Introduction to My Site

Introduction to My Site
My Site is your personal space in the MyBCC web portal that allows you to personalize
and add content that is important to you. After you log in to MyBCC, you’ll find the My
Site icon in your eTools menu** on the Home tab. You may also find an alternate path to
My Site in the top right corner of other MyBCC area tabs. Resources you’ll find in this
area are:
Private and shared document libraries
My Links (ability to add your own links)
A public page that can be advertised to other MyBCC portal users (Select
“Public View”)
Tools to personalize page content and color scheme
Your class list (not available for students until late January)
Weather or news channels*
Getting Oriented
Your personal space resides in a sub-level of the MyBCC web portal. The
file menu across the top of the page pertains to navigation and
management tools for your personal page, not the portal. You’ll locate a
link back to the MyBCC portal in the top right corner of the page (titled, “Up
to MyBCC”).
By clicking on Documents and Lists from the file menu across the top of the
page, you’ll view a list of all content that currently exists in your site. From
this page, you may click on “Create” to add new content, discussions, lists,
or other document libraries to your personal space. Most all content you
create will be publicly available to other portal users by default.
The submenu on the left side of the screen gives you some quick links
under Actions to creating lists and pages quickly. You’ll also find a link to
edit your profile (which displays on the Public view of your page) and links
to your Private and Shared document libraries.
Other content you’ll find already set up for you includes a list of links (My Links) you can
define for yourself, some Links for You, and your Alerts summary. Alerts allow you to
subscribe to any content page in MyBCC that is important to you so you can be notified
when content is updated or is changed, such as News, Registration & Records, or your
friends’ public pages.
Document Libraries
In My Site, your personal space in MyBCC, you are given 100 MB of storage space on
the BCC server for storing files, images, or web page content.
You store files in a Private Documents library or in one of the Shared Document libraries
if you choose to share files with other portal users. Both types of libraries are ready to
use when you first begin using My Site. Locate the libraries under the left submenu called
My Lists. Select the library you wish to use by clicking on its title.
For more detailed instructions on how to store and manage files in these libraries, check
for training sheets at Documents you post in My Site are stored
on the BCC server.
Private & Public Views
Content can be stored online for your own personal use in Private view, or it can be
shared with other MyBCC portal users in Public view.
Private View - Private view of My Site is displayed by default when you first arrive in My
Site. This view displays several types of contents such as My Links, My Alerts, My
Classes (for students and faculty), and some other content the college has provided to
you based on who you are (Links for You). From Private view, you may also organize
and access your documents, view and manage your alerts and alert results, link to
interesting people and information, add additional content to your page such as your email inbox, weather or news channels, or maintain your own calendars or pages — all
from a single place.
Public View – The
Public View of your
“My Site” is
viewable by any
MyBCC portal user
(includes students,
staff, and faculty).
You may add
general information
about yourself by
editing your profile
(while you are in
Private View). You
may also choose to
share links,
documents or other types of content. Your first and last name is the only information that
is already published and pre-defined for you in the public view. You may add some
content about yourself, as well as add contact information. Keep in mind that the
information you add to your profile is viewable by all other portal users if they locate your
public page through the MyBCC search engine by searching “People” or “MyBCC” or “All
Finding Other People
You may locate and connect with other People in the MyBCC community of users through
the Public Views of their personal space by searching People. Everything that a person
chooses to share is available for you to see. You can see a person's shared links to sites,
people, and documents that might help you to get your work done. You can also see what
information you have in common.
Personalizing My Site
You may add, change, or remove
content in your personal space, or
change the color scheme to further
personalize it to suit your needs.
Locate the link “Modify My Page”
on the top right of the screen below
the search bar, and choose Design
mode (Design this Page) or Add
Web Parts to browse other content
available to you. Switching to
Design mode will reveal the
various page zones where you may move or place content. Each content area (called
web parts) can be moved by placing the mouse over the web part bar and dragging and
dropping it in a different zone. You can additionally modify how the content is displayed
within the web part by modifying the properties of the individual web part. To edit
properties of the web part, click on the downward pointing arrow in the top right corner of
any web part title bar, and select “Modify My Web Part.”
Class List
Faculty and students will be able to view their class list (My Classes) in My Site also
starting in late January. This list displays the most current or most recent courses you are
either enrolled in or are teaching. By clicking on the course title in this list, you’ll be
directed to a new MyBCC course site where course materials may be posted.*** For
online courses, these MyBCC course sites also provide an automatic log-in to WebCT
Vista. For your convenience this class list is also posted under Registration & Records
(for students) and below the eTools menu on the MyBCC Home tab.
Visit the for other training topics and handouts.
*Weather and news channels are provided by a third party vendor and may not be supported by some
browsers and platforms. BCC provides this optional content for your convenience, but because they are
delivered by a third party does not endorse its content, or does not control if service is periodically
**For students, it may take up to a full 24-36 hours after you initially sign up for your network account before
all of your portal content and features are set up for you in MyBCC.
***MyBCC course sites are new resources for faculty and may or may not be used immediately. Please
check with your individual instructors to verify whether or not they will be posting materials for your classes.