^ ^ ^ _ . ; . .ii :. ; , . . M , ;sc,. ; ,; , . , .. . . / - '/ l7 tf Simpl. Use, ,1, iini. ofn, . Of (Nun, Ht, ltr««t, & Urn font (K TiekeU BY WILUAM "JUICY" FAUBLE ey. BsflnnJl* 1140 Ri of i I Stanley Frederick* *nd Jim Mon ney indulged in a heated argument H to who had the most "book rarnin"—OB« of our Shadown who happened to be present called the argument a draw—P. S. The ar«u mWt Will be continued next week , i . We hear that Uncle Walt Btrthl la contemplating buying a jf'edwboy suit and gn riding a^aln I i * . JFalen Bernntein in in the mnr[i'twlfot a buninoM- as hii< bitumen* . ^wfll be pretty hard this winter Johnny "Bo" Funtos (rings much •;'better when he's turned up . . . tkereil be a real shore dinner pot lip at Borban's Tavern September SI and music wit) be by Joe Nagy'a boys— and of courne the dinner will be pat up u only Aunt Kate Can do i t . . . k«IMi«| a tlwrtafa p . . . Harry Swellawell, It'* ondet •t«W, hat heea tpaadlng plenty of tine la fUhwtv lately—why? . . . Hen* KaadMa hat dltc«r<Ud hi* * . g » i » again—He ihaved off hli awattache and Uolu alee •Ml (leaa . . . EcUle (Lil1 Abner) Breea It back home from the foeoMot where he wat gelting hi leape for the football •Mi««—He'll plev with St. PeUr'« in New Bmmwick . . . Roy Pettert It preparing hlmielf for the coming campaign, by poliihing «p on hli (Beech-making . . . and l*aal Sluk hai been kept pretty baty flxlag up hit home after the ret eat fire he bad . . . WO0i)BRID<3I! —Perhaps one r**«m there were no serious autole accident* in tl» Township tl« Labor Day weekend wit the fact local police were on their. toe8 and IMUW scores of tickets to twmc violators. Tickets returnable th!« we^k, the violations and fines were as follow*: Joseph P. Kotak, 23, of MeKin/Street,EUubeth, ttav ' ~L' mfk* an hoar In a SO ml Ticket Issued by Officer Thomas tNaiiop. Fine two dollars and three e dollars d t e g costs. foai more or (ess to, Kdwwd Harris, 20, Norfolk Street, Newark, trmveling 4# ndl«« an hour In a CO mile tone. O Bishop, Fine two dollar* •ridthree dollars costs. Angust dl Franu, 26, of 460 rWu JUont tin W the abov* tHtst,, North Seventh Street, Newurl, out or tire abovs ae; toweling fifty miles an hportii a SO mile lone. Officer Bishop. Fine ilonat tha" present •eanlfary | | w o doUars and three doUan co«1». th« *hov« J e loolg Kleiman, 19, of 98 Bnigtrw * 10 fool M$U a / W » r Avenue, Newark, riding on thocrlbtjon lorfr th« trunk ?«wer w^lcfc ru atmttlder of the road, Officer ,Pan- roita! th» t A l f h Valley-Hal MnL fine two dollar* and three Ught Of Way t6 tho orlilnal Sawer Sy»t«nt dollars «o»U. The Joseph A. Pennka, 20, of A«ity Street, Elizabeth, traveling 0 W apnrtfvwi; |>y $0 milei an hour in a 40 mile tone. P«cei JoBeph Casale. DrWev'i Utense r«vtik«f nntll eight dollaf Jean Doff flies into a rage every ime someone mentions' chewing AeeonUng to J. D. Boyle be gum. . . Attention girln: "Judge deetn't contider anyone a brick- Jr." i« prospecting, for he doesn't layer aalett ke can lay 2,800 want to be atone now that his curbrick a day—attentioa Jim rent flame la moving . ... To Betty Hngbei . . . Herman Frederlcki and Pat: Chang* your meeting I* getting to ba a real Coca Cola place — you've been discovered! Now that Wee and Peck are Man aew—ha recently drank 10 bottlei hi ten minutes and show- both working p'rhapi they'll be eeing the preacher soon . . . •d M after-eflect, . . . Kal Kedv« and the Mrt. are giving a We're wondering if Al Lwsen got Ibis