Exergy 1 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy What? Exergy? Can I eat it? What? No? Contents: 1. What is exergy? 2. Reversible work 3. Second law efficiency *~#$! 4. Forms of exergy 5. Exergy change 6. Exergy transfer 7. Exergy balance What is Exergy? 2 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Exergy: => Useful work potential of a system at specified state => Represent maximum useful work obtainable from a system => Also called availability or available energy => Exergy is a thermodynamic property => Value depends on: a the state of the system a the surroundings What is Exergy? Considerations in exergy analysis: cInitial state is specified dProcess path is reversible eFinal state is at dead state, i.e. H temperature and pressure equal to the surroundings H no kinetic and potential energy H chemically innert 3 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Reversible work 4 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Process involving boundary work: Expansion => part of work produced is used to push atmospheric pressure Compression => part of work applied is helped by atmospheric pressure Surroundings work Wsurr => work done by or against surroundings during a process Wsurr = P0 (V2 − V1 ) Useful work Wu => difference between actual work and surrounding work Wu = W − Wsurr Reversible work 5 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Reversible work Wrev: => max useful work obtainable from a reversible process between specified initial and final states If final state = dead state, => reversible work equals exergy Irreversibility => difference between reversible work and useful work I = Wrev ,out − Wu ,out I = Wu ,in − Wrev ,in For work producing process e.g. expansion, turbine For work consuming process e.g. compression, compressor Second Law Efficiency 6 1st. Law efficiency: => a measure of performance of a device => doesn’t relate to its best possible performance 1st. Law efficiency = ηth = Wnet ,out QH Desired output Required input QL COPR = Win COPHP QH = Win Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Second Law Efficiency 7 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy 2nd. Law efficiency => a measure of performance of a device relative to its best possible performance Best possible performance => reversible condition η th η II = η th , rev Wu W for work - producing device rev = W rev for work - consuming device Wu COP COPII = COPrev 2nd. Law efficiency of all reversible devices is 100% Forms of Exergy 8 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Forms of energy of a system: Energy of a system = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy + Internal Energy 1 v2 1 v2 Q − W + m(h + V + gz)in − m(h + V + gz) out = (∆U + ∆KE + ∆PE) system 2 2 Each form of energy has a potential to produce work Each form of energy has work potential (i.e. exergy) Not all energy can be converted to work Mechanical form of energy can be converted all to exergy Exergy of a system is the sum of all exergies from each form of energy in the system Forms of Exergy Exergy of kinetic energy: Exergy of potential energy: xke = ke = 9 V Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy 2 2 x pe = pe = gz Exergy of internal energy: xu = (u − u0 ) + P0 (v − v0 ) − T0 ( s − s0 ) Exergy of system: 1 xsys = xu + xke + x pe xsys = [(u − u0 ) + P0 (v − v0 ) − T0 ( s − s0 )] + V 2 2 + gz Forms of Exergy Exergy of system: Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy 10 x sys = x u + x ke + x pe x sys = [( u − u 0 ) + P0 ( v − v 0 ) − T 0 ( s − s 0 ) ] + Exergy change of system: + gz 2 ∆ x sys = ∆ x u + ∆ x ke + ∆ x pe ∆ x sys = [( u 2 − u 1 ) + P0 ( v 2 − v1 ) − T 0 ( s 2 − s1 ) ] + V2 ∆ X sys = [(U 2 − U 1 ) + P0 (V 2 − V1 ) − T 0 ( S 2 − S 1 ) ] + m V2 ϕ = x sys 2 − V1 2 + g ( z 2 − z1 ) 2 ∆ X sys = [( E 2 − E1 ) + P0 (V 2 − V1 ) − T0 ( S 2 − S1 ) ] ϕ => exergy of closed system (no mass flow) per unit mass 2 V 2 − V1 2 2 + mg ( z 2 − z 1 ) X sys = mx sys = m ϕ Exergy Transfer 11 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Exergy can be transferred to or from a system in three forms (like energy): n heat o work p mass flow Exergy transfer equation is derived from energy transfer components: 1 v2 1 v2 Q − W + m(h + V + gz)in − m(h + V + gz) out = (∆U + ∆KE + ∆PE) system 2 2 Exergy Transfer Exergy transfer by heat: X heat T0 = 1 − Q T Exergy transfer by heat is zero for adiabatic systems Adiabatic Q=0 Exergy transfer by work: X work W − Wsurr = W for boundary work for other forms of work It is possible to get all work potential (i.e. exergy) from work 12 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Exergy Transfer 13 Exergy transfer by mass flow ψ: => derived from flow energy equation Flow work w flow = h + V 2 2 + gz Flow exergy Ψ = (h − h0 ) − T0 ( s − s0 ) + mΨ = ( H − H 0 ) − T0 ( S − S 0 ) + m V 2 2 ∆Ψ = (h2 − h1 ) − T0 ( s2 − s1 ) + 2 + gz 2 + mgz V2 − V1 2 V 2 2 + g ( z 2 − z1 ) Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Exergy Balance 14 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Decrease of exergy principle: Derived from 1st. and 2nd. Law of thermodynamics States that exergy of isolated system during a process always decrease. In the limiting case of a reversible process, exergy remains the same. ∆X isolated = ( X 2 − X 1 ) isolated ≤ 0 Exergy Balance Decrease of exergy in isolated system is due to process irreversibilities => exergy destruction Process irreversibilities also cause entropy generation => increase of entropy principle Exergy destruction and entropy generation are related X destroyed = T0 S generated ≥ 0 15 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Exergy Balance Exergy change of a system undergoing a process can be +ve or -ve, BUT exergy destruction cannot be negative > 0 S gen = 0 < 0 16 > 0 X des = 0 < 0 Irreversib le Reversible Impossible Irreversib le Reversible Impossible General exergy balance equation: X in − X out − X destroyed = ∆X system 1424 3 1 424 3 1 424 3 Net exergy transfer by heat, work and mass Exergy destruction Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Change in exergy Exergy Balance 17 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Exergy balance for closed system: X heat − X work − X destroyed = ∆X system T0 ∑ 1 − T Q − {W − P0 (V2 − V1 )}− X destroyed = ∆X system Exergy balance for open system: X heat − X work + X mass,in − X mass,out − X destroyed = ∆X system T0 ∑1− T Q −{W − P0 (V2 −V1)}+ ∑miψi − ∑meψe − Xdestroyed = ∆Xsystem Summary 18 Advanced Thermo-fluids Exergy Exergy => Useful work potential of a system at specified state Reversible work Wrev: => max useful work obtainable from reversible process between specified initial and final states 2nd. Law efficiency => a measure of performance of a device relative to its best possible performance Exergy of a system xsys = [(u − u0 ) + P0 (v − v0 ) − T0 ( s − s0 )] + V 2 2 + gz Exergy balance: T0 ∑1− T Q −{W − P0 (V2 −V1)}+ ∑miψi − ∑meψe − Xdestroyed = ∆Xsystem Relation between exergy destroyed and entropy generated X destroyed = T0 S generated ≥ 0
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