WHY UX? LIBRARIANS AS DESIGNERS MAKING DELIBERATE DECISIONS AARON SCHMIDT 16 APR 2014 OLA CONFERENCE WHAT IS UX? TECHNIQUES WHY UX? DESIGN BIG PICTURE INTERACTION DESIGN http://www.flickr.com/photos/traceyp3031/2892438542/ WHY UX? WHAT IS UX? TECHNIQUES DESIGN BIG PICTURE It is not without heart-breaking irony that we acknowledge a near-total lack of legibility in our collective repository of typographic history – the typical library. In the beginning, there was one problem, books, and one solution, shelves. When you go into the library now, there are literally hundreds of signs and pieces of furniture provided to deal with each new format. Everything from magazines to DVDs has a cabinet, a users’ manual, an inventory, and an interface. The result is a massive communication problem. While librarians themselves should be commended for their improvisational tactics, overall the patrons confront a constant meddle, with one organizational layer of information Scotch-taped over another. The time has come to imagine a new way. Life Style p. 242 – Bruce Mau COOKING! flickr.com/photos/awhitis/3604577998 flickr.com/photos/asimpledarksquid/246047146 flickr.com/photos/23618675@N05/3417229426 INSERT flickr.com/photos/jenwaller/4012203772 WHY UX? WHAT IS UX? TECHNIQUES DESIGN BIG PICTURE WHY UX? WHAT IS UX? TECHNIQUES PURPOSE DESIGN BIG PICTURE flickr.com/photos/georgmayer/126254265 ACCESS B ASED flickr.com/photos/beebe_library/5044733756 http://bradcolbow.com/archive/view/the_brads_why_drm_doesnt_work/?p=205 Search Log In Advanced Search Boolean Search Keyword LIBRARY CARD Search I’m feeling smart Title Author PASSWORD Search LOGIN I’m feeling smart Contact Us AMAZON APPLE GOOGLE flickr.com/photos/quasimondo/98423379 BAD GOOD LIBRARY INNOVATION, CURRENTLY LINE ONE LINE TWO LINE THREE TOOLS ` http://www.flickr.com/photos/caroslines/1411778034/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/thewrittengeek/4683980767 UX IS NOT WHAT IS UX? JUST FOR TECH UX IS NOT TECH FIXES UX IS NOT CUSTOMER SERVICE TOUCHPOINTS USER EXPERIENCE USER GAP USABLE USEFUL DESIRABLE INSERT INSERT ! Photo: Photo credit here if required (see speaker notes) ! © 2010 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | 63 LIBRARY UX ! Photo: Photo credit here if required (see speaker notes) ! © 2010 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 1. See book recommendation in library newsletter 2. Place hold on book through library website 3. Receive notification email 4. Travel to library 5. Park in lot 6. Enter building 7. Take child to youth services department 8. Locate reserve shelf 9. Locate item on shelf 10. Reclaim child from children’s room 11. Walk to self-check machine 12. Interact with library worker 13. Exit building LIBRARY USER USER RESEARCH EXPERIENCE | 64 ! Photo: Photo credit here if required (see speaker notes) ! © 2010 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 1. See book recommendation in library newsletter 2. Place hold on book through library website 3. Receive notification email 4. Travel to library 5. Park in lot 6. Enter building 7. Take child to youth services department 8. Locate reserve shelf 9. Locate item on shelf 10. Reclaim child from children’s room 11. Walk to self-check machine 12. Interact with library worker 13. Exit building USABILITY TESTING | 65 HOW TO DO UX OPINIONS • What was the goal of this service and was it met? ! LIBRARY UXUSER AUDIT EXPERIENCE • What was good about the service? SERVICE SAFARIS ! • What detracted from the experience? ! • Were you confused at any time during the experience? ! • Describe the physical space. WORK LIKE A UX PARTNERS -patronDAY REGULATORY WHY UX? INSTRUCTIONAL WHAT IS UX? DIRECTIONAL DESIGN IDENTIFICATIONAL TECHNIQUES INFORMATIONAL CONCLUSION SIGNS JOURNEY MAPS 1. See book recommendation in