THE NEW TIM ES A NON-PARTY, NON-SECTARIAN, WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EXPOSING THE CAUSES, THE INSTITUTIONS, AND THE INDIVIDU ALS THAT KEEP US POOR IN THE MIDST OF PLENTY Vol.4. No. 28. MELBOURNE, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1938. Every Friday, 3d. WHEN WILL LABORITES W AKE UP? How To Spend The Fed. Surplus A N T I-L IQ U O R S O B -S T U F F U.S. Treasury's Madness The Challenge Of Youth Page Two New Times SHOPPING GUIDE and Business Directory PATRONISE THESE ADVERTISERS. Their advertisement helps your paper. Say you saw it in the "New Times." GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ADHESIVES Pty. Ltd., 155 Yarra St. Cold Glues, Dextrine. "LEUKOL." By far the most up-todate Toothpaste. No Toothache . No Extr actions. No Pyorr hea. 80,000 packages gold without advertising. Send 2/- to W. Winford, Waterdale Rd., N.21. THE NEW TIMES A n ti-L iq u o r S o b -S tu ff At first sight it would appear that the supporters of No Licence in the forthcoming poll are persons of high principle, determined to save mankind from the evil effects of alcohol, but otherwise having no axe to grind. There is obviously a difference between trying to induce others to do something, and pleading with them not to do something. In the first case, one immediately suspects the existence of an ulterior motive, some interest which will be furthered if the appeal to action succeeds. This is of course, the basis of almost all advertising, which consists essentially of an appeal to the reader to buy or use the product or the services of the advertiser. In the case of the advocates of abolit ion, or prohibition, as it might , and perhaps shou ld, be called, it wou ld seem that the motive is one of principle rather than of self-in terest; but th is is not n ecessarily so, as a litt le thought will clearly show. Who Benefits Prohibition? MELBOURNE AB BOT SF ORD . HOLLINS, A. R., 406 Victoria St. Motor Repairs of all kinds. J 2047. ALBERT P ARK. GROCERIES. C. Paten (cor. Page & Boyd Sts.). Wood, Coal & Coke. Orders called for and delivered. ASCOT VALE. A. J. AMESS, 390 Mt Alexander Rd. (Next Tram Sheds.) Motor Garage. Just Price Discount—Repairs and Supplies. AUBURN. BLACK CAT LIBRARY and Ladies Hairdrsr. 639 Burw'd Rd. Haw. 1779 B L A C KB U R N . “ A" GRADE MOTOR ENGINEERS Station Garage, Whitehorse Road. WX 1490. HAIRDRESSER and Tobacconist. Ladies' and Gents.'. Wright, 122 South Parade. MOTOR REPAIRS, Straton’s. Better Service. Lower Cost. WX 2748. PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, etc. G. B. COLLIER, 8 Wolseley Cres. BOX HILL . ALL Electrical and Radio Needs. G. G. Foster, W'horse Rd. WX2681. BOOT REPAIRS. Work Guaranteed W. Tolley, 97B W'horse Road. BOX HILL FURNISHING CO. 247-9 Station St. Cash or Terms. CHAS. L. COX, TAILOR. Men's and Boys' Wear. 286 Station St. CHEMIST. F. Cheshire, For Your Prescriptions. 270 Station Street. COOL DRINKS, Sweets, Smokes. R. Dannock, 1124 Whitehorse Road. CYCLE SHOP and Oxywelding. "Alwin" Station St., South of Rly. DRAPERY. For Smart Styles and a Fair Deal, TAIT'S Corner Stores DRESSMAKER. Mrs. Evans. Station St., opp. Baptist Church. ELECTRICAL & RADIO. Holliday. Opp Stn. Sales, Repairs. WX 2677. FURNITURE REMOVERS. Gill Bros., 264 Station St. WX2073 GROCER, W. M. Anderson, 14 Main St. WX 1233. HAIRDRESSER and Tobacconist. L. Larsen, Station St., opp. Gilpin's. ICE & FUEL. J. Underwood. 440 & 770 Station Street. WX 2547. IRONMONGER & SPORTS STORE F. P. Park, 10 Maim St. WX1290. MARS LAUNDRY CO. WX 2662 Pick up & Deliver. Quality G'teed. RENNIE'S BLUE TAXIS. WX1946 City Prices. Day and Night Service TAILOR, J. G. Penson, 227 Station Street. Suits Hand Made from 95/-. W. A. MOODY, 1014 W'horse Rd. Fruit, Vegetables Delivered Daily. WATCHMAKER and Jeweller. Barnes. 32 Main Street. Repairs. BRUNSWICK. "FAMOUS FOR BEAUTIFUL WAVES." Miss Townsend, 42 Sydney Road. FW 1986. G. W. TOWNSEND. Your Hairdresser and Tobacconist is at 46 Sydney Road. Look for the Neon Sign. CAMBERWELL. SPORTS DEPOT & Leather Goods. E. Goslin, 777 Burke Rd. Haw. 4900. CARNEGIE. P. A. McWHINNEY, Grocer, Confectioner. Opposite State School. CITY Health Service & Store Free dietetic advice. 300 Lt. Collins St. C 5001. (Continued on page 3) JULY 15 1938. by It is n ot difficult to see th at there are certain interests which will benefit materially if prohibition is carried in the poll on October 8 next. The history of proh ibit ion in America immediately provides information on this point. The makers of sweets and soft drinks are beneficiaries in the direct line of inheritance; and it would not be surprising to find that they supported wholeheartedly the campaign to abolish the sale of a product which is in direct competition with their own. The same applies to the makers of luxury lines and the h igher grades of ordinary merchandise. The diversion from the purchase of alcoholic liquor of that part of the national income ordinarily absorbed in that way means the possibility of increased sales for products which were previously a little out of reach of the average buyer. Why Resort to SobStuff? Sufficient has been said to show that the prohibitionists are not necessarily disinterested from a material point of view. Let us, however, assume for the moment that the majority of them are, in fact, supporting the no-licence case from the highest of principles and the purest of motives. Then wh y is it that, in their campaign, they should resort to tactics which are straight-out sob-stuff and fearadvertising of the most insidious kind? Regarded from the standpoint of principle, they have a strong case if it is properly presented; and it is most unfortunate that they should deliberately abandon the appeal to reason in favour of the appeal to sentiment and fear. We are not prepared to admit that it is legitimate to work evil, in order that good may result. Dirty tactics cannot be justified by the cleanliness of the objective or of the motive; otherwise political assassinations, and organisations li k e t he Ku Klu x Kl an or t h e New Guard would become more and more prevalent, to the obvious detriment of the rule of law. In the case of the prohibitionist, this argument has especial force, since he is, by his attitude, placing himself on a pedestal of virtue; and it is not seeml y that that pedestal should have an unstable foundation of deception, halftruths or lies. The Methodist Service Dodger Social These strictures, if they may be so regarded, have been generated by a dodger distributed by the Methodist Social Service Department. It bears on the front page a photograph of a baby boy with the following letterpress: MOTHER! VOTE FOR ME, NOT FOR THE BREWER. On the inside pages are a series of statements which may be true as far as they go, but which are in essence an unfair presentation of one aspect of the prohibition question as if it were the whole case. We have no brief for the liquor in terests in th is matter, but we have the self-imposed duty of unmasking false arguments and deception in matters of public interest, whenever and wherever occurring, and irrespective of by whom or in whose interests they are presented. This we regard as one of the proper functions of this paper. We do not con sider it to be either fair or scrupulously honest to state on the back page of the dodger that "The question you have to decide is whether you will vote for your child or the brewer." It would be equally unfair to refer to Methodists, who authorised the publication, as "Metho-dists," and to suggest that a vote for the drys is a vot e for th e dist il ler. An d yet, one of the results of prohibition in America was an increase in the activities of the distilleries, lawful as well as illicit. Again, it may be perfectly true that, as the dodger states, the breweries in Victoria employ less than three-fifths of one per cent, of the persons employed in factories. In fact, they employ directly 1258 persons, and pay them wages totalling £423,000 per annum. Th is may n ot seem very great, but it is only part of the picture. The brewers use 836,000 bushels of malt, 729,000 lbs. of hops and 100,440 cwt. of sugar each year. If they are put out of business, the producers of these commodities, and the workers employed by them will be to some extent affected. Sim ilarly, there are other allied trades which depend in part upon the custom of the breweries for their existence. Furthermore, a successful "Yes" vote will not only put the brewers ou t of bu siness. There are also the vignerons and all those who are connected directly or indirectly with the production and marketing of win e. In Victor ia there are over 41,000 acres of vineyards, an d the w in e output exceeds 1,680,000 gallons per annum. Prohibition would hit th is industry with the sam e force as it wou ld hit the brewers, who alone have been singled out by the Methodist Social Service Department for attack. The Proper Course Enough has been said to show that our adverse comment on the Methodist dodger is not without reasonable grounds. What we are unable to understand is why it should be necessary to stoop to any deception in putting the case for prohibition. A genuine appeal on the facts could be made, and the strongest possible case made out for the liquor in terests to answer. It is not the easiest thing in the world to justify an industry which is intrinsically likely to injure the community, and which needs the most stringent regulation and supervision to prevent it from getting out of hand. If the main arguments in favour of prohibition were marshalled in a clear and concise way, and addressed to the men, as well as the women, of Victoria, it is probable that far more satisfactory results would be obtained at the poll than will be secured by methods that are questionable. We have known many men who are not total abstainers, but who would willingly deny themselves the pleasure they derive from the moderate use of alcoholic liquors, if they believed that by so doing they would help others who have not sufficient strength of mind to be moderate. Is Prohibition Remedy? the Before considering prohibition as a remedy for the evils resulting from the improper use of intoxicants, it would be as well to ascertain, if poss- ible, why human beings should turn so readily to the use of stimulants and narcotics, when they are practically unknown to other members of the an imal kingdom. As a general proposition, it may be said that the almost universal use of alcohol, in some form or another, in uncivilised, as well as civilised, communities, is due to the fact that man has developed thinking and reasoning faculties which the other animals do not possess. The use of these faculties has brought with it an increased sensitivity and a capacity for suffering other than purely physical suffering. The discovery of the existence of substances which will induce forgetfulness or supply an extra stimulus in times of stress has offered a temporary escape from suffering which has been readily accepted. Thus we see that not only alcohol, but other stimulants, and also narcotics are known to, and used by, practically every race in the world. Coming down to the present day, it is noticeable that the main effect of the progress which we call civilisation is to increase sensitivity and nervous strain to such an extent that nervous disorders and nervous afflictions of all kinds are almost universal in their incidence. This has automatically resulted in an increased recourse to stimulants and narcotics as the only way in which the human mechanism can keep pace with th e in creasing tempo of life. If these brief statements of the position are in any way true, the question must arise as to whether it is wise or politic to refuse the people access to this means of temporary alleviation of a strain which might otherwise be unbearable. There is also to be considered the question of whether it might not be possible to lighten the burden by some radical change in the customary mode of living, and in that way make it less necessar y t o r eso r t t o st im u li o r anodynes. These are very important questions which it is most desirable should not be obscured by the raising of moral issues, as is likely in the prohibition controversy. One Grave Objection There is one grave objection to prohibition , the importance of which cannot be over-emphasised —that is, that abolition of the sale of intoxicants would constitute a very serious encroachment upon such liberty of action as the individual still retains. Our ancestors fought long and hard to secure for themselves and for those who were to come after as much individual liberty as might be consistent with the best interests of the group. The principle governing communal life, under English law, is that each person in the community has absolute freedom of thought, speech and action, subject to certain definite restrictions. Theoretically, these restrictions have been agreed to by the individual, although, in fact, they are imposed by the majorit y upon the minority often in the face of strenuous opposition. Except where any such restriction applies, the individual is accountable to no one but himself—that is, leaving theology aside. If, for example, he cares to amputate his foot, there is n oth ing to s t op h im. If h e wishes to drink h imself into a stupor, in the privacy of his own home, none can lawfully object. Maybe some of these rights and privileges are not in themselves very precious. We should, however, pause and consider well before we agree to any further restrictions when so many— perhaps too many—have already been accepted without the necessity for their imposition having been clearly established. A Dangerous Precedent The placid acceptance of any further restrictions establishes precedent, and thereby paves the way for