Document 233989

How to Be Happy
MARCH 1959
SAFE COUNSEL for every member
of the family
Books that discuss with candor
and helpfulness the individual
problems of sex and associations
that face young people and their
By Harold Shryock, M.D.
On Becoming a Woman
Here is a mingling of Christian idealism and scientific
frankness in dealing with an adolescent girl's unfolding sexual and emotional life that will commend itself to every intelligent reader.
Price, $2.75
A study of the factors that make for harmony in marriage. Sensible courtship, the
basis of a memorable honeymoon, the
merger of personalities, marital adjustments, and a sane attitude toward sex are
among the many subjects discussed with
sympathy and mature insight. Bound in a
beautiful gift binding.
Price, $3.50
On Becoming a Man
By A. W. Spalding
A book for parents, to help them in telling
the story of the beginnings of life to the
very youngest inquirers.
Every adolescent boy will find in this frank discussion
of his sexual and emotional development a spiritual
idealism that is not only practical but persuasively
attractive to noble ambitions.
Price, $2.75
Life and Health, Washington 12, D.C.
Price, $1.25
Letters From Mother Naomi
An older woman's answers to the many
questions asked by all normal girls concerning the intimate problems of everyday life
in a modern world.
Price, $1.75
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"Because my nerves
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"One answer I learned from my doctor: too much coffee.
He explained that some people just can't always take the
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"I followed his advice, doubtfully at first, I admit. But
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don't you try rich, hearty Postum? You'll like it, too!"
is 100% coffee-free
A product of General Foods
1 cup chopped onion
cup sweet cream butter (or margarine)
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 cup ground CHOPLETS or Worthington
1 cup finely shredded raw potato
3 envelopes G. Washington Golden Broth
Pinch of poultry seasoning
to 1 cup cream or evaporated milk
3 eggs, slightly beaten
add mushSaute onions in the butter until soft; ing i
rooms and brown lightly. Add remainngredi
ents and mix well. Bake in buttered shallow pan
es 10 to 12.
at 350 0 for 1 hour. Sery
edarcoft Sanitarium,
* Recipe courtesy
Silver Spring, Maryland.
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You'll be delighted, too, with each helping
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Choplets are full of hearty, bolstering
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You'll find the above recipe a welcome start to new
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a free subscription to our Chopletter magazine, each issue of which contains
new recipes and other ideas
for good eating.
Vol. 74. No. 3
75th YEAR OF
35c U.S.
The National Health Journal
J. DeWITT FOX, M.D., L.M.C.C., Editor
HARRY M. TIPPETT, M.A., Assistant Editor
C. E. WENIGER, Ph.D., Editorial Consultant
T. K. MARTIN, Art Editor
Consulting Editors:
M.D., F.A.C.P.
Lois Bunsierr, R.N. • HENRY W. VOLLMER, M.D., F.A.C.S. • ARLIE L. MOON, M.D. • ERWIN A. CRAWFORD, M.D.
Contributing Editors: D.
Braille Edition, Life 6v Health: C. W. DEOERING, MANAGING EDITOR
Circulation Manager
J. M. JACKSON, Associate Circulation Manager; S. L. CLARK, Advertising and Sales Representative
Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. All rights reserved. Title registered in U.S. Patent Office.
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LIFE AND HEALTH, copyrighted 1959 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association,
official journal of the National Home Health Education Service. Published monthly
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12, '2'.t.
pletely. My favorite article was "How
John D. Rockefeller Lived to Be 97"
[April, 1958, issue; written by J. DeWitt
Fox, M.D.]. Let's have more like that,
La Crescenta, California
Although Thailand, my country, is
very far, I must tell you that LIFE AND
HEALTH magazine is very valuable wherever it goes.
Best Source
I enjoy LIFE AND HEALTH SO much for
the many fine articles, that I want to send
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simply be lost without it. I read it for the
first time in the Glendale (California),
Sanitarium, and found it most interesting.
It is a magazine one can feel proud to
have in his home. I read every issue com-
Pure Carrot Juice...
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Be sure to get Eveready
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I think there is not, indeed, so interesting a journal as LIFE AND HEALTH.
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I think that LIFE AND HEALTH should be
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British Guiana
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I want you to know that my wife and
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We both have decided we would not be
without your marvelous health journal.
Council Bluffs, Iowa
I should like you to know that I have
received two issues of LIFE AND HEALTH
in Braille, and my conscience would
bother me if I did not write this letter to
you and tell you how much I enjoy reading your magazine.
I receive several magazines, but I consider LIFE AND HEALTH my favorite, as I
consider health to be of great importance. Your articles on diets and various
illnesses are most informative, and as a
good'many of them are written by professional men, I find them to be factual and
When I finish reading my magazine I
pass it on to a friend who is also blind.
I wish to express my thanks to you. and
I am looking forward to future issues of
your fine magazine. MORRIS BELMONT
Bronx, New York
Color Transparency by Robert P. Holland
Interesting thing about ducks—they always appear to be happy, contented, and relaxed. Whether
in winter, when streams and ponds are frozen
hard, or in summer, when all waterways are open,
there is a merry quacking at the duck pond. It is
not cold or warm weather that contributes to their
happiness but the fact that they are alive and
Perhaps there is something for us in this feathery page from the book of nature. Contentment
and relaxation are health-producing qualities. They
are fine antidotes for complaint, fear, and worry.
The great apostle Paul reflected this principle
for happy living when he said in the Good Book:
"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."
You are invited to coment on
LIFE & HEALTH articles. Which
one took your fancy? Did you take
exception to something you read?
If you have a suggestion for an
article by a doctor, nurse, or dietitian, drop us a note. Address:
Washington 12, D.C.
Removal of Disfiguring Veins
Exercise for Menstrual Pain
A technic for almost instantaneous eradication of what doctors call spider burst
or rocket burst veins was demonstrated
at the forty-sixth annual convention of
the American Podiatry Association, in
Washington, D.C.
Dr. J. Stanley Landau, of Philadelphia,
revealed a method that he says quickly
rids women and men of the distressing
annoyance of the unsightly bluish discolorations that appear on the feet and
"Many refuse to wear shorts or appear
on the beach because of these skin stains,"
says Dr. Landau.
The Philadelphia specialist described
an improved painless technic that quickly
rids people of these vein troubles. The
method has proved 80 per cent effective.
The percentage of success is based on
extensive clinical studies over a five-year
period, according to Dr. Landau. The
procedure involves simple injection beneath the skin of an extract of psyllium
seed mixed with hydrocortone.
Dr. Landau, who asserts that the vein
condition is primarily of cosmetic importance and not necessarily harmful
in individuals, is chief of the department
of surgical chiropody at Kensington Hospital and at Haverford Hospital in Philadelphia. He is a Fellow of the American
College of Foot Orthopedists.
Women afflicted with painful menstrual periods can do much to help themselves by a simple exercise routine. In a
study of 5,324 girls suffering from menstrual pain during their junior and senior
high school years, Drs. Leib J. Golub,
Warren R. Lang, Hymen Menduke, and
James 0. Brown of Jefferson Medical
College found that exercises reduced or
cured the pain in 78 per cent.
The so-called Mosher exercise program
consists of first lying on the back with
knees bent and feet flat on the floor. The
girls are then instructed to place their
hands on the abdomen and breathe
deeply ten times.
The second exercise consists of standing with the hands resting on the back of
a chair, and raising and lowering the
heels twenty times. In a standing position
bend the knees deeply and straighten
them out five times. Finally, back on the
floor in the first position, bring the knees
as close to the chest as possible and return them to the resting position. Do
this ten times.
Another set of exercises, devised by Dr.
Bellig of Los Angeles, consists of stand-
ing with the left side to the wall, feet together about 18 inches from the wall,
with the left arm and hand placed
against the wall at shoulder level, the
heel of the right hand placed in the hollow of the right side where the upper leg
and lower pelvic bones join. The abdominal and buttock muscles are then
contracted, and the pelvis tilts upward
in front and down in back. Then the
pelvis is slanted toward the wall by pressure of the heel of the hand. The shoulder remains in line with the elbow, which
is still resting against the wall, knees
straight. The pelvis never touches the
wall if the exercise is done correctly three
times on both sides.
Several advantages accrue from an exercise program in that it can be taught to
large numbers of girls during high school
gym programs, it necessitates no expensive medication, and it is more desirable
than surgery.
More Iron Than Spinach
Spinach, popularized by Popeye in cartoons as a great strength food, rich in
iron, has long been overrated, according
to Dr. William Bolton, associate editor
of Today's Health. Potatoes, squash, and
carrots contain more iron per portion
than does spinach. Although years ago
spinach was highly overrated as an essential food for children, the pendulum has
now swung the other way.
Spinach is still a good filler food, being low in calories and thus a fine reducing dish. It contains moderate amounts
of vitamin A, as do most green vegetables.
Zee 7/elf/a%
* * *
Safe Surgery
Some ten million Americans this year
will undergo an operation. Dr. William
L. Estes, Jr., 73, of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, president of the American College
of Surgeons, and one of the more than
ten thousand surgeons who will be performing these operations, stressed the
surgical advances and safety that should
reassure anyone undergoing surgery this
year. In his address to the American College of Surgeons he pointed to the progress that has been made in surgery, ranging from orthopedics to neurosurgery,
ophthalmology, and vascular surgery.
Appendicitis at one time was a dreaded
disease and carried a much higher mortality rate than it does today. At the turn
of the century the mortality rate was
about 5 per cent; today it is less than 1
per cent, and some 600,000 Americans
who will have their appendixes removed
this year can give thanks for these improved safety factors in American surgery.
MARCH, 1959
Modern medicine has an optimistic
report for varicose-vein sufferers.
Let's give expectant mothers the
full facts, so they may look forward
to their babies healthfully.
Worrying about baldness is like
worrying about not sleeping. The
more you worry the worse it gets.
OT long ago I read in a medical
journal of a ten-year-old boy who
doesn't know what pain is. This lad
was born without the normal nervous
system, which warns us of burns, cuts,
and bruises. He could fall and hurt
himself but be completely unaware of
injury. He had many scars to show
for a pain-free life of adventure and
bumps without the warning of pain.
On the face of it, one would think
this lad is lucky. He may look forward
to a life free from the aching joints
of arthritis that many an oldster has
to endure. If he were in an auto accident and suffered a broken bone, he
could be taken to the hospital and have
the bone set without anesthesia. If
he needed his tonsils or appendix removed, these operations could be done
without ether or other anesthetic.
Scattered over your body are billions of tiny nerve filaments intended
to tell you when you are too near fire,
when you are cut, scratched, bumped,
or bruised. These little nerves are not
functioning correctly in this lad, and
he lacks the protection of pain.
Yes, pain is protective. It actually
is a blessing. If I had to choose between going through life without a
pain-receiving system and with the
protective nervous network of pain
fibers, I'd vote for a little pain. The
great Creator, who made your nervous
system, planned it skillfully. There
are three kinds of nerve fibers that
carry to your brain sensations of pain,
touch, pressure, heat, and cold. These
nerve fibers carry impulses at different
Like telephone wires, the nerves
having the most insulation carry the
impulses to your brain the fastest5 to 100 meters a second. The bare
nerve fibers carry them at a slower
rate-0.5 to 2.0 meters a second.
To prove this fact, draw some hot
water into your bathtub tonight. Dip
your big toe into the water. You'll feel
the touch of water almost instantly.
But the burning pain of the hot water
will not be noticed until a second or
two later. This shows that the pain
fibers which receive this impulse carry
it at a slower rate. The effect of the
pain will be such that you will be
immediately stimulated to withdraw
your foot, to protect it from being
burned. Pain is a blessing against
Another protective function of pain
is in helping doctors diagnose diseased
organs in the body. If the little lad
with no pain fibers came down with
appendicitis, his appendix would be
likely to rupture and give him severe
peritonitis, because he would have no
pain to warn him of the trouble in his
Pain is the finger that points the
way to accurate diagnosis. If you
have pain in the right side of your
abdomen, the doctor immediately
thinks of the organs located there and
just what may be going wrong to cause
the pain. Pain should never be relieved, then, until diagnosis has been
Even though pain is severe, do not
give narcotics or pain potions until
after the doctor has decided what the
trouble is. Pain that is relieved may
let the disease process go uncorrected
until more serious trouble develops.
A shot given for pain in the abdomen
may relieve the patient temporarily,
only to have an inflamed gall bladder
go on to rupture, an inflamed appendix
to perforate, or an abscess to form.
The billions of little pain endings
in your body were placed there at
birth, yet many will never be used
during your entire lifetime. For example, unless you develop a kidney
stone, you will never know what renal
colic is like. Yet you have all the nerves
to receive the pain should a stone ever
form. They are there to serve as an
alarm system in case of disease.
Unless you break your arm, you'll
never use certain pain nerve endings
in the lining of the humerus bone.
