
What is dermatoglyphics? It may sound like a very huge, long word, but it simply
means fingerprint analysis. It has come a long way since 1823. There has been a lot of
research and studies done on this topic and currently, it is most widely used by FBI, in
forensic sciences, judicial systems and immigration departments as a way of
Why the fingerprints and not other parts of the body? Based on studies, our
fingerprints and brain connections are already formed when we are still fetuses of
about 13-19 weeks old. The dermal ridges on our fingers are linked to the brain
development. These prints are dictated by chromosome genes and they do not change
for a lifetime. Our prints never change, that's why they can be used for recognition.
Medical experts and scientists thus discovered that through our fingerprints, the
amount of brain cells distributed in different parts of the brain helps us understand a
person's multiple dominant intelligences as well as his inborn potential capabilities and
Why is dermatoglyphics useful to us, whether we are working professionals, parents or
even our children?
1) No more headaches in deciding which field to go in your next phase of education.
2) It provides a better understanding of your own personality and strengths so that
you can do what you do best and excel in your career.
3) For our children, we can further develop their inborn abilities so that they can be the
next Beethovens, Vincent Van Goghs or even Einsteins!
4) It helps in our communication with not only our partners in life, but also our team at
When you know yourself and people around you better, you will know how to use each
individual's strengths to the maximum. That is why God created us different in the first
Wonderful Minds has introduced a new tool, Dermatoglyphics as part of its service
offerings that add value to parents and children. Dermatoglyphics technology is a
study of human fingerprints to decode their innate characteristics. Our state-of-the-art
Dermatoglyphics technology gives parents an insight into the inborn traits of a child,
allowing parents to know where the child’s talent lies and to groom the child in the
strong areas that the child naturally possesses. We strongly believe that the
Dermatoglyphics report generated through this technology will be the handbook to a
child’s success.
Why should you choose us?
1) Our Dermatoglyphics system is the latest, most accurate, and the only
one that has a U.S. Patent(Patent number US 7,406,186 B2).
2) Our Dermatoglyphics technique is the latest version which is available in
the market and gives the details of 16 Multiple Inteligences. Other reports
is the market only give up to 8 Multiple Intelligences.
3) Our report gives details, even of the person’s natural character types
such as We(elongated whorl), Wi(Imploding whorl), As(Simple Arch), while
other reports by other vendors only use the generalisations W, U, A, R.
4) In other places where the consultants may not be so detailed, the Wl
(Lateral pocket) print is usually mistaken for the Wp (Peacock’s Eye) print,
which makes the report result less accurate. Please be aware.
5) Our professional consultants are well trained and have been done
thousands of reports so they provide you with accurate interpretation and
integration of results as well as give your guidance and suggestions as to
how to groom your child or loved ones.
6) Our Master Trainer Ms. Leny Painan has trained and taught
Dermatoglyphics in London, UK, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
The above are factors you need to know and consider before choosing a
Dermatoglyphics provider so that you don’t regret.
What kind of information we can get from Fingerprint Analysis?
The natural areas of strength that a person has
A person’s natural learning style
Personal traits, characters…
Areas that a person is naturally weak in, that need to be strengthened….
Summary of 8 Multiple Intelligences,……
… further broken up into 16 Multiple Intelligence
And….career paths which are suitable…
Why choose the Wonderful Minds System©?
Who Are We?
Wonderful Minds Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore company specialising in equipping children
and youths with skills and systems to awaken the geniuses within them and
maximize their potential in all aspects of their lives. We have specially designed
programmes for children and youths aged 7 to 18. We even have programmes for parents
to help them understand and communicate more effectively with their children
Profile of Wonderful Minds Pte Ltd Wonderful Minds System© programs
conducted in Malaysia & Singapore:
December 2004
– Conducted 3 days Children’s Success camp in Sunway
College for 40 students.
Conducted workshop for parents.
April 2005
– Conducted 2 days Children’s Success camp for MCA in
Rawang, Malaysia for 140 students. Conducted workshop for
July 2005
– Conducted 2 days Children’s Success camp at Selangor, near
BatuCaves for 28 students. Conducted workshop for parents
25 August 2006
– Conducted 1 day Children’s Success camp for MCA for 100
students in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Conducted
workshop for parents.
3 September 2006
– Conducted 1 day Children’s Success camp for MCA for 100
students in Kuala Kubu Bahru, Malaysia. Conducted workshop
for parents.
16 September 2006
11 November 2006
– Conducted workshop for over 200 parents and students for
SJK(C) Sentul School.
