FMLA/CFRA OVERVIEW: How to Effectively and Legally Handle Family Leave Requests and Avoid Legal Risks California Audio Conference Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:30 a.m. – noon Pacific Presented by: Randy DeVaul Susan Fahey Desmond Chris Hoffman Diane O’Malley 99004000_0607_handout © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information about the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. (From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.) All rights reserved. These materials may not be reproduced in part or in whole by any process without written permission from the publisher. This program, ORG-PROGRAM-6918, has been approved for 1.5 recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). Please be sure to note the program ID number on your recertification application form. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HRCI homepage at Questions or comments about this publication? Contact: Employer Resource Institute 1819 Polk Street, #290 San Francisco, CA 94109 (800) 695-7178 Randy DeVaul is the safety and human resources audio conference producer for Employer Resource Institute and principal of Randy DeVaul, LLC. He has 25 years’ experience as a safety professional. He is internationally published in major safety trade publications and has authored three performance-based workplace safety books that have attracted international attention. Randy has both regulatory and industry experience in occupational and mine safety, as well as experience with workers’ compensation, performance management, strategic planning, organizational development, and employee benefits and retention programs. He has served on national and state association committees for training, safety/health, and both federal and state legislative groups. Randy has numerous instructor and train-the-trainer certifications from national and state organizations. He is a presenter for a national seminar group on best practices in workers’ compensation, and he has written and delivered management training seminars in performance safety, OSHA and MSHA compliance, workers’ compensation, emergency planning and management, and other topics. Randy has a Master of Arts degree from Liberty University, where he also earned the highest award for a perfect GPA. He is an active member in the American Society of Safety Engineers, serving on the International Practices Specialty, as well as member of the Southern California Industrial Safety Society. He is nationally registered as a Safety, Health, Environmental Practitioner (RSHEP). He can be reached at [email protected]. Randy DeVaul, LLC 406 Derbycreek Ln Chester, VA 23836 © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (1) Susan Fahey Desmond is a shareholder with the law offices of Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A., and has offices in New Orleans, Louisiana and Gulfport, Mississippi. She received her B.A. from the University of Mississippi in 1982 and her law degree from the University of Tennessee in 1985. She is licensed to practice law in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Colorado. Susan has been representing management in labor and employment issues since 1986. Susan is a frequent speaker and author with regard to issues facing employers. She frequently speaks on issues such as discrimination in the workplace, sexual harassment, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Susan is currently completing a book addressing unique issues employers face with regard to mothers in the workplace. Susan was recognized by her colleagues as the Outstanding Young Lawyer in Mississippi in 1996. She has served in numerous capacities in the American Bar Association, including being chair of the Labor and Employment Committee/Young Lawyers Division. Susan can be reached at [email protected]. Susan Fahey Desmond Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A. Post Office Drawer 160 (39502) 2510 14th Street, Suite 1010 Gulfport, MS 39501 Phone: (228) 822-8506 Fax: (228) 864-0516 © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (2) Chris Hoffman is the founding partner of the San Diego office of Fisher & Phillips, LLP. Chris has represented hundreds of employers in matters ranging from class action wage and hour disputes, to harassment litigation, union representation attempts, and general employment advice. In addition, Chris advises employers in the complicated area of family and medical leaves as well as the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and workers' compensation laws. Chris also spends a significant amount of time counseling clients regarding day to day employment issues and assisting them to find practical solutions to their legal problems in a proactive manner. This includes extensive supervisor training as well as preparing sound employment policies and procedures. He can be reached at [email protected]. Christopher C. Hoffman Fisher & Phillips LLP Suite 950 4225 Executive Square La Jolla (San Diego), California 92037 Phone: (858) 597-9610 Fax: (858) 597-9601 © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (3) Diane O’Malley is a partner in the firm of Hanson Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos, and Rudy in San Francisco, California. After practicing in New York City in the areas of employment and commercial litigation, Diane Marie O'Malley joined the firm in 1989. Her employment related litigation practice includes representing public and private sector employers before administrative agencies, in arbitration proceedings, and in federal and state courts. On a daily basis, Diane also advises employers about issues related to hiring, training, and terminating employees; wage and hour issues and compliance with the myriad of discrimination laws to which employers