What is ABM Resurs? ABM – or MLA in English – usually stands for the collaboration between museums, libraries and archives, and as for ABM Resurs Västernorrland, collaboration is exactly what we strive to achieve! Behind ABM Resurs are the Swedish National Archives, the Regional State Archives in Härnösand, the Västernorrland County Library, Murberget Västernorrland County Museum, and Västernorrland County Council. The ABM Resurs working group consists of representatives from the cooperating organizations working part-time (approx. 25%/organization), and a coordinator working full-time. The representatives are Bengt Wittgren and Christian Bajomi from the Museum, Lina Marklund from the Regional State Archives, and Per-Erik Wik from the County Library. In our office, we have Märta Molin. Our task The aim of ABM Resurs, initiated in the early 2000’s, is above all to encourage collaboration between archives, libraries, museums, societies etc. within the county. During the first years of ABM Resurs, we investigated the present needs. The following directions then appeared as extra important, and still do: • Joint further education • Building of networks • Information on projects and activities of interest within the MLA field • Growth and IT issues The work is carried out by the working group together with an executive group consisting of the executive director of each organization. The portal Kulturarv Västernorrland www.kulturarvvasternorrland.se The portal Kulturarv Västernorrland (in English, cultural heritage of Västernorrland) is owned and run by ABM Resurs. Within the portal, you will find a lot of the digitalized culture heritage of the county; texts, pictures, links, etc. The material derives mostly from smaller activities and individuals. The portal was established during the project Accessprojektet: http://abmresurs.se/access.html In September 2011, the two-year project Kulturarv Västernorrland started. This project is primarily financed by the Swedish Arts Council. Within the project, we aim to improve the colour and form of the portal, and to try implementing a web based database solution (http://collectiveaccess.org/), and in doing so offer societies and others the possibility of long-term material saving and displaying their material in the portal. There is also a possibility of eventually delivering the material to Europeana. ABM Resurs is part of a national portal network, where the cooperation includes digitalization, accessibility and collaboration. http://abmresurs.se/portalnatverk/ ABM Kulturarv In Västernorrland, we have the network ABM Kulturarv (in English, MLA cultural heritage) with representatives from the municipalities of the county, the County Administrative Board, the County Council, MLA institutions, cultural heritage companies, the tourist trade, etc. The network assembles 3–5 times/year, and is an important reference group to ABM Resurs. http://abmresurs.se/natverk.html Web site – abmresurs.se Our web site is important, as a means of telling people about future activities, as well as providing information and tips of different kinds. The web site has a mailing list with hundreds of subscribers. It is easy to sign up through: http://abmresurs.se/ epostlista.html. Please, note that for the time being our web site is only available in Swedish! EuropeanaLocal – www.europeanalocal.se In 2009–2011, ABM Resurs was the only Swedish region to take part in the EU project EuropeanaLocal. The aim was to improve the transnational use of digital sources, and to increase the amount of local and regional cultural heritage material in the portal Europeana. Approximately 30 European regions cooperated, and we delivered material from different MLA activities in the county. During the project period, we became members of the Europeana Network, an open network for organizations and activities providing Europeana with data: http://pro.europeana.eu/web/guest/network This works as an inspiration and a source of knowledge to us in the county. The Europeana portal can be found here: http://www.europeana.eu/portal/ ut näyttää tältä 500 eKr. Länsi-Norlannissa on runsaasti suuria n hautoja. Sundsvallin lähellä olevasta Högomin kummusta hakoristeet ja kultaiset agraffinapit. Tämän lisäksi haudassa ssa oli 36 nuolta, hevoskaluja, miekka sekä runsaasti muita a, joista on löydetty tekstiilien jäänteitä, on myös Parassa ja uilla alueilla, kuten Frånossa ja Njurundassa Would you like to know more about our work? Please contact us! ABM Resurs Murberget Länsmuseet Västernorrland Box 34 871 21 Härnösand Sweden Phone, operator: +46 (0)611 - 886 oo Phone, direct: +46 (0)611 - 886 59 Mobile phone: +46 (0)70 - 388 86 59 Fax: +46 (0)611 - 187 30 E-mail: [email protected] Landsarkivet i Härnösand rberget i Härnösand 1 december 2012 till 27 oktober 2013. - cultural heritage in development
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