Should you suffer a fracture, the pain
will make you keep the arm absolutely
still, thus protecting it from further
Pain is a blessing in disguise to
heart patients. Pain to the patient having angina pectoris is a constant reminder that he must slow up to protect his heart. The cramping pain in
the chest is caused by decreased blood
flow and oxygen supply to the heart
muscle, which stimulates the pain-receiving nerves.
Another phenomenon of pain is that
certain parts of the body are provided
with nerve endings to receive special
types of pain. Your intestines can be
cut, pinched, and burned and have no
pain. But just let them fill up with too
much gas, and the distention of the
intestinal wall will cause intense pain
of a deep, aching, cramping type. This
pain makes the patient nauseated, and
will induce him to lie quietly.
The brain itself, headquarters for
receiving and interpreting pain, has
no need for pain nerve endings. The
brain could be burned and pinched,
and no pain would be felt, even though
the person was wide awake under local
anesthetic. Only the blood vessels at
the base of the skull carry pain-receiving fibers. When overdilated, they
cause pain.
Headache usually is caused by the
stretching of nerve filaments surrounding the blood vessels at the base
of the brain and in the scalp.
Although pain is a blessing in disguise, no one enjoys it. Probably the
most important thing for persons suffering chronic pain such as with
arthritis, or periodic migraine headaches, is to appreciate the relationship that worry and nervous tension
have to pain.
Tension has the ability to lower the
threshold of pain. When the patient
relaxes, pain lessens. For this reason,
soothing hydrotherapy treatments,
massage, and relaxing surroundings
can do much to reduce pain, without
sedatives and narcotics. These relaxing treatments cause muscles to uncoil
their knots of tension in shoulders,
neck, scalp, back, and joints. This
relieves the pull of tension on nerve
endings in the muscles, and pain is
Here's an experiment to prove what
tension can do in producing pain. Hold
your hand clenched into a fist, bend
your elbow as tightly as you can, and
pull your hand toward your shoulder.
Keep your arm pulled up tightly and
hold it. In a matter of minutes you'll
note a tight pain and ache develop in
your arm. This is the ischemic pain
doctors speak of, which is due to tension and a decreased amount of blood
going into your arm. This causes the
muscles to ache.
In a similar way, nervous tension
cuts off circulation. When you are
under emotional tension or are worried, pain appears in various parts of
the body.
To lessen pain, stretch, relax, increase the circulation of blood. This
can be done in several ways, physicians
know. Sedation is one way. Medicine
can be given to help the patient relax.
Pain-relieving medicine may be necessary before the patient will relax.
Soothing heat to the affected part will
help the patient to relax, and lessen
pain. Whether this should be in the
form of a hot pack, warm-water bottle,
heating pad, or heat lamp can best be
decided by your doctor.
Next time you have an ache or pain
and feel inclined to bewail your luck,
remember how fortunate you are to
have a well-wired alarm system of
pain to protect you 24 hours a day,
365 days a year, against injuries. Pain
is Mother Nature's way of bringing
you to your doctor, dentist, or minister
for the correction of bodily, dental,
or moral wrong. Pain can take the
form of a sharp stabbing pain, a deep
ache, or a boring conscience.
The nice thing about pain is that
it is so wonderful when it is over.
Mothers having childbirth pain will
tell you that their pain is sometimes
hard, severe. After it is over, it is forgotten.
The human brain with its 13 billion
cells, with an infinite number of combinations of associations and colors of
pain and emotion, has one great defect. It cannot recall pain.
Soldiers shattered on the battlefields
who suffer agonizing pain before narcotics can be given them, who undergo
amputations and other extreme treatment of injuries, cannot recall their
pain. After it is over, they can remember having pain, but just how severe
they cannot recall. Once pain is over,
it is forgotten. This proves God's
infinite wisdom in devising the protective network of pain. It is intended
for emergency use only, not for indefinite torture or damage to the patient.
Should pain appear, do something
to find out the cause, and relieve it
promptly. Pain is a blessing. It is the
symptom that sends more patients to
a physician than any other. It is the
doctor's friend to help him put his
finger on your problem. Never relieve
pain until you know the cause. Let
your doctor decide when and how it
should be relieved.
Keep your body in tiptop tone—eat
right, get adequate sleep, exercise, and
relaxation—and pain will be less of
a problem. But never forget—pain is
a blessing.
Yours for healthful living,
4,t(Lec fic,
t e'ontri6utori
Duncan A. Holbert, M.D. ("Little Monster in the House," page 18), is an allergy
specialist of Santa Cruz, California. He
was born in Oregon, but grew up in California.
He received his M.D. degree from
Northwestern University, and served in
the U.S. Navy three years.
Dr. Holbert was cut down by polio in
1949, two years after he had begun his
practice in Santa Cruz. He was left with
total paralysis and dependence on an
iron lung for two thirds of every day.
He re-entered practice in 1952, specializing in allergy. He is active on the staff
of Santa Cruz Dominican Hospital and
Sisters Hospital in his home city. He is
director of the allergy clinic of Santa
Cruz County Hospital and is an associate
Fellow of the American College of Allergy.
Dr. Holbert is married and has five
charming children, aged 10 to 22. He has
been doing medical writing for four
Dawn Flanery Parker ("Omnipresent,"
page 21) is a poet who takes her writing
seriously. Although the wife of an oil
operator with interests in Colorado and
Wyoming, Mrs. Parker enjoys jotting
down quatrains in her Denver, Colorado,
home as much as she does traveling to the
oil fields with her husband.
She attended Ward-Belmont School in
Nashville, Tennessee, and the universities
of Kentucky and Nebraska. Her poems
have been published in national magazines
and newspapers. She is a member of the
board of directors of the Colorado Poetry
Fellowship. She says that actually she
is not a poet but a versifier.
As a hobby Mrs. Parker works for the
American Red Cross.
attainments—that measure our total worth to our family,
our business organization, and our social world.
There are triumphant moments in every life, hilltop
exploits, great hours packed with emotional thrill—the boy
when he lands his first job, the writer when his first article
is accepted, the athlete when he crosses the winning tape
The average clover leaf has three segments. Many a
greensward that charms the passer-by is made up of an
abundance of three-leaf clovers. Four-leaf clovers are hard
to come by, and are only curious accidentals of nature.
Many people develop foolish frustrations because they
recognize in themselves only undistinguished possibilities.
If they play the piano passably, they fume or grow moody
because they cannot sing acceptably. If they are excellent
conversationalists, they grow bitter because they are poor
public speakers. If they are skilled craftsmen, they feel
rejected because they are not called to be foremen.
before a grandstand of cheering people, the lover when his
beloved responds to his tenderness, the mother when her
first-born is laid in her arms. We are inclined to rate success by the number of such great moments, forgetting that
our failures must be balanced against the triumphs before
we can estimate our total achievement in terms of the
Life has its monotonous detours as well as its exciting
forays. Much of our foolish discouragement comes from
comparing the triumph hour of someone in our class with
an unproductive hour we ourselves happen to be passing
through. The man who is in the limelight will have his
dreary times, which when computed with his successes will
make his average less imposing.
Abject failure cannot continue when a person maintains
a will to achieve. Life tends to strike a creditable average.
Only those who spend their energies fretting and pining
over another's gain and magnifying their own momentary
losses are doomed to ultimate defeat.
"Forgive us, Lord, when we complain
Of little pains and small delays;
Help us to carry cheerfully
Our little crosses to Thy praise."
It is amazing what is accomplished in the world by
average people, those whose best efforts are sometimes
marred by failure, yet who in the long run turn out to be
competent contenders in the workaday world. It is the
things that add up in our lives—the small successes with the
larger achievements, the utter defeats with the brilliant
If your joints feel old and creaky decide to exercise more to regain a lithe body.
OISED on the pool's edge eager for another
swim, young John knows the satisfaction
that exercise brings. To him it is not something done to promote well-being or a rite
performed to appease the goddess of health, but action!
Activity to him is but a synonym for life.
In his enjoyment of activity he is wiser than the
older members of the family, who prefer a drive in
the family car to walking and choose spectator sports
instead of participation in activities suitable for their
age group. They may be heard to say with a sigh, "I
guess I must be getting old." Reasonable exercise
would give them the vigor they lack.
Activity is one of the first laws of life. Watch a
new baby. You will notice that as he grows each day,
he becomes more active. When he cries, fresh air is
forced into his lungs, the chest expands, and both chest
and abdominal muscles are put to use. By use they
are developed and strengthened.. By stretching, moving his arms and legs, attempting to lift his head, he
causes the muscles in his arms and legs to grow
stronger and the muscles in his back to develop.
As the child grows older, activity increases until
his parents wonder where this tireless youngster gets
all his energy. Play and the other activities of childhood have an important place in developing the large
muscles of the body. They also help to develop coordination and skill.
As the days of adulthood become filled with the
problems of living, exercise other than motion that
ARE OUR young people today becoming soft and flabby engaging in spectator sports rather than getting out on the field to get a workout?
MARCH, 1959
is a part of our pursuit of bread, butter, and happiness is neglected. As the days roll on into years and
the golden twenties give way to the thirties, we are
often thinking more of leisure—a lawn chair or a
rocker—than of a brisk walk or a game of croquet.
One of the reasons for our lethargy is that we
have not kept in trim. Perhaps the belt has been let
out a notch or two, or the fairer sex has noticed with
disapproval an increase in waist and hip measurements. Something must be done, so we undertake with
a vengeance the recommendations in the daily press
or the popular television programs.
With all our good intentions, the program backfires. Why? Because we attempted too much of a good
thing all at once. Doing deep knee bends or sit-ups
ten times as recommended was not too difficult, so we
did twice the number. Result? With sighing and
groaning we say, "Exercise is too much for me. What
I really need to get myself in trim is a steam bath
and a good rubdown."
Steam baths and rubdowns may make you feel
better. Certainly you enjoy a feeling of luxury when
indulging in such treatments, but there is serious
doubt whether your muscles will be stronger and more
willing to work for you than they were before.
As the baby's muscles grow strong enough to
enable him to crawl and walk, so too will your muscles
grow strong as you use them. They will improve in
strength only by exercise. Action is life.
Let us consider some exercises that will help you
feel better and make you wake up and live.
• First of all, make sure that you are able to undertake an exercise program. Have you had your yearly
physical examination? Do you pass the time of day
with your good friend the doctor as you meet him on
the street, but put off the office call that is really a
safety-first measure?
Once you know that a few simple exercises cannot
hurt you, find a quiet spot where there is enough room
for you to lie down. It should be a firm surface, such
as the floor, with enough clearance for you to swing
your arms freely in all directions. The living room rug
is excellent, or a blanket placed on the floor in a large
room will do very well. Choose a time of day when you
are not too tired and when you expect to be relatively
free from interruptions.
Make yourself comfortable lying flat on your back
with no pillow. Your clothing should be loose, allowing
full freedom of movement. Think about relaxing. You
may find it hard to do, but work at it. Endeavor to put
all your troubles and worries out of your mind. You
will be able to face them better for having forgotten
them a few minutes. In thinking of relaxation, begin
at the top of the head and gradually work down. Let
go of all the worry lines in the forehead, smooth out
the laughter lines about the nose and mouth, drop the
tenseness of the throat, and think on down through
the finger tips, down to the toes. Surely now you feel
a little less tense than when you first lay down.
Relaxed, place your hands across the abdomen just
at the waist, partly on the lower ribs and partly on
the abdomen, finger tips meeting. Begin breathing
slowly and with gradually increasing depth until the
finger tips separate with each breath. Can't you get
them to move at all? Come, now. Your very best
breathing muscle, the diaphragm, lies just below your
fingers. Are you breathing into the upper chest and
letting your diaphragm laze along at quarter speed?
Try ten deep breaths even if you can't get your
fingers to move apart. In a few days you will surprise
Rest and relax again, beginning at the head and
working down to the toes, as you did before. When
deep breathing becomes natural you will spend time
doing it between each set of exercises, but now you
need to rest from even that effort.
Now to begin the attack on the bulge. Remember
that trimming down stomach and hips does not depend
on exercise alone, but also on discipline at the table.
No second helpings, and easy on the dessert!
From the relaxed position raise the head, bringing
the chin to rest on the chest. Repeat this ten times;
again assume the position of relaxation. After the
relaxing and deep-breathing exercise, place the arms
above the head on the floor. Now you are lying on your
back, arms outstretched above your head. As you raise
your head, try getting the shoulder off the floor as
well as the head, and with one hand reach across the
body as if to pick up something on the opposite side
just below hip level. Alternate arms, first right, then
left. This is not a sit-up, but the lifting of the head
and shoulder and the returning to the starting position.
After resting and breathing deeply again, which
helps to maintain the relaxation so important to the
exercise period, try curling up into a ball, starting
from the resting position. Head on chest, knees on the
chest, if you can. Arms around knees. This nice stretch
is good for the back. From this position straighten
the legs until you are looking up at your toes, knees
straight. Begin slowly to lower the legs, still held
without bending the knees, until they touch the floor.