– Conducted 1 day Genius Leadership program for 100
student leaders in SJK(C).
Sentul in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
12 November 2006 – Conducted Workshop in Crown Princess Hotel for over 100
Parents & Students from over 5 schools in Kuala Lumpur,
26 November 2006 – Conducted 1 day Children’s Success camp MCA for 340
students in Penang, Malaysia. Conducted workshop for
12 -16 December 2006 – Conducted 5 Days 4 Nights Gifted Success Camp at Duta
Vista Executive Suites, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Conducted workshop for parents
29, 30 December 2006 – Conducted 2 days Study Skills Camp at Wisma Chinese
Chamber, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Conducted workshop
for parents
March 2007
– Conducted Genius Learning To Learn program Part 1 in
West Spring Secondary School for 200 Secondary 1 and
Secondary 2 students
March to June 2007
– Conducted Mandarin Public Speaking training for students
in SJK(C) Sentul and SJK (C) Chiao Nan. (Sentul and
Chiao Nan Primary Schools)
26 to 30 May 2007
– Conducted 4 days of Genius Learning To Learn program
in SJK(C) Confucian in KL
31May,1 & 2 June 2007
5 – 8 June 2007
10-13 June 2007
– Conducted 3 days of Genius Learning To Learn program
in Wesley Tower
(Wesley Church) in KL for students from various schools
like Sam Yoke, MBSKL etc. for 73 students
Conducted 4 days of Genius Learning To Learn program
in SJK(C) Sentul for 118 students
Conducted 3 days 2 nights Genius Learning To
Learn program in Greenridge Primary School for 40
students, Singapore. Conducted Genius Learning To
Learn program in YWCA, Singapore.
26 – 29 June 2007
– Conducted 4 days of Genius Learning To Learn
program in SJK(C) Chiao Nan for 372 students
Dec 2007
– Conducted 6 Days 5 Nights Gifted Victory Values
(Children) Camp at Selayang,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Conducted workshop for parents
Dec 2007
– Conducted 7 Days 6 Nights Genius Victory Values (Youth)
Camp at Selayang,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Conducted workshop for parents
Dec 2007
29 – 31 Dec 2007
Jan 2008
March 2008
June 2008
February – Oct 2008
- Conducted Genius Victory Values
program in NACLI,
– Conducted 3 days of Genius Learning To Learn
program in for 58 students
- Conducted Magic Memory class in SJKC Chin Woo, KL
- Conducted Holiday Program for IdeoKids centre in KL
- Conducted Genius Learning To Learn program in Sukan
Kompleks, KL
- Conducted Genius English Program for 560 students of
SJKC Kuen Cheng 1
every week
- Conducted Genius English
SJKC Kwong Hony
every week
June 2008
Program for 170 students of
Conducted 3 days 2 nights Genius Learning To
Learn program in Au Yun Villa, KL
July 2008
August 2008
Program for 60
Program for 50
- Conducted Genius Leadership
participants of Fusion Excel
International Sdn. Bhd.
- Conducted Genius Leadership
participants of Fusion Excel
International Sdn. Bhd.
September 2008
- Conducted Teacher Training Program for SJKC
Taman Connaught, KL
October 2008
- Conducted Teacher Training Program for SJKC
Kwong Hon, KL
November 2008
- Conducted Teacher Training Program for SJKC
Tsun Jin and SJKC Kepong 3, KL
- Conducted Memory Magic & Cool
Confidence Program for 100 students in
SJKC Kwong Hon
- Conducted Genius Leadership
participants of Fusion Excel
International Sdn. Bhd.
December 2008
Program for 50
- Conducted 3 days 2 nights Genius Learning To
Learn program in Singapore
- Conducted Genius Victory Values
program in CMC
Manna Hall/Bukit Jalil Golf Resort, KL
- Conducted 3 days 2 nights Genius
Learning To Learn program in Kompleks Sukan, KL for 30
February 2009
- Conducted Genius English Program for 200
students of SJKC Kuen Cheng 1
every week
Program, Sri Petaling, KL
March 2009
- Conducted Dermatoglyphics free assessment
for 550 students at UCSI College
- Genius Memory
& Cool Confidence
Program, Sri Petaling, KL
April 2009
- Conducted Genius Leadership Program
for 50 participants of Fusion Excel
International Sdn. Bhd.
Background of Main Trainer/Speaker
“Even if it makes a difference to one
child, we will do it.”