more. Eventually the position may well arise that we must justify each privilege which we wish to retain, instead of having merely to contest any new restriction which it may be sought to impose on us. That would be a complete reversal of the proper position, and is not so remote a possibility as it ma y seem. This is particularl y so if we remain supine in the face of the current tendency of our bureaucrats to sidetrack Parliament and rule by regulations, which Parliament often has never seen and over which the courts have no control or supervision. In any event, if we have in our argument pursued possibility to rather extreme limits, the objection that new restrictions tend to form undesirable precedents both valid and grave. If not forced to justify each and every privilege we may in the very near future, should prohibition be carried, be put upon the defensive against onslaughts against other practices less noxious but still objectionable in the eyes of a section of the community which is intent upon saving us from ourselves, despite ourselves. Briefly put, it amounts to this To-day it is beer. What will it be to-morrow—tobacco, horseracing, aluminium saucepans? Can we afford to allow this tendency to flourish unchecked, or should we not nip it in the bud before it is too late? That is, we submit, the most vital aspect of this matter and it is to this aspect that we would draw the attention of the electors of Victoria in the coming poll. __________________ THE FULNESS OF THE EARTH On the Atlantic Coast of the Uni t ed S t at e s is a ch e mi cal works which obtains bromine from the sea-water, for use as an antiknock dope for motor c engines. In four years of operation one square mile of water 354 feet deep has been treated, and this volume of water were other chemicals turned back, yet which would have a market value current prices of £79,000,000 Among these were 7,600,000 tons of common salt, 1,930,000 tons Epsom salts; 10½ tons of iodine 495 tons of aluminium; 520 tons iron; 33 tons of copper; 420,000 tons of calcium chloride; 5½ tons silver; 174,000 tons of magnesium; and 3½ cwt. of gold. This is just a small part of the world 's re al wealth. And think of the profusion of the vegetable and animal life which a piece land of the same di mensi on cou ld su p por t . Is t h ere th e slightest reason wh y a single member of the earth's community should go in want of food clothes, shelter and security? M R . B U S I N E S S M A N .............. an advertisement in this paper will bring you in direct contact with buyers who are appreciative of VALUE……………… PHONE M 5384 AND APPROACH THEM. TH E NE W TIM ES JULY 15, 1938. R . G . M E N Z IE S A N D T H E E M P IR E 'S S E C R E T V O IC E Page Three E D U C A T IO N ________ B y H AR R Y E LM E R B AR N E S , P h .D ., in "C o lu mn R e v iew . " By H.A.H. The world to-day finds itself in a We are exceedingly pleased to lems, if we are to have an effective serious social, economic, and see that the Federal member for Empire voice at the right moment, po litical crisis. Matters can not Kooyong, Mr. R. G. Menzies, is is consultation. I think joint Em- dr ag on as th ey ar e to-day f or having such a delightful time in pire Cabinet meetings by wireless man y more year s—perhaps not England. It will be remembered would prove a solution. We have that, prior to Mr. Menzies' em- not yet begun to realise the pos- democracy, in which the will of the barkation for London, he made sibilities of the radiophone. At majority is sa id to p revail (h ow some reference to "sacrifices in the present it is used only restrictedly. w e wou ld have liked to have interests of Anglo-American trade Television, too, is certain." televised the gentlemen to see the look "The day will come when not of loyal allegiance in their eyes), agreement." We ourselves had little faith in only the Foreign Secretary, but urged Parliamentary representatives anything likely to benefit the great members of the Cabinet, will sit of all parties to confer with their majority of the peoples of those down for a direct talk and ex- constituents to ascertain th eir two countries arising from the change of views on urgent prob- will? Of course you don't negotiations, although we were lems with the Dominions. remember. Such was not the case, as con cerned somewhat as to the "Ministers will not only hear well we know, Every effort was nature of the sacrifices which we what the other man is saying, but made to stifle the outbursts of will see the look in his eyes. might be expected to make. loyalty and esteem for the now Duke "Despite the fact that secrecy so of If the "sacrifices" now being Windsor, wherever such made by our Federal Attorney- far cannot altogether be ensured occurred. General in particular—and the The "Empire voice" on that delegation in general—are a sample occasion, so far as our portion of of that to which he referred, then the Empire goes, was Lyons. Menwe say we are all for them. For, zies, Casey and Co., and the powerful according to cable advices, the and rapacious interests behind the member for Kooyong would seem scenes, who pull the strings which to be partaking of, and enjoying, make those gentlemen dance. Thus the good fruits of the earth, as these so-called representatives, dinner follows banquet in close elected to express the p eople 's succession. will, effectively muzzled, to all inten ts and purp oses, th at whi ch If, as we say, these be the "sacthey were elected to represent. rifices" to which Mr. Menzies referred, then many a hungry citizen But is it not time to wake up? Can it be said that these gentleof this country will be only too men, a mere handful, have a right willing to oblige, given the necesto make decisions in matters of sary purchasing power to fulfill the gr ave concern and consequ ence wish. to millions, without those millions Filled with good things and surhaving something to say on the rounded by the elite of British m a t t e r ? Fu r th er , h a v e w e n o society and political big-wigs, Mr. right to know what is said in our Menzies gives rein to his tongue name? in the inevitable after-dinner Can a gentleman be truthfully speeches. Speeches in which he oft-times by radiophone, many consultations descr ibed as R ight Honou rab le puts forward the views of Australia are practicable, and I am confident who subscribes to a policy of secrecy (the Lord knows how he obtains that scientists w i l l ultimately in matters of public concern? Well, the matter rests with us— the them without a referendum—they achieve secrecy." Now, what constitutes an "Empire power of the vote is the greatest are usually opposed to his own when he does) with forthright and voice"? Opinions would appear to power we have. It should be in the interest to remove differ. Also, if the Empire has a public's polished rhetoric. But one of the latest outbursts voice, why keep secret that which is politicians who want secrecy about public affairs, and if we read the of this absent politician makes of public concern. signs aright we think it would be to Let u s cast ou r min ds back to strange reading, yet connects up admirably with R. G. Casey's the "Constitutional Crisis," so- the interest of those Parliamentary words (referring to Mr. Curtin's called, when the "Empire" with clock- representatives who are desirous of their seats, no matter to question regarding the Common- like precision decreed that a certain retaining party they belong, to take the wealth Loan): "It is not in the lady shou ld not b e our Qu een . Do what of ascertaining their yo u rem ember h ow , at the moment trouble public interest to disclose." constituents' views. Referring to the fact that some of crisis, valian t efforts were made We particularly recommend this Dominions considered that the pro- to ascertain the views of his to the rank and file members recess of consultations between them- Majesty's subjects? How the great presentin g the U.A.P. and the selves and Britain during the Eden press lords threw open the columns C ou n tr y P a r ty, b ec au s e th e crisis had not been altogether of their daily publications for a free Nation al Insurance scheme h as satisfactory, Mr. Menzies said, expression of views? How his late given the electors another very according to a London cable dated Majesty's Australian Cabinet, with severe jolt. They are "wakin g June 22: "One of the great prob- grave concern for the principle of up" furth er and faster as a result. AN OPEN LETTER TO COLONEL COHEN Colonel Harold Cohen, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., V.D., M.L.A., Collins House, Melbourne. Dear Colonel, As a director of large corporations employing thousands of people, as a boy scout, a soldier and a Member of Parliament, you really should be more exact in your public utterances, even when speaking to dear old ladies. A recent press report of your address to a suburban branch of the Australian Women's National League credits you with advocating the admission to Australia of a few thousand unfortunate Jews of German and Austrian birth. These people, it appears, have both high technical knowledge and money, and you expressed the opinion that they would become readily absorbed in our population, not remaining in selfcontained communities, as did certain Southern European races. You spoke of the atrocious treatment of Jews in Germany and Austria, instancing a report that Kreisler, the world-famous violinist, was forced to scrub the streets of Vienna. You then conveyed to your audience that the only difference between Jews and other people was a matter of religion. Now, Colonel, you must know that thousands of own highly technical citizens find it hard to make a living, and that the addition of a few thousands from abroad would accentuate the trouble, you really cannot be serious in claiming that Jewish people would become absorbed in our population. It has been demonstrated through the ages that this ancient race scattered over the world, remains intact and homogeneous. Even right here in Me4lbourne the Jews preserve their separate identity, and, in spite of your opinions, they live instinctively in communities unto themselves. Let us take you for a stroll around Carlton or St. Kilda. So far as religion being the only difference between Jews and other people, would you say that a Jew, on becoming an atheist or joining the Salvation Army, would cease to be a Jew? No, Colonel, the problem is not one of religion, but of race. To deal with the causes behind the ferocious assault upon the Jews in Europe would require more space than a letter could provide, but we direct your attention to the Hitler campaign against people other than Jews. Kreisler, for instance, is not a Jew, and he is a devout Christian in religion. Dr. Schacht, Governor of the Reichbank, on the other hand, whose power seems to be even stronger than Hitler's, is a Jew. Possibly the Germans prefer finance to music! The unreliable and distorted cables, combined with censorship, render it extremely difficult to obtain current truths as to what is going on in Europe, so we must be careful in jumping to conclusions. We would suggest, however, that the Communistic control of Germany, in the hands of the Jews, Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebnicht, which was crushed finally by the Hitler Movement, was the major cause of the campaign against the Jews. Extra colour is given to this suggestion by the fact that Mordecai (alias Karl Marx), Braunstein (alias Trotsky), and Oulianoff (alias Lenin} were Jewish. When you are next speaking on this subject, dear Colonel, we hope you will give a clearer picture to your audience, bearing in mind that the financial monopoly, which keeps the world in subjection, is of Jewish origin and control, and that as people become aware of that fact, their feelings towards the Jews are not improved. It is this financial system which makes it impossible for the people to obtain the necessities of life, and brings about the destruction, instead of the distribution, of the abundance which the Power Age has given to mankind, while we wallow in poverty. Yours faithfully THE NEW TIMES. many more months. We must go ahead or backward. All sane persons w ish civ ilisat ion to move ahead rather than collapse. Education can provide the only safe and assured leadership towards progress and prosperity. If we are going to move ahead we have a clear choice—and only this choice—between orderly progress under intelligent guidance or revolution, violence, and a gambling chance with the future. If we prefer to choose orderly social advance—and all sensible people will so choose—we must rely more and more upon educational direction of the social proc es s . T h e p r ob le m s o f t o - d a y have become so complicated and technical that only well-educated public servants can hope to deal with them effectively. * * * If edu cation is going to assume a more important position in public affairs, a very grave responsibility is imposed upon it. Education itse lf mu st set its h ou se in ord er and prepare itself for a realistic programme in terms of contemporary facts. The present system of education is inadequate to supply the type of leadership which is necessary in the world crisis. It failed to live up to the responsibilities of the last generation. It did not save the world from the war or the depression. The men wh o mad e th e Wo r ld War an d were responsible for the great depression were well-educated men by conventional standards. We can expect nothin g better from the present educational system. What we need to do is to eliminate useless antiquities from the curriculum, lay more stress upon the realities of the twentieth century, and offer effective protection to the teaching profession in expounding courageously and honestly th e facts as th ey see them. Especially should more attention be given to the special stu dies. These present the only information which can enable us to bridge the gulf between machines and institutions. Not on ly should more time be given to the social studies, but their content must be made more vital and linked up with the immediate problems of our day. In addition, provision must be made for assuring security to the teachers of the social studies, for it is here that most of the heresy hunts are waged. No teacher is in much danger analysing the binomial theorem. But the teacher who resolutely describes our economic and political system is constantly flirting with dismissal. Education is our best safeguard —almost our only safeguard— against Fascism and Communism, and the foremost bulwark of democracy. The more courageous and realistic it is the better it will serve such purposes. If it is cowardly, evasive, and time-serving, it cannot aspire to vigorous leadership. Indeed, it will on ly contribute to the inevitability of general misery and chaos. If the latter comes, edu cation will share in it to a specially disastrous degree. In an era of social decline an d barb arism, th ere is little place for vital education. Let those who are sceptical about this statement study the history of the Dark Ages. And let those who are sc ep tic a l ab ou t th e r etu r n of another Dark Age stu dy world events of the last fifteen years. New Tim es SHOPPING G U ID E and Business Directory P A T R O N IS E T H E S E A D V E R T IS E R S . T h eir a d v ertisem en t h elp s y o u r p a p e r . S a y y o u sa w it i n t h e " N e w T im e s. " MELBOURNE (Cont.) ( C o n t i n u e d f r o m p a g e 2 .) A T A IL O R E D S U IT at M o d e rat e P rice. D r ess S u its. D O Y L E . C . 