardware to the
customer service in its retail stores, to the way its hardware and
software work flawlessly together, Apple has created the premium
brand in consumer electronics. iOS developers share the benefits —
so when someone downloads your iOS app, they already expect it’s a
great product. And that it will also work flawlessly on their device.
Tablets. iOS has a clear advantage over Android in terms of tablet
market adoption. Using Xcode, it’s also much easier to migrate an
app from a phone to a tablet and vice versa than it is when developing for Android.
Why Not iOS?
Although iOS offers many compelling advantages as a platform for
your mobile app, it also comes with some disadvantages. Here are
Why NOT iOS?
Closed Platform. iOS apps only run on Apple products so you can’t
take advantage of features (like NFC) available only on non-iOS
devices or market growth of non-iOS devices.
Market Growth. Today, iOS represents less than 15% of the total
smartphone market, Although the total market (“the whole pie”) is
still increasing at a fast rate, Android market growth outpaces iOS
Approvals. The App Store’s app approval process is notoriously more
time consuming than Google Play’s process.
iPad vs. iPhone
Of the over 700,000 iOS apps available in the App Store,
250,000 of them are specifically for iPad. Whether you develop
for iPhone or iPad depends on a number of factors, including:
Screen Size. Most people do not want to watch a movie or
read a book on a smartphone, so if your app is better suited for
a larger screen, you should consider iPad.
Portability. On the other hand, if your app is something
people are likely to use when they are “out and about,” such as
when shopping, then iPhone may be your primary target.
Media. Because it is more portable, iPhone is a better device
for taking pictures and video while iPad offers a better viewing
and editing experience (again, because of screen size).
Consuming or Creating? As in the editing case, if your app is
more about working with content than consuming it, you
probably are better off developing for iPad.
Getting your
app approved
Let’s say you’ve already made your iOS app, and it works great.
Now “all” you need to do is get it approved by Apple so your
app can go on sale in the App Store. Don’t underestimate the
importance of this step or the level of effort that may be
required. In fact, the best time to familiarize yourself with
Apple’s App Store requirements is before you start making
your app. Fortunately, a number of very helpful resources are
available online to assist you. Here are four we recommend:
Apple’s App Store Submissions Tutorial
Apple’s App Review Guidelines
Apple’s iOS Human Interface Guidelines
Kinvey blog article, “6 Ways to Ensure
App Store Approval”
The iOS app architecture
The iOS app architecture
As noted earlier, a key reason why there are so many apps for iOS is
because developing highly functional, polished apps for the platform
is relatively easy. That’s mainly because of: 1) the design of the
development tools, and 2) the key architectural features most iOS
apps have in common. So let’s start with some concepts since it helps
to know what goes into an app before trying to create one. We’ll
begin with:
• Design patterns
• Frameworks
• Delegation
• Storyboard
• Windows
• Outlets
• Supporting files
• Products
Design patterns. iOS apps implement what is known as a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. A pattern is a common way to
structure code that solves a particular design problem. The MVC
pattern separates application code in a way that allows you to easily
change one part of an app without having to change other parts. An
MVC pattern consists of three components:
• The Model is the logic that acts on the data, such as to store or
retrieve data from a database, compute the distance between two
cities on a map, etc. An example of a model is the Kinvey backend
that stores your data in the Cloud as a service.
• The View provides the interface to the user; it displays the data
and widgets (e.g., buttons and text fields) that allow the user to
interact with the data. An iPhone app may have more than one
view, as in the Contacts app, which displays a list view of all
contacts or alternatively a view of each individual contact.
• The Controller is between the model and the view — i.e., it
responds to user requests (made in a view) and retrieves results
(produced in a model). This is where developers spend most of
their time — constructing the View Controller — by defining and
attaching actions (or behaviors) to onscreen widgets. When the
user taps a button, for example, it is the View Controller that
determines what action will occur, such as retrieve stored data
from your Kinvey-based data store. The link between a view object
(like a button) to a controller action is called a connection.
Frameworks. You don’t actually have to write most of an app’s logic. It
already exists as frameworks. A framework is a collection of classes
that implements some function — such as connecting to the Internet,
drawing a button, etc. Rather than write the code from scratch, you
just use the frameworks supplied by iOS. Some frameworks are
automatically present when you start a new project while others may
need to be added (done via a drop down menu in Xcode’s Project
Delegation. Say, you want to customize the behavior of a framework’s
object. You can’t actually modify the code of the framework class
itself (prohibited since other apps may also use the framework). But
what you can do is provide app-specific behavior in an application
delegate object. If a delegate implements a method, it will be called
by the delegating class to modify its behavior. In the Kinvey sample
app (one of two examples we will be describing below), the AppDelegate.h and AppDelegate.m — the header and implementation files
for the UIApplicationDelegate, respectively — contain the code that
authenticates an app to the Kinvey backend service.