Ms. Leny Painan
Ms. Leny Painan is a dynamic lady who is passionate about the richness and
effectiveness of education, especially for children.
Leny went abroad to Boston for 4 years for her university education in Boston
University, Massachusetts U.S.A and came back with two graduate degrees, Bachelor
of Arts (BA.) in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Business
Administration, with a concentration in Finance. During her course of study in Boston
University, she also spent some time studying and working in London for a
multi-national company. She has also travelled extensively to various parts of Europe.
As such, she is very well versed with the history and implementation of the Western
education system.
After coming back to Singapore in 1997, she worked as a consultant in a
multi-national IT consultancy firm and later in a world-renowned Management
Consulting firm. Having a great passion for education and a deep love for children, she
started doing research into Education when she finally left the IT and consulting industry
in 1999.
She had travelled extensively to many countries, including the U.S, Europe and
Asia to study their education systems. Upon returning to Singapore, Leny joined a child
care centre to teach and work with children from as young as 2 years old so as to gain
practical experience from working with young children.
With all the research that she has gathered, Leny led a team of researchers and
educators to come up with innovative ideas. After many months of hard work, a
framework of tested techniques, positive approaches to education was finally formulated,
bringing together the very best of the different combination of the world’s finest teaching
and learning technologies.
Her idea of education is that children learn in a fun, loving and positive
environment so that they will grow up to be happy, confident and loving adults.
Education should also inculcate independence in the child through self-discovery and
interactive programs which transform learning into a passion rather than a chore. She is
constantly coming up with innovative ways to put fun back into learning. She firmly
believes that an Effective Education Program involves teaching children HOW TO
EFFECTIVELY APPLY the knowledge they acquired so that learning is practical,
relevant and meaningful; not simply rote learning to please parents or regurgitation of
facts to pass exams. Ms. Leny strongly advocates an integrated and multi-faceted
approach to provide healthy and holistic learning for children. This way, children will be
groomed to become life-long learners and be able to become outstanding
professionals in whatever career they choose to embark on because of their
specialized knowledge and their responsible and reliable character.
With the help of dedicated teachers and trainers, students will be motivated and
inspired to succeed both academically as well as socially and become effective
leaders in each of their communities. They will be encouraged and enabled to ACT on
what they have learnt.
Leny is the Founder and CEO of Ascend International Pte, Ltd. (a company that
specialises in teaching kids the Smart Science programs) and Wonderful Minds
International Pte. Ltd. Children learn best by doing. Smart Science programs are
conducted in a way that is fun and interactive where children as young as 3-4 years old
do hands-on on Science experiments! The Smart Science program employs unique
methodologies to effectively SIMPLIFY or break down COMPLEX CONCEPTS and
THEORIES into SIMPLE, UNDERSTANDABLE UNITS that children can quickly and
easily grasp, assimilate and apply.
The list of Wonderful Minds System Programs include the following types of
programs that are run in schools in Malaysia
LTL : Learning to Learn Program
GLTL: Genius Learning to Learn Program
FEP : Fun and Effective Parenting Workshops & Programs
GTT: Genius Teacher Training Programs
GVV : Genius Victory Values(Character Building) program
Leadership programs
Success Habits programs
Students who have gone through Ascend’s Smart Series programs and Genius
Success programs have shown significant improvement in their confidence and
self-esteem that have enabled them to ace the important national examinations.
Students are better able to communicate with ease and are confidence with their peers,
teachers, parents, other adults etc. Leny was also very active in the Children’s Ministry
in her church, which has enabled her to develop the tools to mentor students with love
and support to achieve their goals.
Ms. Leny has attended programs such as Money and You, created by Marshall
Thurber, Unleash the Power Within, Date With Destiny, Wealth Mastery, Life
Mastery - programs conducted by World’s No. 1 Peak Performance coach, Anthony
Robbins. She has also attended the Millionaire Action Program (intensive study of the
principles from One Minute Millionaire Book by famous authors Robert G. Allen and
Mark Victor Hansen). From these programs, she internalized the techniques and skills
to propel young students to achieve phenomenal success for themselves. She firmly
believes that there is a Genius in every child. The programs she developed for
children are FUN and EFFECTIVE, which put FUN back into learning.
Thousands of children have attended and benefited from these programs.
She also brings with her a wealth of information on Fun & Effective Parenting. Her
programs are well received both in Singapore and Malaysia .The programs she
developed has been regularly featured in the media both in Malaysia and Singapore.