6192 . W en tw orth H ou se, 2 03 C o llin s S t. A T T E N T IO N ! N a yt u ra H ost e l V eg et arian G u est H o u se. A c com . H o s t e l S t a t e & In t e r . G u e s t s . Haw . 74. B L IN D S o f ev e ry so rt . C a r cu r t a in s r e p a ir e d . T . P e t t it , 2 3 5 a Q u e en S t " C IR C U L E X " cl ea rs u p all C h ilb la in s. P h on e R ich a rd E . B rotch ie , J 1873. C A K E S , P A S T R Y , etc. H om e M ad e " C lo v elly," T h e B lo ck , E li zab et h S t. C e n t 2 5 5 . D A V IS , 568 B ou rk e S t . R o yal M ed a l M ilk e rs, S ep a rato r s, E n gin e s DOU GLAS S O C IA L C R E D IT B O O K S H O P . 16 6 L it . C ollin s S t. G IN G E R J A R C A F E , 2 3 8 F lin d er s Lane (4 doors from Swanston St.). Best 3-course meal in city. J A S . J E N N IN G S , 2 1 1 Q u e e n S t ., an d 6 R eg en t A rcs. O p tician , 7 3 yea r s est. T estin g F r e e. M A IS O N M E R L IN , N atl. B k . B ldg ., 2 7 1 C o l. S t . L a d i es' H a ird r es se r s. O P T IC IA N an d H ea rin g A i d s. M . L . C O L E C H IN , C ham pion H ouse, 4 t h F l o o r , 5 7 S w a n st o n S t . F 5 1 6 6 . O P T IC IA N , J . H . B u c k h a m , J . P . N at. B k . C h .. 271 C ollin s St . C . 8 31 P . A . M O R R IS & C O ., O P T IC IA N S . 2 9 8 L t . C o lli n s S t r ee t , a n d 8 0 M a rsh all S t re et , Iv a n h o e . P R IN T IN G . E . E . G U N N . Off 600 Lit. Bourke St. Cent. 6021. Q U IC K S E R V IC E TOBACCO K IO S K . E q u i t a b l e P la c e . B u y y o u r S m o k es h e r e! T A IL O R , H igh C lass; H . S tac kp o o le . L a n g A r c ., o f f 3 3 3 L o n s. S t . W A T C H M A K E R and Jew eller. M . C h ap m a n , C A P IT O L H S E , 6 yrs. H ard y B ros., in ch arg e R ep air D ep t. DARLING. E S T A T E A G E N T , J . W h it e , 1 Illo w a S t. U Y 65 21. ELSTERN W ICK. B R ID G E & S O N . M e n 's & B o ys' W e a r. O p p . S t ation . P h on e L 6 38 3 . R A D IO & E L EC T'L S E R V IC E S . M a ck in to sh 's, 72 G le n h 'tly R d . L 4588. FAIRFIELD. BUTC HER, 93 S t a t io n S t r e et . A rth u r B . H e alth S o licit s Y ou r Pa tron age . FOOTSCRAY. B O O T R E P A IR S . A . A . T a ylo r. S tation R am p , W h ile U W ait S 'vice. M A S S EY 'S GA R A GE , W 'to w n R d. T h e H om e of M otor R econ d itioning G LEN FER RIE. O P T IC IA N , W . W . N i ch olls, 1 0 0 ( G len f e r ri e R d . D a w . 6 8 4 5 . S U IT S t o o r d e r f r o m 7 0 /- . H . 6 8 1 3 A . S u th e r la n d , 1 8 4 G l e n f e r r i e R d . HAMPTON. B E A U T Y S A L O N , N o r m a B e l l , 33 H am p ton S t ., n ex t P .O . X W 2 16 0 B O O K SE L L E R , S. J . E n dacott, 75 H a m p t o n S t . , f o r a ll b o o k n e e d s. C H E M IS T , R o d B u r g e ss. 1 5 6 a H a m p t on S t. XW 2424. H A IR D R E S S E R , L a dies an d G en ts. R . S T E W A R T , 68 H am p ton S t. H O M E M A D E C A K E S . B E A N 'S , 140 H am p ton S t. X W 1 787 . T A IL O R , R . W . S im p so n , R a il w a y W a l k . S u it s H a n d M a d e f r o m 9 5 /- . IVANHOE. B O O T R E P A IR S . J . F ra ser solicit s yo u r cu stom . 130 U p p e r H 'b erg R d . P. A. MORRIS & CO. PTY LTD. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS, PRACTICAL "YORK HOUSE” BASEMENT, 298 LITTLE COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE. Phone: Central 8400. An d at 80 MARSHA LL ST IVA NH OE. 'Phone: Ivanhoe 88. U P H O L S T E R E R . B li n d s & B e d d in g. D u k e' s, 111 H 'b erg R d . Ivan . 626. BANKING Address by Mr. Ross Upstill, HENRY GEORGE CLUB, 18 George Parade (off 111 Collins Street). TUESDAY, JULY 19th, 8 p.m. Public invited. Discussion. KEW. ANDERSON’S, 141 High St., Authorised Newsagent. Haw. 1145. BUTCHER, S. Daw High Street, Opp. Union St. Satisfaction Service. C. KENNEDY, Grocer. Haw. 229. Opp. Cemetery Clock, Parkhill Rd. DRY CLEANING, Depot & Library A.I. Fraser, 182 High St. H. 3733. (Continued on page 7.) Page Four 9MJ3J\9NRJX Published every Friday by New Times Ltd., Elizabeth House, Elizabeth and Little Collins Streets, Melbourne, C.1 Postal Address: Box 1226, GP.O., Melbourne. Telephone: M 5384. Vol. 4. No. 28. FRIDAY JULY 15, 1938. How to Spend the Federal Surplus As if there were nothing more suitable to do with our resources and our surplus, it has been proposed to finance another expedition to the Antarctic. According to Sir Douglas Mawson, a noted explorer of the snow and ice, it would be a pity not to do this, because we have a young and enthusiastic explorer, Mr. J. R. Rymill, available and interested in Polar travel. If this is to be regarded as an adequate reason, then all sorts of whoopee should be financed out of the chronic Federal surpluses, just because there are enthusiasts who are willing and anxious to whoop. Before the bunce has all been squandered, we would like to make a proposal. No attempt has yet been made to market the Gippsland giant earthworms in the Far East. This, however, can easily be rectified. We will guarantee to find immediately, if not sooner, half a dozen enthusiasts willing to undertake the enterprise, provided the Federal Government will foot the bill. It may be that Antarctic expeditions produce results in the shape of information and what not. It may also be that these results are not without value. We are open to be convinced on these points. What we know is that there are other matters crying out for attention, and that these have a prior call upon our efforts and our Surpluses. There is, for example, the vital problem of soil erosion in the Commonwealth. From this cause we are daily losing in productive capacity; and the loss is increasing in a geometrical progression, until eventually we will be faced with countless acres of barren waste where once was fertile soil. All this can be avoided or mitigated by the expenditure of a little energy and a lot of brain. We have been warned about this matter time and again by our own scientists. We have the shocking examples of parts of South Australia and the Dust Bowl of America as permanent reminders. Up to the present we have done little but talk about the problem. Even in China they have begun terracing in order to conserve the soil from erosion, but we, who should know better, toy with the idea of Antarctic expeditions instead. While we have a Federal surplus, THE PRINTED WORD in Pamphlets, Booklets, Leaflets. Weeklies, Monthlies Annuals, Newspapers, Magazines, or Books EXCELLENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY PRODUCED By 9MJ&I[THFYJ5WJXX 143-151 a’BECKETT ST., MELBOURNE THE NEW TIMES it might be well to employ part of it, together with the man power and brains at our disposal, in some form of intelligent conservation. This would bring more definite and desirable results than skating over the ice floes of Enderby Land and Macrobertson Land, the principal output from which appears to be frostbite, chilblains and meteorological data. If, and when, we have attended in full measure to this and similar pressing domestic problems, we can begin to consider the question of Polar jaunts. What we must do is to keep a sense of balance, and recognise that certain matters are intrinsically of greater importance than others. If we fail to do this, we may in the near future find ourselves the proud owners of a sandy desert, an icy waste, and a Federal deficit which only an astronomer can calculate. GAUNTLET Being a Series of Open Letters Challenging Certain Eminent Persons to Mortal Combat with Realities Bearing the above title and explanatory sub-title, a booklet by H. Neville Roberts saw the light of day in Dublin, Ireland, in 1934. A re-reading has confirmed our opinion of its excellence— to the extent that, in spite of the lapse of time, we present its contents to our readers. Some minor changes have taken place in Ireland in four years, but—unfortunately for the Irish—most of the criticism (both destructive and constructive), and the facts brought forward are still relevant. The generalisations and the capacity for epigrammatic statement have lost nothing of their force and lustre. Irish-Australians among our readers who have been following "home" affairs will, of course, find additional interest—but, in any event, they and other readers will find it easy to transpose nearly every Open Letter so as to fit like a glove the appropriate "eminent person" in Australia of to-day. In our last three issues we reprinted the Foreword (which might well be written under similar circumstances by an intelligent and well-informed Australian to his fellow-citizens of this country) and the first six Open Letters. We now present the seventh and eighth Open Letters. THE REALITY OF COMMUNITY Stupidity and Silver A n ew vault for the United States Treasury's silver hoard has been built in the military reserve at West Point. The silver weighs 70,000 tons, and has a market value of £344,000,000. In order to transport this huge amount of metal, 25 lorries, working five days a week, will be occupied for between six and eight months. Coastguards armed with machine guns, and military patrols are on duty to guard the precious loads to their new home. Could there be anything more futile than all this business? Here are men and materials employed for months in a task about as useless as the mind of man could devise. What possible use is 70,000 tons of silver buried in a vault instead of being left in the lode? It might have a value as a memorial to the poor devils who sweated in the mines to dig it out; but it is in 72 lb. ingots, which have no meaning, and might just as well be irregular lumps of bluestone for all the use they are. Of course, to the orthodox economist, we cannot have any confidence in our ability to produce and consume unless we have these blocks of metal stuck into an impregnable hole and kept there for all time. When we have gone to all the trouble and effort to do this, the printers and the bank clerks can go ahead and make imaginar y money by means of ledger entries and fancy engraving on bits of paper. This entitles us to live in the world, which we got for nothing, and to use the brains and the brawn that were produced by the material products of this world. Without this fancy ticket system, we would die of hunger and thirst and exposure in the midst of an abundance of the things which would satisfy all our needs. Fantastic as it seems, this is strictly in accordance with the orthodox theories relating to the economic system; but if it makes sense, then Hitler's parents were both Jews, and Good Friday falls on a Tuesday! To A COMM UN IS T LE AD ER ( IF AN Y ). The gravest charge that can be made against you is that you have stolen the good word "commune" from the dictionary and have perverted it into an "-ism." You have thereby sullied the character of the noble words "community" and "communal." You may plead that the theft was under provocation, and is to be condoned because it was committed on behalf of those from whom much has been filched. Yet, the word belongs, not to the "workers," in some restricted meaning of that term, but to mankind, and you ought to make restitution. Lincoln's doctrine of government of the people by the people and for the people is much more than the fundamental principle of democracy; it transcends the democratic order, for it is the very basis of all human society. Nor did Lincoln suggest that he was proclaiming something new. On the contrary, he recognised the universality of an ancient principle when he finished his sentence with the words, "shall not perish from the earth." The fact that a money monopoly, controlled by a few international bankers, has subjected us to government of the people by the bankers and for the bankers, is no excuse for your advocacy of government of the people by the "workers" and for the "workers," especially since you tamper with the dictionary definition of this word, also; and, having limited its application to a self-chosen section of those who work, you declare this section to be the community, and the dictatorship of this section to be communism. with the management of the City