Storyboards and XIBs. The MainStoryboard.storyboard file (or a .xib
file, if you did not click on the “Use Storyboard” option when starting
your project) contains the view information needed to implement the
overall flow and display of your application and the user interface
Windows. Each view (e.g., the contact list and individual contact
details in the Contacts app) exists within a window. The window
represents the entire device screen and is where all your views are
Outlets. A variable by which a view object can be referenced in a
controller. (For example, if you place a text field to capture a user's
name, you might create an outlet called UITextField* nameField.)
Supporting files. These are files that provide resources (like PNG
images and other static data) that your app needs as well as files that
configure how the app will run. Other examples:
.pch files — precompiled headers used for the code files in your
.plist files — property lists that are small amounts of persistent
data (like your app’s default user settings) consisting primarily of
strings and numbers that you want your app to be able to access,
modify if needed, and write back into the property list.
main.m file — your app’s main function. This is needed to launch
the app, but you will not need to modify this file.
InfoPlist.strings file — used for localization.
Products. This is the file for your app (i.e., that is
built when you click Xcode’s “run” button.
“Making an iOS app” involves working with these features in the
typical, straightforward workflow:
Storyboard your views by dragging and configuring graphical
• objects on a template
• Adding behaviors to the various widgets
Writing the classes as to define those behaviors (including
• delegates)
• Adding needed support files
• Building and running the app
Iterating until you are satisfied with your app
This is all done within Xcode.
What’s Xcode?
What’s Xcode?
You can start developing functional, good-looking apps almost from
the moment you download Xcode, Apple’s integrated development
environment (IDE) for making iOS and Macintosh apps. Among other
features, Xcode includes a source code editor, graphical user interface (GUI) editor (sometimes called Interface Builder), source code
repository manager, compiler, and much more. iOS applications are
typically developed by manipulating views graphically and by typing
Objective-C code for the models and controllers.
To get Xcode, simply go to the App Store and download the application (it’s free). To do this, click on the App Store icon in your Mac’s
dock, or visit
The app store will download and install Xcode in your Application
folder. From Applications, double-click the Xcode icon to launch
Xcode and you’ll see its splash screen (Figure 1). From there you can
click on “Create a new Xcode project” to take you to a menu of several
templates on which to base your application. Selecting a template
opens an Xcode workspace pre-populated with frameworks and
other files Xcode thinks you will need using that template.
fig. 1 Xcode welcome screen. Create a new project from here.
Although you can develop, build and simulate your app on your
computer in Xcode, you can’t run your app on a target device (even
your own iPhone) until you become a registered iOS developer and
join the iOS Developer Program. To do that, go to and navigate to the iOS Dev Center. While there, you will
also find documentation, sample code and other useful resources
such as information on how to submit your app to the iOS App Store.
fig. 2 The Xcode interface
Everything you do in Xcode is done in a window, called a workspace
(Figure 2), consisting of multiple work areas, some of which are also
divided into panes. All the files needed to build your app belong to a
project, and the Navigator area (far left) lists all your projects (there
can be several in a workspace) and all files for each project. Clicking
on a file in the Navigator area shows its contents in the Editor area
and invokes the appropriate editor. Clicking on a .h or .m file, for
example, shows the file’s source code and invokes the Source editor,
so you can edit the code. Clicking on .storyboard or .xib (sometimes
called a “nib”) file shows the app’s storyboard and invokes the Interface Builder, so you can design a view using the Builder’s drag and
drop features.
An especially handy feature is that the Editor area can have both a
right and a left pane — with each pane aware of your edits in the
other. So, for example, you can simultaneously edit an object’s .h
header file in the left pane and its corresponding .m in the right pane.
Or you might click on a button object (displayed graphically) in the
left pane and edit its method’s source code in the right pane. To
toggle between a single pane (the “Standard Editor”) and double pane
view (the “Assistant Editor”), use the Editor selector button on the
right of the toolbar. You can option+command+click a symbol in the
editor to open the definition in the opposite editor pane.
