What is Erasmus+? Type of Project

Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
What is Erasmus+?
Type of
Administered by
Uni vers i tets - och
Högs kol erå det (UHR)
17 Ma rs
Key Action 1
Bi l a tera l Era s mus
Mobi l i ty project for hi gher
educa ti on s tudents a nd s ta ff a greements
(ca l l ha ndl ed by the
Interna ti ona l Offi ce a t UU)
Joi nt Ma s ter Degrees
Cons orti a . Mi n. 3
i ns ti tuti ons from 3
Progra mme
Countri es
Ma s ter s tudent l oa n
gua ra ntee
1 yea r
prepa ra tory
yea r + 3
i nta kes
Educa ti on, Audi ovi s ua l 27 Ma rs
a nd Cul ture Executi ve
Agency (EACEA)
Key Action 2
Stra tegi c Pa rtners hi ps i n the
fi el d of Educa ti on, Tra i ni ng
a nd Youth
Knowl edge Al l i a nces , Sector
Ski l l s Al l i a nces
Ca pa ci ty Bui l di ng
2-3 yea rs
Cons orti a . Mi n. 3
pa rtners from 3
Progra mme
Countri es
2-3 yea rs
Cons orti a . mi n. 6
i ns ti tuti ons /orga ni
s a ti ons from 3
Progra mme
Countri es (mi n. 2
HEI a nd 2
enterpri s es )
Cons orti a . mi n. 3
i ns ti tuti ons from 3
Progra mme
Countri es + 2
i ns ti tuti ons from 2
Pa rtner Countri es
ma x. 150,000 Uni vers i tets - och
Euro per yea r Högs kol erå det
ma x. 700,000
EUR for 2
yea rs a nd 1
mi l l i on EUR
for 3 yea rs
30 a pri l
Educa ti on, Audi ovi s ua l 3 Apri l
a nd Cul ture Executi ve
Agency (EACEA)
Educa ti on, Audi ovi s ua l 3 Apri l a nd/or
a nd Cul ture Executi ve 2 September
Agency (EACEA)
2-3 yea rs
Key Action 3
Policy reform
Na ti ona l l evel – not for
hi gher educa ti ona l
i ns ti tuti ons
Jean Monnet
Acti vi ti es on the s ubject of
the Europea n Uni on. E.g.
a cti vi ti es tha t promote
knowl edge a bout europea n
i ntegra ti on.
Educa ti on, Audi ovi s ua l 26 Ma rs
a nd Cul ture Executi ve
Agency (EACEA
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
In other words…
Cooperation between institutions
• Strategic Partnerships
• Knowledge Alliances
• Capacity Building Projects
Cooperation outside the EU
• Student mobility between Programme and Partner countries – Handled by the International Office
• Joint Master's Degrees
• Joint Doctoral programmes and other opportunities for researchers
• Staff mobility between Programme and Partner countries
• Capacity Building projects
• The Jean Monnet Action for European integration studies
Non-EU partner countries can also participate in the following actions mainly targeted at programme country
institutions, under the condition of bringing a specific added value to the project:
• Strategic Partnerships
• Knowledge Alliances
Cooperation with business
• Traineeships for students: students do a work experience in a company abroad for up to a year
• Staff 'mobility' for teaching: company staff can teach at a higher education institution abroad, passing
on their experience to academia
• Staff 'mobility' for training: teaching and other higher education staff receive training in a foreign
• Co-operation: business or representative associations can take part in projects through
o Strategic Partnerships
o Capacity Building Projects
o Knowledge Alliances
Online information:
Programme Guide:
Call for Proposals:
Important Key Documents:
Agenda for Modernization:
Opening Up Education:
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
(From Programme Guide)
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
KA1 - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
What is it?
Joint Master Degrees (JMD) are delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions – and
where relevant – other educational and / non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the
study area(s) / professional domain(s) covered by the joint programme.
Partnership structure: minimum 3 HEI from 3 Programme Countries.
Funding for 1 preparatory year + 3 intakes, then possible co-funding after quality review.
Expected: 25,000 students over 7 years
9 JMD expected to be granted in the 2014 call.
JMD Main Principles
• Very high selectivity
• Implemented by consortia of fully recognised HEIs, in the EU and possibly in Partner countries
• Focus on jointness at all levels of development and implementation
• Full scholarships for the best master students worldwide with priority to students from Partner
• Support to invited scholars (/guest lecturers) contributing to the JMD teaching/training/research
• Joint degrees strongly encouraged but not mandatory (double and multiple degrees still eligible)
• Centrally managed in Brussels by the Executive Agency
What is the duration?