of Melbourne have been amply realised by the sweeping nature of the Bill." Why there should be any objection to "political" control of our public affairs is a complete mystery to us. "Political" control means control by politicians, elected to the people's Parliament by the people, in accordance with the principles of democracy. It seems to be that when one's own particular set of politicians is in the majority, it is right and proper for them to control public affairs; but when the other fellow's politicians are in power, their control is objectionable because it is "political." What we have for some time been The Melbourne Citizens' Defence League has issued a urging is that the people's in Parliament statement concerning the representatives Melbourne and Geelong should control public affairs, and Corporations Bill, which is now that full political control is a up to the stage of the second “consummation devoutly to be reading in the Legislative wished”; provided always that our Assembly. The statement says, “Fears that politicians think straight and think the Dunstan Ministry would pave for themselves before starting to “control.” the way to political interference "Political" Control JULY 15 1938. Your outlook needs, not to be curtailed, but to be enlarged. The words "social," "communal" and "national" are identical; for, society is the nation, the community is the nation. Humanity is the larger society, the wider community; admitted. But, our problems must be dealt with nationally, since we cannot legislate other than nationally. You want to free the workers from capitalism. I want to free the community from the money power that is super-capitalism. The only capitalism that now exists as a power is the monopol y of credit, or money. The so-called capitalists, the captains of industry, are as fettered and enslaved b y t he mon e y p o wer as an y worker, employed or unemployed. Credit is a communal possession. It is the one communal possession that is now in the hands of a monopoly. Money power is the controlling power; the exercise of that power is a communal, or national, right; you can communise, or nationalise, the things that are controlled only by communising, or nationalising, the thing in control. Control of production is not enough. There must be control of distribution, and money is the agent of distribution. The establ ish me nt o f a j u st mon e y system nationally administered b y t he p e op l e and f or t h e people will make all material things available for the use and benefit of all. Instead of giving groups of workers a claim upon the goods they produce, which is your rather paltry aim, it will give every worker, unemployed though he be, a claim upon his communal share of the national production. It will communise goods as the water in our city pipes is communised though there be no dispute as to ownership of the water pipes, nor claim to personal ownership of any particular gallon of the supply. The citizen knows that access to a water tap is the vital factor, not ownership of so man y feet of water main. The bankers are now in possession of the money taps; they alone control the goods flow; to them we must go for access to our own goods output. For such is the function of money, and such is the power to which you are shutting your eyes. The payment to all individual members of the community of a national dividend, recognising them as shareholders in the commune whi ch is the nation, is an immediate and permanent possibility under a national money system, and will remove for ever the injustice and oppression you rightly deplore. THE REALITY OF IDEAS TO THE PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. I wonder do facts frighten you; do you shudder when confronted with new ideas, or ideas that seem new to you. You cannot destroy an idea by closing your mind to it nor by excluding it from the curriculum of a university. If you are afraid of an idea the only way to kill it is by discovering a better on e. The onl y way t o er adicate a thought, once it has taken root is b y implanting a more potent on e. Th e p osi ti ve s tr ea m of human thought cannot be dammed with an implied, but unuttered negative. The tide of national philosophy, commonly called public opinion, cannot be stemmed with a test tube—or a retort. All education - therefore, all human progress -- is, and has always been, founded upon observation of facts. Man's faculty for observing phenomena is the primary factor in his learning. The secondary factor is his power of analysis. The sequence is: observation, analysis, reobservation, reanalysis. If the process does not lead to innovation, it must lead to stagnation. The educational system you administer has no place for either observation or analysis. It consists of memorising what has been thought and recorded by those who have long since observed and analysed, or by those who themselves have merely memorised. In thus training the memory, you are developing not some high faculty of mankind, but one that humanity humbly shares with the brute creat i on . I have d on e as mu ch b y way of educating my dog. Many of the recorded ideas you ask your students to memorise are stale ideas. (I am not, of course referring to those classical treasures of human thought that never grow old.) In the spher e of economics, the staleness of the ideas that are your stock in trade has reached an advanced stage of decomposition. Some of your medical students will know what that means. Your text-books on economic s have no relation to the observed facts of modern social and industrial life in an y cou ntr y. Th e y are totally out of harmony with the observable conditions in the country you have the opportunity of leading in education. They are opposed to every national ideal, destructive of every national aspiration, antagonistic to the national being. They consist mainly of an out-ofdate exposition of discredited money system and of an economic order that has crumbled to deca y. Wh ere the works are of more recent date, they are thinly disguised banker apologetics. The ideal that is the motive force of your system is frankly commercial. The inspiration of the education your institution imparts is, in fact, a debased commercialism; the offspring of feudalism mated to the money power, the fosterchild of pseudo-Darwinism nourished upon the false doctrine of cut throat struggle among men for a share in the gifts of God. The standar d you uphold is anti -national in its conception, anti-social in its mentality, anti-Christian in its essence. It provides training in the art of money getting, instead of in the art of living. A study of our ancient Brehon Law reveals a social order surely based on economic facts, and depicts an era in which the economic welfare of the nation and of the individual went hand in hand. I commend its study to students of economics and social science, if their power of thinking constructively has not alread y been sacrificed on the altar of competitive examination. In conclusion I suggest that the system of so-called education you administer needs a thorough springcleaning, and that its economic bookshelves in particular would be the better of a bonfire. In default of the cleaning and the bonfire, the university may well be superseded by a revival of the hedge school. THE NEW TIMES JULY 15, 1938. THE CHALLENGE OF YOUTH A Body Gets It in the Neck A certain Conservative body, in order, no doubt, to bring a break into the monotony of selfadulation and abuse of all "leftwing" movements, invited some undergraduates to address them under the above heading: "The Challenge of Youth." Two very charming girls and two young men accepted the invitation— each taking a different aspect of the present system to attack. They spoke extremely well, facts and figures were well-marshalled — they were confident and courageous. The first girl speaker calmly told this organisation that it stood for none of those things that meant a better social order. "In fact," she said, "few of your members know what you do stand for." This was straight hitting, and undoubtedly true. A few outsiders in the audience could have told them, however. They stood for social snobbishness, for a stand-still policy in a dynamic world, and for ideas that should have been carried away by the rubbish-man half a century ago. Above all, they stood for the defence of a system that meant dividends and security to them, but frustrated the demands of 75% of a dispossessed population. There was something very fine about the attitude of these young people, who themselves had never known want or the economic pinch, who were "Rose-lined from the cold, And made verily to hold Life's pure pleasures manifold," firing furious fusillades at a system that meant hunger, the dole, bad housing and frustration for the many. The young girl who spoke first, a radiant young creature, laid aside her notes to tell of a visit she had paid to slum quarters, and she did not spare the nerves of her smug listeners in relating what she saw there. The other girl dealt with the attacks on our civil liberties, and she did not mince matters, either. She asked, "Who owns Australia?" and answered the question by saying it was the big bankers, the insurance companies, the big industrialists and the press they controlled. One young man had the temerity to criticise the British Empire's policy in times past and present, and had many an illustration with which to drive home his point. The other criticised the capitalistic system, inasmuch as it fell short of using all that plant, science and engineering had made available for the greater production of wealth for all, but had to content itself with D R U N K A N D D ISO R D ER LY By "THE WALRUS," in the "New World." By LEONORA POLKINGHORNE It is the rightful heritage of youth to enter a world that is just a generation better than that which faced their fathers. It is their expectation and desire to carry on from there, and to aim to leave the world they found a generation better again. We may well ask ourselves what kind of a world it is in which the youth of to-day find themselves. Instead of a steady progress towards a better and more secure civilisation, a world saner, freer, more enlightened and richer in material prosperity, we give them a world that has become one vast arsenal, tunnelled with underground shelters where the population may rush from each other when the storm of hate, fear and despair has broken upon them—where a few grow rich but the great majority grow poorer—where the bounty of God is destroyed in the sight of the starving—where, even while you read this, the skies rain hell on helpless women and children — where the yet unattacked countries take in thousands of terror-stricken and half-starved refugees. No wonder that youth challenges this generation! Page Five obsolete machinery through inability to pay the interest on a new loan for up-to-date equipme nt . Al t og et he r it wa s a most refreshing evening, and one waited with amusement to hear the squeaks of protest from the audience when the time for comments came. If these speakers had been the children of "the proletariat," they would probably have been reported to the police for subversive propaganda, but as they were on Christian-name terms, and were frequently met socially, that would not do. They were gently rebuked, and told that when the y grew older the y would know better. One gentleman defended the Waterside Workers' Act as a rightful punishment for those who disrupted social services, but the young speaker was on his feet again with an apt answer. Did they do any good in such a "milieu"? Well, they must have shaken the complacency of some of their audience, and to others given the much-desired answer to the question, "Of what is Youth thinking?" The Appalling Thing The appalling thing was the hope, believed an d hal f-expressed by those who listened, that these young people "would ge t ov er i t. " G o d f orb i d that we should hope they would ever fall into the spiritual death of their hearers; that their youthful chivalry, their generous s ympa th y s h o ul d a tr oph y; the ir warm, ardent blood run sluggish and slow; that a wall of selfishness and greed should ever grow between them and the big world outside! Let us prevent this h uge catastrophe ! Let us use our youth for a more noble pu rp ose ! Ca n we n ot re al is e that they are our most valuable assets? Ca n we n ot show that we appreciate them and need the m in the fore fr ont of the battle? Or shall we be jealous of them, desire to keep them in the background, take the Walpole attitude that brought forth Pitt's stinging sarcasm—"The atrocious crime of being a young man. " We How difficult it is to convey an idea b y a name; and, of course, how impossible without using a name. For example, we all think we know what happiness is—until we really think. Then we discover that to one it means cuisine, lights and the popping of corks ; to another (though this one is rare), the complete sacrifice, even to the funeral pyre. I was going to say steak for one and the stake for the other, but I dislike puns. Usefulness, beauty, and so on through the whole range of abstract conceptions leave us bogged in the shifting sands of approximations whenever we seek for a definition, so that we long for terra firma, something that will stay put while we tabulate it. The business world has seemingly no trouble in the matter of tabulation, but then, of course, it doesn't deal in abstractions—or, at any rate, not without planning a getaway. But it wasn't the contemplation of abstractions or the astuteness of the business world which prompted these (I fear) tedious reflections. They originated in police court proceedings, and to police courts, precision of form in procedure is the outstanding