Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange to use it successfully.

Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange
Directory Exporter – What is it and how
to use it successfully.
Version 1.2, Dated March 18, 2008
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
What is the Directory Exporter? ................................................................................................................... 5
How do I use the Directory Exporter? ...................................................................................................... 6
What happens when I run the Directory Exporter?.................................................................................. 9
What should I expect as an outcome of running the Directory Exporter? ............................................. 11
Review and Modify (If Necessary) the Data Files ................................................................................... 13
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Directory Exporter
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Directory Exporter
The information provided here is to assist in explaining and understanding the Directory Exporter and
how Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange interacts with GroupWise to successfully export data. This
is provided so that this may assist in understanding, creating, managing and processing a migration from
GroupWise to Exchange.
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Directory Exporter
What is the Directory Exporter?
The Directory Exporter is used to extract user and group information from the Novell/GroupWise
Address Book and place the results into CSV (Comma-Separated) files. These files are required for use at
a later time to perform the following actions:
Active Directory Object Merge Tool (Optional)
Set forwarding from GroupWise to Exchange (Optional)
Set forwarding from Exchange to GroupWise (Optional)
Hide GroupWise objects from the Novell/GroupWise Address Book (Optional)
Mailbox-enable Active Directory Users (Optional)
Migrate Mail, Address Books and Archives from GroupWise mailboxes to Exchange mailboxes or
PST files
Migrate Mail from GroupWise archives to Exchange mailboxes or PST files
Translate Recipient ( TO: / FROM: / CC: / BCC: ) Fields from GroupWise style addresses to
SMTP/Exchange style addresses (during message migration to Microsoft Exchange)
Translate personal address book entries from GroupWise style addresses to Exchange addresses
(during contact migration to Microsoft Exchange)
Translate GroupWise permissions to Exchange permissions (when migrating to Microsoft
Exchange) (Optional)
Provision Distribution Lists to Microsoft Exchange (Optional)
The Directory Exporter program is run before any other Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange (GME)
program because the Directory Exporter generates the data files that these other programs need to
perform their functions. Then throughout the transition period, the Directory Exporter is re-run as
necessary to update the program's data files, to accommodate any staff changes that are recorded in
GroupWise during the transition period.
Note: The '(Optional)' refers to the fact that all migrations are unique. Whether certain actions will be
required or not depends on the migration. Pre-planning is important to determine if the actions are
required and how they will react to the said scenario. Testing is equally (if not more) important to test
the created plans feasibility and outcome to be sure that environmental or business applications will
continue to run as seamless to the end-user as possible.
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Directory Exporter
How do I use the Directory Exporter?
Start the Directory Exporter program from your computer's Start menu, in the Quest GroupWise
Migrator for Exchange program group. To use Directory Exporter:
1. Review the Welcome screen and click ‘Next’
2. Enter the requested GroupWise System Information:
Figure 1 - GroupWise System Information dialog
Admin user ID: The name of the admin's GroupWise account (not the Novell account).
Admin password: The password for the admin's GroupWise account (not the Novell
For more information the admin account requirements, please see Quest solution SOL40629
- What permissions are required to use Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange against the
source GroupWise Server?
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Directory Exporter
GWIA TCP/IP hostname: The hostname of the GroupWise Internet Agent LDAP server. This
must match the Hostname/DNS 'A Record' name GWIA setting. This can also be the IP
Address of this host name as shown in Figure 1.
You can find this path in the NetWare Administrator program, NWAdmin or ConsoleOne:
From the Tools menu, select GroupWise View..., and then select the GWIA object from the
GroupWise Domain object. From the Object menu, select Details ..., and then in the GWIA
dialog box click SMTP/MIME Settings. The displayed property page then shows the value for
the Hostname — e.g., For this example, the value is ‘’:
Figure 2 – GWIA TCP/IP Hostname
GWIA LDAP Context: This value is the same as the GroupWise Internet Agent setting.
If necessary you can find this path by using the NetWare Administrator program, NWAdmin
or ConsoleOne: From the Tools menu, select GroupWise View..., and then select the GWIA
object from the GroupWise Domain object. From the Object menu, select Details ..., and
then click LDAP Settings. Use the value found in LDAP context (Search Root or Search Base)
— for example:
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Directory Exporter
Domain path: The file system path to your GroupWise domain wpdomain.db file.