This is a less difficult exercise than straight leg raising, a frequently used abdominal exercise, but it produces essentially the same results. Keep the back flat
on the floor, not permitting a hollow to occur when the
legs are nearly to the floor.
After breathing and relaxing, change to a facedown position. Place the clasped hands behind the
hips and raise the head ten times. Rest again. Raise
head and shoulders and attempt at the same time to
raise both legs, bowing the back. Often it is not possible to raise both legs, so if you cannot do this do not
be discouraged. Instead raise first one leg and then
the other, repeating the exercise until you have done
each leg ten times. Later you should be able to raise
both legs at once. Time to rest again.
Perhaps none of these exercises have appeared
difficult to you, and you are a bit disappointed. It is
better to begin with a few simple exercises and do
them well and faithfully than to begin with a bang
and have the program collapse under the burden of
aching muscles. If you were to gain nothing more than
the ability to relax, the effort would be worth while.
But in addition to that you will soon share Johnnie's
spicy outlook on life. You will feel better and look better, and increased exercise and activity will become a
joy, for you will realize that action is indeed living.
It takes a close-up view of a microscopic field to see
HE virus? Why should I be bothered with
information about that? I'm definitely not
Well, you had better be, for the little
(almost invisible even with a microscope) virus will
certainly get you. With millions of your countrymen
you will have your share of the common cold, our most
popular disease. It costs the United States of America
millions of dollars every year. Now does the ubiquitous
virus mean anything to you?
We cannot see the uncanny little beastie, but it
unfailingly finds all of us, and causes a big share of
ELECTRON microscopes enable us to see smaller objects than ever.
MARCH, 1959
our most common sicknesses—influenza, common colds,
pneumonia, infantile paralysis, mumps, measles, smallpox, and perhaps a lot of misery we have not worked
out completely.
Today we often hear the word virus or see it in
print, yet few of us know very much about what it
means. Virus is an old Latin word for poison in general, but now we use it in a more restricted sense to
mean the active disease-causing element in certain
maladies. Viruses are infinitesimal living bodies. Under
the powerful electron microscope they often look like
balls of cotton. The ordinary high-power optical microscope will not show the virus bodies at all. When we
get up to the almost incredible magnification of 60,000,
the virus bodies become plainly visible and are readily
photographed. Some research workers allege that they
have seen some kind of internal structure in them.
Many of our most common sicknesses are caused
by the virus or by several viruses simultaneously. The
fever sores on the lips, the so-called cold sore, is a
trouble caused by a virus. Then there is meningitis
and infantile paralysis. Parrot disease is also quite
common. By no means is it safe to snuggle up to a
feathery mass of parrot, thinking it is entirely sanitary because the bird does not appear to be ill.
A century ago we knew nothing about viruses.
Scientists first suspected the existence of a virus less
than fifty years ago. Beijerinck, working with a disease of tobacco plants, called tobacco mosaic, found
material for study. Other investigators working with
foot-and-mouth disease of livestock found reason to
suspect the existence of some form of invisible diseasecausing agent.
In the succeeding decade virus was suspected to
be the cause of yellow fever, rabies, vaccinia smallpox,
and infantile paralysis. Then we learned that bacteria,
which are the evil partners of the vicious virus in
bringing on human and animal disease, are themselves attacked and destroyed by viruses.
It is not yet known to be a fact, but we suspect
that viruses attack even what are known as protozoons,
which are the lowest form of single animal cells or
groups of such cells. We do know that many members
of the plant kingdom are attacked commonly by
Among our various shreds of knowledge is an
interesting fact: a virus that attacks one type of host
with devastating effect may find a quiescent reservoir
in some other kind of host. That knowledge may explain the existence of carriers of disease. A person
may transport the virus and not be affected by its
presence in his body.
We first suspected the existence of viruses because
they would pass through our finest filters of porcelain,
which stop all bacteria. But we soon found out that
something deadly had gone through the filter, because
when we injected this filtrate into laboratory animals
they became sick.
Upon the invention of the electron microscope we
were able for the first time to see the virus, and we
learned about the vast difference in size and shape of
the various virus bodies—and there is still a great
deal to learn. Not all the virus bodies are round. Some
are brick-shaped, cuboidal, rectangular, or rod-shaped.
Some have a tiny tail at one end; others are irregular
and difficult to distinguish when mixed with fragmentary molecular matter.
All viruses have one common characteristic—they
depend on living matter for their food. They cannot
exist in the absence of living cells.
It is fortunate that we are able to cultivate viruses,
for in this way we learn new facts. The humble
chicken egg is used for making vaccines and in several other forms of virus study.
Another peculiar characteristic is their marked
differences when considered as a group. They are outstanding individualists, quite unlike in their resistance to heat, cold, humidity, and organic or inorganic
chemical compounds. They are as different as are the
hosts on which they prey. They are peculiar in their
selection of certain cells for invasion, and their reproductive abilities vary greatly.
It is presumed that their existence in hosts of different kinds is capable of producing a variation in the
virus itself. Our knowledge here is meager, but we
feel justified in thinking that these variations are the
result of the combined action of host and parasite.
Little is known as to how viruses act to produce
their baleful effects on the cells they invade, because
they are not always toxic. We know that they must
exist within living cells and that once they invade the
cell they are protected by it from the action of antiseptics. The viral effect on cells ranges from quick
death to cell stimulation and multiplication. This cell
stimulation occurs in the tumor. Inflammatory reaction
is the result of cell injury.
As the doctor sees them, virus diseases are subject
to an infinite number of different characteristics. Some
viral diseases may occur with considerable consistency
of symptoms; others are subject to wide variation and
are difficult to recognize without the aid of the laboratory.
It is quite possible that an explanation for the
common signs of a cold, or the lack of them, may lie
in the cell resistance, or lack of resistance, of the
host who is attacked. Probably the cells are of different
construction. Some people say that they seem always
to be tormented by a cold; others say they are almost
completely immune to a cold. The matter of cellular
resistance to the cold virus may explain the difference.
Antibody molecules are too large to follow the virus
into the cell, but some chemicals in fluid form seem to
be able to do it. They are the well-known sulfa compounds, penicillin, and streptomycin.
The relationship between the cellular elements of
our body—mostly in the blood stream—and the virus
that is attempting to wreck our health is what determines our resistance to viral disease. If the body
cells reject the virus, as they may do, we remain in
health, although it is quite possible that we may be
a carrier of the virus and can pass it on to someone
else. If our cells joyously welcome the evil virus, then
probably we are in for trouble. That might be nothing
worse than the common cold or it might be something
as serious as infantile paralysis. It is likely that those
who remain healthy all their life, rarely having a
cold, have unwelcoming cells, and the virus—whatever
kind it may be—may perish in the body without causing harm.
Various insects may be what is known as vectors
(carriers) for certain kinds of viruses. If so, these
vectors may get near enough to our skin or nostrils
to plant a virus where it will wreak great damage to us.
If we wished to build up a kind of acquired resistance, or immunity, to disease we might do so by
the use of certain therapeutic chemicals. But we
would have to know just what kind of treatment we
should administer for a given malady. If we are in a
country known to be malarious we may dose ourselves
for malaria with some degree of success, but this system will not work with a virus malady. We know that
an acquired immunity may be built up against polio.
We also know that it is possible to have a natural
immunity against the virus of that disease, as well as
of smallpox or the common cold.
When we have smallpox, for example, it leaves behind in our body a solid immunity. No matter how
much of the virus we take in later, we shall remain
immune to that disease. It is likely that this immunity
remains in the cellular element of our body.
A mother who is immune to some virus disease will
pass some of that immunity on to her child at its birth.
She will not lose her resistance, but some of what
she has will go to her child.
This mother-donated immunity will not be as solid
as the immunity acquired by survival from an attack
of some viral disease, but it serves to tide over the
newborn child for some months. Where the virus gets
in its attack and the victim does not succumb, probably some of the virus residue remains in the cellular
elements and maintains the immunity.
Whereas effective immunization seems to call for
the use of active viruses, few of them are safe enough
to be used as vaccines. Brief immunity may be established by the use of inactivated or killed viruses. That
kind of protection is
(Turn to page 23)
To be happy you have to learn to adjust
to life as it is—the good and the bad.
ONCE knew a man who greeted me rain or
shine with the same question: "Are you
happy?" If I had not known him well, I might
have thought he was actually concerned over
my state of mind, but I found that he asked the same
question of everyone he met. It was simply his friendly
way of calling attention to the importance of being
Each one of us has an inner craving to be happy.
Happiness is the universal goal of mankind. Many
and devious are the means people use to reach this goal.
But merely wanting to be happy does not make us so.
What is happiness? It is not a commodity to be
bought and sold. It is not a skill acquired by practice.
It is not an inherited trait. It does not depend on a
memorized formula.
Happiness is elusive. When you have no goal but
happiness, disappointments and tragedies crowd in
to deny you the goal you seek. When your goal is to
render unselfish service wherever you are, happiness
seeks you out and remains with you.
Happiness is a by-product of other activities in
life. It comes as the reward for successful living. It
comes not because we have made it our primary reason
for living but because we have lived unselfishly, productively, and amicably.
Perhaps the most common reason why a person
does not experience the happiness he longs for is that
MARCH, 1959
1,0W AT
he becomes discontented. He tends to focus on the
tough breaks, failing to recount the compensations.
The unhappy person is the one who says to himself,
"I thought life would be better than this. I am being
Perhaps your job has given you less in fulfillment
than you expected. Maybe someone else received the
promotion you planned on. Maybe your earlier expectations of a rapidly increasing income have not been
realized. Or perhaps your job is humdrum, and fails
to offer you the challenge it once brought you.
Perhaps your marriage has fallen short of expectations. During your courtship you expected that your
marriage would be the happiest one ever consummated. As two people look forward to their union in
marriage they usually assume that the mere possession
of each other will be so blissful as to cancel all the
problems of living. They blindly trust that there is
magic in marriage, such magic as will transform their
personalities by removing all personal shortcomings
and substituting the perfect qualities that lead to perpetual happiness.
With the passing of time, as the marriage adjustment is accomplished, there comes disillusionment as
each begins to realize that his beloved is quite human
after all. He discovers some faults in his spouse's personality. At first he can hardly believe that these discoveries are true, for his beloved appeared to him absolutely perfect during courtship. But here are traits
of selfishness, impatience, and intolerance. Assuming
that the partner has recently changed, it is easy to
conclude that deception must have been practiced dur15
ing courtship. With the disillusionment there comes
a resentment.
There are fallacies in this reasoning. Even though
courtship does place two people on their good behavior, so that each presents his best qualities, there
is seldom deliberate attempt to deceive. It is the exhilaration of the courtship that causes each to be
blind to the other's faults.
The person who believes that his partner has
changed is failing to realize that he too has some
personality blemishes that are probably just now becoming apparent. His partner is going through the
same experience of disillusionment. The partner may
be as troubled as he over the contrast between the apparent perfection of courtship and the present evidence
of human frailty.
We must recognize that happiness in marriage does
not depend on the selection of a perfect partner. Where
can we find a perfect man or woman? Happiness in
marriage requires an acceptance of each other in spite
of human shortcomings. Because the City of Happiness
Physical Therapy Department
Washington Sanitarium and Hospital
Washington. D.C.
is located in the State of the Mind, happiness in marriage requires an attitude that places emphasis not
on the blemishes but on the same fine qualities of personality that were apparent during courtship. If we
focus on each other's good points, we are less aware
of faults and imperfections.
Another common reason for failing to obtain a full
measure of happiness is the belief that we are not appreciated. A mother may learn to overlook her children's thoughtless remarks and failure to thank her
for the many things she does for them. When her
husband takes her for granted or when the other
housewives of the community forget to include her in
their plans for an afternoon party, she begins to feel
sorry for herself.
We should all realize that human beings usually are
not generous in their expression of appreciation. It is
not that they intend to be mean in this matter but
simply that they become careless. If our happiness depends on being appreciated, we will have to give others
(Turn to page 25)
credit for thinking thoughts of
should be completely covered by the outer wrapper and that
no air spaces should be left between the skin and the wet
cloth, or it will not warm up quickly, and the patient will
feel more miserable than he did before. In treating a thin
person, the aged, or one who does not have enough body
heat to warm up the wet pack, the dry pack is to be preferred.
The skin over the chest, both back and front, conveys
influences to the lungs, which lie beneath it, by nerve
connections. If this skin area is kept warm, congestion
in the lungs is overcome. In order to keep the chest warm,
the physician often recommends the chest pack.
Articles needed
1. Dry flannel or part-wool cloth cut to fit the patient's
chest (see diagram). Allow for overlapping under the arms
and on the shoulder.
2. Cotton cloth (old sheeting may be used) if the wet
pack is to be used. This should be cut a little smaller than
the outer pack. It should be lightweight.