characteristic. That, of course, is an unfortunate admission for me to make. It argues a close acquaintance with the seamy side, acquired either from gloating over the printed report, or, which is almost as bad, from inside knowledge. As a matter of fact, this more or less philosophical excursion began in the rep ort of a "drunk and disorderly." muttering: "Why not read the report and find out?" But then I should only have found out what the police considered "disorderly," and that mightn't have helped me much. Very likely they have rigid notions about this. Possibly a man standing on his head outside Brisbane Town Hall would be raw material for proceedings under the heading of disorderly conduct. I don 't know. But I do know that a small boy, or perhaps even a youth, doing the same thing in the same place, wouldn't be. So the offence appears to be bound up with time and place. This is a misfortune for those adults who remain youthful in spirit, and even for those for whom orthodoxy means nothing. There is a widespread idea, for which, possibly, the psalmists and poets are responsible, that orderliness is the essence of nature. But it is the flexibility of nature that impresses me most. Noah was evidently an orderly soul, but any one who has dealt with animals will agree that in merely allowing for two of everything, as if the ark were a servant girl's glory box, he wasn't on very safe ground. Nature isn't orderly in that way. Neither does sh e say: "Her e is so much space. I will have so much of this, and so much of that." By a breath-taking arrangement where things exist because they can, the ark is always full, but the company never twice alike. If anyone as modern as Alexis Carrel is to be believed, anything but approximate routine is death. The power of adaptation in man, he tells us, is a function which must be exercised. It demands that, for health, man must expose himself to hunger and thirst, to heat and cold, but not to habitual noise and worry. This looks uncommonly like disorderly conduct. And it isn't good enough for us. Our reply to the hunger and thirst business is three meals a day; to heat and cold, clothing and a good bed. Those who hunger never feast. Those wh o feast never hunger. And all are exposed to noise and worry. If Alexis Carrel is right, and if I have read him rightly, it seems that a course of disorderly conduct would do us a spot of good. Menace of Excessive Orderliness The same seems to be true of collective existence. We are in danger of perishing from orderly conduct. There may be reforms which are not the result of disorderly conduct, but I can recall none. Certainly there are no more suitable words to describe the conduct of Oliver Cromwell, Robespierre, Lenin, and a host of others. After all, chopping kings' heads off can only be regarded as disorderly in excelsis. I claim that Napoleon, too, won his victories on disorderly conduct, which, when all is said can be another name for unorthodoxy. Our hope is in disorderly (Continued on page 8, col. 5.) A Crime? I don't remember anything about the report. I became lost in a speculation on why it was a crime to be disorderly. I can hear you ha ve gi ve n the m a rotten world, but we need not add to that great wrong the cold shower and the douche on their fresh young enthusiasms, nor seek to quench the light that is the best beacon of hope in this dark world. With their splendid cooperation, can we not, while there is yet time, build up a civilisation where there need be no talk of gas masks for babies? YOUR H E L P IS N E E D E D ! If you wish to assist the "New Times" in its fight for justice, security, and freedom for all our people; if you desire to help it in exposing those who are the enemies of the people, you can best do so by providing the financial ammunition which will enable the paper to build up the greatest possible circulation in the shortest possible time. 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Date… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Signature… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ... CHIEF JUDGE DETHR1DGE AGAIN Time Organised Labour Woke Up A L e t t e r t o t h e E d i t o r fr o m B R U C E S i r, — W h a t is th e fu n c ti o n o f th e C o m m o nw ea lth A rb itra tio n C o u rt ? Is it t o i n v e s tig a te th e fa cto rs w h ic h m ilita te a g a in s t h a rm o n iou s w o rk in g a s b etw e e n em p lo ye rs a n d em p lo ye es , or is it t o a c t a s a to o l o f t h e C r e d i t M on op ol y w hich m a n ipu la tes o u r m o n e y s u p p lies ? R e cen t e v e n ts s u g g es t th a t t h e p re s id e n t o f th e c o u r t b e l i e v e s t h e l a t t e r t o b e t h e c o r r e c t fu n c ti o n . Court Controlled by Finance W h e n th e u n io n s w e re c o n d u c tin g th eir c a s e b e fo re th e A rb itra ti o n C o u rt l a s t y e a r, a n d th ou g h t the y w e re d oin g a g rea t s tro k e b y c a llin g "th e b rillia n t y o u n g m a n " R ed d a w a y to "s u p p ort " th eir cla im , s o m e c riti cis m w a s offe red in th e s e colu m n s re g a rd in g th e ca s e g en e ra lly, a n d th e a ttitud e o f C h ie f J u d g e D e th rid g e in p a rticu la r. It w a s th e n p oin ted ou t tha t th e C ou rt w a s n ot c o n c e rn ed w ith th e m a te ria l fa cts of th e s itua tion , a n d th a t its c on clu s ions w ou ld b e b as ed e n tirel y o n fina n c ia l c on s id e ra t i o n s . A n d s o it p r o v e d . Bank of England Intelligence Officer U n fo rtu n a tely, th e m e n c on d u c tin g th e c a s e fo r t h e w o rk e rs a t tha t tim e w e re s o prou d o f t h e ir " a c h i e v e m e n t " i n g e t t i n g M r. R ed d a w a y, th e g rea tly p u blicis ed "yo un g " e c on om is t, to g i v e e v i d e n c e , t h a t t h e y w e re b lin d to th e fa c t th a t h e w a s a ls o a n in te llig e n c e o ffic e r fro m th e B a n k o f E n g la n d— th e p riva te i n s ti tu ti o n i n a n o t h e r c o u n t r y w h i c h d i c t a t e s t h e fi n a n c i a l p olic y in A ustralia . A n y on e w h o w i l l ta k e t h e t ro u b l e t o e x a m in e th e C o u rt's a w a rd w ill fin d th a t it w a s in ha rm o n y w ith th e "e v id e n c e " te n d e re d b y th e B a n k o f E n g la n d i n t e llig e n c e o ffi c e r. T h is " e v i d e n c e " w a s d e s i g n e d t o c r e a t e t h e im p re s s io n th a t a s m a ll in crea s e in w a g e s w o u ld p r e v e n t a n u n h ea lth y b o om let, w h en th e p rop o n e n t s o f t h e i d e a k n e w fu l l w e ll tha t it cou ld on ly m ea n a n a d d itio n to t h e c os ts o f in d u s try a n d a n i n t e n s i fi c a ti o n o f t h e s tru g g le to liq u id a te th os e c os ts . A l r e a d y , w i t h i n tw e l v e m o n t h s o f th e op e ra tion o f th e a w a rd , w e a re h e a rin g s c rea m s a b o u t c os ts b e in g to o h ig h . Prices Had to Go Up It w a s a ls o p oin te d o u t a t th e tim e tha t a n y in c rea s e in w a g es ord e red b y the C ourt w ou ld ine v ita b l y le a d t o a n in c r e a s e in p ri c e s , a n d t h a t t h e p os it i o n o f th e w o r k e r w o u l d s o o n b e c o m e a s b a d a s it w a s b e fo r e h e w e n t to th e C o u rt. A n d s o it h a s p ro v e d . T h e re w a s n o th in g e xtra ord in a ry in ou r k n ow in g H. BR O W N . this , for th e v e ry c o n d itio ns u n d e r w h i c h in d u s t r y i s c o n d u c t e d m a d e it in e v ita b l e . It i s tru e th a t s o m e e m p lo y e rs c o u ld h a ve a ffo rd ed to pa y th e in cre a s e fr om p ro fits w ith o u t a n y le g iti m a te , e x c u s e fo r ra is in g p ric e s , b u t th e g r e a t m a j o rit y o f th e m c o u ld n o t, a n d it is p a rt o f th e b us iness of a n y c om m ercia l org a n is a tio n to m a k e h a y w h ile th e s u n s h in e s . A ll o f th e m a re s tru g g l in g fo r a g re a te r s ha re of a n in a d eq u ate s u p p ly o f m o n e y . I t w a s t h e r e f o r e n a t u ra l fo r th e fe w e m p lo y e rs w h o c ou ld a ffo rd th e in crea s e to ta k e a d v a n t a g e o f t h e fa c t t h a t s o m a n y o th e rs c ou ld n o t a fford it, a n d p u t th e a d d itio n a l w a g es in t o th ei r p ri c e s ju s t a s th e o th e rs w e r e o b li g e d t o d o . T h is le d t o in c r e a s e d c o s t s , th e in c r e a s e d c o s ts le d t o i n c re a s e d p ric es , a n d th e in c re a s ed p ric es h a v e ro b b ed th e w o rk e r o f th e b en e fits h e e x p e c te d to g et fro m th e s o -c a lle d " P r o s p e rit y " a w a rd . Imagine Ourselves As Employers T h e s im ples t w a y to u nd ers t a n d t h i s is t o i m a g i n e o u r s e lv e s a s e m p lo y e rs . W e a re j u s t m a k in g a c o m f o rt a b l e li v in g , a n d fin d ou rs elv es s u d de n ly fa c e d w it h a n o rd e r o f th e C o u rt to p a y ea ch em p lo yee a n o th e r s ix s h illin g s p e r w e e k . S u p p os e w e a re e m plo yin g fifty m en . T h e o r d e r o f t h e C o u rt m e a n s , th a t o u r w a g es b ill is im m ed ia te l y increa s ed b y £ 1 5 a w eek . A nd w e m u s t p a y it b e fo r e w e h a v e a ch a n c e to pa s s it o n to th e p u b l i c . W e a r e t h e r e fo r e f o r c e d into th e ha n d s o f th e bank er to o b t a in a n o v e rd ra ft, w h ic h m e a n s th a t in a d d itio n t o th e in c re a s e o f w a g e s , w e a ls o h a v e a n i n c r e a s e o f in teres t c h a rg e s . F r om th is i t c a n b e s e en th a t a lth o ug h w e h a v e o n ly p a id a n e x t ra £ 1 5 o u t a s w a g e s , w e m u s t c o ll e c t b a c k in p ri c e s - £ 1 6 to c o ve r th e b a n k ch a rg es a s w e l l . P r i c e s m u s t n e c e s s a r i l y b e in crea s ed b y m o re th a n th e a m o u n t o r d e r e d b y t h e C o u rt , a n d th a t is w h y it is th a t w e p a y th e w o rk e r a n o th e r 6 / - in w a g es a n d ch a rg e h im 6 /3 m ore fo r h is f o o d a n d c l o t h e s . T h i s a l s o e xp la in s w h y h is s ta n d a rd o f liv in g n e v e r g e ts a n y h ig h e r, a n d w h y it is fu t il e t o d e p e n d u p o n th e A rb it ra ti o n C o u rt a s a t p re s e n t c o n s titu te d fo r a n y g e n u in e im p ro vem en t in h is livin g c o n d itions. Realities Ignored W h en th e C ou rt ga ve th e a w a rd ou r p ro d u c tiv e a b ility w a s s u c h th a t it cou ld h a v e p ro vid ed e v e r y e m p l o y e e w i t h m o re t h a n a 1 0 0 p e r c e n t, im p r o v e m e n t i n h is g e n e ra l s ta n d a rd, b u t th a t a s p e c t w a s d is r e g a r d e d a n d t h e T A X A T IO N (A S IG N O F S E R V ITU D E ) and NATIONAL INSURANCE (A M E SM E R IS M B Y SY M B O L S) N o stud e nt o f ec on om ics or m on eta ry re form , n o p ers on o p p os e d to ou r e v e r-in c rea s in g l oa d o f ta xa tion , n o on e w h o w is h es to u n d ers ta n d w h a t n a tion a l in s u ra n ce re a lly im plies , s h o u ld fa il t o s e c u re a c o p y o f th is fra n k a n d c o m p lete e x p o s u r e b y a m a s t e r o f t h e s u b j e c t s , M r . B ru c e H . B r o w n . Y o u w ill fin d "T a xa tion A n d N a tio n a l In s u ra n c e " dire ct, s im p le a n d c o n v in c i n g . Price, 1/-; posted, 1/1. A va ila b le fro m — NEW TIMES LTD. ELIZABETH HOUSE (BOX 1226, G.P.O.) MELBOURNE a w a rd a c t u a l l y g a v e th e m n o t h in g ". T h a t w a s b e c a u s e t h e C ou rt lo ok ed u p on F in a n c e a s s om e th in g grea t er a n d fa r m o re im p o rta n t th a n th e n e ces s ities o f l i fe , w h e r e a s r e a d e r s o f t h i s p a p e r k n o w t h a t fi n a n c e is o n l y a m a tte r o f s ym b o ls . T h e fa c ts s h o w , a n d t h i s is n o t a q u e s ti on o f o p in io n , th a t t h e C o u rt is th e to o l o f fin a n c e, th a t is to s a y, it b a s es it aw a rds on fin a n c ia l c on d itio n s b ro u g h t a b o u t b y th e c o n t ro ll e rs o f th e b a n k i n g s ys tem , a n d neve r tak es an y s tep s to e xp os e th e in s a nity o f a s h ort a g e of m on e y fig u res a n d tick ets w h en th ere is s u ch p len itu de o f e v e r yth in g els e. It m a k es th e d is trib u tio n o f g o od s fit in w ith th e m on e y s u pp ly in s tea d of in s is tin g th a t th e m o n e y s u p p l y s h ou ld fit in w ith th e d is trib u tio n o f th e g o o d s . Judge Dethridge Suits High Finance O n ly la s t w e ek w e h a d fu rth er e v id e n c e th a t th e C h ie f J u dg e o f th e A rb itra ti on C o u rt is p e rs on a lly a p p ro v ed in fina n c ia l c ircles , a s o th e rw is e h e w o u ld n o t h a v e b een a pp oin ted chairm a n of th e C o m m is s io n t o r e p o r t o n th e q u es tion o f d oct ors ' fe es in c on n e c tio n w ith th e n a tio n a l in s u rance fra u d . T h is N a ti o n a l In s u ra n ce B ill, w h ich has jus t b een p a s s e d b y t h e F e d e r a l P a r li a m e n t, w a s a F IN A N C IA L m ea s ure. It w as not a piece of b e n e fic e n t s o c ia l le g is la tio n a s m a d e o u t b y t h e h i re l in g p r e s s . Its p u rp os e is to s h ift th e b u rd e n o f o ld a g e a n d in v a lid p e n s io n s fro m th e n a tio n a l B u d g e t t o th e s h ou ld ers o f th e p o o re r p e op le in t h e c o m m u n it y . T h i s e x p l a i n s w h y th e G o v e rn m e nt d is h on ou ra bly s c h em ed to g et th e B ill f o r c e d t h r o u g h P a r l ia m e n t b e f o r e t h e e n d o f J u n e , a n d a ls o h elp s to e x p la in th e s ele c tion o f C h ie f J u d g e D eth rid g e a s ch a irm a n o f th e C o m m is s i on a p p o inted to s ile n c e th e e m b a rra s s in g o p p os itio n o f th e m ed ica l p ro f e s s i o n . H e w i ll n o t b e c a l l e d