Sunday on the Silver a ttand-up Sunday night as he was seen standing on the corner for What hapk t£q«art« barrel will be enooib abotu two hours pened to the almost-Mr. and Mrs of Oak Tree Road—haven't seen , Petw J. Hajsur, 19,184 W e g Might well be the title of Cleudette Colbert't tuit with h« ''Ma** d t n ' t do something pretty them walking around together fathion of twin patch pockatt and impeccably tailored .mdt. w.o«d Avenue, Wbodbridge, having •toon, h« won't b* abWto get lately . . . tt»«(i»terd motorcyol*, finedtwo Etpecially deiigned for the ttar by Adrian, the rait is in a ««tt ( y h h a door . , , ftllj d th dU U Hopelawn Harp*—If yon tee green wool With straight lined iktrt and deep |>e*n and VKW' ftj rjj and three doUars oco«U. polka dot atcot. The tame material trim Her felt rvgaboad k«t .'i'•••!, Tom Feeney and Johnny (Towel)• aaiformed ntotorcrcliit follt P W k 26; f Z1 -t Walter P»W»enky, 26; 'of Street, Carteret, frfc, '.ij TAbak had it out in some CHfrwood lowing yon 'ronnd theie parti which it in fait dyed to match the tuit. Particularly •uitc*' far 2 M W p S t t C a t r t frfc ;i : Beach Tavern recently and after doa't be frightened at It may travel, It U aeeentad with dark green *ccc«*oriei. ; '' ' "- ' Ofteet BiAop,finetwo • twinfins at ench other for about only he Johnny SwiUer taking SfeHani an4 three dolWcosta. ' |en minuten (and aliasing) the hit anr hike and uniform out for J. No+otnick, 38, Brtok' ttnftamer spectators, refuted to an airing . . . The annual Firel ue, Woodbrldge, 45 mUes , tote • winner . . . The Green Lan- men't Picnic held Sunday at the I in a 20 mile tone. , tern will be completely renovated Village Barn tnrned out to be suspended sentence an* . - this week—new canopy and all the mott enjoyable affair ever incer than .before % ;• . . . Eddie McLeod was in a good held by Ine Firemen (hit teaton YOU SHOULD RECOGNIZE Jgfeod this w«V—he was ieen trlp- ——tie acrobatic act put on by was launched. - CANCER SYMPTOMS LEGAL liOTlCtS , jttnc the light fantastic at a local Joe Kocblck and Johnny Jancit(tcst information on fte For years the medical profos'price with a aMaltimore deb . . . CT> wat one ow the feature atfound in the northern Deckrt 1MI/414 on of the United States and pubi'TOMle" (Middlesex Tavern) Joe traction*—the boyt certainly and western states, where most of nirr Or POBLIC «ALK flalaida, has gone in for less hang on the b»r(?) . . . Peggy i health workers have been try- the edJjeMiontl efforts have been To TVliom tt May Concern: Cn ItrenuouB exercise lately—he was and Perky art twotomeing g to teach the people.that can- expended to date, and where Intnr- At t rernlnr meeting i g off th tho Townplaying "Lucky" in the Ma- around town on their biket— Committee of the Towttthlp pt •r is curable if taken in tine. eetingly enough the - cancer death Woodbridse heldd Tuesday Ramon have it that they are y St ii'JSrHc"TiTeata-e Wednesday night— H0 I d t t rate b much higher than it is very tertoui about lomethlng y ftave b e e n in persistent effort has been made I was dtrectea to adon Monflsy th»* «gain, he m» " in others. Young people and elte, too . , . l>10, th g terettod in that $190 . . . i draw their attention to the first persons in the upper income levels TJowniMp Cammlttee will m«et o twch , P M I th C i lee t. ttuoresarf be warning symptoms of cancer. are likewise among the best in1 it* (Rabbit.) Totk was tlightly f Johnny (City Line) Csik expects lluilrtlng, WooHbrldg-e, New