3. Recommended medication, such as warmed camphorated oil, to be rubbed on the chest before the pack is applied.
4. Safety pins.
At the turn of the year, when winter's icy grip tightens,
colds often have a troublesome way of settling in the chest.
A cough may develop and hang on, and the homemaker
is often troubled about what course to pursue in her effort
to relieve the sufferer's discomfort. One simple, time-proved
remedy that the physician may recommend is the chest pack
used after some heating measure such as fomentations or
the heat lamp to the chest.
One of the simplest chest packs to apply is a flannel or
part-wool blanket, cut to fit the chest. It should fit snugly
around the neck and armpits so that the entire chest is well
covered and protected. This pack should not open down
the front, for the purpose of the pack is to protect the chest,
but it may open on one shoulder and on the sides. The
back piece should come around and be pinned in front
(see diagram).
If the heating chest pack is recommended, there should
be an inner layer of muslin slightly smaller than the outer
cover of wool or flannel. Remember that this inner layer
1. First heat the chest by fomentations or heat lamp.
2. If the heating pack is to be used, wring the inner
compress from tap water and apply, preventing air pockets
if possible.
3. Quickly cover with the dry covering and pin snugly
and securely in place. Leave on all night or for several
days between heat treatments.
4. When the chest pack is removed, the chest should be
rubbed with cold water and thoroughly dried. This will
help the skin to return to its normal ability to react to
changes in temperature.
1. The chest pack should not be so tight as to restrict
breathing or circulation.
2. If the moist inner pack is used, it should be covered
to avoid chilling and to help the patient react quickly to
the treatment.
(Turn to page 27)
Years ago the "acid test" was sufficient proof
of mumps, but we are more scientific now.
UMPS to the average person means a swelling of the face before, below, and behind
the ear and under the jaw. One side or
both sides may be involved. One of the less
infectious diseases of childhood, mumps is not uncommon at any time of the year, although it is more
prevalent during the winter and spring months. Children two to fifteen years of age are more likely to
invasion by the virus than are infants or adults.
The little virus that causes so much swelling finds
its way to the mucous membrane, or lining, of the
nose and mouth from a person who has the disease
or is in the incubation stage. This period of reproduction in the lining of the respiratory tract is known
as the primary infection. The virus then finds its way
into the blood stream and finally localizes in the salivary glands or elsewhere.
Mumps is a mild epidemic disease as a rule, although single cases are not uncommon, particularly in
urban areas. Each epidemic usually has its own peculiar characteristics. The virus may attack only one or all
of the salivary glands without further complications.
The complications have generally been thought of
as swelling of the testicles, ovaries, or the lining of
the skull that covers the brain. Children who have not
reached puberty rarely have swelling of the testicles
or ovaries, but swelling of the brain covering is not uncommon. It may occur near the end of the acute infection. A recurrence of fever with headache is suggestive
of the spreading disease. There may be vomiting,
convulsions, and stiffness of the neck and back. The
patient may seem very lazy or drowsy.
MARCH, 1959
There are adults who to their knowledge have not
had mumps. After repeated exposure they do not get
the disease. Skin tests prove them to be immune to the
virus causing mumps.
The mumps germ is a very interesting virus. It
causes mumps when it is least suspected.
You have mumps in certain glands without any sign
of the disease we call and know as mumps. Persons having this form of mumps do not know they have had the
disease unless certain laboratory tests have been run.
There are tests that will determine the presence of
mumps virus as the cause of an illness that would not
otherwise be diagnosed as mumps. These tests are
another advancement of science that helps determine
the causes of obscure illnesses. It is only in a hospital
where numerous tests have been run, without expense
to the patients, that this recent progress has been
Scientists and doctors are now able to think of
mumps as a peculiarly general disease. This fact may
be explained in terms of a cold. A cold may be only a
runny nose or a sore throat or an earache. It may also
pr6duce a cough with chest pain. Laryngitis may develop. These illnesses are all part of an upper-respiratory infection. The cold virus may be the cause of all
the symptoms or other germs may be associated with it.
Mumps can be explained as a general disease be(Turn to page 21)
cause of the numerous
41,5101.v...1...... •
ouncnn a. HOLBERT, M.D.
Before passing judgment on your overactive child take
him for a complete checkup. You might find he is a victim of the hyperkinetic syndrome.
RS. RUSSELL covered her face with her
hands as she sat facing me across the desk.
"Stevie is really a little monster, Doctor!
The neighbors all say so; children won't
play with him; he's constantly in trouble at school.
I've never really faced it, I guess, but he's really impossible, and I'm beginning to hate him and myself.
We can't go on like this. I've tried sedatives and tranquilizers, but they only make matters worse. I've tried
giving him more attention, but that doesn't help."
We talked on for an hour, and gradually the typical
story of the hyperkinetic, or unusually overactive, child
appeared. The condition is known as the hyperkinetic
behavior syndrome. Hyperkinetic simply means "exaggerated activity."
Stevie was the third baby in the family, and by the
time he arrived, a new baby was nothing to be worried
about. Had he been the first child, Stevie's mother
might have accepted his bad behavior as a result of
her inexperience in training children. He came two
years after his brother and sister, and they were certainly happy, normal, well-adjusted children.
Stevie is the prototype of a large group of unhappy
children with serious behavior problems they cannot
help and which make them social outcasts.
The characteristic symptoms of the hyperkinetic
behavior syndrome are easily recognized. As I list
these characteristics you can probably think of some
child in your neighborhood who fits the picture.
The first symptom, as the name of the disorder
suggests, is hyperactivity.
Mrs. Russell remarked, "Stevie climbed out of his
crib before he was a year old, and has been on the run
ever since. When he was six years old he was into
everything. He couldn't sit still to watch television,
he couldn't sit still for meals, but would run in and
out of the dining room for a bite at a time. His poor
teacher is growing prematurely gray. Stevie won't
stay in his seat, he can't get along with the other
children, and he won't pay attention to anything for
more than a few seconds at a time."
The second symptom is constant dissatisfaction.
No form of activity satisfies the child. He never finishes
a game or a project. His attention leaps from one thing
to another, and he is totally unable to concentrate
long on anything.
Not only is his attention span short but his behavior is entirely unpredictable. Sometimes his behavior is good, sometimes bad. This remarkable variability and absolute inconsistency is a typical finding
in the hyperkinetic child.
The poor mother takes him to the doctor time after
time, thinking his irritability may be due to incipient
measles, a bad cold, or that he may need glasses or
can't hear well. No disease or irregularity is ever
found. His body is healthy.
In the older child irritability gives way to explosive
outbursts. His insatiable desire for self-gratification
is always frustrated, and the child becomes increasingly bad tempered and always unpredictable. By this
time his teacher is convinced his intelligence is subnormal and that he is incorrigible—a bad egg, a real
juvenile delinquent.
Underlying the hyperkinetic behavior syndrome, apparently, is injury to a small portion of the brain, the
diencephalon. The diencephalon apparently acts as a
filtering system, through which pass all the sensations
—touch, hearing, sight, pain, cold, warmth, and hunger—on the way to the appropriate areas of the brain.
In the normal child most stimuli are suppressed in
the diencephalon, and only those essential stimuli that
are significant in terms of safety, hunger, or sensual
satisfaction are allowed to reach his brain cortex.
Stimuli come flooding in through the diencephalon
of the hyperkinetic child, and instead of being filtered
selectively, they all bombard the sensitive brain cortex
and demand attention. Stimuli that in a normal child
would be overlooked are sensed by the hyperkinetic
child, and he reacts to all of them. Apparently any
injury that produces a disturbed function of this hidden part of the brain, the diencephalon, can result in
the hyperkinetic syndrome. This injury is subtle and
insidious, not visible to the pathologist except through
the lens of his powerful microscope. There is increasing evidence that this injury is actually the result of
scarring and fibrosis following small hemorrhages
that involved the delicate, fantastically fine capillaries
that nourish the diencephalon.
How does this injury occur? There are apparently
several causes, all leading to the same scarring and
fibrosis. Infectious diseases occurring in the mother
during pregnancy are implicated in some cases. The
act of birth itself has its hidden dangers. There is
good evidence that occasionally the damage occurs
during the abrupt and sudden change of fluid pressure
in deliveries that are too rapid for one reason or another. Viral or bacterial infections, however mild, in
the first weeks of life certainly account for many of
these problems. The inevitable falls and accidents of
childhood may not produce enough damage to be ordinarily recognizable in terms of clear-cut neurological
symptoms, but well may cause microscopic hemorrhages.
The subtle nature of this injury makes prevention
difficult if not impossible.
Mrs. Russell, anxious about the past and despairing of the future, agreed with me that Stevie certainly
was a hyperkinetic child. I asked her whether she remembered any serious or even minor illness during her
pregnancy or during Stevie's first few weeks of life.
She remembered that for an hour or so after Stevie
was born his skin would turn blue and that the
MARCH, 1959
nurse would have to stir him up a bit until he cried.
Stevie turned blue because he was not breathing
well enough to saturate his blood with oxygen. The
brain tissue is exquisitely sensitive to lack of oxygen,
and the deprivation for an hour or so certainly can
cause the typical injury. That is all it takes.
"What can we do for Stevie? Isn't there something
to give him that will really help?"
Fortunately, the medical treatment for the hyperkinetic child is simple and highly successful in most
First, the diagnosis must be exact. Certainly not
all behavior problems are due to the hyperkinetic
Once the diagnosis is established, the hyperkinetic
child is placed on a carefully individualized daily dosage of the medicine amphetamine. It usually results in
dramatic improvement. Favorable effects occur rapidly,
and a complete alteration of the child's behavior is
brought about.
Stevie has been on this medicine for six months,
and Mrs. Russell tells me that he is a different child!
He is quiet and friendly, plays happily with the other
children, and finishes his schoolwork. Arithmetic is
coming easily to him.
Stevie will continue to improve, as have the children
in many extensive clinical studies.
Mrs. Russell was right. Stevie was not a bad boy;
he was not a stupid boy. Her intuition told her that
although she had made mistakes as a mother, none were
so serious as to cause all of Stevie's troubles.
This estimate must be true in many other homes
where the little monster in the house is not really a
monster at all. He has a serious problem that he cannot
help and for which no one is to blame. Once the difficulty is diagnosed, treatment apparently is successful.
The hyperkinetic behavior syndrome needs to be
thought of in behavior problems. Its recognition will
prevent many years of stress and unhappiness for the
child and his family.
the 3amilj Yhjsicica
We do not diagnose or treat disease by mail, but answer general health questions. Enclose
stamped, addressed envelope. Address: Family Physician, LIFE Cy
What causes boils? How may they
be treated?
Boils are local reactions in the skin
against infection of some kind. It is
commonly found that some form of
the staphylococcus organism is the active culprit. Boils usually spread by
In the treatment of boils surgical
cleanliness must be maintained or they
will likely spread from one area to
It is not usually true that a deficiency of the blood is connected with
the presence of boils, for persons with
good health sometimes become victims of the ailment.
Duodenal Ulcer
Please give me a diet for duodenal
ulcer and suitable treatment for bleeding, which has stopped for the present.
You apparently have had good care,
which is shown in the fact that the
bleeding of your duodenal ulcer has
stopped. Its recurrence after you began work is an experience that happens not infrequently, especially if the
patient becomes nervous or tense in
taking up work again. We have under our care and have had in the past
some patients in which this has been
true. It is always a problem to know
just how to advise in such cases.
If the bleeding recurs upon seemingly light strain and stress, the advantages of a surgical operation should
be considered. An ulcer operation is
a heavy one, and should be undertaken only by a surgeon well trained
in surgery of this kind. The mortality
is surprisingly low when the work is
HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.
well done, and the patient feels much
improved when he is able to eat various types of food and enjoy them, even
if for a time he may have to eat more
often than the proverbial three times
a day.
After one has had a hemorrhage
from the stomach, the best advice is
to use very bland and smooth food for
a time. Junior vegetables and fruits
do become rather monotonous, because they largely lose their identity
in being passed through the colander.
We do not know any way of avoiding
the monotony entirely.
If the bleeding is stopped and the
patient feels well, and tests continue
to show the bleeding is no longer present, we often find help in what is
called a modified ulcer diet, which is
a general diet so taken and planned
that the person eats five or six times
a day, selecting food or portions of
food that are not rough or coarse.
Many patients do well on this program, and avoid having critical periods of hemorrhaging.
Of course, along with the diet your
doctor will give medication as he sees
,, :;M01.1.'"
Diabetes and Poison Ivy
I am a diabetic and got ivy poisoning on legs and arms, which caused
many inflamed sores. By taking light
treatments and applying ointment I
find my legs are mostly healed, but my
arms are still giving me trouble. What
will help me?
Diabetes complicates the care of
skin lesions.