u p o n to c o n s id e r w h a t A u s tra l ia ca n p rovid e on th e bas is of its p ro d u c ti ve a b ility o r w h a t is fa i r r e m u n e r a t i o n fo r d o c t o r s , b ut on ly w ha t ca n b e paid to d o c to rs on t h e b a s is o f th e fin a n c e a v a ila ble . A n d th o s e w h o a p p ro v e d t h e p e rs o n n e l o f th e C om m is s ion a re th e v e ry o n es w h o d e cid e w h a t fin a n c e S H A L L b e a va ila b le ! An Outrage N o w , th i s s e l f- s a m e m a n , G e org e J a m es D e th ridg e, did som ething last w eek w hich s h ou ld lea d eithe r to h is rem ova l from th e C om m on w ea lth A rb itra ti o n C o u r t B e n c h o r t o th e re fu s a l of th e tra d e u n ion m ov e m e n t t o s u b m it a n y fu rt h e r cla im s to th e C ou rt fo r c on s id e ra tion. T h e C h ie f J u d ge op e nl y a d m i t t e d th a t h e i s i n fl u e n c e d b y c irc u m s ta n c e 's w h ic h h a v e n oth in g to d o w it h th e ca s e s u b m itted to h im . A c c ord in g to th e M e l b o u r n e A r g u s o f J u l y 5 , h e s a i d t h is : " It m a y b e — a l th o u g h I d o n o t th in k it l ik e l y m ys elf— th at the cou ntry in a y ea r o r tw o w ill b e fa c e d w ith a n o th er d e p res s ion . It m a y b e n e c e s s a r y s e ri o u s l y t o c o n s id e r th e re m o v a l o f th e 'p ro s p e rit y loa d in g ' from a ll in du s tries . T h a t p o i n t h a s n o t a rr i v e d y e t . " Who Prompted Him? H e sa id that in conn ection w ith a n a p plica tion b y th e A . W .U . fo r a 4 0 - h o u r w e e k i n th e s h ea rin g in d u s try. W ill y o u p le a s e r e a d w h a t h e s a id a g a i n , a n d th e n a s k you rs elf th es e q u es tio n s : If h e d o e s n o t th in k th e re w ill b e a n o th e r d e p re s s io n , w h y d id h e in tro du c e th e s ub ject? W h o s u g g e s te d th a t it "m a y b e " n eces s a ry to c on s ide r th e rem o va l o f th e p ros p erity loa d in g ? A n d if th e p o in t o f c o n s id e rin g s u c h a s t e p h a s n ot a rriv e d y e t, w ha t purpose d id h e seek to s e rv e b y i rre le va n tly in tro d u c in g th e i d e a a t th is s ta g e ? If th e q u e s tio n of re v ie w in g th e p ros p e rity lo a d in g w a s n o t b rou g h t fo rw a rd b y th e p a rties to th e ca s e b e for e th e C o u r t, h ow came it tha t th e c h ie f o f th e A PROGRESSIVE M.P. trib u n a l a s s u m e d t h e r o l e o f a d v o c a t e a g a in s t th e w o rk e r? W ill a red u c tio n o f h o u rs M r. W . M a cg illivra y, th e n e w c o rre s p o n d in g w ith th e exten s ion In d ep en d e n t m e m b e r fo r C h a ffe y o f m e ch a n is ation m ean a fa lling off (S .A .), m a d e th e fo llo w in g re in p rod u ct i o n ? I f n o t , w h a t m a rks in his m aid en s p ee ch in p o s s ib l e e x c u s e c a n th e re b e fo r P a rlia m e n t: — a ju d g e of th e C ou rt s u g g e s t i n g t h a t i f h o urs a re The fi n a n c ia l s ta te m e n t red u ce d it w ill b e n ec e s s a r y t o p la c e d b e fo re m em b e rs d ea ls redu ce w a g es ? w ith th e p os ition , a n d s h ow s th a t th e p u b l i c d e b t a n d Who Will Buy? t a x a t io n a re i n c re a s in g e v e r y I f p r o d u c ti o n is m a in ta i n e d , y e a r, a n d it is o n l y a m a tt e r o f t h e n i t i s o b v i o u s t h a t w a g e s o rd i n a r y m a t h e m a tic s to p ro v e m u s t a ls o b e m a i n ta in e d , a s th a t in e v e r y s u c c e e d i n g y e a r oth erw is e th e p ro d u c e r w ill b e w e s h a ll h a v e a s till h ig h er u n a b le t o s e ll a n d w e s h a ll h a ve d eb t a n d h ig h e r a n in crea s in g q u a n tity o f g oo d s p u b lic F o r s ou n d in w a s tin g w h ile m o re a n d m o re ta xa tio n. p e o p l e s ta rve . T h e p u b lic u t - fo rm a tio n on th e fin a n cia l p os itera nc es of G e o rg e J a m es D eth - ti o n w e w a n t t o s t u d y t h e b a n k rid g e s u gg es t th a t h e is e n tire l y in g s ys te m . T h e q u e s ti o n is o fig n o ra n t in re g a rd to t h e n a tu re, t e n a s k e d , " W h a t w o u l d A u s t ra o rig in , p urp os e , ow n e rs h ip , a n d l i a d o w i t h o u t t h e b a n k i n g s y s c o n tr o l o f o u r m o n e y s u p p li e s , tem ? ", a n d th e o n ly a ns w e r I a n d th a t h e r e g a rd s th e m a s c a n s u g g e s t is , "W h a t w o u l d th e s o m e t h i n g s a c r e d , s a c r o s a n c t , b a n k i n g s ys t e m d o w it h o u t A u s a n d u n a l t e ra b l e . I f t h a t b e s o , tra lia ? " Y ea r a fter yea r ta xat h e n h e i s e n t i r e l y u n fi t t e d fo r tio n is b e in g in c re a s e d , a n d u p to th e h ig h o ffic e, h e h old s . In for- n ow n o t h in g h a s b e e n d o n e t o m a tion a va ila b le to m e, h ow e ver, im p ro v e o u r p os itio n . W e a re s u g g e s ts th a t h e is n o t s o ig n o ra n t a s h e a p p e a rs to b e , a n d t h a t g oin g b lin d ly a h ea d , a n d s u c h a it w o u ld b e w is e fo r th e a d v o - s ta te o f a ffa i rs s h o u l d n o t c o n T h rou g h o u t th e S ta te c a te s o f th e u n io n s to fo rc e h im tin u e. a n d th e o th e r j u d g e s in t o t h e p eop le are d e m a n din g sc ho ols, p os ition of h a vin g to d ec la re h os p i ta l s , r o a d s , p u b li c w o r k s t o th em s elv es o n e w a y o r th e oth e r, p ro vid e g re a t a s s e ts , et c., b u t — i.e., fo r jus tic e to th e c om m u n i t y t h e y a r e m e t w i th o n e s to c k a n o r f o r t h e b a n k e r s . T h e y s w er— n o m on e y. N o on e has c a n n o t b e f o r b o t h , a n d u p t o y e t s ug g es te d th a t th e re is a n o w th e y h a v e s e rve d th e b a n k - s h o r t a g e o f m e n o r m a t e ri a l s t o e r s . T h e y h a v e j u g g l e d t h e c a rr y ou t t h e n e c e s s a r y w o rk . A w a g e s , b u t h a v e n o t i n c r e a s e d g row in g f e e l i n g exis ts that th e w o rk in g m a n 's p o w e r t o b u y. m on e y s h ould be m a de the s erWhat Should Be Done? vmaanstteor.f thTe h ec oLme ma duenr itoy,f thn eo tO its pL e t th e u n i o n a d v oc a te s p ro - p o s i t i o n s a i d t h a t w h e n t h e l a s t d uce e vid en ce th a t p rodu ction c a n b e i n c re a s e d w it h l e s s a n d L a b ou r G o ve rnm en t took o ffic e les s m a n ua l la b ou r; tha t th e o n l y th e ba n k told it to red u ce its t h i n g s t a n d i n g b e t w e e n t h e o v e rd ra ft s h ow in g d e fin itel y tha t w ork er a n d th e en joym en t o f th is t h e L a b o r G o v e r n m e n t w a s t i e d n e w s itu a ti o n is fi n a n c e ; th a t t o its m a s t e rs , ju s t a s th e p r e s e n t fin a n ce is n othin g m ore th a n G o v e rn m e n t is . It h a s b e e n s a id bookkeeping, m ere s ym bols cor- th a t fin a n c e is g o v e rn m e n t a n d res pon d in g w ith fig u re s in b ook s ; g o v e r n m e n t is fin a n c e , s o w e a re th a t th e b o o k k e e p in g o f fin a n c e o n ly w a s tin g ou r tim e in th is is at p res e nt th e m on op oly o f th e H o u s e u n l e s s w e c a n g e t th e fi n p riv a t e b a n k s ; th a t th e q u e s ti o n a n c e w e re q u ire . W e s h o u ld h a v e o f d is trib u tio n s h o u ld b e d ete r- c o n t ro l o f m o n e y, a n d t h e l e a d m i n e d w i t h o u t r e g a r d t o th e in g e c o n o m is t i n A u s t ra lia s a ys fin a n c ia l e ffe c t; t h a t th e p r o v i - th a t w e s h o u ld g e t a ll th e m o n e y s ion of a d eq ua te fina n ce is the res pon s ib ilit y o f th e Fe d e ra l w e req u ire to c o v er n ec e ss a ry w o rk s . C o ns e q u e n tly, G o v e rn m en t, a nd th a t a n y s ug - p u b lic g es tio n th a t th e c om m u n it y ca n - t h e r e i s n o r e a s o n f o r t h e G o v n o t h a v e t h e b e n e fi t o f s c i e n c e e r n m e n t t o s a y t h a t w e c a n n o t and m echan ics b eca us e o f b ook - h a v e b e t t e r r o a d s o r o t h e r p u b k e e p i n g i n a d e q u a c i e s is a l to - lic u tilities be ca u s e o f the la ck g e t h e r t o o a b s u rd . U n l e s s o r- o f m on e y . T h e q u e s tio n h a s b e e n g a n is e d L a b o u r i s p re p a re d t o s e tt le d b y a re s p o n s ib le a u th o rta k e th e o ffe n s i v e a l o n g th e s e it y. lin e s , th e n it c a n re s ig n its e lf to T h e H o n . R . L . B u tler— H e th e c ontin u a n ce o f th e p res en t c ru c ify in g c on d ition s u nd er d o e s n o t s a y th a t th e re is n o w h ic h its s ta n d a rd o f livin g b e - lim it. c o m e s l ow e r a n d l o w e r, e v e n M r. M a cg illivra y— N o, b ut w e th ou g h p ro d u ctiv e ca pa cit y b e s h ou ld g et en ou g h m on e y t o c o m e s h ig h e r a n d h ig h e r. ca rr y o u t n e c es s a r y p u b lic w ork s . Remedy in Their Own Hands I f t h e w or k e rs c a n n o t d e p e n d o n th e ir a d v o c a tes fo r th is , th e n th e y m u s t th e m s e lv es ta k e a ctio n to force th e iss ue b y joining a n d w ork ing for th e U .E .A ., a n org a n i s a tio n w h o s e o n l y o b je c ti v e is th e e s ta b lis h m en t o f tru e d em o c ra c y b y s e e in g th a t P a rlia m e n t g i v e s e f fe c t t o th e w il l o f th e p e o p le. T h e p e o p le d o w ill s h o rte r h ou rs . T h e p e op le d o w ill a d eq u ate p a y for w ork d on e. T h e pe op le d o w ill tha t th e com m u n ity s h a ll a lw a ys b e s u p p lie d w ith s u fficie nt m o n e y to p a y its d eb ts . T h e p e op le d o w ill tha t A u s tra lia n citiz en s s h a ll n o t s u ffe r p ov erty in the m ids t o f a b u n d a n t A u s tra lia n fo o d a n d c l o t h e s . A ll th e s e th in g s a r e p h ys ic a lly p os s ible o f a c c om p lis h m e nt a n d s h a ll b e a c c o m p l is h e d w h e n w e j o i n t o g e t h e r i n s u ffi c i e n t n u m b e rs a n d d e m a n d th e m . In th e fa c e o f s u c h a d e m a n d , b a c k e d b y a m a jo rit y o f th e ele c to rs , n ot e v e n th e n a tio n a l P a rlia m e n t, m u c h le s s a ju d g e o f th e A rb itra tio n C o u rt, w ould da re s ta n d in th e w a y o f g i v i n g e ff e c t t o t h e p e o p l e ’ s w i l l . W e c a n n o t v o t e fo r e a c h o t h e r b u t w e c a n v o t e t o g e t h e r. – Y o u r s fa i t h f u l l y , BRU CE H. BRO W N . T h e H o n . R . L . B u tl e r— It is diffic ult to sa y w hat is en ou g h. M r. M a cg illiv ra y— T h a t is s o, b u t i n t h e fi n a l a n a l y s i s i t w i l l b e fo u n d th a t h u m a n b ein g s a re re a s o n a b le . If th a t is th e o n l y objection w e s hou ld g o a lon g w a y th is s es s io n a n d g et s om e th in g d on e on rea s on a b le lin es . D u rin g m y e le c tio n c a m p a ig n I s e n t o u t a m a n ife s to in w h i c h I s ta te d : — I b e lie v e t ha t th e s ta n d a rd o f li ving o f th e p e o p le o f A u s t ra lia is u n n e c e s s a ri l y l o w . I b elie ve th a t p o ve rt y a nd a c c o m p a n yin g ch a rity s h ou ld b e u n n e c e s s a ry . . .. T h a t is n ot o n l y a m a t t e r o f s e n ti m e n t , b u t th e s ou n d e s t b u s in es s p rop os ition anyon e could put u p. If the s ta n d a rd o f li v in g c a n b e i m p ro ved th e w h ole s ta n da rd o f life w i l l i m p r o v e . It i s t h e m a n o n th e b o tto m w h o s to p s a d v a n c e m ent a nd n ot th e m a n o n th e to p , a n d th e b e s t w a y t o h e l p y o u rs e lf is to h e lp th e o th e r fe l low . O u r w h ole w orry is on e o f s u p e ra b u n d a n c e . T h e g ru b i n th e a p p le d o es n ot s ta rv e b e c a u s e th e a p p le is to o b ig to ea t. Therefore our collective community intelligence is lower than the maggot’s. L E T T E R S T O T H E E D IT O R IMMIGRATION Sir, —It is n ot often that w e migrants find such a sympathetic approach to our problem as that outlined by Mrs. Leonora Polkinghorne in her article of last week. The economic aspect of our situation is easier to conceive than the psychological one, which, unfortunately, seems to escape the notice of many critics. A Collins Street specialist recently told me that nervous exhaustion, due to loneliness and disillusionment, is commonly met in people from overseas, and a stewardess on a homewardbound boat described the poignancy of many cases under her care, who were "not bad enough to be put away," but irresponsible by reason of prolonged strain and hardships experienced in this country. Three years ago a British M.P. told me of the spate of despairing letters wh ich was reach in g him from stranded emigrants to Australia, and he could not conscientiously support the resumption of migration. All this confirms what Mrs. Polkinghorne has to relate. Despite this, we were told in last week's daily press that the first u nn om in ated p asseng er to b e assisted under the new scheme had a capital of £1000. Is this intended to indicate an assurance of success? If so, I would like to cite instances within my own experience where people have arrived here with considerably more than that amount, but, owing to adverse marketing conditions and other circumstances outside their con trol, th ey have found themselves ultimately mortgaged up to the hilt, and, finally, forced off the property on which they had expended the last of their mon ey an d th e wh ole of th eir energies. Educated and kindly Australians have admitted to m e that there is an inherent dislike of the English here, and this largely originates in the fear of being displaced from lucrative jobs. This attitude is responsible for much bittern ess, and the word "Pommy" is a saddening indication of actual reac t io