Jersey, the disease. ^taapfointed when he got a big doings from his Shuffle-board Many thousands of dollars have f telopaoae call front the P. A. earn this year—with those bright ieen spent in these campaigns, . . on Hie With the of -sale hospital that "Il'i a girl" at he red jackets blinding their oppo- ut cancer seemB to be increasing. people 'In the United States do tc -term* Townnhlp Clerk wat almost potitive that it would nents, they can't lose , . . Finding A nation-wide survey haa been not know the cause or the symp- lion and to be publicly read prior be another foldier for Uncle plenty of interest in Keanaburg mdertaken by the society for the toms of cancer. It is appalling- (o sale, Lots It to, 40 Inclusive in tordlns to th» 5*>P«rr«» Wo rnu 1 517N, Woodurldgs Township Tniaeoofdanc* »«h tk,rm» Sam—the Mrt. who Is coming lately were, Billy Budyek, Andy control of cancer, assisted by the that orta person out of seven dies Block getomet Map. , llI 4i along nicely isyt he'll have to Kochick, Henry Paszinuky, Fred .. ***• -^^, ia iiy after t n e . ^o f T»k« further notice that ttu (lltTth* Township-.wJU fofsal of American Institute of Public Towntlilp Committee bas, by reto. be satisfied with a nurte . . . If Melallo and Eddy Kochick . . . At 'geon General Thomaa tutlsn and| pursuant te law, Axea a fort: y«« want to Hvea up Art Hunt a recent meeting of the Hopelawn Health to ascertain how much mlnlmutn price at which aald lot* tn PantifByi) that, "Cancer is> in-*/ he people know about the subHM block will be tola testther with Town uiM itt Boys Club Joseph Santa Maria icct. p*r l i « a > J11*1 d r o P * * creasing in the United States." air other details pertinent, gald be advertised »«p( was elected president, Bob Komlnlingm price' being |»0.00 p h m 13, 1M0, In the,. | , - * * » « l k box and put on a liveMen and women in alt parts of It is one of the most fearfuland co»t» of prtparlni* deed and advtrly Irish Jig . , . According to rehick,, S. Sromasky, J. Lancer, ur nation have been questioned dreaded" of al) maladies. Unlike ttlnfr this aaU. Said lots In isld ttnlnfr isd W on ternu, trnu will recfutr* block If «oW ' 'LMrt«, that new two-toned Furni- Cliff Shefchick and Fred Melacco CHAWCKHI o r »MW JijHi*tr in regard to their views on theheart>dis|(Me that BO often Is kind a down payment of IH,90, tlu.balwere also elected into offices—-The ''bn Coach that will be delivered enough to kill quickly, cancer U ance Of purahase price to b» paid. ubject. The results have been (« Van Tattel A Son* Trackin| next meeting will be held ThursIn equal monthly l n » t l l m t of a creeping monster that gradually $6.00 plus interest and ^ Co. tn two weeki will be the fir.t day at 8 P. M. at the club rooms on omewhat discouraging. In spite Blefler and provided for In contract of tale. tortures its victims to death. It f the knowledge that physicians word in ttreamlinet—it thould James Street . . . Take farther notice tbat at aald nd other health agencies have literally devours its prey.. •ale, or any date to which tt ma* be and l t T he a pleature to be moved by Annie K, S»o*1y ndeavored to disseminate on the Cancer is oftentimes com- •adjourned, tne Township Committee t h e m ' . . . Kid Hoolahan and her hamantf; Italia F»rdt Fickles—Joe (Jo Pofa) reiervea the right In lt« dltcretlon pletely curable through removal ,Weber, Julr hi)l ubject, it is evident from the reto reject any one or all blSt and to, johnny Sullivan cleaned up Baetkay