A JMD corresponds to a high-level integrated international study programme of 60, 90 or 120 ECTS.
Who can apply for participating in a JMD?
Students at Master's level, staff of the participating organisations, invited scholars (guest lecturers) from
Programme and Participating countries.
Where do Joint Master Degrees take place?
In at least two of the Programme countries represented in the consortium, but part of the studies can also take
place in a Partner country.
How many participants take part?
Between 13 and 20 student scholarship holders and 4 invited scholars/guest lecturers per intake can,
indicatively, take part. In addition to the student scholarship holders, self-funded students can also be enrolled.
Where to apply?
Applicants should apply by responding to the yearly call for proposals. Applications should be submitted to
the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
Students or scholars should contact the consortium offering the Master Course for more information on
courses and application procedures
Deadline for application 2014
27 March at 12.00 (noon), Brussels time.
Doctoral Studies – European Joint Doctorates
Many opportunities are offered to doctoral candidates and researchers through the Marie Skłodowska Curie
Actions .
In addition, a limited number of fellowships will be offered to doctoral candidates to participate in Erasmus
Mundus Joint Doctoral Degrees. Conditions to participate are the same as for Joint Master Degrees.
Doctoral candidates or scholars should contact the consortium offering the Joint Doctoral Courses for more
information on courses and application procedures.
• Covering all research areas
• Minimum of three participating organisations located in different
• Member States or Associated Countries, entitled to award doctoral degrees
• Funding for four years
• Requirement to deliver a joint, double or multiple degree
• Joint governance structure with joint admission, selection, supervision, monitoring and assessment
• Transnational mobility for fellows notably through secondments to the partner institutions
• Deadline for applying- 9 April
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
KA2 - Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Partnerships - What do they involve?
Strategic Partnerships offer the opportunity for organisations active in the fields of education, training and
youth, as well as enterprises, public authorities, civil society organisations to cooperate in order to implement
innovative practices leading to:
• high quality teaching,
• training,
• learning,
• youth work,
• institutional modernisation,
• societal innovation.
Strategic Partnerships are transnational and involve a minimum of three organisations from three different
Programme Countries.
Partnership structure: min. 3 partners from 3 Programme Countries (mono-sectoral and cross-sectoral
Who can participate?: Any public or private organisation in a Programme or Partner Country
Who can be the project coordinator?: Any public or private organisation established in a Programme Country
Expected funding: 20 000 Strategic Partnerships over 7 years.
EU grant: max. 150 000 Euro per year
What kind of projects will be supported?
Projects enhancing the quality and innovativeness of learning and teaching, developing new curricula, building
bridges between the different sectors of education and fostering more intense forms of cooperation to achieve
the modernisation objectives, including a better exploitation of open education resources.
Who can benefit?
Participating organisations can be any public or private organisation, established in a Programme Country.
Organisations from other countries can take part in the project as partners (not as the coordinating applicant),
as long as their participation brings a clear added value to the project.
Higher education institutions established in a Programme Country must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher
Education (ECHE). An ECHE is not required for participating higher education institutions in Partner Countries,
but they have to accept the principles of the ECHE.
What is the duration?
Projects should last for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 years.
Modular project structure: 7 combined modules
Module 1: Project management/implementation (for coordinating and participating organisations, max. 2.750
Euro per month/project)
Module 2: Transnational project meetings (unit costs, max. 23.000 Euro per year)
Module 3: Intellectual outputs (staff costs, 4 categories)
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
Module 4: Multiplier events (max. 30.000 Euro per project)
Module 5: Transnational learning/teaching/training activities (unit costs for mobile persons)
Module 6: Exceptional costs (75% of real costs, max. 50.000 Euro per project)
Module 7: Special needs (100% of eligible costs)
What can be funded? Example:
Module 1: Coordination, communication, information, promotion etc.
Module 2: Participation in meetings between project partners (travel/subsistence costs)
Module 3: Development of joint curricula, It tools, analyses, studies etc.
Module 4: Conferences/events to disseminate the intellectual outputs
Module 5: Long-term teaching/training assignments, Intensive Programmes
Module 6: Sub-contracting (e.g. translation, IT support)
Module 7: Costs related to participants with special needs (disabilities)
How to apply?
Applicants should apply by responding to the yearly call for proposals. Applications should be submitted to
the National Agency of the country in which the applicant organisation is established.