library newsletter 2. Place hold on book through library website 3. Receive notification email 4. Travel to library 5. Park in lot 6. Enter building 7. Take child to youth services department 8. Locate reserve shelf 9. Locate item on shelf 10. Reclaim child from children’s room 11. Walk to self-check machine 12. Interact with library worker 13. Exit building 1. See book recommendation in library newsletter 2. Place hold on book through library website 3. Receive notification email 4. Travel to library 5. Park in lot 6. Enter building 7. Take child to youth services department 8. Locate reserve shelf 9. Locate item on shelf 10. Reclaim child from children’s room 11. Walk to self-check machine 12. Interact with library worker 13. Exit building BUILDINGS -&FURNITURE CONTEXTUAL INQUIRY flickr.com/photos/lwr/2202253598 flickr.com/photos/lwr/2202253598 flickr.com/photos/lwr/2202253598 flickr.com/photos/lwr/2202253598 WHY UX? WHY UX? WHY UX? WHAT IS UX? WHAT IS UX? WHAT IS UX? TECHNIQUES TECHNIQUES TECHNIQUES DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN BIG PICTURE BIG PICTURE BIG PICTURE WHY UX? WHY UX? WHY UX? WHAT IS UX? WHAT IS UX? WHAT IS UX? TECHNIQUES TECHNIQUES TECHNIQUES DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN BIG PICTURE BIG PICTURE BIG PICTURE LISTEN, DON’T FOLLOW SURVEYS? MEH. USER INTERVIEWS PERSONAS WHAT SERVICES DO PEOPLE NEED? ???? ??? PEOPLE ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ????? KIDS TEENS ADULTS GROUP UNIQUE TASKS READERS LEARNERS ENTERTAINMENT NAME GROUPS Sylvia Page Alice Cummings Ted Hendricks Esther Cambridge Undergrad Researcher Education Faculty Undergrad Student w/ Disability Music Graduate Student 22 45 20 26 PR Name IM AR Y Potsdam University Libraries Personas 1 of 2 @ Potsdam Age Quote "I don't use the library stuff....I just use Google Scholar because I type what I want and it pops up with the exact article I'm looking for." "I've never been good about bringing my classes to the library...I know I could collaborate more with the librarians here, but honestly, I just haven't had the time to do that, and I've felt a little badly about it." "I don't do as much group work as I'd like to… it's hard because a lot of students don't really know what to do around some who's disabled. It's not their fault, they're just not used to it… My biggest issue is trying to figue out how to make them feel comfortable, you know?" "I'm all over campus. Sometimes I'm in a practice space, sometimes I'm looking for good wifi, and sometimes I'm too exhausted to go anywhere so I do research at home." Goals Find research materials as quickly as possible Connect the theory and practice of teacher education for education students. Use technology to improve access to textbooks and other printed materials. Find a job in my field. Maintain high GPA Connect students with education theorists. Balance schoolwork with life Get a research assistant job. Get better at doing research faster and more efficiently. GO TEAM Teach students how to find good, quality research. Become a better researcher, using library resources more effectively WHO? Get as much content as I can online for all my classes. Use as many campus resources to improve my mobility and access to materials. Get better at narrowing down my research focus. Become as independent as possible getting around campus. Get better at keeping up with the research happening in my field. Encourage students to ask questions and think critically UX WHY UX? WHAT IS UX? TECHNIQUES DESIGN BIG PICTURE LIBRARIANS ARE DESIGNERS WHAT IS DESIGN? ARRANGING THINGS FOR A PURPOSE THE ROLE OF THE DESIGNER IS THAT OF A GOOD HOST ANTICIPATING THE NEEDS OF THEIR GUEST. EVERYTHING IS DESIGNED 5 STEPS OF DESIGN THINKING UNDERSTAND OBSERVE PROTOTYPE EVALUATE IMPLEMENT WHY DO KITCHEN