celebrated the presensaid Iota jn said .block to mich u l tin. CM ont cancer survey, that much with the knifo, radium-X-ray or sell quite a few ihekels on that n. g. tation of the thirti to hit 'proMdder aii tt may atlcct, «ue reg*M ur Ho ork remains to be done in en-the cautery. Bo fax no medicine belof given to t«rma and manner numbed 45o—ipend it witely, posed County team by showing tit paynjent, In caw one of more has ever ben found that haa the a'lad. . . . the boyt a good time—the only ightening the public. ntlnlihum blda shall. be received. her A t f o actfepunae tfon ac p u e of f tthe h minimum ii Fifteen per cent of those ques- leant effect on cancer rf taken in' There's a certain party who lives thing I didn't like about the minimum, the .heir or aflf of d or bit above b ii b , by y th ternally. The pastes and salves thirti wat the color, > they're oned believed that cancer is conl | d TJSuJ ibJ .ConinJttet CJtt d tbe tb payy and near the White Chureh, who is forpurchawr acigidus. Twenty-eight per cent so widely extolled by qua«k» f or n*at a .thereof ereoff by h p by tha th h c ever complaining about being an- green and orange and they blend b th manner o[.ttnr«baM [tt«b Jo the mdn't the least idea what caused cure of cancer are to be avoid* cbrdliif noyed by barking dogs—we sug- With the coal trucks perfectly i i |e«ord«nce with terma 01 sale 0* n right. U0« n ed.< They will make the condition . . . Johnny TankocUck will have ttltv tie. TqWnjMp will deliver a By.virtu* of a s q j p ;. Many others' attributed it tc gest that they sponsor a fund to t j l dd ld pram pm if Chaooery of anddaal* deed ttar aald •erms, child-bearing or heredity. worae, build a dog school where people to cut out hit weekly vacations tili the d»y M th* A small lump in the breast may September 4, i*4«. wAuld have to send their dogs to since hit right hand man, John- )thvr» sail] that it came from *br«|ii uj.torjino*". ritjf«, a teach them to bark in whispers... ny Yuhati hai been regittered noles, warts, ulcers, alcohol, smok- So malignant or it may not • ~'v7"Mnn i u>« a t Townahlp Clerk, Maurice (Muscles) Dunigan is cer- in the con»cription . . , Steve ng, mental distress and worry, any rate, the doctor will decide p ba advertised September J nnd otnplalnant, a Kubiak't first attempt at bowl13. 1140, In, the the defendaiW y y tain that he won't forget the Farr of the answers showed an whether it is of such a nature p r an* * Miwtr w tlw wedding celebration soon . . . Ru- Ing thawed that he needi a little- bysmal ignorance of the Bubject, 'hat it should be extirpated, fotqplalnaot on. or mors circulating mound the town more practice—get goin' lad . . . hough on the whole the general small lump Is not hard to remove. that E. K. Film will be running on The boys at the Fords Rec were ublic is far better informed con- It may be malignant If it hag the school board come election—• been there only a short time and I praising Johnny Lesko's new ball looks like a winner to me . . . Bob has not spread, complete removal [ Kendal Green Jordan makes the Missus feel good very much as he was hitting some Kendal green was a famous green will cure the patient. If it is alwhen he lets her beat him on the swell scores with it—then Johnny IV forgot to catch the ball before it cloth worn by foresters and ww so lowed to remain, it will 'aend shuffle-board—sometimes . , , went through the return hoop and calkd because it wai at flnt woven branches over the body, at