Calomine lotion or some of its compounds is very useful for the irritation
of ivy poisoning. Washing the lesions
in warm, strong soapy water about
twice a day often causes them to heal
a little more quickly. Bathing in the
warm water with soap neutralizes the
poisons that are the cause of the trouble and cleanses the lesions that have
Of course the diabetic condition
must be kept controlled so that there
is not an upward rise of sugar in the
blood or urine.
* *
Rheumatic Fever
Please tell me how best to treat
rheumatic fever.
The treatment of rheumatic fever
is not so simple that it can be accomplished in a few days. Penicillin is
often used, and it is an excellent medicine. Cortisone may give spectacular
relief from pain, but there are side
effects that are not desirable, and we
find that in dealing with acute conditions a great many physicians seem
to choose not to use it. If it is used at
all it is used in small doses for a very
brief period of time. It is not curative
in the sense that penicillin may be.
Vitamin C can be purchased as
ascorbic acid in tablets. They may be
taken several times a day, according
to the judgment of your physician.
The tablets are sold in different sizes,
and are obtainable in any wellstocked drugstore.
A vitamin-C-supplying diet may
include tomatoes raw or cooked. Citrus fruits generally will give you the
richest supply of vitamin C that is
present in a regular diet.
Rheumatic fever is a systemic disease. Uncared for, it may have injurious effects on the heart. This is
why we are always careful to treat it
by the most effective agents possible.
Along with antibiotics we recommend
rest as very important. This may
sound almost laughable to a mother
who has children to care for, but it is
a helpful means of treatment and
quite essential in most cases.
Often tonsillitis is the starting
point of an illness of this kind, although most of us are inclined to
look on sore throat and tonsillitis as
I cannot run away from God.
But sometimes, though, I stray,
And then I look around, and there
He is to point the way.
•-••••-• • .0,
(Continued from page 17)
organs that may be involved. This
fact should help explain how some
people get mumps without a known
exposure and why some never get it
regardless of numerous exposures.
The first symptoms of mumps are
usually mild, with loss of appetite and
perhaps a headache. The patient
will be more tired than usual. Look
out for the unexpected nap. There
may be only a slight rise in temperature at the time swelling of the salivary glands begins. Both sides may
swell at the same time. There is no
redness, and the swelling has a feeling
like bread dough when you press it
with your fingers. The fever may go
as high as 104° F., and it may last for
several days.
Most signs of illness are gone in
seven to ten days.
Some cases are so atypical that they
are practically impossible to diagnose
from the history and findings alone.
These cases require a study of the
blood serum. The doctor knows it is
MARCH, 1959
mumps if he finds in the patient's
blood the specific antibody the body
produces to fight the mumps virus. If
this test was not run at the time of
illness, a skin test later will show the
person to be immune to mumps if his
illness was due to his having been exposed to the mumps virus.
It is advisable for all adults in the
patient's immediate family to determine their immunity if they have not
had the disease. There is a vaccine
of killed virus that gives temporary
or partial immunity, which they may
take to avoid getting mumps. People
allergic to eggs probably should not
receive the vaccine, because the
growth of the virus on eggs is part
of the method by which the vaccine
is produced.
Until 1934 many kinds of bacteria
were blamed for causing mumps. It
was only last year that the one cause
was finally discovered. C. D. Johnson, of Montgomery, Alabama, and
Ernest W. Goodpasture, of Washington, D.C., produced a typical case of
mumps in a rhesus monkey. Their
tests met the requirements that
proved conclusively that mumps is
caused by a filterable virus.
Since many childhood diseases begin with the same symptoms, we have
to look for the special signs peculiar
to each disease. This is the reason
it is advisable to have your doctor's
help and advice. With antibiotics
available to control secondary infection, and antihistamines to control
allergic reactions, mumps has become
a little less painful and more tolerable
—albeit a disease you may well wish
would stay within the bounds of childhood.
* * *
To those who wish to retain or regain
good health this distinctive institution
offers truly comprehensive medical
service at moderate cost.
Diagnostic Clinic
Psychiatric Unit
* X-ray Therapy and
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Chronic Diseases
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For full details, write to Box 8
Battle Creek
Battle Creek, Michigan
92d Year of Continuous Service
Packed-1# to 30# boxes
HALVES-51.05 per lb.
PIECES—$1.00 per lb.
On 51b. box always figure filb. postage
plus 10c insurance
Peas on Parade
In popularity, green peas rate at
the top of most vegetables, with a
high per capita consumption a year,
virtually all in canned and frozen
Supplies of both canned and frozen
peas are plentiful. You will be seeing
them displayed prominently and at
attractive prices on your grocer's
shelves and in his frozen-food cabinet, as the U.S. Department of Agriculture and industry join in a campaign to move the plentiful stocks.
Green peas add color and good eating to winter menus. Serve them buttered, creamed, in casseroles, souffles,
or omelets, with eggs, potatoes, and
pasteurized cheese. Feature creamed
green peas with hard-cooked egg
slices, buttered croutons, or pimento
Prices subject to change without notice.
YANCEY, TEXAS Phone 2261
by cooperative publisher who offers authors
early publication. higher royalty, national distribution, and beautifully designed books. All
subjects welcomed. Write, or send your MS
"The Rouse of a Million Vitamins"
1125 Sixth Avenue
San Diego 1. California
Ask about our SDA 20% discount
Free Catalog on Request
aic .Mother's Counselor
Questions for this department should be addressed: Mother's Counselor, LIFE
HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
My four-and-a-half-year-old daughter has nosebleed often. Please advise
us what to do.
It is important that any medical
examination of your child should include a study of the nose to find any
enlargement of a blood vessel, which
is often the cause of nosebleed.
Nosebleed during the night usually
comes from the back part of the nose.
The blood may be swallowed and
coughed up, making it appear that it
comes from the lungs or stomach.
In most cases nosebleed ceases of itself.
For frequent nosebleed, introduce
absorbent cotton for about an inch
into the nose, and hold it in position
by pressing on the nostril to control
the bleeding. This will work in most
When the nose is bleeding, cold
compresses over the face or back
part of the neck may help. The head
should be held up, rather than forward. If it is held backward, the
blood may gravitate to the throat
and cause choking.
1. A formula too rich in sugar.
2. A condition in which the child
is unable to digest the casein curd of
the milk.
The evidence of either condition
lies in the stools. In sugar fermentation the stools are gassy, frothy, frequent, and so irritating that baby's
buttocks often become red and sore. In
protein indigestion the undigested
milk curds may be seen in the stools.
They may be green at times. The child
may vomit sour, curdy material.
Baby is sensitized, and forever after
is oversensitive to disturbed conditions
in the digestive tract, whether by fermentation or undigested casein curds.
The absorption into the blood of
the products of fermentation or the
end products of incompletely digested
protein gives irritating properties to
the blood, to which the skin and mucous membranes may become abnormally sensitized. The child becomes
subject to all kinds of allergies. Skin
irritations such as rash and eczema
may result.
As he grows he may become a migraine victim, have increased tenden-
ghougli 1t Be Xittle
I have a child with allergies. Can
you help me with this problem?
Allergy in children is not uncommon. Allergy is a state wherein a person is more than normally sensitive
to irritants of any kind in the air, to
atmospheric temperature changes, or
to disturbed conditions in the digestive tract.
A child may develop allergic tendencies as the result of two conditions,
both having to do with his early
It is not needful that we feign conviction
Or shape our thoughts to some unquestioned
But that we use whatever faith we have
Though it be little as a mustard seed.
Until we put our faith into our actions
We cannot know how much our faith is worth,
As mustard seed can never
grow and flourish
Until it is committed to the earth.
cies toward digestive upsets such as
cyclic vomiting.
He may have sniffles, hay fever,
colds. His entire reaction to unfavorable conditions or the slightest irritation is extreme. His personality often reacts accordingly.
A child's earliest food program is
of great importance. Never should a
child be overfed. Never should his
early formula be too sweet. Often his
milk should be boiled to be made easily digestible. It should never be too
high in fat content, for the presence
of fat interferes with protein digestion. That is why many young children
do well on skim milk.
Pancreas extract is most beneficial
to allergic and nervous children. Dr.
Sansum, well-known nutritionist of
Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, in
California, first used panteric capsules
made for him by Parke-Davis in the
treatment of allergies in children. It
is thought that pancreatic enzymes follow the incompletely digested protein
end products and continue the work
of breaking them down to nonirritating substances.
The highly sensitive child is more
likely to be adversely affected by tense,
unhappy home conditions than is the
child who has a stronger, better-poised
emotional nature. He may be the
bed wetter, the fingernail biter, the
problem eater, the fretful, unhappy,
difficult child.
How important that every care be
taken to surround the sensitive child
with everything possible to give him
a sense of security, happiness, and
kindly relationships with those about
By making certain skin tests, your
doctor may be able to determine just
what the substance is to which your
child is allergic. He can advise you as
to such testing.
The Virus
(Continued from page 14)
of value only if induced before exposure to certain viruses, because once
a virus penetrates a cell and takes up
residence therein, nothing short of
the destruction of its house will avail
against the virus.
Even if we are lucky enough to be
able to ascertain or guess correctly
what serum should be used to protect us, its use must be extremely limited. Moreover, the patient may be
naturally immune. If this immune
serum is used even in amounts that
will afford full protection, it is likely
that this artificial protection will not
endure for long, but will quickly disappear and leave the patient as susceptible as he was before.
With the electron microscope we
are able to venture into the hitherto
impenetrable world of very small objects. The electron microscope is
about five feet tall and about ten
inches in diameter. It is quite a big
affair, and does not resemble the ordinary optical microscope. There are
little windows around the base
through which several observers may
simultaneously see the object being
However, to recognize a virus one
must be able to separate it from the
cellular matter in which it lives. This
is possible by centrifugation.
Of the common upper-respiratory
diseases such as the common cold, influenza, laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and some forms of pneumonia, we
have learned much in the last twenty
years. Among other bits of knowledge,
we have found that there are two general types of influenza, and we have
added to our clinical knowledge of
mumps and measles, both of which are
caused by viruses and spread by secretions of the respiratory tract.
There may be a close interrelationship among these so-called infections of the upper respiratory tract.
It is possible that the same or similar
viruses are the cause of all these apparently associated maladies. It is
MARCH, 1959
now known that the two general types
of influenza virus will produce almost
identical symptoms, and it is probable that the common cold may be due
to multiple causes, not necessarily the
vicious work of a single virus.
To protect ourselves from the many
viruses present in the air we must follow a positive health program. Breathe
pure air deep into your lungs, and
keep blood flowing through your body
with vigorous exercise. Be sure to get
adequate sleep and rest. Eat fresh
fruits and vegetables.
Help "Winter-Shield" Your Child!
TORUMEL, the new high-
protein food yeast, assures a
correct, easily digested, daily
protein intake.
TORUMEL dissolves instantly in hot water or milk.
Wonderful as a nutritious
between-meal pickup. Two
tablespoonfuls contain 14
grams of protein, equivalent
to 2 oz. lean meat, white
fish, cottage cheese, or poultry, 2 eggs, or 4 slices of
high-quality bread. Doubles
the protein value of milk.
TORUMEL is rich in phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper,
manganese, folic and folinic
acid, methionine, and B-12.
Has only 1/10 as much sodium as other yeast.
* * *
The Tuberculosis Story. 1958
This is the story of tuberculosis,
the No. 1 infectious killer in the
United States of America today :
More than 8 million lives saved
since 1907.
250,000 Americans with active TB.
1,750,000 Americans with inactive
One new case every six minutes.
A TB death every forty minutes.
55 million Americans infected with
TB germs.
$725 million price tab.
Great strides have been made in
the conquest of TB. Since the first
Christmas seal was sold, an estimated 8 million people have lived
who would have died had the TB
death rate remained at its 1907 level.
But latest estimates indicate that
250,000 Americans have active TB,
100,000 of them unknown to health
authorities. Many of these people may
not be receiving any kind of treatment, may not even know they are ill,
and may be spreading the disease to
An estimated 1,750,000 former TB
patients with inactive disease risk
relapse unless their health is maintained at a high level. About 550,000
of them require medical supervision.
Approximately 90,000 new cases of
TB are reported annually—one every
six minutes.
Some 55 million Americans are infected with germs that may cause TB
unless their resistance is maintained.
Experts say that 2,700,000 of these
people will develop TB during their
lives if the present rate of development of disease from infection continues.
The annual cost of TB is estimated
at $725 million, mostly in tax money.
This figure includes money spent for
prevention, detection, treatment, and
compensation. It does not include
lost earnings. Since 1952, the cost
of TB has increased more than $100
If not available at your Health Food
Store, write for descriptive literature to
51.65 lb.
Loma Linda, California
Health Is Truly Wealth
with pure, clear, fresh juices made
daily at home. You will drink all the
needed vitamins, minerals and nutrients and you get:
with the All Stainless Steel
Information at leading diet stores or write to:
Knuth Engineering Company
2617 N. St. Louis/Chicago 47,111.
It is designed to improve and encourage active hobbies, good diet, and outdoor exercise.
