Volume 11 ● June 2009 Volume 28 • November 2010 What Is Predictive Maintenance And How Does It Benefit Overall Operating Costs? P redictive maintenance is the process of using a detailed maintenance approach and identifying component failure or efficiency risks on equipment before they cause unplanned downtime or loss of performance. Maintenance methods may vary from highly preventive to extremely reactive and some are in between. However, a maintenance schedule that bases activity on predictive performance helps save valuable time and reduces overall operating cost. The U.S. Department of Energy publishes that... “In many applications, fan maintenance is reactive rather than proactive. For example, bearing lubrication is performed in response to audible bearing noises. Fan cleaning is performed to correct an indication of poor fan performance or vibration because of dust buildup. Unfortunately, many fan system problems remain unaddressed until they become a nuisance, by which time they may have resulted in significantly higher operating costs”. (U.S. Department Of Energy - DOE/GO-102003-1294) “...Unfortunately, many fan system problems remain unaddressed until they become a nuisance, by which time they may have resulted in significantly higher operating costs”. Basic Maintenance Recommendations For Belts and Bearings (Recommendation excerpts (DOE/GO-102003-1294) Published by the U.S. Department Of Energy) 1. Belt inspection is particularly important to the operation of large fans because of the size of the power losses. For example, in a 200-horsepower (hp) fan, a 5 percent decrease in power transmission efficiency results in a 10-hp loss, translating to $3,270 annually for a continuously operating system. Although belt inspection and tightening is usually a routine task for any mechanic, increased awareness of the costs associated with poorly adjusted belts can improve the attention devoted to this maintenance effort. In multiple-belt arrangements, whenever one belt degrades to the point of requiring replacement, all the belts should be replaced at the same time. Volume 28 • November 2010 As belts wear and age, they exhibit different properties; consequently, replacing only one or two belts in a multiple-belt arrangement creates a risk of overloading one or more of the belts. Exposing all the belts to roughly the same operating time minimizes the risk of uneven loading. Establishing proper belt tightness is essential to minimizing the energy losses associated with belt drives. However, care should be taken to prevent over-tightening the belts. This leads to high radial bearing loads, accelerated wear, and shorter bearing replacement intervals. 2. Worn bearings can create unsatisfactory noise levels and risk seizure. Bearings should be monitored frequently. Bearing lubrication should be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. For example, for high-speed fans in severe environments, lubrication intervals can be necessary weekly or more often. • For grease-lubricated bearings, check the grease quality and, if necessary, repack the bearings. Be careful not to over-grease bearings as this interferes with ball or roller motion and may cause overheating. • Ensure the bearings are adequately protected from contamination. Predictive Maintenance Recommendations For Belts and Bearings To minimize overall operating cost it is vital to include preventive maintenance inspections that formally document current component condition and the relative change since the last inspection. By documenting and viewing the data trends can quickly be identified and it allows the technician to troubleshoot the root cause before it erodes energy efficiency or results in a breakdown situation. Predictive Maintenance Best Practices 1. Identify all manufacturer recommendations for maintenance and product replacement (includes proper installation, maintenance intervals, lubrication, belt tension etc.) 2. Conduct and document a baseline audit of existing product condition and installation methods 3. Perform and document any required maintenance or replacement actions required to meet manufacturers recommendations 4. Establish inspection and scheduled maintenance frequency 5. Store inspection data for future comparison 6. Maintenance ongoing per manufacturer recommendations Volume 28 • November 2010 Summary By adopting a predictive maintenance program maintenance technicians have a greater awareness of optimal performance, correct product installation and required maintenance. This awareness and related service action has a direct financial impact to equipment owners as reliability increases and their operating costs decrease. Note: In the March 2011 Belt Drive Monthly we will take an in-depth look into total cost savings examples and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), which is used in extensively in LEAN/Six Sigma programs. More Recommendations & Maintenance Information... The following paths will lead you to additional information helpful in facility audits and maintenance • U.S. Department Of Energy – DOE/GO-102003-1294 and DOE/GO-102005-2060 www.eere.energy.gov ® 1 V-Belt Sa just hnician This tec save his helped to ,422 per $1 customer afternoon e year in on • Bearing Myths – Don’t Believe Costly Misconceptions http://www.emerson-ept.com/eptroot/public/news/ pressreleases/pdfpressreleases/ianrubin_bearing_myths.pdf * See Step #1 on page 2 Save 1/32" Wear v-belts are Notched y responsible an energ for substitutestyle v-belts wrapped NOTCHED BELTS UP TO cient 98% Effi UP TO cient 95% Effi syy Steps asy ee Eas ty In Thr belts b ponsibility notched Energy Res e from wrapped to ency. ienc 1 and improve effic w belt slip. Inspect 1/32” ow allo than ter aves Worn she wear. Wear grea mor m e. or ncyy 5% 2 sheaves for e effic ienc ficie decreas can n belts. ion erly tens 3 Prop Based g load) depend -2060. 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Available at www.emerson-ept.com – allows user to quickly calculate the savings benefit of converting from wrapped style v-belts to cogged or “notched” style v-belts. • Belt drive maintenance and installation video. Available at www.emerson-ept.com or on CD by request. • Sheave Wear Technical Bulletin (#1007) – offers explanation of groove gauge usage and sheave wear dynamics. Available from Application Engineering. • Belt Drive & Bearing Reference Guide (Form #8932) – offers basic product information, installation information, preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting tips in a pocket size format Browning, Emerson, Emerson. Consider It Solved., Emerson Industrial Automation and Save the Green are trademarks of Emerson Electric Co. or one of its affiliated companies. * The following are believed to be the trademarks and/or trade names of their respective owners, and are not owned or controlled by Emerson Power Transmission. App Store, iPhone and iPod Touch: Apple, Inc.; Facebook: Google, Inc.; IPAD: IP Application Development, LLC; Linkedin: Linkedin Corp. ©2010 Emerson Power Transmission, All Rights Reserved. MCO10053• Form 9392 • Printed in USA Repl ac Shea e Worn ve • Groo s ve we than n 1/3 ar grea ter replac 2” ind emen icate tes • Belt t is ne sh eded botto ould neve m of groo r ride in • Ins ve pect for br eaks on fla nge
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