n s. It is a p it y th a t th os e who deplore "accent" should not be mindful of its history and backgrou n d. A little stu dy in th is direction might prove enlightening, an d it is in teresting to n ote th at the highest paid artist on the English stage is one who never, for any reason, disguises her Lancashire origin. Our common aim of banishing poverty is lost in a maze of sectional and national differences, to the delight of those who fear con cer ted action, w ith out which this, and every other, country will become progressively worse to live in for both natives and imported peoples. —Yours faithfully, "CH ARMIAN." Kew, Vic. DRIVING A HORSE TO WATER Sir, —Social Crediters are trying to change a collective false concept, an d, in o rd er to su cceed th e y mu st attract a wider c ircle of receptive faith in th e truth th ey h ave d iscern ed. Ev en a h u ge majority will recant and follow the lead of a minority when that lead is recognised as affording the only way of escape from collective disaster. Th e question I am concerned about is the attainment of that recognition. Some of your contributors believe that they can drive the unwilling majority, like the sh eph erd of th e W est, w ith h is dog, drives the unwilling flock. Others, including myself, think it far better to beckon and coax that majority, like th e shepherd of the East, who gets his sheep to follow his voice and the tapping of his staff. I maintain that a minority, however great its discovery, cannot force acceptance of the truth upon a majority. Its attempts merely induce doctrinarism and Page Seven THE NEW TIMES JULY 15, 1938 narrowmindedness in the idealists of the majority! Some of your contributors' propaganda, excellent in many respects, has been harmful when their arguments have been diverted from the merits of the case to the character or position of opposing idealists. Such arguments seem to me to be illustrative of the well-known logical fallacy, Argumentum ad hominem, which always fails to squarely meet the poin ts at issue. I thank you, Sir, for giving me the opportunity of making my viewpoint clear in the New Times, which is widely read and appreciated in Queensland. - Yours faithfully, (Dr.) J. E. STREETER . State President, Social Credit Party of Australia (Queensland). Brisbane. A BASIC-WAGE LOAN-CONVERSION PROPOSAL Sir, —Your correspondent, "Slide R u le," h ad som eth in g to say in the issue before last on the subject of bonds and basic wages. May I add to th at? The weekly basic wage is arrived at after calculations which, one hopefully surmises, are made in good faith after an honest inquiry into the cost of living. Nevertheless, dissatisfaction is apparent. It is obvious that investors and emp lo yer s co n sid er th e w ag e to o high, whereas the recipients of the wage are strong in the belief that it sets an unduly low standard of comfort for human bein gs liv in g in a modern, civilised community. This second opinion is, of course, shared by most decent people, but th ey do n ot do much abou t it. As a contribution which might get all hands pulling together in an end eavou r to d es ign a go od an d proper method of determining the basic wage, I submit the followingproposal: Introduce a "voluntary" conversion (with a compulsory clause, as last time) of all Government and mun icipal loan s, so that, instead of bein g in un its of £100 each bond would be converted to the number of basic wages, of the time of the flotation of the loan, that was equivalent to £100. The interest, instead of being expressed as so many pounds per cent would also be converted to read th e equ ivalen t in basic w ages. At maturity, each bond or other instrument w ould b e redeemed at th e value, at that future date, of the number of basic wages it represented at flotation. A h ypoth etical examp le may make the idea more easily grasped: Take a £100 bond, carrying interest at 5 per cent, subscribed in 1928, wh en th e basic w age was n ear en ou gh to £ 5. Th at b ond would be converted to one valued at twenty basic wages, and would b ear in ter est at on e b asic w age per an n um. If such a bond wer e to be redeemed in 1938, when the basic wage is, roughly, 67/- (because of the calculated fall in the cost of living) th e h older wou ld get about £67 for it, but that sum would still be equivalen t to the tw enty basic w ag es he had p aid for it in 1928, and (and this is the impor tant po in t), p ro vid ed the basic wage calculation is correct, h e would be able to bu y ju st as much now as he would have been ab le to bu y w ith h is £ 10 0 ten years ago. Similarly, a £100 bond, taken up in 1893 or thereabouts, when the weekly wage was of the order of £2, would have a constant value of probably fifty basic wages until maturity, and its redemption value to-day would be something like £167. * * * A conversion scheme on the above lines should be approved by all political parties (unless they are willing to have their honesty called into question), and there is no reason, other than quite unworthy on es, wh y all bon d and share issues Should not be converted on similar lin es. Th e gains I would hope for include: 1. Th e retu rn to th e lender of exactly what he had gone without in terms of "livin g." 2. The bringing together of all grades of society to seek an in telligent and honest method of calculating the basic wage (if the present one should not be quite that already). 3. The removal of the extremely undesirable element of gambling from the Government and municipal securities field. 4. The elimin ation of what one suspects is deliberate booming or depressing of the prices of securities to condition the mind of the public and bring about "splendid optimism" or "tragic loss of confidence," whichever is required by soulless opportunists to put some (usually) crooked bluff over the people. After such a conversion, those who wished to make an appearance o f (m on etar y) pr ofit ou t of Government securities at redemptio n cou ld g et a greater nu mber of pounds than had been invested only by causing a higher basic wage, which would, of course, provide in creased purchasing power for the majority of the population, an d also permit of h igher pr ices for the manufacturing and selling minority—which is what the certified econom ists w ant, isn 't it? Every now and then one of our ex- or present politicians is loudly praised by the ban kers' press for his amazing achievements in arran ging a con version loan on orthodox lines, but I bet my little idea would give satisfaction to a vastly greater num ber of people. —I am, your star -gazing "ER ATO STHE NES ." Kooyong, Vic. CHALLENGE TO INCHBOLD BY FOOT-COLD ereens—"opening like a flower beneath me"—"wonderful fun." And we make a fuss of Don Bradman's exploits! Now, at last, we have a real dinkum Aussie soul-elevator in M.L.C. Inchbold. So I desire to set a noble example with Bruno Inchbold, and let the world see our doctrines in practice. One of us must die. Thus would his soul (th e dier's) seek relief and elevation , and th e ch aracter of th e victor be made strong. Then consider the broadcasting aspect—millions listening-in. "The contest is on. Blood flowing freely. Footcold thrusts. Inchbold, with perfect timing, parries. Footcold slashes a button off Inchbold's slacks. Inchbold's character slips. His stocks fall." An d so on, till th e victim pants his last. Now, I do hope that this inch-bold advocate of war will not prove two-inch-cold at the prospect of a bayonet thrust. I even dare to hope that this thrust at his mentality may find lodgment and a germ of reason on which to thrive. —Yours faithfully, A. FOOTCOLD, M.A.D. St. Kilda, Vic. A SUGGESTION FROM THE NAT IONAL MONEY LEAGUE Sir, —My league desires to offer a suggestion to all organ isation s and individuals interested in the general economic problem. Briefly, we propose that concerted steps sh ou ld be tak en to indu ce th e Federal Govern ment to in stitu te an inquiry into the ways and means of abolish in g enforced poverty. Fr o m m an y po in t s of v iew it seems to us highly desirable that such an inquiry should be held at the earliest possible date. A valuable approach would be to circulate in each electorate a petition asking th e Federal m ember to attend a pub lic m eet in g to he ar r eason s why he should do all in h is power to cause the inquiry in question to be h eld. A th ousand signatu res would give such a petition the n ecess ar y weigh t. La ter, wh en , and if, the petition were signed by a majority of electors in any electorate, it could be re-presented as a demand, if necessary. Th e merits of such a proposal are that it provides a ground for common action by all sections of reformers , and offers a prospect of solid accomplishment without waiting for either the next Federal election or the documentary support of electoral majorities. My league commends this proposal to the consideration of all in ter ested par ties, an d we h ope that in the near future it may lead to heart-to-heart talks between constituents and members all over Australia. The following form of petition , adopted by my leagu e, may be of interest. "We, the undersigned electors of……... are deeply concerned at the widespread inability of Australian citizens to avail themselves of th e essen tials of lif e and h ealth. In view of our vast national resources an d the capabilities of modern industry, we believe such poverty to be unnecessary. It is, therefore, our wish that the Federal Parliament should immediately ins t it u t e an in q u ir y t o r e v ie w methods at presen t proposed for the abolition of enforced poverty, and make a recommendation as to th e steps to be adopted. To th is end, we ask our Federal representative to attend a public meeting, on a date to be arranged, to h ear a fu lle r statem en t of th e reasons why he should do all in his power to cause such an inquiry to be held." —Yours faithfully, C . E LLIS, Sir, —Having read with pleasure the opinion of M.L.C. Inchbold on th e virtu es of w ar an d the decadence of peace, I wish to write in support of his plea for more mental, moral and spiritual character building, per the sword and bayonet. So excellen t do I think h is ideas th at I n ow s eek th e su pp or t of your valuable paper to inaugurate a n ew system in to ou r s ch oo ls . Let the children be progressively armed, accordin g to grade, an d teach the young the value of fight. In the kindergarten, fists; the intermediate, swords; the sen iors, bayonets; the university, hand grenades, cannon, etc. What strong, noble characters wou ld we see in th e future generation s, instead of as now: weak, degenerate, decadent humans, the result of our present faulty system! Away w ith this puerile peace talk! Away w ith th is weakling, Jesu s, wh o refu sed to u se His striking powers even in self-defence, and taught resist not! Let us have no more of this milk-sop stuff of peace on earth, good w ill to men. I rejoice in th is new apo stle of light and fight, who spoke so appropriately at the 400th anniversary celebrations of the Bible. And now, to show my faith in th e doctrin es of M.L.C. Inchbold, and, be it understood, M.L.C. does not stand f or M em b er of Lu n acy C lu b , I wish to challenge this M.L.C. to m o rtal co m b at w ith ba yo n ets affix ed to r ifles; th is con test, in th e interests of moral upliftmen t, to take place on the Flemington Racecourse, for charity. See the double objective—character building and charity? At least 200,000 would attend. I base this estimate on the fact that 80,000 paid high prices to see a mere prize fight, which is a degradin g sp ectacle. But a fight with bayonets, no illfeeling, no desire for gain or publicity, utterly selfless—how elevating would this combat be by comparison! The tameness of Test cricket appalls one. Decadent Hon. Secretary, National Money peace! Let us have war-matches on League of Australia. 97 Sackville our great greens. See the joy of Street, Bruno Mussolini at the sight of Kew, Victoria Abosinnians being blown to smith- New Times SHOPPING G UID E and Business Directory PATRONISE THESE ADVERTISERS. Their advertisement helps your paper. Say you saw it in the "New Times." MELBOURNE (Cont.) (Continued from page 3.) E. WHITE. 109 High St. Confectionery and Smokes. FLORIST, "Mayfair,” Haw. 1452 Cotham Rd., near Glenferrie Rd. GIBSON'S, High St., opp. Rialto. Hosiery, Underwear and Aprons. GIFTS, & All Jewellery Repairs. Old Gold Bought. Greaves, opp. Rialto KEW. IMPERIAL DAIRY. R. H. Kent. 9 Brougham Street. Haw. 3243. LADIES' Hairdresser. Haw. 5605. "Burnie Salon," 81 Cotham Rd. M. J. MARTIN, 157 High St. Haw. 3794. Shoe Store, Shoe Repairs. MOTOR GARAGE. Kew Junction Service Station, Cr. High & Denmark Streets. Haw. 6457. RADIO EXPERT. J. G. Littlewood, 267 High St. Also Elec. Applncs. KEW EAST. WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELLERY REPAIRS. I. Pink, 16 Oswin St. WICKER & Pram Repairs. L. Pavitt, 2 Hale St. Pick up and deliver. M ORE LAND . BOOT REPAIRS. J. T. Nolan, Holmes St., 4 drs. Moreland Rd. NORT HC OTE. GRAY & JOHNSON Pty. Ltd. Leading Land and Estate Agents. 742 High Street, Thornbury. P A RKD ALE . RADIO REPAIRS AND SALES. C. Barnett, 19 Herbert St. XW2031. SANDRINGHAM. A. RYAN, opp. Stn., Shoe Repairs. Tennis Racquets Restrung from 7/6. BIGGS & LOMAS. Tailors. Firstclass Workmanship. Suit Club. CONFECTIONERY and SMOKES. Gibson's, Bay Rd., opp. Theatre. GROCERS, McKAY & WHITE. Bay Rd., opp. Theatre. XW 1924. HAIRDRESSER and Tobacconist. A. E. Giddings, 18 Station St. HOME MADE CAKES. F. TAYLOR, 81 Bay Rd. XW2048. LIBRARY, 5000 BOOKS. COUTIE'S NEWSAGENCY. ST . KI L D A . HARVEY'S COFFEE GARDEN. Sweets. Smokes. 227 Barkly Street SP RINGVALE . DAIRY, M. Bowler. Buckingham Ave. R. MACKAY & SONS. General Storekeepers. UM 9269. W IL L IAM ST OW N . DON B. FISKEN, Baker. 