BELGRADE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES COUNCIL CHAMBERS NOVEMBER 4, 2013 7: 00 P. M. Mayor Russell C. Nelson called the meeting to order. Mayor and Council Members in attendance were: Russell C. Nelson, Brad Cooper, Anne Koentopp, Mark Criner, Tudor Gee Ken Smith and John Youngberg. Other in attendance were: Acting City Manager E. J. Clark, Director of Finance Phyllis Wernikowski, Christie Lewis, Michael Tucker, Scott Bell, Brian Sprenger, Kristine Menicucci, and Christina Crow APPROVE MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 2013 COUNCIL MEETING— Council Member Youngberg motioned to approve the Minutes of the August 5, 2013 Council Meeting Cooper Gee seconded the motion. All voted aye, motion carried unanimously PUBLIC FORUM Mayor Nelson called three times for any members of the public to speak during the public forum. Hearing none, the public forum was closed. OATH OF OFFICE Judge Michele Snowberger administered the Oath of Office to Council Member Ken Smith. Council Member Smith was appointed to the Council at the previous Council Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING AND REQUEST APPROVAL OF EXOTIC ANIMAL LICENSE FOR CHRISTIE LEWIS 914 PAISLEY DRIVE BELGRADE Acting City Manager Clark stated that everything is in order. Animal Control Office Lehmann has no issues or concerns. By policy what is required has been done. It is up to the Council to approve. Mayor Nelson called three times for any members of the public to speak during the public hearing. Hearing none, public hearing was closed. Council Member Youngberg motioned to grant approval of exotic animal license to Christie Lewis at 914 Paisley Drive, Belgrade. Council Member Cooper seconded the motion. All voted aye, motion carried unanimously REPORTS Mayor Nelson had nothing to report City Attorney Ramler had nothing to report Acting City Manager Clark stated that Public Works Director Klotz had something to report. Public Works Director Klotz notified that a climbing boulder has been installed in Kathy Hollensteiner Park and that it had been donated by Walter Hollensteiner Mayor Nelson asked if the climbing boulder held any more liability risk than any other park equipment. City Attorney Ramler stated the rock is in our city park and our liability insurance would apply. Whether or not it is more dangerous than a skate park, waterpark or swing set it is all in the use. Public Works Director Klotz stated the installation of playground equipment is usually governed by safety regulations rules. Fall zones and distance from the equipment to the fall zone is based on a national standard. This rock has been built to that standard from the height and width out. You can bury the cushion fall zone using the height to dictate how much cushion there is and how thick that is. Usually we use pea gravel it gives us a little deeper section. We needed something that moves when someone falls and engineered wood chips are the most cushion that there is. Council Member Koentopp stated thank you to Mr. Hollensteiner for donating the climbing rock, a new sign, sidewalks, and lighting. Public Works Director Klotz stated the climbing rock was made by the Stronghold Fabrication Company in Bozeman. The price tag for the climbing rock was $ 25, 000 plus $900 for wood chips. Finance Director Wernikowski asked if the Council would like an ad in the paper thanking Mr. Hollensteiner. The Council agreed and Finance Director Wernikowski said an ad would be placed. DISCUSSION AGENDA DECISION ON I- 90 BELGRADE BYPASS ROADS— Acting City Manager Clark stated he had talked to the state looking for money to finance the bypass roads. The people at the State that he had spoken to basically said that with the bypass road going towards the airport they know they are not going to designate Broadway as an urban route. Even though this question could go to the commission, the commission gets recommendations from its staff and generally supports their staff' s recommendations. They were positive their commission would not pass it. We can jump through all the hoops, but the answer is going to be no because it is not going to be an urban route. The other funding option looked at was using funds from the city' s street maintenance district. City Attorney Ramler did some research and under MCA code under the definition of a maintenance district, we cannot build new roads by statute. Right now, we do not have the funding to come up with $240,000. Mayor Nelson showed on a map of the bypass roads from the I- 90 interchange other routes and asked if any of alternatives were possible and if it could be engineered differently. Scott Bell stated the biggest thing is if we do not complete the Cameron to Airport Blvd, we would have to go back to the Highway Department. Part of this whole project was for the Highway Department is to take ownership and maintain the whole bypass road starting from Highway 10 all the way through. It was part of the verbal agreement made at a meeting with the City, the Highway Department and the Airport. The Airport is going to build up to the location shown on the map. For the Airport to use its funding it needs to construct Airway Blvd up to Cameron and tie into Dry Creek Road then the Highway Department agreed it would continue their snow removal and maintenance of the whole section of road from Highway 10 all the way out to Dry Creek Road and Highway 