(Today, XinMin Ri Bao, Lianhe Wanbao, Lianhe Zaobao, Channel U News, The Star)
Profile of Ascend International Pte
Ascend International works with the following centres and schools
- Josiah Montessori (Simei)
- My First Classroom (East Coast)
- Novel Learning Centre (Bukit Timah)
- The Purple Train (Woodlands)
- Symphony Educare (Woodlands) (Students are from Kinderland)
- Jericho Youth and Training Centre (Bishan)
- HY Centre (Katong)
- A.R.C Centre (Katong)
- Kids Inc. (Great World City)
- Tampines Regional Library (Tampines)
- Civil Service Club (Tessensohn Road)
- Ripples Montessori (Lucky Heights)
- Raffles Town Club (Dunearn)
- Learning Bliss Centre (Bukit Timah) (Students are from Nanyang Primary
- ACS Barker Primary School (Bukit Timah)
- CHIJ (Toa Payoh)
- Methodist Girl’s School (Clementi)
- St. Stephens Primary School (Siglap View)
- Nan Chiau Primary School (Sengkang)
- Lianhua Primary School (Bukit Batok)
- Fengshan Primary School (Bedok)
- Tanjong Katong Primary School (Katong)
- Concord Primary School (Choa Chu Kang)
- Teck Whye Primary School (Teck Whye Walk)
- Telok Kurau Primary School (Bedok Reservoir)
- Jurong West Secondary School (Boon Lay)
Ascend International has also conducted our Smart Science programs at the
following venues:
Takashimaya, Great World City, Millenia Walk, United Square, Suntec Convention
Awards and Achievements
• Received Third Prize overall in Pei Chun Primary School for story-telling competition
across all levels in the school
• Top 10% of cohort of students taking PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination)
to be eligible to enter SAP (Special Aided Schools) in Singapore
• Did a voice recording for St. Nicholas Girls’ Secondary School
• Master of Ceremony(MC) for stage performances, announcements etc.
1987 1990
in St. Nicholas’ Girls’ Secondary School
• Class monitor for 4 years in St. Nicholas Girls’ School
1987 – 1990
• Represented Hwa Chong Junior College for the Girls’ Singles Event in the Annual
Inter-College Canoeing Competition.
• Representative of Hwa Chong Junior College for the Plain English Speaking Award
(PESA) Competition
• Treasurer of Boston University’s Singapore Club (a club that specially caters
to the needs of students from Singapore who are studying in Boston University)
• On Dean’s List (for outstanding academic results)
Sept. 1995
• Recipient of Roger Paine Scholarship for 1996-1997 school year from
Boston University School of Management
May 1995,
1996 -
• Golden Key National Honour Society (Member of)
- An academic organisation which recognises and encourages outstanding
upper-division students in all fields of study at leading Universities throughout the US,
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Australia.
• Representative of Boston University in the First Annual Business School
February 22, 1997
Beanpot Case Analysis Competition
A competition involving students of the Boston area business schools including:
Boston University, the Sloan School at MIT, Northeastern University,
Babson College and Boston College. It served to emphasise teamwork and
a team’s ability to analyse a strategic business problem in a competitive
• The Bell Society (Member of)
- an honorary society for students who excelled in the SM323 core,
cross-functional management class which incorporates all four disciplines taken in
one semester:
Finance, Operations Management, Marketing and Management Information
• Outstanding Service Award in Computer Science from Boston University
College of Arts and Sciences, Computer Science Department
May 18,
Leny Painan’s Professional Qualifications, Contributions and Achievements
1997 till 1998
1999 – 2000
2001 till 2002
2002 till 2005
2002 onwards
Worked in Thomson Financial in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Thomson Financial is an arm of The Thomson Corporation, one of
the world’s leading information companies, focused on providing
information solutions to business and professional customers.
Worked in Andersen Consulting, now known as Accenture in
leading teams to
accomplish system implementations in major projects such as the
Ministry of Finance project in Singapore
Management Consulting work with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
Worked with Little Skool by the Park (a Child Care Centre in
Singapore) in terms of curriculum development and
Active participation in self enrichment programs especially in areas
of motivational training, investing, sales etc
Graduate of Anthony Robbins “Unleash The Power Within” Program
Attended many seminars on children’s programs and systems,
including High Scope system (from the U.S), Schichida method
Participated in Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow game
Graduate of “Money and You” Program
Graduate of Anthony Robbins “Date With Destiny” Program
Graduate of Anthony Robbins “Wealth Mastery” Program
Achieved Competent Toastmasters Award From Toastmasters
Active participation in many community projects as Master of
Ceremony (MC), Speaker, Trainer etc.