You can also resize the entire Editor area simply by dragging its
borders. For even more editing space, you can also remove the Debug
area or both the Debug and Utility areas using the View Selector
button on the far right of the toolbar.
“ can’t run
your app on a
target device
until you become
a registered iOS
As its name suggests, the Debug area
shows information, like variable state
and console logs, helpful in debugging
The Utility area has two panes: the
Inspector and Quick Help pane (top) and
the Library pane (bottom). Although
there are five inspectors — File, Help,
Identity, Attributes, Size and Connections — only the inspectors that are
currently relevant appear in the Inspector list at the top of the pane. (To see
the name of an inspector, move the
cursor over its icon in the Inspector
selector bar.)
You will use inspectors to add and modify object attributes for views
in the Interface Builder. For example, if you click on a UILabel in the
Editor area of a storyboard, you can use the Attributes inspector to
change the label’s color and use the Size inspector to change the
label’s size.
The Help inspector shows help information about a selected class.
Use the Identity inspector to view and manage an object’s metadata
such as its class, runtime attributes, label and so forth. Use the
Connections inspector to view the outlets and actions of an interface
object, to make new connections and to delete existing connections.
The Library pane has libraries of resources (like file templates, code
snippets, interface objects and media files) that are prebuilt and
ready to insert into your project. Use the Library selector to select
which of these libraries (e.g., code snippets or interface objects) you
wish to insert. To insert one, drag it directly into your storyboard
while using the Interface Builder editor.
These are basics you need to know to get started using Xcode to
build your first app. But to really understand how it’s done, it helps to
walk through an actual app or two. Let’s start with a simple “Hello
World” app that does not employ a backend connection, and then
look at a somewhat more functional app that does.
“Hello World!” sample app
“Hello World!” sample app
This app displays a button (“Press Me”) and a label (“Label”) so that
when the user presses the button the text of the label changes to
“Hello World!” as in Figure 3:
fig. 3 Clicking on the “Press Me” button displays “Hello World!”
To get started, launch Xcode and select “Create a New Xcode Project.”
From the iOS Application templates, select “Single View Application”
and click “Next.” Fill in your product’s name and a company identifier,
typically “com.yourCompanyName.” Deselect “Use Storyboards” and
leave “Use Automatic Reference Counting” selected. Then click “Next”
and select a destination for your projects files.
fig. 4 Create a view with a label and a button
Follow these steps to make your app:
1. Select your project’s ViewController.xib file in the Navigator
(Figure 4), to open the Interface Builder editor.
2. Drag a “Round Rect Button” from the Objects library (lower
right) onto the view in the Editor area; select the button’s text
and type “Press Me.”
3. Drag a Label from the objects library onto the view, as well.
4. Select and drag the Label sizing handles, centering the object
and making it wide enough to hold the “Hello World!” text; then,
fig. 5 Align a label in the attributes inspector
5. With the “Hello World!” label still selected, click on center
alignment in the Attributes inspector.
6. Open the Assistant Editor (Figure 5), exposing the source code
header file (ViewController.h) of the view controller you just
built graphically.
7. Select the button and control-drag from the button to just
below the ViewController definition in the Assistant panel. In
the form that opens, select “Action” for the connection type,
type in a name (“showText”) and click “Connect.” This creates an
interface builder (IB) action as highlighted in Figure 6.
fig. 6 Connect the button’s Touch Up Inside event to an action in the ViewController
8. Next step is to create an outlet for the label. To do this, select
the label object and control-drag from the label to just below
the IB action you just created. Select “Outlet” as the connection
type and enter a name “label” and click “Connect.” This creates
an interface builder (IB) outlet as shown in Figure 7.
fig. 7 Connect the label to the ViewController as an outlet
9. Finally, it’s time to add some logic to the view controller so it
knows what to do when the button is pressed. To do this, select
“ViewController.m” in the project navigator to show the code
editor. Find the button’s IBAction you just created (near the
bottom), place your cursor between the { } brackets and hit the
return key a few times to create some extra space. Then in that
space type the method for how you want the label you specified to respond: _label.text=”Hello World!”; as highlighted
in Figure 8.
fig. 8 _label.text = "Hello World"; will set the label text on the button press.
Congratulations! Your app is done. To build and run your new app in
the simulator, click the Xcode Run button in the left corner of the
toolbar. When you click the button, the text will update.
Sample app with a backend
Sample app with a backend
This second app (named “Kinvey Test Drive”) lets the user type text
on an iPhone and save the text to a backend service, like Kinvey. It
also lets the user load text on the iPhone from their Kinvey backend.