10. The highway department already does the maintenance and snow removal on Dry Creek Road. By not completing the Cameron- Airport Rd connection , I do not think that the Highway Department would take over ownership and maintenance of this section of road if all we did were to come up to Broadway. If the Highway Department were plowing, they would plow down Dry Creek to Manhattan once the Cameron Road area is constructed. I am not sure that by eliminating this section of road that the State would be on board to take care of the maintenance portion. The importance of the getting the state to agree to do the maintenance on this section is it is allowing us to work with the FAA to justify using airport funds to construct this section of road. The actual construction of these roads benefits the airport, excluding benefits to Belgrade and the County and the construction costs are offset by those future operation and maintenance costs. With respect to the intersection to my knowledge, there is 60 feet of right of way on Cameron and Broadway has an 80 foot right of way. If the red area was not built and you wanted to improve left turn bays and have it turning in this location I think that there is enough right away in that area to actually construct left turn bays so that you could come in on Cameron and still make this turn going down Broadway with large vehicles. If you leave Broadway in place and not construct the Cameron area, we could go to the Highway Department but I think the selling point of this was the State taking over all of the future maintenance was constructing the road so that it continued all the way to Dry Creek and Cruizer. Mayor Nelson stated if that is a deal breaker then I understand. I think that it is worth asking the question because it can save the airport a lot of money if the airport built the shorter Dry Creek to Broadway connection rather than the Dry Creek to Cameron. It would save the City money in building Broadway to Dry Creek. I sure think that it is not going to be as much money to improve this area on Cameron as Broadway to Dry Creek. Acting City Manager Clark stated we have a Street Maintenance Fund to work on Cameron. Public Works Director Klotz and I have already looked at it. It has many potholes and we are going to have to tear it up and fix much of that already. Mayor Nelson stated it is a more economical thing for the City, it is better for the Airport if it does not change the plowing business. Brian Sprenger stated I cannot speak for our board now, but I have a good indication from our board. A couple of things that would be a problem were this section of road and the continuation of this to Dry Creek was reviewed as part of the environmental analysis. I think that the Airports' willingness to do any of this is lessened significantly if only the Broadway to Dry Creek connection was done. One of our primary goals of this whole thing was really to improve the overall long-term traffic impact of the area and by having this connection here, which allowed for the beginning of a bypass road around the entire City of Belgrade. I do not believe that the Board would be interested in coming up and just connecting at this one location. They are willing to put the money in because they believe it is the right thing to do for the long-term benefit of Belgrade and the surrounding community. Mayor Nelson stated that this conversation answers some of the questions concerning the ability of large vehicles to make left turns. It answers some of the concerns that the Council Members voiced last week. This construction plan does not solve all of City' s traffic issues related to the by-pass. The City however does not have a way to pay for the Broadway to Dry Creek road. Council Member Criner stated then the City will have to live with the Cameron to Dry Creek access until such time the City can come up with the money and then at that time it will cost more. Council Member Youngberg stated that with the Cameron street intersection is imperative and as long as I am on the Council, I will push for the Broadway- Dry Creek connection. However, until we have the funding that is going to have to wait. Mayor Nelson asked how we are going to handle questions from individuals about right turns and left turns and all this stuff if we do not have the option of Broadway to Dry Creek in there. We plan to do it sometime in the future, but we cannot do it now. City Attorney Ramler stated that one funding source might be impact fees. We need to update the impact fee study. Council Member Cooper stated we get impact fees but we can never use them. City Attorney Ramler stated that if we went ahead with review than we might be able to identify the Broadway Dry Creek construction as a capital improvement project. Council Member Cooper stated so we would have to spend money on Cameron all the way through. It needs repaved, sidewalks and all that. Acting City Manager Clark stated in reference to Mr. Crier' s question is that the Senior looking at additions on the west side now. When they were here, they were talking about spending their own money and actually building a structure on the west side. I have talked Center is to them about moving their parking from the front of the building and placing it to the west. They are waiting to hear whether the airport will let them use some of that land. I think Brian needs a maintenance shop with