This page is dedicated to all our Golden Age readers who are still young at heart.
I N CALIFORNIA a great dam broke,
I and the impounded water rushing
down the valley caught many families
before they had time to flee. Lives
were lost because of structural failure. When the strain on the dam exceeded the strength of the structure,
it went out with a roar.
In Chicago a theater roof gave
way while the auditorium was filled
with people, with great loss of life.
The load of snow on the roof exceeded
the strength built into the roof, resulting in catastrophe. A structural
failure was behind the accident.
A businessman retired to a small
town, happy and full of plans. At
long last he was going to build the
home he had been saving for, and his
pension would keep his family comfortable the rest of their days. He
could raise flowers, work in his garden, and live without the stress and
strain of the business world.
He considered himself an athlete,
and went swimming in the ocean one
day. An hour later I was called to his
bedside in emergency.
Some weeks before, he had begun
to find himself short of breath. Merely
brushing his teeth would bring on
severe chest pains, and he could not
sleep lying down. He wondered what
had happened to him. He had always
been strong and full of vitality.
I told him he had a bad heart, and
he didn't believe me. How could a man
of his prowess have a bad heart?
I took a quick look around and saw
several pipes hanging neatly in a rack,
but this was no time for a long health
talk. I had time for only a measure
of relief.
This man had been building up to
this moment for years, and structural
failure showed up a bad heart.
I made an appointment for him to
see me in the office. After carefully
evaluating his condition in the quiet
of the office, I explained how his break
came about. He had failed to build
into his wonderful heart the strength
required to meet all of life's activities.
The gremlins of bad habits and poor
hygiene had been nibbling away over
the years. What appeared sudden was
not sudden, except in symptoms. The
man had a bad heart the day before
the break, but he did not know it.
Shortness of breath could have revealed his condition.
This story, like all good stories, has
a happy ending. Three months later
the man telephoned and reported that
he had overcome his difficulty. He and
his wife had climbed a hill in the
community. No longer did brushing
his teeth start him panting for breath.
He could use a carpenter's saw with
no apparent bad results.
I was as pleased as he, but cau-
tioned him about going ahead too fast.
There was nothing miraculous
about this man's recovery. As soon as
he stopped doing the things that
wreck hearts and other organs and
began treating his body with the same
care he gave his automobile, nature
responded and began strengthening
the heart structure so it could take
strain with safety.
When new buildings collapse, fire
starts from faulty wiring, or other
structural failure occurs we look to
the architect or the construction engineer.
If parents are reasonably healthy
and their habits are good, most of
their babies are born normal, with
good chance of a fair life expectancy.
In body ills we can less blame the
architect than the caretaker. The
Creator usually does a pretty good
Recently I paid quite a repair bill
on my car. The thin oil from the
dynaflow got into the differential
gears and made trouble. Fortunately
I was able to get it to the garage
before the gears gave out. Had I
serviced the car more often, I might
have been spared needless expense. I
admit that since I know I can get
spare parts for the car, I am less careful than if I could not.
Our wonderfully constructed body,
a thousand times more intricate in
structure than a car, cannot always be
renewed easily.
When our cars are new, most of us
follow the book of instructions quite
carefully. As the car gets old, we are
less careful to keep it up; but that is
when the worn parts are likely to fail.
Nothing pays such good returns in
health and happiness as watching
the little habits that make up a day's
activities. Enough sleep, regular exercise, adequate diet, a happy outlook
on life, help prevent structural failure.
Life is sweet, and a few hours extra
time given to ensuring health can
make it even sweeter as we go along.
May our intelligence overtake our
knowledge, as Dr. Will Mayo expressed it. When it does we will teach
our children how to live healthy, long,
and happy lives. As we watch our
high school boys running, jumping,
and playing football, we can only wonder whether we are reaching the
masses of the students in providing
future health.
An elephant can lift more than any
other animal and a kangaroo can
jump farther than the best athlete,
but neither of these animals would
think of poisoning his body with tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and tea; nor
would he be satisfied with the fancy
foods that make up much of our diet.
We of the older generation owe it
to our youth to give them full instruction in the great principle of correct
and biologic living, so that when they
shall reach the golden age they shall
still have bodies that do not show
structural failure. A larger number
would finish a happy life and vanish
away only because of old age.
gestures of gratitude. In order to
enjoy happiness a person must take
the bitter with the sweet. He must
not picture himself as being more
worthy of recognition than his colleagues. After all, is he doing his
share of appreciating other people?
When he comes to the place where he
is bitter over not being appreciated,
he reveals that his aim was not to
make others happy but to be happy
In our attempts to be happy we
would do well to imitate the attitude
of the Oriental, who is resigned to his
status and fortune in life. We should
not use this attitude of resignation
as a substitute for accomplishment
or an excuse for not doing our best,
but there are certain things in each
person's experience that will remain
as they are regardless of his desires
to have them different. How unfortunate it is when a person allows these
unchangeable conditions to make him
unhappy. It is better to be resigned
to such factors and then proceed with
determination to live successfully,
abundantly, and happily.
The apostle Paul developed such an
attitude. He wrote in his letter to the
(Turn to page 27)
when you can get EVERYTHING IN ONE!
fit on one
bas motor
It's A
The Combination with
hp. Vitarnatic Motor an
for the
NO GEARS. Just exclusive VITAMATIC.
throughout. Out-performs every singlepurpose appliance It
One Year Guarantee
Trade in your old Juicers Blenders
Write today!
Robot Div.
Olmsted Falls, Ohio
"I always reach for
Lange's Really Truly
Health Foods"
Portland 14, Ore.
How to Be Happy
(Continued from page 16)
appreciation they do not express. Many
who have learned to live contentedly
have acquired the fortunate faculty
of believing that they are appreciated. They simply assume that it is so
and never stop to question the possibility that they may not be appreciated.
A businessman may feel unhappy
because the community in which he
is established does not rise to his defense and prove their appreciation of
his many past accommodations to
them when a competitor moves into
town. He had supposed that his services were appreciated to the extent
that his customers would always remain loyal to him. He fails to recognize that the principle of free enterprise allows a person to trade where
he chooses without implication of disloyalty.
A person may be genuinely appreciated, but it is unusual for this appreciation to be expressed in lavish
MARCH, 1959
Brewers YeS t
Tablets 0.0
&SW it
41114 CREEK !OOP 4,,
eanc. nlect•Usil^
Battle Creek Brewers Yeast
Hi-Potency formula
Thiamin (13-1)
Riboflavin (8-2)
Niacin (Niacinamide)...15
And other factors of the B Complex as
naturally present in primary grown
Brewers Yeast.
*Minimum Adult Daily Requirement.
For that young-again, full-of-pep-again feeling your
body needs Vitamin B complex. Each tablet of Battle
Creek's new hi-potency brewers yeast formula gives
you up to 12 times the potency of some yeast tablets.
Be your buoyant self again with this important food
supplement added to your diet. Brewers yeast is one
of the best food sources of Vitamin B complex. Open
the door to a richer and more satisfying life. Start
now to include Battle Creek Hi-Potency Brewers
Yeast tablets in your diet.
Another product of the most
respected name in health foods . . .THE BATTLE CREEK FOOD CO.
11)),i lIIIII l
j 11)2..1! .1)
enough protein, even counting the milk
and eggs.
THE school nurse gave the children
I of Miss Wayne's room a health
check. Miss Wayne invited her to talk
to the class and explain what she had
found. Among other things, she found
six children underweight, three overweight, and several with many cavities in their teeth.
Rosalie was underweight. She
raised her hand. "Why am I always
underweight?" she asked. "I eat all
I want, but it never seems to do any
good. I stay as skinny as ever."
"Why does everything I eat go to
fat?" asked George.
"Why do my teeth always have cavities?" questioned Mabel. "I don't eat
much candy."
Miss Ellis, the school nurse, answered, "I think perhaps it has something to do with your diet. How would
you like to make a study and find out
for yourselves what the trouble is?"
"I'd like that," said Rosalie. "I'm
tired of being called a bean pole."
"Maybe some of the rest of us
aren't eating the right things either,"
Dick suggested. "Why don't we work
out a class project?"
"How are we going to know whether
we're eating the right things?" Polly
asked. "Shouldn't we set up some
committees to study food?"
"We've already studied about the
basic seven food groups," Dick told
her. "Why don't we each check what
we ate yesterday and see whether
it was the right thing?" He turned
to Miss Wayne. "Do you still have the
chart we made?"
Miss Wayne brought the chart. She
asked, "Will you take charge of the
diet-check project, Dick? You may
choose anyone you need to help you."
Dick asked each child to write down
the food he had eaten the day before.
They matched these foods against the
basic seven groups. George's list
looked like this:
Breakfast Luncheon
6 waffles 2 cheese sand- Fried potatoes
Chocolate cake 5 biscuits
Candy bar
Bottle of pop Jam
Lemon pie
When he checked his list against
the basic seven groups, George found
that he had eaten the following:
Group 1: Lemon juice in pie.
Group 2: 1 serving each, asparagus, potatoes.
Group 3: 1 glass milk. Milk in waffles,
cake, and biscuits.
Group 4: Eggs in waffles, cake, and pie.
Group 5: Butter.
Group 6: No whole-grain foods.
Group 7: Cheese in sandwiches. Not
Basic Seven Foods
1. Fruits. Two or more
servings (1 fresh). Citrus
fruits or a tomato often.
2. Vegetables. Two or more
besides potatoes (1 green or
yellow). Leafy vegetables often.
3. Milk. Two or more
glasses for adults, and four or
more glasses for children.
4. Eggs. From three to five
5. Butter (or margarine).
Two or more tablespoons.
6. Whole grains. Two or
more servings of bread, cooked
or prepared cereal.
7. Entree (beans, peas, lentils, nuts, cottage cheese). One
or more servings.
Foods not even in the basic seven:
white-flour waffles, bread, biscuits,
syrup, jam, mayonnaise, cake, candy
bar, soft drink, pie, oil in fried potatoes.
"Whew!" exclaimed George as he
looked at his list. "Looks like I'm sort
of off the beam."
"I am too," agreed several others
as they surveyed their lists.
"Luncheon is my worst meal," said
Beverly. "My other meals are pretty
good, but I have to carry my lunch,
and I don't like it."
"I used to dislike it," said Barbara,
"but mother and I decided to ,see if we
could make lunch interesting. Since
then I have really enjoyed it. Would
you like some suggestions?"
"Love them," said Beverly. "Anything would be an improvement."
"The sandwiches should be different every day," said Barbara.
"Your lunches are always attractive," Mary commented. "May Barbara write some suggestions on the
board, Miss Wayne?"
Barbara wrote:
Sandwich Fillings
1. Browned gluten and dill-pickle
slices on whole-wheat buns.
2. Cream cheese and one of the following: chopped chives, minced cucumber, drained crushed pineapple,
sliced radishes, lettuce, tomato slices,
pimento, chopped celery, chopped
dates and nuts, chopped olives.
3. Egg salad with lettuce or other
salad greens. Potato salad.
4. Hard-cooked egg, chopped olives,
5. Mashed beans, green pepper or
dill pickle, mayonnaise.
6. Peanut butter thinned with milk
or water and chopped green peppers
or dill pickles. Peanut butter with
dates, raisins, figs, or mashed bananas.
7. Cottage cheese and crisp mustard greens, endive, or lettuce.
"What do you bring besides sandwiches?" Jerry asked.
"Milk, fruit, carrot strips, a tomato, sliced cucumber or celery, and
a light dessert," Barbara answered.
"I like date-and-nut bars, fruit crackers, nuts, and dried fruits. Sometimes
I have cake, but not often."
"With a lunch like that, maybe I'd
quit being a bean pole," said Rosalie,
as she thought of her lunch of a sandwich and a drink eaten at the lunch
counter. "I begin to see why I never
gain weight."
"I see why I have cavities," said
Mabel. "Not much candy but lots of
other sweets, and not enough milk."
6. Whooping cough, croup, and sim"I see why everybody calls me ilar illnesses.
Tubby," said George. "I didn't know
Please note: The dry pack is generI ate so many fattening foods until ally used for the aged, for thin perI saw the list on paper."
sons, or for the patient who has diffi"This has been fun," said Jerry. culty warming up the wet pack because
"May we learn some more about food, of insufficient body heat.
Miss Wayne?"
"That's a good idea," Miss Wayne
agreed. "Will you choose a group to
help you decide what to study next?"
Bible Games
Bible Groups
* * *
John & Judas
How to Be Happy
(Continued from page 25)
Philippians : "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be
A millionaire, a successful politician, or a popular socialite may find
many elements in his personal experience that are disappointing. Neither
money nor popularity does away with
life's disappointments. Focusing attention on failures and disappoint* * *
ments may bring unhappiness in spite
of other attainments. Many people are Watch Baby for Signs of Deafness
happy because they have the habit of
It is important that the family docfocusing their thoughts on their good
fortune rather than on their disap- tor or the pediatrician alert parents,
pointments. The humble person in especially mothers, to watch for signs
poor circumstances who emphasizes of impaired hearing in their babies
the simple pleasures of life may be or young children.