Kendal in Westmoreland county, Ton to Pool received a phone the ball got stuck—a tape measure England. Hobin Soon and his fol- cancers may form in various vital organs, then it is forever too late. call from hit Linden babe Sat- was put around the ball and it was lowers wore Kenct&l (reen. At that stage treatment or sururday afternoon and cancelled found to be non-regulation . M te « j her date for that might laying Mike Yanosky is away on another gery is useless. /•' Axis plan to menace Great io term* cf t*l« om « « with tha that (he wai going down to the vacation and Johnny Mike's bar(To Bo Cont#u»d> ; C i ft ' I Britain by controlling Africa seen. •bore for the weekend—the tender) Phohan is wondering when •bowed iho wai broad-minded he'll have a chance to get away when the luggetted that he . . . Steve Major and family visited take out hi» former flame from his brother-in-law Eddie Fe, in th* above named a n „ njli, btcause » t | harf Carteret . . , "Kopi" Kovact and Havre-de-Grace, Maryland, where or may claim to qave a lies or II«M. his better half pott-carded that they inspected Fe's racing stables or aoma.rivlft, title, tptanit, aitati (Continued from Page 5} . . . Fred Han&en must have been claim in or to Ut* wemisaa dMcrlM they were having a real twell tn said bill or eorttffM. - ' time down at Seaiide Heights a bad bey Wednesday; it looked ~ o » 'EUankcnhom, UB j^g jf he tock the Mrs. out . . . and Cheiter (Husky) Cheltor tor and grf Counsel «tUv smooth over something or »pliMn»Rt, . , rett it bragging about the gals ther , . . Commefo,* Street, down Penmy way . . . What N party of nine wai entertained ber« interested in playing footbalf^day ni at the ihore in a certain bungantcojpt of million shown by fifber20. He w i i | (*« to have tr^" ' ft at Legion i low and had to ute the tame ty In 199$ inc«rne-tax returns. dium tomorrow jafternoon at 2 tpoon to itir their coffee, beSS1F1ED eaute there was no mor» tpooui the meeting i« t«j ip^ganize the an m*» d i n i p i c u , , th%t on Mnml, *>' U , l»40 in,. 4 will m e ,.i ,,, ' Commit Iw ,.,,, nWptti B , , i,,,, # « t H y , nn,i „ , , . .«•)» anrt tn II,, If* * * l l h I hp to I n p t vttrwant to in,., p r | c e a t wiii.i; , . ^fcW I H b » sold I,,, .ar rl . ... ^ « . ; p B r « h | » « price I,', i,. ""Hillnii., n U r e s t nml mil,., I i contract n r ihof notice timt ,' date to which \, d th« Tnwti»hi, . . t h e rlKht I,,',et any one ,, r , a M - . l 0 l in „:,!,, Aef *a It may H..' H | given to t,. f payment paymont, iInrnn, Imuin h aflt^TSI); Beptember 4, W-48 U w k r t IIN, neOff PUBLH , A > , . PARE i Iselln Ink Spots—Fred Olah is M l * :! letting tu l)u quite a stepper—he ;'•#!» seen recently In Unhvay cutHI ; Dome fancy capers; by the way 4, who was »he? , , . With that £«P Tony Miele Jr. had on while a bay horse the other .day think he just rode out of a (II NM " . . . Wasilek, of Bodaf la still pushing 'em l''e«t«l' not on the; football M l f war Buiiii push liotne-i i!|r;ound in a certain Aquila and like wading Avtuiue WANT8H urter oaf ey Ch along Bows tha InieuNt Kv f ry f^i. Hundred* 'I'Xn e a c h , vli'lnltv, iiu ut rre», on all RBt VOHPANV PulnU 1-10*0 , »w|<k AVL ;«. J. should b« rcprwnted by th« ty^|Uf»ll. tt«Bl««,tad erahi.. South: River U< VrA< 1JETTE Thul Hit look l Brothers of iotwsk W making; a bid to upfet^} i brother of "Butch" of Joh of Mic>ey ami ty cis; Joe Gyenes? brother, the Sep Hun b Al . dlr«i-i«ii'i., t h « ( a c t t h a t on __', . S e p t e m b e r 16, l!Mn, , „ , . ,.,. In G u n n n H l e c w i l l ni.,.i ,n . ; f faavi * U*n;or itle, intOT t.omnifjnt: > i , ?l*nHfcfihorn, Solicitor Q( CouhaeVWU*' Com- SBT) In t h s Commltti!,' 'M. ,tnVm«r,IIM M u n i c i p a l RutMu, K . ibfliHr*. N#W Jersey, nml .