TOOLS HURT MY HANDS? ACTIVITY! NOVEL ≠" GOOD IMPROVING IxD TOUCHPOINTS WARNING! Absolutely no: cellphones, eating, or drinking in the library. Absolutely no: cellphones, eating, or drinking in the library. Absolutely no: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! - cellphones - eating - drinking Niceville Public Library Polite use of cell phones encouraged. Thank you! WARNING! Library Learning Zones Check out our new Zone Locations Starting March 21st! Business Zones BSFGPSHSPVQT and activities t'PSHSPVQTBOE activities t$POWFSTBUJPOBOE HSPVQTUVEZQFSNJUUFE t/PSFTUSJDUJPOPODFMM QIPOFVTBHF t"SFBNBZCFOPJTZ Quiet Zones are for smaller HSPVQTBOE DBTVBMTUVEZ Silent Zones are for JOEJWJEVBMTBOE OPJOUFSSVQUJPOT t'PSTNBMMHSPVQTBOE DBTVBMTUVEZ t$POWFSTBUJPOTTIPVME CFXIJTQFSFE t4NBMMHSPVQTUVEZ JTQFSNJUUFE t4FUDFMMQIPOFTUP WJCSBUFPSTJMFOUQMFBTF leave area to take QIPOFDBMMT t'PSJOEJWJEVBMTUVEZ XJUIOPJOUFSSVQUJPOT t/PDPOWFSTBUJPOT QFSNJUUFE t/PHSPVQTUVEZ QFSNJUUFEJOUIFTF areas t4FUDFMMQIPOFTUP WJCSBUFPSTJMFOUQMFBTF leave area to take QIPOFDBMMT RED WING 1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor BLUE WING 7th & 8th Floor BROWN WING None Business Zone GOLD WING 1st & 2nd Floor t'PSHSPVQTBOEBDUJWJUJFT RED WING Basement BLUE WING 2nd Floor BROWN WING None t$POWFSTBUJPOBOEHSPVQTUVEZ QFSNJUUFE GOLD WING 3rd Floor & Basement RED WING t/PSFTUSJDUJPOPODFMMQIPOFVTBHF Regent’s Reading Room BLUE WING 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Floor BROWN WING t"SFBNBZCFOPJTZ 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Floor GOLD WING None Pick the zone that’s right for you! LIBRARIES LIBRARIES INSERT flickr.com/photos/davidking/4008147491 INSERT FINDING PURPOSE INSERT DIFFERENT COLLECTIONS CONTENT EXPERIENCES LIBRARY SPACE CREATION SPACES COMMUNITY PUBLISHERS SOLVING PROBLEMS flickr.com/photos/oppl/8445207290/ COWORKING SPACES C O W O RK I N G S PA C E S http://www.flickr.com/photos/coffeegeek/3347992701 PUB LIC LIB R ARIE S JA N/FEB 09 COMMUNITY EXPERTS PROMOTE NEW STANDARDS OF SUCCESS ! Photo: Photo credit here if required (see speaker notes) ! © 2010 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | 167 flickr.com/photos/sualk61/3116650631/ The whole building at all times should be managed in the broadest spirit of hospitality; the atmosphere should be as gracious, kindly and sympathetic as one’s own home. Then do away with all unnecessary restrictions, take down all the bars, and try to put face to face our friends the books and our friends the people. Miss Gratia Alta Countryman UX FOR LIBRARY WEBSITES EVERY DECISION WE MAKE AFFECTS HOW PEOPLE EXPERIENCE THE LIBRARY. ????? LET’S MAKE SURE WE’RE CREATING IMPROVEMENTS SCOPE JUNK DRAWER SYNDROME flickr.com/photos/29541077@N00/4711956912 SIGNAL:NOISE SMALLER IS BETTER PARTICIPATORY LESS IS LESS DESTINATION BASIC EASY THEN INTERESTING SEARCH BOX HOURS LOCATION CONTACT EVENTS SERVICES NV = V/D NV = NET VALUE V = VALUE D = DISTRACTION Sylvia Page Alice Cummings Ted Hendricks Esther Cambridge Undergrad Researcher Education Faculty Undergrad Student w/ Disability Music Graduate Student 22 45 20 26 PR IM ! Name AR Y Potsdam University Libraries Personas 1 of 2 @ Potsdam Age Quote "I don't use the library stuff....I just use Google Scholar because I type what I want and it pops up with the exact article I'm looking for." "I've never been good about bringing my classes to the library...I know I could collaborate more with the librarians here, but honestly, I just haven't had the time to do that, and I've felt a little badly about it." "I don't do as much group work as I'd like to… it's hard because a lot of students don't really know what to do around some who's disabled. It's not their fault, they're just not used to it… My biggest issue is trying to figue out how to make them feel