must adhere. Diane has advised and represented various church related groups in the particular issues related to day care facilities and the application of discrimination and state labor laws. She also has experience helping start-up and small businesses grapple with employment related issues as these businesses grow. In addition to being licensed to practice law in California, Diane is a member of the State Bar of New York and is admitted to the United States District Court, Eastern and Southern Districts of New York, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the California Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and the United States Supreme Court. She can be reached at [email protected]. Diane O’Malley Hanson Bridgett Marcus Vlahos and Rudy 333 Market Street Suite 2100 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (415) 995-5045 Fax: (415) 541-9366 © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (4) I. Compliance Overview II. Employer Coverage • Who is affected III. Eligibility as a “Serious Health Condition” • What conditions are covered IV. Response to and Documentation of Leave • What triggers the request • What supervisors need to know • What to say and do • What to record and when • Intermittent leave—calculating and tracking • Document retention—what and where © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (5) V. Special Concerns • Health insurance and other employer obligations during leave • Job restoration • FMLA exhausted but need more time • Concurrent leaves—documentation and tracking • Integration of employee after use of leave VI. Practical Application • What to do when an employee is on leave • Handling increased workloads • Hiring temporary employees—is that a good idea? © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (6) Questions & Answers You may e-mail your questions to [email protected]. © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (7) Thank You Thank you very much for attending our audio conference today. We hope you’ve found this conference valuable. CD recordings of this conference and past ERI conferences can be ordered by calling 1-800-695-7178. You can also go to for information about CD recordings of this conference and past conferences, as well as for information about our upcoming conferences. We hope you’ll consider joining us again soon. Please be sure to complete and return your program evaluation. Evaluations will be e-mailed to participants shortly after the conference. © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (8) FMLA/CFRA OVERVIEW: How to Effectively and Legally Handle Family Leave Requests and Avoid Legal Risks Supplemental Materials 1. FMLA Training Handout with Case Study © Employer Resource Institute © 2005 BLR EMPLOYER ADVISOR, LLC (9) FMLA Training Handout with Case Study FMLA Allows Unpaid Employee Leave for Special Family Situations • FMLA covers private employers with at least 50 employees, plus all public employers. • FMLA covers employees who: - Have worked for the employer at least 12 months and at least 1,250 hours in the last 12 months. - Work at an employer site with at least 50 employees or within 75 miles of a company site with 50 employees. • Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks’ unpaid leave in 12 months. • Employers can’t try to prevent a qualified employee from taking a qualified leave. • Employees may take leave all at once or intermittently. • Intermittent leave (including reduced workdays) is usually used for health conditions (e.g., chemotherapy). • Employer or employee may choose to have the employee use paid leave (e.g., vacation, personal, or sick time) for certain FMLA purposes. FMLA Leaves Cover Four Family Situations • Eligible employees may take leave for: - A child’s birth and the care of that child. - A child’s adoption or foster care placement and the care of that child. - A serious personal health condition that makes the employee unable to perform essential job functions. - Caring for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition which may include: - Illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves overnight care in a health facility or continuing treatment by a healthcare provider for three or more days. - Incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal care, or a chronic serious condition (e.g., an asthma attack), even for less than three days and without healthcare provider treatment. - Multiple healthcare provider treatments for reconstructive post-accident or injury surgery or a condition (e.g., chemotherapy) likely to cause incapacity of over three consecutive days if untreated. • Employers may require medical certification regarding conditions and fitness to return to work. • Employers may require second or third opinions if they pay for them. Employees Provide Notice of FMLA Leave • Employees must give 30 days’ notice for foreseeable leaves (e.g., pregnancy). • Employers must respond promptly with information on FMLA rights, benefits during leave, any certification requirements, etc. • Employers may deny leave or delay it for 30 days if notice of foreseeable leave is not given on time. • Employees should notify employers of unexpected leaves as soon as possible. © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (10) FMLA Protects Most Employees’ Jobs • Most employees returning from FMLA leave must receive their original or equivalent jobs, with equivalent pay and benefits. • Key employees (the 10 percent highest-paid salaried employees) may not get their jobs back after FMLA leave if the employer proves the return (not the leave) would cause the employer “substantial or grievous economic injury” or “a hardship.” • Employer inconvenience is not a qualifying reason. • All employees retain any benefits accrued