Reading about this app will help you learn:
• How to set up Kinvey’s library in an iOS project
• Additional Interface Builder techniques you can use to storyboard an application
• How to add view controller logic to interact with the backend
service, allowing you to save and retrieve data
We will first present the app as a running application and then take it
apart so you can see how it was made. To make the app yourself, you
can review the various sections below and replicate the steps in your
copy of Xcode.
First, to see the app in action, you should download the app and run
it on your system. To do that, sign up for Kinvey, then navigate to
“Dev Center”, “Samples,” find the “Test Drive” app, and click on its
icon. (If you can’t find it right away, make sure you select iOS as your
platform on the right side of the menu bar.) Click the download
button to download the app’s project files to your computer. Then
launch Xcode — just double click on the .xcodeproj file in the project
But before you can run the app, you need to set up the app’s Kinvey
Set Up Kinvey as a Backend Data Store
Test Drive’s project files include all the code the sample app needs in
order to talk to Kinvey. However, that would not be the case if you
were to build an app from scratch — so you would have to go
through an initial Kinvey setup procedure. This involves downloading
the Kinvey library files from the downloads section of and dragging them to the Navigator’s Frameworks folder in
Xcode. You also need to tell Xcode to link your project with additional
iOS frameworks. To find these frameworks, click on the Project folder
at the very top of the Navigator pane — which displays the Project
editor — and then select the “Build Settings” tab. For detailed instructions, complete the “Getting Started” page under “Guides” on the
Kinvey website. But again, you can skip this setup procedure for now
in order to run the downloaded Kinvey Test Drive app.
But you must still do this step: To run any app that uses Kinvey
(including Test Drive) you need to do the “Create an App” step on the
Kinvey website. Click on “My Apps” in the Kinvey menu bar and then
click on “Add an App,” which will open an “Add” page. Type in a name
for your app and click on the Apple logo and then click “Create.” The
page that opens shows your App’s credentials. Copy and paste the
App Key and App Secret into the AppDelegate.m file of the downloaded Test Drive project:
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import <KinveyKit/KinveyKit.h>
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary
(void) [[KCSClient sharedClient] initializeKinveyServiceForAppKey:@"<#My App Key#>"
withAppSecret:@"<#My App Secret#>"
return YES;
You are now ready to run the app — click on the Xcode run button
and wait for the simulator to open and the app to appear (Figure 9).
fig. 9
fig. 10
fig. 11
fig. 12
Test Drive App views
Clicking the “+” toolbar button opens an alert (Figure 10) with an
empty field into which the user can type some text (e.g., “some new
data”). Clicking “save” uploads the data to Kinvey and displays text on
the screen (a table view) and also displays an alert that the save
worked (Figure 11).
To test the load function, enter some data (e.g., “some data to load”)
in the “name” field of the Kinvey collection. To see the load, the swipe
down on the table on the phone until the refresh spinner starts, and
then the new data will appear in the table (Figure 12).
Figure 13 shows the Kinvey collection after the save that Figure 10
depicts on the iPhone. Figure 14 shows the Kinvey collection after the
user adds a new row to the testObjects collection using the web
browser. Note that every time a save is done on the iPhone, Kinvey
automatically adds a new row (displayed on a collection refresh). To
add a new row manually in the browser, click “+ row,” and type some
descriptive text in the “name” column. That data will now load on the
iPhone when the user pulls down on the table.
fig. 13 Backend collection after saving from the app
fig. 14 Backend collection after adding a new row directly.
Storyboard the Test Drive App
Most of the Test Drive user interface objects visible in the simulation
are available in Xcode’s Object Library and can therefore be added to
the view graphically. The UI objects consist of a:
• Table view
• Toolbar
• Tool Bar Button item – flexible space
• Tool Bar Button item – Add
• Table view cell
• Label – Title
• Refresh Control
To create this app yourself, you would follow these steps:
• Launch Xcode and select the “Single View Application” template
• Select the “Use Storyboard” option
• Replace the default UIviewController object with a UITableViewController
• Drag and drop the other objects, in the order listed, onto the
Also note:
• The Flexible Space Bar Button item fills up the space on the
toolbar so the add button is at the right. This is a standard pattern
in table-based iPhone apps.
• The add button shows the system “+” sign. That is done by
dragging a bar button item onto the toolbar, clicking on the
Identifier drop down menu in the Attributes inspector; and then
selecting the “Add” option.
As with the “Hello World!” app, once your app’s view is complete
(Figure 15), you would still have to create the various methods and
connections that bring them to life. This is done using the Source
editor while working with the ViewController.m file.
fig. 15 Editing a table in Interface Builder.
Add View Controller Logic
Since the app performs two basic operations (save data to Kinvey and
load data from Kinvey) these two methods must be added to the
ViewController header file. That’s done with a control-drag from the
“+” bar button over to just under the “@interface ViewController”
line in ViewController.h. (Open the Assistant editor to see both the
storyboard and the file source.)
fig. 16 Drag an add: action from the button bar to the ViewController header file
During the drag, the popup appears, asking for the name and type of
connection. Enter “action” for the connection type and “add” for the
name. Then repeat the drag, this time from the refresh control and
using “load” for the name (Figure 16).
Note: to follow this discussion it will help to have the referenced files
open in your Xcode Source editor.
In ViewController.m, you will see the implementation code associated
with each of the two Interface Builder methods, whose names Xcode
added automatically to the .m file:
- (IBAction)add:(id)sender
- (IBAction)load:(id)sender
You will also see a third section of code not associated with these
methods, which starts with the line: “#pragma mark - Table View
Stuff” These methods support the table view and are part of
UITableViewD-elegate and UITableViewDataSource. They handle
controlling the
display of the table, and respond to user gestures. For example,
swiping a table cell will show the delete button because tableView:canEditRowAtIndexPath: returns YES and tableView:editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath: returns UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete. If you tap the
delete button, the delegate method tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: is called. The code of this method deletes the data
for the row and removes it from Kinvey’s data store. When the
backend delete is completed, the app displays an alert describing the
success or failure.
The way that all three sections (and all Kinvey-enabled apps) move
data in and out of a Kinvey collection is by getting a reference to the
app’s backend collection (named “testObjects”), which is filled with
instances (each named “TestObject”) of the data the app wants to
move. That’s why you’ll find the following code repeated three times
in Test Drive’s View Controller (once for the add, once for the load,
and once for the delete):
KCSCollection *testObjects = [KCSCollection
ofClass:[TestObject class]];
KCSAppdataStore *store = [KCSAppdataStore
To support these statements it is required to have a data object class
(TestObject). To see how these files are written in the sample project,
click on TestObject.h file and TestObject.m in the Navigator pane. If
you were to supply these files in your own app, you would click File >
New File, and specify Objective-C class, which would be a subclass of
NSObject. Then you would type in the code, with a property for each
column in the Kinvey backend collection (including one for the
object’s id).
As mentioned earlier, your app also needs to authenticate itself to
Kinvey, which is handled by AppDelegate.h and AppDelgate.m. These
files are created by Xcode when you create a new project, and start
out with just a stub implementation. Look in the sample app source
files for code to copy and paste.
For both the save and load operations, however, moving the data in
and out of a backend collection is only part of the work. Table 1 lists
all the functions that implements the save and load in the ViewController.m file, along with pointers to its corresponding block of implementation source code. (For each function, its corresponding code
begins with the “Starts at” line and ends with the “Ends at” line.) Refer
to Appendix 1 to find the actual source code.
Say Hello To Our World
The key takeaway from all this is that “making an app” is a worthwhile
thing to do for anyone with a clever idea and a working knowledge of
Objective-C. The proof is in the hundreds of apps succeeding in the
market every day, many written by people working on their own and
who never wrote an app before in their lives. As with anything else,
practice does make perfect. But hopefully with all the resources
available, and the knowledge gained from this ebook, you have
already started down the path toward joining the growing legions of
iOS app developers. If so, we welcome you!
Table 1: Save and Load Implementation Details of Kinvey Test Drive Sample App
Appendix 1 — Test Drive Sample App ViewController.m Source Code
Kinvey Quickstart
Created by Michael Katz on 11/12/12.
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Kinvey. All rights reserved.