comfortable, you know?" "I'm all over campus. Sometimes I'm in a practice space, sometimes I'm looking for good wifi, and sometimes I'm too exhausted to go anywhere so I do research at home." Goals Find research materials as quickly as possible Connect the theory and practice of teacher education for education students. Use technology to improve access to textbooks and other printed materials. Find a job in my field. Maintain high GPA Connect students with education theorists. Balance schoolwork with life DESIGN FOR CRITICAL TASKS Get a research assistant job. Get better at doing research faster and more efficiently. Teach students how to find good, quality research. Become a better researcher, using library resources more effectively Get as much content as I can online for all my classes. Use as many campus resources to improve my mobility and access to materials. Get better at narrowing down my research focus. Become as independent as possible getting around campus. Get better at keeping up with the research happening in my field. Encourage students to ask questions and think critically CONTENT AUDIT PLANNING FOR THE CREATION, DELIVERY, & GOVERNANCE OF USEFUL, USABLE, & DESIRABLE CONTENT WEB-WRITTEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONTENT PROCESS WORKFLOW ACCURATE USEFULNESS USED WEB-WRITTEN ON MESSAGE LAST UPDATED REQUEST CREATE EDIT APPROVE PUBLISH UPDATE ARCHIVE REMOVE E TUR E C U IZ ST R E G O R T CA LE ST Y READ THIS USABILITY AND CONVENTIONS NAVIGATION NAVIGATION RESEMBLES YOUR ORG CHART? ! YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG! WHERE AM I? WHERE CAN I GO? WHAT CAN I DO? HOW DO I SEARCH? WARNING! BE CONSISTENT WARNING! REWRITE YOUR SITE WARNING! WARNING! How do you feel about reading this text? This might be a perfectly acceptable way to write a research paper or novel but websites aren’t for reading. Sorry to break it to you. People don’t want to read your website. They want to find your information. They’re on a mission and all of the extra text you’re putting on the screen is getting in the way of letting them accomplish their goals. READING ON THE WEB SKIM GLANCE SCAN BROWSE ? REMOVE UNNECESSARY WORDS FUNCTIONAL READING REMOVE WORDS YOUR SITE = FAQ website tips WARNING! website tips WARNING! WARNING! Library TYPOGRAPHY Library INSERT INSERT WARNING! INSERT HEADING PAGE RHYTHM HEADING CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT HEADING CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. MAKE IT SCANNABLE CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT HEADING HEADING CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT HEADING CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT READ THIS: THE AESTHETICS OF READING Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. READ THIS MOBILE FIRST RESPONSINATOR READ THIS TECHNIQUES WHAT BEHAVIORAL USABILITY TESTING ATTITUDINAL WHY WATCHING PEOPLE USE YOUR WEBSITE CRITICAL TASKS HOW FIND PAINPOINTS RECRUITING TESTERS MUST-HAVES FOR FOR YOUR USERS CONDUCTING A TEST SCRIPTS SCENARIOS “it’s not you, it’s us!” “Search a library database for an article about exercise.” SCENARIOS “Search a library database for an article about exercise.” “You want to run a marathon and need to know how to train for it. Find the latest information in a magazine about training for a marathon.” YOUR TEST ROOM THE DEBRIEF PAPER PROTOTYPING SURVEYS + FOCUS GROUPS WHAT TESTING EARLY PROTOTYPES ! s u n o B 5 SECOND TESTS WHY HOW SAVE TIME! SAVE MONEY! MAKE INFORMED CHOICES! DIVIDE THE DOLLAR SEARCH HOURS $0.70 $0.10 CONTACT $0.10 MAP $0.10 $1.00 CONTENT RANKING HEAT MAPS INSERT INSERT A/B TESTING ITERATE Library closed Tuesday, November 11th “CONVENTIONAL” SITES WEAREINFLUX.COM/PREFAB THIS TOO LIBRARIAN@GMAIL
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