before the leave. • Employees keep health coverage during leave if they continue to pay their share of premiums. • Employees who let health coverage lapse during leave must be reinstated when they come back to work. Applicable Regulations: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Summary FMLA is a valuable benefit that allows employees to take care of important family and health situations without putting their jobs at risk. Discussion Tips • Distribute copies of the case study and discuss it. Then check and discuss the outcome. • Review your organizational FMLA policies and explain who can provide guidance and appropriate paperwork. Knowledge Review • Have participants complete the Family and Medical Leave Act Quiz on page 15. It provides a useful review of their understanding of the subject. Family and Medical Leave Act: A Case Study The Case When her young son was rushed to the hospital with a critical illness, hourly worker Sandy Stone asked for part of the day off to go to the hospital to be with her son. When her request was denied, she went anyway—and was assessed a half-point penalty for missing part of the day without an excuse. Company policy was to assess a one-point penalty for each unexcused day and a half-point for part of a day. The policy stated that six points was cause for probation and eight was cause for firing. When Sandy learned about the half-point, she asked her supervisor: “Isn’t there a Family and Medical Leave Act that lets me take time off to be with my sick son?” Her supervisor just reminded her of the company’s unexcused absence policy. Sandy even brought in a doctor’s note explaining the seriousness of her son’s illness. But the penalty stuck. So did the ones she accrued over the next few months, after she used up her vacation days taking care of her son. When Sandy had accumulated six points, she received a warning. When she reached eight, she was fired. Sandy filed suit, charging that her employer should have given her permission to take time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act. She claimed that FMLA covered the reasons she was absent: being with her son at the hospital and taking him to doctor’s appointments once he got out. The company stuck to its guns. It responded that her son didn’t have a serious health condition and that Sandy failed to give proper notice of her absences. © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (11) The Outcome The court ruled that the company should have permitted Sandy unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Her son was hospitalized and had to stay in bed, and he needed medical care and treatment for an extended time. That qualified as a serious health condition. Sandy told her employer about the situation as soon as he was hospitalized and provided a note from the doctor. The company had the option to ask for additional information and chose not to. Sandy should have been allowed to take unpaid intermittent leave to care for her son, as permitted by the Family and Medical Leave Act. Had she been permitted to take the leave, she would not have accrued points for those absences and wouldn’t have been fired. All employers covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act should recognize that it is illegal to deny leave to an employee whose situation and notification qualify. © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (12) Case Study Quiz Family and Medical Leave Act 1. All employers are covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act. a. True b. False 2. Employee eligibility for FMLA benefits begins as soon as an employee is hired. a. True b. False 3. Employees may take FMLA leave all at once or intermittently. a. True b. False 4. Employees may take FMLA leave for a child’s birth, adoption, foster care placement, and related care, and for: a. A wedding and honeymoon b. Moving c. Personal or immediate family member’s serious health condition 5. FMLA leave is generally unpaid. a. True b. False 6. Employees can decide to take FMLA leave without giving notice, even if they knew when the leave would be needed. a. True b. False 7. Employers don’t have to give employees returning from FMLA leave their same or equivalent jobs. a. True b. False 8 . A key employee is one with special skills or a managerial title. a. True b. False 9. To keep health coverage during FMLA leave, employees must continue to pay their share of premiums. a. True b. False 10. An employer must take an employee’s word that a personal or family member’s health condition is serious. a. True b. False © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (13) Quiz Answers Family and Medical Leave Act 1. b. False. FMLA covers all public employers plus private employers with at least 50 employees. Covered employees must work at a site with at least 50 employees or within 75 miles of a company site with 50 employees. 2. b. False. Employees must have worked for the employer at least 12 months and at least 1,250 hours in the last 12 months. 3. a. True. 4. c. Personal or immediate family member’s serious health condition. 5. a. True. 6. b. False. They must give 30 days’ notice for foreseeable leaves. Employers may deny leave or delay it for 30 days if notice of foreseeable leave is not given on time. 7. b. False. They have to do so for all employees. The only exception is where they can prove the return (not the leave) of a key employee would cause the employer “substantial or grievous economic injury” or “a hardship.” 8. b. False. A key employee is one who’s among the 10 percent highest-paid of the company. 9. a. True. 10. b. False. Employers may require medical certification and, if they pay for it, second or third opinions. © 2006 EMPLOYER RESOURCE INSTITUTE (14)
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