Helped in Money & You program Logistics to better understand the
full use of an
effective System in Life and Business
2003 onwards
Served in Children’s Ministry in Wesley Methodist Church
Attended Dr. James’ Dobson’s (Founder of Focus on the Family)
course on
Parenting With Confidence
Graduate of Anthony Robbins “Life Mastery” Program
Graduate of Anthony Robbins “Mastery University” Program
Participated in Robert G. Allen’s Wealth Retreat Program
Participated in Wilson Lim’s “Action is Power” program
Achieved Professional Hypnotherapist Certification (USA)
January 2007
Participated in Wilson Lim’s “Be An Outstanding Speaker” program
February 2007
Participated in Wilson Lim’s “Secrets of Power Negotiating”
October 2008
Jan 2009
licensed from Roger Dawson, who served as advisor to U.S.
President Clinton in negotiation strategies during Clinton’s term in
Graduated from Dermatoglyphics Training Program, Certified
dermatoglyphics analyst
One of two certified trainers (other trainer is Mr. Jacky Cheng) to
teach Dermatoglyphics in English for Prof. Lin Jui Bin (holder of
U.S patent US7,406,186 B2) worldwide.
Awards and Achievements
Selected for Gifted Education Program by Ministry of Education in Singapore
Awarded Merit in National Wide Chinese Composition Contest
Awarded many trophies for different competitions in School
Contributes articles to local newspaper frequently
Top 1% of cohort of students taking PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination)
to be eligible to enter SAP (Special Aided Schools) & Gifted Program in Singapore
Selected for many leadership training with Singapore Polytechnic
Top trainee in Singapore Navy’s Basic Training
Top trainee in Singapore Navy’s Intermediate Training
Best Performance trainee in Singapore Navy’s Senior Training
Jacky Cheng’s Professional Qualifications, Contributions and Achievements
1990 till present
purpose in life
1993 – 1995
Worked with youths, coaching them in studies and finding their
Graduate of Steve Chen’s Super Success Course
Graduate of Steve Chen’s Neuro Association Conditioning Course
Active Youth Group Member of Kampong Glam Community Center.
Served as General Secretary for a full term.
1993 till present
Serve as a volunteer for many community service projects
1993 till present
Active participation in self enrichment programs especially in areas
of sales, motivational training, investing etc
Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate
1997 till present Trainer and Speaker for many multinational companies
Achieved Quality Service Certification
Top Graduate of Tom Hopkin’s Asia Sales Mastery Bootcamp
Graduate of Steve Chen’s Super Sales Mastery Course
Graduate of Anthony Robbins “Unleash The Power Within”
Graduate of “Money and You” Program
Achieved Competent Toastmasters Award From Toastmasters
Achieved Advance Toastmasters Bronze Award From
Toastmasters International
2001 – 2003
Achieved many local & Regional competition awards from
Toastmasters International
2002 onwards
Active participation in many community projects as MC, Speaker,
Trainer etc.
2002 onwards
Helped in Money & You program Logistics to better understand the
full use of an effective System in Life and Business
Served in Youth Ministry in Church
Served as committee member at Nee Soon South Youth Executive
2003 onwards
2003 onwards
2003 onwards
A coach and trainer for team building programs for
corporations in Singapore and
Achieved Fire Safety Certification from Singapore Civil Defence
Attended Dr. James’ Dobson’s (Founder of Focus on the Family)
course on
Parenting With Confidence
Achieved Professional Hypnotherapist Certification (USA)
Participated in Wilson Lim’s “Action is Power” program
Jan 2007
Participated in Wilson’s Lim “Master of Executive Power” Program
Feb 2007
Participated in Wilson’s Lim “Secrets of Power Negotiating”
program licensed from
Roger Dawson, who served as advisor to U.S. President Clinton in
negotiation strategies during Clinton’s term in office
July 2007
Participated in Wilson’s Lim “Creative China” Program, a program
specially designed to train and work with the brains in creative
September 2008
Graduated from Harv Elker’s 3 days Millioniare Mind Intensive
Training Program
October 2008
Graduated from Dermatoglyphics Training Program, Certified
dermatoglyphics analyst
Jan 2009
One of two certified trainers (other trainer is Ms. Leny Painan) to
teach Dermatoglyphics in English for Prof. Lin Jui Bin (holder of
U.S patent US7,406,186 B2) worldwide.