A mother may detect early signs
infinitely happier than a person of
high attainments who lacks apprecia- of hearing loss in her child, for she
is usually closer to him and more fation of life's blessings.
A Christian is happy in spite of miliar with his reactions than is anyhis situation. He has no reason to be one else. If he does not respond readalarmed or unhappy, for he trusts ily to speech or simple sounds such
Providence to see to his ultimate and as those associated with feeding time,
eternal welfare. His genuine happi- the mother will notice the defect, esness is the product of simple faith pecially if she has had other children.
Deafness may be suspected if the
and trust in divine watchcare. Paul
advocated such an attitude when he baby consistently pays no attention
counseled: "Be content with such to the sound of a spoon tapped
things as ye have: for he hath said, against his plate, of his name being
I will never leave thee, nor forsake spoken, or of street noises such as
thee. So that we may boldly say, The the barking of dogs, backfiring of
Lord is my helper, and I will not automobiles, or scream of fire sirens.
When you make sounds to test his
fear what man shall do unto me."
hearing, make them out of sight of
the child.
* * *
If a hearing defect is suspected,
The Chest Pack
the family doctor or pediatrician
should direct the mother to a compe(Continued from page 16)
tent ear specialist. When a complete
Keep the patient in bed and warmly examination of the hearing is recovered while the moist heating pack quired, consult departments of health,
is in place.
hospitals, member organizations of
the American Hearing Society, or
hearing-and-speech centers in colleges
1. Convalescence from pneumonia. and
The dry pack only is used in the acute
In many cases medical treatment
of early hearing loss will clear up
2. Respiratory influenza.
the difficulty. Recommendations for
3. Pleurisy. The dry pack is usually children whose hearing does not reused.
spond to medical attention may in4. Chest colds.
clude the use of a hearing aid and
5. Asthma.
special educational training.
MARCH, 1959
Here are two fascinating games in one, presenting an opportunity to learn some of the
interesting facts about the Bible and yet find
thoroughgoing pleasure. The same set of
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which will help young people find pleasure
in His holy day.
PRICE, $1.00
This is a game cleverly designed to teach
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to any needed Bible text. Printed on durable
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PRICE, $1.00
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Our newest and most fascinating home game
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Ideal for all family recreational situations.
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Where Family Life Ends,
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Washington 12, D.C.
Mlle Dietitian Sajs
If you have a question or problem regarding food or diet, address: The Dietitian,
LIFE Cr HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
Cabbage Slices
Please suggest a new way to serve
An attractive way to serve cabbage
is to cut a fresh green head of cabbage
into thick slices, just as you would a
pineapple. Pile these up in a kettle and
cook in salted water.
They usually will hold their shape
and look attractive on a dinner plate
surrounded by other colorful vegetables.
* * *
are especially likely to cause trouble.
The danger is so real that the health
departments of some localities have
been able to get a law passed prohibiting the sale of custards in bakeshops
in warm weather.
The danger zone for bacterial
growth is between 50° and 120° F.
The danger time in this temperature
zone is estimated to be 4 to 8 hours.
The only safe course is to take no
Food Poisoning
Our paper carried an account of
food poisoning that frightened us.
How can it be prevented?
There are a few toxic foods, such as
certain mushrooms, that are so poisonous that one dies within a few
hours of eating them. These are not
the commercial mushrooms, but are
among those gathered by persons who
believe they know the safe varieties.
The risk of poisoning from unknown
mushrooms is great.
Some shellfish of the mussel family
may be poisonous. They are to be
found on our Pacific Coast. Many
tropical fish and shellfish are poisonous.
Outbreaks of food poisoning are
usually due to food that has stood
around too long in a warm place. Food
in large batches is hard to cool satisfactorily. It should be spread thinly
on several pans to hasten cooling. This
is true of potato salad especially. Egg
salads and sandwich spreads require
the same care.
Certain mixtures spoil and become
dangerous very easily. The custards
Which is more soothing
To Baby's digestion,
The breast or the bottle?
A much-discussed question.
Both doctors and parents
Have given each credit;
But who has asked Baby,
The one who is fed it?
I'm sure he is partial
To quenching his thirst
By bottle or breast milk—
Whichever's served first.
Diet for Arthritis
Please explain why an article in
the October, 1958, LIFE AND HEALTH
indicated that diet is the whole thing
in arthritis.
If you will notice the article about
arthritis that you refer to you will
find listed a number of diets that have
been recommended for their value in
arthritis, but -that the author proceeds to describe the limitations of
each of them. He concludes his discussion by emphasizing the importance of well-nourishing, well-balanced diets, not one-sided faddish
There are times such as the acute
period of fever when the diet must be
pushed a little, because the person
has little appetite at such periods.
Also, as arthritis becomes more advanced, there is often a tendency to
lose weight because of inactivity and
restricted circulation. At such times
diet may be valuable, but it must be
combined with proper exercise to give
the best results.
We do not know the whole story of
arthritis by any means. We do not
think we can ascribe a great deal to
diet except that it fits in with the
proper care of anyone who is ill and
needs to be well nourished.
* * *
Beans Withouf Offense
What can we do to prevent gas from
Long baking, as long as six hours,
overcomes the gas-forming tendency
of beans and makes them tender without the use of soda.
"Nerveless" coffee
doesn't have to be tasteless
any more!
Wonderful! But is it possible?
Can you get coffee that fills your cup with deep,
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Still can't believe it? Coffee that doesn't require
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Nestles• Decafe Instant Coffee 01959 The Nestle Company, Inc.
JIomemaher Jiints
When writing. please enclose stamped addressed envelope for
reply. Address: Home Editor, LIFE & HEALTH, Washington 12. D.C.
Spring Arrives. The coming of
spring makes me think of the visit
of Nelson Rockefeller to our county
seat during his campaign last fall
for the governorship of New York
The newspaper told us that Mr.
Rockefeller would address the people
at 10:45 A.M. Groups began to assemble in front of the radio station on
East Elm Street, where he was to
speak. The broadcaster was there with
his microphone, and as the time drew
near he chatted to keep us in good
spirits. A little girl held a bouquet
of red rosebuds for Mrs. Rockefeller
and a man waited with a basket of
grapes produced in our area. Some
men were passing out Rockefeller buttons.
A line of cars approached, but they
proved to be the Bath contingent, sent
to escort the candidate to their town
when he had finished speaking in Penn
The broadcaster told us that Mr.
Rockefeller and his party had just
left Dundee, twelve miles away, and
would arrive any minute. At last he
told us that the Rockefeller party had
met the village welcoming committee
and would be at the speaker's stand
in two minutes.
The caravan arrived, and Mr. Rockefeller's car stopped beside us. He
hopped out, chucked a pair of twin
babies under the chin, grabbed my
hand saying, "I'm Nelson Rockefeller. So glad you came out!" and went
on down the line of people.
Even so does spring come after
many little preannouncements. A
balmy breeze, little pussy willows, a
robin, grape hyacinths, tulips, forsythia covered with golden bells, a
bluebird's song, and before we know
it spring has knocked on our door,
walked into our woods, and stood by
our musical little brook.
Watch for Beauty. Soon the world
about us will be lacy and rally with
flower and leaf motifs. Looking
through shiny clean windows between
clean white curtains, we will see enchantment all about. Let us keep our
eyes open to discover it.
Vegetable Seasonings. When you
serve celery, do you save the green
leafy tops and dry them? You can
use them in a number of ways. Add a
pinch of dried celery leaves to cream
of tomato soup, potato soup, bean
soup, or a vegetable loaf.
When you are out of onions, onion
salt helps give that good old onion
I had been thinking him insensitive,
A little clumsy, too, and overly shy,
When he accused me willing to forgive):
"You nearly stepped upon a butterfly."
Oh, too insensitive and clumsy I!
Vegetarian Patties. Grind 1/2, cup walnuts and 3 tablespoons onion. Simmer
the onion in 2 tablespoons corn oil until soft. Mix the onion with 1 cup
cooked oatmeal and nuts. Add 1 egg
beaten, and season to taste with salt,
sage, and Savorex. Add 1/2 cup toasted
bread crumbs, mold into patties, and
brown on both sides.
Parsnips. My husband comes in from
the garden with parsnips for dinner
every day or so. I had never cared too
much for parsnips, but last spring I
ate some cooked in a new way. After
washing and paring, the parsnips
were cut from the core in strips and
cooked in boiling salted water. When
they were tender, cream and butter
were added. That is all, but they were
A tasty chowder can be made of
diced potatoes, diced parsnips, and a
little chopped onion sauted until delicately brown. When the vegetables
are tender, scalded milk, parsley
flakes, and butter are added.
Soup in the Menu. Try serving
cream of pea soup with sliced VejaLinks that have been browned in butter.
Cream of mushroom soup substitutes nicely for gravy when diluted
only slightly.
Lois Cash Ruggles gives this hint
for us homemakers:
"I put odds and ends of soap cakes
in an old white glove, put an elastic
band on the end, and put it in the
Cranberry Juice. Add color to your
winter meals by serving cranberry
juice in tall glasses with a sprig of
mint. Use cranberry sauce often. It
is a delicious appetizer.
Springtime Safety
Motorists should not discard safety
along with their snow tires and
chains, the National Safety Council
With winter over, spring brings its
own specific hazards, the council observed. In the spring a motorist's
fancy turns to thoughts of an outing
on the highway with his wife and children. Although many motorists have
learned to adapt winter driving to
winter conditions, they may be unprepared for springtime hazards.
Winter's ice melts away, but
broken, rut-pocked pavement may be
left. Winter's frozen road shoulders
may become spring's quagmires. In
the spring bushes bloom, trees break
out with leaves. Such scenery draws
the attention of the motorist, who
leaves himself wide open for a wreck
as he gazes about.
The council said:
1. Springtime's warmer weather
brings out many children, who may
dash into the street.
2. Spring rains create hazards, especially for the motorist whose windshield wipers deteriorated during the
3. Many persons buy a new car
in the spring. Unfamiliarity with a
new car may lead to an accident.
4. The rural road can be a booby
trap. The city driver, unfamiliar with
the hazards a rural road may present, often is unprepared for emergencies.
5. The additional number of motorists (about eight million more)
on the roads during spring naturally
increases danger.
6. During winter a motorist may
have driven home from work in darkness, but in spring he will find himself straining to see clearly in the
half-light, half-dark of twilight between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00
MARCH, 1959
Statistics indicate that there are
more accidents of all types and more
motor-vehicle fatalities then than during any other four-hour period.
If it is dark enough for parking
lights, it is dark enough for headlights, the council advises.
* * *
True Story
The value of chest X-rays in the
discovery of disease other than tuberculosis was clearly demonstrated
in the survey made by the Department of Public Health at the State
fair in Springfield in August, 1957,
reports the Illinois Health Messenger.
At that time a previously unknown
case of cancer of the lung was discovered in a letter carrier from the
Springfield post office who had the
wisdom to take advantage of the opportunity to have an X-ray examination of his chest.
Significant is the fact that the letter carrier had previously delivered
mail, including many X-ray films, to
the offices of the department's Division of Tuberculosis Control. In this
capacity he had also appeared in one
of the department's motion-picture
films detailing the chest X-ray program. Furthermore, he had made a
practice of having an X-ray examination of his chest annually.
The discovery of the malignant
tumor by the X-ray at the State fair
in 1957 is best described by the patient himself in a letter addressed to
Dr. Roland R. Cross, State director
of public health. The letter says in
part :
"While attending the Illinois State
Fair, I had a free chest X-ray. . . .
Thinking I was in perfect health, I
expected to get a card back stating
that the X-ray showed me to be negative. Much to my surprise I received
a letter from the State health department saying that the X-ray showed
a shadow on my right lung and advising me to see my doctor immediately. . . . My doctor ordered me to
the hospital, and after a number of
tests I was operated on September
12 for the removal of the malignant
tumor in the lower right lung. . . .
"I want to express my thanks and
appreciation to the State health department for discovering this growth
in time. . . .
"This plan of giving free chest
X-rays (to adults) is a wonderful
system, and more people should take
advantage of it. . . ."
As a follow-up, the patient reported
in a more recent communication that
he is back at work now, carrying mail
on his regular route.
From Arthritic. Rheumatic Pain with
Effective help for neuritis,
colds, and "flu" with THERMOPHORE "fomentations."
Pain-soothing heat "at the snap
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The Battle Creek THERMOPHORE replaces messy old-style
hot packs and wet towels with
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A professional appliance, yet safely, easily used at
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the THERMOPHORE when moist heat is desired.
Included arc a 27" x 13" electric unit (uses AC or
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a switch, and a 10, cord.