•-.. i«ll a t FMbllc i a | e anil u, ih, , 41 Jjltfqer .according In i. ')*> t w (Us w i t h the Tni\,i •rk' opeh t o Inspection :, ml i rflbllolX read prior to M I . I 1 > 8 ' ( h Block 617K Wi.n.ii.., >. Aseessment M»|i ;« ( a r t h f r notice Hint Ship Committee ban, by . and pursuant to law, n fn price at which -,A;,I „ , J o c f t w i l l b s HOIII | . Vith all etttrflslallB penin,: : —'-'"HJm p f l c e ' . b e l n g 12 in nu , of pr»parlfi»- deed HIM : , this sale. Kal (I luts lock It void o n terms will . "'down payment of t'M.in) in i a n e « of purchase pries tn in. , )n equal m o n t h l y ln«iniim. i. *1SVO() plus Interest ami i>ih,i i irovtflltd tor In OonlrRtt o( H:,I,. >Ta|ie farther notice that ul . | r any. i*A« t o wl,I.• t, ii >e» of ]wnMukd l i e , o9urn»d, t h e Towmhip i 4h*|r or :*ny of thilr r t s t r v M tb« right in '• . t o reject a n y one : and to dell aald i'>i< i i«k t o auch bidder an n <• t| d u s r e t a r d b«lnr given to i and manner of payment, in .•:••• pr a i s r * minimus* iiidB aimn i.. icilva* ; .. • tt M e o In « Upon acceptance of th« mini d, o r b l * tbbit minimum, i\ q the Tfljrrishli, of ' ' lp (?oraplltt«* nn.i il". lltaW.of ^ * v « y , « ir»of Vf the pmvh.t". « 3 *ou and others . to, lh< manner or inn , you are require* accordjinc* with term* of ; > antw«r thA WJl of ,f«,'th> Township win d«iiviT. ajnant on or before in ant sale d*«d for SUM October, n«t, at the , . be Wken air confew »: September *, '1 a I" . B. J.'DUMIOA: - :bnn(« flie^f to absoiatety (• T o w n n l i l p I'I'-II; Toreciose jrqu from' ill :To b'« advfrtised Beptemii,. lt f * t l f g^ptember 11, l>*0, In th. « 10Jn Block 4»t followtag ordinance ».' 4|lc«d and sas««d on HIM • >y the X»wn»hl» Comralit,' Tbwnshls; of WoodbrlilK<'. N. '' at » ifkular mi-i.-tn.K' !. . . , , jmlwr ffir, m o , «t tii• • rl»l Municipal Building ^ t T M O S i t l H T H K H NOT I' " t l i e T o w n s h i p Gommlttco w i 8#ptoipb«r 16th, HH<>. , .Iffrlal Mlinklpul Bullilmt; i*H<*« L M«», *»m»y, nt II P M ' " j Ifcht 8avliiK Time io '.-. : ' I UUWacs o r the foil.-A .:.. n h a c * % t w h l i l i time an.i • JaVtlpni thereto may l>,' M - • -• • t a x p a y e r o r the T<'«> tuM may flit- » » n i ,Wlth th« TowiiHt.li> to that dnl«, B. .1. Iti'M' ToWIMllI]- 5^%|S^ around? M A Y CONCKIIN fAV*ntvlH meeting of th tt the Tow i Coach Prillto is dwiiCous of nwettag all, bids Bin,i] .nee of thu Ve minimum lU anrt .r ,T..^mlUee «rtor by the nur<. HEALTH and BEAUTY SPORTS ECHOES d « t a l l « p,,,! p r l r e hHii K 1 * this snl : I ™ On terms, « . . . . . , will win , f (so f no '1 _.y . of 9 I' T t o „„,, I Kf. «oWi«o, hws- jta * AM OUOINAKCE Pon Tin :OK .AND THK I:I BXTlWOtJWHMKNT '' E id HIGHTS IN HI i l N O F R O M - T H K J'i-.J• !• O F , A P O I I T I O N l)V I i : AVBNUK <i 1 t »|I|H'UIS I of iU will hi' I " " _ t h e l a m l H w"> t t M t p a r t o f l'<i'n "•AJMftii* ** tiorslnaru.i ' - - - hjnilttM of d « f n j h e Count v yqp | ; T h * put>ll<totn Oia, dedl> erly a« snl^l Ji«wn «n » a ( eztentloii AWnue '"»» to W » t t'o»<l II'""1 Klp, MI , JanMary, Avenun '• Of t*« westtcflv B'of West ''""(l oaf or moff' sWo » ' 1t«e of I ieut to
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