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "TestObject.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray* objects;
@implementation ViewController
- (IBAction)add:(id)sender
UIAlertView* alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Create a New Entity"
message:@"Enter a title for the
new entity"
otherButtonTitles:@"Save", nil];
alert.alertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStylePlainTextInput;
[alert show];
- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
if (alertView.tag == CREATE_NEW_ENTITY_ALERT_VIEW) {
if (buttonIndex == alertView.firstOtherButtonIndex) {
// Define an instance of our test object
TestObject *testObject = [[TestObject alloc] init];
// This is the data we'll save = [[alertView textFieldAtIndex:0] text];
// Get a reference to a backend collection called "testObjects", which
is filled with
// instances of TestObject
KCSCollection *testObjects = [KCSCollection collectionFromString:@"testObjects" ofClass:[TestObject class]];
// Create a data store connected to the collection, in order to save
and load TestObjects
KCSAppdataStore *store = [KCSAppdataStore storeWithCollection:testObjects options:nil];
// Save our instance to the store
[store saveObject:testObject withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *objectsOrNil, NSError *errorOrNil) {
// Right now just pop-up an alert about what we got back from
Kinvey during
// the save.
Normally you would want to implement more code here
if (errorOrNil == nil && objectsOrNil != nil) {
//save is successful!
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Save
message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Saved: '%@'",[objectsOrNil[0] name]]
[alert show];
self.objects = [@[testObject] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:_objects];
[self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:@[[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0]] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
} else {
//save failed
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Save
message:[errorOrNil localizedDescription]
[alert show];
} withProgressBlock:nil];
- (IBAction)load:(id)sender
// Get a reference to a backend collection called "testObjects", which is
filled with
// instances of TestObject
KCSCollection *testObjects = [KCSCollection collectionFromString:@"testObjects"
ofClass:[TestObject class]];
// Create a data store connected to the collection, in order to save and load
KCSAppdataStore *store = [KCSAppdataStore storeWithCollection:testObjects
KCSQuery* query = [KCSQuery query];
[query addSortModifier:[[KCSQuerySortModifier alloc] initWithField:KCSMetadataFieldLastModifiedTime inDirection:kKCSDescending]];
// This will load the saved 12345 item from the backend
[store queryWithQuery:query withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *objectsOrNil,
NSError *errorOrNil) {
[sender endRefreshing];
// Right now just pop-up an alert about what we got back from Kinvey during
// the load.
Normally you would want to implement more code here
if (errorOrNil == nil && objectsOrNil != nil) {
//load is successful!
_objects = objectsOrNil;
[self.tableView reloadData];
} else {
//load failed
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Load failed"
[alert show];
} withProgressBlock:nil];
#pragma mark - View Controller
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
_objects = @[];
[self.refreshControl addTarget:self
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[self load:nil];
#pragma mark - Table View Stuff
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
return 1;
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsIn
return _objects.count;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
UITableViewCell* cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"aCell"];
cell.textLabel.text = [_objects[indexPath.row] name];
return cell;
- (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath
return YES;
- (UITableViewCellEditingStyle)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete;
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete) {
TestObject* objToDelete = [_objects objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
NSMutableArray* newObjects
= [_objects mutableCopy];
[newObjects removeObjectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
self.objects = newObjects;
[tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:@[indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
// Get a reference to a backend collection called "testObjects", which is
filled with
// instances of TestObject
KCSCollection *testObjects = [KCSCollection collectionFromString:@"testObjects" ofClass:[TestObject class]];
// Create a data store connected to the collection, in order to save and
load TestObjects
KCSAppdataStore *store = [KCSAppdataStore storeWithCollection:testObjects
// Remove our instance from the store
[store removeObject:objToDelete withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *objectsOrNil, NSError *errorOrNil) {
if (errorOrNil == nil && objectsOrNil != nil) {
//delete is successful!
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Delete
[alert show];
} else {
//delete failed
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle:@"Delete failed"
[alert show];
} withProgressBlock:nil];
Written by
Designed by
Randall Cronk
Jake McKibben and Lauren Pedigo
Since 1990, Randall has helped over 250
high-tech companies convey the value of
what they do through white papers, web
content, brochures, case studies and
articles. Based today in downtown
Boston, he was previously a vice
president with Regis McKenna where he
ran the Digital Equipment account.
Project Manager
Brian Whalley
Michael Katz
Michael has always been a programmer.
In college he detoured into modeling the
brain, but eventually found his way back
into software development, doing
hard-core desktop Java programming.
But since 2010, he has developed mobile
apps and software. He is also the author
of a forthcoming iOS networking book,
being published by Manning Publications later this year.
What is Kinvey? Kinvey makes a fully-featured Backend as a
Service solution, offering 3rd party data integrations, multi-platform support, push notifications, and custom business logic on a
platform where it's free to get started and you only pay when your
app is successful.
Build your backend today