a big parking lot that maybe the Senior Center could use. I have recommended to the Senior Center if they are going to build structure in this direction they will have to take up some space behind and will not have enough parking in front. They are going to take up their west parking lot by adding the new building. I would say that the parking at the Senior Center would change. Council Member Criner stated thinking long term that the Cameron connection to Dry Creek needs to be there. It is the best way I have seen for moving traffic around a town that is surrounded by an airport and a railroad and an interstate. Council Member Koentopp stated she is in favor of the Broadway connection to Dry Creek when the City has the money to fund it. If we can use impact fees and make that one of our projects when we do the impact study I am for it. Brian Sprenger that it is important that the Broadway— Dry Creek connection be designed properly. We are paying for the design and we are working with Scott Bell to make sure that it fits in there and we do not install it poorly by putting in the wrong slopes or whatever and we can at least have that designed so that it could be added easily. stated Council Member Youngberg stated could you design the connection from Broadway to Dry Creek. Brian Sprenger stated that they could design it. It makes more sense to design it now and having it all work than to come back later and fit it in. We will design it. Scott Bell stated as Brian Sprenger said we will design the Broadway-Dry Creek section to make sure it is set up to work there. If you are speaking of street maintenance money whether you want to include a schedule that would actually improve this section of road knowing that you would use you street maintenance monies for, but tie that to a bigger project that would get you cheaper unit prices and do it as a separate schedule. Council Member Cooper asked if we have the street maintenance money right now. We did budget to do some chip and seal. Acting City Manager Clark stated that we actually held off on it this year just to wait and see. Gas tax is already budgeted out for the whole year. Council Member Cooper asked are we going to do any sealing over the water work that was done. Acting City Manager Clark stated we are waiting for the new City Manager to get here and find out what he wants to do. Scott Bell stated you do not need to include that tonight. If you would like for me to go back and work with Acting City Manager Clark and Public Works Director Klotz and come up with a design of that intersection and the improvements to have a left turn bay down onto Broadway that would actually allow large trucks to make that turning movement. Mayor Nelson stated if we are not building the Broadway connection then we have to make the Cameron connection wide enough for the large trucks to turn left. Public Works Director Klotz stated since we put that connection in from Cruizer over to Dry Creek we do see more traffic coming south crossing and going to Jackrabbit and straight out. Once we also do the bypass, we are going to lose our urban route designation and our funding Broadway. More than likely Cruizer will become the urban route. Currently Broadway is our urban route. Mayor Nelson asked if the Council is okay if Scott Bell works with the City to put together a separate schedule for Cameron and Dry Creek connection. Until we build the Broadway- Dry Creek connection. Council Member Youngberg motioned to approve the Airports building of Cameron to Airport Blvd and Dry Creek connection and have Scott Bell and Brian Sprenger come in with a separate schedule and design for the Broadway section to be built later. Council Member Criner seconded the motion. Council Member Cooper voted nay All other members of the Council voted aye Motion carried. Passes 5- 1 DISCUSSION OF CURRENT BOARD APPOINTMENTS HELD BY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND POSSIBLE REORGANIZATION— Council Member Koentopp asked Kristine Menicucci to be a part of this discussion and take on a board appointment. Council Member Criner and I are on the Belgrade Youth Sports Complex Committee and I am fine with that it meets ad hoc. Council Member Youngberg has been on the Planning Board for 22 years. Council Member Youngberg stated that this would be his final term Council Member Koentopp stated that the Library Board seat is vacant. It is a four-year term. I have been on the Park and Recreation Board for ten years and even though it expires, I would like to trade with someone. Council Member Youngberg asked Council Member Koentopp if she would be interested in Planning Board. I will swap with you. I could do Park Board. Council Member Koentopp stated she would try Planning Board. Council Member Criner has been on the Water District and I know that it is difficult for you. Council Member Smith stated he would like to take on the Water District Board. Council Member Koentopp stated the Library Board meets monthly in the evening. Library Director Gale Bacon would like to have someone right way. Council Member Menicucci stated she would take over the Library Board position. Council Member Cooper stated he would continue to be on the Revolving Loan Fund as long as he is a Council Member. Mayor Nelson stated the appointments and swearing in of Board Members would happen at the first meeting in January. RESOLUTION 2013- 24 PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATED FUNDS AMONG ESTABLISHED EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS— Finance Director Wernikowski stated this is the basic resolution we do every year to move funds from the prior year to clean it up for the auditors from one budgeted account to the other. Council Member Criner motioned to approve Resolution 2013- 24 providing for the transfer of appropriated funds among established expenditure accounts. Council Member Koentopp seconded the motion. All voted aye, motion carried unanimously GALLATIN AHEAD PRESENTATION BY WENDY WEAVER AND RANDY CARPENTER OF GALLATIN GROWTH SOLUTIONS— Wendy Weaver introduced Randy Carpenter. Wendy Weaver stated they had started Gallatin Growth Solutions about six or seven years ago. I am an engineer by training somewhat of a recovering engineer, but still do a lot of work related to growth type issues. We really wanted to come out tonight and talk to you about not only what Gallatin Growth Solutions is, but also our latest project called Gallatin Ahead. Gallatin Growth Solutions is a group of resource professionals. We have representation from the financial industry, engineering, planning, architectural of the building industry and agriculture. We are getting all these diverse different views on how we are growing in this valley and the issues that are to result from that. Gallatin Ahead, which is the project we launched about six months ago, is really to engage the community and let the community and residents know that they have a say in how we grow. We have been growing at a substantial rate we did not slow down much with the recession. That growth is what drives a lot of business it is good for our communities, but it also brings about a lot of issues and problems with it, such as traffic and air quality impacts on water agriculture land and those types of things. Randy Weaver stated Gallatin Growth Solutions and its' innovative Gallatin Ahead is really about fostering discussion about the future of the Gallatin Valley and to encourage the discussion between the communities of the Gallatin Valley about that future. Sometimes conversations about roads and planning can get dry and people do not want planning and the future. What we try to do is make it fun for people to participate in this and to express what they would like to see in the future and what the really value about the Gallatin County and Gallatin Valley. We are holding a photo contest called" Frame Your Future". It is open to all Gallatin Valley residents and it is really about people taking photos of places they really care about, all of the great things we have in the Gallatin Valley. It is open to both professionals and amateurs in two different categories. There will be a number of different categories such as people, neighborhoods, buildings, natural environments. It is a way to help elected officials get some input from citizens about what they really care about in a way that is sort of fun in a way that will make people more likely to participate. If you have any questions, we would be glad to answer. We ask that you share this and help us to advertise our contest and organization so we reach folks in the Belgrade area and get them to participate. I know that some of you are aware that there is an RFP out there right now from the Gallatin County. The Gallatin County will hire a consultant who will put together a blue print for Belgrade and Bozeman and Gallatin County to move ahead. Some of the steps they want to do are to further cooperation between the entities. It is important for the communities to have a dialog between them about where we are going in the Gallatin Valley. The dialog can hopefully help us grow in the valley in a cooperative manor and sharing infrastructure. Wellplanned growth in the valley will take a lot of discussion between the communities and this consultant will put together a roadmap to make it easier for the communities to do that. Council Member Koentopp asked how the Gallatin Growth Solutions is funded. Randy Weaver stated it has gotten some very small grants in the past, but right now, it is all volunteer staff. Our vision is that in the future it will have a bit more resources and ultimately be great to hire staff and really get some work done. Council Member Cooper asked how many people you would want to bring into this thing. Wendy Weaver stated that their group has engaged quite of few people for a number of years. Two years ago, we held a forum on water and how growth is going to compete with agriculture for water and what type of challenges and issues that are going to bring about. We have our website, which you can log onto and sign up for our mailing list so we keep engaged with folks who are interested on what we are doing through that. We work project based so we do not have regular meetings. Right now, we are focusing on Gallatin Ahead. The photos show, and having some conversations about how wastewater and water and infrastructure affect not only Bozeman and Belgrade but also the rest of the Countywide and how all those connect together. I would recommend you sign up for our mailing list and keep abreast of what is happening. Finance Director Wernikowski asked if this would be a good thing for City Planner Karp to be involved. Randy Weaver stated that City Planner Karp has been involved in our group. Wendy Weaver stated that we have