If necessary you can find this path by using the NetWare Administrator program, NWAdmin
or ConsoleOne: From the Tools menu, select GroupWise System Operations ..., and then in
the dialog box click System Connection. The System Connection dialog box then displays a
list of GroupWise domains; the one labelled as the primary domain (format
\\NWSERVER\SYS\MAIL\GWDOM) is the value you need to enter for the Domain Path in this
Directory Exporter screen. Another method is to view the properties of the Domain Node
within ConsoleOne. For this example, the value is ‘\\CS-NOVELL65-03\SYS\MAIL\DOMAIN\’:
Figure 3 - Domain UNC Path Value
3. Click 'Next' on the 'GroupWise System Information' dialog to run the Directory Exporter.
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Directory Exporter
What happens when I run the Directory Exporter?
When all the correct information is entered in the 'GroupWise System Information' dialog and it is set to
run, the tool launches the GroupWise client on the migration console (where GME is installed) and
attempts to open the Novell/GroupWise Address book. It does this to export the contents to CSV files
for use later within the tool (please see the section titled "What should I expect as an outcome of
running the Directory Exporter?" for more information).
Due to this, it is very important that the GroupWise Client is installed and working correctly. This means
that when the GroupWise Client is launched, there should be no errors or prompts appearing. Also,
when launching the Novell/GroupWise Address book there should be no subsequent prompts or errors.
If there are, Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange will not be able to successfully extract information
from the Novell/GroupWise Address Book.
For possible symptoms that may occur when using Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange Directory
Exporter or when launching the Novell/GroupWise Address book and how to resolve them, please see
the following Quest Solution(s):
SOL20331 titled "Directory Exporter seems to freeze/hang when attempting to run":
SOL31944 titled "The NdsUsername column is not populated in the csv files after running Directory
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Directory Exporter
The Directory Exporter also makes an attempt to gather the primary domain space of the GroupWise
server. This is based on the information provided in the "GWIA TCP/IP hostname:" value. When this is
specified, Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange will attempt to query the GWIA (GroupWise Internet
Agent) for the Preferred "Internet Domain Names" value (this can be viewed in ‘ConsoleOne | Tools |
GroupWise System Operations -> Internet Addressing... | Internet Domain Names' area).
Figure 4 - GroupWise Internet Addressing dialog
As an example, if the "Internet Domain Names" value is '', then this value will be applied
as the Internet Suffix to the TargetAddress value within the CSV files generated (please see the section
titled "What should I expect as an outcome of running the Directory Exporter?" for more information).
If the "GWIA TCP/IP hostname:" value is NOT specified, the TargetAddress column in the CSV file will be
set to the SourceAddress column value (which is the Source GroupWise object address). If this occurs,
the person using Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange MUST change the TargetAddress column in
ALL CSV files to the correct SMTP style address that will appear in the new target Exchange System (i.e
[email protected]).
Note: The Directory Exporter does not contact the Exchange system during its run (and cannot be
changed to do so). This is why the TargetAddress column should always be reviewed (within the CSV
files) for accuracy prior to continuing with subsequent actions with Quest GroupWise Migrator for
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Directory Exporter
What should I expect as an outcome of running the Directory Exporter?
Quest's Directory Exporter gathers user information from the GroupWise server to create four data files
that will later provide critical input data to the Quest migration and PDL-provisioning programs:
GroupsToProvision.abk: Contains the information about GroupWise public distribution lists (PDLs) that
the Administrator-Driven Batch Migrator will read to provision the PDLs in Exchange as distribution
UsersToMerge.csv: Contains the information the AD Object Merge Tool will need to merge Exchange
Contacts into corresponding Active Directory accounts, to create a single mail-enabled security object
per user in AD.
AddressTranslation.csv: Contains the display names, GroupWise addresses, and primary Internet
addresses of your GroupWise users. Quest's migration programs — both the Administrator-Driven Batch
Migrator and the Self-Service Desktop Migrator — use the information in AddressTranslation.csv to
convert addresses in messages, address books, and frequent contacts to the appropriate Internet
address for each user.