122 Douglas Parade. DUNSTAN, DAIRYMAN. 28 Station Rd. 'Phone, W'town 124. HAIRDRESSER and Tobacconist. C. Tomkins, 165 Nelson Pl., 76 Ferguson St. WINDSOR. E. COOKE, 49 Chapel St. W. 8044. High Class Butcher (Cash). DEBATE "Should Australia Boycott Japanese Goods?" Affirmative: YOUNG COMMUNIST CLUB. Negative: U.E.A. YOUTH SECTION. TEMPERANCE HALL. Sunday, July 24, 8 p.m. This important debate will be open to the public. All supporters and friends are asked to attend. T H E N E W T IM E S Page Eight C O M M O N S E N S E IN A H O U S E OF COM M ONS From Two Canadian M.P.'s The following remarks were And T hey— made by the member for Westas"We have it from the biggest kiwin (Mr. Norman Jaques) during banker in the British Empire that an address in the Canadian House banks control the policies of the of Commons: Governments and hold in the hol- Regulation of Purchasing Power "Mr. Speaker: The hon. member for Huron North (Mr. Deachman) s a id t h a t a m an 's pu r ch as in g power mu st be measu red exactly b y h is p roduction . A f ew years ag o a Fed era l M in ister of th e C rown w as in Edmon ton, where he broadcast to the farmers the particu lars of what his party had d on e for th eir ben ef it. H e to ld th em th at h is p arty did n ot w ish to claim all the credit for the benefits they had received; that Providence must be given some credit, because Providence had seen fit, through bad weather, to reduce produ ction in other parts of the world. There is an instance where a man's purchasing power was not measured exactly by what he produced; his purchasing power was measured by what some one el se had NOT produced . I farmed for five and thirty years in Western Canada. I always found that when I h ad a good crop there never seem ed to b e an y p r ice. Wh en there was a good price, I never seemed to have a crop. The same th in g w as tr u e w ith reg ard to catt le. Wh en peop le w an ted to buy cattle, and were willing to pay a fair pr ice, I n ev er seem ed to have any. When cattle were cheap, of cou rse I had some to sell. It seems to m e th at ou r problem is the producing of plenty without penalising the producers. In other words, it is a problem of selling p len ty at a prof it . . .. Banks Manufacture Money "It is still doubted by some that th e ban k s cr eate m on ey. T h er e ar e s till p eople wh o tell u s that the banks lend simply what is lent to them. Now, if 100 members of this chamber go to-morrow morning to a bank and each deposits a ten-dollar bill, there is 1000 dollars . Wh en th ey co m e ou t I g o into the bank and I borrow 1000 dollars. If it is true that I have borrowed the money w h ich h as ju st been deposited, th en, if th ey go in and ask the manager where th eir m on ey is, h e w ill s a y: " I have lent it to Jacques." But the b an k ers do n o t sa y th at . T h ey say: "Of course, your mon ey is h ere." So there you have 2000 dollars where only 1000 dollars existed before, and, if that is not cr eation of money, wh at is it? I do not know. It is creation in the sense that I understand it. low of their hands the destinies of th e peo p le. I do n ot th in k an yone in this Chamber could successf u ll y d en y th at s t a t em en t. We say that control, that monopoly of credit and money—and without money no one can live, so that, as Mr. McKenna says, those who control money control th e lives and hold the destinies of the people in their hands—should be restored to th e Governmen t in trust for the people." * * * The following is an extract from a speech delivered in the Canadian House of Commons by Mr. Hayhurst, member for Vegreville: Depressions. "I t is sa id th a t o n a c er ta in coast long ago sharks' teeth were used for money. These answered the purpose all right, and the industries of this primitive people w er e c a r r i e d o n ver y w e l l with this currency. For years the country was prosperous, but storms r avish ed a n earb y coast alo n g which they caught their supply of sharks. The storms destroyed the sharks, and for a number of years n o mo r e c ou ld b e pr o d u c ed . Money grew scarce in the island; industry languished, and the people became reduced to penury, all becau se of th e scarcity of sh arks' teeth. Then sharks became available once more, sharks' teeth became plentiful, and the people had money. They went to work again, industry recovered, and the inh abitan ts of the is land regained their former state of comfort. This situation recurred several times in th e cou rse of a long per io d of years, the plight of the people becoming worse each time of scarcity, yet no remedy was found. A visitor to th ese sho res , du rin g on e of these seasons of depression, was astonished at what he saw—people starving in a land where food was p len t ifu l, fo r w an t o f sh ar k s ' t e e th . H e po in t ed o u t to th em how lu dicrou s their attitude w as in the eyes of a stranger, and they came to see that another standard than sharks' teeth could be used without d estro yin g an y of the w ealth of th e coun try. At last, th ey understood th at the material of which money was made mattered little, an d th at an other medium th an sh arks' teeth could be used an d th e in tegrity of the money would remain; that it was the relation of their medium of exchange to produ ction which really mat- TO OUR READERS— Y o u m a y o b t a i n y o u r c o p y o f " T H E N E W T IM E S " fro m a n y a u th o rise d n e w sa ge n t. S h ou l d you r a ge n t n o t h a ve s u p p l ie s, p l e a se a s k h i m t o c o m m u n i c a t e d i re c t w i t h N e w T i m e s L td., B o x 1 22 6, G .P .O ., M elb ou rne , C .I. ('p h on e M 5 38 4). If y o u w i sh t o h a v e y o u r c o p y p o s t e d d i r e c t fr o m t h is o ffi c e , p le a se c o m p le t e t h e fo r m b e l o w a n d m a il i t, a c co m p a n ie d b y re m itta n ce p a ya b l e t o N e w T i m e s L td . SUB SC R IPT IO N FORM. T o N e w T i m e s L t d ., B ox 1 2 2 6 , G .P .O ., M elb o u rn e , C .1 . P le a se fo r w a r d m e "T h e N e w T i m e s " fo r … … … … … … … … … … . m on t h s, b e gi n n in g w ith issu e d at e d … … … … … … … … … … , 193… cheque p o st a l n o te fo r t h e su m o f… … … … … … … … … … … .. m one y order N am e… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … F u l l P o st a l A d d r e s s… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . JU LY 15 1938. E L E C T O R A L C A M P A IG N N O T E S KOOYONG CAMPAIGN. — The executive met on Tuesday night, and reports that preparations for the Kew meeting are progressing very satisfactorily. Clergymen and other leading citizens are being interviewed, and, judging from present indications, this meeting should prove as successful as the previous meetings. Once again all supporters who can help are urged to get in touch with headquar- VICTORIA THE ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN. —The Electoral Campaign is based on the fundamental principle of democracy: "Parliament exists to make the WILL of the people prevail." The purpose of the Campaign is to assist the people to present their WILL to Parliament. This is effected by the "Elector's Demand and Undertaking," which enables electors to instruct their parliamentary representatives to re-present to Parliament the electors' demand that pov- ters. There is a lot to be done, erty be abolished. BENALLA. —A report from A GLORIOUS Benalla shows that they are doCHANCE ing very excellent work. At a meeting of selected persons comFinance for the U.E.A. prising over fifty new people, the idea of the Electoral Campaign How would you like to see was greeted with great enthuthe U.E.A. free from the stress siasm. Eric Butler had a talk and strain of money shortage, with the local supporters over the which is cramping our efforts? week-end, and is very impressed You would! Well, here's the with the progress. He says that plan: — Rev. Wilkinson is doing splenWe have under offer a lease did work, and that Benalla is one of land suitable for four tennis of the most advanced centres in courts. These could be laid the State. This shows what un der expert supervisio n persistent effort can do. Other (free) by the voluntary efforts centres please copy. of our young men. The usual YOUTH SECTION. - - From cost per court is £250, but our reports which we have, it would total is estimated at £700 for appear that the youth are getting the four. Everyone knows down to some very sound work. what a popular game tennis is, New recruits are being obtained, and is likely to remain. The and the first really big effort will situation of the land is in a take place at the Nepean Hall, thickly populated section of Brighton, on July 26. "Youth Camberwell, which is at preMeets to Tackle the Problems sent short of tennis courts. Which the Elders Have Shirked" The revenue from the four is the advertisement for the courts, on a conservative estimee ting. This s h ou ld be a mate, would be £250 per year. unique meeting, as the eldest So it is a sound investment, speaker on the platform will only which would at the same time be 22 years of age. This age be an immense help to the limit also includes the chairman. U.E.A. All supporters should make a point of being present to hear We are calling for an indiYouth in action. cation of approval from supNOTE. —All members of the porters and sympathisers of Youth Section are asked to be the U.E.A. If that is forthpresent at the corner of Highcoming by a provisional apstreet and Cotham-road, Kew, at plication for debentures, the 10.30 a.m. on Sunday morning. project will be taken in hand Distribution of copies of the New and established on a business Times for the Kew meeting will basis, and prospectus explaintake place. This is important. ing debentures, interest and redemption, etc., issued. Please write in to Hon. Sec., United tered. Money is for the purpose Electors of Australia, Mcof exchanging goods, so its relaEwan House, C.I, immediatetion to the production of the ly, AS THE OPTION OVER country should be sound, and any THE LEASE EXPIRES ON other foundation for money is esJULY 20. sentially unsound . . .. Price Control. Cancellation. "If th e pr ice of go ld can be fixed at 35 dollars an ounce, why should not the price of wheat, or beef, or of other necessities of life be fixed at an equal standard of valu e? . . . Some say that this creative money would pile up and never be cancelled. It is an extraordinary thing that the same people never complain of a system under which debt piles, up and is never cancelled." and, of course, the more work put into the meeting the bigger the results. SOUTH MELBOURNE. We have no detailed reports from this centre, but we understand that there are big developments in the air. Thorou gh grou ndwork is being carried out, and within the near future things will happen. SOUTH AUSTRALIA TRANSPORT WORKER'S ACT. —Two delegates from the United Democrats (non-Party) attended, by invitation, a meeting at the Trades Hall on Tuesday, June 29th, under the auspices of the Trades and Labor Council, at which wa ys and means were discussed for stirring up widespread interest in a petition for the repeal of the Federal Act under which the waterside workers in several States are licensed. That the penal clauses of this Act bring unwarranted hardship and restriction on the waterside workers would be admitted by anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the democratic principles; so that supporters are advised to become acquainted with the facts, and to do all in their power to accelerate this useful exercise in pressure politics t owards a worthy end. Through the help likely to be forthcoming from such organisations as the Women's Non-Party Association, the W.C.T.U. and t he Uni te d De mocra ts , t he Trade and Labor Council should be able to effectively canvas a wide field for signatures to the petition. Copies of petition are available at Head Office, 17 Waymouth-street. ANNUAL CONVENTION.— Financial members are reminded that the Annual Convention will be held at the rooms, 17 Waymouth-street, this Saturday, July 16, at 2.30 p.m. Tea, provided by the Women's Division, will be available after 5.30. MR. BRUCE BROWN. —The e ve ning will take the form o f a welcome to Mr. Bruce Brown, of New Times fame, who has been transferred to Adelaide. Melbourne's loss will indeed be Adelaide's gain. Mr. Bru ce Brown possesses many "spiritual" friends in Adelaide, so is assured of a hearty welcome. Members are asked to come along in time for tea and bring their friends. The evening is open to everybody—members, potential members and non-members. Interesting discussion on current topics is anticipated. DRUNK AND DISORDERLY. (Continued from page 5.) conduct, as long as there is treason in high places. The trouble is, so few can be disorderly without being drunk. And it would be hard to decide whether or not a "drunk and disorderly" was disorderly before he was drunk, or vice versa. Society in its orderliness knows how to deal with th at question. It i s ready to assume drunkenness wherever there is disorderliness. However, that may be, I'm ready to stack a nice little bet, that the next person to do us any national good will be a disorderly person. At any rate, the newspapers will say he is. Printed by H. E. Kuntzen, 143-151 a'Beckett Street, Melbourne, for New Times Limited, Elizabeth House, Melb. ELECTORS OF KOOYONG! H e ar D R . JOH N D A L E and ER IC D . B U TL ER Launching THE KOOYONG CAMPAIGN TO ABOLISH POVERTY Recreation Hall, KEW, (Near Kew Railway Station) D a te … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. The subscription rate to “THE NEW TIMES” is 15/- for 12 months; 7/6 for 6 months; 3/9 for 3 months, post free. Tuesday, AUGUST 2nd, 8 p.m.
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