worked closely when we first started. Randy Weaver stated that City Planner Karp had a roll in putting together this request for proposals for consulting and he has done a good job on it. Council Member Koentopp stated that up until a year ago the towns and the county and the County Commissioners were meeting every other month and we did that for three or four years. I think that it got to where no one knew what to put on the agendas. I think that some of the items you would like to address would have been some good agenda items to bring forward because it brought the City Councils, Bozeman City Commissioners, and everybody together. We have not met for six months or so. Wendy Weaver stated that there are some good topics out there specifically this countywide wastewater report that came out in the past few years. There is some significant concerns in there that I am not sure if the county is addressing, which is really going to affect Belgrade, Bozeman, and the County. That is something that should be being looked at and talked about coming up with some ideas of how that will be handled in ten years. Randy Weaver stated there was a good study done a couple years ago by Staley Engineering on wastewater future in the valley. I would encourage anyone to look at that. Just reading the executive summaries it is a real revelation. PLANNING OF JOINT MEETING WITH GALLATIN VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT— Mayor Nelson stated that some people think we should be paying the exact amount that the county residents are. Chief Lindroth had a formula based on our percent of the total calls based on that percentage of usage and how many dollars that equals. The survey is based on the percentage of services used, but when he does that for us we are behind in funding. I think that we are not paying what we should, but we cannot pay more than what we are. Council Member Youngberg stated I think that we should look at what Chief Lindroth' s formula of what should be paid. Unfortunately, we cannot pay any more than what we are paying now. Finance Director Wernikowski stated one of the things that I spoke to Chief Lindroth was the Fire Department Relief Association 115, 000 we pay into that every year. When he started factoring that in, we were very close to balancing with what the County was paying. It was surprising how close what we are paying is to what the District is paying. about and about the $ Council Member Criner stated we are not required to do that. Council Member Cooper stated we should have had Bill let go of that because it is supposed to be caught up by now. I understood that once that fund is built up we do not have to pay into it were anymore, but it is still $ 115, 000 every year. Finance Director Wernikowski stated she has gotten a bid for an actuarial study. We 1, 000,000 short a few years ago to fund that program. We are still catching up. actually$ Council Member Criner asked if the amount is based on every volunteer at time of the study was completed staying 20 years. then do Finance Director Wernikowski stated that they start with the number of volunteers and calculations by estimating that if you have fifty volunteers than roughly 15% will be here in twenty years and then do a calculation on how long they are anticipated to live. With the economy over the past few years, and the number of volunteers over the years, the funds needed to run the program probably will not come down much. Council Member Criner stated that these are the only volunteers in the state that get two retirements so that one does not have to be done before we become Detroit. Council Member Cooper stated it is something you could elect if you do not have money to pay. That was part of our equalization. Council Member Youngberg stated if we do not pay that then we end up looking like we are getting away cheaper. Council Member Criner stated I would like to see the study. Our trucks do not run on washboard roads our Reese Creek 50 mph all that is wear and tear. That is all maintenance that we should not have to pay for. It should cost you more if you live out on a dirt road. Acting City Manager Clark stated we also have a complete water system that they do not have. Council Member Criner state we have to maintain our water system they do not have to maintain their water system. There is a lot you can add. Council Member Koentopp asked the Council if they were comfortable with these items on the Agenda. Finance Director Wernikowski stated there may be things you do not want to discuss during that meeting and this would make a very long meeting. These are ideas that were thrown around to find out what you would like on the agenda. Council Member Youngberg stated I think that one of the very import issues is some kind of timetable to renew the Interlocal Agreement. I think that is important. Council Member Koentopp asked if the Interlocal Agreement expires next year. Council Member Youngberg stated yes it does expire next year but we should start negotiating that so we can sometime of timetable. Finance Director Wernikowski stated that the contract ends June 30, 2014. Council Member Youngberg stated there should be a timetable to start meeting. Council Member Cooper asked what affect will a Union will have on the Fire Departments costs with the City. What else will it affect down the road? Council Member Criner stated it should not make any