Main sections of the application form
• General information about the type of project proposal
• Information about the applicant and participating organisations
• Project description: preparation, implementation (project activities) and follow-up
• Budget request
• Project Summary
• Check list/Data Protection Notice/Declaration of Honour
• Annexes (additional documents: proof of legal status, for grants exceeding 60,000 EUR proof of
financial capacity)
• Submission
Deadline for application 2014
30 April at 12.00 (noon), Brussels time.
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
KA2 - Knowledge Alliances
What are Knowledge Alliances?
The contribution of higher education to jobs and growth, and its international attractiveness, can be enhanced
through links between education, research and business.
These constitute the three sides of the “knowledge triangle”, stimulating the development of entrepreneurial,
creative and innovative skills in all disciplines, and promoting innovation in higher education through more
interactive learning environments and increased knowledge-exchange.
Partnership structure: min. 6 institutions/organisations from 3 Programme Countries (min. 2 HEI and 2
Who can participate?: Any public or private organisation established in a Programme or Partner Country
Who can be the project coordinator?: Any public or private organisation established in a Programme Country
Strong Focus on:
• The goal is INNOVATION/Innovation driven objectives
• Long-term impact
• High level, focused projects
• Strong Partnerships
• Balanced cooperation between business and HEI. Improve products and services or educational
Expected funding: 150 Knowledge Alliances over 7 years.
EU grant: max. 700,000 EUR for 2 years and 1 million EUR for 3 years
What are the goals of the Knowledge Alliances?
The purpose of Knowledge Alliances is to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by fostering innovation in
higher education via balanced, two-way knowledge exchange with enterprises and across the broader socioeconomic environment. They implement a coherent and comprehensive set of interconnected activities
through transnational structured partnerships, involving a minimum of six organisations from at least three
Programme Countries, of which there must be a minimum of two higher education institutions and a minimum
of two enterprises.
Knowledge Alliances will:
• Develop new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning;
• Stimulate entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial skills of students, academics and company staff;
• Facilitate the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge.
Project Structure: 2 action lines
Action line 1 (obligatory):
Implementation support for project management, project meetings, intellectual outputs (e.g. curricula, IT tools,
analyses, studies), dissemination, participation in conferences, events). Funds for staff (4 categories; unit
Action line 2 (optional):
mobility activities (students, researchers, staff) bringing added value to a Knowledge Alliance. Funds for travel
and subsistence (unit costs).
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
Who can benefit?
Participating organisations can be any public or private organisation, established in a Programme Country.
Organisations from Partner Countries can take part in the project as partners (though not as the coordinating
applicant), so long as their involvement brings a clear added value to the project.
Higher education institutions established in a Programme Country must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher
Education (ECHE). An ECHE is not required for participating higher education institutions in Partner Countries,
but they have to accept the principles of the ECHE.
What is the duration?
Projects should last for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 years.
How to apply?
Applicants should apply by responding to the yearly call for proposals. Applications should be submitted to
the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Deadline for application 2014
3 April at 12.00 (noon), Brussels time.
Sammanställt av Internationella kansliet, Uppsala universitet
Uppdaterad 2014-02-03
KA2 - Capacity Building Projects
Capacity Building Projects
Higher education institutions can take part in collaborative capacity-building projects set up and managed by a
consortium of higher education institutions from the Erasmus+ programme countries on the one hand and
those from a particular region of the world on the other (the EU's neighbouring countries, Russia, EU candidate
and potential candidate countries, Latin America, Asia, Africa-Caribbean-Pacific countries).
These projects can be:
Joint projects: these help higher education institutions from partner countries to develop, modernise
and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, as well as to boost quality assurance
and governance of higher education institutions.
Structural projects: to develop and reform higher education institutions and systems in partner
countries; to enhance their quality and relevance, promote regional cooperation and increase
In certain partner countries neighbouring the EU, capacity-building projects will also be able to include a
mobility strand targeted at students and staff from the institutions involved in the project.
Institutions from the regions mentioned above can submit a proposal for a capacity-building project under an
Erasmus+ Call for Proposals.
Expected funding: 1000 Capacity Building Projects
Conditions for participation
• At least 3 HEIs from 3 different Programme Countries
• At least 2 HEIs from each Partner country
• Ministries for Structural Projects
• HEIs apply but large range of other types of participants
• Duration: 2 or 3 years
• Use of unit costs
• Call launched later this year
Info and contact
Institutions in a Programme country can contact the Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive
Agency (EACEA) for capacity building projects.
The current Erasmus+ call for proposals and programme guide do not yet include the capacity building action in
higher education. The action is funded from the EU external cooperation instruments, which will be launched
at a later stage in 2014.
Deadline for application 2014
3 April at 12.00 (noon), Brussels time. And/Or 2 September at 12:00 (noon) Brussels time.