th st 19 -21 September 2014 Hilton Hotel, Sheffield Sheffield Microbe TRADE NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2014 Dear colleagues Welcome to what is most likely to be our final newsletter before the conference. Within this issue we hope to answer all of your questions, so that your preparation and activity at the conference will be very smooth. Before we provide those details, we will summarise the conference planning to date. Quite simply:Delegate places. We are sold out. Advertising is no longer being performed. We must thank you for helping to promote this year’s conference. Lecture Programme. This has been completed for a few weeks. Many of the speakers will be staying and visiting the trade exhibition. Poster exhibition. We have space for 24 displays, and these have all been allocated. Social programme. This is comprehensive, and will be described in this issue And finally, but by no means least, the trade exhibition is sold out, and we are unable to accommodate all companies wanting to attend Thank you all for your payments and trade exhibition themes so far. We are in the process of sending final reminders, so we are grateful for your prompt actions and replies. Please don’t forget that Ian Cocking has sent a Hilton Hotel wine list. Please don’t leave your orders too late. Orders must be sent to [email protected] as soon as possible to ensure the availability of your favourite wine on your exhibition stand. Don’t forget that you are welcome to participate in our social evenings. In fact we want you to join in, and if you are staying at the Hilton Hotel, or Metropolitan Hotel, you may use the Hilton health club and swimming pool facilities free of charge. Just show your room key (and don’t forget to take a £1 for the locker!!). th Sheffield Microbe st 19 -21 September 2014 Hilton Hotel, Sheffield This is our timetable of events. Your key activities are in bold Friday 19 September 2014 From 9am. Trade companies can arrive and set up From 9am. MICROBE reception desk set up From 10am Delegates start to arrive 1130am Light buffet lunch for delegates (in restaurant) and trade exhibitors (stations on ground and 1st floors). Topped up at 1230pm 1300 OPENING ADDRESS TO DELEGATES 1310 “The future of Microbiology in the UK” 1350 “Molecular basis of host-pathogen relations” 1430 Coffee/ tea From 1430 Hilton Hotel room keycards available at the MICROBE registration desk 1500 “Bioinformatics” 1540 “ Sequencing. The future has arrived” 1620 FORMAL OPENING PRESENTATION FOR TRADE EXHIBITION in VQ suite 1630 TRADE EXHIBITION OPEN IN ALL AREAS 1630 Lecture session closes 1630 Victoria Quays Bar opens 1630-2130 Caricaturist (Richard Smith). Based mainly on 1st floor 1700 Evening meal in restaurant (sitting 1. green badges) 1730 BUFFET MEAL FOR TRADE. Don Room 1745 Evening meal in restaurant (sitting 2. amber badges) 1830 Evening meal in restaurant (sitting 3. red badges) 1930Table top magician (Andy Taylor) 2200 CLOSE TRADE EXHIBITION 2200 Disco . Late VQ bar Saturday 20 September 0700 onwards. Breakfast (Hilton Hotel and Metropolitan Hotel residents) 0900 Poster exhibition open for viewing (all day in the Don Room Floor 1) 0930 “Cryptosporidiosis” 1010 “Novel developments in the field of diagnostic veterinary microbiology” 1050 Coffee/tea. Trade exhibition open during break 1120 “Emergence and ecology of henipaviruses “ 1200 “Mycobacterium bovis and badgers” 1200 Victoria Quays Bar opens 1145 -1230 Lunch for trade representatives in restaurant 1245 TRADE EXHIBITION OPENS 1245 Lunch for delegates in restaurant (sitting 1. green badges) 1330 Lunch for delegates in restaurant (sitting 2. amber badges) 1400 Final receipt of completed entries for trade exhibition competition 1415 Lunch for delegates in restaurant (sitting 3. red badges) 1500 Victoria Quays Bar closes 1500 CLOSE OF TRADE EXHIBITION AND DISMANTLE STANDS (packages for collection on Monday may be stored on the ground floor in secure accommodation) 1500 PRESENTATION OF PRIZES ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRADE EXHIBITION (in VQ suite) 1520 “Chronic wounds, why will they not heal” 1550 “Surgical site infections” 1620 “VAC therapy” 1645 Victoria Quays Bar open th st 19 -21 September 2014 Hilton Hotel, Sheffield Sheffield Microbe 1650 Lecture session closes 1700 Evening meal in restaurant (sitting 1. green badges) 1745 Evening meal in restaurant (sitting 2. amber badges) 1830 Evening meal in restaurant (sitting 3. red badges) 1900 Hotel to close 1st floor bar 1900-2100 Casino 1930 onwards Table top magician (Andy Taylor) 2130-2215 Band (Broken Mandarins) 2215-2245 Disco 2245-2345 Band (Broken Mandarins) 2345 onwards. Disco Late VQ Bar Sunday 21 September 0700 onwards. Breakfast (Hilton Hotel and Metropolitan Hotel residents) 0930 “Mycoplasma, forgotten pathogens” 1000 “Food microbiology” 1030 Coffee/ tea 1100 “Trichomonas vaginalis” 1130 “What’s new in the hepatitis world” 1200 “Out with the mould and in with the new: advances in fungal respiratory disease” 1230 CLOSING ADDRESS 1240 Departure for Delegates TRAVEL INSTRUCTIONS (FOR CAR TRAVELLERS) TO THE HILTON HOTEL. Postcode S4 7YA At M1, junction 33, follow the Sheffield Parkway towards Sheffield City Centre, passing exits for Catcliffe, Handsworth, Parkway Industrial Estate, Attercliffe, Manor Park and Retail Park (includes large Matalan Store and InterPro Sports store). Once past these stores move into right hand lane for Ring Road/ Barnsley/Devonshire Quarter. This single lane branches into two lanes at the traffic lights - stay in the inner one. Within three hundred yards you will reach another set of traffic lights (hotel is signposted). Turn left . The hotel will be on your left. You can park in the barrier car park at the front of the hotel or in the privately owned car park accessed at the left hand side of the hotel. Hilton Hotel car parking fees are discounted for Hilton Hotel residents (see hotel reception staff when leaving). th Sheffield Microbe st 19 -21 September 2014 Hilton Hotel, Sheffield UNLOADING Vehicles can be temporarily parked outside the Hilton Hotel entrance doors for the unloading of equipment and packages. To access the first floor trade exhibition areas, items need to be transported in the hotel lift or carried up the single flight of stairs. The maximum length/width of equipment for the lift is 143cm x 106cm If your stand is based on the ground floor, then vehicles can be temporarily parked on the quayside immediately outside of the arch based exhibition area. We must stress that they must be removed as this area is patrolled on behalf of the Canal and River Trust (previously British Waterways). To access the quayside then turn left out of the Hilton car park. Turn left at the traffic lights and then take the first turning (sharp left to barrier). The barrier code will be 5911. Drive to your rear entrance door. THE TRADE EXHIBITION In the days immediately before the conference, if you intend to send packages or small pieces of equipment by courier/ or mail, then please address them to ‘your company name’, c/o James Ryan (for MICROBE conference), Hilton Hotel, Furnival Road, Sheffield. S4 7YA. Any inclusions for the delegate packs may be sent to Mick Bell, (at the Microbiology Laboratory, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield) Your access to the exhibition areas will be from 9am on Friday September 19th. Committee members will be available to assist you to bring bulky packages into the hotel. Just ask Trade stand areas will be marked out and we have to ask you to try and stay within your allocated borders, so your stand does not unfairly restrict other displays. The Hilton Hotel team will provide any tables or extension leads that you might have requested, during the Friday morning. A light lunch will be available on the Friday (available from 1130am until 1pm approximately). Lectures commence on Friday afternoon at 1pm. All trade exhibition staff are welcome to visit the lecture theatre to hear any of the talks that are of relevance. The Friday lecture session finishes at 420pm, and is immediately followed by a short address from Richard Seuke (Medical Wire and Equipment Ltd), during which he will formally open the trade exhibition, so you will soon see delegates attending your stands. Numbers will initially be small as delegates check into their hotel rooms, refresh and take an evening meal. During this quiet period there will be a buffet for you (from 530pm, in the Don Room. Floor 1). We would suggest you keep your stand staffed during this time, but allow opportunity for all of your team to have some food !!). From previous experience numbers at the exhibition will significantly increase from 7pm, and your teams will be very busy well beyond 9pm. Attendance at the trade exhibition will peak at around 300 people. The Hilton team will provide the wine, and glasses that you previously ordered. During the evening a table top magician and a caricaturist will be circulating through the exhibition areas. You are welcome to provide any competitions, or keepsakes, for the delegates. As in previous years, we will be operating a competition to encourage delegates to visit EVERY trade stand. Lindsay Hall and Chris Megson will be updating you with details of this. And of course, we will be asking delegates to vote for their favourite trade stand !! Once you have managed to close your stands for the evening, please join everyone at the ground floor bar. If you have any remaining energy, there is a disco. The bar will be very late closing !! th Sheffield Microbe st 19 -21 September 2014 Hilton Hotel, Sheffield On the Saturday, delegates will still wish to visit your stands during the morning coffee break and during their lunch. Times are as on the attached timetable. You will note that we have incorporated an early lunch for you. At 3pm, we will be giving out prizes to the competition winners. You are welcome to take part during this session in the VQ suite. After this, you are welcome to dismantle stands. Many of you are staying on the Saturday evening. You are welcome to join the delegates on any of the meal sittings. You will require identification, and badges will be available from the committee members during the day. There is a busy social evening, including the return of the table top magician, a casino, a band (Broken Mandarins) and the inevitable disco, and late bar. We would love to see you there. The Hilton team will store any packages safely until your courier or collection service arrives on the Monday. And that will be another MICROBE conference completed !!
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