Hogle Zoo Scavenger Hunt 1. What does arboreal mean? 2. What is a packrat midden? 3. When is the Flying Squirrel active?(day or night) 4. What does echolocation mean? 5. What fraction of all mammal species are bats? 6. What is the incubation period for the Rough-Legged Hawk? 7. The scientific name for the Bobcat is the _____________ rufus. 8. What climate does the Lynx live in? 9. What is the largest Raptor found in Utah? 10. How high are Prairie Dog mounds? 11. How many Prairie Dogs were found in Utah in 1900? 12. How many Prairie Dogs are found in Utah today? 13. How much does an adult White Pelican weigh? 14. What is the common name for the Anser anser? 15. How many eggs does the Trumpeter Swan lay at one time? 16. How does the Kangaroo Rat get it’s water? 17. The scientific name for the Kestrel is _______________ sparverius. 18. The third foot of an Amazon Parrot is also known as the __________________. 19. The _________________armadillo is the only armadillo that can close it’s shell completely. 20. Another common name for the Navajo Sheep is the ___________________________sheep. 21. Where are the Island Fox found? 22. What type of monkeys are considered the organ grinder monkeys? 23. How many Golden Lion Tamarins are left in the wild as of 1990? 24. What does Ateles mean? 25. How many vocalizations does the Schmidt Guenon have? 26. How are the nostrils of a Howler Monkey arranged? (Face Sideways or Face Downwards) 27. What does Colobus mean? 28. The scientific name for the Gorilla is __________________ Gorilla. 29. What does diurnal mean? 30. Where does the Orangutan spend most of the time? 31. How old does an Orangutan live to? 32. What does orang mean? 33. How long does the Salmon-Crested Cockatoo live? 34. How fast can a Golden Eagle dive? 35. How many humps does the Dromedary Camel have? 36. What is the largest bird in the Parrot Family? 37. What is the common name for the Chrysolophus pictus? 38. How does the Stone Sheep rank themselves? 39. Why do wolves howl? 40. The scientific name for the Bighorn Sheep is __________________canadensis nelsoni. 41. How many Snow Leopards are found in the wild today? 42. The scientific name for the Snow Leopard is _____________uncia. 43. How many Amur Tigers are in the wild today? 44. How much does the Siberian Lynx weigh? 45. How many Amur Leopards are in the wild today? 46. How fast can the Amur Leopard run? 47. How many times better can a cat hear than the human? 48. How many times better can a cat see than the human? 49. The scientific name for the Lion is Panthera _____________. 50. The scientific name for the Giraffe is Giraffe __________________. 51. How many bones are in a Giraffe’s neck? 52. How long is the Giraffe’s tongue? 53. What color is the Giraffe’s tongue? 54. The scientific name for the Zebra is __________________ grevyi. 55. How far can a Springbok jump? 56. How long of time is the Gestation period of the Llama? 57. How many kinds of Penguins are there? 58. Another common name for the Jack-ass penguin is? 59. What does Panda mean in Napalese? 60. The scientific name for the American Black Bear is __________________americann. 61. What country are the Chacoan Peccuries found in the wild? 62. The scientific name for the Cougar is ________________concolor. 63. The Entellus Langur is also named the ________________ Langur. 64. What does hylobates mean? 65. Which type of Lemur is the most terrestrial? 66. What is the largest monkey in South America? 67. What color is the Ruffed Lemur? 68. The scientific name for the Mandrill is Papio _________________. 69. In the Afrikaan’s language, what does the White in the White Rhino name refer to? 70. On average, how much weight does an elephant eat in a week? 71. How long is the medium-sized Siamese Crocodile? 72. When did the Crocodile first appear on the Earth? 73. How far can the Red Kangaroo jump? 74. How many Wallabie species are there? 75. What does the Orange-Winged Amazon like to do while hanging upside-down? 76. A family of Meerkat’s are called ____________________. 77. Chuckwalla is a spider, lizard or a cactus? 78. Is a Sand Boa venomous or non-venomous? 79. What type of cactus has a papery sheath covering the spines? 80. Ocatilla is a spider, lizard or a cactus? 81. Where do you find the homes of the Gila Woodpeckers? 82. What does Ferocactus mean? 83. Where is the Rattleless Rattlesnake found in the wild? 84. When are the Burrowing Owls most active? (Day or Night) 85. What country do you find the Herculies and Coleoptera Beetles? 86. What country do you find the Elephant and Rhino Beetles? 87. How much venom from a Poison Arrow Frog can kill a man? 88. Is a Kinkajou related to the cat, raccoon, or the monkey? 89. Is a Tamarin related to the cat, raccoon or the monkey? 90. Does the Giant Fruit Bat navigate by sight or by sound? 91. Is a Marmoset related to the cat, raccoon or the monkey? 92. What is the smallest species of cat in the world? 93. What American state can you find the Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake in the wild? 94. Another common name for the Patagonian Cavy is the ___________________. 95. What does Creche mean? 96. What does the Callusciurus prevosti mean in Latin? 97. Is a Cape Hyrax related to the raccoon, elephant or monkey? 98. What American state can you find the Pygmy Faded Rattlesnake in the wild? 99. Is a Kingsnake venomous or non-venomous? 100. How much can an adult African Elephant weigh? 101. How long of time is the gestation period for the African Elephant? 102. How fast can an African Elephant run? 103. What are Parasitoids? 104. How far away can you hear a Hissing Cockroach hiss? 105. What color is the Queen Butterfly? 106. What color is the cocoon for the Queen Butterfly? 107. What part of it’s body does the Tarantula sense vibrations. 108. When was Hogle Zoo gifted to Salt Lake City by James & Mary Hogle?
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