difference to us if they are union or nonunion. It is all a negotiation. Finance Director Wernikowski asked would you want as one of the agenda items having Chief Lindroth discuss how he thinks the Union will affect the costs for the Fire Department. Council Member Cooper stated that my concerns are the costs and how it will affect the volunteers down the road. Maybe that is not the place for that. Council Member Koentopp stated we need to have a report on personnel and volunteers. Council Member Youngberg stated I think that the fire equipment status is probably important under the Chief' s report. Council Member Koentopp asked on item " B" Acting City Manager or Council Report on Public Safety. What would we report on that? Acting City Manager Clark stated it would go different ways there could be something specifically on fire and EMS, or do you want Law Enforcement included in that. I think that is more of a fire meeting. You would want those numbers such as EMS response times, number of calls into the City etc. those will come from Fire Chief Lindroth. Council Member Koentopp asked if we got the EMS/ EMT situation worked out. Remember the meeting from a year ago. Council Member Criner stated that is the Fire Departments' fight. AMR ambulance is not in town. Acting City Manager Clark stated that they would like to move a rig out to this part of the county but it has not happened yet. I think the reason they have not yet moved a rig out here is they are looking for a facility to it put in. They do not want to spend big dollars and they do not want to have one just sitting. They are looking for location. I think Belgrade is a central point for them. I know they are looking in the area, but have not done it yet. Mayor Nelson stated we should talk about the Interlocal Agreement at the meeting. Finance Director Wernikowski stated one of the things you should think about with the time table is whether or not we want to extend the agreement we have for one year so that the when the new City Manager comes and has time to absorb all this information. Mayor Nelson stated I think the agreement should be extended for as long as we can. We can always change it if we want to, but we have to renegotiate again. Council Member Youngberg stated I think we can easily come up with an agreement it is whether they accept or not. Council Member Criner stated you want the new City Manager grasp the whole thing. Maybe he has brilliant idea of how we do it ourselves. I do not think you want to lock him into a five- year agreement. Acting City ry Manager Clark stated that the Fire Department would like to ov rla the City and put the City inside their district. They will bring that one item to the table. Council Member Koentopp stated what about the 2020 census, do we wait until 2020, or do we go to the legislature with other possible first- class cities and ask for some choices too. Council Member Criner stated you will not be able to allow volunteers in first-class cities, but if everyone got together, I think you could change if a first-class city is 14, 000 or 20, 000. Then you are not affecting some of the places that are already first-class cities. I think you have a better chance of changing that through the legislature. I think you would have more support with Laurel, Havre, Whitefish and Belgrade coming together before the legislature. Acting City Manager Clark stated that is when you get the League of Cities and Towns involved and have their lobbyists working on that too. Finance Director Wernikowski stated we need the legislature to define the rules for a second-class city. We do not know if we will be a first-class city in 2020, but we will be a second-class city. Right now, the law does not say anything about us being able to contract for fire services if we are a second class city. All of the rules talk about third-class cities contracting; it does not say anything about second- class cities. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVE PAYROLL OCTOBER 2013 Council Member Youngberg motioned to approve the October 2013 Payroll. Council Member Gee seconded the motion. All voted aye, motion carried unanimously Mayor Nelson discussed with the Council regarding forming committees for the upcoming City Manager interviews and people that should be considered for the committees and venues for the interviews, reception and lunch. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Habitat for Humanity— Eat Wings, Raise Funds, Wednesday November 13, 2013 City Council Special Meeting November 20, 2013 at 6: 15 PM Building Belgrade November 21, 2013 class starts at 12: 00 to 4: 30 PM Reception at Holiday Inn December 3, 2013 at 7: 00 PM City Manager Interviews December 4, 2013 at 8: 00 AM FOR YOUR INFORMATION Council Member Cooper had no new information to report. Council Member Koentopp had no new information to report. Council Member Smith stated that Crop Production Service Employees are looking for a community service opportunity. Council Member Gee had no new information to report. Council Member Criner had no new information to report. Council Member Youngberg had no new information to report. Mayor Nelson had no new information to report. ADJOURN Council Member Gee motioned to adjourned the meeting at 08: 30 PM 1 t r 0, 411111 hristna 17179 A nistrative ' ecretary Russell C. Nelson, Mayor i
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