UsersToMigrate.csv: A duplicate of AddressTranslation.csv, to serve as a template for the creation of
the user-list input files that identify which users to migrate in a particular run of the AdministratorDriven Batch Migrator. (The UsersToMigrate.csv is copied to another file name, and the copy is then
edited — deleting all users except the ones to be included in a particular migration group.):
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Directory Exporter
Figure 5 - Directory Exporter Flow
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Directory Exporter
Review and Modify (If Necessary) the Data Files
Since the data files generated by Quest's Directory Exporter are critical input files for other Quest
GroupWise Migrator for Exchange programs, it is very important to verify that the information they
contain is properly formatted and is accurate for the target Exchange system.
The GroupsToProvision.abk is a simple text file that you can open with any text editor to see if it
contains any obvious format or translation errors. Examples include missing users, an empty column,
exotic characters, or inappropriate data forms in any fields. These would indicate that the extraction
process was somehow corrupted or otherwise unsuccessful.
All three .csv files contain essentially the same data, so you can open anyone .csv file to look for the
same sorts of format or translation errors. A .csv (comma-separated values format) file is also a text file
that can be opened and edited in a text editor, but you may prefer Microsoft Excel or some other
spreadsheet or database application that can display the contents of a .csv file in an easy-to-read
column format.
This post-export review is also a chance for you to manually edit any addresses in the .csv files before
performing the actual migration. For example, a particular user name and address-composition format
may produce an embarrassing or unflattering address, but you can manually edit the address in the .csv
files before the files are used to define user addresses in the new Exchange environment. If you do
decide to edit any addresses in the .csv files, remember:
Before you edit any values, copy the entire TargetAddress column contents into the
TargetAlias column, and enter your changes only in the TargetAddress column.
If you edit any of the .csv files, be sure to copy the new file to the other two filenames.
The three .csv files usually must have identical contents (with one small exception, noted
below). If you edit one, you should replace the others with copies of the edited file. Then:
If you have copied either of the other two .csv files to UsersToMerge.csv: Open
UsersToMerge.csv and add a new column titled SearchKey.
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Directory Exporter
As an example, the Directory Exporter has been complete.
 The source GroupWise Domain Space is:
Figure 6 - CSV TargetAddress before modification
 The target Exchange Domain Space is different and is:
So to correct (*ALL*) the CSV files, the need to modify the CSV's and place the correct target Exchange
Domain Space will need to be done as shown in the 'TargetAddress' column of the CSV files:
Figure 7 - CSV TargetAddress after modification
This will ensure that all further actions accomplished with Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange will
be successful as it will reference all Exchange objects by this address (which should be accurate to the
target Exchange Environment).
If the Domain Space's will not change from source to target mail systems (GroupWise '' to
Exchange '') then the CSV files should not need modification (although verifying would
still be highly recommended for accuracy).
For more information on what columns can be modified within the created CSV files, please see the
following Quest Solution SOL13530 titled "What columns can I add or modify in the 'UsersToMigrate.csv'
Note: The document to this point assumes that there will indeed be a target Exchange server to deliver
mailbox contents too. If this is not the case and all data will be sent to PST files (and no Exchange
translation will be needed), please review SOL14169 titled “Is it possible to migrate user data to PSTs
without a connection to the Exchange server?” for more details. The Directory Exporter will still need to
be run for either target scenario (Exchange or PST):
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Directory Exporter
The Directory Exporter is a very important step and needs to complete successfully prior to utilizing any
other component within Quest GroupWise Migrator for Exchange. The files created from the Directory
Exporter then need to be reviewed to determine if the contents are accurate for the current migration
(i.e. does the TargetAddress need to be modified?).
For all of this to work, the GroupWise client is a very important factor as Quest GroupWise Migrator for
Exchange requires it to be working correctly before it can successfully extract information from the
GroupWise/Novell Address Book. For more information in regards to the Directory Exporter use and
modification(s), please see the current user guide and/or the Program Parameters Reference that is
delivered with the installation media. Or proceed to Quest’s Support Site ( )
and download the documentation from the product page.
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Directory Exporter
March 18, 2008 – Format updating
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