Steptoe & Johnson Cyndi Jones Arts Monongahela Impact Grants

Steptoe & Johnson Cyndi Jones
Arts Monongahela Impact Grants
PROGRAM OUTLINE: The purpose of the Arts Monongahela Impact Grants program is
to support individual artists, arts groups, and other organizations in Monongalia and Preston
Counties, West Virginia that create and implement innovative arts projects and programs
that impact the community. The project applicant or the project needs to be located in
Monongalia and Preston Counties, West Virginia.
Grants are intended to fund short-term projects that occur from March 30, 2008 to June
30, 2008. Applicants may not apply for more than one grant in the granting period.
Maximum funding for projects and programs is $3,000.
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to apply, applicants must be:
o Individual artists, an arts group, or an organization conducting arts projects.
o Located in Monongalia or Preston Counties, West Virginia.
o Fiscally accountable and display responsible management practices.
o Able to demonstrate community involvement and support.
EVALUATION CRITERIA: Applications will be evaluated based upon the following
o Potential for building newaudiences for the arts.
o Ability to build newconnections among artists and art groups.
o Potential to benefit the community.
o Accessibility to everyone in our community.
o Demonstrated capability of the artist or organization
in the project or program discipline.
o Feasibility of the project’s completion within the specified time and budget.
o Project’s impact must be evaluated.
OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Recipients will be required to file a final report by June
30, 2008. The final report must include a brief narrative that evaluates the success of the
project or program and a detailed actual budget documenting the recipient’s use of the
funds. If a recipient fails to file a final report within the stated time period they will become
ineligible for future funding from Arts Monongahela. Recipients agree to include the Arts
Monongahela logo in all project recognition, publicity and printed materials.
RESTRICTIONS: The grant program will not fund the following:
o Capital improvements
o Salaries
o Debts
o On-going tuition
o Tickets or admission to performances or exhibits by other artists
o Fundraising
o Events or exhibits which have already taken place
o Artist fees and services
o Costs of administrating the project
o Marketing and publicity
o Art or educational materials
DEADLINES: Applications must be received in the Arts Monongahela offices by 5:00
pm on March 14, 2008. Applications may be hand delivered or mailed (P.O. Box 713, 201
High St., Morgantown, WV 26507).
REVIEW PROCESS: Applications will be evaluated based on the degree to which they
fulfill the criteria established by Arts Monongahela. All applications will be reviewed by an
objective committee comprised of community members representing the arts in Monongalia
and Preston Counties. Arts Monongahela affords equal opportunity to all applicants without
regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or any
other status protected under local, state or federal laws.
AWARDS PROCESS: Applicants will be contacted by Arts Monongahela regarding the
status of their grant application.
All documents submitted for consideration must be typed or neatly printed.
o One (1) original and five (5) copies of the application.
o Six (6) copies of the budget for the proposed project including all income sources and
o Six (6) copies of a one (1) page artist statement and biography or organizational
mission statement and overviewand relevant experience.
o Six (6) copies of one (1) letter of support or recommendation.
o Additional materials to support your application may be included. Please do not
include any original works of art. Materials will not be returned and will become the
property of Arts Monongahela.
Project Name: _____________________________________________________
Project Dates: ____________________to:________________________________
Amount Requested: $___________
Applicant Name: ________________________________________________________
Employer Identification Number-EIN_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or (for individual artists) Social
Security Number _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _
Contact Person: _____________________ Title: _______________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: _________Zip:________________
Phone: (___)__________________________ FAX:(___)________________________
Email:________________________________ Website:_________________________
Please answer the following:
1. State the mission/purpose of your organization or your work as an artist and
provide a brief history.
2. Project Description: Include information on what will happen, where, and
when the project will be held and address the feasibility of completing the
project within the specified time and budget.
3. Who will be involved as artists, key personnel and administrators?
4. Project Results - What impact will the project have on the following?
(Discuss potential for building new audiences, awareness of the arts and value of
the arts including underserved, diverse and rural areas.)
ü The Community Involved:
ü The Artist or Organization Involved:
5. Describe the methods you and/or your organization will use to market and
promote this project.
I certify that the submitted information is correct. The funds, if granted, will be used only
for the purpose described in this application. I will comply with the described program
guidelines for this grant and acknowledge that failure to do so may require the repayment of
all grant funds.
I understand that the Arts Monongahela Impact Grant process is competitive, that available
funding is limited and that receipt of the application by Arts Monongahela does not
guarantee funding.
I understand that I am responsible for any and all tax implications of the grants program and
that Arts Monongahela will not advise me of any such requirements or implications.
I agree to use the funds, if granted, in a manner that affords equal opportunity without
regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or any
other status protected under local, state or federal laws.
Name of Applicant (Typed or Printed)
Title (Typed or Printed)
Funding for this program was provided by: