8 Kyu – White/Yellow Stripe Belt - Hachikyu

8th Kyu – White/Yellow Stripe Belt - Hachikyu
White signifies a birth, or beginning, of a seed. A white belt student is a beginner searching for knowledge of the
Art. The white belt is the beginning of life's cycle, and represents the seed as it lies beneath the snow in the winter.
Terminology: Students must understand the Japanese translation of each category.
Obi – Belt (“oh-bee”)
Do – Way of (“doh”)
Kiai – Yell (“key-yah”)
Hajime – Begin (“hah-jee-may”)
San – 3 (“sahn”)
Ichi – 1 (“ee-chee”)
Ni – 2 (“knee”)
Roku – 6 (“row-koo”)
Shichi – 7 (“see-chee”)
Shi – 4 (“shee”)
Hachi – 8 (“hah-chee”)
Ku – 9 (“koo”)
Go – 5 (“goh”)
Ju – 10 (“joo”)
Tachikata – Stances (“tah-chee kah-tah”)
3) Neko Ashi Dachi – Cat Stance (“knee-koh ah-shee dah-chee”)
1) Fiba Dachi (or) Kamae – Fighting Stance (“fee-bah dah-chee”) or (“kah-may”)
4) Walking Backwards
Tsuki Waza – Punches (“tsu-key wah-zah”)
5) Gyaku Tsuki – Reverse punch (“guy-ah-koo zoo-key”)
Uchi Waza – Strikes (“ooh-chee wah-zah”)
6) Hiraken – Half-fist (“here-ah-ken”)
(Begin half-fist to floor conditioning for breaking)
Geri Waza – Kicks (“gay-rhee wah-zah”)
7) Yoko Geri – Side kick (“yoh-koh gay-rhee”)
2) Mawashi Geri – Round house kick (“mah-wah-shee gay-rhee”)
Uke Waza – Block (“ooh-kay wah-zah”)
8) Chudan Soto Uke – Inward forearm block (“chew-dawn soh-toe ooh-kay”)
9) Chudan Uchi Uke – Outside forearm block (“chew-dawn ooh-chee ooh-kay”)
Kata – Forms (“kah-tah”)
10) Basic 2 Form – “I” pattern
11) Pinan 2
13) Tameshiwara – Breaking (“tah-may shee war-ah”)
Principles of breaking with hand and foot
12) Self-Defense
Headlock – Opponent on your left (Reverse all directions for opponent on right)
Pushing the Circle – vs. left arm grab to right wrist
Opponents at 2 sides vs. 2 person grab from both sides
Testing Requirements: - Following are testing requirement for Yellow Belt.
Time in rank: 2-4 months based on proficiency.
Knowledge of all Japanese translations.
To perform all current and previous punches, strikes blocks, kicks, and stances effectively and proficiently
Able to execute self-defense techniques or variations from White/Yellow and Yellow Belt Requirements
Perform Basic “I” pattern 1, 2, and Pinan 2
Demonstrate 1-Board Break with Hand Technique (Adults only)
Must be able to completely recite Dojo Kun (Creed)