Write Today for Literature
Battle Creek Equipment Co.
Dept. LH-39, Battle Creek, Michigan
Subscribe to Life and Health
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Clip this coupon and mail to:
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Washington 12, D.C.
I NJECTING pollen into a cow's udder, which immediately begins manufacturing antibodies to counteract
the pollen's injurious effects, is giving
high promise of freeing man from
some of his most tormenting and persistent ills.
In the case of some allergies freedom can be achieved by drinking milk
from the treated udder, University of
Minnesota authorities claim. These
authorities back up their claim with
evidence of nearly 100 per cent effectiveness against hay fever. Asthma,
poison ivy, and the common cold are
their next targets.
Alfred D. Stedman, farm editor of
the St. Paul Pioneer Press, sees the
likelihood of "a tremendous spur for
milk consumption."
The scientists who developed and
are continuing with experiments on
protective milk are Dr. W. E. Petersen and Dr. Berry Campbell. As yet,
protective milk is not available to
the general public, but only on an
experimental basis to persons taking
part in the tests.
The protective antibodies produced
by the cow's udder and transmitted
to man in milk have been found to
survive the pasteurizing process
without losing their immunizing
Dr. Petersen reported recently
that for two summers seventy men
and women who suffered from hay
fever drank milk from cows that
had been given injections of ragweed pollen. Now, he said, they have
"practically no signs of hay fever,
although the protection in the milk
is only half the level recommended
for effective treatment."
One patient, Laurence Gage of
Hopkins, Minnesota, who had suffered
from hay fever all his life, said: "I
took pills and I had shots. I went
up north. Nothing helped." Now he
drinks one quart of protective milk
each day and gets complete relief.
Another onetime hay-fever sufferer, John Anderson, a University of
Minnesota junior, formerly suffered
from asthma, as well as from hay
fever. The asthma was made worse
by the hay-fever shots. When Dr.
Petersen put him on the protective
milk regimen Anderson was doing
farm work in the Red River valley.
"I was running a combine and
sitting in the dust twelve hours a
day. The first day on which I had no
protective milk, the men had to carry
me off the field." But he said that
after he resumed drinking the milk
someone could "shake ragweed pollen in my face until the air was
chartreuse, and I'd have no reaction."
Chicago health authorities have begun testing the treatment. Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, president of Chicago's Board of Health, and his associates began experiments early in
August. Milk used in the testing is
obtained by injecting a solution containing quantities of giant and short
ragweed pollen into the udders of
forty cows. Each of the human
guinea pigs drinks two pints of milk
from these cows every day.
Heat Exhaustion
Excessive heat takes more than
four times as many lives annually as
excessive cold. More persons die each
year from too much heat than from
accidental electrocutions. Those are
facts on excessive heat presented by
the National Safety Council.
Heat cramps and heat exhaustion
—results of excessive heat—come
from overexposure to sun or intense
heat. Heat cramps are caused by excessive loss of salt from the system
through perspiration, and are identi-
fied by cramps in the abdomen and
in arm and leg muscles.
Heat exhaustion, which does not
always accompany heat cramps, has
these symptoms: paleness, chilling,
dizziness, nausea, abnormal sweating,
rapid and shallow breathing, rapid
and weak pulse, weakness, belownormal temperature, and skin either
hot or cold and clammy. Unconsciousness and possible death may result
in severe cases, the council said.
Heavy exertion in abnormally high
temperatures, as in engine rooms,
Protective Milk
foundries, steel mills, bakeries, and
laundries, may cause heat sickness.
Most susceptible to heat sickness are
persons not used to high temperatures,
those in poor health, and previous
sufferers from it.
Here is how it can be prevented:
1. Avoid alcohol and ice water. Instead, drink cool water and citrus
fruit juices. Eat vegetables and easyto-digest foods.
2. Wear light, loose clothing. Avoid
overfatigue. Bathe daily, and get
plenty of sleep.
3. Replace body salt lost through
excessive perspiration by salting
your food or taking salt when you
take a drink of water.
First aid for heat exhaustion
should include these points:
1. Remove the victim to circulating air.
2. Keep him lying down. Apply
blankets over and under him.
3. If he is conscious, give him
warm liquids to drink, also salted
water (a teaspoonful to a pint).
* * *
The People Versus TB
The fight in the United States
against tuberculosis is conducted by
the U.S. Public Health Service, State
and local health departments, national, State, and local tuberculosis
associations, the medical and nursing
professions, hospitals, social service
agencies, and vocational rehabilitation agencies.
The traditional Christmas-seal sale
is an educational and fund-raising
campaign of the voluntary tuberculosis associations. These associations
are affiliated with the National Tuberculosis Association, whose registered trademark is the familiar red
double-barred cross. Altogether,
there are 3,000 associations organized
on a State and county or area basis,
covering the United States and all of
its territories. Of the funds raised,
94 per cent support State and local
TB-control programs, and 6 per cent
is allocated to the national association for service to affiliates and for
the nationwide research program.
Christmas-seal funds are spent primarily to prevent the spread of TB:
1. Through health education. By
helping people of all ages to understand and act on their own and their
community's health problems, tuberculosis associations help increase resistance to TB and raise the general
level of health. Christmas-seal-supported activities include health programs for schools, industry, and
I LLNESS is as inevitable as taxes
so far as youngsters are concerned.
Today's parents are usually quite intelligent about the care of their children, making sure they have the
proper foods to give them well-balanced diets and that they have a maximum of rest and fresh air. Even with
advanced medical knowledge, sniffles
will occur, so-called children's diseases
will descend on the family, and some
Tarzan-minded lad is sure to fracture
an arm or a leg. The child will have
to spend some time in bed, and for
an active smallster this can be a boring, tedious, unhappy period. But the
Land of Counterpane can be a delightful place. The difference rests with the
parents, and most of all with the
It is more difficult to keep tiny children happy than their older brothers
and sisters. They cannot read, but
they can look at pictures, and the dime
stores are full of interesting—and at
the same time instructive — picture
The tiny tot enjoys juvenile records.
A new record will often keep him
amused and quiet for a long time.
Records are now inexpensive, and may
be obtained to fit any record player.
In our family, where the number of
juvenile illnesses has been lengthy
and numerous, we have always believed that the little invalid had priority on both radio and record player.
When one of our children faced a sixmonth period in bed, her grandparents
presented her with a record player
and one or two records. As time went
on and others learned of the gift, a
record appeared in the mail from time
to time. When a little sick-a-bed is
uneasy, a quiet musical number, such
as Brahms' Lullaby, will often eliminate tension.
A canary, a parakeet, or a bowl of
goldfish will be eye and ear catching,
and will help make the sickroom cheery
and keep the child happy. Goldfish and
globe placed on a table at eye level of
the flat-on-his-back child will keep him
alert watching the golden flashings
through the clear water. Even fishfeeding time will be a diversion.
Triangular glass prisms that made
up the old-fashioned candelabra most
of our grandmothers had are fascinating to a child. Carefully remove the
prism from its hook and hang it by
a strong thread in the nursery window.
As the prism gently sways back and
forth in the sunlight the colorful and
elusive "light birds" dart here and
there on the wall, across the bed, and
even on the child's eager hands.
Quite small children can handle the
wooden beads made of the seven standard colors used in kindergartens. One
of our children learned his colors
quickly through these beads, while
having the fun of stringing them.
There are also blocks that teach
color as the child creates his own
designs. Tinker toys are simple building materials that both boys and girls
enjoy working with.
Every mother knows how much little children like to make things from
plasticine. For this task be sure to
(Turn to page 34)
other community organizations. Films,
pamphlets, exhibits, and posters illustrating the importance of TB are
among the materials used.
2. Through case finding. In cooperation with health departments and
other community agencies, TB associations promote tuberculin testing
and chest X-ray programs to find the
unknown cases of TB.
3. Through rehabilitation. TB associations promote the development
of social and vocational services to
help TB patients accept and continue
treatment until cured, to resume nor-
mal, productive living, and avoid relapse.
4. Through research. Christmasseal research is aimed at uncovering
basic knowledge about the disease,
the germ that causes it, and the human body's reaction to it. More and
better medicines are needed for the
treatment of TB. A reliable vaccine
that could be given to the entire population is another great need. A recent research development now undergoing widespread tests was a
blood test for the diagnosis of active TB.
Happy Land of Counterpane
MARCH, 1959
Beautifully Located in • Suburb
of Our Nation's Capital
HIS modern general hospital
maintains therapeutic standards aimed
at bringing new strength and vigor to
body, mind, and spirit of each medical,
surgical, and obstetrical case admitted.
Riverdale, Maryland
a friend a favor?
Send him a subscription to
Washington 12, D.C.
Arch Lightbody is one of 800,000 Americans cured of cancer because they went to their
doctors in time. They learned
that many cancers are curable
if detected early and treated
promptly. That's why an
annual health checkup
is your best cancer
American Cancer Society
Space for this message was contributed
by LIFE Cr HEALTH as a public service.
Land of Counterpane
for Additional
(Continued from page 33)
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. HEALTH, use this check list
and return it to us.
Please send all orders for products direct
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❑ Postum
❑ Book Manuscripts Considered
❑ Eveready Carrot Juice
❑ Nutritional Products
❑ Shredder-Juicer
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Washington 12, D.C.
Please send me free information regarding the items
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cover the bed table with a piece of
oilcloth to protect the bed. Children
can have just as much fun being neat
about doing interesting things as they
can making more work for mother.
No matter what age your little patient is, you will need some sort of
table. If you don't have a bed table,
simply use a card table. Stand two
legs on the floor close to the bed, leave
the other two folded under the table,
and rest their side on a firm pillow or
blanket. If the table is formica topped
you won't need to cover it; if not, buy
a square of sunny-yellow oilcloth at
the dime store and thumbtack it to the
under side to protect the table.
Somewhat older girls love cutting
and dressing paper dolls, also obtainable at the dime store. Boys have as
much fun with books involving cutting
out and assembling planes, motors, and
the like. The children may drop scraps
into a wastebasket beside the bed or
into a bag pinned to the bed.
Scrapbooks are popular. It is wise
to give the little sick-a-bed an objective when it comes to scrapbook making. Every town has a hospital or an
orphanage to which the finished book
can be given. Encourage the child to
make a pretty, neat scrapbook to be
given to someone else who is ill. Such
an attitude has a sound effect on the
child. He thinks of some other patient
and ceases to be sorry for himself.
Simple jigsaw puzzles are fun for
all children. For the younger ones the
pieces should be large and the puzzle
easy to do, so as to avoid frustration.
Older children will enjoy the challenge
of fitting the forty-eight States into
their proper places as a map, and
they will learn the relationship of
each, as well as the capitals and other
important cities. There are many map
puzzles on the market to choose from.
"Picture stories" are fun to make.
Give the child a magazine or two
packed with colored advertisements
and pictures of all kinds. Looking
through them he will soon get ideas
for making stories from the pictures,
filling in a word here and there to
make complete sentences. Many milk
advertisements include a cow. The
child may come up with this story:
"A cow gives milk and eats grass.
Children drink milk."
The older child enjoys making decorative stationery by cutting out little
pictures and pasting them on the top
of inexpensive note paper. He might
give it to an older brother or sister
for a birthday, or he might make some
for himself for thank-you notes to
send to friends and relatives who were
nice to him while he was ill.
Other members of the family may
wish to play children's card games
and other games with the sick child.
If the child has never had a diary,
this is a good time to give him one so
that he can make entries each morning or evening. Doing so may make
him realize how fortunate he is to
have a home, family, and friends who
are kind to him. If he is good at making verses, suggest that the entries
be made in rhyme. This will take
extra time, for he will want to practice on paper before entering the
verses in the new diary.
Wald tlie
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A small thing held up to the eye
Blots out the scene of earth and sky.
So viewing evil everywhere
Obscures the lovely and the fair.
But if the good in all we see
Is held in close proximity,
It covers up the bad in sight
And fills our souls with joy and light.
Carving figures from pure white
soap is a good idea if the invalid can
actually do carving and won't simply
mess up the bed. Many children will
take pride in trying to save mother
extra steps by using a whistle or a
mouth organ to call her when she is
needed. One blast can mean "Come
when you can"; two blasts can mean
"Please come now."
Growing things add to the attractiveness of a child's sickroom, and the
little patient can plant a carrot or a
sweet potato in a vase, then watch it
grow. One child I know planted six
sweet potatoes in small vases. When
they were at a pretty green-leafed
stage she asked her older brother to
deliver them to six people she knew
would enjoy them. Two were for other
children who were in bed, four were
for older people on the same street, including a much-loved grandmother.
Mothers should remember to keep
in mind that long illnesses can cause
selfishness in a child. For that reason
the more things that can be done to
divert the interest to others, the better the therapy. This is sometimes
difficult for a parent to do, but the
child will be thankful for this treatment later, you may be sure.
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